2009-02-10 07:43:00
Embassy Tallinn
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DE RUEHTL #0037/01 0410743
R 100743Z FEB 09



E.O. 12958: N/A


REF: A) STATE 132759




E.O. 12958: N/A


REF: A) STATE 132759

1. (U) The following is Embassy Tallinn's Anti-
Trafficking Report for Estonia. Responses are keyed to
the checklist (Ref A). Post's points of contact on
Trafficking in Persons (TIP) are Political Officer
Alamanda Gribbin (Email:; tel: +372-668-8291)
and Political Assistant Riina Tannia (Tel: +372-668-8233;

2. (SBU) SUMMARY: The Government of Estonia (GOE) has
made significant progress in combating trafficking-in-
persons in 2008, developing stronger coordination with
local NGOs active on this issue, improving services to
victims and working on the expansion of the penal code
statues relating to enslavement. During the reporting
period the Estonian Government confirmed two cases of
trafficking. As a result, Estonia does not meet either
the State Department's 'significance' threshold or the
'100 confirmed cases' benchmark for inclusion in the
trafficking report as a Tier Two country. The rare
incidence of trafficking cases, combined with strong GOE
leadership, allow us to justify moving Estonia to Tier
One status. END SUMMARY.

Estonia's TIP Situation

3. (SBU) A: The Estonian Ministry of Justice (MOJ),
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA),Ministry of Social
Affairs (MSA),Ministry of Interior (MOI) local NGOs, the
local branch of the International Organization for
Migration (IOM),the Nordic Police and Customs
Cooperation Office in Tallinn and the Norwegian, Swedish
and Finnish Embassies in Tallinn were all sources of
available information on TIP. The information assembled
in this report is based on the most current and reliable
data available at this time.

4. (SBU) B: Estonia is believed to be a country of origin
and transit for trafficked women. According to Estonian
Government officials concerned with human trafficking,
the recent downturn in the Estonian economy has
dramatically decreased the price of sexual services in
the country, making Estonia a less desirable destination
for traffickers. During the reporting period, there was
no evidence of men, women or children being trafficked
into Estonia. During the reporting period, two
trafficking cases were registered in the Estonian courts.
One case involved an Estonian responding to a job
advertisement promising work in the Ukraine. The case
was ultimately dismissed due to lack of evidence. The
second case involved an inmate in an Estonian prison but
was ultimately deemed to be an incidence of forced labor.

5. (SBU) B, cont: During the reporting period, the

Estonian MOJ also recorded the return of three Estonian
women who were alleged to have been victims of
trafficking abroad (one in the UK and two in Norway).
The MOJ noted the return of a mentally-handicapped woman
from Tartu who traveled to Finland where she was forced
to perform sex acts for approximately three weeks. The
two men deemed responsible for forcing her to commit the
acts were tried and convicted of pimping in a Finnish

6. (SBU) B, cont: According to the Estonian Ministry for
Social Affairs (MSA),it is difficult to track the exact
number of trafficking victims in Estonia.
Travel'friendly regulations in the Schengen zone and
variations in victim reporting practices among
neighboring countries made obtaining exact victim
statistics difficult. To improve the tracking mechanism,
MSA worked with relevant NGOs on the development of a
victim identification model. A joint Government and NGO
anti-trafficking workgroup approved the model in January
2009 and hope to have it in place by March 2009. (Post
will update before the April 15 deadline).

7. (SBU) B, cont: In addition to GOE agencies and NGOs,
post also consulted with the resident Liaison Officer for
Nordic Customs and Police Cooperation (covering Estonia,
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) and
representatives from the Embassies of Norway, Sweden and
Finland in Estonia. According to the Liaison Officer,
cataloguing the exact number of Estonian trafficking
victims abroad is quite difficult. The Nordic Customs
and Police agencies only report trafficking victims to
the country of origin in certain cases: 1) when a case
goes to court and the victim's identity cannot be
ascertained; 2) when victims request services from the
country of origin.

8. (SBU) B, cont/C: Based on discussions with Nordic
Police, Nordic diplomats in Tallinn, and the Estonian MFA
and MOJ, we understand that during the reporting period
there were no documented Estonian trafficking victims in
Sweden or Finland, but two victims were returned to
Estonia from Norway. The women in question were offered
jobs in a bar, but when they arrived in Norway it turned
out that they were expected to provide sexual services.
An Estonian woman in the UK alleged to be a victim of
trafficking and sought assistance through a UK
trafficking NGO to return to Estonia. Once she arrived
in Estonia, she refused additional victim assistance. As
such, the exact circumstances surrounding her alleged
victimization are unclear.

