2010-02-20 05:10:00
Consulate Karachi
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: 2009 STATE 132094
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: 2009 STATE 132094
1. (SBU) ConGen Karachi submits seven project proposals for the
S/GWI small grants initiative for women's political, economic and
social advancement. The programs detailed below address themes of
Education, Climate Change, Gender-based Violence, Economic
Opportunity and Political Empowerment in the developing Balochistan
and Sindh Provinces of southern Pakistan.
2. (SBU) A summary of each proposal is detailed below in priority
order, and additional proposal information is available for each
upon request. AmConGen Karachi assures S/GWI that Post will be
responsible for project oversight, monitoring and evaluation, and
that each of these NGOs is known and credible. Karachi point of
contact is Political Officer Dawn Schrepel,
PROJECT 1: "Violence Against Women", Jaffarabad, Balochistan
3. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Society for Education Promotion and Rural
Support (SEPRS) is a non-profit, non-political, non-ethnic,
non-governmental registered organization that has been working in
Balochistan since 1997 in the fields of Governance, Health, Gender
and Development, Education and Information & Communication
Technologies for Development.
PROPOSAL: To conduct advocacy sessions and events with teachers,
religious leaders, politicians, community notables and health
service providers to change serious trends of violence against women
in the District. The project has 24,100 direct beneficiaries and
85,000 indirect beneficiaries.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Jaffarabad District has the one of the highest
instances of honor killings and domestic violence in all of
Pakistan, and is governed by tribal and feudal systems. Post has
identified this District as a high priority for assistance in this
issue area.
FINANCE: A total budget of $99,602 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $44,320; transport $20,880; equipment $1,500, programs
$23,200; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The fourteen member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four social mobilizers and a trainer for
the social development center.
PROJECT 2: "Combating Gender-based Violence", Quetta, Balochistan
4. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Society for Empowering Human Resources
(SEHER) is a Rights Based Organization, focusing on vulnerable and
marginalized segments of society including women, children, refugees
and minorities, particularly living in difficult circumstances.
SEHER has been managing various projects on sexual/gender-based
violence against women in Balochistan over the last 10 years.
PROPOSAL: Major activities include: Baseline Assessment and
Situation Analysis; Awareness raising/sensitization campaign for
community/stakeholders; Men and women leadership groups; Adolescent
Boys/Girls leadership groups; Learning and reflection sessions for
men/women and adolescent boys/girls leadership groups; Establishment
of Women Friendly Spaces; Referral Mechanism for Survivors of the
GBV; Skill development and support for women entrepreneurs;
Developing Complaint Mechanism and Capacity building and
sensitization sessions for police, lawyers, doctors etc.; and
Advocacy through networking and coordination.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Primary objectives include: to discourage GBV
practices through awareness raising in Quetta; to improve GBV
survivors access to medical and legal services in Quetta; to
strengthen economic position of 400 refugee women through skills
development and entrepreneurship opportunities; and to advocate with
state institutions to improve their support mechanism in dealing
with GBV cases in Quetta. Project beneficiaries include 40,500
direct and 200,000 indirect in both the indigenous and refugee
KARACHI 00000046 002 OF 004
FINANCE: A total budget of $99,702 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $44,320; transport $20,880; equipment $1,500, programs
$23,500; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The fourteen member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four community mobilizers.
PROJECT 3: "Vocational Training Center", Sukkur, Sindh
5. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO) runs
under the mission statement, "harnessing people's potential to fight
poverty" and has concentrated on providing strategies, support and
technical assistance to enable women in rural area to develop
sustainable business models. Providing training in
handicraft-making using endemic raw materials, SRSO has created a
cadre of over 50 women entrepreneurs in remote villages surrounding
their head office in Sukkur.
PROPOSAL: SRSO has the basic infrastructure for a sustainable
micro-finance organization. However, to truly empower women in
their communities and to remain sustainable, they need resources to
create a vocational training and productions center near their head
office serving up to 1,000 women from the villages surrounding
Sukkur and Khairpur, and benefitting 400 households. The center,
equipped with technical training tools and production space would
enable women to pass on and learn skills in sewing, patchwork and
information technology as well as provide a safe space within
Pakistani cultural parameters for women to congregate and work for
their betterment.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: This proposal targets two of the main challenges
facing women in Sukkur, the third largest city in Upper Sindh:
a. A shocking percentage of men in this area are unemployed and
women bear the responsibility to support their families' basic
needs. However, religious and social boundaries in this community
prevent women from securing the freedom to sustain their businesses
as they have to conduct all activities in culturally appropriate but
limited spaces like their homes.
b. To sustain their artisanal businesses and pass on skills to more
women, SRSO's entrepreneurs have identified certain machinery, tools
and training that they need to be able to produce more, sell more
and train more female entrepreneurs.
