2009-04-16 22:41:00
Secretary of State
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. This is an action request. USUN is requested to
circulate to the Security Council for discussion the draft
resolution set forth in paragraph 2, authorizing extension
of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS),at such times and
sequences as deemed appropriate to ensure timely adoption
of a resolution acceptable to the United States. USUN
should draw from, as appropriate, the language in
paragraph 2 in negotiating and finalizing the text of the
proposed resolution continuing the mandate. USUN should
seek additional Department guidance if significant changes
are made to the text below.
2. Begin text:
The Security Council,
Recalling all its resolutions and presidential
statements concerning the situation in the Sudan,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions 1674 (2006)
on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, which
reaffirms, inter alia, the relevant provisions of the
United Nations World Summit outcome document, 1612 (2005)
on children in armed conflict, 1502 (2003) on the
protection of humanitarian and United Nations personnel,
and 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) on women, peace, and
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General
on Sudan dated January 30, 2009 (S/2009/61),the report on
Children and Armed Conflict in Sudan dated February 10,
2009 (S/2009/84),including his recommendations, and
taking note of the report on Children and Armed Conflict
in the Sudan (S/2007/520) dated 29 August 2007, and
recalling the conclusions endorsed by the Security Council
Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in the Sudan
Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty,
unity, independence, and territorial integrity of the
Sudan and to the cause of peace throughout the region,
Recognizing the work of the United Nations Mission
in Sudan (UNMIS) in support of the Comprehensive Peace
Agreement (CPA),and commending the continuing commitment
by troop and police contributing countries in support of
this mission,
Recognizing that continuing progress toward
implementation of the CPA is essential to resolution of
the crisis in Darfur and to sustainable peace and
stability throughout the region, and condemning actions of
violence and any other actions perpetrated by any party to
prevent or hinder peace and stability in the region,
Recognizing that the CPA has reached a critical
juncture and desiring all parties to take positive action
in order to consolidate and build upon achievements since
2005 particularly on elections, transitional areas, and
disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, and to
begin preparations for a 2011 referendum and reaffirming
UNMIS' support for these efforts,
Deploring the potential for increased insecurity
in the Three Areas, southern Sudan, and Darfur, and the
reduced humanitarian assistance to the civilian
populations throughout Sudan caused by the expulsion of
humanitarian and development assistance organizations, and
the negative impact the expulsions will have on the
health, safety, and welfare of displaced persons, refugees
and other vulnerable and conflict-affected populations
reliant on this assistance,
Welcoming the continuing work of the Assessment
and Evaluation Commission (AEC) chaired by Derek Plumbly,
Recalling the commitment of the international
community to support the CPA process, including through
development assistance, and expecting donors to support
implementation of the CPA and to honor all pledges of
financial and material support,
Noting with concern recent indications of
increased tension between Chad and the Sudan, and
emphasizing the importance of normalized relations to
achieving peace in the region,
STATE 00038033 002 OF 004
Recalling the importance of free and fair
elections, including the forthcoming national elections,
for the longer-term restoration of peace and stability,
national reconciliation, and democratic transformation of
Welcoming the completion of the enumeration phase
of the national census as a significant benchmark in the
implementation of the CPA, but alarmed by the delay in
announcing the results and the possibility of rejection of
those results,
Noting with deep concern the failure of the GNU to
fund the Abyei Interim Administration thereby preventing
it from reducing political instability and insecurity in
the Abyei region,
Welcoming the appointment of liaison officers to
increase coordination among UNMIS, the UN Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC),the UN Mission
in Darfur (UNAMID),and the UN Mission in the Central
African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT),
Determining that the situation in the Sudan
continues to constitute a threat to international peace
and security,
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNMIS until
April 30, 2010, with the intention to renew it for further
periods as may be required;
2. Requests the Secretary General to report to
the Council every three months on the implementation of
the mandate of UNMIS, progress on implementation of the
