2010-02-27 19:34:00
Embassy Jakarta
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DE RUEHJA #0258/01 0581934
O 271934Z FEB 10



E.O. 12958: N/A


B) JAKARTA 00378




E.O. 12958: N/A


B) JAKARTA 00378

1. (U) This message was coordinated with Consulate General Surabaya
and Consulate Medan. It is sensitive but unclassified. Please
handle accordingly.

2. (SBU) OVERVIEW: The Government of Indonesia continued to make
progress combating trafficking, although it remains a serious
problem. Indonesia is primarily a source country and to a much
lesser extent a destination and transit country. The number of
Indonesians seeking work abroad, due to poverty and a lack of jobs,
reached an all time high. The government has taken significant
steps both at home and with receiving countries to better safeguard
these labor migrants. As in the past, there continue to be cases of
severe abuse of Indonesians trafficked abroad.


3. (SBU) Post has indicated where we do not yet have statistics for
2009. As in previous years the Government of Indonesia is in the
process of compiling data from the local level. We will report this
information septel as soon as it becomes available. END OVERVIEW.

4. (SBU) SUMMARY: During this reporting period, the GOI continued
to solidify and implement a comprehensive legal, political and
social approach to combating trafficking at all governmental levels,
thus demonstrating the political will to address the problem. The
GOI has passed and promulgated all three implementing regulations of
its 2007 comprehensive legislative framework, Law No. 21. With a
comprehensive legal framework in place, victim protection has been
improved and should facilitate the prosecution of trafficking under
its statutes. It makes it easier, for example, for prosecutors to
use circumstantial evidence to demonstrate intent in TIP cases.
Implementation of this key framework, however, is still underway.
Police and prosecutors, still unfamiliar with the new legislation,
are often reluctant or unsure of how to effectively use it to punish
traffickers. Prosecutors instead often rely on more traditional
criminal remedies to prosecute tip cases (crimes of violence,
extortion, pimping statutes, the Indonesian Child Protection Statute

5. (SBU) In 2009, the GOI signed a new 2009-2014 National Plan of
Action (NAP) on Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation after an
extensive evaluation of their 2002 NAP. In accordance with the 2007
law and previous NAP, in 2009 local governments passed
anti-trafficking legislation in many districts and established local
task forces. The GOI has also drafted supporting legislation on
money-laundering and asset-forfeiture for criminals which will prove
important tools to combat trafficking. The GOI also ratified the UN
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its two
Protocols (Palermo) this year.

6. (SBU) According to the NGO Migrant Care, 6.5 million Indonesians
are overseas migrant workers, although other organizations estimates
reach as high as 9 million. Around 2.6 million work in Malaysia,
1.8 million in the Middle East, 120,000 in Singapore, 124,000 in
Hong Kong, 113,000 in Taiwan, 160,000 in South Korea, and 80,000 in
Japan. The rest are in Europe, United States, and other countries.
Approximately 54 percent of these workers are minors, and 46 percent
of all overseas workers are allegedly victims of some form of
trafficking activities.

7. (SBU) NGOs point out that Law 39 on the Protection and Placement
of Migrant Workers is one of the remaining weak spots in trafficking
legislation and needs revising to better protect workers and tackle
false recruitment. Indonesia is increasingly decentralizing its
government, and this sometimes hinders rescuing, treating and
reintegrating victims across borders within Indonesia and beyond.
However, consistent training from the USG, other donors and NGOs has
helped reinforce networks the local and national governments are
putting in place, resulting in increased communication and
cooperation between police, prosecutors and NGOs across borders.
Recently the GOI asked IOM to assist them in revising Law 39 on the
protection of migrant workers.

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8. (SBU) One of the main challenges to combating trafficking,
particularly labor trafficking, are the fraudulent recruitment
brokers who often operate outside the law with impunity due to
severe unemployment and weak legal enforcement. Some fraudulent
recruitment agencies tied to families or friends of government
officials or police make deals when caught, and then continue to
operate. The Manpower Ministry publicly stated that it is
identifying and punishing these companies, but does not yet have
readily available statistics on its activities. The Ministry notes
that falsification of documents and the willingness of migrant
workers to migrate illegally are critical factors leading to the
exploitation and victimization of migrant workers skills.

9. (SBU) The GOI is working on a national identity card system
which will help address the problem of falsified documents. The GOI
implemented a biometrics based passport system in 2007. In 2009,
Jakarta will pilot a similar biometric system for identity cards.
According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, this single identity
number system will then be applied throughout Indonesia by December
2011 to eliminate possibilities for falsifying documents. In 2009,
the GOI implemented a new strategy for registering births which will
facilitate protecting minors from being exploited. Although
registering for a birth certificate has been free since 2002, about
sixty percent of children remain unregistered, which makes them

10. (SBU) In 2009, the Police and Manpower Ministry continued to
shut down fraudulent recruitment brokers involved in trafficking and
strengthened awareness of the need to protect of migrant workers.
Immigration officials are increasing cooperation with police in
border areas and at the 136 border entry and exit points.
Kalimantan immigration officials reported a decrease in cross-border
trafficking flows in 2009. Police arrested 17 people from manpower
agencies over a four month period in late 2008 on suspicion of
trafficking-related activities including falsification of

11. (SBU) Corruption remains endemic in Indonesia and in 2009 police
and prosecutors continued to pursue justice in cases involving
official complicity. Embassy Jakarta Regional Security Office (RSO)
training of Indonesian National Police (INP) designed to reduce
human trafficking focused on document fraud as a predicate offense
to trafficking. On February 10, 2010, INP and RSO uncovered a large
visa and passport forgery syndicate including counterfeit plates to
make security features on Indonesian passports, and U.S., Australian
and Japanese visas.

12. (SBU) The Manpower, Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and
other government Ministries focused more time, attention and
resources on trafficking this year. They have successfully divided
the responsibility for TIP activities among the various ministries
rather than leaving it exclusively, as before, to the Ministry of
Women's Empowerment. GOI commitment to combating trafficking was
evident when, with the assistance of IOM, a government working group
was established with members from eight different ministries,
including two NGOs. IOM led this group on two study visits to
Malaysia and Singapore in Aug/Sep 2009 and to Kuwait and Bahrain in
October 2009 to examine the situation of migrant workers overseas.
The delegation rescued and repatriated over 500 migrant workers from
the Indonesian Embassy shelter in Kuwait. In a significant show of
political commitment, the Indonesian government officials requested
and received funds from their ministries to take additional rescue
and rehabilitation trips in December 2009 and January 2010 to
Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. These officials helped
return 425 workers from Jeddah, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Amman.
Indonesian officials at embassies and consulates received limited
training in learning how best to accommodate the large numbers of
migrant workers who remain in need of assistance.

13. (SBU) This year the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social
Welfare had funds earmarked for the return and recovery of victims.
The GOI also increased the allotment of other ministries to combat
trafficking in 2009. The protocol to apply for such funds is still
being prepared, however this represents a significant step forward

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for Indonesian anti-trafficking efforts. The GOI budget allocation
for trafficking increased in 2009. Given the scope of Indonesia's
trafficking problem it should be increased further to meet
Indonesia's needs.

14. (SBU) The Manpower Ministry is actively engaging foreign
governments to protect the rights of Indonesian migrant workers -
working on an MOU with Malaysia which will soon be signed; they also
recently met with officials in Hong Kong and Kuwait to advocate for
better protections for Indonesian migrant workers. On 26 June 2009,
the GOI took a strong stance to protect workers' rights and deter
exploitation by halting the departure of all Indonesian migrant
workers for Malaysia until Malaysia's government can provide
stronger protection of their rights. According to press reports the
GOI is to sign a breakthrough MOU with Malaysia by March 2010 which
would increase wages for Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia,
provide them a day off, and ensure freedom of movement for the
workers by ensuring that they, not their employers, hold their

15. (SBU) Media and public information campaigns across the country
highlighted trafficking issues, such as police efforts to combat
trafficking in new social media such as the internet. The issue of
women and children entrapped in debt bondage as domestic servants
within Indonesia and overseas became a major issue in 2009.
Successful GOI-NGO partnerships with NGOs such as Solidarity Center,
UNODC, ICMC and IOM are increasing public awareness of trafficking
through public awareness campaigns and extensive media coverage.
Government officials and police are thus now paying more attention
to the problem of entrenched cultural norms in certain regions, such
as West Java, where a severe job shortage makes overseas employment
particularly attractive. In 2009 the Manpower Ministry created a
plan for a community based learning group in the 200 villages across
Indonesia which supply the most workers overseas. There remains a
need to increase awareness of trafficking particularly in the rural
and poorer areas of Indonesia and to increase information and
establish mechanisms for Indonesian consular officers abroad to
prevent trafficking and protect the trafficking victims among the
migrant worker population.

16. (SBU) Indonesia needs to take the following actions to make
further headway in curbing trafficking:

--Continue efforts to combat the corruption that feeds trafficking,
particularly among law enforcement and manpower officials.

--Increase and make more readily accessible GOI funding for law
enforcement against traffickers and for rescue, recovery and
reintegration of victims.

--Increase efforts to regulate recruiters. Not only should GOI
actively monitor recruiters, investigate complaints and punish
offenders, but it should set standards for the terms of recruiting
agreements such as the levels of fees charged to the workers. These
high fee agreements can sometimes lead to debt bondage.

--Better protect domestic workers within Indonesia, particularly
children, through enforcement of existing laws.

--Revise Article 39 on the placement and protection of Migrant
Workers to more effectively protect workers overseas.

