2009-01-20 13:25:00
Embassy Moscow
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DE RUEHMO #0112/01 0201325
P 201325Z JAN 09




E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: 08 STATE 123907

(Entire report SBU draft document) (No paragraph markings) Per
reftel request, attached is post's draft 2009 Investment Climate
Statement for Russia. We have also e-mailed the draft as a Word
document to EUR/RUS and EEB/IFD/OIA.
2008 Investment Climate Statement - Russia
Russia presents many promising investment opportunities with the
potential for dynamic growth in sales and profits. However,
investors face several significant challenges, including a complex
regulatory and legal system that requires professional help to
navigate, widespread corruption, a lack of respect for the rule of
law, and immature banking and financial markets. In addition,
state-owned entities have a major presence in many economic sectors,
and hence may be potential competitors of new investors.
Russia's economy is still developing, not diversified, and is
largely focused on natural resource extraction. GDP sharply
contracted in the last two months of 2008. Although it posted a 7.3
percent growth rate for the first nine months of 2008, the final
figure for 2008 is expected to be 6.8 to 7.0 percent, as compared to
8.1 percent in 2007. The numbers for 2009 are expected to be even
lower, ranging from 0 percent growth to 2.5 percent. Fixed capital
investment saw an increase of 13.1 percent January-September, which
was lower than the 21.3 percent increase during the same period in

2007. Most of the capital investment in the first nine months of
2008 went to energy, manufacturing, real estate, and transportation.

According to the Central Bank of Russia, foreign direct investment
(FDI) inflows exceeded $50 billion in the first 9 months of 2008, as
compared to $38 billion during the same period in 2007. End of year
estimates place FDI at $55 billion. At 4% of GDP, this level of FDI
inflow is on par with other emerging markets. The United Kingdom
and the Netherlands continued to be the top source countries for
investment inflows during the year, reflecting these two countries'
heavy investments in Russia's energy sector.
Capital account liberalization, which took effect on July 1, 2006,
helped increase net inflows to Russia in 2006 ($40 billion) and 2007
($82 billion). The general economic slowdown stemming from the
financial crisis and shocks to investor confidence, however, have
produced a marked shift for 2008, increasing capital outflow and
putting additional pressure on the ruble. As of October 1, 2008
(latest available data at this writing),capital outflows were equal
to capital inflows. BNP Paribas has estimated that investors
withdrew about $140 billion from August - October 2008. According
to the Central Bank of Russia, net private capital outflow reached
$50 billion in October 2008 alone.
A sense that the Russian investment climate had generally
strengthened in recent years has been undermined by recent Russian
government actions, such as the apparently politically-motivated
investigations into businesses (e.g., the TNK-BP oil and gas joint
venture and the Mechel coal company) and the military conflict with
Georgia. The global economic downturn also exposed Russia's
weaknesses. Many structural improvements remain necessary, such as:
judicial reform to establish an independent and effective judicial
system; banking reform to improve the capacity of the financial
sector; accounting reform to promote greater transparency and
integration with the international business community; a legal and
regulatory framework for preventing insider trading; and
improvements in corporate governance.
Reducing government bureaucracy and corruption has long been high on
the agenda of businesses large and small, Russian and foreign,
operating in Russia. While President Medvedev has committed his
government to fighting corruption, his only progress to date has
been the enactment of new anti-corruption legislation.
Openness to Foreign Investment
The global economic slump during the latter part of 2008 dampened
foreign investor enthusiasm, which had been stoked by Russia's
economic growth and rising incomes in recent years. The Russian
Federal State Statistics Service estimates that since 2000, the
economy has demonstrated real growth of 72%, where real disposable
incomes have grown 209% in the same period. Recent real income
growth deceleration, however, combined with citizens' fears about
the future of the Russian economy, raise concerns about future
growth, particularly is the retail and consumer sectors. While many
U.S. firms reported that their return on investments in Russia was
among the highest in their international operations, the global
financial crisis and recent Russian government actions may retard
their Russian investment plans.
The Russian government has repeatedly emphasized foreign
investment's critical role in Russia's economic development, but has
been reluctant to allow unfettered access in practice. The 1991
Investment Code guarantees foreign investors rights equal to those
of Russian investors (although some industries have limits on
foreign ownership - see below). The 1999 Law on Foreign Investment
also affirms this principle of national treatment.
In practice, the Government of Russia (GOR) tends to favor joint
ventures with local entities, especially state-owned entities, or
direct cash injections, particularly in Russia's "strategic
sectors." This has been most obvious in the energy sector, in which
the GOR continues to tighten its grip and typically limits foreign
companies to minority stakes (often 20 to 25 percent) in larger
projects. In the area of consumer products, however, international
companies have been able to set up and expand their operations with
relatively few restrictions.
At the federal level, Russia is establishing special economic zones,
high-technology parks, and special tourist regions to encourage
foreign investment. At the regional level, many local governments
have developed laws and programs to attract FDI, which include
techno-parks near universities and export zones near ports and
borders. Although federal tax reform aimed to create a level
playing field for all investors and limit the scope of incentives
regions can offer, large foreign investors continue to receive
incentives from local authorities in practice. In addition, many
local administrations view foreign investors as sources of cash for
support of municipal services, which can range from topping up
teachers' salaries or provision of carpentry and plumbing services
to maintenance of a municipal park or supply of heat to a village
from a processing plant's boiler.
While FDI inflows had picked up substantially since 2004, the slow
pace of structural reforms and the ever increasing role of the state
in some sectors of the economy continue to restrain foreign
investment. In response to the global financial crisis, the GOR is
preparing to support various sectors of the economy in return for
control of assets and revenue flow, and the role of government and
quasi-government entities could become even more opaque. The lack
of clarity in Russian tax law and administration, inconsistent
government regulation and enforcement, unreliability of the legal
system, underinvestment in infrastructure, difficulty in conducting
due diligence, and high levels of corruption can dissuade
Rule of law, corporate governance, transparency, and respect for
property rights, including intellectual property rights, although
improved over the years, remain key concerns for foreign investors.
As a result, while there is increased interest, many U.S. companies
remain cautious about investing in Russia. Concerns about possible
liabilities associated with existing operations (especially
environmental cleanup) and inadequate bankruptcy procedures are also
In recognition of widespread corporate governance problems, the
Federal Service for Financial Markets has had a corporate governance
code in place since 2002 and has endorsed an OECD White Paper on
ways to improve practices in Russia. Some large Russian companies
have developed their own policies, although implementation is not
always robust. International business associations such as the
American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, the Association of European
Businesses in Russia, and the International Business Leaders Forum,
as well as Russian business associations such as OPORA, the Russian
Managers Association, the National Council on Corporate Governance,
and the Russian Directors' Institute stress corporate governance as
an important priority for their members and for Russian businesses
Roughly three-quarters of the Russian economy has been privatized,
although the GOR continues to hold significant blocks of shares in
many privatized enterprises. The privatization of remaining state
holdings is scheduled to continue, but could be delayed as a result
of the current economic slowdown. Furthermore, the GOR may
ultimately acquire/re-acquire additional shareholdings in Russian
companies if GOR-financed loans, collateralized by shares, are not
Often foreign investors participating in Russian privatization sales
are confined to limited positions and face problems with minority
shareholder rights and corporate governance. Moreover, the
treatment of foreign investment in new privatizations is likely to
remain inconsistent. Potential foreign investors are advised to
work directly and closely with appropriate local, regional, and
federal ministries and agencies that exercise ownership and other
authority over companies whose shares they may want to acquire.
