2009-08-20 14:38:00
Embassy Nairobi
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/20/2019
Classified By: Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger; reasons 1.4 (b,d).
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/20/2019
Classified By: Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger; reasons 1.4 (b,d).
1. (C) Summary: The Transitional Federal Government (TFG)
appears to be newly energized following President Sharif's
August 6 meeting with the Secretary (septel) and months of
drift in the wake of an extended al-Shabaab offensive in
Mogadishu that began May 7. Recent developments: an
apparent drop-off in funding for al-Shabaab, TFG success in
bringing at least some of the Abgal into its fold, more
productive TFG - Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'a (ASWJ) cooperation, a
budding relationship with the Puntland leadership, increased
al-Shabaab and Hisbul Islam defections, coupled with gains on
regional battlefields could together create conditions for
the TFG to dramatically increase its sway in Somalia. Any
one or all of these positive developments could easily be
reversed, however, which would leave the TFG isolated and
vulnerable, much as it was before its patient outreach
efforts to ASWJ, the Puntland Administration, the Abgal, and
others began to bear fruit. I believe that intensive,
well-targeted, real-time USG support for the TFG at this
critical potential turning point is necessary if the
government of Sheikh Sharif is to capitalize on this rare
constellation of positive developments. Our general
recommendations follow in para 17. Septel will provide more
detailed suggestions on steps we could take. End summary.
2. (C) As reported ref a, an August 6 meeting with the
Secretary has energized TFG President Sharif. Since the
meeting, he has re-shuffled his Cabinet (ref d),prevailed on
his Prime Minister to cement ties with President "Faroole" in
Puntland, mended fences with his Abgal co-clan members (ref
b),and provided funding to northern Galgaduud ASWJ factions.
3. (C) This burst of activity is in stark contrast to the
lack of direction that followed the three months of on-again,
off-again battles with al-Shabaab in Mogadishu that began May
7. That seesaw fighting often saw ragtag TFG troops in full
flight, and only AMISOM standing between them and complete
al-Shabaab control of Mogadishu. AMISOM's aggressive
intercession on behalf of the TFG during the last major round
of fighting appeared to have convinced al-Shabaab that it
could not remove the TFG as long as AMISOM remained in
Mogadishu. President Sharif has used the comparative lull
that followed to build bridges to potential allies and
re-configure his government.
Contacts with Puntland
4. (C) Although we had pressed the TFG to establish strong
ties with the Puntland Authority from the day Sheikh Sharif
became President, it had been reluctant to make the necessary
overtures. Puntland President "Faroole's" often-stated
unhappiness with President Sharif's selection of Sharmarke as
Prime Minister, and the lack of consultations with "Faroole"
that preceded the appointment of Darod clan members to the
expanded Parliament in January were responsible for the TFG -
Puntland rift. (Note: Sharmarke and "Faroole" are of the
same major clan, and "Faroole" believed he at a minimum
should have been consulted before President Sharif made his
choice of Prime Minister. The fact that President Sharif had
come to power at the expense of his Darod predecessor
Abdullahi Yusuf made consultation even more important in
"Faroole's" view. End note.)
5. (C) On May 15, our intercession resulted in a TFG Prime
Minister Sharmarke and Puntland President "Faroole" dinner in
Nairobi. That positive meeting never crystallized
cooperation between the TFG and the Puntland Administration,
however, and in the intervening months it appeared as if
Puntland might be charting a path toward greater autonomy,
like Somaliland. Just in advance of the August 7 meeting
with the Secretary, and more concentratedly since, President
Sharif pressed a reluctant Prime Minister Sharmarke to travel
to Puntland. A flurry of telephone calls during the week of
August 10 seems to have set the stage for Sharmarke's August
17 departure for Galkayo. (Note: The PM is scheduled to
remain in Puntland until August 20. Accompanying him is a
virtually all-Harti delegation that includes the Ministers of
Land and Air Transport, Industry, Post and
NAIROBI 00001771 002 OF 004
Telecommunications, Trade, Diaspora, and Constitutional
Affairs. End note.) The visit so far has resulted in an
invitation for President Sharif to visit Puntland from
President "Faroole." The TFG's hope is that contacts will
ultimately produce military, security, and other forms of
cooperation that will improve its chances against its enemies.