--Conclude MOUs with destination countries to protect migrant

--Conduct and support public awareness campaigns with NGO partners,
including faith-based NGOs, in main trafficking source regions such
as West Java aimed at changing cultural norms which make trafficking
acceptable to unemployment.


17. (U) The U.S. Mission in Indonesia received information from the

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following sources: Indonesian National Police (INP) CID division;
the Ministry of Women's Empowerment which provided comprehensive
information of national efforts; the Ministry of Social Welfare; the
Manpower Ministry, and the Attorney General's Office (AGO);
Surabaya, Kalimantan, and other local police and prosecutors'
offices; International and domestic NGOs also provided information,
in particular the International Organization for Migration (IOM),
Migrant Care, ACILS, UNODC, Komnas Perempuan, Derap Warapsari, and
LBH APIK. Post also gathered information from prominent mass media,
KOMPAS, Detik, and Kupang Pos.


The point of contact at Embassy Jakarta for this report is Second
Secretary Elise Mellinger,, 62-21-3435-9281,
fax (62) 21-3435-9116. You may also contact Acting Political
Counselor and Labor Attache Darcy Zotter, at

18. (U) The report text follows the general outline of themes and
questions per ref a.

19. (U) Report text follows:


The Government of Indonesia continued to make progress combating
trafficking, although it remains a serious problem. Indonesia
remains primarily a source country and to a much lesser extent a
destination and transit country. The number of Indonesians seeking
work abroad hit an all time high. The government has taken
significant steps both at home and with receiving countries to
better safeguard these labor migrants. Nonetheless, almost half of
overseas workers are estimated to be a victim of some form of
trafficking and trafficking domestically and internationally remains
a serious problem.


Indonesia, a developing country and emerging democracy with the
world's fourth largest population, is a place of origin for a
significant number of internationally trafficked women and children,
and to a lesser extent men. Indonesia is also a transit and
destination country for international trafficking, although foreign
victims are very small in number relative to Indonesian victims.
Significant incidents of trafficking occur within Indonesia's
borders, including for prostitution. Different regions of the
country are identifiable as sending, transiting and/or receiving
areas for internal as well as international trafficking. There were
no reports during this period of trafficking in territory outside of
GOI control.


All provinces of Indonesia are both sources and destinations.
Primary origin areas include: The highest is West Java, followed by
East and Central Java, and East and West Nusa Tenggara. Other
provinces with considerably high numbers of trafficking victims are
West Kalimantan, North Sumatra, Riau Islands and South Sumatra.


Primary transit areas are: Jakarta, Surabaya, Manado, Riau Islands,
Kalimantan and Moluccas. Domestic routes varied.

Primary domestic destinations are: Java, Bangka Belitung, Riau
Islands, West Kalimantan and Papua. A disturbing trend in recent
years has been an increase in trafficking of young boys and girls,

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many under age 18, from West Java, North Sulawesi, West Kalimantan,
and Papua, where they are labor trafficked or sexually exploited in
areas with rich extractive industries, according to NGOs.

Internationally, following are the primary destinations in rough
order of magnitude based on March 2005-December 2009 IOM data of
rescued victims: Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Japan, Kuwait,
Syria, and Iraq. Other destinations include: Taiwan, Thailand,
Macau, Hong Kong, UEA, Qatar, Mauritius, Yemen, Palestine, Egypt,
France, Belgium, Germany, Cyprus, Spain, Holland and the United

-------------- --

Men and boys, women and girls, are all widely trafficked. IOM data
revealed the following breakdown of the 3,376 Indonesian victims it
assisted between 2005 to December 2009: 55.75 percent domestic
workers, 16 percent sex workers, and 4.6 percent plantation workers.
Fewer than three percent each were waitresses, construction workers,
shopkeepers, nannies, fishermen, masseuses, and cultural dancers.
Females comprised 90.31 percent and males 9.69 percent; 76.6 percent
were adults 23.94 percent were children.

Children are trafficked for a variety of purposes, but primarily
into domestic servitude, prostitution, rural agriculture and cottage
industries. According to a survey by ILO and from various human
rights NGOs, many girls under age 18, and even under age 16, work
long hours - typically 14-16 hours a day at very low wages as
domestic servants. They are often under perpetual debt bondage due
to pay advances given to the children's families by brokers. There
are credible reports that children under 10 years old work in
plantation industries helping their parents and family, without any
time for school. Approximately sixty per cent of the country's
under five-year-olds do not have an official birth certificate,
which puts them at higher risk of child trafficking. In December
2009 the GOI announced a new strategy aimed at registering all
children by 2011 which according to UNICEF is an important step
toward combating child trafficking. According to Indonesia's child
protection policy, all newborns must be given free birth
certificates, but registrations have only risen by two per cent
since that law was adopted in 2002. Child trafficking is a serious
problem in Indonesia which the government is only now beginning to
tackle as a separate issue. Media attention has turned to child
trafficking rings centered on selling children for adoption,
particularly in the aftermath of the 2005 tsunami which orphaned
thousands. The plight of street children and the specter of sex
trafficking of children, particularly in the Riau islands and by
Facebook in Surabaya have received considerable media attention


Reliable statistics or estimates of the overall number of
victims--including number of prostitutes and child victims--are


For internal and external trafficking into the sex trade,
traffickers used debt bondage, violence, intimidation, drug
addiction, and - for those overseas-the withholding of documents to
keep women and children in prostitution. Traffickers employ a
variety of means to attract and hold victims, including promises of
well-paying jobs, debt bondage, community or family pressures, and
threats of violence, rape, and false marriages. For example, women
who escaped from forced prostitution in Bantam, Papua and Malaysia
commonly related that traffickers recruited the young women with
offers of jobs in restaurants, supermarkets or as domestic servants.
Once at their destination, traffickers used violence and rape to

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force them into the sex trade. Migrant worker recruiters also use
misrepresentation and debt bondage to traffic men and women.

Police found in 2008 that traffickers had begun occasionally
kidnapping victims. They are drugged, transferred by car through
the border areas from Indonesia to Malaysia and then sexually
exploited. Another relatively new method which police discovered in
2008 was recruiting victims through schools. Brokers sent schools
official-looking letters offering internship programs to students.
No new kidnapping or internship cases were reported in 2009, but
prosecutions and trials of the traffickers involved in the 2008
cases are ongoing.

In February 2010, however, police uncovered new trafficking methods
using electronic social media, such as Facebook, blogs, and Yahoo
Messenger. Police in Surabaya, East Java arrested two traffickers
who were involved in an online underage child trafficking and
prostitution ring that used Facebook and Yahoo Messenger to find
recruits. At the end of February, 2010, Jakarta police unraveled
another online prostitution ring involving minors. The suspect is
facing a prison sentence of at least five years. Profiles of
hundreds of women, including teenagers were featured on the
suspect's Web site, with the price for services ranging from Rp 10
million ($1,069) to Rp 50 million. Clients were given a contact
number to set up a meeting place. After that was finalized, the
women were taken to the hotel where the client waited. Police said
the trafficker started the business last year and relied on word of
mouth to promote his business. Although it was clear that some of
the women whose services were sold on the website were minors,
police were quoted as saying "There were no indications that the
suspect was involved in human trafficking, because the women
willfully entered the business, police said." This indicates that
continued training and awareness-raising among local police and
prosecutors is still critical in pursuing justice in TIP cases.

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police unearthed another
troubling new trend this year, in which traffickers befriend
potential victims from Indonesia or Indonesian migrant workers in
Malaysia, gain their trust and invite them to go on Umroh, a
religious pilgrimage trip to Mecca. Once there, they are trafficked
to various points in the Middle East.

Debt bondage is particularly common in the sex trade. Indonesian
women and girls trafficked into prostitution in Tanjung Pinang,
Bangka Belitung, for example, commonly began with a debt of
USD600-1,200. Given the constant accumulation of other debts, women
and girls are often unable to repay these amounts, even after years
of work as prostitutes.

Some migrant workers, often female, also entered trafficking
situations during their attempt to find work abroad through migrant
worker recruiting companies (PJTKI). Licensed and unlicensed
companies used debt bondage, withholding of documents and
confinement in locked premises to keep migrant workers in holding
centers, sometimes for periods of many months. Some also used
threats of violence to maintain control over prospective migrant

Traffickers took advantage of persons in impoverished regions. While
poverty plays a leading role in facilitating trafficking, poor
educational opportunities, cultural factors and established
trafficking networks also acted as important determinants. For
example, in Indramayu, West Java, some farming communities have
adopted a widely accepted practice of selling girls into
prostitution in Japan and elsewhere in order for families to
accumulate material possessions, a cycle which has proven difficult
to break.

Indonesians sometimes arrive legally in one country, for example
Malaysia, and then traffickers provide them with false documentation
and lured to more remote locations, such as the Middle East and
Europe, where they are trafficked.


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Traffickers fit various profiles. Some worked in larger mafia-like
organizations, particularly for trafficking into major prostitution
areas. Others operated as small or family-run businesses. In many
instances, local community leaders and parents of victims assisted
in trafficking.

Some manpower brokers operated similar to trafficking rings, leading
both male and female workers into debt bondage, abusive employment
situations and other trafficking situations. Some of the offending
manpower companies held official licenses. Others operated
illegally or appeared to be fronts for traffickers.

