2010-01-28 14:35:00
Embassy Amman
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DE RUEHAM #0274/01 0281435
R 281435Z JAN 10



E.O. 12958: N/A


B. STATE 129631

C. 09 AMMAN 2804

D. 09 AMMAN 2339

E. 09 AMMAN 2254

F. 09 AMMAN 2074

G. 09 AMMAN 2073

H. 09 AMMAN 1749

I. 09 AMMAN 1424

J. 09 AMMAN 1179

K. 09 AMMAN 1177

L. 09 AMMAN 856

M. 09 AMMAN 706

N. 09 AMMAN 459

O. 09 AMMAN 429

P. 09 AMMAN 392

Q. 09 AMMAN 230

R. 08 AMMAN 2206




E.O. 12958: N/A


B. STATE 129631

C. 09 AMMAN 2804

D. 09 AMMAN 2339

E. 09 AMMAN 2254

F. 09 AMMAN 2074

G. 09 AMMAN 2073

H. 09 AMMAN 1749

I. 09 AMMAN 1424

J. 09 AMMAN 1179

K. 09 AMMAN 1177

L. 09 AMMAN 856

M. 09 AMMAN 706

N. 09 AMMAN 459

O. 09 AMMAN 429

P. 09 AMMAN 392

Q. 09 AMMAN 230

R. 08 AMMAN 2206

1. (SBU) Summary: Labor cooperation between the U.S. Jordan
has been strong and productive over the past several years.
Effective engagement, backed with targeted assistance, has
produced significant results, such as improved labor
conditions in the garment sector, enhanced efforts to combat
trafficking-in-persons, and expanded initiatives to address
child labor. In other areas, however, such as the right to
associate, government influence over unions, and employment
discrimination, there has been little forward progress. The
U.S. should place more emphasis on these issues within the
bi-lateral dialogue and labor cooperation, especially as
opportunities exist to make progress on these and other labor
fronts. For instance, the government has developed a labor
law amendment package and plans to move it forward for
approval. The ILO and others have raised concerns over some
provisions, such as those intending to give foreign workers
union rights. Washington and Post have actively engaged and
have asked the government to revise the amendments to meet
international standards. This type of active engagement,
even on contentious issus, should be a centerpiece in our
strategic plan for Jordan. This cable provides information
on labor rights and issues, input into the strategic plan,
on-going labor programs, and needed additional programming.
End Summary.

Labor Scenesetter and General Overview

2. (SBU) One of the major recent successes of U.S.-Jordanian
engagement has been the significantly improved labor
conditions in Jordan's garment sector and the enactment of a
legal framework, including an anti-trafficking law, to combat
TIP. The Government of Jordan (GOJ),with U.S. encouragement
and assistance, has undertaken a long list of reforms and
programs to improve labor conditions in the country. The
Ministry of Labor and other bodies are now proactively
attempting to combat forced labor, especially in the garment
sector, and are better equipped to do so. However, more work

remains. For instance, greater effort is needed to ensure
that smaller garment factories, especially those not
exporting to the U.S. market and producing for major
international buyers, are also improving their labor
conditions. Regarding TIP, the government must now "do the
hard part" and implement the TIP law, including increasing
investigations and prosecutions, establishing a shelter and
victim services, and enhancing public awareness.

3. (SBU) Beyond fighting forced labor and TIP, little has
changed in recent years. The government still places
restrictions on the right to associate, especially by
requiring all trade unions to fall under the umbrella of a
general federation over which the GOJ exercises significant
influence. Unions remain weak with little influence and
capacity. Issues such as employment discrimination and
harassment have also gone largely unaddressed. The

government is willing to work to address some of the issues,
such as employment discrimination, especially if resources
can be provided. The GOJ, however, has shown little
political will for large-scale reform, such as changing the
union structure.

4. (SBU) A labor law reform package currently with the
Jordanian cabinet has the potential to improve, at least on
paper, the labor rights situation. An ILO review of the
package, however, points to several proposed amendments that
do not fully comply with international standards, including
those intending to give foreign workers the right to
unionize. The new Minister of Labor has stated he will
review the law and the ILO comments before moving it forward,
most likely as a "temporary" law before the next parliament
is elected. (Note: In the absence of a sitting parliament,
the cabinet may enact laws as provisional laws, which are
binding until a new parliament can consider the enacted
provisional law. Previous parliaments have not considered
provisional legislation, thereby indefinitely lengthening the
legislation's life. End note.)