Bringing in the Abgal
6. (C) President Sharif's more conservative Islamic
credentials and his determination to form a trans-clan
government had caused him to ignore his own clan, the Abgal,
both in assembling his Cabinet and in courting possible
allies for his government. (Note: Sharif until the August 17
re-shuffle (ref d) was the only Abgal in his sprawling,
37-minister Cabinet. End note.) One by-product of Sharif's
refusal to work actively with the Abgal was the humiliating
loss of Mogadishu Abgal districts to al-Shabaab during
fighting that began May 7. The Abgal districts of Medina,
Karaan, and Abdi Aziz fell, as local Abgal clan militias
refused to defend their turf on behalf of the TFG.
7. (C) At the urging of Ambassador to Kenya Mohammad Ali Nur
"Americo," himself an Abgal, Sheikh Sharif has dramatically
increased outreach to his clan. Since the beginning of
August, he has met key Abgal leaders at Villa Somalia, and on
August 7, the President presided at an all-afternoon session
with key Mudulood representatives in Nairobi. (Note: The
Mudulood comprise the Abgal, Isse, Wadalan, Hilife, and
Hawadle sub-clans. End note.) Negotiations with the Abgal
have resulted in representatives of two key Abgal sub-clans
being brought into the government. Abdirahman Omar Osman
"Engineer Yarisow" (Hawiye/Abgal/Wadubhan) has been slotted
for a newly-created Ministry of Treasury and Dahir Gelle
(Hawiye/Abgal/Waesle) steps in behind Farhan Ali Mohamud
(Hawiye/Habr Gedir/Duduble) as Minister of Information.
8. (C) Sheikh Sharif's outreach to the Abgal has quickly
borne fruit. We have been told by Abgal/Waesle contacts in
south Galgaduud that Waesle elder Sheikh Ahmed recruited a
significant number of clan militiamen who pushed al-Shabaab
out of the south Galgaduud town of Galcad on August 11 - 12.
The TFG chartered an aircraft to airlift 17 of the most
seriously wounded Waesle to a Mogadishu hospital in order to
reinforce government engagement. The TFG is now working
strenuously to transport ammunition to the Waesle in order to
repulse an expected al-Shabaab counterattack. We believe
that the ammunition will be airlifted to Galcad at TFG
expense on August 20.
Reaching Out To Juba
9. (C) Former TFG Minister of Defense "Gandi" in recent weeks
has stepped up efforts to implement a TFG-backed Juba
offensive, aimed at pushing al-Shabaab out of Kismayo and
creating links between an evolving Juba administration and
the TFG (ref b). "Gandi" reports that the TFG is in contact
with local players in Juba, including Ogaden clan
heavyweights Ahmed Madobe and Ibrahim Shukri, in an effort to
reconcile differences and obtain their cooperation. "Gandi"
said President Sharif and Prime Minister Sharmarke fully
support the plan, which remains closely held within the TFG.
10. (C) "Gandi's" efforts take place against the backdrop of
recent meetings in Juba and Nairobi between supporters of
Madobe and Shukri and predominantly-Darod/Kabalah clan
leaders and MPs. Their goal is a regional Jubaland
administration, linked to the TFG. Our contacts tell us a
27-person Steering Committee has been formed for Jubaland,
but arguments remain over who will fill key positions.
"Gandi" told us he has full confidence in Shukri's commitment
to the TFG but described Madobe as a "complex" but militarily
necessary participant. Darod/Kabalah leaders told us the day
Madobe captures Kismayo he will have to announce that he is
part of and/or supports the TFG or he will lose clan support.
Ogaden leaders reportedly believe that Ogaden-led control of
Kismayo will translate into greater Ogaden representation in
the TFG at the ministerial level and that political
negotiations regarding a greater Jubaland to include Gedo
should for now remain unaddressed. Although formidable
challenges remain for a would-be Jubaland administration,
such as whether or not Gedo region should be included, TFG
efforts to gain support of key players in Lower Juba and
willingness to consider support for the creation of a
NAIROBI 00001771 003 OF 004
Jubaland state are positive developments. (Note:The TFG
Charter and Djibouti process outcomes call for forward
movement on decentralization but the TFG had in the past
shown little willingness to link to regional administrations.
End note.)