FINANCES: A budget of $63,000 is proposed for the following, and
includes sustaining funds for the 18 month duration: Vocational
Center Space $15,000; Commercial and Domestic Sewing Machines
$10,000; Computers $5,000; IT Training $8,000; Training $8,000;
Administrative Cost $10,000; and Utilities $7,000.
MANAGEMENT: SRSO CEO, Dr. Sonu Khangrani and Enterprise Development
Consultant, Mehtab Tariq Pirzada work with a team of three women to
develop skills in patchwork and indigenous crafts and make them
marketable commodities. Pirzada holds an MA in International
Relations, has volunteered with Karachi Vocational Training Center
for 8 years.
PROJECT 4: "Women's Literacy", Noshki, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Society for Promotion of Action, Research
and Knowledge (SPARK) is a non-profit and non-governmental
organization established established in 2001 with a view to
resurrect the common ones for the collective good of society. SPARK
is engaged in advocacy, campaigning, community mobilization,
research, networking, challenging anti-poor policies, plans and
actions at local, national, and international level with different
PROPOSAL: The project will include the following objectives:
establish 25 Home Based Literacy Centers; increase literacy rate of
females by seven percent in 12 months; enroll about 3800 out of
school girls in different schools of the district; advocacy campaign
will be launched provide educational facilities; capacity building
for teachers in working with female students; advocacy to build the
need for female education in the curriculum in all levels; and
KARACHI 00000046 003 OF 004
through different incentive packages and as well through different
innovative and interesting materials the enrollment and keeping of
the girls in schools will be ensured.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Increased female literacy enhance female social
status and prestige in the society, and accelerate elimination of
discrimination and extremism while improving tolerance,
enlightenment and social justice. The project will escort the line
departments and the policy makers to draw policies and provide
facilities easily accessible to the girls for a safe and secure
FINANCE: A total budget of approximately $100,000 is proposed, with
a breakout of: assessment survey $5,747; personnel $15,448;
equipment $4,137, programs $58,879; monitoring/evaluation $1057; and
administration $14,735.
MANAGEMENT: The eight member team will be led by project
PROJECT 5: "Women's and Children's Health", Gwadar, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Rural Community Development Council (RCDC).
PROPOSAL: To pursue and execute the following activities in the area
of maternal child health: advocacy campaigns; community health
camps: awareness sessions with religious leaders; awareness sessions
with stakeholders; commemoration of special days; awareness sessions
in colleges and schools; awareness walks and rally; identification
and training of Community Health Volunteer; identification of blood
donors and their blood testing; display of the banners/posters; and
formation of a community monitoring team.
Also, service delivery via: orientation of technical staff,
vaccinators; meetings with Government Health officials; meeting with
DHOs; meetings with medical officers at Basic Health Units; meetings
with female health supervisors and health workers; and test for
apatite HVS and HVC and vaccination.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Empowering women and increasing health
education at community level; increasing access including emergency
obstetric and newborn care to community; improving health service
quality in both the public and private sectors; and improving
management and integration of services at all levels.
FINANCE: A total budget of $92,457 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $43,000; transport $20,880; equipment $1,650; medical
instruments $490; programs $16,935; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The twelve member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four social mobilizers.
PROJECT 6: "Democracy and Political Empowerment", Noshki,
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Center for Social Nicety (CSN) is a
non-government and non-profit organization, established by a group
of Social activists and Development Professionals in 2003. Since
its inception CSN is engaged in the empowerment of marginalized and
vulnerable people with a specific scope on women, children and
minorities through right based approach. The foregoing process has
built the capability of CSN on promotion of Democratic Behavior,
Human Rights, Peace and Tolerance in the area.
PROPOSAL: Project activities include:
-25,000 Male, Female community members of the ten communities in theRiUi/ $15,448;
equipment $4,137, programs $58,879; monitoring/evaluation $1057; and
administration $14,735.
MANAGEMENT: The eight member team will be led by project
PROJECT 5: "Women's and Children's Health", Gwadar, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Rural Community Development Council (RCDC).