5. (SBU) Post recommends continuous political engagement on
labor rights and reform combined with targeted assistance.
For example, the agreement by all major stakeholders that the
ILO Better Work Jordan (BWJ) Program should be mandatory is a
positive step to ensure labor compliance for all garment
factories, including those exporting to the U.S. in
cooperation with U.S. buyers under the U.S.-Jordan Free Trade
Agreement (FTA),those exporting under the QIZ program, and
those not exporting to the U.S. market. While the
International Finance Corporation (IFC),GOJ and USAID-funded
BWJ program has not yet been made mandatory, the support
expressed for such a move opens the door for targeted
assistance to the textile union to further develop worker
committees and collective bargaining agreements. If most
foreign workers are given the right to unionize, then this
will also help increase resources and sustain activities.
Some issues may be somewhat contentious, such as the role of
the general trade union and government influence over unions.
But the existence of an open, frank dialogue with the GOJ
allows for the U.S. to strongly push for reform and the
exploration of common ground.

Situation Regarding Specific Labor Rights

6. (U) Paragraphs 6-18 provide specific details and describe
the current situation for each labor right issue identified
in reftel B.

Freedom of Association

7. (SBU) A worker's right to freely associate without
government interference remains a problem. The current Labor
Law does provide citizens working in the private sector, in
some government-owned companies, and in certain public sector
professions the right to form and join unions. In practice,
however, the freedom of association is restricted by the
government. Foremost, the government requires all unions to
be members of the General Federation of Jordanian Trade
Unions (GFTU),the sole trade union federation. Government
influence over GFTU decisions and activities is widely known
and some individual sectoral unions have expressed their
desire to become independent. Government involvement in past
union elections has also been documented. There have been no
recent noticeable attempts to change the structure of unions
in Jordan or guarantee further independence. In fact, the
current draft Labor Law amendments included provisions giving
GFTU greater audit authority over line unions. (Note:
According to official figures, more than 10 percent of the
workforce is organized into 17 unions. In addition, Jordan
has a number of professional associations, such as those for
doctors, engineers, dentists, and lawyers. The professional

associations operate separately and independently from the
GFTU. End Note.)

8. (SBU) Foreign workers are also not permitted to join
unions, excluding more than 300,000 foreign workers from any
meaningful right of association. The government submitted a
labor law amendment in 2008 to give all foreign workers this
right but the Parliament voted it down. The current Labor
Law amendment package under consideration by the cabinet
again includes union rights for foreign workers. However,
the amendment places significant eligibility requirements for
membership that only a small percentage of foreign workers
would meet. The eligibility requirements include reciprocal
legislation in the source country and the provision that a
worker must have worked in Jordan legally for five years.
Post has actively engaged the government to revise the
requirements. The new Minister of Labor has told the
Ambassador that the amendments will be reviewed before moving
the amendments forward for approval.

9. (SBU) Other provisions in the labor law place unnecessary
hurdles to union formation, according to an ILO review of the
labor law and the planned amendments. For instance, 50
founding members are needed to form an occupation trade union
and 25 employees are needed to form employers' organizations.
The ILO states these requirements should be reduced,
specifically stating the 50 founding members to unionize at
an enterprise level is restrictive. Also, the labor law
states that a tripartite committee comprised of government,
private sector, and employee (i.e. union) representatives
shall be responsible for the classification of occupations
for which a trade union may be established. This provision
could potentially reduce the number of occupations given the
right to unionize.

Collective Bargaining and Right to Strike

10. (SBU) Unions have the right to bargain collectively, but
in practice, collective bargaining is insufficiently used.
The textile union, as one example, tends to be reactive
instead of proactive. The union spends significant time
advocating for workers with specific problems and often after
the workers have decided to strike. Observers assert that
unions must be better trained on collective bargaining.
According to the Ministry of Labor, 47 collective disputes
occurred in 2009, though not all resulted in strikes.
Thirty-three were solved through direct negotiation between
the parties. The remaining disputes were solved either by
the Ministry of Labor, a mediator, a council, or the courts.

