2010-01-19 16:23:00
Embassy Panama
Cable title:  

Panama: 2010 Investment Climate Statement

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DE RUEHZP #0054/01 0192240
R 191623Z JAN 10


E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Panama: 2010 Investment Climate Statement

This document is unclassified.

Panama: 2010 Investment Climate Statement

Openness to Foreign Investment

The Government of Panama (GOP) promoted economic growth over the
last decade through open market policies and by encouraging trade.
The GOP maintains a liberal regime for foreign investment and
investment in financial instruments while with cooperation from the
Panamanian business community, actively encourages foreign direct
investment (FDI ). A new President and a new alliance in control
of the National Assembly have maintained this liberal regime.

Laws in general make no distinction between domestic and foreign
companies. In 1998, the GOP enacted the Investment Stability Law,
which, among other things, guarantees foreign investors, who invest
at least two million dollars in Panama, equal treatment under the
law to that of their domestic competition. Under Law 41 of 2007,
Panama has already encouraged multinational companies to open
regional headquarters in Panama by offering various tax incentives
and the Ministry of Commerce contains a specific office to assist.
While Panamanian courts generally uphold the sanctity of contracts,
there have been frequent allegations of corruption within the
judicial system and within the executive branch.

The United States and Panama successfully signed a bilateral free
trade agreement on June 28th, 2007. The Panamanian National
Assembly ratified the TPA on July 11, 2007, and the pact currently
awaits Presidential submission to the U.S. Congress for

This free trade agreement (also known as a Trade Promotion
Agreement, or TPA) with Panama would be a natural extension of an
already largely open trade and investment relationship. Panama is
unique in Latin America in that it is predominantly a
services-based economy. Services represent about 80 percent of
Panama's gross domestic product. The agreement will provide new
economic opportunities for U.S. exporters, particularly for
agricultural products, passenger vehicles and certain machinery
which currently face high tariff rates. The TPA would enhance trade
remedies, increase transparency in government procurements,
strengthen intellectual property rights protection, and provide for
commitments to adhere to and enforce certain protections for
workers and the environment.

The Panamanian Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade within the Ministry
of Commerce and Industry is the principal entity responsible for
promoting foreign investment. It provides investors with
information, expedites specific projects, leads investment-seeking

missions abroad, and supports foreign investment missions to
Panama. However, depending on the character of the planned
investment, several different governmental entities may have a
passive or active interest in the investment in terms of setting
its parameters of operation, particularly within relevant
regulations, land use, employment, special investment incentives,
business licensing, etc. There is no formal investment screening by
the GOP, although the government does monitor large foreign

The GOP does impose some limitations on foreign ownership, such as
in the retail and media sectors where ownership must be Panamanian.
Foreign retailers, however, have been able to work within the
confines of Panamanian law primarily through franchise
arrangements. Currently approximately 55 professions are reserved
for Panamanian nationals only. In particular, medical
practitioners, lawyers, accountants, and custom

brokers, are currently reserved for Panamanian citizens. The GOP
also requires

foreigners in various sectors to obtain explicit permission to
work, but the Embassy has

not received reports of such restrictions hindering U.S. firms
operating in Panama. Once

ratified and implemented, the TPA will accord substantial market
access to Panama's

retail sector and across its entire services regimes, subject to
certain exceptions.

There is no de jure discrimination against U.S. or other foreign
investors in most sectors.

Panama, however, imposes visa requirements to limit the immigration
of citizens from

approximately 80 countries. Citizens of the United States may
purchase a visa for $30 dollars at a relevant port of entry. A
domestic investment protection law between Panama was enacted in
1991and remains in force; however, it has not yet been invoked or
used in contravention of U.S. investment.

The U.S. Embassy in Panama has received numerous property dispute
complaints. The complaints include lost property, broken contracts,
additional payments, accusations of fraud and corruption, and
occasionally threats of violence. There are two root causes for a
large proportion of the complaints - title issues and weak
judiciary. The majority of land in Panama and almost all land
outside of Panama City is not titled. The lack of clear title leads
to competing claims to property and frequently to lawsuits. The
judicial system's capacity to resolve contractual and property
disputes is weak and open to corruption, as illustrated by the
World Economic Forum ranking Panama 103 out of 133 in judicial
independence. Americans should exercise more due diligence in
purchasing real estate than in the United States. Engaging a
reputable attorney and licensed real estate broker is strongly
recommended. Law 80 of 2009, which regulates coastal property and
islands, was recently passed. Precise implementation rules and
regulations may be published in 2010.

