2009-05-20 01:39:00
Secretary of State
Cable title:
Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
1. The Bureau of Political Military Affairs (PM) seeks
talented, action-oriented officers who are interested in
working at the interface of diplomacy and defense as
Foreign Policy Advisors (POLADs). This is in response
to increased hiring authorized by Congress for FY 2009
to expand the Foreign Policy Advisor (POLAD) program to
fifty new POLAD positions over the next two years, with
twenty new POLAD positions in the summer bidding cycle
for 2009 for immediate vacancies. These new positions
take into account the need to address current national
security issues such as Iran and Afghanistan; commands
that deal with civilian-like humanitarian missions such
as SOUTHCOM, AFRICOM, and PACOM; and other commands that
support counter-insurgency (COIN) operations, as well as
stabilization and reconstruction work.
2. We are recruiting for these new "Now" positions in
order to fill them in the summer of 2009. They are
still being created in FSBID, so they may not appear
there for another few days. These positions are in
addition to the existing POLAD positions on last
summer's open assignments list and the ten new POLAD
positions announced last fall. Due to the restructuring
of civilian-military work in Afghanistan, the four new
POLAD positions there remain under review and will be
announced soon. POLAD positions to be filled in the
summer of 2010 will be announced separately, and will be
filled as part of the regular summer 2010 bidding cycle.
3. POLADs to senior military officials work individually
with military service chiefs, regional combatant
commanders, functional commanders, and subordinate
commands in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, and other
locations within the United States and overseas. POLADs
provide policy advice and support on international
relations and diplomacy to their commanders, whom they
frequently accompany on travel.
4. The Political Military Bureau is proud that several
participants in its POLAD program have gone on to
positions of high distinction, including as ambassadors,
deputy assistant secretaries of State, directors general
of the Foreign Service, academic leaders, and NATO
officials. Their subsequent successes reflect well on
the POLAD program, and demonstrate their worth in the
career path of those seeking positions of high
responsibility in the area of national security.
5. Although no previous military or political military
experience is required for these positions, it would
nonetheless be helpful. The Political Military Bureau
seeks highly motivated, energetic officers with a keen
interest in national security issues who possess strong
analytical, interpersonal, writing, and speaking skills.
FSOs are also expected to be flexible in keeping with
their dynamic role in the field and some may work with
Coalition or NATO partners, peacekeeping operations, or
humanitarian issues.
6. The point of contact for these positions is POLAD
Director Jonita I. Whitaker, who can be reached at: or at (202) 647-4776. Back-up
contact is POLAD Deputy Director David Pozorski, who can
be reached at: or at (202) 647-
POLAD Top Sixteen: New Opportunities for Diplomat-
============================================= ===========
7. The following are the NOW and SUMMER 2009 POLAD
positions open for bidders:
A. S19324050, PM/POLAD, Air Forces Africa/17th Air Force
Ramstein, Germany, FE-OC
The 17th Air Force is charged with supporting U.S.
Africa Command with command and control of air forces to
conduct sustained security engagement and operations as
directed to promote air safety, security, and
development on the continent of Africa. The POLAD
provides policy support regarding the political,
diplomatic, and interagency dimensions of the
commander's military responsibilities, especially with
respect to contingency and crisis management activities,
STATE 00051418 002 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
and works closely with representatives of cooperating
agencies. The POLAD assists the Commander of the newly
created Air Force component to U.S. Africa Command in
promoting unity of effort between the U.S. military and
civilian operations covering 52 nations of Africa. The
POLAD travels frequently with the Commander throughout
the AOR. The POLAD also enables and facilitates
collaboration and synchronization with embassies and
other U.S. diplomatic missions or presence in Africa.
B. SD0235300, PM/POLAD, U.S. Naval Forces South,
NAVSOUTH/4th Fleet, Mayport, Florida, FE-OC
The POLAD will provide expert geopolitical, political-
military, economic, and other strategic advice and
information to support USNS Comfort, USS Kearsarge, etc.