PROPOSAL: To pursue and execute the following activities in the area
of maternal child health: advocacy campaigns; community health
camps: awareness sessions with religious leaders; awareness sessions
with stakeholders; commemoration of special days; awareness sessions
in colleges and schools; awareness walks and rally; identification
and training of Community Health Volunteer; identification of blood
donors and their blood testing; display of the banners/posters; and
formation of a community monitoring team.
Also, service delivery via: orientation of technical staff,
vaccinators; meetings with Government Health officials; meeting with
DHOs; meetings with medical officers at Basic Health Units; meetings
with female health supervisors and health workers; and test for
apatite HVS and HVC and vaccination.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Empowering women and increasing health
education at community level; increasing access including emergency
obstetric and newborn care to community; improving health service
quality in both the public and private sectors; and improving
management and integration of services at all levels.
FINANCE: A total budget of $92,457 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $43,000; transport $20,880; equipment $1,650; medical
instruments $490; programs $16,935; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The twelve member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four social mobilizers.
PROJECT 6: "Democracy and Political Empowerment", Noshki,
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Center for Social Nicety (CSN) is a
non-government and non-profit organization, established by a group
of Social activists and Development Professionals in 2003. Since
its inception CSN is engaged in the empowerment of marginalized and
vulnerable people with a specific scope on women, children and
minorities through right based approach. The foregoing process has
built the capability of CSN on promotion of Democratic Behavior,
Human Rights, Peace and Tolerance in the area.
PROPOSAL: Project activities include:
-25,000 Male, Female community members of the ten communities in the
District will be provided awareness on political education and
democratic rights in one year.
-300 political workers of the 10 political parties of the District
will be trained on Democracy, Good Governance, Human rights, Peace
and Social Harmony.
-Training sessions will be conducted for 20 political workers of 10
political parties on Organizational Management and Development.
-To ensure the participation of Youths and Women in the political
process Mobilization campaigns will be launched.
-Different seminars at local and district levels will be conducted
KARACHI 00000046 004 OF 004
to enchant the importance of Democracy.
-On different public issues, political parties will be facilitated
for the conduction of ten Public Forums.
-Four Public Assemblies will be arranged to build coordination among
Community and Line Departments.
-By the cooperation of different stakeholders pressure will be built
on Policy makers for policy reform on various issues.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: This project will impart awareness among 25,000
male and female citizens on their political rights and acquaint them
with the importance of their participation in the political process
for a better and smooth change in the society based on tolerance,
tranquility and equity. Ten political parties will participate in
capacity building, and democratic culture and norms will be
FINANCE: A total budget of approximately $90,000 is proposed, with a
breakout of: personnel $17,000; equipment and supplies $53,000,
network development $3,000; administrative costs $15,000; monitoring
and evaluation $2,000.
MANAGEMENT: The eight member team will be led by a project
coordinator and aided by a finance officer, social mobilizers and
supports staff.
PROJECT 7: "Capacity Building on Community-based Climate Change
Adaptation and Mitigation", Khuzdar, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI)
is a non-profit, non-governmental organizations found in 2009 by a
group of young community development professionals, human rights
activists, trade unionists, researchers, media professionals,
political activists and concerned citizens committed to promoting
community participation for environmentally friendly, sustainable
and gender-balanced development programs.
PROPOSAL: To raise awareness among affected communities, civil
society and policy makers of the impacts of climate change in
particularly vulnerable areas in Balochistan. Community outreach in
twenty villages would bring together 2000 community groups; civil
society activities would raise awareness and conduct capacity
building workshops at the district level, and PDI's head office in
Quetta would engage in provincial level advocacy.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Climate change is still a new subject in
Pakistan and there is little understanding at the community, civil
society and even governmental level. Through community
mobilization, environmental education and providing environmentally
sound alternatives to combat the climate change impact, PDI seeks to
help the Khuzdar district deal with the current and ongoing
biodiversity loss, rise in sea level, increased draught, changes in
freshwater supply, shifts in weather patterns and increased flooding
and extreme weather.
FINANCE: A total budget of approximately $100,000 is proposed, with
a breakout of: operations $9,000; personnel $7,000; equipment and
supplies $3,000, programs $80,000; monitoring/evaluation $1,000.
