2010-02-16 07:39:00
Embassy Copenhagen
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DE RUEHCP #0088/01 0470739
R 160739Z FEB 10



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E.O. 12958: N/A



1. (U) Post is providing the following answers keyed to
question headings in REFTEL.


-- A. The following is a list of sources and their websites
that offer information regarding human trafficking in Denmark:

-The United Nations Human Rights Council -
-The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -
-The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights )
-The Danish Parliament )
-The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs )
-The Danish Ministry for Gender Equality )
-The Danish National Police )
-Statistics Denmark )
-Danish Director of Public Prosecutions )
-Womens' Council in Denmark )
-The Danish Institute for Human Rights )
-The Danish National Organization of Shelters for Battered
Women and their
Children )
-The Danish National Board of Social Services )
-The Danish Anti-Trafficking Center )
-Save the Children, Denmark )
-The Danish Red Cross )
-The Nest International )
- Safe and Alive )
- Pro Vest -
-The Prostitution Competence Center -
-Hope Now -
-Humanity in Action -
-Denmark International School -
-Danish Newspapers

Currently, the national efforts to combat Trafficking in
Persons are outlined in the National Action Plan (NAP):
"Danish Government's Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking
2007-2011." The effort is described as a holistic, nationwide
coordinated effort in offering support to victims of human
trafficking with a long-term goal of combating trafficking in
persons and reducing the number of persons trafficked to
Denmark. The four goals of the project are:

-to promote effective implementation of existing legislation
and law enforcement, to ensure the identification and
prosecution of traffickers
-to support victims, by improving the social assistance
available to them in Denmark
-to increase public awareness, so as to prevent human
trafficking by limiting the demand

-to prevent human trafficking by improving the international
cooperation, including developing preventative efforts in
home countries

Annual Reports on Implementation of the NAP are required.

According to a UN assessment, the National Center for
Investigations (NEC) of the Danish National Police carries
out national and systematic monitoring of, among other
crimes, trafficking in human beings.

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The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is engaged in funding
efforts to combat Trafficking in Persons abroad in Ukraine,
Belarus, and Moldova under the Danish Programme Against Human
Trafficking (DANATIP/DPHT). Its Report "Danish Programme
Against Human Trafficking 2009-2011" outlines both the status
of current goals and the targets for reducing trafficking in

This new program builds on the results of its predecessor
which ran 2006-2008. Working through key implementing
partners in Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus, which include both
international and non-governmental organizations, the
programme supports national counter-trafficking plans and
works with government agencies to support their role as
leaders of counter-trafficking efforts. The program works
within a widely recognized approach, whereby efforts are
focused within the three broad areas of prevention,
protection, and prosecution.

The program has four objectives:
(1) Strengthened national counter trafficking strategies and
(2) Streamlined and improved access to and provision of
services for VTs;
(3) Better targeted prevention activities effectively reach
vulnerable groups, and
(4) Strengthened international and regional co-operation on
responses to trafficking.

The Embassy assesses these sources to be very reliable, and
they are used by numerous respected international bodies when
compiling their own reports.

-- B. According to The Danish Anti-Trafficking Center, a
subset of the National Board of Social Services, Denmark is
considered a country of destination for trafficking. The
Danish National Police also consider Denmark as a transit
country in that the exchange of women between pimps in
Denmark and surrounding countries (principally within the
Schengen zone) creates a cross-border market, and the Danish
Red Cross names Denmark specifically as a transit country for
child victims of trafficking.

There have been no reports or known public acknowledgements
of Danish citizens in Denmark as victims of trafficking

Those who are most likely associated with trafficking
commonly come from the Baltic countries, East and Central
Europe, Nigeria, Thailand, and South America (Colombia,
Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia).

The Danish National Police believe that victims transiting
Denmark are often traded/resold between pimps within the
Schengen Zone and the Baltic Sea region).

From 01 August 2007 to 30 April 2009, investigators from the
Ministry of Refugee, Immigration, and Integration Affairs met
with 186 women suspected of being trafficked. It was
determined that 49 of them were victims of trafficking.

In the period 2007 to March 2009, The Danish Anti-Trafficking
Center reported that a collection of social organizations had
met with 683 women showing signs of being victims of
trafficking and determined that 94 were victims.

These meetings are done with cooperation between the
Government and NGOs as a part of the "Danish Government's
Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking 2007-2011."

As a whole, the National Board of Social Services says that
an estimated 1500 women have been met since the government's
action plan to combat trafficking came into force in 2007,
and it is estimated that at least 130 were victims of

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This year saw the first official report of a man as a victim
of trafficking in Denmark. The organization "Safe and Alive"
reported in July that a man, who had been kidnapped in
Nigeria, and trafficked through Spain and Germany, had been
rescued in Denmark. The 19 year old male had been trafficked
to Denmark in 2006 to serve in the sex industry.

Based on the information in this report, the TIP situation
has largely remained the same as the previous year. The Danes
are increasing the strength of their initiatives in combating
human trafficking, but the results have yet to affect the
overall situation from year to year.

-- C. Because all known cases of trafficking in Denmark
involve the sex industry, the conditions described by Danish
authorities are biased towards conditions related to victims
in the sex industry. Some are held in isolation and other
forced to be available for customers 24 hours a day. The
individual is not allowed to decide when to go home and is
often held in debt to the pimp. The debt is normally
established with, among other things, a debt contract which
the victim signs under which the debt is grossly out of
proportion to the actual cost of travel and travel document

Individuals have reported being raped by their pimps,
receiving personal death threats or threats to their families
at home, as well as being forced to have abortions if they
become pregnant.

-- D. According to the NAP and the 2009 National Police NAP
Status Update, the largest target group for the prevention of
human trafficking is, without comparison, women involved in
prostitution. However, the NAP also includes children
trafficked for crime, begging, or prostitution as well as men
or women trafficked for forced labor, prostitution, or organ

Almost all of the official confirmed reports of trafficking
in Denmark have involved the sex industry. Some reports
dealing with child victims of trafficking have examples of
children being trafficked into criminal pick-pocket rings.
Although there may not be concrete examples available, the
Danish Anti-Trafficking Center points out that victims of
trafficking in Denmark are at risk to be forced to work in
the following "industries" as well: private housework
(exploitation of au-pairs),hotel/restaurant work, factory
work, agricultural work, work in mines, or as "donors" for
organ sales.

-- E. Traffickers and Their Methods:

According to a 2009 report covering National Police efforts
against the perpetrators of human trafficking, the
traffickers/exploiters come from several different areas. One
example cites a married couple running a massage clinic,
which was involved in trafficking girls from Thailand.
Another cites a situation where women from Nigeria were being
intimidated by a local voodoo priest to cooperate with
traffickers by exploiting their fear of supernatural

More information on "ju-ju" intimidation can be found in the
Danish Immigration Service's 2008 Report: "Protection of
Victims of Trafficking in Nigeria."