TFG - ASWJ Cooperation
11. (C) The TFG has stepped gingerly into cooperation with
Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'a (ASWJ). Initially, it feared that
ASWJ's battlefield successes and political aspirations in the
central regions and ASWJ's suspicions of Sheikh Sharif's
alleged "wahabiist" leanings meant that ASWJ was determined
to supplant the TFG at the center of the Djibouti process.
ASWJ, which in initial conversations with USG officials and
the TFG was alleging that its victories over al-Shabaab
entitled it to the TFG presidency, did little to dispel TFG
fears. ASWJ military setbacks and persistent overtures by
the TFG produced a June 21 signed TFG - ASWJ agreement which,
gradually, has produced real cooperation.
Success in Hiraan
12. (C) TFG Minister of National Security "Sanbaloshi"
(Hawadle) and other TFG officials since late July have
remained in close contact with leaders in Beledweyne and
elsewhere in the Hiraan region to ensure that the gains of
July 26 were not reversed. They have stepped up cooperation
with Ethiopian-backed ASWJ forces in the region (ref c).
(Note: According to President Sharif, the TFG has provided
financial support to the tune of $100,000 to ASWJ-Hiraan.
End note.) TFG-aligned forces on July 26 managed to take
control of Beledweyne town in Hiraan region. Police General
Mukhtar Hussein Afrah (Hawiye/Hawadle) led a successful push
into Beledweyne's western half on July 26, where Islamists
reportedly had held sway. On August 20, al-Shabaab-initiated
fighting for the control of Beletweyne resumed. We believe
that with the assistance of nearby ENDF troops, TFG-aligned
forces should retain control of the town. As of August 19
TFG-aligned forces from Beledweyne were closing on the town
of Bulaburde, where there was reportedly fierce fighting on
August 20. Another by-product of increased TFG assertiveness
in Hiraan region has been Hisbul Islam (HI) defections.
During the weekend of August 14, an estimated 53 armed HI
soldiers and three commanders defected to the TFG. There
have also been defections in Mogadishu, many of them from
Advances in Gedo
13. (C) The strategic town of Luq in Gedo region on August 19
fell to pro-TFG forces a few days after the border town of
Beled Hawa was taken by joint TFG-ASWJ forces in the region.
Our contacts tell us that five TFG MPs as well as Bay,
Bakool, and Gedo governors worked together with local
Rahanweyn and Marehan clan militia to push Hisbul Islam out
of Luq. On August 17 TFG troops from Dolow worked with
Rahanweyn and Marehan clan-based ASWJ forces to consolidate
control of Beled Hawa. While both Luq and Beled Hawa have
since been surrendered to Hisbul Islam, their brief seizure
by pro-TFG forces have shown that Hisbul Islam is vulnerable
in Gedo.
Renewed Engagement
With the Media
14. (C) The TFG appears to have redoubled its efforts to
engage effectively with the media to promote TFG policy
goals. The Foreign Minister reacted quickly and
comprehensively to the August 13 killings of five Pakistani
nationals in Puntland. On August 16, the newly-launched TFG
website covered a press conference at which a TFG spokesman
lauded ASWJ,s weekend victories in Galgadud region, a
positive step in promoting TFG - ASWJ cooperation. These and
other examples mark a noticeably improved media outreach
effort by the TFG. Not coincidentally, Post sent two media
advisors to Mogadishu from July 23 - August 3 to work with
TFG public affairs personnel and institutions. The advisors
spent much of the time coaching the TFG,s personnel in
subjects like identifying priority issues for media attention
and coordinating public outreach among TFG entities. TFG
officials, to include the President and Prime Minster, were
NAIROBI 00001771 004 OF 004
very supportive of the assessors and have indicated that they
are eager to maintain the momentum resulting from the visit
and U.S.-associated continued engagement. In the August 18
Cabinet re-shuffle, President Sharif removed his Minister of
Information, who he believed was under-performing.