The POLAD uses personal contacts within State and OSD to
access the most current thinking on issues and current
USG positions. He or she prepares key staff for
international activities by providing information papers
and briefings on key policy issues. The POLAD
accompanies senior command staff on international travel
and during international activities. As an expert on
political information and foreign policy affecting
NAVSOUTH, the POLAD proposes priorities and assesses
relevant issues, and conducts research and analysis to
ensure that senior staff are always prepared. This
position will hence deal daily with embassy country
teams and host nations in assisting with
counterterrorism, humanitarian assistance, civil
affairs, and related projects. The POLAD assists in
strengthening security relationships within the AOR.
The POLAD also assists the Admiral in planning for
contingency operations, crisis situations, and security
cooperation throughout the region.
C. SD0235400, PM/POLAD SOCSOUTH, Homestead, Florida, FE-
The POLAD provides policy support regarding the
political, diplomatic, and interagency dimensions of the
commander's military responsibilities. The POLAD
assists the Special Forces Commander in promoting unity
of effort between the U.S. military and civilian
operations in the Americas. The POLAD travels
frequently with the Commander throughout the AOR. The
POLAD also enables and facilitates collaboration and
synchronization with embassies and other U.S. diplomatic
missions or presence in the Western Hemisphere.
D. SD0235500, PM/POLAD, U.S. Army South, San Antonio,
Texas, FE-OC
This command is the largest purveyor of humanitarian and
security assistance in the Western Hemisphere. The
POLAD advises the Commander on the diplomatic and
foreign policy dimensions of his military
responsibilities. The POLAD also works closely with
SOUTHCOM to ensure unity of effort and coordination in
all aspects of humanitarian and security assistance
E. S19324005, PM/POLAD, U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR),
Heidelberg, Germany, FE-OC
The Foreign Policy Advisor to USAREUR advises the
Commander and staff of USAREUR on the diplomatic and
foreign policy dimensions of their military
responsibilities. USAREUR is a subordinate unified
command of EUCOM and exercises operational control of
theater Army. USAREUR is responsible to the Commander
for combat readiness, targeting, exercises, plans, joint
and combined training, NATO/partnership activities, and
execution of counterterrorism, peacetime, and
contingency operations. The POLAD assists the Commander
in maintaining effective security relations with the
countries in USAREUR's AOR, ensuring good coordination
between the command and the embassy country teams in
those countries. The POLAD travels with the Commander
and staff throughout the AOR, and builds and maintains a
broad network of contacts with State, the JCS, and the
CIA on political-military issues of priority interest to
F. S19325050, PM/POLAD, Naval Forces Europe - Naples,
The Commander of NAVEUR is now dual-hatted as commander
of NAVAF, with the creation of the Africa Command, based
in Naples, Italy. The POLAD assigned will have the
requisite qualifications such as regional knowledge of
Europe and Africa, language ability, and political and
STATE 00051418 003 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
diplomatic expertise. The Foreign Policy Advisor
provides policy support to the NAVEUR Commander and
immediate staff regarding the political, diplomatic, and
interagency dimensions of their military
responsibilities. The POLAD assists the Command in
promoting unity of effort between the U.S. military and
JFC-Naples, and works closely with members of the
coalition, in particular NATO members. The POLAD
travels frequently with the Commander.
G. S19324006, PM/POLAD, U.S. Marines Europe/Africa -
Stuttgart, Germany, FE-OC
U.S. Marines Europe/Africa coordinates provision of
Marine Corps personnel in support of AFRICOM operational
requirements, conducts joint training exercises, and
executes assigned operational missions in AFRICOM's AOR.
The Foreign Policy Advisor (POLAD) will be the personal
advisor to the Commander and deploy as needed with task
forces and components. The POLAD provides policy
support regarding the political, diplomatic, and
interagency dimensions of the commander's military
responsibilities. The POLAD assists the Commander in
promoting unity of effort between the military and our
embassies, especially with respect to contingency and
crisis management activities, and works closely with
representatives of cooperating countries as well as
local forces and government officials where Marines
Europe/Africa is present. The POLAD also assists the
Commander to maintain a productive network of contacts
with appropriate senior civilian and defense officials
in support of operations. The POLAD travels frequently,
including with the Commander.