MANAGEMENT: The five member team will be led by a project
coordinator and aided by male and female community mobilizers and an
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: 2009 STATE 132094
1. (SBU) ConGen Karachi submits seven project proposals for the
S/GWI small grants initiative for women's political, economic and
social advancement. The programs detailed below address themes of
Education, Climate Change, Gender-based Violence, Economic
Opportunity and Political Empowerment in the developing Balochistan
and Sindh Provinces of southern Pakistan.
2. (SBU) A summary of each proposal is detailed below in priority
order, and additional proposal information is available for each
upon request. AmConGen Karachi assures S/GWI that Post will be
responsible for project oversight, monitoring and evaluation, and
that each of these NGOs is known and credible. Karachi point of
contact is Political Officer Dawn Schrepel,
PROJECT 1: "Violence Against Women", Jaffarabad, Balochistan
3. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Society for Education Promotion and Rural
Support (SEPRS) is a non-profit, non-political, non-ethnic,
non-governmental registered organization that has been working in
Balochistan since 1997 in the fields of Governance, Health, Gender
and Development, Education and Information & Communication
Technologies for Development.
PROPOSAL: To conduct advocacy sessions and events with teachers,
religious leaders, politicians, community notables and health
service providers to change serious trends of violence against women
in the District. The project has 24,100 direct beneficiaries and
85,000 indirect beneficiaries.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Jaffarabad District has the one of the highest
instances of honor killings and domestic violence in all of
Pakistan, and is governed by tribal and feudal systems. Post has
identified this District as a high priority for assistance in this
issue area.
FINANCE: A total budget of $99,602 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $44,320; transport $20,880; equipment $1,500, programs
$23,200; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The fourteen member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four social mobilizers and a trainer for
the social development center.
PROJECT 2: "Combating Gender-based Violence", Quetta, Balochistan
4. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Society for Empowering Human Resources
(SEHER) is a Rights Based Organization, focusing on vulnerable and
marginalized segments of society including women, children, refugees
and minorities, particularly living in difficult circumstances.
SEHER has been managing various projects on sexual/gender-based
violence against women in Balochistan over the last 10 years.
PROPOSAL: Major activities include: Baseline Assessment and
Situation Analysis; Awareness raising/sensitization campaign for
community/stakeholders; Men and women leadership groups; Adolescent
Boys/Girls leadership groups; Learning and reflection sessions for
men/women and adolescent boys/girls leadership groups; Establishment
of Women Friendly Spaces; Referral Mechanism for Survivors of the
GBV; Skill development and support for women entrepreneurs;
Developing Complaint Mechanism and Capacity building and
sensitization sessions for police, lawyers, doctors etc.; and
Advocacy through networking and coordination.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Primary objectives include: to discourage GBV
practices through awareness raising in Quetta; to improve GBV
survivors access to medical and legal services in Quetta; to
strengthen economic position of 400 refugee women through skills
development and entrepreneurship opportunities; and to advocate with
state institutions to improve their support mechanism in dealing
with GBV cases in Quetta. Project beneficiaries include 40,500
direct and 200,000 indirect in both the indigenous and refugee
KARACHI 00000046 002 OF 004
FINANCE: A total budget of $99,702 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $44,320; transport $20,880; equipment $1,500, programs
$23,500; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The fourteen member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four community mobilizers.
PROJECT 3: "Vocational Training Center", Sukkur, Sindh
5. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO) runs
under the mission statement, "harnessing people's potential to fight
poverty" and has concentrated on providing strategies, support and
technical assistance to enable women in rural area to develop
sustainable business models. Providing training in
handicraft-making using endemic raw materials, SRSO has created a
cadre of over 50 women entrepreneurs in remote villages surrounding
their head office in Sukkur.
PROPOSAL: SRSO has the basic infrastructure for a sustainable
micro-finance organization. However, to truly empower women in
their communities and to remain sustainable, they need resources to
create a vocational training and productions center near their head
office serving up to 1,000 women from the villages surrounding
Sukkur and Khairpur, and benefitting 400 households. The center,
equipped with technical training tools and production space would
enable women to pass on and learn skills in sewing, patchwork and
information technology as well as provide a safe space within
Pakistani cultural parameters for women to congregate and work for
their betterment.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: This proposal targets two of the main challenges
facing women in Sukkur, the third largest city in Upper Sindh:
a. A shocking percentage of men in this area are unemployed and
women bear the responsibility to support their families' basic
needs. However, religious and social boundaries in this community
prevent women from securing the freedom to sustain their businesses
as they have to conduct all activities in culturally appropriate but
limited spaces like their homes.
b. To sustain their artisanal businesses and pass on skills to more
women, SRSO's entrepreneurs have identified certain machinery, tools
and training that they need to be able to produce more, sell more
and train more female entrepreneurs.