Cabinet Re-shuffle
15. (C) Although far from perfect (septel),a sweeping
cabinet re-shuffle (ref d) has re-shuffled ministers who have
been either off-message, ineffective, or AWOL during the
TFG's tenure. Although some ministers who are equally liable
to charges of not actively advancing the TFG's agenda remain
in place, the shake-up could put them on notice that they
must perform if they are to keep their jobs. Sheikh Sharif's
dramatic decision to re-shuffle the deck went against the
advice of some who believed that sweeping changes should not
be attempted when the government was under stress, and is
further evidence of the President's new determination to make
Parliament Shake-Up
16. (C) The TFG's determination to purge underperformers has
hit the Parliament as well. On July 27, following a speech
by Sheikh Sharif, five AWOL MPs were expelled from Parliament
and a further forty-nine warned that they must return to
Mogadishu and participate in the plenaries or face a similar
fate (ref e). Among those expelled in the first tranche were
several persistent critics of the TFG. Although the 54 MPs
cited are a minority of the estimated 125 MPs who are almost
permanently absent, the warnings and expulsions are evidence
of the TFG's intention to force MPs to take their
responsibilities seriously. (Note: At present, there are 548
deputies in the transitional Parliament. On the day of the
July 27 session, 301 of the estimated 350 MPs in Mogadishu
attended the plenary. End note.)
Recommendations and Comment
17. (C) With its recent burst of activity, the TFG is
attempting with some success to capitalize on positive
developments in the regions. It still faces an uphill
struggle, which could be complicated by an announced Hisbul
Islam/al-Shabaab Ramadan offensive, but its prospects are
significantly better than they were just a few short weeks
ago. USG support, if provided rapidly and appropriately
calibrated to TFG needs, could greatly enhance the TFG's
chances. In order to aid the TFG's efforts to take advantage
of this opportunity, I recommend that PKO monies currently
available be spent, where possible, for civil affairs efforts
that could show the TFG delivering services to Somalis in
territories it controls. Where possible, the TFG's Price
Waterhouse Cooper mechanism should be used in effecting these
transactions. Key TFG ministries should urgently be provided
with advisors, preferably from the Somali diaspora, in order
to help them rapidly build capacity and discharge their
functions. We believe that robust youth employment programs
in areas controlled by the TFG would go a long way over the
short term in building good will and attracting potential
defectors. Rapidly re-starting local administration
capacity-building programs is also essential. Micro-lending
or micro-grant programs in areas under TFG control could
further increase goodwill toward the government and aid local
economies. A small grants or self-help-like program could
pay outsize dividends in Somalia's impoverished regions. If
the TFG succeeds in establishing stable control over the
central regions, recognition of the government should be
considered. Septel will provide more detailed
recommendations for consideration.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/20/2019
Classified By: Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger; reasons 1.4 (b,d).
1. (C) Summary: The Transitional Federal Government (TFG)
appears to be newly energized following President Sharif's
August 6 meeting with the Secretary (septel) and months of
drift in the wake of an extended al-Shabaab offensive in
Mogadishu that began May 7. Recent developments: an
apparent drop-off in funding for al-Shabaab, TFG success in
bringing at least some of the Abgal into its fold, more
productive TFG - Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'a (ASWJ) cooperation, a
budding relationship with the Puntland leadership, increased
al-Shabaab and Hisbul Islam defections, coupled with gains on
regional battlefields could together create conditions for
the TFG to dramatically increase its sway in Somalia. Any
one or all of these positive developments could easily be
reversed, however, which would leave the TFG isolated and
vulnerable, much as it was before its patient outreach
efforts to ASWJ, the Puntland Administration, the Abgal, and
others began to bear fruit. I believe that intensive,
well-targeted, real-time USG support for the TFG at this
critical potential turning point is necessary if the
government of Sheikh Sharif is to capitalize on this rare
constellation of positive developments. Our general
recommendations follow in para 17. Septel will provide more
detailed suggestions on steps we could take. End summary.
2. (C) As reported ref a, an August 6 meeting with the
Secretary has energized TFG President Sharif. Since the
meeting, he has re-shuffled his Cabinet (ref d),prevailed on
his Prime Minister to cement ties with President "Faroole" in
Puntland, mended fences with his Abgal co-clan members (ref
b),and provided funding to northern Galgaduud ASWJ factions.
3. (C) This burst of activity is in stark contrast to the
lack of direction that followed the three months of on-again,
off-again battles with al-Shabaab in Mogadishu that began May
7. That seesaw fighting often saw ragtag TFG troops in full
flight, and only AMISOM standing between them and complete
al-Shabaab control of Mogadishu. AMISOM's aggressive
intercession on behalf of the TFG during the last major round
of fighting appeared to have convinced al-Shabaab that it
could not remove the TFG as long as AMISOM remained in
Mogadishu. President Sharif has used the comparative lull
that followed to build bridges to potential allies and
re-configure his government.