CPA, and respect for the ceasefire, and to provide an
assessment and recommendations on measures UNMIS might
take to further support elections and advance the peace
3. Welcomes the military capability review
conducted into UNMIS' deployment, stresses the importance
of appropriate and flexible deployment of UNMIS in order
to address the most likely points of conflict and requests
regular reviews of deployment and implementation of
recommendations to ensure that the force is best placed to
support the implementation of the CPA;
4. Stresses the importance of full, expeditious,
and good faith implementation of all elements of the CPA,
implementation of the Abyei Roadmap Agreement, agreements
on Darfur, and the October 2006 Eastern Sudan Peace
Agreement, and calls upon all parties to respect and abide
by their commitments to these agreements without delay;
5. Encourages the parties' sustained commitment
to work together in the GNU and urges the continued
cooperation of the National Congress Party (NCP) and the
Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) in carrying out
their responsibilities in further implementing the CPA;
6. Stresses the critical role of the AEC in
overseeing and reporting on implementation of the CPA; and
urges all parties to cooperate fully with the AEC and
implement its recommendations;
7. Calls for all parties to afford full and
unrestricted access to UNMIS in monitoring and
verification of the Abyei region, without prejudice to the
final agreement on the Abyei boundaries, and urges UNMIS,
consistent with its current mandate, to consult with the
parties, and to deploy, as appropriate, sufficient
personnel to the Abyei region to improve conflict
prevention efforts and security to the civilian
8. Calls upon the parties to find a mutually
agreeable solution to the Abyei boundary dispute; urges
the GNU to fully fund the Interim Administration in
accordance with the CPA; and urges all parties to redeploy
their military forces away from the disputed 1 January
1956 border;
9. Urges the parties to reach agreement
immediately on the 2008 national census results;
10. Calls upon all Sudanese parties to
demonstrate their full commitment to the democratic
process by preparing in good faith and expeditiously for
the conduct of peaceful, transparent, and credible
elections in February 2010 as recommended by the NEC;
STATE 00038033 003 OF 004
11. Requests UNMIS, consistent with its mandate and
within its current capabilities, to support the NEC in
preparing for credible national elections, including by
providing security around election sites and coordinating
UN election support efforts in close collaboration with
UNDP, and ensuring that UNMIS' efforts are complementary
to those of the international community and the parties to
the CPA, and urges the international community to provide
technical and material assistance to support credible
12. Requests UNMIS conduct a scoping exercise to
assess needs and timelines for supporting the preparations
for and conduct of a National Referendum in 2011.
13. Expresses its concern for the health and
welfare of the civilian populations placed in jeopardy by
the March 4 expulsion and closure of humanitarian
organizations in Sudan; and noting the potential negative
impact this decision could have on the CPA, demands the
parties to the CPA to grant immediate, full, and unimpeded
access by humanitarian personnel throughout Sudan to all
persons in need of assistance as provided for in
applicable international law; and calls upon the parties
to support, protect, and facilitate all humanitarian and
development operations and personnel in the Sudan;
14. Requests UNMIS, acting within its current
mandate, means, and capabilities, to provide security to
the civilian population, refugees, displaced persons,
returnees, humanitarian and development actors and UN
personnel under threat of violence from armed groups,
including by conducting ongoing programs of conflict
prevention and deterrence;
15. Deplores the persistent localized conflict
and violence and its effect on civilians, especially in
the border area, and the continuing potential for violence
and calls upon UNMIS to strengthen its conflict management
capacity by developing and executing an integrated
strategy to support local tribal conflict resolution
mechanisms in order to maximize protection of civilians;
and requests UNMIS, consistent with its current mandate,
to proactively conduct patrols in areas at high risk of
localized conflict;
16. Notes that conflict in one area of Sudan
affects conflict in other areas of Sudan and in the
region, and therefore urges UNMIS, consistent with its
current mandate, to coordinate closely with all UN
entities operating in the region, including the AU-UN
Joint Mediation Support Team and other stakeholders, to
ensure implementation of these bodies' mandates and the
overall objective of peace in Sudan and the region;
17. Encourages Chad and Sudan to work with
regional partners to implement the Dakar Agreement,
continue the process of normalizing relations, and end
cross-border support to rebel groups;