The GOR approved a new "Strategic Sectors" law in May 2008. The law
restricts new foreign investment in 42 sectors deemed "strategic."
Investors wishing to exceed set ownership limits must seek approval
from a special commission, chaired by the prime minister. There are
concerns that the approval process may prove to be non-transparent
and burdensome. Concurrent amendments to legislation governing
subsoil resources restrict foreign investment to a 10 percent
threshold in entities controlling large oil and gas deposits, which
are defined as "strategic." Potential investors in such entities
must seek the approval of the special commission.
The government has reasserted control over the oil and gas sector in
recent years. Foreign investors who want to do business in the
Russian oil and gas sector should keep in mind the key roles played
by the state companies Rosneft (oil) and Gazprom (gas).
Particularly in oil and gas investments, Russian officials at both
the federal and local levels frequently raise environmental concerns
as considerations in the approval process for investments. In some
instances, it is difficult to say whether such concerns are
Production Sharing Agreement (PSAs),which were used to attract
foreign investors into oil and gas production are out of favor with
the Russian government, and are not likely to re-emerge as a tool
for attracting investment. Only two major PSA projects, Kharyaga
and Sakhalin 1, with majority foreign ownership remain in Russia.
Under pressure, one PSA, Sakhalin 2, sold its majority stake to
Gazprom. Sakhalin 1 has recently come under some pressure as well
to sell its gas production to Gazprom. In 2007-8, BP and its
Russian partners in oil major TNK-BP were engaged in a public battle
for management control of the company. Following a string of
official actions by Russian state bodies affecting TNK-BP operations
and expatriate personnel, the two sides reached an agreement in late
2008 that many observers saw as resulting in a dilution of BP's
influence over its investment. The dispute dealt a major blow to
investor confidence in Russia, and raised questions about the GOR's
respect for the rule of the law and the independence of state
administrative bodies.
In 2003, Russia enacted several amendments to the insurance law that
effectively liberalized the market, allowing majority-owned Russian
subsidiaries of insurers from the European Union to sell life and
mandatory forms of insurance in Russia. Although the law only
permits those companies with offices in the European Union to open
subsidiaries in Russia, the regulator has interpreted the
legislation as allowing any foreign insurer to set up life insurance
operations in Russia as long as the company has an office in the EU
via which the investment is made. As a result of bilateral WTO
negotiations with the United States, Russia agreed to allow foreign
insurance companies to operate through subsidiaries, including 100%
foreign-owned non-life insurance companies, and branching after a
transition period.
In July 2008, RAO UES, the electricity holding company that
controlled all of Russia's power assets with the exception of those
connected to nuclear energy, completed its corporate reorganization
and ceased to exist. Although the unbundling and privatization of
RAO UES was initially hailed as a huge success, concerns are growing
as investors' plans to modernize and expand electricity
infrastructure make less economic sense under current market
The Russian automotive industry has been booming and has been the
fastest growing automotive market in Europe. Foreign brands account
for over 75% of car sales. In 2005-2007, Russian legislation
offered reduced customs tariff rates on automotive parts imported by
companies assembling vehicles in Russia. Many foreign auto
manufacturers took advantage of the reductions and set up assembly
operations in Russia, including GM, Ford, Toyota, Peugeot, Isuzu,
Kia, Nissan, Volkswagen, and Renault. The GOR is now offering
similar investment incentives to foreign producers of car parts and
components who agree to set up domestic production operations in
In December 2008, PM Putin signed a GOR Resolution that increased
the duty on most imported automobiles from the current 25% to a new
rate of 30% (and raise the minimum Euro-specific duty that is based
on the engine volume by a corresponding amount),and imposed a
prohibitive duty on cars older than five years (current law applies
a prohibitive duty to cars older than seven years). The move is
seen as a measure to help local auto manufacturers, such as Avtovaz,
weather the global economic crisis. The new duties became effective
on January 12, 2009 for a period of nine months.
Thanks to active government intervention, the agricultural and
agribusiness investment climate has improved in recent years.
However, future growth is likely to be tempered by a reduction of
financing in the agricultural sector brought on by the global
financial crisis, lingering uncertainty regarding land tenure in
Russia, and restrictions on foreign ownership of agricultural land.

Despite supportive statements by GOR officials regarding investment
in agricultural processing facilities located on land previously
designated for production agriculture, some projects have been
thwarted through exploitation of legal ambiguities about land
purchase and control, due to entrenched interests which want to
reduce competition. There have also been blatant, though ultimately
unsuccessful, attempts to raid foreign enterprises and to take over
their processing facilities through illegal means.
Visas for Businessmen and Investors
The GOR requires visas and residence permits for businessmen and
investors. Work and residence permits must be renewed periodically
-- a cumbersome process. Russia's visa system for residence and
work permits is very complicated, and potential investors would be
well-advised to consult the State Department and U.S. Embassy
websites for the latest information on Russian visas
( and
travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1006.html#entry_requ irements). In some
sectors, requirements that a certain percentage of staff be Russian
citizens may have a negative impact on foreign investors.
Conversion and Transfer Policies
While the ruble is the only legal tender in Russia, companies and

individuals generally face no significant difficulty in obtaining
foreign exchange. Finding a bank licensed to conduct foreign
currency transactions is relatively easy. While the following
discussion represents a "snapshot" of current requirements,
investors would be well advised to seek expert advice on the
controls in effect at the time of an investment.
Currency controls exist on all transactions that require customs
clearance, which in Russia applies to both import and export
transactions. The procedures involved have been greatly simplified
in recent years. The importer or exporter presents the "deal
passport" documents to a bank licensed to provide foreign currency
transaction services. The bank bears the responsibility of ensuring
that the flow of funds related to the import or export complies with
CBR regulations.
A "deal passport" is a set of documents that importers and exporters
provide to banks authorized to review whether the transaction meets
currency control regulations. Once an authorized bank signs the
deal passport, it monitors the entire transaction for compliance
with currency regulations, and the importer/exporter must use that
bank for all parts of the transaction. The importer/exporter then
presents the signed passport to clear shipments through customs.
The Federal Customs Service notifies the bank once the shipment has
been cleared. The authorized bank then monitors compliance with
payment regulations.
Only authorized banks may carry out the sale or purchase of foreign
currency transactions. According to currency control laws, the
Central Bank retains the right to impose restrictions on the
purchase of foreign currency, including the requirement that the
transaction be completed through a special account. The Central
Bank has eliminated security deposit requirements on foreign
exchange purchases.