This continues to be one of the main challenges in combating
trafficking in Indonesia, but law enforcement, the ministries and
immigration officials have demonstrated an increased awareness of
this problem and have taken action against it. Immigration is
reporting cases of trafficking syndicates they come across to the
police, who are increasingly arresting and detaining these
traffickers. Immigration officials from Kalimantan report good
coordination with police in border areas and a corresponding drop
this year in trafficking across their border to Malaysia.

The Provincial Police of Bangka Belitung and West Java have
apprehended traffickers from a major syndicate of trafficking in BB
province which stretched across both provinces. Seventeen victims
of the fifty rescued victims were from West Java and the rest were
from across the country. The syndicate had been transferring
victims to Malaysia and Singapore. The head of this syndicate was
caught along with her accomplices from several provinces.

The police in NTT, East Java and Bali have identified an Iranian
born trafficker who funded and supported international trafficking
from Middle Eastern countries to Australia.


The GOI has begun to seriously take action against officials
involved in trafficking, including corruption charges,
administrative sanctions, dismissals and transfers. The impact of
these actions is beginning to change the culture of impunity.
Unfortunately, this type of action is not yet being uniformly
applied to military officials involved in trafficking, particularly
of women and girls trapped in prostitution.

Individual members of the police and military were sometimes
associated with brothels and prostitution fronts, most frequently
through the collection of protection money, which was a widespread
practice. Sometimes off-duty security force members worked as
security personnel at brothels. Security force members also
involved themselves in prostitution as brothel owners or through
other illicit business interests, according to NGOs and other
reports. Examples include allegations of Indonesian security forces
complicity in trafficking to the "Dolly" prostitution complex in
Surabaya, one of Southeast Asia's largest brothel areas, and
trafficking to Papua.

In February 2009, the Police in District of Watampone, South
Sulawesi raided a caf and apprehended a lieutenant police officer,
allegedly collecting "protection money" from a brothel-caf.
Approximately ten underage victims were rescued. The police officer
was disciplined and prosecution is ongoing.

Enforcement of the new anti-trafficking law deterred local officials
from issuing false documentation for trafficking purposes, thus
greatly inhibiting the ability of traffickers to obtain false
documents. The most common example of such complicity was in the
production of national identity cards. In local communities,
low-level officials certified false information to produce national
identity cards and family data cards for children to allow them to
work as adults. Based on the identity cards, traffickers processed
passports and work visas for children who otherwise would not be
able to obtain such documents. With less than 30 percent of all

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births registered in the country, and such registrations also
subject to falsification, authorities often had little legal basis
to challenge documents containing false information. The GOI aims
to implement a biometrics based national single identity number or
KITNAS by December 2011, but the Home Affairs Ministry has yet to
find the funds and the necessary infrastructure and human resources
for the project.

In July 2009, according to the Attorney General's office, police
apprehended several civil servants for complicity in trafficking
through falsification of documents. One case involved a civil
servant in Larantuka, East Nusa Tenggara NTT from sub-district
(country clerk) office responsible for processing identity papers.
The other involved a sub-district level immigration official from
West Java who had provided illegal papers and abetted trafficking
activities. The local Attorney General's offices in both provinces
are currently prosecuting these cases under the 2007 trafficking

In April 2009, four consular officials from Indonesia's Consulate
General in Kinabalu, Malaysia were sentenced to 2 year imprisonment
and fees for charging inflated fees to Indonesian migrant workers in
Kuala Lumpur seeking visa services. Although the prosecutors sought
2.5-3 years sentence, they got off with slightly shorter sentences
because they argued that they had used the proceeds to make up for a
shortfall in the Embassy's budget to deal with migrant workers in
Kuala Lumpur. In December 2008, four other officials of the same
consulate were indicted for taking illegal immigrant fees.

In September 2009 RSO worked together with INP to alert them to a
possible trafficking/smuggling operation under the guise of Sanjaya
Tour. This complicated visa scam involved the Indonesian Ministry
of Trade, and one of those arrested was a trade ministry official.
(See section below on police for more details)

Most corruption in trafficking cases starts from the early stages of
the recruitment process. The lack of education and limited
information and skills of most migrant workers makes it easier for
middlemen to exploit and traffic them. According to the national
agency for migrant workers administration, BNP2TKI (under the
Manpower Ministry) in 2009 they created a plan to establish a
"Kelompok Belajar Berbasis Masyarakat" (KBBM). The KBBM will
provide migrant workers with basic skills and knowledge and teach
them about their legal rights. Workers will be trained and educated
for the specific knowledge demanded overseas. This program will
minimize the opportunities for illegal parties to benefit from the
workers by reducing middle man in bridging domestic and
international agencies.


Some officials in local Manpower offices reportedly licensed and
tolerated migrant worker recruiting agencies despite the officials'
knowledge of the agencies' involvement in trafficking. In return
for bribes, some Immigration officials turned a blind eye to
potential trafficking victims, failing to screen or act with due
diligence in processing passports and immigration control. Local
governments' loose regulation of prostitution zones in larger cities
also raised concerns about local officials' involvement and
tolerance of trafficking.


Prostitution constitutes a major source of concern for TIP in
Indonesia due to the number of women and children involved; the
clandestine, abusive and often forced nature of this work; the
prevalence of organized crime; and the awareness and/or complicity
of some officials and security forces (police and military) in
prostitution. There is no reliable data on the number of girls and
women forced into prostitution through debt bondage but the numbers

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are significant.

GOI officials and NGOs often criticized police officers as too
passive in combating trafficking absent specific complaints.
Although police were often aware of underage prostitutes or other
trafficking situations, they frequently did not intervene to protect
victims or arrest probable traffickers without specific reports from
third parties. Surabaya NGOs related that when police are informed
of trafficking situations or learn that children are in a brothel,
they rescue them and turn to the NGOs to help repatriate them.


Malaysia is commonly identified as the country receiving the
greatest number of Indonesian trafficking victims. An oversupply of
Indonesian women and girls in Malaysia results in placement agencies
in Malaysia offering incentives to more families to hire foreign
maids, including offering the employer recovery of fees from the
employee through wage reductions. The first five months of wages
are commonly deducted.

IOM reported that from March 2005 to December 2009, 69.50 percent of
female and 57.14 male victims rescued from overseas had Chlamydia,
23.18 male had gonorrhea, and more than 11 percent had hepatitis B.

A 2006 bilateral MOU between Indonesia and Malaysia failed to give
adequate protection to Indonesian migrant workers, opening the door
to abuse. The agreement allows employers to hold workers' passports
restricting their freedom to return home, allows monthly deductions
of up to 50 percent of negotiated wages to repay loans and advances,
and does not specify time off. The GOI on June 26 took a stronger
stance to protect its migrant workers there by halting the departure
of all Indonesian migrant workers for Malaysia until Malaysia's
government can provide stronger protection of their rights.
According to press reports the GOI will sign a breakthrough MOU with
Malaysia in March 2010 which would ensure a specified livable
minimum wage for Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia, provide
them a day off, and ensure freedom of movement for the workers by
ensuring that they, not their employers, hold their passports.
Malaysia and Indonesia are still hammering out agreements on
monitoring procedures and costs.

A Malaysian court of law is proceeding with the murder trial of
Munti binti Bani, a domestic worker from Jember, Indonesia who was
killed in September 2009, by her employer, a Malaysian spouse.
Munti was found unconscious, severely tortured, wounds decaying, and
kept in a room with no foods for several days. She then took to
hospital, but died after several days. She was 36, and was killed
in Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.

The Indonesian government has appealed to a court in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia to retry the case of Nirmala Bonat from NTT. The lower
court has sentenced her employer to 18 years for her employer, but
reduced it to 12 years upon appeal. (The horrific details of
Bonat's 2005 case provided the impetus for a fast passage of the
anti-trafficking legislation and raised awareness of trafficking
issues in Indonesia.)

In 2009, Modesta, a woman from East Nusa Tenggara, was tortured, not
paid for 3 years of work, and worked long hours for her Malaysian
employer. The Malaysian authorities have not yet proceeded with her


Large-scale trafficking to the Middle East persists, with Saudi
Arabia being the worst offender. Victims from Saudi Arabia often
return extremely brutalized and report that they have no protection
from exploitation and abuse in Saudi Arabia. Many Muslim girls are
lured to Saudi Arabia with promises of a good salary and the
opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, a dream far beyond their

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financial means. An increasing trend is for Saudi employers to
contract out their domestic servants to several households, withhold
wages, and then find an excuse to return the worker home unpaid.

Syria, UAE, Jordan and Iraq are destination countries for Indonesian
migrant workers. According to Migrant Care, there are approximately
10,000 Indonesian workers in Syria and 45,000 in Lebanon despite the
fact that Indonesia has no MOU on migrant workers with these
countries. The Indonesian government funded trips to the Middle
East to examine the GOI working group in conjunction with the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) rescued and
repatriated 425 Indonesian workers from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and
Amman, Jordan, on January 20, 2010 with funding from the Indonesian
government. On January 18, 2010, a similar collaborative group of
government ministries, parliamentarians and NGO staff facilitated
the repatriation of 199 Indonesian migrant workers from the
Indonesian Embassy shelter in Kuwait. The National Police screened
for minors while the Department of Social Welfare worked with IOM to
screen for trafficking victims, who they then referred back to IOM
for medical treatment.

During 2009, 200 other migrant workers were successfully repatriated
from Kuwait and Indonesia is currently negotiating with Kuwait to
return 500 more workers which the Indonesian Embassy is currently
housing in their shelter. According to the press on February 24,
2010, the Kuwait government agreed to sign an MOU with the GOI to
regulate Indonesian workers' welfare in Kuwait. Negotiations are
ongoing, and both countries agreed to establish special joint task
forces on migrant labor. The GOI stopped sending workers to Kuwait
in September 2009.