18. Requests UNMIS, acting within its current
mandate and within its current means and capabilities, to
provide technical and logistical support to the Technical
ad hoc Border Committee, as requested, to help the parties
in the process of demarcation of the 1956 North/South
border, in accordance with the CPA;
19. Requests UNMIS to take a lead role in
reforming and supporting JIUs and JIPUs; calls upon the
Joint Defense Board to exercise command, control and
management of the JIUs; and urges donors to offer support,
both materiel and training, coordinated by UNMIS in
consultation with the Joint Defense Board, to enable the
full establishment and operational effectiveness of JIUs
and JIPUs as soon as possible;
20. Encourages UNMIS, consistent with its
mandate, and within authorized levels of civilian police,
to continue efforts to assist the parties to the CPA in
promoting the rule of law, restructuring the police and
corrections services throughout Sudan, assisting in the
training of civilian police and corrections officers, and
transitioning to a civilian system of justice;
21. Encourages the parties to launch disarmament,
demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) implementation in
all states, and requests UNMIS to work closely with the
Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLA to assist in
voluntary disarmament and weapons collection and
destruction efforts in implementation of DDR under the
STATE 00038033 004 OF 004
22. Further urges donors to respond to calls for
assistance to the DDR process;
23. Requests UNMIS, consistent with its mandate
and in coordination with the relevant parties and taking
into account the need to pay particular attention to the
protection, release and reintegration of children
recruited to and participating with armed forces and armed
groups, to increase its support for the National DDR
Coordination Council and the Northern and Southern DDR
Commissions with special emphasis on reintegrating such
children with their families, and to monitor the
reintegration process to ensure that approaches are
conflict sensitive;
24. Welcomes the continuing organized return of
internally displaced persons and refugees to the Three
Areas and southern Sudan, and encourages the promotion of
efforts, including the provision of necessary resources to
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees and implementing partners, to ensure that such
returns are voluntary and sustainable; and requests UNMIS,
within its current mandate, capabilities and areas of
deployment, to coordinate with partners to facilitate
sustainable returns, including by helping to establish and
maintain the necessary security conditions;
25. Emphasizes the need for UNMIS to make full
use of its current mandate and capabilities with regard to
the activities of militias and armed groups such as the
Lord's Resistance Army in Sudan, as stated in resolution
1663 S/1663/2006, dated March 24, 2006, and requests
UNMIS, within its capabilities and area of responsibility,
to assist the Government of Southern Sudan in its efforts
to maintain the integrity of its borders against
incursions by LRA elements,
26. Requests the Secretary-General to submit for
the Council's consideration, in the next
Secretary-General's report, recommendations for measures
UNMIS could take to assist the Government of Sudan in
reducing LRA incursions into southern Sudan and to prevent
LRA attacks on civilians as a result of those incursions;
27. Reiterates its concern over the restrictions
and impediments placed by the GOS on UNMIS personnel and
materiel, and the adverse impact such restrictions and
impediments have on UNMIS' ability to perform its mandate
effectively and on the ability of the humanitarian
community to reach affected persons; and calls in this
regard for all parties to cooperate fully with UNMIS and
to facilitate the performance of its mandate, and to abide
by their obligations under international humanitarian law;
28. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to
take the necessary measures to ensure full compliance by
UNMIS with the United Nations zero-tolerance policy on
sexual exploitation and abuse and to keep the Council
fully informed, and urges troop contributing countries to
take appropriate preventive action including redeployment
awareness training, and other action to ensure full
accountability in cases of such conduct involving their
29. Decides to remain actively seized of this
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. This is an action request. USUN is requested to
circulate to the Security Council for discussion the draft
resolution set forth in paragraph 2, authorizing extension
of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS),at such times and
sequences as deemed appropriate to ensure timely adoption
of a resolution acceptable to the United States. USUN
should draw from, as appropriate, the language in
paragraph 2 in negotiating and finalizing the text of the
proposed resolution continuing the mandate. USUN should
seek additional Department guidance if significant changes
are made to the text below.