9. (SBU) D: Estonian prostitutes with drug addictions
should be (and are) considered vulnerable to traffickers.

10. (SBU) E: According to Estonian law enforcement, most
traffickers were generally small-scale operators, who
often had ties to local organized crime groups. The
representatives of the Estonian NGOs 'Atoll' and
'Eluliin' remarked that, in some cases, former
prostitutes become traffickers and pimps. The most
common lure by traffickers remains the promise of
legitimate employment abroad (e.g., hotels, restaurants,
massage parlors, and strip clubs). In December 2007,
Estonia formally joined the EU's Schengen Agreement for
common visa and immigration borders on land and sea.
Estonia also joined the Schengen area for air borders on
March 30, 2008. This agreement allows for the free
movement of people within Schengen countries (the UK,
Ireland, and Denmark are not members),eliminating the
need for traffickers to obtain false documentation to
move victims between Estonia and the rest of the EU.

Setting the Scene for Estonia's ANTI-TIP Efforts
-------------- --------------

11. (SBU) A: The government of Estonia has acknowledged
that anti-trafficking is a priority.

12. (SBU) B: During the reporting period, the following
ministries and agencies were involved in anti-trafficking
activities: MFA, MOI, MOJ, MSA, Ministry of Education and
Research (MOER),Ministry of Finance (MOF),Citizenship
and Migration Board (CMB),the Border Guards, Police
Board, the Central Criminal Police (CCP),INTERPOL and
EUROPOL liaison offices, and the Prosecutor's Office.
Recognizing that trafficking extends beyond the scope of
any single agency, the GOE's National Action Plan
designates the MOJ as the lead ministry to better
coordinate the government's efforts. During the reporting
period, the MOJ, MSA, MOI, and MFA met regularly at
various working-levels.

13. (SBU) C: Previously, inadequate funding limited the
GOE's ability to combat trafficking. However, the GOE
recognized this deficiency and has steadily increased the
amount of funding committed to anti-trafficking measures.
In 2006, the anti-trafficking budget was approximately
14,000 USD. In 2007, the GOE spent approximately 181,000
USD on prevention and victim assistance and in 2008 the
amount spent was approximately 200,000 USD.

14. (SBU): C, cont: Post found no evidence of
trafficking-related corruption within the GOE. We are
also not aware of any instances of bribe-taking related
to trafficking among GOE, law enforcement, or border
guard officials. With respect to public corruption, there
is a "Select Committee on the Application of the Anti-
Corruption Act" in the Riigikogu (the Estonian
Parliament) which promoted full implementation of anti-
corruption legislation.

15. (SBU) D: In 2006, the GOE founded the National Anti-
Trafficking Network. The tasks of the network are
recorded in the National Action Plan for the years 2006-

2009. This year the Ministry of Justice will start
working on the new action plan for 2009-2012. The draft
action plan should be ready early this year. The Network
is represented by the relevant Ministries, police, border
guards, prosecutors and NGOs dealing directly with the
trafficking issue. Representatives meet throughout the
year and correspond frequently via e-mail. Each year, the
Network drafts an assessment of the previous year's
activities. GOE ministries are currently circulating the
2008 assessment.

Investigation and Prosecution of Traffickers

16. (SBU) A: Estonia does not have any trafficking-
specific laws in its criminal code. The GOE considers
trafficking to be prohibited under Article 133 (the
prohibition of enslavement) and further considers Article
133 to be an adequate mechanism for addressing
trafficking cases. In March 2007, the GOE expanded
Article 133 in accordance with a July 19, 2002 framework
decision of the EU Council. Article 133 now includes in
the definition of 'enslavement' 'taking advantage of a
person's helpless situation.' Also in 2007, Article 134
was expanded to include forcing a person to work or
perform duties against their will, for the benefit of
another person. The Ministry of Justice is working on an
analysis of the trafficking definition and possible
changes to the current legislation. The analyses should
be ready by end of March 2009.