Legal and illegal migrant workers are equally likely to be
trafficked, in large part because in some destination countries,
such as Malaysia, employers have the right to hold the workers'
documentation. Many workers prefer to go abroad to work illegally
because they feel they are in more control of their own destiny. In
2008 and 2009, large numbers of Indonesian migrant workers abroad
were laid off due to the global financial crisis, increasing
concerns that these workers would be more vulnerable to trafficking.
Similarly, increasing lay-offs of workers in Indonesia raised
concerns that these workers would be forced to seek jobs as migrant
workers and be vulnerable to trafficking.


NGOs working on migrant worker advocacy and trafficking issues
confirmed that there is a continuing trend for foreign victims to be
trafficked to Indonesia. According to a 2007 study, most foreign
prostitutes in Indonesia are from Mainland China, then central Asian
countries. Sources estimate their total numbers to be between
4,000 to 20,000. The pimps/smugglers kept their passports and said
it was easy to extend the visas with bribes. Other victims came from
Thailand and Eastern Europe.


Political will to fight trafficking was clear at the national
leadership level as well as at local levels in 2009, while awareness
of the issue continued to penetrate through government agencies.
Indonesia ratified the United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organized Crime in February 2009. The government has
trained over a thousand law enforcement officials on fighting
trafficking, often times in interagency courses also attended by
NGOs. The number of special anti-trafficking police and prosecutors
greatly increased.

With the passage of the new anti-trafficking law, local task forces
in many provinces across Indonesia have reinvigorated their efforts.
For example, in Bandung, West Java, the local task force meets

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regularly, sharing information among agencies and NGOs, and gaining
government funding for a local shelter and other support for
victims. The National Task Force is actively coordinating
activities to avoid overlap between ministries. The Foreign
Ministry coordinated a seminar in October, 2009, with UNODC, other
ministries, NGOs, and entitled "Effective Criminal Justice Response
to Trafficking." Government working groups under the task force
umbrella helped repatriate groups of victims from the Middle East.


The GOI allocated significantly more funds to trafficking in 2009
than previous years and spread funds more widely across national and
local entities. The GOI allocates its anti-TIP funding to the
National Task Force among the 19 agencies involved in it. The
Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, which oversees the Task
Force in conjunction with the Women's Ministry, said that the TIP
funding allocation for her Ministry increased 50 percent, from 400
million Rupiah ($40,000) in 2009 to 600 million Rupiah ($60,000) in
2010. In 2008, the Social Ministry had $200,000 to build 22
shelters across the country. These shelters also included victims
of domestic and other types of violence in addition to VOTs.

In 2009, the Social Ministry received a budget of $300,000, some of
which was specifically earmarked for recovery of victims-a first.
In 2009, also for the first time, the government awarded the Health
Ministry anti-trafficking funds for the medical care of victims.
The National Education Ministry received $1.5 million in 2008 in
anti-trafficking funds and $2 million in 2009. In addition, the
GOI, sometimes in cooperation with IOM, has funded at significant
expense the repatriation of rescued trafficking victims from
Malaysia and the Middle East. Increasingly, local governments
across Indonesia provided budgets, facilities and staff to assist
trafficking victims. Moreover, almost every police station in
Indonesia has a center for the protection of women and children
called PPA, staffed by officers who work with victims of
trafficking. Typically such centers include facilities for
temporary accommodation of trafficking victims. We do not have
details of what portion of the national police budget covers these
expenses but it must be significant.


In January 2007, the GOI, as required by the 2004 Overseas Labor
Placement and Protection Law, established the National Agency for
the Placement and Protection of Overseas Workers was (BNP). The
agency took over the Ministry of Manpower's responsibilities to
protect migrant workers, such as facilitating labor export and
providing legal protection. BNP's jurisdiction to protect migrant
workers is unclear vis a vis the Manpower Ministry. Both bodies
have been largely ineffective in protecting migrant workers from
trafficking. However, this seems to be largely a function more of
migrants' willingness to risk trafficking in search of employment.

However, under BNP's management, a new migrant worker transit
terminal, Terminal Four, opened up in 2008 at Jakarta's
international airport, providing better care for trafficked victims.
BNP officers do limited screenings of returning migrant workers to
detect if they were trafficked. A medical doctor and beds are
available for victims. Legal Aid Society staff is allowed access
and checks to ensure migrant workers are protected and trafficking
victims receive care.

In areas such as North Sulawesi, traffickers resorted to recruiting
in more isolated villages because of increased community awareness
and law enforcement. In Indramayu, West Java, where entire villages
were once depleted of girls trafficked overseas for sexual
exploitation, trafficking in some villages has been entirely
eliminated due to community efforts.


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The GOI supported and administered other national programs related
to the prevention of trafficking, but not designed specifically as
anti-trafficking efforts. These programs faced serious constraints
in terms of limited funds, institutional capacity, and corruption.
Some of the more relevant programs were:

-- A program to encourage free basic public education through the
first nine years of schooling, including subsidies for students from
poor families. A number of districts announced their achievement of
free public schooling.

-- School Subsidy Operation providing a subsidy to poor people.

-- A national program to eliminate gender inequality in education.

-- Programs to train female migrant workers.

-- Credit schemes for micro-businesses, some of which focused on

-- Revolving credit schemes for cooperatives and savings and loan

-- The Directorate of Women and Child Labor Monitoring in the
Manpower Ministry has allocated funds for the establishment and
operation of Provincial and District Action Committees on the
Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor.


The overall relationship between relevant GOI offices and NGOs
remained cooperative and mutually supportive on TIP-related issues.
Cooperation varied from agency to agency and location to location.
The GOI recognized the importance of NGO expertise, networks and
involvement. NGOs met regularly with officials and participated in
national and local task forces. The GOI and NGOs collaborated on
many TIP initiatives, including in protection of victims, public
awareness-raising, and in providing assistance to law enforcement
officials in investigations and prosecutions. The police and NGOs
continued to share information on trafficking. NGOs in Surabaya
reported that police generally smoothly integrated them into their
rescue and repatriation efforts and seemed satisfied with their


The implementation of bio-metric passports assisted immigration
officials to stop trafficking of children. Immigration, police,
prosecutors and judges from migrant worker transit areas were
trained together in 2009. DOJ, ICITAP and RSO conducted a series of
trainings throughout the country sensitizing officials to the use of
fraudulent documents and other issues in trafficking.

While the GOI has made some efforts to increase passport integrity,
Indonesia's passport services, remained the object of widespread
corruption. Indonesians are able to easily obtain passports with
false and multiple identities. Recruitment agencies routinely
falsified birth dates, including for children, in order to apply for
passports and migrant worker documents.

The GOI did not effectively monitor immigration and emigration
patterns for evidence of trafficking, with some limited exceptions.
On the whole, immigration officials and law enforcement agencies did
not have the equipment, capacity or tools to generate useful
information, or did not prioritize such information. There is a
need to train immigration officials at the borders, particularly, to
identify and protect VOTs. IOM has been awarded a grant to begin
such a project in 2010.

The Transnational Crime Center (TNCC),which includes trafficking as
one focus, was established in 2004 and has aggressively tackled

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In 2006, Indonesia signed the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection
and Promotion of the Rights and of Migrant Workers, committing
itself to an extensive list of protections.

At the national level, the Women's Ministry served as the focal
point for GOI actions on TIP. The People's Welfare Coordinating
Ministry, which includes the Women's Ministry under its umbrella,
also played a key role in coordinating efforts across different
agencies. The 2002 National Action Plan stipulated that the GOI set
up a National Anti-Trafficking Task Force. Presidential Decree No.
69/2008 established this national and local taskforces. The
Coordinating Minister for the People's Welfare and the Women's
Empowerment Minister runs the task force, which includes 19 members
including other ministries and law enforcement agencies, the
national statistical bureau, NGOs, and civil society groups.
Responsibility for provincial and district-level programs varies
from location to location. A growing number of provinces and
districts have their own task forces or committees.

The NGO Advocacy for Women and Children (AWC) in Surabaya and other
Surabaya NGO interlocutors praised the police and local government
for soliciting the NGO's assistance and participation on trafficking
issues. AWC noted that the police call the NGO when they rescue
victims or need assistance. Moreover, the City Administration has
invited the AWC to participate in a regional task force that
includes police, prosecutors, and government agencies and is tasked
with drafting a standard operating procedure to assist and protect
tip victims. AWC said that police frequently help repatriate TIP
victims, but often victims are repatriated immediately--
particularly if there are large groups being repatriated at once--
without an opportunity to recover and recuperate and without
sufficient financial assistance to cover repatriation. AWC also
said that the City maintains adequate shelter facilities for
trafficking victims and provides medical, psychological and social
counseling assistance to trafficking victims.

The GOI actively participated in multilateral and international
coordination efforts to combat trafficking under UN, ASEAN and
regional frameworks.


In 2008 the GOI completed evaluating the 2002-2007 National Action
Plan. In 2009, the GOI signed the new action plan on the
Eradication of Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation for
2009-2014. This was promulgated in September 2009 as Government
Regulation NO. 25/2009.

In the 2008 GOI evaluation of the 2002-2007 National Plan of Action,
they noted that many local stakeholders did not yet fully understand
the 2007 law and thus there were difficulties in implementation.