11. (SBU) The law permits workers to strike only under
certain conditions, including that workers must give the
employer and government, at a minimum, 14 days notice of a
strike, and strikes are prohibited if a labor dispute is
under mediation or arbitration. In practice, however,
workers primarily strike without notifying the government in
advance. In these instances, the union request penalty
waivers for the illegal strike as part of the labor

Elimination of Forced Labor

12. (SBU) Jordan has taken significant steps over the past
few years to eliminate forced labor, especially within QIZs
and the garment sector as a whole. This work has been a
highlight and success of U.S.-Jordanian labor engagement.
Post has reported extensively on these efforts over the past
several years. Below is a just a short snapshot of the
government's efforts since the 2006 National Labor Committee

--Significant increase in the labor inspectorate's size,
coupled with new training regimes.

--Development of a Golden List to reward factories with high
quality labor conditions and a Black List for poor performing
factories. Golden List factories have bank guarantees waived
and Black List factories cannot obtain visas for foreign

--Enhancement of complaint mechanisms, such as through boxes
in factories and a multi-lingual hotline.

--Inclusion of agriculture and domestic workers under the
Labor Law along with corresponding regulations outlining
their rights.

--Cooperation with the ILO Better Work Jordan Program,
including contributing funds.

--Negotiation with source countries of new agreements that
strengthen recruitment oversight.

--Passage of an anti-trafficking law and increase in fines
for forced labor under the labor law.

Abolition of Child Labor

13. (SBU) A 2008 study by the Jordanian Department of
Statistics places the number of child laborers in Jordan at
more than 32,000. Observers, however, estimate the number to
be significantly higher as many businesses and families tend
to hide the practice (and were not captured in the survey).
These observers also believe the practice to be increasing
due to the continuance and, in some areas, increase of
poverty rates and unemployment combined with inflation. Poor
education quality is also cited as a primary cause for school
drop-out and child labor. In fact, recent studies have shown
very high levels of teacher abuse, corporal punishment, and
bullying in schools. Several donor projects are now
attempting to create a safer school environment and the
government has issued tougher punishments for abusive
teachers. Children work in the mechanical repair,
agriculture and fishing, construction, and hotel and
restaurants sectors, as well as in the informal sector as
street vendors, carpenters, blacksmiths, painters, and in
small family businesses.

14. (SBU) The government's capacity to implement and enforce
child labor laws is insufficient. The MOL's Child Labor Unit
is tasked with coordinating government actions and receiving,
investigating, and addressing child labor complaints. The
Unit, however, is staffed by only two people and unable to
carry out its responsibilities to any significant extent. A
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) project (see para 24) is
training all labor inspectors on child labor identification
and handling. Labor inspectors do issue fines for child
labor violations but they often attempt alternative
approaches first, such as the removal of children from
hazardous conditions and placement in non-formal education.
In short, the DOL project is attempting to address the
problem through increasing non-formal education
opportunities, increasing public awareness, conducting
research, strengthening the inspectorate and other
responsible government entities, and revitalizing a
national-level committee to combat child labor. It will be a
long-term effort, however, to significantly reduce child
labor in Jordan.

Elimination of Employment Discrimination

15. (SBU) Employment, pay, and workplace discrimination
remain problems, especially for women. A Jordanian National
Council for Family Affairs study released in April 2009 found
that women are often denied their basic labor rights, such as
pay equality, appropriate annual and sick leave, and suitable
working hours, as outlined in the labor law. The labor law
does grant women equal pay for equal work but this provision

is often not enforced. The government ratified the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW),but courts have yet to use such
international conventions when ruling on discrimination
cases. One NGO is attempting to force the courts to rule on
the basis of the convention. Studies have also shown very
low rates of women economic participation with the Minister
of Social Development recently citing an 18 percent
employment rate among women. A range of factors, including
societal attitudes as well as discrimination, are a
contributing factors pointing to the need for the government
to work simultaneously on a number of fronts.

16. (SBU) According to the law, sexual harassment is strictly
prohibited. The law, however, does not make a distinction
between sexual assault and sexual harassment; both carry a
minimum prison sentence of four years. Women's groups state
that harassment is common but that victims are often hesitant
to file a complaint. Foreign women, especially domestic
workers, rarely step forward to file a sexual harassment or
even assault charge as they are often accused of theft or
another crime by the employer and then jailed. There are no
known government programs specifically designed to address
workplace harassment.