Expropriation and Compensation
The 1991 Investment Code prohibits the nationalization of foreign
investments, except following legislative action and where deemed to
be in the national interest. Such nationalizations may be appealed
to the courts of the Russian Federation, and the investor must be
adequately and promptly compensated.
At the sub-federal level, expropriation has occasionally been a
problem, as has local government interference and a lack of
enforcement of court rulings protecting investors. The embassy is
tracking a small number of cases in which U.S. companies are seeking
compensation for the loss of their investment or property due to
regional government action or inaction.
Dispute Settlement
Russia has a body of conflicting, overlapping and rapidly changing
laws, decrees and regulations, which has resulted in an ad hoc and
unpredictable approach to doing business. Independent dispute
resolution in Russia can be difficult to obtain since the judicial
system is still developing. Courts are sometimes subject to
political pressure. According to numerous reports, corruption in
the judicial system is widespread and takes many forms, ranging from
bribes of judges and prosecutors to fabrication of evidence. In
addition, court decisions are at times not executed. The bailiffs,
who are charged with enforcing court judgments, report to the
Ministry of Justice rather than the courts. They sometimes fail to
enforce those judgments due inter alia to legal restrictions and
limited trained personnel.
Many attorneys refer their Western clients who have investment or
trade disputes in Russia to international arbitration in Stockholm
or to courts abroad. A 1997 Russian law allows foreign arbitration
awards to be enforced in Russia, even if there is no reciprocal
treaty between Russia and the country where the order was issued.
Russia is a member of the International Center for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes and accepts binding international arbitration.
Russia is also a signatory to the 1958 New York Convention on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. However,
enforcement of international arbitral awards still requires action
from Russian courts and follow-up by bailiffs, which have yet to
become consistently effective enforcers of court judgments.
Commercial disputes between business entities are heard in the
Arbitrazh Court system. That court system has special procedures
for the seizure of property before trial so that it cannot be
disposed of before the court has heard the claim, as well as for the
enforcement of financial awards through the banks. Additionally,
the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hear claims if both parties
agree to refer disputes there. A similar arbitration court has been
established in St. Petersburg. As with international arbitral
procedures, the weakness in the Russian arbitration system lies in
the enforcement of decisions.
Performance Requirements and Incentives
Performance requirements are not generally imposed by Russian law
and are not widely included as part of private contracts in Russia.
However, they have appeared in the agreements of large multinational
companies investing in natural resources and in production sharing
legislation. There are no formal requirements for offsets in
foreign investments. Since approval for investments in Russia
frequently depends on relationships with government officials and on
a firm's demonstration of its commitment to the Russian market, this
may result in offsets in practice.
Right to Private Ownership and Establishment
Both foreign and domestic legal entities may establish, purchase,
and dispose of businesses in Russia. As mentioned in other sections
of this report, investment in some sectors that are regarded as
affecting national security, such as natural resources, energy,
power, communication, transportation, and defense-related
industries, may be limited.
Protection of Property Rights
The Constitution and a 1993 presidential decree give Russian
citizens general rights to own, inherit, lease, mortgage, and sell
real property. The rights of Russian citizens to own and sell
residential, recreational, and garden plots are clearly established,
with over 40 million properties of this type under private
ownership. Mortgage legislation enacted in 2004 facilitates the
process for lenders to evict homeowners who do not stay current in
their mortgage payments, which in theory should make mortgage
lending (and the housing market) more attractive to lenders and
developers. However, foreclosures and evictions by lenders are
rarely tested within Russia's legal system. Complicating this
picture further is a GOR plan, not formally codified at this
writing, to provide relief in the form of an extended grace period
to homeowners affected by the financial crisis. Mortgage lending is
in its initial stages, but its growth, up from an estimated USD 5.5
billion of the total amount of outstanding mortgage loans in 2006 to
USD 27 billion as of October 1, 2008, has been stymied by the
domestic credit freeze. Land ownership rights and limitations for
foreign investors are discussed in other sections of this report.
While Russia has made significant advances in improving its
intellectual property rights (IPR) protection regime, many
challenges remain, including the need for reform of Russia's IPR
legal and regulatory framework, a court system with greater
expertise in IPR cases, and greater enforcement and investigative
efforts from law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies.
Copyright violations (films, videos, sound recordings, and computer
software) remain rampant. Legitimate DVD sales are on the rise,
however, thanks in part to cheaper legitimate products, a growing
consumer preference for high quality goods, and increased law
enforcement action against pirates. The local business and
entertainment software industries have also reported declining
levels of piracy.
Russia's IPR regime lacks an explicit protection for pharmaceutical
test data. An amendment to address this concern is pending Russian
government interagency approval.
Russia has acceded to the Universal Copyright Convention, the Paris
Convention, the Berne Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the
Geneva Phonogram Convention, and the Madrid Agreement. Russian law
on topology of integrated microcircuits protects computer programs
and semiconductor topologies for 10 years from the date of
registration. As part of its WTO accession process, the Russian
government is working to ensure that Part IV of the Civil Code, its
new comprehensive IPR legislation that went into effect on January
1, 2008, is consistent with the requirements of the WTO Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). In
2008, Russia applied to join the World Intellectual Property Rights
Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty and the Performance and
Phonograms Treaty.
Transparency of the Regulatory System
The legal system in Russia remains in a state of flux, with various
parts of the government continuing to create new laws and
regulations on a broad array of topics. In this environment,
negotiations and contracts for commercial transactions, as well as
due diligence processes, are often complex and protracted.
Investors must do careful research to ensure that each contract
fully conforms to Russian law and embodies the basic provisions of
the new and, where still valid, old codes. Contracts must likewise
seek to protect the foreign partner against contingencies that often
arise. Keeping up with legislative changes, presidential decrees,
and government resolutions is a challenging task. Uneven
implementation of laws creates further complications; various
officials, branches of government, and jurisdictions interpret and
apply regulations with little consistency and the decisions of one
may be overruled or contested by another. As a consequence,
reaching final agreement with local political and economic
authorities can be quite a long and burdensome process. Companies
should be prepared to spend a good bit of money on local legal
counsel to set up their commercial operations in Russia.
Tax Considerations
Russia has a flat individual income tax rate of 13 percent for
residents and 30 percent for non-residents, one of the lowest rates
in the world. Deductions are allowed for, inter alia, home purchase
or construction and exclusion of earnings on the sale of real
property held for more than five years. The Unified Social Tax
(UST),which is paid by employers and covers pensions, healthcare,
and social security, is currently set at a top rate of 26 percent on
salaries up to 280,000 rubles (about $10,000) per year. The GOR has
discussed introducing legislation on raising the rate to 34 percent,
a change that could enter into force in 2010.
Excise duties are levied only on alcoholic beverages, tobacco
products, cars, motor fuel, and oil. Oil production is subject to
two main taxes -- the Mineral Extraction Tax (MET) and an export
duty, which are tied to the level of Urals export prices.