Contacts with Puntland
4. (C) Although we had pressed the TFG to establish strong
ties with the Puntland Authority from the day Sheikh Sharif
became President, it had been reluctant to make the necessary
overtures. Puntland President "Faroole's" often-stated
unhappiness with President Sharif's selection of Sharmarke as
Prime Minister, and the lack of consultations with "Faroole"
that preceded the appointment of Darod clan members to the
expanded Parliament in January were responsible for the TFG -
Puntland rift. (Note: Sharmarke and "Faroole" are of the
same major clan, and "Faroole" believed he at a minimum
should have been consulted before President Sharif made his
choice of Prime Minister. The fact that President Sharif had
come to power at the expense of his Darod predecessor
Abdullahi Yusuf made consultation even more important in
"Faroole's" view. End note.)
5. (C) On May 15, our intercession resulted in a TFG Prime
Minister Sharmarke and Puntland President "Faroole" dinner in
Nairobi. That positive meeting never crystallized
cooperation between the TFG and the Puntland Administration,
however, and in the intervening months it appeared as if
Puntland might be charting a path toward greater autonomy,
like Somaliland. Just in advance of the August 7 meeting
with the Secretary, and more concentratedly since, President
Sharif pressed a reluctant Prime Minister Sharmarke to travel
to Puntland. A flurry of telephone calls during the week of
August 10 seems to have set the stage for Sharmarke's August
17 departure for Galkayo. (Note: The PM is scheduled to
remain in Puntland until August 20. Accompanying him is a
virtually all-Harti delegation that includes the Ministers of
Land and Air Transport, Industry, Post and
NAIROBI 00001771 002 OF 004
Telecommunications, Trade, Diaspora, and Constitutional
Affairs. End note.) The visit so far has resulted in an
invitation for President Sharif to visit Puntland from
President "Faroole." The TFG's hope is that contacts will
ultimately produce military, security, and other forms of
cooperation that will improve its chances against its enemies.
Bringing in the Abgal
6. (C) President Sharif's more conservative Islamic
credentials and his determination to form a trans-clan
government had caused him to ignore his own clan, the Abgal,
both in assembling his Cabinet and in courting possible
allies for his government. (Note: Sharif until the August 17
re-shuffle (ref d) was the only Abgal in his sprawling,
37-minister Cabinet. End note.) One by-product of Sharif's
refusal to work actively with the Abgal was the humiliating
loss of Mogadishu Abgal districts to al-Shabaab during
fighting that began May 7. The Abgal districts of Medina,
Karaan, and Abdi Aziz fell, as local Abgal clan militias
refused to defend their turf on behalf of the TFG.
7. (C) At the urging of Ambassador to Kenya Mohammad Ali Nur
"Americo," himself an Abgal, Sheikh Sharif has dramatically
increased outreach to his clan. Since the beginning of
August, he has met key Abgal leaders at Villa Somalia, and on
August 7, the President presided at an all-afternoon session
with key Mudulood representatives in Nairobi. (Note: The
Mudulood comprise the Abgal, Isse, Wadalan, Hilife, and
Hawadle sub-clans. End note.) Negotiations with the Abgal
have resulted in representatives of two key Abgal sub-clans
being brought into the government. Abdirahman Omar Osman
"Engineer Yarisow" (Hawiye/Abgal/Wadubhan) has been slotted
for a newly-created Ministry of Treasury and Dahir Gelle
(Hawiye/Abgal/Waesle) steps in behind Farhan Ali Mohamud
(Hawiye/Habr Gedir/Duduble) as Minister of Information.
8. (C) Sheikh Sharif's outreach to the Abgal has quickly
borne fruit. We have been told by Abgal/Waesle contacts in
south Galgaduud that Waesle elder Sheikh Ahmed recruited a
significant number of clan militiamen who pushed al-Shabaab
out of the south Galgaduud town of Galcad on August 11 - 12.
The TFG chartered an aircraft to airlift 17 of the most
seriously wounded Waesle to a Mogadishu hospital in order to
reinforce government engagement. The TFG is now working
strenuously to transport ammunition to the Waesle in order to
repulse an expected al-Shabaab counterattack. We believe
that the ammunition will be airlifted to Galcad at TFG
expense on August 20.