Panama's privatization framework law does not distinguish between
foreign and domestic investor participation in prospective
privatizations. The law calls for prescreening of potential
investors or bidders in certain cases to establish technical
viability, but nationality and Panamanian participation are not
criteria. The Government of Panama privatized many entities
starting in the mid-1990s, but there has not been a privatization
in several years. There have been reports of the water authority,
convention center, and some functions of the public health system
being privatized, but the current government has not indicated a
desire to proceed with these or any other privatizations.

Levels of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) were over 10% of GDP in
years 2006-2008. The data for 2009 are not yet tabulated; however,
based upon first quarter data and anecdotal evidence, the world
economic and banking crises probably will lower the 2009 level of
FDI. FDI levels have been driven by investments in the Colon Free
Zone, banking, and development/construction.

The Panama Canal Authority started a seven year, $5.25 billion
expansion project of the Panama Canal in September 2007. The
project contains a third set of locks, a deepening of Lake Gatun,
and newly dredged channels. All major contracts have been awarded,
but there will be opportunities to supply goods and services to the
contract winners. The Panama Canal Authority also annually
procures approximately $250 million in goods and services. Foreign
companies are able to bid on such contracts on the same terms and
conditions as Panamanian companies.

The Government of Panama has ambitious infrastructure investment
plans that could run up to $12 billion in the next five years. As
part of this effort, the Government of Panama started the process
to construct a $1 billion subway line. The final requirements for
the project will be publicized in early 2010 and line is planned to
be completed before the May 2014 elections.

In 2006, the GOP announced a $705million project led by London &
Regional to develop a commercial/residential complex on

a former air base. Dell, HP, Caterpillar, and twenty other
multi-national corporations are located or in the process of
locating in the complex.

Progress in the academic and research community (City of

Knowledge) continues and prominent NGOs, International
Organizations, Universities,

and private firms are located there. Pursuant to Law 6 of 1999, the
GOP offers a variety

of incentives to entities operating within the City of Knowledge.

Panamanian Law 22 of 2006 regulates government procurement and
other related

issues. Law 22 was intended to streamline and modernize Panama's

system. It establishes, among other things, an Internet-based
procurement system

( and requires publication of all proposed

purchases, except the Panama Canal Authority and the Social
Security System, which

have their own Internet based procurement systems. National
Security based contracts

can be exempted from the system. The Panamacompra program requires
publication of all government purchases on the Internet; evaluation
of proposals and monitoring of the

procurement process; consultation of public bids, including
technical specifications and

tender documents; classification of purchases by different
government institutions and

gathering and analysis of data. The law also created an
administrative court to handle

all public contracting disputes. The rulings of this administrative
court are subject to

review by the Panamanian Supreme Court. The Panamanian government
has generally handled bids in a transparent manner, although
occasionally U.S. companies have complained that certain required
procedures have not been followed.

While Panama committed to become a party to the World Trade
Organization (WTO)

Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) at the time of its WTO
accession, it

remains an observer and not a signatory. Its efforts to accede to
the GPA have stalled.

When it enters into force, the TPA will require Panama's procuring
entities to use fair and transparent procurement procedures,
including advance notice of purchases and timely and effective bid
review procedures, for procurement covered by the TPA. U.S.
suppliers will be permitted to bid on procurement above certain
thresholds of most Panamanian government entities, including key
ministries and state-owned enterprises, on the same basis as

Panamanian suppliers. In particular, U.S. suppliers will be
permitted to bid on procurement by the Panama Canal Authority,
including contracts and subcontract for the $5.25 billion Panama
Canal expansion project. The TPA would strengthen rule of law and
fight corruption by requiring Panama to ensure under its domestic
law that bribery in matters affecting trade and investment,
including in government procurement, is treated as a criminal
offense or is subject to comparable penalties. Disputesrelating to
Panama Canal Authority procurement will continue to be addressed
through the authority's existing procedures. Currently, importing
entities are required to hold a commercial or industrial license to
operate in Panama, which can be obtained through Panama's online
business registration service (
Importing entities are not required to have a separate import
license, with the exception of certain controlled products such as
weapons, medicine, pharmaceutical products and certain chemicals.