The approximate marginal tax rate on a barrel of exported oil is 90
percent when the oil price is above $25/bbl. Despite some recent
modest improvements to the oil tax regime, the onerous tax structure
is still considered to be a major hindrance to the major,
multi-billion dollar investments needed to develop new production
The corporate profits tax is set at 24 percent. Regions are
allowed, at their discretion, to lower the tax rate to 20 percent.
Prime Minister Putin has recently announced, however, that the
profit tax rate will to drop from 24 to 20 percent. Regional
governments will retain the latitude to adjust rates at the local
level, a provision that many regions have made use of in the past.
For dividends/interest earned by non-residents, the profit tax rate
is 15 percent.
Since the Yukos affair, many companies have become more reluctant to
engage in aggressive tax optimization schemes. In addition, market
forces are driving businesses toward more transparent accounting
practices, prompting firms to review their accounting procedures and
improve their tax behavior. For example, firms with clean books
have an easier time accessing local credit and foreign capital than
their shadier competitors. As a result, tax compliance levels are
gradually increasing.
Nonetheless, problems in the tax environment remain. Surveys have
shown that many entrepreneurs complain about the complexity of the
tax code and requirements of other regulatory and inspection bodies.
Well-intentioned SMEs often go out of their way to follow the law
but are then penalized for making mistakes in documentation. They
complain that the tax police make no distinction between hard-core
tax-evaders and inexperienced small-business people who do not fully
understand the bookkeeping requirements. Companies often have
little recourse other than the courts during tax disputes. While
firms have successfully appealed to the courts, tax authorities are
often slow to implement judicial decisions. Penalties for
non-compliance include confiscation of property and freezing a
company's bank accounts.
Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment
The Russian banking system remains relatively small, with RUR 3.2
trillion ($112 billion) in aggregate capital as of October 1, 2008.
While the successful implementation of the Deposit Insurance System
in 2004 has proved a critical psychological boon to the banking
sector, evidenced by growth in overall deposits, it remains one of
the weakest parts of the Russian reform program. Despite measured
progress, the Russian banking system is not yet efficiently
performing its basic role of financial intermediary (i.e., taking
deposits and lending to business and individuals). Approximately
one third of the population still prefers to keep personal savings
"under the mattress" rather than in the banks. In the wake of the
financial crisis, Russia's banking sector is under stress and may
change dramatically in the near to medium term.
Russia's two main stock exchanges are in Moscow: (1) the Russia
Trading System (RTS),and (2) the equity trading floor on the Moscow
Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). The benchmark RTS index and
the MICEX index each declined approximately 70 percent in 2008. The
average daily trading volume for 2008 was $52.8 million on RTS
(compared to $76.4 million in 2007) and $1.47 billion on MICEX
(compared to $2.35 billion in 2007). Trading volume is largely
dominated by large oil and gas companies such as Gazprom, Rosneft,
and Lukoil. Trading activity at Russia's other exchanges, such as
the Moscow Stock Exchange and several regional centers, is low.
The Law on the Securities Market, as amended in 2003, includes
definitions of corporate bonds, mutual funds, options, futures, and
forwards. Companies offering public shares are required to disclose
specific information during the placement process, as well as
quarterly. In addition, the law defines the responsibilities of
financial consultants who assist companies with stock offerings and
holds them liable for the accuracy of the data presented to
The corporate bond market is currently the most rapidly and
dynamically developing sector in Russia's capital markets, but
conditions may change rapidly in light of the global financial
crisis. High and increasing demand from enterprises for funds in
the absence of an effective bank lending system is the main driver
of growth. It is also boosted by weaknesses in other sectors of the
capital market: the absence of more attractive ruble-denominated
alternative asset classes, low and even negative real interest rates
on the secondary government securities market, the absence of
speculative opportunities on the currency market, and a significant
volume of rubles from oil export earnings. Subprime-related
concerns at the beginning of the year served as a brake on
issuances, but new issuances rose to RUR 660 billion (face value) in
2008 compared to RUB 452 billion during 2007.
Steady development notwithstanding, the corporate bond market
suffers several problems. It is still quite narrow, which makes it
difficult to provide the necessary level of liquidity for relatively
small issues, even if the issuer is a blue-chip company. Another
problem is the expense of preparation, including development of each
issue's parameters, prospectus registration, underwriting services,
etc. A 0.8 percent issuance tax adds to that expense. Another
barrier to the growth of the market is a provision of the federal
law "On Joint Stock Companies", which requires that the volume of a
bond issue not exceed a company's authorized (charter) capital.
Political Violence
Although the use of strong-arm tactics is not unknown in Russian
commercial disputes, post is not aware of cases where foreign
investments have been attacked or damaged for purely political
reasons. Russia continues to struggle with an ongoing insurgency in
Chechnya, and the Chechen Republic and neighboring regions in the
northern Caucasus have a high risk of violence and kidnapping.
Perception of corruption in Russia slightly worsened in the last
year. According to Transparency International (TI),Russia has
scored 2.1 out of 10 this year, down from 2.3 in 2007 -- the lowest
standing in the last eight years. Out of the 180 countries surveyed
in the 2008 Corruption Perception Index (CPI),Russia was in 147th
place (deteriorating from 143rd place in 2007) and is on the same
level as Bangladesh, Kenya, and Syria. Denmark, New Zealand, and
Sweden scored the highest (9.3),while Somalia came in last with a
score of




E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: 08 STATE 123907

(Entire report SBU draft document) (No paragraph markings) Per
reftel request, attached is post's draft 2009 Investment Climate
Statement for Russia. We have also e-mailed the draft as a Word
document to EUR/RUS and EEB/IFD/OIA.
2008 Investment Climate Statement - Russia
Russia presents many promising investment opportunities with the
potential for dynamic growth in sales and profits. However,
investors face several significant challenges, including a complex
regulatory and legal system that requires professional help to
navigate, widespread corruption, a lack of respect for the rule of
law, and immature banking and financial markets. In addition,
state-owned entities have a major presence in many economic sectors,
and hence may be potential competitors of new investors.
Russia's economy is still developing, not diversified, and is
largely focused on natural resource extraction. GDP sharply
contracted in the last two months of 2008. Although it posted a 7.3
percent growth rate for the first nine months of 2008, the final
figure for 2008 is expected to be 6.8 to 7.0 percent, as compared to
8.1 percent in 2007. The numbers for 2009 are expected to be even
lower, ranging from 0 percent growth to 2.5 percent. Fixed capital
investment saw an increase of 13.1 percent January-September, which
was lower than the 21.3 percent increase during the same period in

2007. Most of the capital investment in the first nine months of
2008 went to energy, manufacturing, real estate, and transportation.

According to the Central Bank of Russia, foreign direct investment
(FDI) inflows exceeded $50 billion in the first 9 months of 2008, as
compared to $38 billion during the same period in 2007. End of year
estimates place FDI at $55 billion. At 4% of GDP, this level of FDI
inflow is on par with other emerging markets. The United Kingdom
and the Netherlands continued to be the top source countries for
investment inflows during the year, reflecting these two countries'
heavy investments in Russia's energy sector.