H. SD0235800, PM/POLAD, USARPAC, Hawaii, FE-OC
The Foreign Policy Advisor to U.S. Army Pacific
(USARPAC) advises the Commander and staff of USARPAC on
the diplomatic and foreign policy dimensions of their
military responsibilities. USARPAC is a subordinate
command of PACOM and exercises operational control of
theater Air Forces. USARPAC is responsible to the
Commander for combat readiness, targeting, exercises,
plans, joint and combined training, partnership
activities, and execution of counterterrorism,
peacetime, and contingency operations. The POLAD
assists the Commander in maintaining effective security
relations with the countries in USARPAC's AOR, ensuring
good coordination between the Command and the embassy
country teams in those countries. The POLAD travels
with the Commander and staff throughout the AOR, and
builds and maintains a broad network of contacts with
State, the JCS, OSD, and the CIA on political-military
issues of priority interest to USARPAC.
I. SD0236000, PM/POLAD, 12th Air Force, Tucson, Arizona,
The Foreign Policy Advisor to the 12th Air Force
Commander provides expert policy advice regarding the
political, interagency, and diplomatic dimensions of his
military responsibilities. The POLAD travels with the
Commander and staff, and builds and maintains a broad
network of contacts with State and others on political-
military issues of priority interest to the Command.
J. S19325055, PM/POLAD, U.S. Army Africa (formerly
Southern European Task Force (SETAF),Vicenza, Italy,
The Foreign Policy Advisor provides policy support
regarding the political, diplomatic, and interagency
dimensions of the Commander's military responsibilities.
The POLAD assists the Commander in promoting unity of
effort between the U.S. military, interagency, and
civilian operations in the AOR. The POLAD also works
closely with representatives of cooperating countries as
well as local forces and government officials. The
POLAD travels frequently with the Commander or senior
staff. The POLAD also enables and facilitates
collaboration and synchronization with embassies and
other U.S. diplomatic missions or presence in the AOR.
The POLAD also assists the Commander to maintain a
productive network of contacts with appropriate senior
civilian and defense officials in support of operations.
In early December 2008, SETAF officially assumed duties
as the Army component headquarters for U.S. Africa
K. SD0235700, PM/POLAD, U.S. Central Command, MacDill
AFB, Florida, FS-01
STATE 00051418 004 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
The Foreign Policy Advisor to CENTCOM will be the
Command's principal analyst for all regional and
domestic political issues dealing with Iran, including
Iranian politics and foreign relations. The POLAD will
serve as the chief advisor in this regard to the CENTCOM
Commander, Deputy Commander, and Senior Political
Advisor. The POLAD will also travel as needed
throughout the AOR in the company of the CENTCOM
Commander, Deputy Commander, and Senior Political
L. S19324004, PM/POLAD, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM),
Stuttgart, Germany, FS-03
The incumbent in this position acts as deputy POLAD to
the Senior EUCOM POLAD, and advises the commander and
staff of USEUCOM on the economic and energy issues
within the AOR. The POLAD will provide economic
analysis and advice to the Commander, EUCOM Directors,
and Deputy Commanders, as well as diplomatic and foreign
policy dimensions of their military responsibilities.
The POLAD assists the Commander in integrating economic
security with other components of comprehensive security
and stability on the transport, movement, dependence,
and production of carbon-based fuels across the
international marketplace inside and outside the EUCOM
AOR. The POLAD travels with the Commander and staff
throughout the AOR, and builds and maintains a broad
network of contacts with State, academia, international
government organizations, non-governmental
organizations, and the private sector on all economic
and financial issues of interest to EUCOM.