In a memo to the Parliament, the Minister of Justice said
that Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs in Denmark are involved in
illegal prostitution. Since prostitution itself is not
illegal in Denmark, this statement implies their involvement
in the three related crimes under section 228 (Pimping),
section 229 (Trafficking Middleman),and section 262 (Human

COPENHAGEN 00000088 004 OF 020

Trafficking) of the Danish Criminal Code.

In March, a report claimed that three men involved in the
leadership ranks of Hell's Angels in the city of Aarhus, were
taken into police custody after it was discovered that they
had made roughly USD 800,000 on the trafficking of 20
Venezuelan girls for a private escort service. The case also
featured the arrest of two unnamed prominent members of
Aarhus society.

In reference to victims being trafficked to Scandinavia,
there are three major methods used to "recruit" them. The
first method is kidnapping. After either having worked as a
prostitute in their homeland or after being kidnapped by a
partner or friend, they are sold to a pimp and trafficked
abroad. Usually these women did not have financial problems,
but in many cases weak family ties. The second method is
baiting. Some women or young girls seeking employment abroad
in legal jobs such as waitresses, house workers, or
hair-stylists, are lured in by false promises of work by
"loverboys," family, "girlfriends," family members, or
someone in their circle. They are convinced to go abroad
without knowing the exact nature of their travel or who is
waiting on the other end. The girls are often poor and
uneducated, and therefore, are willing to take risks to
escape their economic situation. The third method is
exploitation through contract debt. In this case, women who
have agreed to work on the "softer" side of the sex industry
(i.e. strip clubs, bars) or as prostitutes in expectation of
quick money and returning home soon, are driven into a
contract debt out of proportion to the cost of travel and
documents. As a result, they become indentured servants who
are often put on call 24 hours a day for customers. Debts
are often sold to other pimps, who move the victim in order
to maintain a "fresh stable" for their clients. Children can
also be recruited by people who exploit a relationship of
trust to send them abroad.

Typically, the "recruiters" arrange the paperwork and
transport through both legal and illegal means to traffic
their victims. This arranged work is also often the source of
debt when victims are forced into indentured servitude.

One of the indicators that police use to identify trafficking
victims is false travel or identification documents. This
points to the fact that false documentation is a common
aspect of trafficked persons in Denmark. Denmark's membership
in the Schengen Agreement facilitates the movement of victims
among Schengen member states, as there are no immigration
checks when going from one country to another.

As suggested by the 2009 status report of the NAP, massage
clinics and bars are often involved in operating as front
organizations for prostitution and potentially for
trafficking. One example is the Thai massage parlor which was
trafficking young women from Thailand for use as prostitutes.

In a report released in early 2010, increasing evidence is
seen to reveal the use of "au-pair" organizations as front
companies for human trafficking.


-- A. Yes. In 2002, Section 262 was added to the Danish
Criminal Code, criminalizing Human Trafficking. In 2007, the
Danish Government established a National Action Plan to
combat trafficking in persons and also established The Danish
Anti-Trafficking Center under the National Board of Social
Services to coordinate the efforts of government entities and
non-government organizations to address the "social" aspect
of combating trafficking in persons.

-- B. The following government agencies and NGOs are working

COPENHAGEN 00000088 005 OF 020

together through the Danish Anti-Trafficking Center to combat
Human Trafficking:

For Coordination of Social Assistance Efforts:
- The Danish Anti-Trafficking Center (CMM) ) Leads the
coordinated effort (A Division of the National Board of
Social Services)
- The Nest International ) Provides international assistance
to trafficking victims (Under contract with CMM)
- Pro Vest ) Anonymous Advisory and Health Service for
Foreign Women (Under Contract with CMM)
- The Prostitution Competence Center ) A division of the
National Board of Social Services.
- The Odense Crisis Center for Battered Women ) Under
contract with CMM
- The Danish National Organization of Shelters for Battered
Women and their
Children ) Under contract with CMM
- The Danish Red Cross
- Hope Now - Provides counseling and support services to West
African trafficking victims and public awareness
- Humanity in Action - Provides education and public
awareness of human trafficking issues
- Denmark International School - Provides education on human
trafficking issues, including collaboration with U.S. Embassy
Copenhagen through course instruction

Data Collection and Law Enforcement:
- The Danish National Police ) Lead Organization
- The National Police Immigration Section
- The National Research Center (NEC) ) A Division of
theNational Police
- The Ministry of Justice
- The Danish Director of Public Prosecutions
- The Danish Immigration Service
- The Danish Ministry for Gender Equality

International Efforts:
- The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The Danish Immigration Service
- Humanity in Action - ties in their international network on
social issues, including combating TIP

-- C. The largest criticism of the government's plan to
combat human trafficking is its inability to get at the
traffickers themselves. More often than not, the victims of
trafficking are sent back to their country of origin. As a
result, they do not cooperate with local police because they
fear that their local authorities cannot protect them from
reprisal once they are returned home. So, in spite of the
increased attention and action on human trafficking, the
issue continues to be a problem in Denmark. Another
significant problem is the lack of training for police in the
harsh realities of human trafficking and in identifying

Corruption is not considered a significant problem in
Denmark. Transparency international rates Denmark as the 2nd
least corrupt country in the world according to its 2009
Corruption Perceptions Index.

The government has adequate resources to aid victims of
trafficking, within the limits of the NAP, and where it does
not, it engages the local NGOs to provide contracted

-- D. The government produces an annual status report on the
previous year's developments related to the NAP. In 2009 it
was published in June. The National Police also produce an
annual report on the status of the previous year's efforts
against human traffickers and pimps. The data for 2008 was
published in March. The Parliament also has periodic combined
committee hearings on the subject of human trafficking to
discuss the NAP and other efforts. The most recent hearing

COPENHAGEN 00000088 006 OF 020

was in October.

-- E. In 1968 Denmark established a computerized central
population registry (CPR),which included existing data from
population registers and now serves as a nationwide registry.
Each citizen is identified by a unique personal number,
which also keeps track of his/her data in the CPR. The CPR
contains all data relating to personal identification for
each registered person: name, address, birth registration,
citizenship, national church relationship, parentage, marital
status, and status information. Any information recorded in
the CPR's protected database concerning occupation, local
conditions, population register notes, subscription ratio,
suffrage, and residence status is dependent on individual
circumstances or wishes. A CPR is issued either at birth or
when one comes to live in Denmark. This information is the
basis for counting the population and discerning the ethnic
make-up of the society.