2. Begin text:
The Security Council,
Recalling all its resolutions and presidential
statements concerning the situation in the Sudan,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions 1674 (2006)
on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, which
reaffirms, inter alia, the relevant provisions of the
United Nations World Summit outcome document, 1612 (2005)
on children in armed conflict, 1502 (2003) on the
protection of humanitarian and United Nations personnel,
and 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) on women, peace, and
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General
on Sudan dated January 30, 2009 (S/2009/61),the report on
Children and Armed Conflict in Sudan dated February 10,
2009 (S/2009/84),including his recommendations, and
taking note of the report on Children and Armed Conflict
in the Sudan (S/2007/520) dated 29 August 2007, and
recalling the conclusions endorsed by the Security Council
Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in the Sudan
Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty,
unity, independence, and territorial integrity of the
Sudan and to the cause of peace throughout the region,
Recognizing the work of the United Nations Mission
in Sudan (UNMIS) in support of the Comprehensive Peace
Agreement (CPA),and commending the continuing commitment
by troop and police contributing countries in support of
this mission,
Recognizing that continuing progress toward
implementation of the CPA is essential to resolution of
the crisis in Darfur and to sustainable peace and
stability throughout the region, and condemning actions of
violence and any other actions perpetrated by any party to
prevent or hinder peace and stability in the region,
Recognizing that the CPA has reached a critical
juncture and desiring all parties to take positive action
in order to consolidate and build upon achievements since
2005 particularly on elections, transitional areas, and
disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, and to
begin preparations for a 2011 referendum and reaffirming
UNMIS' support for these efforts,
Deploring the potential for increased insecurity
in the Three Areas, southern Sudan, and Darfur, and the
reduced humanitarian assistance to the civilian
populations throughout Sudan caused by the expulsion of
humanitarian and development assistance organizations, and
the negative impact the expulsions will have on the
health, safety, and welfare of displaced persons, refugees
and other vulnerable and conflict-affected populations
reliant on this assistance,
Welcoming the continuing work of the Assessment
and Evaluation Commission (AEC) chaired by Derek Plumbly,
Recalling the commitment of the international
community to support the CPA process, including through
development assistance, and expecting donors to support
implementation of the CPA and to honor all pledges of
financial and material support,
Noting with concern recent indications of
increased tension between Chad and the Sudan, and
emphasizing the importance of normalized relations to
achieving peace in the region,
STATE 00038033 002 OF 004
Recalling the importance of free and fair
elections, including the forthcoming national elections,
for the longer-term restoration of peace and stability,
national reconciliation, and democratic transformation of
Welcoming the completion of the enumeration phase
of the national census as a significant benchmark in the
implementation of the CPA, but alarmed by the delay in
announcing the results and the possibility of rejection of
those results,
Noting with deep concern the failure of the GNU to
fund the Abyei Interim Administration thereby preventing
it from reducing political instability and insecurity in
the Abyei region,
Welcoming the appointment of liaison officers to
increase coordination among UNMIS, the UN Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC),the UN Mission
in Darfur (UNAMID),and the UN Mission in the Central
African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT),
Determining that the situation in the Sudan
continues to constitute a threat to international peace
and security,
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNMIS until
April 30, 2010, with the intention to renew it for further
periods as may be required;
2. Requests the Secretary General to report to
the Council every three months on the implementation of
the mandate of UNMIS, progress on implementation of the
CPA, and respect for the ceasefire, and to provide an
assessment and recommendations on measures UNMIS might
take to further support elections and advance the peace
3. Welcomes the military capability review