M. SD0235600, PM/POLAD, 18th Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg,
North Carolina, FS-03
The 18th Airborne Corps based at Fort Bragg, is a
deployable unit that provides support and services to
theater Army force commands. It conducts theater
security cooperation activities, providing a forward-
based service component command to plan and conduct land
operations across the U.S. Central Command area of
The incumbent advises and supports the Commander and
his/her senior staff on the foreign policy aspects of
the Command's responsibilities based on information and
guidance provided by relevant offices at the Department
of State and other Washington-based foreign policy
agencies, as well as with contacts at embassies and
consulates in USCENTCOM's area of responsibility. The
POLAD works closely as necessary and appropriate with
Department of State POLADs at USCENTCOM at MacDill AFB
in Tampa, as well as in the field in Iraq and
Afghanistan, to ensure unity of effort in providing
foreign policy support to the military in the Middle
East and South Asia. This position will introduce mid-
level officers to the POLAD discipline and the U.S.
military environment. The POLAD will participate in
pre-deployment training with the two-star command, which
is based at Fort Drum, New York. The POLAD will deploy
with the Corps on their onward mission.
N. S19321245, PM/POLAD, Deputy POLAD-Supreme Allied
Commander Europe (SACEUR),Mons, Belgium, FS-03
The POLAD will serve as the deputy to the senior POLAD,
who provides expert policy advice regarding the
political and diplomatic dimensions of SACEUR's military
responsibilities. This includes assisting the senior
POLAD in advising SACEUR on key NATO political-military
issues, preparing SACEUR for NATO meetings,
participating in NATO planning/briefing initiatives,
assisting SACEUR with calls on foreign military and
civilian leaders, and accompanying SACEUR on extensive
travels throughout Europe and to the United States. The
POLAD works closely with the U.S. Mission to NATO and
maintains contacts with State, DOD/OSD, the JCS, and the
O. SD0235900, PM/POLAD, U.S. Transportation Command,
Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, Illinois, FS-03
This position will be deputy to the senior POLAD, who
advises the four-star Commander of USTRANSCOM on the
foreign policy implications of his worldwide "global
reach" responsibilities, including Army, Navy, Air
Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine constituent
command operations and planning, and ensures that
military objectives coincide with U.S. foreign policy
goals. The Deputy POLAD assists in the preparing the
Commander for meetings with senior foreign military and
political leaders by providing foreign policy guidance,
STATE 00051418 005 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
accompanying him on foreign trips, and assisting in
foreign distinguished visitor visits. The POLAD will
back-up the senior POLAD in representing the commander
on political-military issues within the U.S. Government
interagency process. As a key member of the USTRANSCOM
staff group, the POLAD provides guidance and information
across the Command staff to all directorates and to all
levels of personnel, both officers and enlisted as
appropriate. The POLAD participates in war game
exercises to ensure that international political and
diplomatic issues are evaluated and considered.
P. SD236100, PM/POLAD, 10th Mountain Division (Light
Infantry),Ft. Drum, New York, FS-03
This FS-03 POLAD position will introduce mid-level
officers to the POLAD discipline, which provides
exposure to the U.S. military environment and operations
before its deployment. The Command is a deployable unit
that provides command and control of multiple Brigade
Combat Teams (3500 man) units to theater Army force
commands. It conducts theater security cooperation
activities, providing a forward-based service component
command to plan and conduct land operations in the U.S.
Central Command area of responsibility. The POLAD
advises and supports the commanding general and staff on
the foreign policy aspects of the command's
responsibilities based on information and guidance
provided by relevant offices at the Department of State
and other Washington-based foreign policy agencies, as
well as with contacts at embassies and consulates in
USCENTCOM's area of responsibility. The POLAD will
deploy with the Command to Iraq in 2010. He or she
works closely as necessary and appropriate with
Department of State POLADs at USCENTCOM at MacDill AFB
in Tampa, as well as in Baghdad Iraq, to ensure unity of
effort in providing foreign policy support to the
military in the Middle East and South Asia.