FINANCES: A budget of $63,000 is proposed for the following, and
includes sustaining funds for the 18 month duration: Vocational
Center Space $15,000; Commercial and Domestic Sewing Machines
$10,000; Computers $5,000; IT Training $8,000; Training $8,000;
Administrative Cost $10,000; and Utilities $7,000.
MANAGEMENT: SRSO CEO, Dr. Sonu Khangrani and Enterprise Development
Consultant, Mehtab Tariq Pirzada work with a team of three women to
develop skills in patchwork and indigenous crafts and make them
marketable commodities. Pirzada holds an MA in International
Relations, has volunteered with Karachi Vocational Training Center
for 8 years.
PROJECT 4: "Women's Literacy", Noshki, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Society for Promotion of Action, Research
and Knowledge (SPARK) is a non-profit and non-governmental
organization established established in 2001 with a view to
resurrect the common ones for the collective good of society. SPARK
is engaged in advocacy, campaigning, community mobilization,
research, networking, challenging anti-poor policies, plans and
actions at local, national, and international level with different
PROPOSAL: The project will include the following objectives:
establish 25 Home Based Literacy Centers; increase literacy rate of
females by seven percent in 12 months; enroll about 3800 out of
school girls in different schools of the district; advocacy campaign
will be launched provide educational facilities; capacity building
for teachers in working with female students; advocacy to build the
need for female education in the curriculum in all levels; and
KARACHI 00000046 003 OF 004
through different incentive packages and as well through different
innovative and interesting materials the enrollment and keeping of
the girls in schools will be ensured.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Increased female literacy enhance female social
status and prestige in the society, and accelerate elimination of
discrimination and extremism while improving tolerance,
enlightenment and social justice. The project will escort the line
departments and the policy makers to draw policies and provide
facilities easily accessible to the girls for a safe and secure
FINANCE: A total budget of approximately $100,000 is proposed, with
a breakout of: assessment survey $5,747; personnel $15,448;
equipment $4,137, programs $58,879; monitoring/evaluation $1057; and
administration $14,735.
MANAGEMENT: The eight member team will be led by project
PROJECT 5: "Women's and Children's Health", Gwadar, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Rural Community Development Council (RCDC).
PROPOSAL: To pursue and execute the following activities in the area
of maternal child health: advocacy campaigns; community health
camps: awareness sessions with religious leaders; awareness sessions
with stakeholders; commemoration of special days; awareness sessions
in colleges and schools; awareness walks and rally; identification
and training of Community Health Volunteer; identification of blood
donors and their blood testing; display of the banners/posters; and
formation of a community monitoring team.
Also, service delivery via: orientation of technical staff,
vaccinators; meetings with Government Health officials; meeting with
DHOs; meetings with medical officers at Basic Health Units; meetings
with female health supervisors and health workers; and test for
apatite HVS and HVC and vaccination.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Empowering women and increasing health
education at community level; increasing access including emergency
obstetric and newborn care to community; improving health service
quality in both the public and private sectors; and improving
management and integration of services at all levels.
FINANCE: A total budget of $92,457 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $43,000; transport $20,880; equipment $1,650; medical
instruments $490; programs $16,935; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The twelve member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four social mobilizers.
PROJECT 6: "Democracy and Political Empowerment", Noshki,
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Center for Social Nicety (CSN) is a
non-government and non-profit organization, established by a group
of Social activists and Development Professionals in 2003. Since
its inception CSN is engaged in the empowerment of marginalized and
vulnerable people with a specific scope on women, children and
minorities through right based approach. The foregoing process has
built the capability of CSN on promotion of Democratic Behavior,
Human Rights, Peace and Tolerance in the area.
PROPOSAL: Project activities include:
-25,000 Male, Female community members of the ten communities in theRiUi/ $15,448;
equipment $4,137, programs $58,879; monitoring/evaluation $1057; and
administration $14,735.
MANAGEMENT: The eight member team will be led by project
PROJECT 5: "Women's and Children's Health", Gwadar, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Rural Community Development Council (RCDC).