Conversion and Transfer Policies

Panama has no legal restrictions on the transfer abroad of funds
associated with or

capital employed in an investment. There are no restrictions on
capital outflows or

convertibility. Panama uses the U.S. dollar as legal tender.
Currency conversion

therefore is not an issue.

There is no independent monetary policy in Panama, as Panama uses

U.S. dollar for its currency and does not have a Central Bank.
Inflation, has historically been relatively low and predictable,
except during the global rise in inflation during 2008.

Expropriation and Compensation

The Embassy is unaware of any current case of direct expropriation
of property by the Panamanian government.

Two American investors have informed the Embassy that they are
considering filing a lawsuit under the Bilateral Investment Treaty
claiming that Law 80 of 2009 on the titling of coastal land and
islands constitutes an indirect expropriation of their land because
it substantially diminished the value of their property.

Panamanian law recognizes the concept of eminent domain.

Dispute Settlement

Panama has a court and judicial system built around a civil code,
rather than the Anglo-American system of reliance upon case law and
judicial precedent. Fundamental procedural rights in civil cases
are broadly similar to those available in U.S. civil courts,
although some notice and discovery rights, particularly in
administrative matters, may be less extensive than in the U.S.
Judicial pleadings are not always a matter of public record, nor
are the processes always transparent.

The business community lacks confidence in the Panamanian judicial
system as anobjective, independent arbiter in legal or commercial
disputes, especially when the case involves powerful local figures
with political influence. Over the last few years, the majority of
investment disputes involving U.S. investors has been related to
landpurchasing and/or titling issues. Such disputes have been

difficult to resolve due to the lack of adequate titling,
inconsistent regulations, lack of trained officials outside of

Panama City, and a slow and cumbersome judiciary. Some of these
disputes have

resulted from U.S. investors being unfamiliar with the Panamanian
titling system. The

court system is slow and prone to massive case backlogs and

Panama's commercial law is comprehensive and well-established. Its
bankruptcy law is

antiquated and remains under review to be adapted to modern
business practices.

The GOP accepts binding international arbitration of disputes with
foreign investors.

Panama became a member of the International Center for the
Settlement of Investment

Disputes (ICSID) in 1996. The United States and Panama signed an
amendment to the

Bilateral Investment Treaty to incorporate Panama's membership into
ICSID on June 1,

2000. This amendment took effect in May 2001. Panama also became a
member of the

World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) in


Once ratified and implemented, the TPA will solidify the legal
framework for U.S.

investors operating in Panama. All forms of investment will be
protected under the

agreement, including enterprises, debt, concessions and similar
contracts, and

intellectual property. With very few exceptions, U.S. investors
will be treated as well as

Panamanian investors (or investors of any other country) in the

acquisition, and operation of investments in Panama. The TPA draws
from U.S. legal

principles and practices to provide U.S. investors in Panama
substantive and procedural

protections that foreign investors currently enjoy under the U.S.
legal system. The

TPA's investor protections are backed by a transparent, binding
international arbitration

mechanism, under which investors may, at their own initiative,
bring claims against a

government for an alleged breach of the TPA's investment chapter.
Submissions to

investor-state arbitral tribunals would be made public, and
hearings would generally be

open to the public. Tribunals would also be authorized to accept
amicus submissions

from non-disputing parties.

Performance Requirements and Incentives

There are no legal performance requirements such as minimum export

significant local requirements of local equity interest, or
mandatory technology transfer.

There are no established general requirements that foreign
investors invest in local

companies, purchase goods or services from local vendors or invest
in R&D or other

facilities. There are special tax and other incentives for
manufacturers to locate in an

export-processing zone (EPZ),which include call centers.

Official support for investment and business activity is especially
strong for the Colon

Free Zone (CFZ),the banking sector, the tourism sector, and EPZs.
Companies in the

CFZ pay basic user fees and a 5% dividend tax (or 2% of net
profits if there are no dividends. Banks and individuals in
Panama pay no tax on interest or

other income earned outside Panama. No taxes are withheld on
savings or fixed time

deposits in Panama. Individual depositors do not pay taxes on time
deposits. EPZs

offer tax-free status, special immigration privileges, and license
and customs exemptions

to manufacturers who locate there. Investment incentives offered by
the GOP are

available equally to Panamanian and foreign investors. The
incentives do not

discriminate or distinguish between Panamanians and foreign

Right to Private Ownership and Establishment

With the current exception of retail trade, the media, and several
professions, foreign

and domestic entities have the right to establish, own, and dispose
of business interests

in virtually all forms of remunerative enterprise. Foreigners need
not be legally resident

or physically present in Panama to establish corporations or to
obtain local operating

licenses for a foreign corporation. Business visas (and even
citizenship) are readily

obtainable for significant investors. Banking, financial services,
and the legal profession

are receptive toward attracting foreign business.