Acceptable Conditions of Work

17. (SBU) The national minimum wage is currently 150
Jordanian dinars ($210) per month, which does not provide a
decent standard of living for a worker and family. The
minimum wage is determined by a tripartite committee
comprised of government, employer, and employee (union)
representatives. In determining the minimum wage, the
committee uses no pre-set formula but considers a range of
issues. The above minimum wage does not apply to workers in
the garment sector, whether citizens or foreigners, or to
domestic workers. Their minimum wage is 110 dinars per
month. The MOL and Jordanian garment exporters association,
however, agreed to a non-binding understanding that Jordanian
garment workers would receive a 40 JD ($56) monthly
allowance, especially given that foreign workers receive some
form of company-provided housing and food comparable in

18. (SBU) A study by the Phoenix Center for Economic and
Information Studies revealed that many workers in the private
sector work excess hours and do not receive the sick and
annual leave stipulated in the labor law. The law requires
overtime pay for hours worked in excess of the 48-hour
standard workweek. Compulsory overtime is prohibited, but
the law allows employers to require the employee to work more
than 48 hours a week for specific purposes such as carrying
out annual inventory, closing accounts, and receiving special
deliveries. In such cases, the actual working hours may not
exceed ten hours per day. In excess of ten hours, the
employee must be paid overtime, and the period may not last
more than 30 days. Employees were entitled to one day off
per week. Provisions for domestic and agriculture workers,
placed under the labor law in 2008, were similar.

19. (SBU) The law specifies a number of health and safety
requirements for workers, which the MOL is authorized and
attempts to enforce. Overall strengthening of the labor
inspectorate would also strengthen health and safety
enforcement. Workers do not have a statutory right to remove
themselves from hazardous conditions without risking the loss
of their jobs.

Strategy Recommendations

20. (SBU) Post has found the most effective method to improve
labor rights and conditions is continuous, targeted
engagement with the GOJ. For example, Jordan adopted its

anti-TIP law and corresponding regulations after constant,
significant and specified engagement and pressure by
Washington and Post. Similarly, Jordan's significant efforts
to improve conditions in garment factories, and bolster its
inspectorate came in the wake of the 2006 National Labor
Committee report on forced labor in Jordanian garment
factories and the resulting pressure and engagement by
numerous USG and other entities, including American buyers.

21. (SBU) An important step forward would be the signing of a
bi-lateral Labor Cooperation Agreement, currently under
review by the new cabinet. This agreement, however, must
correspond with well-established cooperation mechanisms. For
instance, Post recommends the formation of a labor working
group between the two governments with bi-annual reviews of
progress. The bi-annual reviews would be an opportunity to
monitor progress on priority reforms and to obtain updates on
assistance mechanisms. The September 2009 visit of an
inter-agency U.S. labor delegation to Jordan resulted in
tangible benefits, including Jordan's request for an ILO
review of its Labor Law and progress to make the Better Work
Jordan program mandatory. A larger working group to include
employers and unions should also be considered. Any such
working group should also be mindful of Jordanian
inter-agency sensitivities and include Jordan's Ministry of
Industry and Trade, which is the lead GOJ entity on the
U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement and its related aspects,
including its labor provisions.

22. (SBU) Labor engagement, including any specific
mechanisms, should focus on the highest priority reforms with
the understanding that priorities will change over time. The
following areas should be given current priority status:

--Labor law reform, including right of association: The
government's focus on updating the labor code presents an
excellent opportunity to enhance labor rights for both
Jordanian and foreign workers in the near-term. Jordan's
labor code is generally regarded as favorable to workers but
refinement could result in such things as union rights for
foreign workers, greater union independence, improved
equal-pay-for-equal-work language, and expanded collective
bargaining rights. The government must amend its current
draft amendment package to ensure the above rights are
clearly articulated and fully obtained. Targeted USG
engagement and assistance to the GOJ in terms of substance
and process on this would be of great value.

--Union independence and effectiveness: Jordan's 17 unions
are generally viewed as ineffective with relatively little
power and influence. One reason is the restrictions placed
on union formation and the requirement that all unions come
under the oversight of the GFTU, widely known to be
influenced significantly by the government. The government
has shown little political will to change this structure but
any step giving individual unions greater autonomy will have
a positive impact. A few unions, such as the textile union,
have tried in practice to step out from under the GFTU with
varying success. The textile union, for instance, advocates
for foreign workers despite GFTU's disagreement. These
unions also require additional capacity building as well as
training on issues such as collective bargaining, advocacy,
and strategic planning.