-- F. Between Denmark's Statistical Database and the National
Police Statistical Database, law enforcement authorities have
the capability to assess their efforts numerically. There are
not many gaps in their ability to collect information;
however, unregistered persons become difficult to account
for, although without a CPR number it is difficult to conduct
any kind of domestic business in Denmark. A CPR is necessary
to do simple things like open a bank account, obtain a cell
phone, or register with the Post Office. While it is
difficult, it is by no means impossible to live without a
CPR, and it is suspected that there are plenty of illegal
immigrants living within immigrant communities.


-- A. Existing Laws against TIP:

Section 262(a) of the Danish Penal Code specifically
prohibits trafficking in persons for sexual and non-sexual
purposes. Section 262(a) became effective on June 8, 2002.
It is formulated in order to implement the relevant UN
Protocol and the EU Framework. The law covers both internal
and external trafficking. The anti-trafficking law includes
a prohibition on slavery and exploitation of prostitution.
No changes have been made to this law since the previous
reporting period.

Section 262(a) reads as follows:

262(a): A person who by an act of recruiting, transporting,
transferring, housing, or subsequently receiving another
person shall be guilty of trafficking in humans and shall be
liable to a term of imprisonment of no more than eight years
if the following is used or has been used:
(1) Unlawful coercion, under Section 260,
(2) Illegal restraint, under Section 261,
(3) Threats, under Section 266,
(4) Unlawful inducement, encouragement or exploitation of a
mistake or
(5) Another manner of taking unfair advantage in order to
exploit the person in question for sexual immorality, forced
labor, slavery or slavery-like conditions or removal of

Subsection 2. In the same manner a person shall be subject to
punishment that exploits the person in question for sexual
immorality, forced labor, slavery or slavery-like conditions
or removal of organs,

(1) Recruits, transports, transfers, houses or subsequently
receives a person under the age of 18, or
(2) Provides payment or other consideration to obtain the
consent to the exploitation from a person who has custody of
the injured party and the person who receives such payment or
other consideration.

COPENHAGEN 00000088 007 OF 020

"Sexual immorality" shall be interpreted in accordance with
Section 228, subsection 1 of the Danish Penal Code concerning

"Slavery" exists when a person, according to a specific
assessment, is deprived of his or her liberty and is forced
to carry out hard work.

"Forced labor" shall be interpreted in accordance with
applicable international instruments, including the ILO
Forced Labor Conventions of 1930 and 1956.

The second law used to prosecute TIP cases is Section 228 of
the Danish Penal Code, which prohibits procurement (pimping).
Section 228 is used in suspected trafficking cases when
insufficient evidence exists to prosecute under the
anti-trafficking law.

Section 228 (in pertinent part) reads as follows:

228: Any person who-
(1) induces another to seek a profit by sexual immorality
with others; or
(2) for the purpose of gain, induces another to indulge in
sexual immorality with others or prevents another who engages
in sexual immorality as a profession from giving it up; or
(3) keeps a brothel;

-shall be guilty of procuring and liable to imprisonment for
any term not exceeding four years...

A third law, Section 229 of the Danish Penal Code, is also
used to prosecute those who act as intermediaries in human
trafficking. This section reads as follows:

229: Anyone who promotes sexual immorality for profit, or
repeatedly acts as an intermediary, or exploits another's
business for sexual immorality, can be punished by
imprisonment for up to 3 years or, under extenuating
circumstances, with a fine.

Subsection 2 - Those who rent out rooms in a hotel or inn for
use in commercial fornication, can be punished by
imprisonment for up to 1 year or, under extenuating
circumstances, with a fine.

Police investigate financial crimes associated with organized
crime activities. For instance, tax evasion and money
laundering convictions are often used to prosecute organized
crime networks that may be engaged in trafficking among their
criminal activities. While prosecution of traffickers under
these statutes can occur, prosecution under straight money
laundering and other charges can result in trafficking
victims never being identified as such, leaving them
ineligible for the forms of relief that they would be
eligible for if they were so identified.

Denmark has a sophisticated legal system. Civil remedies are
available to victims of torts and crimes, including
trafficking. In practice, trafficking victims do not pursue
civil remedies against traffickers. Danish authorities are
unaware of any instance of trafficking victims using
non-criminal statutes that allow for civil penalties.
Illegal contracts and illegal debts are unenforceable under
Danish law. Victims' compensation funds are available in
Denmark and all victims of a crime in Denmark (including
foreigners) are eligible to receive funds. The law
specifically provides additional compensation for victims of
sexual offenses and crimes involving deprivation of liberty.
The victims' compensation law is codified as State
Compensation to Victims of Crime (Consolidation) Act No. 688
of 28 June 2004.

COPENHAGEN 00000088 008 OF 020

Yes, Sections 228 and 229 are being used in trafficking cases.

-- B. Punishment of Sex Trafficking Offenses:

Trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation or forced
labor is punishable by a jail sentence of up to eight years.
Danish law also penalizes the deprivation of liberty under
Section 261 of the Danish Penal Code with up to 12 years
imprisonment if aggravated circumstances are identified.
Although these are maximum sentences, police assigned to
trafficking cases advise that a typical sentence would
generally be not more than two years and a sentence of three
or four years would be likely for a particularly heinous
violator. During the reporting period, every convicted sex
trafficker received a prison sentence.

-- C. Punishment of Labor Trafficking Offenses:

Section 262 of the Danish Penal Code, trafficking in persons
for forced labor, is subject to the same punishment as
trafficking for sexual exploitation. All known cases of
trafficking in Denmark involve trafficking for sexual

The act of depriving someone of freedom or compelling them
into service, is unlawful under Sections 260 and 261 of the
Danish Penal Code and is also addressed specifically in
Section 262a, which covers Human Trafficking.

-- D. Rape or Forcible Sexual Assault is illegal under
Section 216 of the Danish Penal Code. This law carries with
it a punishment of up to 8 years, and may be increased to 12
years under aggravated circumstances.

-- E. Law Enforcement Statistics:

Yes, the government has taken legal action against human
trafficking offenders during the current reporting period.
Statistics for 2009 have not yet been released by the
national police. Most of the reports that post is aware of
for 2009 come from the press. The following are examples of
events from 2009:

-In February, five people were arrested in Aalborg for the
trafficking of 5 African women and two Romanian women.

-In March, the Supreme Court delivered its first sentence
related to human trafficking when it sentenced a Croatian man
to three and a half years in prison and deportation from
Denmark for the 2006 exploitation of four Czech women. That
month also saw the previously mentioned arrest of the former
Hell's Angels man for his involvement in trafficking 20 women
from Venezuela.

-In April, an Israeli man and a woman of Czech origin were
sentenced to two and a half years of prison for the
trafficking of two Slovak women, but were cleared on charges
of pimping.