17. (SBU) A, Cont: Over the last few years, the MOJ has
expanded the number of articles it can use to prosecute
trafficking and related crimes. The following is a list
of laws that the GOE can use in addition to Article 133
when prosecuting traffickers:

-- Article 134: Abduction;
-- Article 136: Unlawful deprivation of liberty;
-- Article 138: Illegal conduct of human research;
-- Article 139: Illegal removal of organs or tissue;
-- Article 140: Inducing persons to donate organs or
-- Article 143: Compelling persons to engage in sexual
-- Article 143/1: Compelling persons to engage in
satisfaction of sexual desire;
-- Article 172: Child kidnapping;
-- Article 173: Sale or purchase of children;
-- Article 175: Disposing minors to engage in
-- Article 176: Aiding prostitution involving minors;
-- Article 177: Use of minors in manufacture of
pornographic works;
-- Article 178: Manufacture of works involving child
pornography or making child pornography available;
-- Article 259: Illegal transportation of aliens across
state border or temporary border line of Republic of
-- Article 268: Provision of opportunity to engage in
unlawful activities, or pimping;

During the reporting period, the MOJ recorded 189
individual criminal offenses related to these statues,
although as a single suspect can be charged with multiple
violations, the actual number of court judgments related
to the above statues is 67. The MOJ noted that in two
instances the alleged violations specifically related to
trafficking. The remaining violations were related to
illegal commercial sex activities (e.g., pimping,
exploitation of minors, kidnapping, etc.).

18. (SBU) B: The penalty for 'enslavement' for the
purposes of sexual exploitation is up to five years
imprisonment. If there are two or more victims or if the
victims are minors, the penalty is up to 12 years of
imprisonment. During the reporting period, there were no
convictions for 'enslavement' for the purposes of sexual
exploitation under Article 133 of the Penal Code.

19. (SBU) C: The prescribed penalty for labor trafficking
is one to five years imprisonment. In severe cases, the
penalty is three to twelve years imprisonment. During
the reporting period two persons were convicted of
'enslavement' under Article 133 of the Penal Code for
forcing the third person to sell drugs. One defendant was
sentenced to 1 year and 6 months imprisonment and the
other to one year imprisonment. As both had been
convicted before and had not yet served the related
sentences, they received a combined sentence of seven
years and two months imprisonment and 14 days and four
years eight months and seven days respectively.

20. (SBU) D: The penalties for trafficking under
enslavement, abduction, rape, sexual assault, and sexual
abuse of minors are five years imprisonment in the case
of adult victims, and 12 years for child victims under
age 18. Prosecutors may also add violations of
additional statutes to increase the penalty (i.e., rape,
abuse of a minor, etc.).

21. (SBU) E: During the reporting period, two persons
were convicted of trafficking related crimes under the
expanded Article 133 relating to enslavement. (See
Paragraph 19C for information concerning their

22. (SBU) E, cont: Estonian labor laws forbid
inappropriately high or illegal fees or commissions by
labor recruiters, confiscating of workers'
passports/travel documents and the destruction, damaging,
theft or concealment of these documents. Violators can
be prosecuted under paragraphs 209 and 346 of the
Estonian Penal Code dealing with fraud and theft, and
receive punishment in the form of a minimum fine of 5,000
USD or 5 to 15 years imprisonment. The switching of
contracts or terms of employment without a worker's
consent is forbidden by paragraph 12 of the Labor Market
Services and Benefits Act. The Labour Inspectorate, a
government agency operating under the umbrella of the
MSA, enforces these provisions. There were no
prosecutions for these crimes during the reporting

23. (SBU) F: Together with NGOs 'Living for Tomorrow,'
'Eluliin' and the Police, the MSA conducted three TIP
prevention training seminars in April, May and October
for social workers, juvenile police and support persons
of women engaged in prostitution and trafficking victims.
Responsible for the trainings along with MSA were the
Prosecutor's Office, MOI and MFA. On May 29, 2008,
twenty-one police officers from the Eastern Police
Prefecture participated in the training seminar
'Prevention of trafficking in persons and assisting the
victims.' On May 14-15, 2008, the Open Society Institute
of Estonia conducted training on prostitution in Estonia
from a legal perspective. Representatives of both the
National Police Board and Northern Police Prefecture
attended the seminar. The border guards received no
special training in 2008, but they were provided with the
handbooks from the 2007 training. Two trainings for
judges are planned for April and May 2009. The total cost
of three seminars in 2008 was approximately 6,740 USD.