--Garment sector conditions: As discussed, significant
efforts to improve labor conditions in the garment sector has
resulted in a significant reduction of forced labor. Reports
indicate that eradication of forced labor from the vast
majority of garment factories, but problems continue to
surface in some of the factories that do not export to the
U.S. market under the FTA or QIZ programs. Measures such as
expanding the Better Work Jordan Program and further
enhancing inspection efforts would institutionalize current

efforts and result in even better working conditions.
Enhancing inspection efforts, however, would require more
inspectors and more training for current inspectors.

--Discrimination: Discrimination in hiring and pay has
largely not been addressed. The labor code itself does not
contain any provisions recognizing the overall principle of
equality of opportunity and treatment and, while the code
contains language regarding equal-pay-for-equal-work, such
provisions are not enforced in a meaningful manner. Work
place harassment has also largely gone unaddressed by the
government. The government must find ways to start
addressing these problems, including complaint mechanisms,
inspectors enforcing such requirements, and raising

--TIP: Jordan has put in-place a substantial legal framework
to combat TIP but implementation of the framework remains
weak. Investigations by the police and labor inspectors have
increased but there remain relatively few prosecutions, even
of gross TIP cases. Victim services are also severely
limited and there is no shelter for TIP victims, except for
basic shelters operated by source country embassies. In
short, the government remains committed to combating TIP but
they require additional guidance and technical assistance as
implementation moves forward. Effective engagement will also
help ensure long-term commitment.

23. (SBU) Post recommends that the aforementioned engagement
is coupled with targeted assistance. Short-to-medium term
assistance requirements are discussed below.

Ongoing Labor Programs

24. (SBU) ILO Better Work Jordan Program (BWJ): The BWJ,
partially funded by USAID, the IFC and the GOJ, is designed
to improve labor standards and increase the competitiveness
of the apparel sector. BWJ conducts independent factory
assessments to determine compliance with international and
Jordanian labor standards. These reports result in
corresponding recommendations and strategies to address
deficiencies and training is offered to help factories
implement the recommendations. The factory reports are
shared with international buyers who can better determine
compliance with labor standards and steps taken to improve
performance. BWJ also brings together the government,
employers, unions, and buyers to discuss problems faced by
the sector and to find shared solutions.

25. (SBU) Combating Exploitive Child Labor Through Education
Project (CECLE): CECLE is a 4-year, $4 million project
funded by the U.S. Department of Labor with the aim of
withdrawing 4,000 children from the worst forms of child
labor (WFCL) and preventing another 4,000 children from
entering WFCL. CECLE focus on the provision of direct
educational services, such as informal and non-formal
education to out-of-school children throughout Jordan. CECLE
will also increase awareness among communities, the private
sector, and individuals on the dangers of child labor and the
laws that protect children. Mechanisms to deter child labor
and provide services to child laborers will be strengthened.
For instance, all labor inspectors are being trained on
detection and how to deal with various instances and types of
child labor. The project will revitalize the National
Committee on Child Labor to coordinate efforts, enhance
research, develop strategies, and advocate for needed
legislative changes.

26. (SBU) Adviser to the Minister of Labor: Since 2006,
USAID has funded an international labor expert to provide
technical assistance to the Minister of Labor. Most
importantly, this adviser led the development of several
strategies to combat forced labor in the garment sector and

specifically designed the programs to enhance and improve the
labor inspectorate. The Adviser either directly, or working
with implementing partners, has built capacity throughout the
ministry. For instance, the training program for labor
inspectors was significantly improved in addition to the
tripling of its size. More recently, the adviser has taken a
lead on combating TIP, including the drafting of regulations
for recruitment agencies and regulations governing the rights
of domestic workers. The Adviser's contract is currently
being extended until late spring 2010 after which no direct
technical assistance within the Ministry will be available.

27. (SBU) TIP: The USG has provided various forms of
technical assistance to support Jordanian efforts to combat
TIP. Most recently, the State Department's Office to Combat
TIP (G/TIP) is funding a U.S. Department of Justice project
to train judges and lawyers on TIP. A G/TIP grant to the
American Bar Association to further conduct judiciary
training, conduct public awareness, and provide a range of
technical assistance is also pending. G/TIP previously
funded an ILO project to train labor inspectors and other
government officials on TIP. This project is now funded by
the Canadians.

