2009-04-21 08:32:00
Embassy Tel Aviv
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 TEL AVIV 000887
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/20/2019
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission Luis Moreno, reason 1.4 (b) and
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 TEL AVIV 000887
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/20/2019
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission Luis Moreno, reason 1.4 (b) and
1. (C) Summary. On April 16, CODEL Lowey met with Deputy
Foreign Minister (DFM) Danny Ayalon to discuss the peace
process and Iran. Foreign Minister (FM) Lieberman also
joined for part of the meeting. Ayalon and Lieberman both
emphasized that Iran is the biggest threat to Israel, the
region, and the world. The dynamics of the region have
fundamentally changed, Ayalon explained, as the division is
now between moderates and extremists, a fight that transcends
boundaries and old sectarian and religious divides. On the
Palestinian track, both the Lieberman and Ayalon said that
the peace process has yielded little since Oslo despite the
best efforts of the Israelis, including several left-wing
governments, and therefore a new approach is needed. They
stressed the importance to Israelis of Palestinian acceptance
of Israel as a Jewish state. They added that settlements are
not as important as many people believe, pointing out that
the conflict existed before 1967, when there were no
settlements, and not even evacuating the Gaza settlements has
helped. CODEL Lowey emphasized that the United States will
always support Israel's security, and the U.S. is interested
in achieving peace with security. Congresswoman Lowey agreed
that the focus should be kept on Iran, but pointed out that
settlements shift that focus onto Israel. Congressman Schiff
added that no matter how strong an argument Israel makes on
settlements, they will lose that argument in the
international community and therefore settlement actions will
remain a distraction. END SUMMARY.
2. (C) Ayalon cautioned that the government of Israel has
not yet finalized its positions, and therefore the opinions
he and Lieberman were sharing were their own views which may
or may not become official policy when the GOI review is
done. Ayalon also pointed out that the new government had
only been seated for 10 days, 5 of which were a holiday, and
asked for patience while they worked to establish their
policies, which he said would be completed within weeks.
3. (C) FM Lieberman explained that Iran is not only the
biggest threat to Israel, it is also a threat to the region
and the world. He compared this era to pre-World War II
Europe, where countries were either hesitant to condemn Nazi
Germany or worked to appease it. If Iran gets a nuclear
weapon, Lieberman said, it will trigger an arms race
throughout the Middle East. However, Lieberman said, Iran is
not just a threat as a potential nuclear power-- they are
exporting terrorism and their radical ideas as well. Israel
is trying to counter Iran on three fronts: nuclear, by proxy
with Hizballah, and through Iran's support for Hamas in Gaza.
Egypt's recent arrest of a Hizballah cell only underscores
that Iran is a threat to the entire region. Iran is now
working to expand its influence beyond the region, Lieberman
said, especially through its contacts with North Korea and
Hugo Chavez.
4. (C) Congresswoman Lowey responded that Iran is also the
focus for the United States, but pointed out that Israeli
actions on settlements distract the international focus away
from Iran. Ayalon and Lieberman asserted that settlements
are only one of many issues, and that fixing settlements will
not bring peace by itself; there were no settlements before
1967, but there was still a conflict. Congressman Schiff
underlined that no matter how strong or articulate a case
Israel makes on settlements, they will not convince the
International Community and therefore, settlements will
remain a distraction.
5. (C) After Lieberman departed the meeting, Ayalon went on
to explain that distinctions must be made between
settlements. For example, he said, there are outposts that
are illegal under Israeli law and Israel must take action
against these outposts, something "the left-wing government
of Olmert and Livni" never did.
6. (C) Jerusalem, Ayalon said, is a different case because
East Jerusalem has been under full Israeli sovereignty since
1980, so there are no settlements there. In addition, Ma'ale
Adumim and E-1 are integral parts of Jerusalem, and necessary
for Jerusalem's security and expansion. Ayalon added that
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Israel has no plans to build on E-1 in the near future, but
will eventually need to do it. Ayalon rejected the argument
that E-1 is necessary for Palestinian contiguity, saying that
tunnels can provide the necessary connections for the
Palestinians. Ayalon emphasized that settlements are a final
status issue, and pointed out that FM Lieberman had publicly
said that he would leave his home in the West Bank if it was
needed for peace.
Peace Process
7. (C) Ayalon explained that the Annapolis process had three
goals: restarting final status negotiations, bringing
improvements on the ground, and moving the Arab World closer
to Israel. During Annapolis, Ayalon said, Olmert offered a
lot but got nothing in return from the Arab world. Ayalon
opined that relations with the Arabs even worsened, with both
Qatar and Mauritania closing their offices or breaking
relations during the tenure of the dovish Olmert and Livni
government. Nonetheless, Ayalon stressed that the new
government will uphold Israel's commitments under past
agreements, including the principle of two states for two
8. (C) Ayalon said that Annapolis has failed, although
through no fault of Israel. Now, he said, the only way to
move forward is to build trust between the parties by
focusing on what is really important to each: security for
Israel and the economy for the Palestinians. Any attempt to
impose a political solution on the parties before that trust
is built will fail. You can't build the top floors of a
building, he stated, until the bottom floors are done.