The Attorney Generals' office, the police, and NGOs have agreed on
the importance for Indonesia to prioritize six initiatives to combat
trafficking in the new 2009-2014 Action Plan. They are as follows:

--Coordination between government agencies: the need to establish a
secretariat with full-time staff to take on centralized
responsibility of ensuring coordination between government agencies.
To improve coordination, budgets from each government agency should
be coordinated to avoid overlap of activities.

--Data gathering and management: There is a lack of data and
information on trafficking patterns and responses within Indonesia.
A dedicated unit with full time staff to monitor the collection of
data on trafficking is needed.

--Reformation of the legal migration system to reduce opportunities

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for exploitation: Many current policies are based on the assumption
that trafficking occurs through illegal migration streams. However,
the current migration system may facilitate exploitation and
trafficking and thus should be reviewed to ensure all possible
protections are in place while freedom of movement is respected.
There needs to be a greater focus on respect for the rights and
additional protections for migrant workers, with a particular focus
on domestic workers.

--Debt bondage practices are increasingly identified as a common
mechanism of exploitation that leads to trafficking and forced
labor. Widespread education of stakeholders on debt bondage as well
as awareness-raising of vulnerable communities is needed.

--Arrest, prosecution and asset confiscation of traffickers and
those facilitating trafficking: An increased commitment to effective
deterrence through criminal prosecution and monetary penalties is
needed, including asset confiscation of traffickers. Trafficking
needs to be made an unprofitable venture by pursuing corporations
complicit in trafficking and taking strong action against government
officials involved in trafficking practices.

--Child Sexual Exploitation: Increase efforts around child sexual
exploitation are needed by reforming criminal laws so that the
purchase of sex from children is clearly criminalized. Specific
training is needed on this issue for the police and the general


Law Enforcement

Police and prosecutors began using the 2007 anti-trafficking law
soon after it passed, not waiting for implementing regulations. By
the end of 2008, GOI passed and promulgated all three implementing
regulations for its 2007 comprehensive legislative framework, Law
No. 21. This means that a comprehensive legal framework is in
place, which increases victim protection and should facilitate the
prosecution of trafficking under its statutes. It makes it easier,
for example, for prosecutors to use circumstantial evidence to
demonstrate intent in TIP cases. Implementation of this key
framework, however, is still underway. Police and prosecutors,
still unfamiliar with the new legislation, are often reluctant or
unsure of how to effectively use it to punish traffickers.
Prosecutors instead often rely on more traditional criminal remedies
to prosecute tip cases as crimes of violence, extortion, pimping
statutes. They use laws such as the Penal Code, Child Protection
Act, the Manpower Placement Act and the Manpower Act. Police
routinely use the new law but prosecutors and judges are using it
still sporadically, even when cases are brought forward by police
under the new law.

Indonesian National Police, in particular the Criminal Investigation
Department, the Anti-Trafficking Unit and the units dedicated to the
protection of women and children (called PPA),are working with the
UNODC, DOJ, ICITAP, RSO, DHS and other U.S. agencies and NGOs to
learn how to identify cases and victims of trafficking in persons,
investigate trafficking-related offences and improve cooperation
within the criminal justice system and between States.

The Police CID unit headquarters released a report of 142 arrests
(involving163 offenders) in 2009. (Note: Local law enforcement
officials will provide us with additional information, including the
number of prosecutions and convictions, so that we may confirm this.
Police and the AG's office explained that many district and
provincial level police and district attorney's offices have not yet
recorded and reported their cases, so we expect these numbers to
increase.) On many occasions, offenders who committed crimes
elsewhere but were apprehended in Jakarta-where trafficking law
awareness is high--had to be sent and tried in the districts where
they committed those crimes and where the law enforcers are unaware

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of or still anxious about using trafficking statutes.


The police continued their efforts in 2009 to apprehend trafficking
offenders and rescue victims. One ongoing challenge is that in
Indonesian law, police and prosecutors do not officially work
together on a case until the police have given the dossier over to
the prosecutor. In DOJ training, the RLO urged earlier cooperation
between police and prosecutors in order to help build a more
effective case. Police, prosecutors, immigration officials and NGOs
used training opportunities to help build communication networks
across provinces which helped bring to light syndicates and
trafficking rings across provincial borders.

In 2009, the Women and Children's Unit of the Provincial Police of
West Kalimantan Police in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, uncovered and
raided a transit house for TIP victims. The women, 16-25 years old,
were recruited from many provinces in Indonesia to be sex workers in
brothels and karaoke joints. Some of them were trafficked to Kuching
city in Serawak, Malaysia. The pimp and owner of this place, an
Acehnese ethnic man from Jakarta, was apprehended and is awaiting
trial. The women were forced to find their own food, promised 1.5
million to 2 million rupiah ($100- $150 a month) salaries and were
not paid.

In North Sulawesi, police reported that they had rescued thirty
children who were trafficked to Papua to work in bars.

Also in 2009, fifty women and girls were rescued when Police
Commissioner Fatmah Noer, Head of the Women and Children's Unit of
the West Java Provincial Police led a cross-border raid on a karaoke
bar and a brothel in West Java and in Bangka Belitung Provinces.
Her unit arrested a female pimp (born in South Sumatra Province),
her bodyguards in Bangka Belitung Province and accomplices in both
provinces. Seventeen of the victims were from West Java and the
rest were from across the country. They had been held in debt
bondage, forced to work long hours, paid low wages, threatened,
intimidated, and starved. They told police that their traffickers
have transferred other victims to Malaysia and Singapore. The
police worked with IOM, which assisted the return and recovery of 14
of the victims, and transport for the social worker.

An Indonesian court in 2009 convicted a Malaysian national of
trafficking crimes, giving him 10 years imprisonment. He recruited
and trafficked women from many provinces in Indonesia.

In February 2010, police in Surabaya, East Java arrested two
traffickers who were involved in an online underage child
trafficking and prostitution ring that used Facebook and Yahoo
Messenger to find recruits. At the end of February, 2010, Jakarta
police unraveled another online prostitution ring involving minors.
The suspect is facing a prison sentence of at least five years.

To aid trafficking investigations, police have liaison officers in
Indonesian embassies in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Australia,
Philippines and Thailand. These police liaison officers contributed
to growing international law enforcement cooperation, particularly
with Malaysia.

In 2009 the RSO and Indonesia National Police continued to work
together against traffickers, resulting in the police conducting
multiple raids and operations on trafficking rings throughout 2009.
In February, police rescued 16 victims who were to be sent to the
States illegally when they raided the safe house. The police
arrested the two traffickers, who had recruited them in Bali, taken
them to Jakarta and kept them in the safe house while preparing for
visa interviews. Also in February, RSO presented evidence to the
police gathered since May 2008 that Mitra Tama Agency was a
potential human smuggling/trafficking organization. On February 12,
Unit 4 (anti-trafficking unit) raided MTA, arresting two owners for
violation of fraud under the Indonesian penal code.

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On April 22, the police arrested two possible traffickers, owners of
the Citra Jaya Indonesia company which since RSO had been
investigating since December 2007 under operation headhunter. They
charged them with fraud under the Indonesian penal code and under
the manpower protection law.

In September 2009 INP arrested the owner of Sanjaya Tour and a staff
member and rescued twelve victims who were recruited in Bali and
kept in a safe house in Tangerang. The staff was later released
due to lack of evidence. October arrests of suspects in the same
ring, a human smuggling operation, brought the total to 16. This
complicated visa scam involved the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, and
one of those arrested was a trade ministry official.

In November, a trafficker who counterfeited documents and three of
his clients were arrested. They were to work for him in the U.S. in
debt bondage, owing $600 per month for ten months once employed.

According to Surabaya Police in Surabaya, East Java province, police
actually has been doing the maximum to arrest traffickers and apply
the new anti-trafficking law. However, prosecutions of trafficking
cases run too slowly. The prosecution of some trafficking cases
from 2008, for example, is not yet complete. A police officer from
Surabaya Police's Detective Unit gave an example, that in 2009 he
rescued trafficking victims from Bangkalan (Madura) when they were
carried in a truck full of vegetables. He also arrested the
trafficker. There was no follow up and prosecution on this case.

Police in Surabaya arrested dozens of traffickers during the
reporting period. Only a few of them, however, were brought before
the court due to lack of evidence, corruption, and lack of
understanding on the new anti trafficking law. Sometimes
prosecutors and judges only sentenced the field worker and freed the
main trafficker (the real actor).
On April 14, 2009, Surabaya State Court held the trial of Ana
Tamina, trafficking suspect and owner of "Sembrodo" Brothel in
Surabaya. She was charged under article # 88 of Child Protection Law
# 23/2003 and article # 506 of Criminal Code of gains from
conducting a prostitution business.

On April 22, 2009, Surabaya State Court freed Hengky Hariyono, owner
of a brothel at Jarak prostitute area from trafficking charges. The
judges were of the view that Hengky's brothel actually benefits
prostitutes by helping them to find customers. The Surabaya
Prosecution's Office submitted an appeal to the Supreme Court
following this verdict.

On April 29, Surabaya State Court freed Sapta Wahyu from trafficking
charges. The panel of judge argued that Sapta Wahyu's case was not a
trafficking case. NGO Samitra Abhaya KPPD who assisted the victim
argued that it was clearly trafficking a case as the suspect locked
up and raped the victim.

On August 27, 2009 Surabaya State Court held the trial of Bambang
Ismoyo who was accused of selling a woman named Erfina Setyawati for
prostitution. Bambang was charged under article # 2 of the anti
Trafficking Law # 21/2007 and under the Child Protection Law.