24. (SBU) F, cont: In addition to MSA-initiated trainings
for the police and youth counselors, the NGO 'Living for
Tomorrow' conducted 22 anti-trafficking trainings all
over Estonia for 441 schoolchildren. Twelve were
conducted in Estonian and ten in the Russian language.
In total, 39 schools participated in the above-mentioned
training seminars. Trainings were also held at ten
Estonian and Russian orphanages and three specialized
schools, with 129 participants altogether, both children
and adults.

25. (SBU) F, cont: In July the Southern Police
Prefecture' Prevention Office organized a three-day youth
camp for young people from Tartu, Jogeva and Valga
counties. One of the topics covered was trafficking in
persons. There were 200 participants altogether.

26. (SBU) F, cont: In September 2008, representatives
from the National Institute for Health Development and
the Intelligence Department of the Estonian Border Guard
took part in an OSCE conference 'Successful Prosecution
of Human Trafficking - Challenges and Good Practices' in
Helsinki. In November 2008, representatives of the MFA
and the Estonian Embassy in Copenhagen participated in a
trafficking related training for diplomats organized by
the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) anti-trafficking
task force working-group. An MFA representative took
part in the CBSS anti-trafficking task force meetings in
May, September and November 2008.

27. (SBU) G: The Estonian Central Criminal Police
exchanged surveillance information on a regular basis
with counterparts from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland,
Great Britain and Poland. They received 16 requests for
assistance from abroad during 2008. Also in 2008,
Estonian law enforcement officials formed an information
and best practices exchange network with Bulgaria, Sweden
and Romania. The Nordic Customs and Police Cooperation
Liaison in Tallinn reported that cooperation with
Estonian counterparts takes many forms, from assistance
in suspect surveillance and interrogation to providing
victim and perpetrator identities. The Liaison
characterized Estonia's cooperation in trafficking
related matters as good.

28. (SBU) H: GOE policy is to extradite persons,
including its own nationals, who are charged with
trafficking in other countries. Three trafficking
related extraditions to Finland took place during the
reporting period.

29. (SBU) J: There was no evidence of government
involvement in or tolerance of trafficking at either the
local or institutional level.

30. (SBU) K: Prostitution and the solicitation of
commercial sex are not illegal in Estonia. Pimping,
however, is illegal. The activities of brothel
owners/operators, pimps, and enforcers are criminalized
and the GOE regularly enforces the laws.

31. (SBU) L: There was no evidence of Estonian
peacekeepers' deployed abroad engaging in trafficking.

32. (SBU) M: Estonia does not have an identified child
sex tourism problem (either as a source or a destination


33. (SBU) A: In 2006, the GOE incorporated EU Council
Directive 2004/81/EC into national law to make it
possible for trafficking victims to obtain a temporary
residency permit for the duration of criminal
investigations and legal proceedings. The law was
enacted in February 2007. No trafficking victim applied
for a residency permit during the reporting period.

34. (SBU) B: In 2007, three shelters designated
specifically for trafficking victims began operating in
Estonia. The shelters, available to foreign and domestic
victims alike, were established as part of the Nordic-
Baltic pilot project and offer psychological, career and
legal counseling to victims. The shelters are operated by
NGOs. There are no special shelters for male victims.
According to the MSA, during the reporting period 55 past
and present victims received services in these
facilities, 17 of them stayed in shelters for some time
and 38 victims received assistance and counseling in out-
patient centers. Funding for the shelters was provided by
the Nordic countries through the European Women's Lobby.
These shelters also received funds under an MOI-directed
program to support regional investments with taxes on
gambling. As of 2009 however, the two shelters for TIP
victims and the rehabilitation center in Tallinn will
receive funding from the MSA in the amount of 100,000 USD
per year. The GOE also supported a children's 24-hour
hotline dedicated to the early recognition of child
victims and providing assistance. Social workers answer
the phones and they can forward the calls to
psychologists or police whenever necessary. The GOE
allocated approximately 75 percent of its overall 200,000
USD anti-trafficking budget to victims' assistance

35. (SBU) C/D: The MSA contributed 5,000 USD to IOM for a
handbook on assistance to trafficking victims. This
handbook is a practical guide for medical workers and
others who assist trafficking victims. The first training
on how to use the handbook took place in February 2009.
The NGO 'Living for Tomorrow' received 2,000 USD from the
Estonian Gambling Tax Council. The funds supported 22
trafficking awareness training sessions for secondary and
vocational school students at 39 schools, and nine
training sessions for 229 adults (victim assistants,
youth counsellors, teachers of history and civics, church
ministers, etc). In addition, the MSA provided the NGO
'Living for Tomorrow' 15,000 USD to fund its anti-
trafficking Hotline service.