-In June, a Palestinian man and two others were arrested in
relation to the trafficking (262a) of a 40 year old Ugandan

-Also in June, the status report on the National Action Plan
was released. For the first quarter of 2009, it stated that
police received and were investigating 19 reports of pimping
(Section 228) and 6 reports of trafficking (Section 262a).
In the same time period, police raised 24 charges for pimping
(Section 228) and 12 charges of trafficking (Section 262a).
There were also 14 legal decisions (on both Section 228 and
Section 262a) resulting in 4 sentences.

-In July, a 50 year old man was charged with forcing a
Romanian woman into prostitution.

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-In September, Police took into custody one man and two women
on the suspicion of trafficking a series of Romanian women to

-In November, a Bulgarian man was charged with the
trafficking of several Romanian women.

Data released by the National Police for 2008 is as follows:
(Category/Section-228/Section-229/Section-262 )
Legal Decisions/28/1/15
Sentences/12/1 /7

Unfortunately, these cases can take longer than one year to
process and therefore, the number of sentences may not
reflect the results of the number of cases pursued over one
year. A good example is the Supreme Court case which
delivered a sentence in 2009 for actions in 2006. Therefore,
it is important to wait until the report for 2009 is released
to get a more accurate picture of the trend in cases and

-- F. The Danish Anti-Trafficking Center (CMM) has planned
and implemented upgraded courses for professional social
workers in one or two day seminars. This training is
conducted in collaboration among the CMM, the National Police
Immigration Section, the Public Prosecutor's Office, and the
National Center for Investigations (NEC). A series of
related seminars was held in November 2008 including one for
Danish diplomats and another for Red Cross personnel. In the
first quarter of 2009, the CMM spent three days at the Police
Training School training personnel on these subjects.
However, it is unknown how many officers were trained in
these sessions. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
office in Copenhagen assesses that the number is relatively

An International Organization for Migration representative
visited to explain the organization's structure and work
processes to contact personnel for the CMM, to help improve
their own efforts. The US also sent training personnel to
train CMM staff on US procedures and offered advice on how to
legally deal with the problem of Human Trafficking.

In 2007, the National Police instituted a standard training
course for all new personnel on how to identify and combat
human trafficking and pimping. The National Police and the
Public Prosecutor's Office also have collaborated to provide
increased training to case-workers and contact personnel
working in police districts. The National Police has also
been engaged with teaching at Danish Embassies around the
world to educate Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel on
human trafficking.

-- G. The Danish government cooperates with other governments
in the investigation and prosecution of crimes, both on a
bilateral and multi-lateral basis. On a bilateral basis,
Danish police regularly conduct joint investigations with
their Swedish and Norwegian counterparts. Cooperation on a
multilateral basis also occurs through numerous international
organizations. Denmark is an active member of Interpol and
Europol. Danish police also participate in a Nordic police
and customs cooperation network and chair a working group
focusing on criminal action related to drugs, prostitution
and money laundering committed by West Africans in, between
and through the Nordic countries. Additionally, Denmark is
an active member of the Task Force on Organized Crime in the
Baltic Sea Region. Danish police officers have also been
assigned to posts in Baltic countries to assist host
governments with organized crime investigations. Denmark
cooperates with legal attaches from several countries,
including the United States. International cooperation

COPENHAGEN 00000088 010 OF 020

focuses primarily on combating organized crime, narcotics
smuggling and terrorism. U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) works with the Danish Police, the Danish
Anti-Trafficking Center and NGO's in Denmark on trafficking
issues. This collaboration involves primarily best practices
and information exchanges. In May 2009, ICE hosted an
Anti-TIP/Forced Child Labor/Child Sex Tourism conference with
partners throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa and
included the Danish Police.

In 2009, the government has continued its efforts with
European Network for HIV/STI Prevention and Health Promotion
among Migrant Sex Workers (TAMPEP),especially with Sweden
and Norway. It has also been working on an ad hoc basis with
other European Countries to ensure that victims of
trafficking are helped by competent organizations once they
return to their home country. The IOM has been working under
contract since 2008 with the Immigration Service to provide
assistance for victims of trafficking who returned to their
home country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has also
continued efforts related to its 2008-2012 program aimed at
combating human trafficking coming from Ukraine, Moldova, and
Belarus through cooperation with local entities.

Although international investigations of organized crime
networks may involve groups that engage in trafficking in
Denmark, Danish authorities do not have data regarding any
specific international trafficking-related cases.

-- H. Denmark extradites persons to countries outside of the
EU, provided that there would be no human rights abuses on
the part of the receiving country. Danish nationals are
subject to extradition for crimes committed overseas.
Effective in 2007, Denmark may now prosecute Danish nationals
under Danish law for offenses committed overseas, even if the
offense does not constitute a crime in the foreign country.

To date, there have been no TIP-related extraditions or
requests for extraditions either to or from Denmark. However,
Danish authorities affirm that Denmark would extradite a
person charged with trafficking in another country, given
adequate human rights protections.

There are no known pending or concluded cases involving
traffickers being extradited to the USA. ICE regularly
engages with Danish counterparts in this area and has not
encountered any instances of human trafficking between
Denmark and the United States over the past several years.

-- I. There is no evidence of government involvement in or
tolerance of trafficking on any level in Denmark.

-- J.There is no evidence of any government officials being
involved in human trafficking in Denmark.

-- K. There have been no reported cases of Danish
peacekeepers, involvement in Human Trafficking. However,
Danish authorities state that any such accusation would be
investigated and, if warranted, the accused would be
prosecuted. Denmark is an active participant in
international peacekeeping missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan
and other countries. In compliance with NATO standards,
Denmark adopted a zero-tolerance policy in relation to its
forces and personnel overseas. The Ministry of Defense
provides general human rights training to all soldiers prior
to and during overseas deployments. As part of this human
rights training, the Ministry describes its zero-tolerance
policy regarding human trafficking. Danish soldiers
participating in NATO operations also receive instruction on
trafficking through NATO as part of their training.

-- L. Denmark is not normally identified as a destination
country for sex tourism. The legal age of consent in Denmark
is 15 (18 for a person offering sexual services for

COPENHAGEN 00000088 011 OF 020

compensation). ICE has worked with Danish authorities to
investigate allegations of child sex tourism to Denmark,
however these cases have not led to any U.S. prosecutions as
the age differences between the participants has been
minimal, the sexual activities were consensual and no
violations of Danish law occurred.

Effective in 2007, Denmark may now prosecute Danish nationals
under Danish law for offenses committed overseas, even if the
offense does not constitute a crime in the foreign country.
According to Secion 222 of the Danish Penal Code, it is
illegal in Denmark to have sex with a child under the age of


According to the campaign &Stop Sex Tourism,8 sponsored by
the Danish National Police and Save the Children, no official
statistics exist regarding the number of Danes who are
arrested and brought to court for sex-tourism.