These cases show both the complexity of the trafficking situation
and the Indonesian government's increasingly successful efforts to
use new tools and work across agencies and borders to identify,
protect, and repatriate victims of trafficking.


The New Anti-Trafficking Law

On March 20, 2007, the Indonesian national legislature passed Law
No. 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of the Criminal Act of Trafficking
in Persons. The law defines trafficking, establishes harsh
punishments, provides protections for victims and witnesses,
provides services and restitution to victims, and calls for actions

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to address trafficking. In 2007 and 2008, GOI passed all three
implementing regulations under the law:

The National Police Decree No. 10 of 2007 was enacted on July 6,
2007 to provide the organizational structure and procedures for a
special unit providing services to women and children.

Government of Indonesia Regulation No. 9 of 2008 on Procedures and
Mechanisms for Integrated Service Centers regarding Witnesses and/or
Victims of Trafficking in Persons requires the establishment of
"integrated service centers" in every district and municipality to
provide services for trafficked persons and witnesses. It takes a
holistic approach to the services needed by trafficked persons and
witnesses. Providing integrated service centers will promote the
return and social integration of a victim or witness in the form of
medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation and legal assistance.
The regulation states that funding for the centers will come from
both local and national governments but does not specify sources of
funding or allocation of funding.

A third regulation, to establish counter-trafficking task forces at
the national, provincial and district/municipal levels was
promulgated on November 6, 2008. The national task force formed
under the new law met for the first time in early 2009. Indonesia
has achieved all three goals of the implementing regulations. It
has established new police units, and now has to work to build their
capacity. It has established one stop service centers and task
forces which have started working effectively.

Local governments are also creating legislation to combat
trafficking. In an unprecedented move in one of Indonesia's major
source provinces, West Java, the District of Cianjur on 17 February
2010, issued a new district by-law (Perda) to combat trafficking
which NGOs in the district have long pushed for. The local
parliament (DPRD) approved and issued the new law. In 2009 around
300 trafficking victims from Cianjur, mostly Southern Cianjur were
trafficked to Middle East.


The National Plan of Action encourages provincial and local
governments to establish their own anti-trafficking regulations and
a number have done so. Notable are strong anti-trafficking or women
and child protection laws which reflect local reactions to the
trafficking problem and are being used vigorously.

In 2004, the DPR passed Law 39/2004 on the protection of migrant
workers abroad. The law provides greater regulation of the migrant
worker recruiting and placement process. It establishes jail
sentences of 2 to 15 years for unlicensed labor recruitment
agencies. However, NGOs often criticize this law as ineffective and
of little real assistance to migrants in need of protection. IOM
has a pending proposal to help revise this law in order to emphasize
its protection aspects. Post has sent a cable indicating its
support of this proposal.

In 2009, the GOI initiated two pieces of legislation that will be
powerful tools to punish traffickers for their crimes. First, an
interagency Indonesian legislative drafting team completed and sent
to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights for review a draft law
that will allow the government to pursue traffickers and other
criminals through non-conviction based asset forfeiture. Once
Parliament passes the legislation, the government of Indonesia can
forfeit the assets of criminals even in the absence of a criminal

The second important legal initiative is the administration's
amendment of a new draft anti-money laundering law that broadens
predicate offenses for money laundering to include any offense with
a jail term of more than one year. This law will apply to
trafficking cases, providing another way to punish traffickers.

In addition to a comprehensive legal framework for trafficking,
implementing regulations and these new legal tools, Indonesia has

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also ratified almost all major conventions relating to trafficking.
In 2009, Indonesia has also signed the UN Convention against
Transnational Organized Crime and its supplemental Protocol to
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially
Women and Children. In addition to those referred to above,
Indonesia has ratified ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labor, the UN
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and
has signed the optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of
the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child


The Criminal Code, Article 285, stipulates a maximum of 12 years
imprisonment for rape committed outside of marriage. Other generally
less severe criminal sanctions apply for sexual intercourse with a
minor, forcing a person to commit an act of sexual abuse of a minor,
facilitating minors to perform acts of obscenity, and other related
offenses. The 12-year maximum jail sentence for rape exceeds the
6-year maximum for trafficking under the Criminal Code, but is
similar to the 15-year maximum penalty for trafficking of children
under the Child Protection Act.


As a matter of national law, Indonesia has not legalized
prostitution. Indonesia's Penal Code does not explicitly mention
prostitution, but the Code's Chapter 14 refers to "crimes against
decency/morality," which many within national and local governments
interpret to apply to prostitution. Central government officials
contacted by the Embassy agreed in their interpretation that the
Penal Code renders prostitution illegal. The prostitution of
children is clearly illegal under the Penal Code and the 2002 Child
Protection Act.

The Penal Code can be used to prosecute the acts of pimps, brothel
owners and enforcers on the basis of various crimes, including:
using violence or threats of violence to force persons to conduct
indecent acts (Article 289, with a maximum penalty of nine years in
jail); facilitating indecent acts (Article 296, with a possible jail
term of 16 months); conducing/facilitating public indecency (Article
281); and making profits from the indecent acts of a woman (Article
506, with a possible one-year jail sentence). In practice,
authorities rarely pursued such charges against those involved in

Clients of child prostitutes can be charged under the Penal Code and
the Child Protection Act. In theory, married persons who are
clients of prostitutes can be charged for engaging in sexual
relations outside of marriage (Penal Code Article 284). In general,
police did not arrest and pursue charges against clients of

While contrary to societal and religious norms in Indonesia, the
practice of prostitution is widespread and largely tolerated in many
areas of the country, particularly when it is not a matter of public
display. Although contrary to national interpretations that the
Penal Code prohibits prostitution, authorities in some localities
have formally or informally regulated prostitution in response to
community pressure. In some areas, including certain locations in
Papua, brothel owners registered prostitutes with the police with a
view to demonstrating that the prostitutes are not coerced or

Some local governments gained important tax revenues from otherwise
legal entertainment businesses, such as karaoke bars, that also
offer prostitution. Individual police and other officials also
gained illegal income as a result of prostitution. These factors
encouraged the tendency to tolerate prostitution, according to


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In some instances, the police, particularly those who had received
anti-trafficking training, used active investigation techniques to
develop trafficking cases. The police used undercover operations to
some extent. In the past, police occasionally employed electronic
surveillance using technical expertise developed for
counter-terrorism. Information collected through electronic
surveillance is not admissible in Indonesian courts except in cases
of terrorism. The cooperation of victims and witnesses was
important to police and prosecutors in making cases against
traffickers. According to a number of the police, GOI officials and
NGOs, victims frequently avoided testifying because of the prolonged
nature of court cases, their desire to return to their home areas
and lack of financial assistance to maintain themselves. This
complicated prosecution efforts. In some cases, police did not
detain suspects, who then subsequently disappeared and did not
present themselves in court. NGOs criticized police who rescued
victims but often failed to pursue traffickers who fled to other
regions or left the country.


Training of law enforcement officials by USG and international NGOs
greatly increased this year, with strong cooperation by Indonesian
officials. Over a thousand police, prosecutors and judges were
trained in anti-trafficking techniques in 2009 and 2010.

Since October 2007, US Mission Jakarta's RSO has coordinated with
the INP to target criminal syndicates that specialize in the
production and sale of counterfeit documents to facilitate human
smuggling and/or trafficking to the United States. RSO is
coordinating with Diplomatic Security Service's (DSS) Visa Fraud
Branch, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of
State's Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center to investigate these
syndicates. In February, 2009, RSO in conjunction with INP cracked
a fraudulent document ring which could have been used in
facilitating TIP.

From March to April 2009 USAID supported American Center for
International Labor Solidarity (Solidarity Center or ACILS) in
providing capacity training for Service Providers in the districts
of Indramayu, Cianjur, Pontianak, Batam, Sanggau, Tanjung Balai
Karimun, Tanjung Pinang and Sambas. A total of 170 participants
including representatives of local NGOs and local health office
attended the training.

RSO, in conjunction with Department of Justice's International
Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITIAP),
provided human smuggling and trafficking training courses to the INP
in 2008. RSO conducted multiple raids with the new anti-trafficking
unit which the INP set up after training with them in 2008. In
2009, ICITAP completed four training courses including 144 police,
49 prosecutors, 26 immigration officials and 14 NGO members. On
February 23-25, ICITAP held a training session on improving
Indonesian-Malaysian Cooperation in Combating Trafficking in
Persons. The trainees from Malaysia included 5 prosecutors, 7
police, 2 immigration officials, 2 Ministry of Home Affairs
officials and 2 maritime security officials. From Indonesia, 7
police officers from Bali, 3 from West Kalimantan Police, 1 from
Riau Islands Police and one from West Java Police, two from Interpol
Indonesia, 5 immigration officials and 5 prosecutors, 3 IGOs/NGOs
and 2 from UN. ICITAP also conducted 2 trainings of police trainers
in Bogor in January and February 2010 and one in Surabaya in late
February, training approximately 80 police.

In addition, a Department of Justice Regional Legal Advisor (RLA)
from Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and
Training (OPDAT) provided successful joint training to 70 officials
from Ministry of Manpower and Overseas Manpower Protection Agency,
along with judges, prosecutors, police and NGOs in February 2010 in
Surabaya, East Java. In November, 2009 OPDAT trained 35 police and
senior prosecutors in Bandung. The training provided opportunities
for collaboration and cooperation among the community of TIP

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In addition, IOM trained police, prosecutors, immigration official
and judges in a series of national workshops.