Reaching Out To Juba
9. (C) Former TFG Minister of Defense "Gandi" in recent weeks
has stepped up efforts to implement a TFG-backed Juba
offensive, aimed at pushing al-Shabaab out of Kismayo and
creating links between an evolving Juba administration and
the TFG (ref b). "Gandi" reports that the TFG is in contact
with local players in Juba, including Ogaden clan
heavyweights Ahmed Madobe and Ibrahim Shukri, in an effort to
reconcile differences and obtain their cooperation. "Gandi"
said President Sharif and Prime Minister Sharmarke fully
support the plan, which remains closely held within the TFG.
10. (C) "Gandi's" efforts take place against the backdrop of
recent meetings in Juba and Nairobi between supporters of
Madobe and Shukri and predominantly-Darod/Kabalah clan
leaders and MPs. Their goal is a regional Jubaland
administration, linked to the TFG. Our contacts tell us a
27-person Steering Committee has been formed for Jubaland,
but arguments remain over who will fill key positions.
"Gandi" told us he has full confidence in Shukri's commitment
to the TFG but described Madobe as a "complex" but militarily
necessary participant. Darod/Kabalah leaders told us the day
Madobe captures Kismayo he will have to announce that he is
part of and/or supports the TFG or he will lose clan support.
Ogaden leaders reportedly believe that Ogaden-led control of
Kismayo will translate into greater Ogaden representation in
the TFG at the ministerial level and that political
negotiations regarding a greater Jubaland to include Gedo
should for now remain unaddressed. Although formidable
challenges remain for a would-be Jubaland administration,
such as whether or not Gedo region should be included, TFG
efforts to gain support of key players in Lower Juba and
willingness to consider support for the creation of a
NAIROBI 00001771 003 OF 004
Jubaland state are positive developments. (Note:The TFG
Charter and Djibouti process outcomes call for forward
movement on decentralization but the TFG had in the past
shown little willingness to link to regional administrations.
End note.)
TFG - ASWJ Cooperation
11. (C) The TFG has stepped gingerly into cooperation with
Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'a (ASWJ). Initially, it feared that
ASWJ's battlefield successes and political aspirations in the
central regions and ASWJ's suspicions of Sheikh Sharif's
alleged "wahabiist" leanings meant that ASWJ was determined
to supplant the TFG at the center of the Djibouti process.
ASWJ, which in initial conversations with USG officials and
the TFG was alleging that its victories over al-Shabaab
entitled it to the TFG presidency, did little to dispel TFG
fears. ASWJ military setbacks and persistent overtures by
the TFG produced a June 21 signed TFG - ASWJ agreement which,
gradually, has produced real cooperation.
Success in Hiraan
12. (C) TFG Minister of National Security "Sanbaloshi"
(Hawadle) and other TFG officials since late July have
remained in close contact with leaders in Beledweyne and
elsewhere in the Hiraan region to ensure that the gains of
July 26 were not reversed. They have stepped up cooperation
with Ethiopian-backed ASWJ forces in the region (ref c).
(Note: According to President Sharif, the TFG has provided
financial support to the tune of $100,000 to ASWJ-Hiraan.
End note.) TFG-aligned forces on July 26 managed to take
control of Beledweyne town in Hiraan region. Police General
Mukhtar Hussein Afrah (Hawiye/Hawadle) led a successful push
into Beledweyne's western half on July 26, where Islamists
reportedly had held sway. On August 20, al-Shabaab-initiated
fighting for the control of Beletweyne resumed. We believe
that with the assistance of nearby ENDF troops, TFG-aligned
forces should retain control of the town. As of August 19
TFG-aligned forces from Beledweyne were closing on the town
of Bulaburde, where there was reportedly fierce fighting on
August 20. Another by-product of increased TFG assertiveness
in Hiraan region has been Hisbul Islam (HI) defections.
During the weekend of August 14, an estimated 53 armed HI
soldiers and three commanders defected to the TFG. There
have also been defections in Mogadishu, many of them from
Advances in Gedo
13. (C) The strategic town of Luq in Gedo region on August 19
fell to pro-TFG forces a few days after the border town of
Beled Hawa was taken by joint TFG-ASWJ forces in the region.