7. Minimize considered.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
1. The Bureau of Political Military Affairs (PM) seeks
talented, action-oriented officers who are interested in
working at the interface of diplomacy and defense as
Foreign Policy Advisors (POLADs). This is in response
to increased hiring authorized by Congress for FY 2009
to expand the Foreign Policy Advisor (POLAD) program to
fifty new POLAD positions over the next two years, with
twenty new POLAD positions in the summer bidding cycle
for 2009 for immediate vacancies. These new positions
take into account the need to address current national
security issues such as Iran and Afghanistan; commands
that deal with civilian-like humanitarian missions such
as SOUTHCOM, AFRICOM, and PACOM; and other commands that
support counter-insurgency (COIN) operations, as well as
stabilization and reconstruction work.
2. We are recruiting for these new "Now" positions in
order to fill them in the summer of 2009. They are
still being created in FSBID, so they may not appear
there for another few days. These positions are in
addition to the existing POLAD positions on last
summer's open assignments list and the ten new POLAD
positions announced last fall. Due to the restructuring
of civilian-military work in Afghanistan, the four new
POLAD positions there remain under review and will be
announced soon. POLAD positions to be filled in the
summer of 2010 will be announced separately, and will be
filled as part of the regular summer 2010 bidding cycle.
3. POLADs to senior military officials work individually
with military service chiefs, regional combatant
commanders, functional commanders, and subordinate
commands in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, and other
locations within the United States and overseas. POLADs
provide policy advice and support on international
relations and diplomacy to their commanders, whom they
frequently accompany on travel.
4. The Political Military Bureau is proud that several
participants in its POLAD program have gone on to
positions of high distinction, including as ambassadors,
deputy assistant secretaries of State, directors general
of the Foreign Service, academic leaders, and NATO
officials. Their subsequent successes reflect well on
the POLAD program, and demonstrate their worth in the
career path of those seeking positions of high
responsibility in the area of national security.
5. Although no previous military or political military
experience is required for these positions, it would
nonetheless be helpful. The Political Military Bureau
seeks highly motivated, energetic officers with a keen
interest in national security issues who possess strong
analytical, interpersonal, writing, and speaking skills.
FSOs are also expected to be flexible in keeping with
their dynamic role in the field and some may work with
Coalition or NATO partners, peacekeeping operations, or
humanitarian issues.
6. The point of contact for these positions is POLAD
Director Jonita I. Whitaker, who can be reached at: or at (202) 647-4776. Back-up
contact is POLAD Deputy Director David Pozorski, who can
be reached at: or at (202) 647-
POLAD Top Sixteen: New Opportunities for Diplomat-
============================================= ===========
7. The following are the NOW and SUMMER 2009 POLAD
positions open for bidders:
A. S19324050, PM/POLAD, Air Forces Africa/17th Air Force
Ramstein, Germany, FE-OC
The 17th Air Force is charged with supporting U.S.
Africa Command with command and control of air forces to
conduct sustained security engagement and operations as
directed to promote air safety, security, and
development on the continent of Africa. The POLAD
provides policy support regarding the political,
diplomatic, and interagency dimensions of the
commander's military responsibilities, especially with
respect to contingency and crisis management activities,
STATE 00051418 002 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
and works closely with representatives of cooperating
agencies. The POLAD assists the Commander of the newly
created Air Force component to U.S. Africa Command in
promoting unity of effort between the U.S. military and
civilian operations covering 52 nations of Africa. The
POLAD travels frequently with the Commander throughout
the AOR. The POLAD also enables and facilitates
collaboration and synchronization with embassies and
other U.S. diplomatic missions or presence in Africa.
B. SD0235300, PM/POLAD, U.S. Naval Forces South,
NAVSOUTH/4th Fleet, Mayport, Florida, FE-OC
The POLAD will provide expert geopolitical, political-
military, economic, and other strategic advice and
information to support USNS Comfort, USS Kearsarge, etc.