9. (C) When FM Lieberman was in the meeting, he expressed
similar views. Lieberman said that 16 years of attempts at
peace with the Palestinians have yielded little, despite
Israel's best efforts, so fresh ideas are needed. Lieberman
argued that the idea of land for peace has failed, as Israel
has given up land more than three times its size since 1979
and has not gotten peace. Olmert and Livni were supposedly a
government of peace, he said, but they brought the Second
Lebanon War and the operation in Gaza, and did not return
Gilad Shalit.
10. (C) Lieberman explained that he is a settler, so he has
the opportunity to speak to Palestinians every day. Despite
their politicians' rhetoric, Lieberman said, the Palestinians
really care most about the economy. Israel, Lieberman said,
must help build the Palestinian economy while increasing
Israel's security. The Palestinians must do their part by
building PA institutions. Lieberman added that Salam Fayyad
has helped this process and is a true partner, but he is just
a technocrat.
Palestinians Must Recognize Israel's Jewish Identity
-------------- --------------
11. (C) For the international community, Lieberman said that
it is not enough to be dedicated to Israel's security, it
must also be committed to Israel as a Jewish state. If the
Palestinians are not ready to recognize Israel as a Jewish
state, there can be no confidence in the process. Ayalon
added that being Jewish is a nationality before it is a
religion, the same way that France is French, though like
France, non-Jews live in Israel with equal rights. Ayalon
reiterated that Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish
state is critical for Israel's confidence, and if there is
confidence then issues likeborders, settlements, and even
Jerusalem become uch easier. This, Ayalon underscored, will
requre Palestinian leaders to educate their people on eace,
including giving up the right of return fo refugees.
Instead of two states for two peoples,the Palestinian
leadership wants one and a half tates for the Palestinians
and half a state for he Jews. Ayalon said that Sharon had
begun educating Israelis about what they would need to
sacrifice for peace. Abu Mazen must do the same.
12. (C) Ayalon asked that the United States ensure its
assistance money helps boost Abu Mazen and weakens Hamas. He
said the U.S. should be very careful and make sure that Hamas
does not see any of that money. Ayalon underscored that a
Palestinian unity government, while unlikely, must allow Abu
Mazen to co-opt Hamas, and not the other way around. CODEL
TEL AVIV 00000887 003 OF 003
Lowey reassured Ayalon that the U.S. has the same position.
13. (U) CODEL Lowey did not have the opportunity to clear
this cable.
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E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/20/2019
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission Luis Moreno, reason 1.4 (b) and
1. (C) Summary. On April 16, CODEL Lowey met with Deputy
Foreign Minister (DFM) Danny Ayalon to discuss the peace
process and Iran. Foreign Minister (FM) Lieberman also
joined for part of the meeting. Ayalon and Lieberman both
emphasized that Iran is the biggest threat to Israel, the
region, and the world. The dynamics of the region have
fundamentally changed, Ayalon explained, as the division is
now between moderates and extremists, a fight that transcends
boundaries and old sectarian and religious divides. On the
Palestinian track, both the Lieberman and Ayalon said that
the peace process has yielded little since Oslo despite the
best efforts of the Israelis, including several left-wing
governments, and therefore a new approach is needed. They
stressed the importance to Israelis of Palestinian acceptance
of Israel as a Jewish state. They added that settlements are
not as important as many people believe, pointing out that
the conflict existed before 1967, when there were no
settlements, and not even evacuating the Gaza settlements has
helped. CODEL Lowey emphasized that the United States will
always support Israel's security, and the U.S. is interested
in achieving peace with security. Congresswoman Lowey agreed
that the focus should be kept on Iran, but pointed out that
settlements shift that focus onto Israel. Congressman Schiff
added that no matter how strong an argument Israel makes on
settlements, they will lose that argument in the
international community and therefore settlement actions will
remain a distraction. END SUMMARY.
2. (C) Ayalon cautioned that the government of Israel has
not yet finalized its positions, and therefore the opinions
he and Lieberman were sharing were their own views which may
or may not become official policy when the GOI review is
done. Ayalon also pointed out that the new government had
only been seated for 10 days, 5 of which were a holiday, and
asked for patience while they worked to establish their
policies, which he said would be completed within weeks.
3. (C) FM Lieberman explained that Iran is not only the
biggest threat to Israel, it is also a threat to the region
and the world. He compared this era to pre-World War II
Europe, where countries were either hesitant to condemn Nazi
Germany or worked to appease it. If Iran gets a nuclear
weapon, Lieberman said, it will trigger an arms race
throughout the Middle East. However, Lieberman said, Iran is
not just a threat as a potential nuclear power-- they are
exporting terrorism and their radical ideas as well. Israel
is trying to counter Iran on three fronts: nuclear, by proxy
with Hizballah, and through Iran's support for Hamas in Gaza.