Capital account liberalization, which took effect on July 1, 2006,
helped increase net inflows to Russia in 2006 ($40 billion) and 2007
($82 billion). The general economic slowdown stemming from the
financial crisis and shocks to investor confidence, however, have
produced a marked shift for 2008, increasing capital outflow and
putting additional pressure on the ruble. As of October 1, 2008
(latest available data at this writing),capital outflows were equal
to capital inflows. BNP Paribas has estimated that investors

withdrew about $140 billion from August - October 2008. According
to the Central Bank of Russia, net private capital outflow reached
$50 billion in October 2008 alone.
A sense that the Russian investment climate had generally
strengthened in recent years has been undermined by recent Russian
government actions, such as the apparently politically-motivated
investigations into businesses (e.g., the TNK-BP oil and gas joint
venture and the Mechel coal company) and the military conflict with
Georgia. The global economic downturn also exposed Russia's
weaknesses. Many structural improvements remain necessary, such as:
judicial reform to establish an independent and effective judicial
system; banking reform to improve the capacity of the financial
sector; accounting reform to promote greater transparency and
integration with the international business community; a legal and
regulatory framework for preventing insider trading; and
improvements in corporate governance.
Reducing government bureaucracy and corruption has long been high on
the agenda of businesses large and small, Russian and foreign,
operating in Russia. While President Medvedev has committed his
government to fighting corruption, his only progress to date has
been the enactment of new anti-corruption legislation.
Openness to Foreign Investment
The global economic slump during the latter part of 2008 dampened
foreign investor enthusiasm, which had been stoked by Russia's
economic growth and rising incomes in recent years. The Russian
Federal State Statistics Service estimates that since 2000, the
economy has demonstrated real growth of 72%, where real disposable
incomes have grown 209% in the same period. Recent real income
growth deceleration, however, combined with citizens' fears about
the future of the Russian economy, raise concerns about future
growth, particularly is the retail and consumer sectors. While many
U.S. firms reported that their return on investments in Russia was
among the highest in their international operations, the global
financial crisis and recent Russian government actions may retard
their Russian investment plans.
The Russian government has repeatedly emphasized foreign
investment's critical role in Russia's economic development, but has
been reluctant to allow unfettered access in practice. The 1991
Investment Code guarantees foreign investors rights equal to those
of Russian investors (although some industries have limits on
foreign ownership - see below). The 1999 Law on Foreign Investment
also affirms this principle of national treatment.
In practice, the Government of Russia (GOR) tends to favor joint
ventures with local entities, especially state-owned entities, or
direct cash injections, particularly in Russia's "strategic
sectors." This has been most obvious in the energy sector, in which
the GOR continues to tighten its grip and typically limits foreign
companies to minority stakes (often 20 to 25 percent) in larger
projects. In the area of consumer products, however, international
companies have been able to set up and expand their operations with
relatively few restrictions.
At the federal level, Russia is establishing special economic zones,
high-technology parks, and special tourist regions to encourage
foreign investment. At the regional level, many local governments
have developed laws and programs to attract FDI, which include
techno-parks near universities and export zones near ports and
borders. Although federal tax reform aimed to create a level
playing field for all investors and limit the scope of incentives
regions can offer, large foreign investors continue to receive
incentives from local authorities in practice. In addition, many
local administrations view foreign investors as sources of cash for
support of municipal services, which can range from topping up
teachers' salaries or provision of carpentry and plumbing services
to maintenance of a municipal park or supply of heat to a village
from a processing plant's boiler.
While FDI inflows had picked up substantially since 2004, the slow
pace of structural reforms and the ever increasing role of the state
in some sectors of the economy continue to restrain foreign
investment. In response to the global financial crisis, the GOR is
preparing to support various sectors of the economy in return for
control of assets and revenue flow, and the role of government and
quasi-government entities could become even more opaque. The lack
of clarity in Russian tax law and administration, inconsistent
government regulation and enforcement, unreliability of the legal
system, underinvestment in infrastructure, difficulty in conducting
due diligence, and high levels of corruption can dissuade
Rule of law, corporate governance, transparency, and respect for
property rights, including intellectual property rights, although
improved over the years, remain key concerns for foreign investors.
As a result, while there is increased interest, many U.S. companies
remain cautious about investing in Russia. Concerns about possible
liabilities associated with existing operations (especially
environmental cleanup) and inadequate bankruptcy procedures are also
In recognition of widespread corporate governance problems, the
Federal Service for Financial Markets has had a corporate governance
code in place since 2002 and has endorsed an OECD White Paper on
ways to improve practices in Russia. Some large Russian companies
have developed their own policies, although implementation is not
always robust. International business associations such as the
American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, the Association of European
Businesses in Russia, and the International Business Leaders Forum,
as well as Russian business associations such as OPORA, the Russian
Managers Association, the National Council on Corporate Governance,
and the Russian Directors' Institute stress corporate governance as
an important priority for their members and for Russian businesses
Roughly three-quarters of the Russian economy has been privatized,
although the GOR continues to hold significant blocks of shares in
many privatized enterprises. The privatization of remaining state
holdings is scheduled to continue, but could be delayed as a result
of the current economic slowdown. Furthermore, the GOR may
ultimately acquire/re-acquire additional shareholdings in Russian
companies if GOR-financed loans, collateralized by shares, are not
Often foreign investors participating in Russian privatization sales
are confined to limited positions and face problems with minority
shareholder rights and corporate governance. Moreover, the
treatment of foreign investment in new privatizations is likely to
remain inconsistent. Potential foreign investors are advised to
work directly and closely with appropriate local, regional, and
federal ministries and agencies that exercise ownership and other
authority over companies whose shares they may want to acquire.
The GOR approved a new "Strategic Sectors" law in May 2008. The law
restricts new foreign investment in 42 sectors deemed "strategic."
Investors wishing to exceed set ownership limits must seek approval
from a special commission, chaired by the prime minister. There are
concerns that the approval process may prove to be non-transparent
and burdensome. Concurrent amendments to legislation governing
subsoil resources restrict foreign investment to a 10 percent
threshold in entities controlling large oil and gas deposits, which
are defined as "strategic." Potential investors in such entities
must seek the approval of the special commission.
The government has reasserted control over the oil and gas sector in
recent years. Foreign investors who want to do business in the
Russian oil and gas sector should keep in mind the key roles played
by the state companies Rosneft (oil) and Gazprom (gas).
Particularly in oil and gas investments, Russian officials at both
the federal and local levels frequently raise environmental concerns
as considerations in the approval process for investments. In some
instances, it is difficult to say whether such concerns are
Production Sharing Agreement (PSAs),which were used to attract
foreign investors into oil and gas production are out of favor with
the Russian government, and are not likely to re-emerge as a tool
for attracting investment. Only two major PSA projects, Kharyaga
and Sakhalin 1, with majority foreign ownership remain in Russia.