An investigation published in February by the Danish branch
of Save the Children was able to document, from various
official and unofficial sources, that a small number of
Danish citizens were involved in the sexual exploitation of
children in Thailand, Cambodia and Burma. The secrecy
involved in this form of criminal activity has made it
difficult to uncover the true number of Danish citizens
involved in this form of sexual abuse and exploitation. It
is also difficult to obtain official statistics which reveal
how many Danes have been arrested, charged and convicted of
committing sexual offences against children abroad. Only a
few cases have been documented with law enforcement agencies
in the three countries involved in this investigation. The
vast majority of travelling sex offenders are probably never
identified. According to a senior official at the NGO, FACE
(Fight Against Child Exploitation),two Danish citizens had
been registered. One Danish man was charged for sexual
intercourse with a girl aged 14 in a hotel room in Pattaya in

1997. He was sentenced to five years, imprisonment. Another
Dane managed to escape Thailand after allegedly abusing two
13 year old boys in two villages in Thailand.


-- A. Denmark offers victims police transportation to
shelters and victims, assistance centers in undisclosed
locations. During the investigative process and trial, the
names and locations of the victims are kept confidential to
provide increased psychological and physical security.
Victims' advocates report that Danish authorities value the
privacy and safety of trafficking victims. Danish shelters
are provided by two organizations funded through government
contract. The Danish witness protection program allows a
cooperating witness to enroll and receive protection in any
case involving the threat of violence or retribution. In
2008, 46 women sought shelter at the two crisis centers
funded through contract by the Danish Government. Denmark
works with NGOs and social services through the IOM in the
victims' country of origin to ensure a safe and productive

-- B. The Danish Government has a contract with The Nest
International and The Danish National Organization of
Shelters for Battered Women and their
Children, to assist victims of trafficking at crisis centers
located in Odense, Aarhus, and one undisclosed location. A
meeting center specifically for foreign women involved in
prostitution was established in Copenhagen in June 2008, and
was utilized 134 times between its opening and the end of
that year. Health services are offered at all the crisis
centers and at the meeting center. These health facilities
are run by NGOs under government contract, such as The Nest
International, Pro Vest, The Prostitution Competence Center,
and the Anti-Trafficking Center.

COPENHAGEN 00000088 012 OF 020

Foreign victims have the same access to these facilities as
domestic victims.

In Denmark, children of trafficking victims receive
additional social services and are placed in specially
designated shelters or foster care as appropriate.
Unaccompanied minors receive a personal representative to
assist them with their asylum cases or repatriation to their
country of origin. Unaccompanied minors, including children
who are trafficked, receive health care provision through the
Danish Red Cross, which runs Center Gribskov.

The crisis centers are mainly dedicated to specialized care
for adults.

The crisis centers are aimed primarily at assisting women.
The only known male victim of trafficking in Denmark found
assistance with a private support organization called &Safe
and Alive.8 According to the website of &Safe and Alive,8
the Ministry of Justice and the Community of Copenhagen are
among its sponsors.

Yes, the NGOs that work under contract with the government
have many more crisis centers, but the ones used in
cooperation with the Anti-Trafficking Center are dedicated to
victims of trafficking.

As previously mentioned, the facilities are run by NGOs whose
activities are funded under Government contract.

The National Action Plan directed approximately USD 14
million (70 Million DKK) over the four years (2007-2010) of
the plan towards activities aimed at combating human
trafficking and helping its victims.

-- C. The Government offers medical, dental, legal and
psychological services to victims of trafficking directly and
indirectly via contract with NGOs. Legal support includes:
advice on legal issues and rights, provision of a lawyer in
the event of a trial, and support during police actions.
However, no support is provided to foreign victims of
trafficking in Denmark beyond the reflection period. Any
additional support is done in the home country.

Through the National Action Plan,s budget, the Government
supplies funding via contract to several NGOs for support
with victim assistance, information gathering, and
contributions to the overall national strategy. Examples of
these NGOs are The Nest International, The Red Cross, and The
Danish National Organization of Shelters for Battered Women
and their Children. These NGOs work directly with an
independent governmental organization, The Danish
Anti-Trafficking Center, to coordinate government and
non-government efforts. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
and the Immigration Ministry (Ministry of Refugee,
Immigration and Integration Affairs) also work via contract
with the International Organization for Migration to support
victims after they return to their home countries. The MFA
also works with and helps fund locally present international
and domestic NGOs in Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus via Danish
Programme Against Human Trafficking (DANATIP or DPAHT) under
the umbrella of The Neighborhood Programme to combat human
trafficking before it reaches Denmark.

Funding for all domestic programs comes directly from the
Government itself.

The government has allocated USD 14 Million to fund the
National Action Plan against Human Trafficking over the four
years 2007-2010. Through The Neighborhood Programme,
DANATIP/DPAHT,s efforts in Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus
were given a USD 6 Million budget over three years from

COPENHAGEN 00000088 013 OF 020

-- D. Like other aliens staying in Denmark illegally, aliens
who are victims of human trafficking are subject to the
Danish Immigration Service,s maintenance obligation. Under
the Danish Aliens Act, the Danish Immigration Service shall
be responsible for providing accommodation, healthcare
treatment and financial support and*in the event the person
in question is not granted a residence permit* in
collaboration with the relevant organizations and government
agencies, to the greatest extent possible, ensure that all
victims of human trafficking are offered a well-planned and
properly-managed reception in their country of origin.

This prepared return covers both the activities in Denmark
(in terms of offering psychological, legal and social aid to
learning and health promotion) and treatment activities in
the home country (in the form of receipt by an organization
there, whenever possible). The intention behind the scheme
aims to help strengthen individuals and thereby prevent them
from being victimized again when they return to their home

When an alien has been determined to be a victim of
trafficking by the Immigration Service, his or her departure
date can be postponed for up to 100 days. Having this
&reflection period8 in Denmark - if there is a need for it
) allows the victim to receive offers from the government
for medical, psychological, and dental treatment as well as
legal and social aid, to help the victim deal with the
experiences to which they had been exposed.

Normally, cases involving asylum seekers and foreigners
without legal residence are overseen by the Immigration
Service. Foreigners who are determined to be victims of
trafficking, and are also staying illegally in Denmark, may
stay in an asylum center, however, if they prefer to be
accommodated in one of the crisis shelters, the Immigration
Service can approve this.