Our contacts tell us that five TFG MPs as well as Bay,
Bakool, and Gedo governors worked together with local
Rahanweyn and Marehan clan militia to push Hisbul Islam out
of Luq. On August 17 TFG troops from Dolow worked with
Rahanweyn and Marehan clan-based ASWJ forces to consolidate
control of Beled Hawa. While both Luq and Beled Hawa have
since been surrendered to Hisbul Islam, their brief seizure
by pro-TFG forces have shown that Hisbul Islam is vulnerable
in Gedo.
Renewed Engagement
With the Media
14. (C) The TFG appears to have redoubled its efforts to
engage effectively with the media to promote TFG policy
goals. The Foreign Minister reacted quickly and
comprehensively to the August 13 killings of five Pakistani
nationals in Puntland. On August 16, the newly-launched TFG
website covered a press conference at which a TFG spokesman
lauded ASWJ,s weekend victories in Galgadud region, a
positive step in promoting TFG - ASWJ cooperation. These and
other examples mark a noticeably improved media outreach
effort by the TFG. Not coincidentally, Post sent two media
advisors to Mogadishu from July 23 - August 3 to work with
TFG public affairs personnel and institutions. The advisors
spent much of the time coaching the TFG,s personnel in
subjects like identifying priority issues for media attention
and coordinating public outreach among TFG entities. TFG
officials, to include the President and Prime Minster, were
NAIROBI 00001771 004 OF 004
very supportive of the assessors and have indicated that they
are eager to maintain the momentum resulting from the visit
and U.S.-associated continued engagement. In the August 18
Cabinet re-shuffle, President Sharif removed his Minister of
Information, who he believed was under-performing.
Cabinet Re-shuffle
15. (C) Although far from perfect (septel),a sweeping
cabinet re-shuffle (ref d) has re-shuffled ministers who have
been either off-message, ineffective, or AWOL during the
TFG's tenure. Although some ministers who are equally liable
to charges of not actively advancing the TFG's agenda remain
in place, the shake-up could put them on notice that they
must perform if they are to keep their jobs. Sheikh Sharif's
dramatic decision to re-shuffle the deck went against the
advice of some who believed that sweeping changes should not
be attempted when the government was under stress, and is
further evidence of the President's new determination to make
Parliament Shake-Up
16. (C) The TFG's determination to purge underperformers has
hit the Parliament as well. On July 27, following a speech
by Sheikh Sharif, five AWOL MPs were expelled from Parliament
and a further forty-nine warned that they must return to
Mogadishu and participate in the plenaries or face a similar
fate (ref e). Among those expelled in the first tranche were
several persistent critics of the TFG. Although the 54 MPs
cited are a minority of the estimated 125 MPs who are almost
permanently absent, the warnings and expulsions are evidence
of the TFG's intention to force MPs to take their
responsibilities seriously. (Note: At present, there are 548
deputies in the transitional Parliament. On the day of the
July 27 session, 301 of the estimated 350 MPs in Mogadishu
attended the plenary. End note.)
Recommendations and Comment
17. (C) With its recent burst of activity, the TFG is
attempting with some success to capitalize on positive
developments in the regions. It still faces an uphill
struggle, which could be complicated by an announced Hisbul
Islam/al-Shabaab Ramadan offensive, but its prospects are
significantly better than they were just a few short weeks
ago. USG support, if provided rapidly and appropriately
calibrated to TFG needs, could greatly enhance the TFG's
chances. In order to aid the TFG's efforts to take advantage
of this opportunity, I recommend that PKO monies currently
available be spent, where possible, for civil affairs efforts
that could show the TFG delivering services to Somalis in
territories it controls. Where possible, the TFG's Price
Waterhouse Cooper mechanism should be used in effecting these
transactions. Key TFG ministries should urgently be provided
with advisors, preferably from the Somali diaspora, in order
to help them rapidly build capacity and discharge their
functions. We believe that robust youth employment programs
in areas controlled by the TFG would go a long way over the
short term in building good will and attracting potential
defectors. Rapidly re-starting local administration
capacity-building programs is also essential. Micro-lending
or micro-grant programs in areas under TFG control could
further increase goodwill toward the government and aid local
economies. A small grants or self-help-like program could
pay outsize dividends in Somalia's impoverished regions. If
the TFG succeeds in establishing stable control over the
central regions, recognition of the government should be
considered. Septel will provide more detailed
recommendations for consideration.