Under pressure, one PSA, Sakhalin 2, sold its majority stake to
Gazprom. Sakhalin 1 has recently come under some pressure as well
to sell its gas production to Gazprom. In 2007-8, BP and its
Russian partners in oil major TNK-BP were engaged in a public battle
for management control of the company. Following a string of
official actions by Russian state bodies affecting TNK-BP operations
and expatriate personnel, the two sides reached an agreement in late
2008 that many observers saw as resulting in a dilution of BP's
influence over its investment. The dispute dealt a major blow to
investor confidence in Russia, and raised questions about the GOR's
respect for the rule of the law and the independence of state
administrative bodies.
In 2003, Russia enacted several amendments to the insurance law that
effectively liberalized the market, allowing majority-owned Russian
subsidiaries of insurers from the European Union to sell life and
mandatory forms of insurance in Russia. Although the law only
permits those companies with offices in the European Union to open
subsidiaries in Russia, the regulator has interpreted the
legislation as allowing any foreign insurer to set up life insurance
operations in Russia as long as the company has an office in the EU
via which the investment is made. As a result of bilateral WTO
negotiations with the United States, Russia agreed to allow foreign
insurance companies to operate through subsidiaries, including 100%
foreign-owned non-life insurance companies, and branching after a
transition period.
In July 2008, RAO UES, the electricity holding company that
controlled all of Russia's power assets with the exception of those
connected to nuclear energy, completed its corporate reorganization
and ceased to exist. Although the unbundling and privatization of
RAO UES was initially hailed as a huge success, concerns are growing
as investors' plans to modernize and expand electricity
infrastructure make less economic sense under current market
The Russian automotive industry has been booming and has been the
fastest growing automotive market in Europe. Foreign brands account
for over 75% of car sales. In 2005-2007, Russian legislation
offered reduced customs tariff rates on automotive parts imported by
companies assembling vehicles in Russia. Many foreign auto
manufacturers took advantage of the reductions and set up assembly
operations in Russia, including GM, Ford, Toyota, Peugeot, Isuzu,
Kia, Nissan, Volkswagen, and Renault. The GOR is now offering
similar investment incentives to foreign producers of car parts and
components who agree to set up domestic production operations in
In December 2008, PM Putin signed a GOR Resolution that increased
the duty on most imported automobiles from the current 25% to a new
rate of 30% (and raise the minimum Euro-specific duty that is based
on the engine volume by a corresponding amount),and imposed a
prohibitive duty on cars older than five years (current law applies
a prohibitive duty to cars older than seven years). The move is
seen as a measure to help local auto manufacturers, such as Avtovaz,
weather the global economic crisis. The new duties became effective
on January 12, 2009 for a period of nine months.
Thanks to active government intervention, the agricultural and
agribusiness investment climate has improved in recent years.
However, future growth is likely to be tempered by a reduction of
financing in the agricultural sector brought on by the global
financial crisis, lingering uncertainty regarding land tenure in
Russia, and restrictions on foreign ownership of agricultural land.

Despite supportive statements by GOR officials regarding investment
in agricultural processing facilities located on land previously
designated for production agriculture, some projects have been
thwarted through exploitation of legal ambiguities about land
purchase and control, due to entrenched interests which want to
reduce competition. There have also been blatant, though ultimately
unsuccessful, attempts to raid foreign enterprises and to take over
their processing facilities through illegal means.
Visas for Businessmen and Investors
The GOR requires visas and residence permits for businessmen and
investors. Work and residence permits must be renewed periodically
-- a cumbersome process. Russia's visa system for residence and
work permits is very complicated, and potential investors would be
well-advised to consult the State Department and U.S. Embassy
websites for the latest information on Russian visas
( and
travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1006.html#entry_requ irements). In some
sectors, requirements that a certain percentage of staff be Russian
citizens may have a negative impact on foreign investors.
Conversion and Transfer Policies
While the ruble is the only legal tender in Russia, companies and

individuals generally face no significant difficulty in obtaining
foreign exchange. Finding a bank licensed to conduct foreign
currency transactions is relatively easy. While the following
discussion represents a "snapshot" of current requirements,
investors would be well advised to seek expert advice on the
controls in effect at the time of an investment.
Currency controls exist on all transactions that require customs
clearance, which in Russia applies to both import and export
transactions. The procedures involved have been greatly simplified
in recent years. The importer or exporter presents the "deal
passport" documents to a bank licensed to provide foreign currency
transaction services. The bank bears the responsibility of ensuring
that the flow of funds related to the import or export complies with
CBR regulations.
A "deal passport" is a set of documents that importers and exporters
provide to banks authorized to review whether the transaction meets
currency control regulations. Once an authorized bank signs the
deal passport, it monitors the entire transaction for compliance
with currency regulations, and the importer/exporter must use that
bank for all parts of the transaction. The importer/exporter then
presents the signed passport to clear shipments through customs.
The Federal Customs Service notifies the bank once the shipment has
been cleared. The authorized bank then monitors compliance with
payment regulations.
Only authorized banks may carry out the sale or purchase of foreign
currency transactions. According to currency control laws, the
Central Bank retains the right to impose restrictions on the
purchase of foreign currency, including the requirement that the
transaction be completed through a special account. The Central
Bank has eliminated security deposit requirements on foreign
exchange purchases.
Expropriation and Compensation
The 1991 Investment Code prohibits the nationalization of foreign
investments, except following legislative action and where deemed to
be in the national interest. Such nationalizations may be appealed
to the courts of the Russian Federation, and the investor must be
adequately and promptly compensated.
At the sub-federal level, expropriation has occasionally been a
problem, as has local government interference and a lack of
enforcement of court rulings protecting investors. The embassy is
tracking a small number of cases in which U.S. companies are seeking
compensation for the loss of their investment or property due to
regional government action or inaction.
Dispute Settlement
Russia has a body of conflicting, overlapping and rapidly changing
laws, decrees and regulations, which has resulted in an ad hoc and
unpredictable approach to doing business. Independent dispute
resolution in Russia can be difficult to obtain since the judicial
system is still developing. Courts are sometimes subject to
political pressure. According to numerous reports, corruption in
the judicial system is widespread and takes many forms, ranging from
bribes of judges and prosecutors to fabrication of evidence. In
addition, court decisions are at times not executed. The bailiffs,
who are charged with enforcing court judgments, report to the
Ministry of Justice rather than the courts. They sometimes fail to
enforce those judgments due inter alia to legal restrictions and
limited trained personnel.
Many attorneys refer their Western clients who have investment or
trade disputes in Russia to international arbitration in Stockholm
or to courts abroad. A 1997 Russian law allows foreign arbitration
awards to be enforced in Russia, even if there is no reciprocal
treaty between Russia and the country where the order was issued.
Russia is a member of the International Center for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes and accepts binding international arbitration.
Russia is also a signatory to the 1958 New York Convention on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. However,
enforcement of international arbitral awards still requires action
from Russian courts and follow-up by bailiffs, which have yet to
become consistently effective enforcers of court judgments.