Once ratified and implemented, the U.S.-Panama TPA Panama would

substantial market access across its entire services regimes,
subject to very few

exceptions, using a "negative list" approach. Under the TPA, Panama
agreed to

dismantle significant services and investment barriers, such as
lifting restrictions on

investment in retail trade ,

and providing new access in professional services that previously
had been reserved

exclusively for Panamanian nationals. This would allow U.S. firms
to take full advantage

of the benefits of the TPA across all sectors, including, but not
limited to express

delivery, logistics, energy, audiovisual, computer, construction,
wholesaling, health,

education, and environmental services. U.S. financial service
suppliers have full rights to

establish subsidiaries or branches for banks and insurance
companies. Portfolio

managers in the U.S. would be able to provide portfolio management
services to both

mutual funds and pension funds in Panama. Even under the TPA,
investment by

financial services firms would still be restricted.

Protection of Property Rights

Intellectual property policy and practice in Panama is the
responsibility of an Inter-institutional Committee for Intellectual
Property (CIPI),which includes representatives from five
government agencies - Colon Free Zone, Intellectual Property
Registry, Ministry of Education (for copyrights),Customs, and the
attorney general - under the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce
and Industry. CIPI coordinates enforcement actions and develops
strategies to improve compliance with the law. The creation in
2002 of a specialized prosecutor for intellectual property-related
cases has strengthened the protection and enforcement of IPR in
Panama. However, given Panama's role as a transshipment point,
U.S. industry remains concerned that Panama will become susceptible
to trading in pirated and counterfeit goods.

Mortgages, liens, and other security interests are recognized and
registered in the public

registry. Much of the information contained in the public registry
is available on-line.

The public property registry has been expanded and modernized.
Unique features of

Panamanian law and practice in specific areas (including but not
limited to banking,

accounting requirements, formation and functioning of corporations,
and taxation) make

retention of local legal counsel highly advisable.

The U.S. Embassy in Panama has received numerous property dispute
complaints. The complaints include lost property, broken contracts,
additional payments, accusations of fraud and corruption, and
occasionally threats of violence. There are two root causes for a
large proportion of the complaints - title issues and weak
judiciary. The majority of land in Panama and almost all land
outside of Panama City is not titled. The lack of clear title leads
to competing claims to property and frequently to lawsuits. The
judicial system's capacity to resolve contractual and property
disputes is weak and open to corruption. Americans should exercise
more due diligence in purchasing real estate than in the United
States. Engaging a reputable attorney and licensed real estate
broker is strongly recommended. Law 80 of 2009, which regulates
coastal property and islands, was recently passed. Precise
implementation rules and regulations may be published in 2010.

The legal framework for the protection of intellectual property
rights (IPR) in Panama has improved significantly over the past

decade. The government passed an Anti-Monopoly Law in 1996
mandating the creation of commercial courts to hear anti-trust,
patent, trademark, and copyright cases exclusively. Two district
courts and one superior tribunal began to operate in June 1997 and
have been adjudicating intellectual property disputes. In January
2003, the GOP designated an IPR-specific prosecutor with national
authority, which has consolidated and simplified prosecution of
those cases.

IPR policy and practice in Panama is the responsibility of an

Committee. This committee consists of representatives from six
government agencies

and operates under the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry. It

coordinates enforcement actions and develops strategies to improve
compliance with

the law including organizing training and public awareness
seminars, among other

activities. The creation of a specialized prosecutor for
intellectual property-related cases

has strengthened the protection and enforcement of IPR in Panama.
However, given

Panama's role as a transshipment point, industry is concerned
Panama will become

susceptible to trading in pirated and counterfeit goods.