conducted into UNMIS' deployment, stresses the importance
of appropriate and flexible deployment of UNMIS in order
to address the most likely points of conflict and requests
regular reviews of deployment and implementation of
recommendations to ensure that the force is best placed to
support the implementation of the CPA;
4. Stresses the importance of full, expeditious,
and good faith implementation of all elements of the CPA,
implementation of the Abyei Roadmap Agreement, agreements
on Darfur, and the October 2006 Eastern Sudan Peace
Agreement, and calls upon all parties to respect and abide
by their commitments to these agreements without delay;
5. Encourages the parties' sustained commitment
to work together in the GNU and urges the continued
cooperation of the National Congress Party (NCP) and the
Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) in carrying out
their responsibilities in further implementing the CPA;
6. Stresses the critical role of the AEC in
overseeing and reporting on implementation of the CPA; and
urges all parties to cooperate fully with the AEC and
implement its recommendations;
7. Calls for all parties to afford full and
unrestricted access to UNMIS in monitoring and
verification of the Abyei region, without prejudice to the
final agreement on the Abyei boundaries, and urges UNMIS,
consistent with its current mandate, to consult with the
parties, and to deploy, as appropriate, sufficient
personnel to the Abyei region to improve conflict
prevention efforts and security to the civilian
8. Calls upon the parties to find a mutually
agreeable solution to the Abyei boundary dispute; urges
the GNU to fully fund the Interim Administration in
accordance with the CPA; and urges all parties to redeploy
their military forces away from the disputed 1 January
1956 border;
9. Urges the parties to reach agreement
immediately on the 2008 national census results;
10. Calls upon all Sudanese parties to
demonstrate their full commitment to the democratic
process by preparing in good faith and expeditiously for
the conduct of peaceful, transparent, and credible
elections in February 2010 as recommended by the NEC;
STATE 00038033 003 OF 004
11. Requests UNMIS, consistent with its mandate and
within its current capabilities, to support the NEC in
preparing for credible national elections, including by
providing security around election sites and coordinating
UN election support efforts in close collaboration with
UNDP, and ensuring that UNMIS' efforts are complementary
to those of the international community and the parties to
the CPA, and urges the international community to provide
technical and material assistance to support credible
12. Requests UNMIS conduct a scoping exercise to
assess needs and timelines for supporting the preparations
for and conduct of a National Referendum in 2011.
13. Expresses its concern for the health and
welfare of the civilian populations placed in jeopardy by
the March 4 expulsion and closure of humanitarian
organizations in Sudan; and noting the potential negative
impact this decision could have on the CPA, demands the
parties to the CPA to grant immediate, full, and unimpeded
access by humanitarian personnel throughout Sudan to all
persons in need of assistance as provided for in
applicable international law; and calls upon the parties
to support, protect, and facilitate all humanitarian and
development operations and personnel in the Sudan;
14. Requests UNMIS, acting within its current
mandate, means, and capabilities, to provide security to
the civilian population, refugees, displaced persons,
returnees, humanitarian and development actors and UN
personnel under threat of violence from armed groups,
including by conducting ongoing programs of conflict
prevention and deterrence;
15. Deplores the persistent localized conflict
and violence and its effect on civilians, especially in
the border area, and the continuing potential for violence
and calls upon UNMIS to strengthen its conflict management
capacity by developing and executing an integrated
strategy to support local tribal conflict resolution
mechanisms in order to maximize protection of civilians;
and requests UNMIS, consistent with its current mandate,
to proactively conduct patrols in areas at high risk of
localized conflict;
16. Notes that conflict in one area of Sudan
affects conflict in other areas of Sudan and in the
region, and therefore urges UNMIS, consistent with its
current mandate, to coordinate closely with all UN
entities operating in the region, including the AU-UN
Joint Mediation Support Team and other stakeholders, to
ensure implementation of these bodies' mandates and the
overall objective of peace in Sudan and the region;