Commercial disputes between business entities are heard in the
Arbitrazh Court system. That court system has special procedures
for the seizure of property before trial so that it cannot be
disposed of before the court has heard the claim, as well as for the
enforcement of financial awards through the banks. Additionally,
the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hear claims if both parties
agree to refer disputes there. A similar arbitration court has been
established in St. Petersburg. As with international arbitral
procedures, the weakness in the Russian arbitration system lies in
the enforcement of decisions.
Performance Requirements and Incentives
Performance requirements are not generally imposed by Russian law
and are not widely included as part of private contracts in Russia.
However, they have appeared in the agreements of large multinational
companies investing in natural resources and in production sharing
legislation. There are no formal requirements for offsets in
foreign investments. Since approval for investments in Russia
frequently depends on relationships with government officials and on
a firm's demonstration of its commitment to the Russian market, this
may result in offsets in practice.
Right to Private Ownership and Establishment
Both foreign and domestic legal entities may establish, purchase,
and dispose of businesses in Russia. As mentioned in other sections
of this report, investment in some sectors that are regarded as
affecting national security, such as natural resources, energy,
power, communication, transportation, and defense-related
industries, may be limited.
Protection of Property Rights
The Constitution and a 1993 presidential decree give Russian
citizens general rights to own, inherit, lease, mortgage, and sell
real property. The rights of Russian citizens to own and sell
residential, recreational, and garden plots are clearly established,
with over 40 million properties of this type under private
ownership. Mortgage legislation enacted in 2004 facilitates the
process for lenders to evict homeowners who do not stay current in
their mortgage payments, which in theory should make mortgage
lending (and the housing market) more attractive to lenders and
developers. However, foreclosures and evictions by lenders are
rarely tested within Russia's legal system. Complicating this
picture further is a GOR plan, not formally codified at this
writing, to provide relief in the form of an extended grace period
to homeowners affected by the financial crisis. Mortgage lending is
in its initial stages, but its growth, up from an estimated USD 5.5
billion of the total amount of outstanding mortgage loans in 2006 to
USD 27 billion as of October 1, 2008, has been stymied by the
domestic credit freeze. Land ownership rights and limitations for
foreign investors are discussed in other sections of this report.
While Russia has made significant advances in improving its
intellectual property rights (IPR) protection regime, many
challenges remain, including the need for reform of Russia's IPR
legal and regulatory framework, a court system with greater
expertise in IPR cases, and greater enforcement and investigative
efforts from law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies.
Copyright violations (films, videos, sound recordings, and computer
software) remain rampant. Legitimate DVD sales are on the rise,
however, thanks in part to cheaper legitimate products, a growing
consumer preference for high quality goods, and increased law
enforcement action against pirates. The local business and
entertainment software industries have also reported declining
levels of piracy.
Russia's IPR regime lacks an explicit protection for pharmaceutical
test data. An amendment to address this concern is pending Russian
government interagency approval.
Russia has acceded to the Universal Copyright Convention, the Paris
Convention, the Berne Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the
Geneva Phonogram Convention, and the Madrid Agreement. Russian law
on topology of integrated microcircuits protects computer programs
and semiconductor topologies for 10 years from the date of
registration. As part of its WTO accession process, the Russian
government is working to ensure that Part IV of the Civil Code, its
new comprehensive IPR legislation that went into effect on January
1, 2008, is consistent with the requirements of the WTO Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). In
2008, Russia applied to join the World Intellectual Property Rights
Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty and the Performance and
Phonograms Treaty.
Transparency of the Regulatory System
The legal system in Russia remains in a state of flux, with various
parts of the government continuing to create new laws and
regulations on a broad array of topics. In this environment,
negotiations and contracts for commercial transactions, as well as
due diligence processes, are often complex and protracted.
Investors must do careful research to ensure that each contract
fully conforms to Russian law and embodies the basic provisions of
the new and, where still valid, old codes. Contracts must likewise
seek to protect the foreign partner against contingencies that often
arise. Keeping up with legislative changes, presidential decrees,
and government resolutions is a challenging task. Uneven
implementation of laws creates further complications; various
officials, branches of government, and jurisdictions interpret and
apply regulations with little consistency and the decisions of one
may be overruled or contested by another. As a consequence,
reaching final agreement with local political and economic
authorities can be quite a long and burdensome process. Companies
should be prepared to spend a good bit of money on local legal
counsel to set up their commercial operations in Russia.
Tax Considerations
Russia has a flat individual income tax rate of 13 percent for
residents and 30 percent for non-residents, one of the lowest rates
in the world. Deductions are allowed for, inter alia, home purchase
or construction and exclusion of earnings on the sale of real
property held for more than five years. The Unified Social Tax
(UST),which is paid by employers and covers pensions, healthcare,
and social security, is currently set at a top rate of 26 percent on
salaries up to 280,000 rubles (about $10,000) per year. The GOR has
discussed introducing legislation on raising the rate to 34 percent,
a change that could enter into force in 2010.
Excise duties are levied only on alcoholic beverages, tobacco
products, cars, motor fuel, and oil. Oil production is subject to
two main taxes -- the Mineral Extraction Tax (MET) and an export
duty, which are tied to the level of Urals export prices.
The approximate marginal tax rate on a barrel of exported oil is 90
percent when the oil price is above $25/bbl. Despite some recent
modest improvements to the oil tax regime, the onerous tax structure
is still considered to be a major hindrance to the major,
multi-billion dollar investments needed to develop new production
The corporate profits tax is set at 24 percent. Regions are
allowed, at their discretion, to lower the tax rate to 20 percent.
Prime Minister Putin has recently announced, however, that the
profit tax rate will to drop from 24 to 20 percent. Regional
governments will retain the latitude to adjust rates at the local
level, a provision that many regions have made use of in the past.
For dividends/interest earned by non-residents, the profit tax rate
is 15 percent.
Since the Yukos affair, many companies have become more reluctant to
engage in aggressive tax optimization schemes. In addition, market
forces are driving businesses toward more transparent accounting
practices, prompting firms to review their accounting procedures and
improve their tax behavior. For example, firms with clean books
have an easier time accessing local credit and foreign capital than
their shadier competitors. As a result, tax compliance levels are
gradually increasing.
Nonetheless, problems in the tax environment remain. Surveys have
shown that many entrepreneurs complain about the complexity of the
tax code and requirements of other regulatory and inspection bodies.
Well-intentioned SMEs often go out of their way to follow the law
but are then penalized for making mistakes in documentation. They
complain that the tax police make no distinction between hard-core
tax-evaders and inexperienced small-business people who do not fully
understand the bookkeeping requirements. Companies often have
little recourse other than the courts during tax disputes. While
firms have successfully appealed to the courts, tax authorities are
often slow to implement judicial decisions. Penalties for
non-compliance include confiscation of property and freezing a
company's bank accounts.
Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment
The Russian banking system remains relatively small, with RUR 3.2
trillion ($112 billion) in aggregate capital as of October 1, 2008.