The TPA provides for improved standards for the protection and
enforcement of a broad

range of intellectual property rights, which are consistent with
U.S. standards of

protection and enforcement and with emerging international
standards. Such

improvements include state-of-the-art protections for digital
products such as U.S.

software, music, text and videos; stronger protection for U.S.
patents, trademarks and

test data, including an electronic system for the registration and
maintenance of

trademarks; and further deterrence of piracy and counterfeiting.

Panama is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization

Geneva Phonograms Convention, the Brussels Satellite Convention,
the Universal

Copyright Convention, the Bern Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic

Works, the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial
Property, and the

International Convention for the Protection of Plant Varieties. In
addition, Panama was

one of the first countries to ratify the WIPO Copyright Treaty and
the WIPO

Performances and Phonograms Treaty, although the GOP has yet to

implementing legislation to put these treaties fully into force in
Panama and to establish

new offenses, such as those needed for internet-based copyright
violations and to

enhance border measures. Under the TPA, Panama would be obligated

to ratify or

accede to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Convention Relating to
the Distribution of

Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite, and the
Budapest Treaty on the

International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the
Purposes of Patent

Procedure by the date the TPA enters into force. Panama would also
be obligated to

ratify or accede to the International Convention for the Protection
of New Varieties of

Plants by 2010 and the Trademark Law Treaty by 2011.


The National Assembly in 1994 passed a comprehensive copyright bill
(Law 15),based

on a World Intellectual Property Organization model. Law 15
provides copyright

protection based on the life of the author plus 50 years. If there
are co-authors, the

protection is until the death of the last author plus 50 years.
Collective works, software

and audiovisual works are also covered for 50 years since the date
of publication or after

the work is finished (with no publication). The law modernizes
copyright protection in

Panama, provides for payment of royalties, facilitates the
prosecution of copyright

violators, protects computer software, and makes copyright
infringement a felony.

Though Panama's 1994 copyright law modernized copyright protection
and amendments

to the law in 2004 provided for a special Copyright Office with
anti-piracy enforcement

powers, piracy remains a problem. Films in theatrical release are
often downloaded to

DVDs and videos, reproduced on optical discs, and then distributed
by street vendors.

The TPA would require implementation of the WIPO Treaties in a
manner consistent

with the U.S. digital Millennium Copyright Act. The TPA would also
extend copyright

protection to life of the author plus 70 years; would require both
governments to

mandate the use of legal software in government agencies; and would
include provisions

to protect against the theft of encrypted satellite signals and the
manufacturing or sale of

tools to steal such signals.


Panama is a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of
Industrial Property.

Panama's Industrial Property Law (Law 35 of 1996) provides a term
of 20 years of

patent protection from the date of filing. Law 35 provides specific
protection for trade


Under the TPA, Panama must adjust the patent term for products
(other than pharmaceutical products) to compensate for unreasonable
delays that occur while granting a patent. For pharmaceutical
products, Panama may, but is not required to, adjust the patent
term if there is an unreasonable delay in granting a patent or
providing marketing approval for a product.


Panama's legal system provides for a trademark protection regime,
which includes a simplified process of trademark registration, and
the ability to renew a trademark for 10-year periods. However,
U.S. companies report judicial irregularities and corruption once
the cases reach the courts. Panama ranks 103 out of 133 by the
World Economic Forum in judicial independence. Law 35 provides
trademark protection, simplifies the process of registering
trademarks and allows for renewal of a trademark for ten-year
periods. An important feature of the law is the granting of
ex-officio authority to government agencies to conduct
investigations and to seize materials suspected of being
counterfeited. Decrees 123 of November 1996 and 79 of August 1997
specify the procedures to be followed by

Customs and Colon Free Zone (CFZ) officials in conducting
investigations and

confiscating merchandise. In 1997, the Customs Directorate created
a special office for

IPR enforcement, followed by a similar office created by the CFZ in

1998. The

Trademark Registration Office has undertaken significant
modernization with a

searchable computerized database of registered trademarks that is
open to the public as

well as online registration.

The Trademark Registration Office's website allows applicants to
track the status of their

Trademark and Patent applications and the creation of a Customer
Service Center. The

Trademark Registration Office claims to be the most advanced in the
region, with 90%

automation. This office reports that it has reduced trademark
registration processing

time in half, down from one year to six months. This office also
reports that it has

conducted classes on the importance of IPR protection at the
Technical University of

Panama and recently sponsored a National Inventor's Competition
that brought

inventors together with prospective investors and customers.