Egypt's recent arrest of a Hizballah cell only underscores
that Iran is a threat to the entire region. Iran is now
working to expand its influence beyond the region, Lieberman
said, especially through its contacts with North Korea and
Hugo Chavez.
4. (C) Congresswoman Lowey responded that Iran is also the
focus for the United States, but pointed out that Israeli
actions on settlements distract the international focus away
from Iran. Ayalon and Lieberman asserted that settlements
are only one of many issues, and that fixing settlements will
not bring peace by itself; there were no settlements before
1967, but there was still a conflict. Congressman Schiff
underlined that no matter how strong or articulate a case
Israel makes on settlements, they will not convince the
International Community and therefore, settlements will
remain a distraction.
5. (C) After Lieberman departed the meeting, Ayalon went on
to explain that distinctions must be made between
settlements. For example, he said, there are outposts that
are illegal under Israeli law and Israel must take action
against these outposts, something "the left-wing government
of Olmert and Livni" never did.
6. (C) Jerusalem, Ayalon said, is a different case because
East Jerusalem has been under full Israeli sovereignty since
1980, so there are no settlements there. In addition, Ma'ale
Adumim and E-1 are integral parts of Jerusalem, and necessary
for Jerusalem's security and expansion. Ayalon added that
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Israel has no plans to build on E-1 in the near future, but
will eventually need to do it. Ayalon rejected the argument
that E-1 is necessary for Palestinian contiguity, saying that
tunnels can provide the necessary connections for the
Palestinians. Ayalon emphasized that settlements are a final
status issue, and pointed out that FM Lieberman had publicly
said that he would leave his home in the West Bank if it was
needed for peace.
Peace Process
7. (C) Ayalon explained that the Annapolis process had three
goals: restarting final status negotiations, bringing
improvements on the ground, and moving the Arab World closer
to Israel. During Annapolis, Ayalon said, Olmert offered a
lot but got nothing in return from the Arab world. Ayalon
opined that relations with the Arabs even worsened, with both
Qatar and Mauritania closing their offices or breaking
relations during the tenure of the dovish Olmert and Livni
government. Nonetheless, Ayalon stressed that the new
government will uphold Israel's commitments under past
agreements, including the principle of two states for two
8. (C) Ayalon said that Annapolis has failed, although
through no fault of Israel. Now, he said, the only way to
move forward is to build trust between the parties by
focusing on what is really important to each: security for
Israel and the economy for the Palestinians. Any attempt to
impose a political solution on the parties before that trust
is built will fail. You can't build the top floors of a
building, he stated, until the bottom floors are done.
9. (C) When FM Lieberman was in the meeting, he expressed
similar views. Lieberman said that 16 years of attempts at
peace with the Palestinians have yielded little, despite
Israel's best efforts, so fresh ideas are needed. Lieberman
argued that the idea of land for peace has failed, as Israel
has given up land more than three times its size since 1979
and has not gotten peace. Olmert and Livni were supposedly a
government of peace, he said, but they brought the Second
Lebanon War and the operation in Gaza, and did not return
Gilad Shalit.
10. (C) Lieberman explained that he is a settler, so he has
the opportunity to speak to Palestinians every day. Despite
their politicians' rhetoric, Lieberman said, the Palestinians
really care most about the economy. Israel, Lieberman said,
must help build the Palestinian economy while increasing
Israel's security. The Palestinians must do their part by
building PA institutions. Lieberman added that Salam Fayyad
has helped this process and is a true partner, but he is just
a technocrat.
Palestinians Must Recognize Israel's Jewish Identity
-------------- --------------
11. (C) For the international community, Lieberman said that
it is not enough to be dedicated to Israel's security, it
must also be committed to Israel as a Jewish state. If the
Palestinians are not ready to recognize Israel as a Jewish
state, there can be no confidence in the process. Ayalon
added that being Jewish is a nationality before it is a
religion, the same way that France is French, though like
France, non-Jews live in Israel with equal rights. Ayalon
reiterated that Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish
state is critical for Israel's confidence, and if there is
confidence then issues likeborders, settlements, and even
Jerusalem become uch easier. This, Ayalon underscored, will
requre Palestinian leaders to educate their people on eace,
including giving up the right of return fo refugees.
Instead of two states for two peoples,the Palestinian
leadership wants one and a half tates for the Palestinians
and half a state for he Jews. Ayalon said that Sharon had
begun educating Israelis about what they would need to
sacrifice for peace. Abu Mazen must do the same.
12. (C) Ayalon asked that the United States ensure its
assistance money helps boost Abu Mazen and weakens Hamas. He
said the U.S. should be very careful and make sure that Hamas
does not see any of that money. Ayalon underscored that a
Palestinian unity government, while unlikely, must allow Abu
Mazen to co-opt Hamas, and not the other way around. CODEL
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Lowey reassured Ayalon that the U.S. has the same position.
13. (U) CODEL Lowey did not have the opportunity to clear
this cable.
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