Additional Needs

28. (SBU) Expand the Better Work Jordan Program: Discussions
are underway to make the BWJ mandatory for all garment
factories. Currently only 16 of the approximately 80 garment
factories have signed onto BWJ. These 16 factories are
primarily the largest and most well-known producers in the
sector and export to the U.S. and large U.S. buyers under the
FTA and QIZ programs. They also tend to have the best labor
practices. (Note: BWJ is also discussing participation with
an additional eight factories to formally join BWJ. End
Note.) Stakeholders are in general agreement that smaller
factories, especially those not producing for large brand
name buyers or those not exporting to the U.S. under the FTA
or QIZ programs, must be included in the program to obtain a
complete picture of the labor situation and to improve
standards throughout the sector. Primary questions to be
answered before moving forward include the best mechanism to
make the program mandatory (e.g. tie participation to foreign
worker visas) and participation costs (e.g. lowering
assessment costs as all factories come on board). Expanding
BWJ to include all factories will require additional
resources, such as the hiring of at least one additional
assessment team. The estimated cost to make BWJ mandatory
over the next three years is $600,000.

29. (SBU) Union Strengthening: The General Trade Union for
the Textile and Garment Industry has actively resolved
thousands of workplace grievances. They have also educated
thousands of Jordanian and foreign workers on their rights.
The union has the potential to do a great deal more to the
development of strong labor-management relations including
through further developing enterprise level union committees
and corresponding collective bargaining strategies. Focusing
on effective associations and collective bargaining at the
enterprise level will be highly beneficial by strengthening
worker and union voices within the workplace while
higher-level engagement on union structures continues.
Strengthening the textile union is a strong compliment to the
BWJ Program as they try to develop tripartite dialogue. The
estimated cost to implement such a project is $400,000 over
the next three years.

30. (SBU) TIP: Labor inspectors, border enforcement
officials, residency police, and some judges and prosecutors
have all received individual training on TIP. Joint training
of all three parties to enhance cooperation and overall
investigation and prosecution has not yet been conducted.
Additionally, the National TIP Committee is completing a plan

and regulations for a TIP shelter and corresponding referral
system. The shelter, to be managed by an NGO, will require
funding. Efforts to increase public awareness on the
anti-TIP law and to change public attitudes towards domestic
workers are also essential. Post estimates that at least $3
million over the next three years is needed to implement such

31. (SBU) Advisers and technical assistance: An adviser
within the Ministry of Labor was instrumental in the
development of labor strategies and the ministry's overall
capacity. As the Ministry of Labor continues to enhance its
capacity, especially of the inspectorate, and move forward on
labor reform, Post anticipates the need for short-term
technical expertise on a range of specific labor issues. The
Ministry, including the current Minister, wants outside
guidance and expertise to improve labor conditions. A
mechanism that would allow access for short-term technical
assistance on specific labor issues would be extremely

32. (SBU) Employment discrimination and harassment:
Assistance to combat discrimination and harassment should be
considered. While Post has not mapped out specific
activities or requirements, assistance could include the
training of labor inspectors and police, strengthening of
complaint mechanisms, review of legislation and regulations,
and raising public awareness.

Labor Contacts

33. (U) The designated MOL interlocutor regarding labor
rights is Secretary General Mazan Odeh Nasser, phone number
962-6-583-3376, e-mail

34. (U) Post Labor Reporting Officer is Political Officer
Garret Harries, phone number 962-6-590-6597, fax number
962-6-592-0159, e-mail The Trade
Officer dealing with FTA and QIZ issues is Economic Section
Deputy Chief Ali Lejlic, phone number 862-6-590-6557, fax
number 962-6-592-7653, email

35. (U) The ILO is currently the only international (or U.S.)
organization working on labor issues in Jordan and is
currently implementing the Better Work Jordan Program as well
as several smaller projects, including the project to combat
TIP. The ILO point of contact in Jordan is Phil Fishman,
phone number 962-6-565-3807, fax number 962-6-565-3991,
e-mail The Solidarity Center
recently closed its Jordan office and has no on-going
projects to assist Jordan's labor unions.

36. (U) The primary local organization engaged on labor
rights is the National Center for Human Rights (NCHR). NCHR
maintains a labor complaint mechanism and investigated all
complaints, especially those originating from garment
factories or by domestic workers. The NCHR also played a
role in drafting Jordan's anti-TIP law as well as domestic
worker and recruitment agency regulations. NCHR point of
contact is Atef Al-Majali, phone number 962-6-593-1256, fax
number 962-6-593-0072, e-mail

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