The POLAD uses personal contacts within State and OSD to
access the most current thinking on issues and current
USG positions. He or she prepares key staff for
international activities by providing information papers
and briefings on key policy issues. The POLAD
accompanies senior command staff on international travel
and during international activities. As an expert on
political information and foreign policy affecting
NAVSOUTH, the POLAD proposes priorities and assesses
relevant issues, and conducts research and analysis to
ensure that senior staff are always prepared. This
position will hence deal daily with embassy country
teams and host nations in assisting with
counterterrorism, humanitarian assistance, civil
affairs, and related projects. The POLAD assists in
strengthening security relationships within the AOR.
The POLAD also assists the Admiral in planning for
contingency operations, crisis situations, and security
cooperation throughout the region.
C. SD0235400, PM/POLAD SOCSOUTH, Homestead, Florida, FE-
The POLAD provides policy support regarding the
political, diplomatic, and interagency dimensions of the
commander's military responsibilities. The POLAD
assists the Special Forces Commander in promoting unity
of effort between the U.S. military and civilian
operations in the Americas. The POLAD travels
frequently with the Commander throughout the AOR. The
POLAD also enables and facilitates collaboration and
synchronization with embassies and other U.S. diplomatic
missions or presence in the Western Hemisphere.
D. SD0235500, PM/POLAD, U.S. Army South, San Antonio,
Texas, FE-OC
This command is the largest purveyor of humanitarian and
security assistance in the Western Hemisphere. The
POLAD advises the Commander on the diplomatic and
foreign policy dimensions of his military
responsibilities. The POLAD also works closely with
SOUTHCOM to ensure unity of effort and coordination in
all aspects of humanitarian and security assistance
E. S19324005, PM/POLAD, U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR),
Heidelberg, Germany, FE-OC
The Foreign Policy Advisor to USAREUR advises the
Commander and staff of USAREUR on the diplomatic and
foreign policy dimensions of their military
responsibilities. USAREUR is a subordinate unified
command of EUCOM and exercises operational control of
theater Army. USAREUR is responsible to the Commander
for combat readiness, targeting, exercises, plans, joint
and combined training, NATO/partnership activities, and
execution of counterterrorism, peacetime, and
contingency operations. The POLAD assists the Commander
in maintaining effective security relations with the
countries in USAREUR's AOR, ensuring good coordination
between the command and the embassy country teams in
those countries. The POLAD travels with the Commander
and staff throughout the AOR, and builds and maintains a
broad network of contacts with State, the JCS, and the
CIA on political-military issues of priority interest to
F. S19325050, PM/POLAD, Naval Forces Europe - Naples,
The Commander of NAVEUR is now dual-hatted as commander
of NAVAF, with the creation of the Africa Command, based
in Naples, Italy. The POLAD assigned will have the
requisite qualifications such as regional knowledge of
Europe and Africa, language ability, and political and
STATE 00051418 003 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
diplomatic expertise. The Foreign Policy Advisor
provides policy support to the NAVEUR Commander and
immediate staff regarding the political, diplomatic, and
interagency dimensions of their military
responsibilities. The POLAD assists the Command in
promoting unity of effort between the U.S. military and
JFC-Naples, and works closely with members of the
coalition, in particular NATO members. The POLAD
travels frequently with the Commander.
G. S19324006, PM/POLAD, U.S. Marines Europe/Africa -
Stuttgart, Germany, FE-OC
U.S. Marines Europe/Africa coordinates provision of
Marine Corps personnel in support of AFRICOM operational
requirements, conducts joint training exercises, and
executes assigned operational missions in AFRICOM's AOR.
The Foreign Policy Advisor (POLAD) will be the personal
advisor to the Commander and deploy as needed with task
forces and components. The POLAD provides policy
support regarding the political, diplomatic, and
interagency dimensions of the commander's military
responsibilities. The POLAD assists the Commander in
promoting unity of effort between the military and our
embassies, especially with respect to contingency and
crisis management activities, and works closely with
representatives of cooperating countries as well as
local forces and government officials where Marines
Europe/Africa is present. The POLAD also assists the
Commander to maintain a productive network of contacts
with appropriate senior civilian and defense officials
in support of operations. The POLAD travels frequently,
including with the Commander.