If a victim of trafficking is also an illegal alien and has a
need of special protection, this is taken into account. In
cases where the Immigration Service has approved
accommodation of a resident at a shelter, the victim stays
there and is paid an allowance every 14 days by mail from the
related reference center. The Crisis Center staff ensures
that the victim is offered all available resources to include
activities, education, health care, psychological or legal

The prepared return also means that a victim of trafficking
will be received by an organization in his/her homeland.
Reception implies, in particular, the offer of accommodation
for the victim,s needs, the possibility of training /
education and psychosocial counseling. The Immigration
Service on 26 March 2008 signed a contract with the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) to assist with
the portion of the prepared return that will take place at
home. The Immigration Service has agreed with the CMM, that
the CMM should conduct "prepared return interviews" with the
victimized foreigners. The information from the interview
will then be forwarded to IOM in order to assist in
initiating the return journey.

-- E. The government allows victims to stay for up to 100
days in a crisis center. In 2008, the average stay was
typically between 20 and 25 days, depending on the Crisis
Center. In addition to the medical, psychological, and legal
assistance, mentioned before, The Nest International
(assisted by government funding) provides long term help, and
while victims are in the crisis center, they can take short
courses to help them move towards a new job. Legal residents
of the EU are also offered social assistance. There is also a
mechanism by which victims of trafficking can apply for
asylum status. In 2008, only 1 of 8 victims of trafficking
identified as illegal residents who sought asylum, was given

COPENHAGEN 00000088 014 OF 020

permission to stay in Denmark.

-- F. If the Police encounter a situation where a person who
has been arrested or detained exhibits signs or is suspected
of being a victim of trafficking, they may inform the CMM
which will send a representative to sit in on police
questioning. They will then inform the detainee of her/his
rights and options as a victim of trafficking. The
Immigration Service will make a determination of status as a
victim of trafficking, and if the person is determined to be
a victim, s/he is referred to one of the state-sponsored NGO
shelters for a reflection period and assistance.
Unfortunately, trafficking victims will often deny that they
are victims and it can take months for them to develop enough
trust in local authorities to admit they were trafficked.
However, by this time, it is too late for authorities to help.

-- G. In November, during a speech to the Danish branch of
the European Movement, a representative of the Danish
Anti-Trafficking center said that this year, there were
approximately 825 trafficked women in Denmark. She did not
specify whether or not they were involved in the sex trade or
forced labor, but did say that around 25% of them were
brought to Denmark under the false promise of legitimate

Of these, how many victims were referred to care facilities
for assistance by law enforcement authorities during the
reporting period?

In the first quarter of 2009, the CMM was called in to assist
in 19 police actions where trafficking victims was suspected.
The exact number of victims was not reported.

In the first quarter of 2009, the crisis centers experienced
10 new enrollments. Social Service personnel are actively
engaged in meeting with and interviewing women working in
massage clinics and on the street who are suspected of being
involved in trafficking. In the first quarter of 2009, social
service personnel met with over 50 women of foreign origin in
massage clinics and on the street, who were suspected of
being involved in trafficking.

Because government and non-government assistance is
intertwined, it is not possible to separate the efforts.
Published numbers show that in the first quarter of 2009, 10
women were assisted by crisis centers and 50 women were
interviewed by social services. More up-to-date figures are
not yet available.

-- H. The Danish government has a system of identifying
victims of trafficking among high-risk persons. The
Government engages in an outreach program through three
organizations operating in four main target locations around
the country, and these teams actively investigate massage
parlors, interview prostitutes on the street, in escort
service environments, as well as in the asylum centers,
prisons, and safe-houses in an attempt to locate and identify
trafficking victims. A hotline for reporting human
trafficking and for information has also been established.

In 2007, Danish police implemented a standardized approach to
identifying and screening victims of trafficking. A Danish
police anthropologist accompanies Danish police in raids of
unlicensed brothels and inspections of venues used by
prostitutes to screen them for cases of trafficking.
Additionally, Danish police allow a member of a social
organization to participate in the screening and questioning
of prostitutes.

The Danish government conducts regular inspections of
suspected and commonly known venues used by prostitutes. The
Danish government also conducts raids of businesses/venues
suspected of illegal activities. In 2008, the Police

COPENHAGEN 00000088 015 OF 020

conducted 778 visits in 462 localities. From these visits,
the Police registered a total of 507 businesses/venues
serving the sex industry in Denmark. As part of the
inspections or raids, Danish social workers screen for
trafficking victims among the prostitutes. All foreign women
in the brothels are offered medical and psychological care
through social services. In addition, Danish social
organizations provide voluntary screening and counseling to

-- I. The consensus opinion among Danish victim advocates is
that Danish police respect the rights of victims. Suspected
victims of trafficking are detained by police, but only in
order to remove them from the potentially exploitative
situation. Danish police work with social workers to
determine the needs of the victim and transfer victims from
police custody to the government-sponsored organizations
responsible for victim assistance in the region. Because the
victims' assistance organizations are involved initially, the
primary goal is to provide assistance to victims as soon as
possible after the detainment. With counselors present
during the police questioning, victims begin to receive
assistance prior to their transfer to a victims' assistance
center. Victims of trafficking in women are informed about
their rights and their options. Victims who are nationals
of the European Union have certain additional rights, such as
the right to work and travel among EU countries.

NGOs claim that if a victim has committed a violation of
Danish law, s/he will likely be prosecuted, as Denmark does
not have prosecutorial discretion. Thus if a foreign
prostitute does not have a work permit s/he may be arrested
for working illegally and/or not paying taxes on earned
income and, because the charge is not prostitution, may never
be counted or interviewed as a potential trafficking victim.
In addition, foreign prostitutes who traveled to Denmark
using false documents are less likely to avoid repatriation
to their home countries. Foreign prostitutes who may be
eligible to stay in Denmark often face barriers to entry into
the legal labor market, as they did not have permission to
work in Denmark and did not pay taxes on their earnings.

-- J. Danish authorities encourage victims to assist in the
investigation and prosecution of trafficking. However,
Danish authorities report that victims are often unwilling to
cooperate. NGOs believe this may be due to fear of the
traffickers, economic uncertainty, stigmatization in their
home country or with family, inability to see themselves as
victims, fear of Danish authorities, and/or a sense of
futility of cooperation since the end result for the victim
is the same: deportation. Victims who serve as witnesses
against an accused trafficker are permitted to remain in the
trafficking victims' shelter for the duration of their
involvement in the case, even if this exceeds the 100-day
reflection period. Victims are also permitted to leave the
country pending trial if they prefer. Women who have
accepted the offer of an assisted voluntary repatriation may
stay in Denmark up to 100 days and will receive help from
local NGOs and the International Organization for Migration.
Cooperation with the police is not a condition of the
extended reflection period. In many cases, women disappeared
before being sent home at the end of the 30 day or 100 day
reflection period. Between August 2007 and April 2009, 41 out
of 49 women, who were confirmed by the Immigration service to
be both victims of trafficking and illegal residents, left
Denmark without engaging authorities. This may have been a
result of personal initiative or it possible that their
trafficking organizations may have played a role in
retrafficking them. The Danish government also provides funds
to compensate victims of crimes. Danish authorities stress
that victims who assist in the investigation and prosecution
of their traffickers are often better able to meet the
requirements of a successful asylum case (i.e., to show that
they were victims of violence). However, the results of this

COPENHAGEN 00000088 016 OF 020

claim are unclear in practice.