Under the TPA, Panama must protect trademarks and geographical
indications, including by refusing protection or recognition of a
geographical indication that is likely to be confusingly similar to
a preexisting trademark. Panama must also have a system of
registration that provides efficient and transparent procedures
governing applications to protect trademarks and geographical

Transparency of Regulatory System

U.S. businesses are concerned about the responsiveness and
transparency of

most regulating agencies. In the last half of 2009, several U.S.
companies believed regulatory agencies were seeking additional
fees/taxes that were not contained in original
contracts/concessions or were seeking to impose new taxes

For one American company, Standard and Poor's lowered the corporate
credit and senior unsecured debt ratings, and also lowered the
rating on $300 million senior notes to 'BB+' from 'BBB-'. S&P
stated the downgrade was due to Panamanian government changes in
the regulatory framework.

The frequency of unexpected or retroactive changes in the
regulatory framework that have been reported to the Embassy
increased in the second half of 2009. The Eurasia Group reports
that "sectors that have a direct impact on consumers or are high on
the list of voters' priorities may also be a target."

In the banking and finance sector, private entities generally give
good marks to

the Panamanian entities that regulate them, such as the
Superintendent of Banks.

On July 12, 2006, Panama enacted Law 27 which allows the GOP to
create enterprises

to conduct oil and gas exploration, distribution, production,
storing, industrialization,

commercialization, importation, exportation and refining
activities. This gave rise to

concerns that Law 27 is ambiguous and may result in greater
government intervention

and restrictions on the energy sector.

In late 2008 and early 2009 the GOP started to change the rules
governing the import and sale of refined petroleum products. Fuel
importers frequently did not consider the process to be fair and

Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment

Panama's 1998 Banking Law with amendments from the 2008 Banking Law
regulates the country's financial sector. The law, which
concentrates regulatory authority in the hands of a powerful and
well-financed Superintendent (,
transformed the previously inadequate regime into one that
approaches international standards.

Traditional bank lending from the well-developed banking sector is
relatively efficient andis the most common source of financing for
both domestic and foreign investors, offering the private sector a
variety of credit instruments. The free flow of capital is actively
supported by the GOP and is viewed as essential to Panama's large
banking sector.

Panamanian and foreign investors are treated equally vis-????-vis
government policy and

law with respect to access to credit. Panamanian interest rates
closely follow

international rates (i.e., the London Interbank Offered Rate -
LIBOR),plus a country-risk

premium. However, the global financial crisis has affected rates
and curtailed the

availability of funds from correspondent banks abroad.

Panama passed a securities law that established a National

Commission to regulate brokers, fund managers, and all matters
related to the securities

Industry in 1999. The Commission began to function in early 2000.
Some private companies, including multinational corporations, have
issued bonds in the local securities market. Companies rarely issue
stock on the local market and, when they do, they often try to
issue shares with no voting rights. As a result, these stocks are
less attractive than

those with voting rights. Moreover, investor demand is generally
limited because of the

small pool of persons, companies, and investors with the resources
to invest.

Interest from time deposits and certain bonds are tax-exempt. There
is a 10%

withholding tax on dividends, although capital gains from the sale
of equities listed on

the Panamanian exchange is tax exempt. While wealthy Panamanians
may hold

overlapping interests in various businesses, Post is unaware of any
established practice

of having cross-shareholding or stable shareholder arrangements,
designed to restrict

foreign investment through mergers and acquisitions.

There are no restrictions on, nor practical measures to prevent,
hostile foreign investor takeovers, nor are there regulatory
provisions authorizing limitations on foreign participation or
control or other practices to restrict foreign participation. There
are no government or private sector rules to prevent foreign
participation in industry standards setting consortia.

Financing for consumers is also relatively open, as mortgages,
credit cards and personal

loans, even to those earning modest incomes, are widely available
on terms similar to

those in the U.S.

Political Violence

Panama's Constitution provides for the right of peaceful assembly,
and the Government

generally respects this right. No authorization is needed for
outdoor assembly, although

prior notification for administrative purposes is required.

Unions, student groups, employee associations and unaffiliated
groups frequently attempt to impede traffic and commerce in order
to force the government or business to agree to demands.