H. SD0235800, PM/POLAD, USARPAC, Hawaii, FE-OC
The Foreign Policy Advisor to U.S. Army Pacific
(USARPAC) advises the Commander and staff of USARPAC on
the diplomatic and foreign policy dimensions of their
military responsibilities. USARPAC is a subordinate
command of PACOM and exercises operational control of
theater Air Forces. USARPAC is responsible to the
Commander for combat readiness, targeting, exercises,
plans, joint and combined training, partnership
activities, and execution of counterterrorism,
peacetime, and contingency operations. The POLAD
assists the Commander in maintaining effective security
relations with the countries in USARPAC's AOR, ensuring
good coordination between the Command and the embassy
country teams in those countries. The POLAD travels
with the Commander and staff throughout the AOR, and
builds and maintains a broad network of contacts with
State, the JCS, OSD, and the CIA on political-military
issues of priority interest to USARPAC.
I. SD0236000, PM/POLAD, 12th Air Force, Tucson, Arizona,
The Foreign Policy Advisor to the 12th Air Force
Commander provides expert policy advice regarding the
political, interagency, and diplomatic dimensions of his
military responsibilities. The POLAD travels with the
Commander and staff, and builds and maintains a broad
network of contacts with State and others on political-
military issues of priority interest to the Command.
J. S19325055, PM/POLAD, U.S. Army Africa (formerly
Southern European Task Force (SETAF),Vicenza, Italy,
The Foreign Policy Advisor provides policy support
regarding the political, diplomatic, and interagency
dimensions of the Commander's military responsibilities.
The POLAD assists the Commander in promoting unity of
effort between the U.S. military, interagency, and
civilian operations in the AOR. The POLAD also works
closely with representatives of cooperating countries as
well as local forces and government officials. The
POLAD travels frequently with the Commander or senior
staff. The POLAD also enables and facilitates
collaboration and synchronization with embassies and
other U.S. diplomatic missions or presence in the AOR.
The POLAD also assists the Commander to maintain a
productive network of contacts with appropriate senior
civilian and defense officials in support of operations.
In early December 2008, SETAF officially assumed duties
as the Army component headquarters for U.S. Africa
K. SD0235700, PM/POLAD, U.S. Central Command, MacDill
AFB, Florida, FS-01
STATE 00051418 004 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
The Foreign Policy Advisor to CENTCOM will be the
Command's principal analyst for all regional and
domestic political issues dealing with Iran, including
Iranian politics and foreign relations. The POLAD will
serve as the chief advisor in this regard to the CENTCOM
Commander, Deputy Commander, and Senior Political
Advisor. The POLAD will also travel as needed
throughout the AOR in the company of the CENTCOM
Commander, Deputy Commander, and Senior Political
L. S19324004, PM/POLAD, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM),
Stuttgart, Germany, FS-03
The incumbent in this position acts as deputy POLAD to
the Senior EUCOM POLAD, and advises the commander and
staff of USEUCOM on the economic and energy issues
within the AOR. The POLAD will provide economic
analysis and advice to the Commander, EUCOM Directors,
and Deputy Commanders, as well as diplomatic and foreign
policy dimensions of their military responsibilities.
The POLAD assists the Commander in integrating economic
security with other components of comprehensive security
and stability on the transport, movement, dependence,
and production of carbon-based fuels across the
international marketplace inside and outside the EUCOM
AOR. The POLAD travels with the Commander and staff
throughout the AOR, and builds and maintains a broad
network of contacts with State, academia, international
government organizations, non-governmental
organizations, and the private sector on all economic
and financial issues of interest to EUCOM.