Solidarity Center (ACILS) and ICMC completed a three year project
with USAID in September 2009 called ATP. (Anti-Trafficking in
Persons). They targeted eight districts for special assistance in
delivering effective services to trafficking victims. These
assisted the local task forces to develop policies and procedures
for service provision. They also trained mass social organization
partners PKK, PGRI and FSPMI by delivering awareness raising
information about human trafficking and safe migration to 224,151
people. With ATP assistance, the National Task force and local task
forces in eight target districts held a two-day strategic planning
workshop on August 12, 2009 in which stakeholders shared information
and improved coordination.


The GOI cooperated with other governments, particularly Malaysia, in
the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases during 2009.
Indonesian and Malaysian law enforcement officers worked together to
stop trafficking operations.

In the past, Indonesia and Australia cooperated in the
investigations of Australian pedophiles victimizing children in Bali
and the current case in Jakarta, and syndicates trafficking women to
Australia. We have a pedophile case being worked by the FBI with
the assistance of the Indonesian government.


Indonesia maintains extradition treaties with only five countries or
territories, but very seldom utilizes this mechanism to seek
extradition of its citizens, preferring less formal options such as
rendering and deportation. Indonesia does not have a history of
extraditing or rendering its own citizens to other countries.

Indonesia did not extradite any traffickers during this reporting
period and there were no reports of such requests from other

Indonesian police and officials have cooperated with foreign
governments, including the U.S. and Australia, in the apprehension
and repatriation of foreign sex offenders.

The AGO office has reached an agreement to extradite an Australian
who committed sex offenses to boys during his work in Indonesia. The
offender is now waiting to be sent to Indonesia to be tried for a
pedophile case he committed.


The AGO has prepared final prosecution papers on Peter Smith, an
Australian national being charged with sexual exploitation of street
children in Jakarta. The AGO is now finalizing their agreement with
Australian government to extradite Peter to put him in trial in


Indonesia has signed and in most cases ratified international
instruments related to the worst forms of child labor and the
trafficking of women and children:

-- The House of Representatives ratified a United Nations protocol
against human trafficking which aims to stop and punish human
traffickers, particularly those trafficking women and children, and

JAKARTA 00000258 021 OF 026

is part of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime.
The protocol will allow law enforcers to charge those responsible
for trafficking people with the maximum possible sentence in a move
to crack down on trafficking syndicates.

-- In 2009 the House of Representatives ratified a UN protocol
against human trafficking which aims to stop and punish human
traffickers, particularly those trafficking women and children, and
is part of the UN convention against transnational organized crime.

-- In 2009 the House of Representatives ratified a UN protocol
against smuggling of migrants.

-- The GOI signed ILO Convention 182 concerning the elimination of
the worst forms of child labor and ratified this with Law No. 1 of
2000 on March 8, 2000.

-- Indonesia ratified ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labor in 1950.
The GOI ratified ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition of Forced Labor
in 1999.

-- Indonesia signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and
Child Pornography, and ratified this in September 2001.

-- Indonesia signed in December 2000 the UN Convention Against
Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress
and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The GOI ratified the Convention
and Protocol in 2009.

-- On September 25, 2003, Indonesia signed the Convention for the
Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the
Prostitution of Others, 1950, and the Convention's Final Protocol.
Indonesia has not yet ratified these instruments.



National and local level assistance efforts continued or increased
over the past year, although they remained small in comparison with
the scope of the problem. The Social Service Ministry operated 22
shelters and trauma clinic, they called, RPTC or Rumah Perlindungan
dan Trauma Center in various provinces in Indonesia. These shelters
are open to traumatized victims of violence and trafficking. In
2007 the Ministry ordered that comprehensive one stop social and
medical services for victims be set up. Police often refer victims
to these shelters which provides psychologists, social worker,
psychoanalyst, and medical teams. A referral system within this
shelter will refer victims to other organizations and institution
for special care. Although government funds are available, the
needs for training and capacity building are urgent. The shelter
will also need a special room in which to provide services and tools
to assess victims privately before referring them for further care.

The National Police operated numerous "integrated service centers,"
providing health services to TIP and other victims of violence.
Four of these are full medical recovery centers specifically for
trafficking victims. The GOI pays for about a third of the cost of
treating victims by offering intensive care treatment for the cost
of ordinary care funded by IOM. These trafficking victim recovery
centers have treated thousands of patients since opening in 2005.
The integrated service centers in Jakarta, Surabaya, Pontianak and
Makassar provide support services such as temporary shelter,
medical, psychological, and legal assistance. The National Police
established a "medical recovery center" at the National Police
Hospital in Jakarta with the help of IOM.

The health department provides 20 government funded hospitals, and
will coordinate with private hospitals in coming years to assess,
help, and cure victims specifically for their problems. In 2009,

JAKARTA 00000258 022 OF 026

the GOI provided funding for the Ministry of Health for trafficking
victims. The MOH will pay all forensic evidence expenses for
victims of trafficking or violence. In 2009, police or prosecutors
often referred victims to the health Ministry to pay for the
forensic exams.

The Regional Offices of Women's Empowerment also operates the
Integrated Service Center for Empowering Women and Children (PTP),
centers for women and children. These provide medical, economic,
and legal services to victims of trafficking and violence.


The GOI provided some funding to domestic NGOs and civil society
groups that supported services for TIP victims, usually as part of a
larger program rather than one focused exclusively on trafficking.
At the national level, for example, the People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry and the Social Affairs Ministry provided food
assistance to social centers and safe houses nationwide. According
to ICMC and ACILS and other organizations, local governments across
Indonesia funded NGOs to provide services to victims, including
shelters, medical exams and training.

In local raids, the police and AGO office did always not understand
how best to deal with victims. In identifying and referring
victims, these officials need deeper insights from humanitarian
agencies and social workers. This need is easily filled by NGOs in
big cities, but it is still a problem in many districts. In
Surabaya, for example, NGOs emphasized their close cooperation with
police in rescuing and protecting victims.


In Jakarta, a screening system is in place at the Tanjung Priok
seaport to refer cases of abused migrant workers and trafficking
victims to the city's police hospital. NGOs active in migrant
worker advocacy also identify and refer returned migrant workers who
need medical attention. An NGO screening process was also in
practice in Surabaya. However, at Jakarta international airport's
Terminal Four, screening by officials is sometimes cursory and many
trafficking victims appear to slip through without being helped.

Women's help desks at provincial and district level police offices
typically have formal or informal arrangements in place with local
NGO's to provide short-term shelter and a modicum of care for
trafficking victims. In general, however, long-term care does not
appear to be available in the absence of private assistance through
an NGO. The AGO's office is concerned about how to assess victims
in districts where no NGO is available to assist them and accompany
the victims. The issue of trafficking is still new for some areas
in Indonesia, where no NGO or government agencies are available to
help them deal with the situation.


The GOI's written policy, found in its annual trafficking report, is
that, "from a legal perspective, the Government treats persons who
are trafficked not as criminals, but as victims who need help and
protection." The People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry, the
Women's Ministry, and training conducted by international NGOs and
DOJ/ICITAP, reinforced this policy during the year in public
settings and trainings of police and other officials. Police who
received ICITAP training demonstrated greater awareness of and
respect for TIP victims.

Local government and police practice varied, particularly in the
lower ranks of law enforcement agencies. Local governments,
exercising greater authority under the nation's decentralization
program, sometimes enacted regulations that tend to treat trafficked
prostitutes as criminals, contrary to national policy. In many

JAKARTA 00000258 023 OF 026

instances, GOI officials and police actively protected and assisted
victims. In other cases, police officers treated victims,
particularly trafficked prostitutes, as criminals, subjected them to
detention, and took advantage of their vulnerability to demand
bribes and sexual services. The media and lower level officials,
including police, frequently failed to protect victims' identities
and commonly provided victims' names to the public.

The GOI's policy is not to detain or imprison trafficking victims.
Police implementation of this policy varies in practice. Not all
local government laws comply with this policy. Local police often
arrested prostitutes, presumably including trafficking victims, who
operated outside recognized prostitution zones on charges of
violating public order. Police raids on prostitute areas commonly
resulted in the arrest of prostitutes, rather than users or pimps.
On occasion, the police detained victims, sometimes to gain their
testimony or in the belief they were protecting the victims from
traffickers. In other cases, police detained victims in order to
extract bribes.

There was a growing understanding of the need to protect Indonesian
victims of trafficking. This included case of foreign prostitutes
trafficked to Indonesia. They were screened for trafficking and the
GOI worked with the governments of the countries of origin for the
humane repatriation of victims.


The GOI encourages victims to assist in the investigation and
prosecution of traffickers. The GOI reported that victims
frequently were reluctant or refused to provide testimony out of
shame and fear of retribution against themselves and their

There have been reports of police officers who refused to receive
complaints from trafficking victims, but insisted instead that
victims and traffickers reach an informal settlement (for example,
payment of debts in return for a prostitute's release from a

In order to enforce law and apprehend more traffickers, witness
testimony is vital. The AGO office reported that they have limited
funds to facilitate bringing witnesses from far away.


The functions of the women's help desks at provincial and district
level police stations include protection of women and children
during the police investigation process of crimes such as
trafficking. Some of the desks functioned reasonably well, while
others did not function adequately.