The police have not published numbers regarding how many
victims of trafficking have cooperated with police. In March
2009, they announced an offer of full anonymity for victims
of trafficking if they can provide information on their pimps
and traffickers. The police acknowledge that the largest
problems preventing the victims, cooperation with police are
the fear of reprisal from their traffickers and the knowledge
that they are going back to their home country.

Victims may file civil suits or seek legal action against
traffickers. However, Danish authorities cannot identify a
single instance of a trafficking victim seeking legal action
against a trafficker. The victim's reluctance to cooperate
with authorities or confront a former trafficker is the most
significant impediment to the victim's access to such legal

There are no known instances in which someone prevented a
victim of trafficking from access to legal redress.

The Government places no restraints on victims of trafficking
in terms of their mobility. If they are legal residents of
the EU, they can pursue other employment, but illegal
residents who do not obtain asylum status are returned to
their native countries or third countries where they have

A victim has the option to bring civil suit against their
traffickers, but this requires their cooperation with police
for an investigation, and there are no reported examples of
this kind of action. The lack of clarity on who has to pay
for the lawsuit may also be affecting victims, decisions on
whether or not to pursue restitution.

-- K. The Danish government provides specialized training in
both identifying trafficking victims and providing assistance
to trafficking victims. The National Anti-Trafficking Center
provides training to members of the TIP Action Plan working
group. Additionally, the Danish national police provide TIP
training to all police precincts. New police recruits
receive a special course on trafficking as a component of
their basic training. However, there have been questions
about the effectiveness of this training. The National
Anti-Trafficking Center works with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and Danish embassies to develop and refine networks
with NGOs that serve trafficked victims in the countries of
origin. For instance, Denmark has well-established links
with its counterparts in the Baltic countries to assist in
the repatriation of trafficking victims. The Danish
Immigration Service works with organizations in Denmark and
abroad, such as the International Organization for Migration
(IOM),to ensure that trafficking victims can safely travel
back to their country of origin and receive social services
upon their arrival. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
also meets with representatives of source, transit and
destination countries in Denmark.

The National Police has also been involved in training MFA
employees in Embassies and Consulates around the world on the
subject of human trafficking.

Denmark is not a source country for trafficking; there is no
known instance of a Danish embassy assisting a Danish
trafficking victim abroad.

-- L. The services available to foreign victims of
trafficking are also available to Danish citizens, although
there are no known cases of Danes being trafficked and
victimized abroad.

-- M. In addition to the Danish government-sponsored

COPENHAGEN 00000088 017 OF 020

organizations (mentioned in section 26B),the Danish Red
Cross and Save the Children Denmark both work in cooperation
with the Danish government to combat trafficking in persons,
especially with children. Tjekpunkt, a youth outreach
program, also works with at-risk minors. Safe and Alive, a
independent NGO, works with trafficking victims in the
Copenhagen area, but is not associated with the National
Anti-Trafficking Center, although it does receive support
from the Ministry of Justice. The government-sponsored
organizations and NGOs work closely with the national
umbrella organization of women's crisis centers and shelters
in Denmark (LOKK) to provide safe-haven for trafficking
victims. The government-sponsored organizations cooperate
with the Anti-trafficking Center and the Danish police. All
of the organizations are members of the National Action Plan
working group. Danish authorities work with the IOM on
repatriation of victims. The IOM, where possible, monitors
the reintegration process, for up to three months for adults
and up to six months in the case of children. Denmark also
supports anti-trafficking initiatives through the EU, OSCE
and the UN. In all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
donated approximately USD 10 million in 2008 to Save the
Children projects worldwide. The Nordic Council, whose
Secretariat is in Copenhagen, and the Council for Baltic Sea
States, are also involved in regional efforts to combat
trafficking in Nordic and Baltic countries.


-- A. Other than the efforts included in the National Action
Plan, the main human trafficking awareness campaign of this
reporting period was the annual EU sponsored Anti-Trafficking
Day which was held on 18 October. The day was marked by
events sponsored by The Nest International, The Danish
Institute for Human Rights, The Women,s Council in Denmark,
Christian,s Friends, and Hope Now.

A conference was held in connection to this awareness day in
Chisinau, Moldova, on October 21-22, 2008 by the
International Center for Women Rights Protection and
Promotion &La Strada8 (Moldova) in partnership with
Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child and IOM
mission to Moldova, with support of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Denmark.

ICE has been working with Danish authorities and NGO,s since
2007 in an effort to stimulate public awareness of
trafficking, including sharing strategies and offering
resources. Thus far, Danish authorities have been slow to to
take advantage of the resources offered.

The general objectives were to raise awareness of the issue
and to raise money for the efforts to combat human
trafficking. The effectiveness of spreading information on
human trafficking within Denmark was likely limited to those
in attendance at the two major events.
The objectives of the MFA supported conference were:

- Analyze the process of National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
development in Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Romania and
Ukraine, including the political context, methodology,
elements of the NRM, the level of cooperation and ways to set
up cooperation structures;
- Identify the various NRM actors in each country and the new
emerging NRM elements/components/functions that are being
developed and the context leading to their development;
- Assess how the human rights approach to trafficking has
been implemented and what are the existing gaps;
- Explore best practices on cooperation between state
structures, civil society and international organizations in
the identification, assistance and protection of trafficked
- Strengthen participants, knowledge of the human rights
based international anti-trafficking policy;

COPENHAGEN 00000088 018 OF 020

- Develop recommendations for the efficient implementation of

Data on the number of people attending the events in Denmark
are not available. The event in Moldova was attended by 120
representatives, mainly from Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, and

This recognition day was aimed more towards awareness,
financial support, and political support for measures against
human trafficking than it was towards demand for trafficking.

-- B. Denmark monitors immigration and emigration patterns
for evidence of trafficking and has identified the typical
migration patterns for trafficking into Denmark. Danish
police also conduct immigration interviews at airport points
of entry in Denmark and are trained to screen for potential
trafficking victims. However, land borders into Denmark are
open and migrants are not inspected upon arrival by land. The
Immigration Service also conducts fact-finding missions to
foreign countries such as Thailand and Ghana in 2008 and
Nigeria in 2009 to understand the patterns of international
trafficking into Denmark.