17. Encourages Chad and Sudan to work with
regional partners to implement the Dakar Agreement,
continue the process of normalizing relations, and end
cross-border support to rebel groups;
18. Requests UNMIS, acting within its current
mandate and within its current means and capabilities, to
provide technical and logistical support to the Technical
ad hoc Border Committee, as requested, to help the parties
in the process of demarcation of the 1956 North/South
border, in accordance with the CPA;
19. Requests UNMIS to take a lead role in
reforming and supporting JIUs and JIPUs; calls upon the
Joint Defense Board to exercise command, control and
management of the JIUs; and urges donors to offer support,
both materiel and training, coordinated by UNMIS in
consultation with the Joint Defense Board, to enable the
full establishment and operational effectiveness of JIUs
and JIPUs as soon as possible;
20. Encourages UNMIS, consistent with its
mandate, and within authorized levels of civilian police,
to continue efforts to assist the parties to the CPA in
promoting the rule of law, restructuring the police and
corrections services throughout Sudan, assisting in the
training of civilian police and corrections officers, and
transitioning to a civilian system of justice;
21. Encourages the parties to launch disarmament,
demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) implementation in
all states, and requests UNMIS to work closely with the
Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLA to assist in
voluntary disarmament and weapons collection and
destruction efforts in implementation of DDR under the
STATE 00038033 004 OF 004
22. Further urges donors to respond to calls for
assistance to the DDR process;
23. Requests UNMIS, consistent with its mandate
and in coordination with the relevant parties and taking
into account the need to pay particular attention to the
protection, release and reintegration of children
recruited to and participating with armed forces and armed
groups, to increase its support for the National DDR
Coordination Council and the Northern and Southern DDR
Commissions with special emphasis on reintegrating such
children with their families, and to monitor the
reintegration process to ensure that approaches are
conflict sensitive;
24. Welcomes the continuing organized return of
internally displaced persons and refugees to the Three
Areas and southern Sudan, and encourages the promotion of
efforts, including the provision of necessary resources to
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees and implementing partners, to ensure that such
returns are voluntary and sustainable; and requests UNMIS,
within its current mandate, capabilities and areas of
deployment, to coordinate with partners to facilitate
sustainable returns, including by helping to establish and
maintain the necessary security conditions;
25. Emphasizes the need for UNMIS to make full
use of its current mandate and capabilities with regard to
the activities of militias and armed groups such as the
Lord's Resistance Army in Sudan, as stated in resolution
1663 S/1663/2006, dated March 24, 2006, and requests
UNMIS, within its capabilities and area of responsibility,
to assist the Government of Southern Sudan in its efforts
to maintain the integrity of its borders against
incursions by LRA elements,
26. Requests the Secretary-General to submit for
the Council's consideration, in the next
Secretary-General's report, recommendations for measures
UNMIS could take to assist the Government of Sudan in
reducing LRA incursions into southern Sudan and to prevent
LRA attacks on civilians as a result of those incursions;
27. Reiterates its concern over the restrictions
and impediments placed by the GOS on UNMIS personnel and
materiel, and the adverse impact such restrictions and
impediments have on UNMIS' ability to perform its mandate
effectively and on the ability of the humanitarian
community to reach affected persons; and calls in this
regard for all parties to cooperate fully with UNMIS and
to facilitate the performance of its mandate, and to abide
by their obligations under international humanitarian law;
28. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to
take the necessary measures to ensure full compliance by
UNMIS with the United Nations zero-tolerance policy on
sexual exploitation and abuse and to keep the Council
fully informed, and urges troop contributing countries to
take appropriate preventive action including redeployment
awareness training, and other action to ensure full
accountability in cases of such conduct involving their
29. Decides to remain actively seized of this