36. (SBU) E: See paragraphs 37 and 38 J on victim

37. (SBU) F/G/H: There was no government mechanism for
screening for trafficking victims. This work was done by
the NGO 'Atoll's' regular field survey of area
prostitutes which included efforts to identify
trafficking victims. A new victim identification model
was approved by the joint Government-NGO anti-trafficking
network at the end of January 2009. The Government
intends to begin using the model this year.

38. (SBU) I: Post found no evidence that trafficking
victims were unlawfully detained, jailed, and/or
deported. There were also no incidents of trafficking
victims or witnesses having their rights to seek damages

39. (SBU) J: Under Estonia's Victim Assistance Act (VAA),
the MSA was responsible for overseeing assistance
services for trafficking victims. The MSA worked closely
with local and county governments and NGOs in providing
victim's assistance, as well as training and supervising

40. (SBU) J, cont: Under Estonia's Crime Victim's
Compensation Act (CVCA),trafficking victims are eligible
for financial assistance and compensation of up to 70
percent of the damages caused by the crime. During the
reporting period, none of the CVCA recipients were
identified as trafficking victims.

41. (SBU) J, cont: During the reporting period, a Baltic
Sea States region-wide witness protection agreement
(signed by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) was in force.
However, no Estonian trafficking victims elected to
participate in the Baltic program.

42. (SBU) J, cont: The MFA took steps to ensure that,
upon repatriation, trafficking victims were made aware of
assistance services available from GOE agencies and NGOs.
The information sheet containing contact data for the
Estonian Women's Shelter Union is available at Estonian
Embassies. Minor victims are referred to the Tartu Child
Support Center for assistance.

43. (SBU) J, cont: The Estonian Embassy in London
assisted in repatriating a female trafficking victim back
to Estonia from the UK in June 2008. Upon her return to
Estonia, the woman was met at the airport by the
representative of the NGO 'Eluliin,' but she rejected any
assistance. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs covered the
repatriation costs of the victim.

44. (SBU) K: The Ministry of Social Affairs holds an
annual training session for consular officers on
recognizing and assisting trafficking victims. The
training material is available electronically as well.
Estonian Consulates and Embassies have developed good
relations with NGOs and international organizations that
serve trafficking victims.

45. (SBU) L: The Government of Estonia provides medical
aid, shelter, financial and legal assistance to its
nationals who are repatriated as victims of trafficking.

46. (SBU) M: The following NGOs and international
organizations work with trafficking victims:

--Living for Tomorrow (prevention and outreach;
trafficking prevention hotline);
--HIV/AIDS Prevention Center (prevention and outreach);
--International Organization for Adolescents (prevention,
outreach, and victim assistance);
--Human Rights Legal Information Center (prevention and
--Estonian Women's Studies and Resource Center (ENUT);
--Tartu Child Support Center (prevention and support);
--Equal (outreach and assistance to prostitutes);
--Atoll (outreach and assistance to prostitutes);
--International Organization for Migration (outreach,
prevention, assistance to victims);
--The Vega Center

47. M, cont: In general, (as cited in paragraphs 34 B and
35 C/D) during the reporting period, the GOE allotted
200,000 USD to trafficking related training, campaigns
and other activities. Approximately 75 percent of this
budget was spent on victim services, including hotlines,
and the remaining 25 percent was spent on prevention.
(See paragraph 34B for a description of available shelter


48. (SBU) A: The MFA has been active in disseminating
informational materials on trafficking and consular
services at the Ministry itself, on their webpage and at
the Tallinn airport and harbors. The MFA also
disseminated trafficking-related materials at TourEst
2008, the annual tourism fair, which was attended by
approximately 23,465 people over three days. They plan
to participate in TourEst 2009. The MFA also operated a
24-hour hotline for Estonians traveling abroad. Estonian
Embassies and the MFA offered voluntary registration for
Estonian citizens traveling abroad. Over 6,200 Estonians
registered with the MFA and Estonian foreign missions
prior to their travel abroad in 2008.