The Transparency International Corruption Index ranks Panama 84th
out of 180 countries world in 2009. There is evidence of
corruption in all levels of the judicial system. Weak
administration and accountability among the branches of government
and in rural areas facilitated corruption.

The general perception is that anti-corruption laws are not applied
rigorously and that the

government enforcement bodies and courts have lacked effectiveness
in pursuing and prosecuting those accused of corruption,
particularly in high-profile cases.

Panamanian law provides that only the National Assembly may
initiate corruption

investigations against Supreme Court judges and that only the
Supreme Court could

initiate investigations against members of the National Assembly,
thereby encouraging,

in effect, a "non-aggression pact" between these two branches of
government. Supreme

Court judges are typically nominated to their 10-year terms on the
basis of political and personal considerations.

The GOP has not acted to dismantle Panama's dictatorship-era libel
and contempt laws,

which often are used to punish whistleblowers, while those accused
of acts of corruption

are seldom prosecuted and almost never jailed. Panama's government
lacks strong

systemic checks and balances that incentivize accountability. The
lack of a strong

professionalized career civil service work force in Panama's public
sector also hinders systemic change.

Complaints by American investors about allegedly corrupt judicial
and governmental decisions prejudicial to their interests remain
common and problematic. Nevertheless, other than cases involving
drug trafficking , GOP officials, judges, and legislators are
seldom investigated, much less convicted on corruption charges

While corruption is present in many areas, Panama's Supreme Court
has been a

particular concern. In March 2005, four Court magistrates hurled
accusations of

corruption against each other, provoking wide-spread public demands
for the dismissal

of all nine justices. In response, President Torrijos created a
State Justice Commission

to recommend improvements to the administration of justice, mainly
in the areas of

transparency, efficiency, and public accessibility. The Commission
released its report in

October 2005, but thus far no long term substantial changes have
been made. In

November 2005, the National Assembly's Judicial Affairs Committee
dismissed a

complaint filed by NGO Citizens' Alliance for Justice against eight

of the nine

magistrates for questionable rulings. Coincidentally, a day later
the U.S. government

revoked the visa of Supreme Court magistrate Winston Spadafora
under section 212(f)

of the Immigration and Nationality Act (regarding public

To increase transparency and reduce corruption, the government
transferred certain

functions to computer-based processes over the past several years
ago. The government's internet-based procurement system
(PanamaCompra) requires publication of all proposed government
purchases on the internet, the evaluation of proposals and
monitoring of the procurement process, and advance public notice of
intended procurement, including technical specifications and tender
documents. An administrative court handles all public contracting
disputes. The rulings of this administrative court are subject to
review by the Panamanian Supreme Court.

Additionally, commercial or industrial licenses may be obtained
through Panama's online

business registration service, PanamaEmprende. This innovation, in
which a

prospective business owner may register his or her business in 15
minutes, has reduced

dramatically the number of opportunities for corruption from the
former process which

took 60 days and involved numerous interactions with local

Bilateral Investment Agreements

Panama has bilateral investment agreements with the United States,
the United

Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany, Taiwan, Canada, Argentina,
Spain, Chile,

Uruguay, the Czech Republic, Netherlands, Cuba, Mexico, Dominican
Republic, Korea

and Ukraine. Commerce Ministry officials have said that there have
been some

exploratory talks toward investment agreements with other
countries, but they

acknowledge that these discussions have a lower priority than
ongoing free trade

negotiations. The U.S.-Panama Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT)
entered into force in

1991 (with additional amendments in 2001 to reflect Panama's
joining the International

Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)).

If the TPA is implemented, it would supersede the BIT. With some
exceptions, the BIT

ensures that U.S. investors receive fair, equitable and
non-discriminatory treatment and

that both parties abide by international law standards such as for
expropriation and

compensation and free transfers. Under the TPA, the BIT would be

suspended after a

period of 10 years. Investors will continue to have important
investment rights and

protections under the investment provisions of the TPA. The TPA
would establish a

more secure and predictable legal framework for U.S. investors
operating in Panama.

Under the bilateral TPA, all forms of investment would be
protected, including

enterprises, debt, concessions, contract and intellectual property.
U.S. investors would

enjoy, in almost all circumstances, the right to establish, acquire
and operate

investments in Panama on an equal footing with local investors.
Among the rights

afforded to U.S. investors are due process protections and the
right to receive a fair

market value for property in the event of an expropriation.
Investor rights would be

protected under the bilateral TPA by an effective, impartial
procedure for dispute

settlement that is fully transparent and open to the public.
Submissions to dispute panels

and dispute panel hearings would be open to the public, and
interested parties would

have the opportunity to submit their views.

OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs

The United States and Panama signed a comprehensive Overseas
Private Investment

Corporation (OPIC) agreement in April 2000. OPIC offers both
financing and insurance

coverage against expropriation, war, revolution, insurrection, and
inconvertibility for

eligible U.S. investors in Panama. OPIC can insure up to US $200
million per project for

U.S. investors, contractors, exporters, and financial institutions.
Financing is available for overseas investments that are wholly
owned by U.S. companies or that are joint

ventures in which the U.S. firm is a participant. Panama is a
member of the Multilateral

Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).


The most common concern among American businesses in Panama is the
labor code, specifically the cost and time of laying off or firing
an employee. According the World Bank's Doing Business 2010
Report, Panama's "Employing Workers" rank was 177 out of 183 based
on difficulties in hiring and firing workers.

Panama's non-agriculture labor force is approximately 1.2 million
with 6.6% unemployment. Approximately 43% are employed in the
informal sector, with a lower rate of informal employment in Panama
capital area (37%) compared to indigenous areas (80%). Panamanian
labor law, in requiring the Labor Ministry's permission to dismiss
employees for "economic reasons," may act as a legal barrier to a

firm wishing to reduce its workforce or repatriate its capital. If
a firm is insolvent, the law also gives workers

priority over all other non-secured creditors.

The monthly minimum wage varies between the region of Panama and
the industry; the range is between $220.48 and $416.00.

Despite spending approximately 13% of the central government budget
and 5% of GDP on education, approximately half of the students fail
their university entrance exam. The lack of skilled labor is of
serious concern to both Panamanian and foreign investors. The
problem with the lack of skilled Panamanian labor is compounded by
the Panamanian law that mandates 90% of an employer's staff must be

While the GOP has periodically revised its labor code, including a
modest revision in

1995, it remains highly restrictive. Several sectors, including the
Panama Canal

Authority, the Colon Free Zone, and export processing zones/call
centers are covered by

their own labor regimes. Employers outside of these areas such as
tourism have

called for greater flexibility, easier termination of workers, and
the elimination of many

constraints on productivity-based pay. Employers frequently cite
the lack of skilled labor

as a constraint to growth.

Foreign-Trade Zones/Free Ports

Law 25 of 1996 provides for the development of "export processing
zones" (EPZ's) as

part of an effort to broaden the Panamanian manufacturing sector
while promoting

investment in former U.S. military bases transferred to Panama.
The law also includes

specific labor and immigration provisions that are more favorable
than the current

Panamanian labor code. The government also provides numerous tax
incentives to

companies that operate in EPZs. Companies, whether Panamanian or
foreign, operating

in these zones may import inputs duty- free if products assembled
in the zones are to be

exported. Of the seventeen registered EPZs, most remain small and
underdeveloped with

only a few tenants. They face difficulties combating Panama's high
relative wages, low

industrial base, and weak infrastructure, particularly outside the
Panama-Colon Corridor.

Law 25 of 2006 also provides for the development of call centers.
Fifty-fourcompanies are licensed to operate call centers and the
employ 8,829 workers.

Law 41 of 2004 provides for the development of "Panama Pacific
Special Economic Area" in the former Howard Air Base to encourage
investment, specifically regarding logistics, in the area. Dell,
HP, Proctor & Gamble, Singapore Technologies Aerospace,
Caterpillar, and others are located there. London & Regional, the
overall developer, will invest a minimum of $705 million for the


Transparency International Corruption Index (2009) 3.4, ranked
84th in the world
Heritage Economic Freedom (2009) 64.7, ranked 55th in the world
World Bank Doing Business (2010) ranked 77th in the world

Foreign Direct Investment Statistics

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Panama


(In nominal US$ millions)

1998 1,219

1999 517

2000 624

2001 467

2002 98

2003 818

2004 1,019

2005 962

2006 2,498

2007 1,907

2008 2,402

2009 (1) (2) 387

Source: GOP Comptroller General's Office

(1) Preliminary figures.

(2) January 1, 2009 through March 31, 2009.

Web Resources

Contraloria General de la Republica

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