M. SD0235600, PM/POLAD, 18th Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg,
North Carolina, FS-03
The 18th Airborne Corps based at Fort Bragg, is a
deployable unit that provides support and services to
theater Army force commands. It conducts theater
security cooperation activities, providing a forward-
based service component command to plan and conduct land
operations across the U.S. Central Command area of
The incumbent advises and supports the Commander and
his/her senior staff on the foreign policy aspects of
the Command's responsibilities based on information and
guidance provided by relevant offices at the Department
of State and other Washington-based foreign policy
agencies, as well as with contacts at embassies and
consulates in USCENTCOM's area of responsibility. The
POLAD works closely as necessary and appropriate with
Department of State POLADs at USCENTCOM at MacDill AFB
in Tampa, as well as in the field in Iraq and
Afghanistan, to ensure unity of effort in providing
foreign policy support to the military in the Middle
East and South Asia. This position will introduce mid-
level officers to the POLAD discipline and the U.S.
military environment. The POLAD will participate in
pre-deployment training with the two-star command, which
is based at Fort Drum, New York. The POLAD will deploy
with the Corps on their onward mission.
N. S19321245, PM/POLAD, Deputy POLAD-Supreme Allied
Commander Europe (SACEUR),Mons, Belgium, FS-03
The POLAD will serve as the deputy to the senior POLAD,
who provides expert policy advice regarding the
political and diplomatic dimensions of SACEUR's military
responsibilities. This includes assisting the senior
POLAD in advising SACEUR on key NATO political-military
issues, preparing SACEUR for NATO meetings,
participating in NATO planning/briefing initiatives,
assisting SACEUR with calls on foreign military and
civilian leaders, and accompanying SACEUR on extensive
travels throughout Europe and to the United States. The
POLAD works closely with the U.S. Mission to NATO and
maintains contacts with State, DOD/OSD, the JCS, and the
O. SD0235900, PM/POLAD, U.S. Transportation Command,
Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, Illinois, FS-03
This position will be deputy to the senior POLAD, who
advises the four-star Commander of USTRANSCOM on the
foreign policy implications of his worldwide "global
reach" responsibilities, including Army, Navy, Air
Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine constituent
command operations and planning, and ensures that
military objectives coincide with U.S. foreign policy
goals. The Deputy POLAD assists in the preparing the
Commander for meetings with senior foreign military and
political leaders by providing foreign policy guidance,
STATE 00051418 005 OF 005
SUBJECT: Defense Doors Opening for Diplomats: Foreign
Policy Advisors (POLADs) Sought for U.S. Military
accompanying him on foreign trips, and assisting in
foreign distinguished visitor visits. The POLAD will
back-up the senior POLAD in representing the commander
on political-military issues within the U.S. Government
interagency process. As a key member of the USTRANSCOM
staff group, the POLAD provides guidance and information
across the Command staff to all directorates and to all
levels of personnel, both officers and enlisted as
appropriate. The POLAD participates in war game
exercises to ensure that international political and
diplomatic issues are evaluated and considered.
P. SD236100, PM/POLAD, 10th Mountain Division (Light
Infantry),Ft. Drum, New York, FS-03
This FS-03 POLAD position will introduce mid-level
officers to the POLAD discipline, which provides
exposure to the U.S. military environment and operations
before its deployment. The Command is a deployable unit
that provides command and control of multiple Brigade
Combat Teams (3500 man) units to theater Army force
commands. It conducts theater security cooperation
activities, providing a forward-based service component
command to plan and conduct land operations in the U.S.
Central Command area of responsibility. The POLAD
advises and supports the commanding general and staff on
the foreign policy aspects of the command's
responsibilities based on information and guidance
provided by relevant offices at the Department of State
and other Washington-based foreign policy agencies, as
well as with contacts at embassies and consulates in
USCENTCOM's area of responsibility. The POLAD will
deploy with the Command to Iraq in 2010. He or she
works closely as necessary and appropriate with
Department of State POLADs at USCENTCOM at MacDill AFB
in Tampa, as well as in Baghdad Iraq, to ensure unity of
effort in providing foreign policy support to the
military in the Middle East and South Asia.
7. Minimize considered.