-- C. In September 2007, Denmark opened the National
Anti-Trafficking Center, which falls under the National Board
of Social Services. The National Anti-Trafficking Center
serves as a single point of contact for TIP matters and
coordinates the involvement of other relevant parties. The
government also maintains a reference group with
representatives from NGOs, the National Police, the Ministry
of Health, the Tax and Customs Administration, the
Immigration Service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
Ministry of Gender Equality, and the Office of the Public
Prosecutor, who meet approximately twice a year to share
knowledge and contacts. The trafficking unit of the Danish
National Police also has a hotline for victims of human
trafficking, which serves as a single point of contact for
public inquiries and anonymous leads.

-- D. Denmark has a national action plan to address
trafficking, which runs from 2007 to 2010. The National
Board of Social Services developed the 2007-2010 action plan
based on the conclusions of an independent audit of the
2002-06 action plan. The independent audit gathered
information from government officials and NGO
representatives. NGOs also contributed information to the
development of the new action plan. The Danish government has
publicized the action plan and has translated the plan into
English. The Ministry of Social Welfare, the National
Anti-Trafficking Center and the National Police all refer to
the action plan to assess their progress. The progress of the
plan is reported each year in a Status Report on the Progress
of the National Action Plan. The National Police also provide
an annual report on their efforts against the pimps and
traffickers behind human trafficking.

-- E: Required of all Posts:

The National Board of Social Services launched a campaign in
2009 to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts. The
initiative, which is called &Who Pays the Price?8 has also
developed discussion material for educational purposes in
secondary schools and in the upper classes in primary
schools. The material consists of a debate magazine and DVD
dilemma stories about prostitution, produced by Dansk Radio,
the national media network. It is widely publicized that
approximately 14% of Danish men are consumers in the
commercial sex trade. Therefore, this information campaign is
aimed at young males to dissuade them from engaging in
commercial sex. It is important to note that prostitution is
not illegal in Denmark. Persons cannot be punished for
prostituting themselves unless another part of the law is
violated. However, prostitution is not a recognized

COPENHAGEN 00000088 019 OF 020

profession in Denmark.

-- F. Required of all Posts:

No new efforts were launched during the reporting period;
however, Danish authorities continued to work within an
initiative in cooperation with Scandinavian Airlines, the
Association of Danish Travel Agents and Save the Children to
combat child sex tourism. As part of this initiative,
Denmark has funded public service announcements to inform the
Danish public that the Danish police can now investigate and
prosecute a Danish national who commits a sexual offense
against a child overseas due to the 2008 expansion of the
Danish government,s ability to prosecute its citizens for
crimes committed abroad. Denmark also established a hotline
for travelers to provide information about suspected child
sex tourism overseas. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs directs
Danish embassies to report Danes suspected of pedophilia or
child sex tourism to Danish authorities.

-- G. Denmark is an active participant in international
peacekeeping missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan and other
countries. In compliance with NATO standards, Denmark
adopted a zero-tolerance policy in relation to its forces and
personnel overseas. The Ministry of Defense provides general
human rights training to all soldiers prior to and during
overseas deployments. As part of this human rights training,
the Ministry describes its zero-tolerance policy regarding
human trafficking. Danish soldiers participating in NATO
operations also receive instruction on trafficking through
NATO as part of their training.


-- A. The Danish government cooperates with other
governments in the investigation and prosecution of crimes,
both on a bilateral and multi-lateral basis. On a bilateral
basis, Danish police regularly conduct joint investigations
with their Swedish and Norwegian counterparts. Cooperation
on a multilateral basis also occurs through numerous
international organizations. Denmark is an active member of
Interpol and Europol. Danish police also participate in a
Nordic police and customs cooperation network and chair a
working group focusing on criminal action related to drugs,
prostitution and money laundering committed by West Africans
in, between and through the Nordic countries. Additionally,
Denmark is an active member of the Task Force on Organized
Crime in the Baltic Sea Region. Danish police officers have
also been assigned to posts in Baltic countries to assist
host governments with organized crime investigations.
Denmark cooperates with legal attachs from several
countries, including the United States. More specifically,
the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) works with
the Danish Police, the Danish Anti-Trafficking Center and
NGO,s in Denmark on trafficking issues. This collaboration
involves primarily best practices and information exchanges.
Other international cooperation focuses primarily on
combating organized crime, narcotics smuggling and terrorism.

In 2009, the government has continued its efforts with
European Network for HIV/STI Prevention and Health Promotion
among Migrant Sex Workers (TAMPEP),especially with Sweden
and Norway. It has also been working on an ad hoc basis with
other European Countries to ensure that victims of
trafficking are helped by competent organizations once they
return to their home country. The IOM has been working under
contract since 2008 with the Immigration Service to provide
assistance for victims of trafficking who returned to their
home country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has also
continued efforts related to its 2008-2012 program aimed at
combating human trafficking coming from Ukraine, Moldova, and
Belarus through cooperation with local entities.

COPENHAGEN 00000088 020 OF 020

--B. The largest current initiative for assistance in human
trafficking abroad is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Danish Programme Against Human Trafficking, 2009-2011. This
program focuses on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe,
specifically Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus, and attempts to
work in tandem with locally present international and
non-governmental organizations to combat trafficking in
persons at its source. Its overall budget is about USD 6
million. This program builds on the 2006-08 initiative.
Working through key implementing partners in Moldova,
Ukraine, and Belarus, which include both international and
non-governmental organizations, the program supports national
counter-trafficking plans and works with government agencies
so that they assume their role as leaders of
counter-trafficking efforts. The program works within a
widely recognized approach, whereby efforts are focused
within the three broad areas of prevention, protection, and
prosecution. It has four immediate objectives: (1)
strengthened national counter trafficking strategies and
mechanisms; (2) streamlined and improved access to and
provision of services for Victims of Trafficking; (3) better
targeted prevention activities effectively reach vulnerable
groups, and (4) strengthened international and regional
co-operation on responses to trafficking.

This program works through Country Steering Groups, in which
the key implementing partners in each country work together
to design and implement multi-faceted national programs. A
Regional Steering Group facilitates the coordination of
regional activities, including, where possible, countries of
destination in addition to the three program countries.
Emphasis is placed firmly on local ownership of the program,
with funds disbursed by IOM Kiev and managed by each Country
Steering Group and the Regional Steering Group in the case of
the regional program. Technical assistance is provided where
necessary to ensure efficient use of funds and comprehensive
monitoring and adjustment of activities. The Ministry
consults with all the implementing partners annually in a
Regional Partner Forum where budgetary and other issues may
be discussed and broader subjects of general interest


No recommended entries.


No commendable initiatives can be identified due to the
difficulty in assessing the current effectiveness of the
Danish programs in operation.

10. (U) Embassy Point of Contact for the TIP report is
Spencer Fields, tel: 45 3341-7335, fax: 45 3542-1349,

11. (U) Minimize Considered.

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