49. (SBU) B: The GOE adequately monitored its borders for
trafficking. The GOE monitored immigration and
emigration patterns for evidence of trafficking
unilaterally and in concert with regional border guards
and law-enforcement partners. One strategy of the 2008
National Action Plan was to pay closer attention to
minors crossing the EU border with Russia, including
questioning minors or persons accompanying minors,
contacting the parents of a child traveling without them
and requesting additional documents. During the reporting
period there were no cases identified of trafficking

50. (SBU) C: The National Anti-Trafficking Network
comprises not only representatives of the relevant
ministries, but also NGOs. The representatives of the
ministries have stressed that NGO participation in the
network is crucial, as they have the best knowledge of
the problem and have the closest contacts with
trafficking victims. In 2008, the Government of Estonia
acknowledged the Anti-Trafficking Network for a best
practices award, noting the good cooperation of
Government organizations with NGOs dealing with the TIP

51. (SBU) D: In 2006, the GOE founded a national Anti-
Trafficking working group. This group, represented by
MFA, MIA, MOJ, MSA, Ministry of Education (ME),Ministry
of Finance (MOF),Citizenship and Migration Board (CMB),
the Border Guards, Police Board, Central Criminal Police
(CCP),INTERPOL and EUROPOL liaison offices and the
Prosecutor's Office, drafted a National Action Plan to
combat trafficking for the period 2006-2009. The MOJ is
the lead agency and is responsible for the implementation
of the plan and inter-agency coordination. There is also
a public corruption taskforce under the authority of the
MOJ. Each year, a thorough review is conducted of the
previous years' goals and areas for improvement are
identified. The 2008 goals are currently under review at
the inter-ministerial level.

52. (SBU) E: The GOE has undertaken several initiatives
to reduce demand for sex services in Estonia. In 2008,
the MSA presented the results of research conducted in
Estonia on demand issues. Expert speakers from Denmark,
Norway and Finland were invited. Sixty-three persons
participated in the event, among them officials, NGOs,
sociologists and Members of Parliament. In October and
November 2008, 'Living for Tomorrow,' together with the
MSA, conducted a six-day training for youth counselors.
Topics under discussion were trafficking, forced labor,
prostitution and demand issues. Twenty-three persons took
part in the training. The GOE also conducted a media
campaign on the dangers of prostitution. In November
2008, the MSA published a four-page addendum to the
biggest Estonian daily Postimees (236,000 readers) called
the 'Hidden Side of Prostitution' which aimed at reducing
the demand and conducted prostitution prevention programs
in schools.

53. (SBU) E, cont: During the reporting period the MSA
allotted about 6,300 USD for publishing two brochures:
'Ten Myths about Prostitution' and 'Sex Slavery in Our
Time.' Translated into Estonian were articles by Danish
and Finnish sociologists Claus Lautrup and Marjut Yurkis
and a book called 'What's Love Gotta Do With It'
Reflections on psychotherapeutic work with buyers and
sellers of sex'. All of these materials were distributed
at seminars and lectures. The MOER is also planning to
include the topic of trafficking in persons into national
curriculum as part of the risk behavior section in the
social studies course in the 8th grade.

54. (SBU) E, cont: Police also continued their efforts to
crack down on area brothels. In the beginning of 2006,
there were 43 known brothels operating in Estonia.
According to the Estonian Police, currently only 3 remain
in operation.

55. (SBU) F: There were no known instances of
international child sex tourism by Estonian nationals.
However, the Estonian MSA and various law enforcement
agencies held regular trainings for child protection
workers and police officers on how to recognize child
trafficking victims. The Estonian Police has a special
group that deals with sexual exploitation of children.
Crimes of sexual exploitation of minors for sex purposes
are one of the priorities of the State Prosecutor's
Office. The GOE also took part in the Council of Baltic
Sea States Working Group for Cooperation on Children at
Risk. (Estonia has been a member of this work group since
2002, and was the Chair Country for 2007-2008). In
November 2008, a representative of the MSA took part in
the 3rd World Congress on the issue of child exploitation
in Rio de Janeiro.

56. (SBU) G: Estonia did not meet this criterion.


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