PROPOSAL: To pursue and execute the following activities in the area
of maternal child health: advocacy campaigns; community health
camps: awareness sessions with religious leaders; awareness sessions
with stakeholders; commemoration of special days; awareness sessions
in colleges and schools; awareness walks and rally; identification
and training of Community Health Volunteer; identification of blood
donors and their blood testing; display of the banners/posters; and
formation of a community monitoring team.
Also, service delivery via: orientation of technical staff,
vaccinators; meetings with Government Health officials; meeting with
DHOs; meetings with medical officers at Basic Health Units; meetings
with female health supervisors and health workers; and test for
apatite HVS and HVC and vaccination.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Empowering women and increasing health
education at community level; increasing access including emergency
obstetric and newborn care to community; improving health service
quality in both the public and private sectors; and improving
management and integration of services at all levels.
FINANCE: A total budget of $92,457 is proposed, with a breakout of:
personnel $43,000; transport $20,880; equipment $1,650; medical
instruments $490; programs $16,935; and administration $9,502.
MANAGEMENT: The twelve member team will be led by project
coordinator and includes four social mobilizers.
PROJECT 6: "Democracy and Political Empowerment", Noshki,
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Center for Social Nicety (CSN) is a
non-government and non-profit organization, established by a group
of Social activists and Development Professionals in 2003. Since
its inception CSN is engaged in the empowerment of marginalized and
vulnerable people with a specific scope on women, children and
minorities through right based approach. The foregoing process has
built the capability of CSN on promotion of Democratic Behavior,
Human Rights, Peace and Tolerance in the area.
PROPOSAL: Project activities include:
-25,000 Male, Female community members of the ten communities in the
District will be provided awareness on political education and
democratic rights in one year.
-300 political workers of the 10 political parties of the District
will be trained on Democracy, Good Governance, Human rights, Peace
and Social Harmony.
-Training sessions will be conducted for 20 political workers of 10
political parties on Organizational Management and Development.
-To ensure the participation of Youths and Women in the political
process Mobilization campaigns will be launched.
-Different seminars at local and district levels will be conducted
KARACHI 00000046 004 OF 004
to enchant the importance of Democracy.
-On different public issues, political parties will be facilitated
for the conduction of ten Public Forums.
-Four Public Assemblies will be arranged to build coordination among
Community and Line Departments.
-By the cooperation of different stakeholders pressure will be built
on Policy makers for policy reform on various issues.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: This project will impart awareness among 25,000
male and female citizens on their political rights and acquaint them
with the importance of their participation in the political process
for a better and smooth change in the society based on tolerance,
tranquility and equity. Ten political parties will participate in
capacity building, and democratic culture and norms will be
FINANCE: A total budget of approximately $90,000 is proposed, with a
breakout of: personnel $17,000; equipment and supplies $53,000,
network development $3,000; administrative costs $15,000; monitoring
and evaluation $2,000.
MANAGEMENT: The eight member team will be led by a project
coordinator and aided by a finance officer, social mobilizers and
supports staff.
PROJECT 7: "Capacity Building on Community-based Climate Change
Adaptation and Mitigation", Khuzdar, Balochistan
6. (SBU) ORGANIZATION: Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI)
is a non-profit, non-governmental organizations found in 2009 by a
group of young community development professionals, human rights
activists, trade unionists, researchers, media professionals,
political activists and concerned citizens committed to promoting
community participation for environmentally friendly, sustainable
and gender-balanced development programs.
PROPOSAL: To raise awareness among affected communities, civil
society and policy makers of the impacts of climate change in
particularly vulnerable areas in Balochistan. Community outreach in
twenty villages would bring together 2000 community groups; civil
society activities would raise awareness and conduct capacity
building workshops at the district level, and PDI's head office in
Quetta would engage in provincial level advocacy.
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED: Climate change is still a new subject in
Pakistan and there is little understanding at the community, civil
society and even governmental level. Through community
mobilization, environmental education and providing environmentally
sound alternatives to combat the climate change impact, PDI seeks to
help the Khuzdar district deal with the current and ongoing
biodiversity loss, rise in sea level, increased draught, changes in
freshwater supply, shifts in weather patterns and increased flooding
and extreme weather.
FINANCE: A total budget of approximately $100,000 is proposed, with
a breakout of: operations $9,000; personnel $7,000; equipment and
supplies $3,000, programs $80,000; monitoring/evaluation $1,000.
MANAGEMENT: The five member team will be led by a project
coordinator and aided by male and female community mobilizers and an