With the new anti-trafficking law and the Witness Protection law,
police routinely offer witnesses special protection such as giving
testimony via videotape. The new Witness Protection Commission
(LPSK) affords a mechanism to shelter and protect trafficking
victims as well as a mechanism to fund their assistance and care.
The legislation establishing the witness protection commission
authorizes the Commission to protect victims and witnesses and
arrange for their assistance and compensation. All women's desks set
up special victim interview rooms in 2008 and 2009, in some cases
including a video camera to film testimony.

-------------- -

NGOs, international organizations, ICITAP, and DOJ OPDAT have
assisted in the training of Indonesian officials, including how to
identify and screen for trafficking victims. IOM has worked with
Indonesian diplomatic offices, police, attorney general's office,
and in Malaysia to improve their screening procedures for potential
trafficking victims.

JAKARTA 00000258 024 OF 026


The government of Indonesia (GOI) is taking trafficking issues
seriously, and is focusing on the welfare of Indonesian citizens
overseas. A government working group in conjunction with the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) rescued and
repatriated 425 Indonesian workers from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and
Amman, Jordan on January 20, 2010. On January 18, 2010, a
collaborative group of government ministries facilitated the
repatriation of 199 Indonesian migrant workers from the Indonesian
Embassy shelter in Kuwaiti. The National Police screened for
minors. IOM encouraged the Department of Social Welfare to screen
for trafficking victims, who they then referred to IOM for medical

Genta Foundation works closely with the police in evacuating
trafficking victims from local brothels and provides shelter,
protection and medical assistance at a privately funded shelter
maintained at their offices. The foundation has signed a
memorandum of understanding with the police, which outlines the
assistance the NGO will provide to rescued victims. The members
operate a program that counsels local prostitutes on HIV/AIDS.
Whenever they find an underage prostitute, they ask the brothel
owner to release the minor to the NGO. If the owner refuses they
notify the police, who then raid the establishment. They were very
complimentary of the work of the police who they said have rescued a
number of trafficking victims.

The Genta Foundation also rescues migrant workers although the
majority of the cases they encounter involve children destined for
domestic servitude. While the police rescue labor trafficking
victims, NGO representatives stated that the police do not initiate
enough criminal cases. The NGO interlocutors were only aware of one
case involving a labor recruitment firm which is presently pending
in court. They also criticized the Law on the Protection of Migrant
Workers as poorly drafted, vague and difficult to apply in the
field. They added that police need training on how to investigate
and prosecute labor trafficking cases.

Rescued victims typically spend two weeks at the Genta shelter
before being returned home; the foundation carefully investigates
the family before repatriation to make sure the victim will not be
re-trafficked when returned. During those two weeks, victims receive
medical and psychological assistance and counseling, and if
necessary, victims can stay longer. Genta reports that their close
cooperation with the police, social services and the Manpower
Ministry effectively facilitates this reepatriation.

After a broad discussion of human trafficking, the role of NGOs and
NGO/police relations, and transnational criminal issues, the Center
inquired whether Embassy RLA would participate in a human
trafficking course at the law school, as well as a special program
for NGOs sponsored by the Center to address how law enforcement can
work with NGOs to ensure trafficking victim assistance and
protection. Embassy RLA agreed to return in May to participate in
these programs.

Some of the more prominent NGOs are Solidaritas Perempuan (Jakarta),
LBH-Apik (Jakarta and West Kalimantan),Mitra Perempuan, Derap
Warapsari, Kalyanamitra, Yayasan Mitra Kesehatan dan Kemanusiaan or
YMKK (Bantam),Rifka Anisa (Yogyakarta),Asa Puan (West Kalimantan)
and LADA (Lampung). Some labor unions also provided services to
trafficking victims. The activities of these groups related to TIP
include: legal assistance, prevention and education programs,
medical services, clinics for children, research and advocacy,
counseling, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and shelters.
More NGOs have emerged over the past several years, including
Migrant Care, currently a leading advocacy body for migrant worker
rights and anti-trafficking.

The GOI continued strong cooperation with NGOs over the past year in

JAKARTA 00000258 025 OF 026

the area of assistance to trafficking victims. In some cases
government offices relied heavily on NGO input and advice. GOI
offices provided licenses to organizations and access to trafficking
victims, included NGOs on national and local action committees, and
interceded with law enforcement agencies in some cases to permit
NGOs to carry out their activities. NGOs frequently interacted with
the police, though mutual suspicions limited the interaction in some


Lita Anggraini, an activist for domestic workers rights, is 41 years
old. She is the coordinator of the National Network for Domestic
Worker Advocacy (Jala PRT),and advocates passionately for the
rights of domestic workers. Jala PRT works to ensure that domestic
workers are aware of their rights, and are acknowledged as well as
legally protected as workers.

She came to Jakarta in 2008 to help run Jala PRT, an umbrella
organization for 35 similar-minded groups across the country
established in 2004. Lita's motivation is to change the public's
mindset about domestic workers, making sure the rights of domestic
workers, both as citizens and workers are recognized and protected.

Most domestic workers in Indonesia - the country with reportedly the
largest number of domestic workers employed worldwide - ae women
from rural areas who have very little edcation. Domestic workers
have consequently been arginalized, as they are often looked down
on as econd-class citizens. They are also prone to physcal,
social and sexual abuse. But Lita retorts hat domestic workers
perform tasks that are as dgnified as other jobs in the formal
sector. Domstic workers play a crucial role in the society,
nabling other individuals to develop themselves an carry out their

To help empower domestc workers, Lita set up a domestic worker
school t RTND's headquarters i(n o*gyakarta in 2003 to provide
thr`-(month-long corrses. Participants are trained not only become
r"ofessional domestic workers but also citizens whouunderstand their
rights as workers and can fend for themselves in time of trouble.
By setting up as"chool, she said, she wanted to show the public thtt
domestic work also required skills. At the sam time, she is helping
domestic workers realize taat with each task well performed will
come a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of respect.

Whil joining the course, participants are also advisedtto form
their own organizations to increase thei bargaining power, fight
for their rights, reasoaable wages and working hours, as well as be
treated like workers, not slaves. To achieve these objeci(ves, with
the help of organizations she either hhairs or joins, Lita campaigns
for the rights ofd omestic workers through various media.

Section of the public have also recognized the need for domestic
workers to be protected by law. In 2005, a la PRT prepared a draft
bill concerning the proeection of domestic workers and proposed it
to the House of Representatives for deliberation. It was once
included in the House's 2004-2009 list of national legislation
programs (Prolegnas) but was never discussed. Only this year did it
finally become a priority for the 2010 Prolegnas.

Promising developments, according to Lita, have also been seen at
the international level with the International Labor Organization
(ILO) discussing legal instruments to protect domestic workers
either in the form of a convention or recommendations. She hoped the
Asian Domestic Worker Network and the International Domestic Worker
Network, co-established by RTND in 2005 and 2006, would encourage
people to respect the work of domestic workers.

Lita, an alumnus of the International Relations Department of Gadjah
Mada University's School of Social and Political Sciences, is
planning to establish a domestic work institute to help speed up the
struggle for domestic workers' rights. The institute is for anyone
who wants to know more about domestic workers, to foster in them a

JAKARTA 00000258 026 OF 026

sense of pride in their job. She hopes the institute would take off
either in Jakarta, Semarang or Yogyakarta in two years time.
(source: Jakarta Post)

Success stories:


The INP conducted raids in several places in the hope to find
trafficking victims, illegal drugs use and internal affairs control
activities. In some raids, the police found and apprehend their
officers supporting trafficking activities.

In December 2009, the district police from Aceh Singkil, Aceh, and
Southern Tapanuli, North Sumatera secured 4 female victims, and
unveiled and apprehended a female pimp, allegedly the head of
syndication of trafficking from Aceh to North Sumatera and other
parts of Sumatera to be recruited as sex workers. The police from
Singkil investigated a report from a victim escaping from one of the
caf/ brothels in North Sumatera. The Singkil police coordinated
with Southern Tapanuli CID and caught Ramhat, one of the
accomplices, who showed them where the brothel was located. Rahmat
recruited these girls promising a better job. Some even had romantic
relations with him. The cases are still ongoing.

On 17 June, 2009, District Police in Subang apprehended 2 men and
rescued 5 women that were to be trafficked to Bali. They were
promised work in the tourism industry in Bali. The prosecution is
ongoing (sources: INP).

On August 25, 2009, District police in Mataram stopped seven women
who were accompanied by another woman in a bus terminal in Bali.
The leader of the group told police that her brother in Bali would
provide work there for the other women. The police did not find any
legal supporting documents or representative from any recruitment
service to corroborate this.

The establishment of a special unit for Women and Children (PPA)
services within the police body nationwide as the first point of
contact for trafficking victims has contributed to the enforcement
of TIP laws in many parts of the country. The National Police
Decree No. 10 of 2007 was enacted on July 6, 2007, although such
units have existed for several years in some provincial and district
police unit. The PPA in many districts have developed a
communication mechanism among public prosecutor office, NGOS, and
counterparts' government agencies in health, social, and women
empowerment at the local level. The PPA has apprehended many
criminals and successfully increased public awareness. People may
now simply go to the police station to ask the police about women
and children's rights. The PPA unit in North Sulawesi, Aceh, West
Java, West Kalimantan, Jakarta, Bali, and many other places have
received reports from the public and proceeded with their
investigations accordingly. Due to budgetary limitations, in many
instances, the police have had to self-fund investigations and
travel at their own expense. Coordination and support from local
government, district or municipal governments is necessary to
resolve the issue and to maximize the impact of their work.


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