While the successful implementation of the Deposit Insurance System
in 2004 has proved a critical psychological boon to the banking
sector, evidenced by growth in overall deposits, it remains one of
the weakest parts of the Russian reform program. Despite measured
progress, the Russian banking system is not yet efficiently
performing its basic role of financial intermediary (i.e., taking
deposits and lending to business and individuals). Approximately
one third of the population still prefers to keep personal savings
"under the mattress" rather than in the banks. In the wake of the
financial crisis, Russia's banking sector is under stress and may
change dramatically in the near to medium term.
Russia's two main stock exchanges are in Moscow: (1) the Russia
Trading System (RTS),and (2) the equity trading floor on the Moscow
Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). The benchmark RTS index and
the MICEX index each declined approximately 70 percent in 2008. The
average daily trading volume for 2008 was $52.8 million on RTS
(compared to $76.4 million in 2007) and $1.47 billion on MICEX
(compared to $2.35 billion in 2007). Trading volume is largely
dominated by large oil and gas companies such as Gazprom, Rosneft,
and Lukoil. Trading activity at Russia's other exchanges, such as
the Moscow Stock Exchange and several regional centers, is low.
The Law on the Securities Market, as amended in 2003, includes
definitions of corporate bonds, mutual funds, options, futures, and
forwards. Companies offering public shares are required to disclose
specific information during the placement process, as well as
quarterly. In addition, the law defines the responsibilities of
financial consultants who assist companies with stock offerings and
holds them liable for the accuracy of the data presented to
The corporate bond market is currently the most rapidly and
dynamically developing sector in Russia's capital markets, but
conditions may change rapidly in light of the global financial
crisis. High and increasing demand from enterprises for funds in
the absence of an effective bank lending system is the main driver
of growth. It is also boosted by weaknesses in other sectors of the
capital market: the absence of more attractive ruble-denominated
alternative asset classes, low and even negative real interest rates
on the secondary government securities market, the absence of
speculative opportunities on the currency market, and a significant
volume of rubles from oil export earnings. Subprime-related
concerns at the beginning of the year served as a brake on
issuances, but new issuances rose to RUR 660 billion (face value) in
2008 compared to RUB 452 billion during 2007.
Steady development notwithstanding, the corporate bond market
suffers several problems. It is still quite narrow, which makes it
difficult to provide the necessary level of liquidity for relatively
small issues, even if the issuer is a blue-chip company. Another
problem is the expense of preparation, including development of each
issue's parameters, prospectus registration, underwriting services,
etc. A 0.8 percent issuance tax adds to that expense. Another
barrier to the growth of the market is a provision of the federal
law "On Joint Stock Companies", which requires that the volume of a
bond issue not exceed a company's authorized (charter) capital.
Political Violence
Although the use of strong-arm tactics is not unknown in Russian
commercial disputes, post is not aware of cases where foreign
investments have been attacked or damaged for purely political
reasons. Russia continues to struggle with an ongoing insurgency in
Chechnya, and the Chechen Republic and neighboring regions in the
northern Caucasus have a high risk of violence and kidnapping.
Perception of corruption in Russia slightly worsened in the last
year. According to Transparency International (TI),Russia has
scored 2.1 out of 10 this year, down from 2.3 in 2007 -- the lowest
standing in the last eight years. Out of the 180 countries surveyed
in the 2008 Corruption Perception Index (CPI),Russia was in 147th
place (deteriorating from 143rd place in 2007) and is on the same
level as Bangladesh, Kenya, and Syria. Denmark, New Zealand, and
Sweden scored the highest (9.3),while Somalia came in last with a
score of 1.
Russia's standing was not a surprise. The high level of corruption
and its pervasiveness is acknowledged both by Russia's top officials
and society at large.
Russia's INDEM foundation estimates that millions of corruption
offences are committed every year in Russia at a cost of
approximately $300 billion, almost equal to Russia's federal budget.
There have been few prosecutions and/or dismissals of high-level
corrupt officials that would send a clear deterrent message.
The Government of Russia has repeatedly designated the fight against
corruption and the enforcement of law as priorities. Russia is a
signatory to the UN Convention against Corruption and to the Council
of Europe's Criminal Law Convention on Corruption. In May 2008, in
one of his first major steps as president, Dmitry Medvedev announced
that he would head a newly-established Council for the Fight Against
Corruption. On December 25, 2008 President Medvedev signed new
anti-corruption legislation into law. The legislation requires
government employees and their families to declare their income and
assets and, absent permission from their bosses, would prevent, for
a period of two years, government employees from working with
businesses connected with their previous government duties. These
latest measures are part of a series of anti-corruption legislation
adopted earlier in the year.
In July 2008, the Prosecutor-General's Office created a new website
for citizens to report corrupt practices by public officials. The
special anti-corruption department promises to study all complaints.
According to the Interior Ministry, in January - October 2008, the
total number of corruption investigations reached 11,492 (up 7.6%
y-o-y),out of which 8,890 cases were sent to court for further
prosecution. In total, 5,285 officials received criminal
convictions for corruption offences, up 6.4% compared to the same
period of 2007.
Bilateral Investment Agreements
Russia has bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with over 40
countries, though it is in the process of re-negotiating some of the
agreements due to concerns existing language may not be compatible
with Russia's future WTO obligations. The United States and Russia
currently do not have a bilateral investment treaty, but both sides
have expressed a desire to conclude one.
OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs
In an agreement ratified in 1992, the U.S. Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) was authorized to provide loans, loan
guarantees, and investment insurance against political risks to U.S.
companies investing in Russia. OPIC generally insures against three
political risks: expropriation; political violence; and currency
inconvertibility. In 1994, to meet the demands of larger projects
in Russia and worldwide, OPIC doubled the amount of insurance and
quadrupled the amount of finance support - to USD 200 million in
each case - it can commit to an individual project (for a total of
USD 400 million). In the event OPIC would need to pay a currency
inconvertibility claim, it would use the exchange rate in effect on
the date the claim is submitted. OPIC also makes equity capital
available for investments in Russia by guaranteeing long-term loans
to private equity investment funds.
The Russian labor market remains fragmented, characterized by
limited labor mobility across regions and consequent wage and
employment differentials. The unemployment rate, using
International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, fell slightly in
the first half of 2008 but rose sharply in the wake of the economic
Labor mobility continues to be restricted by a lack of affordable
housing, an under-developed mortgage market, and the continued
existence of overly-bureaucratic procedures governing residency
permits and registration. Most sectors of the economy had been
suffering from a shortage of skilled labor force, but diminishing
economic activity, caused by financial strains, is likely to balance
the situation.
Despite a number of labor conflicts (mostly over higher wages),the
general situation remained calm. From January to September 2008,
official statistics registered only four enterprises where strikes
took place. Experts, however, believe that these statistics
underestimate the level of labor conflict.
Approximately 45% of Russia's workforce is unionized, down from 65%
three years ago. The GOR generally adheres to International Labor
Organization (ILO) conventions protecting worker rights, though
enforcement is often lacking. The 2002 Labor Code governs labor
standards in Russia. When adopted, it was meant to diminish the
role of the government in setting and enforcing labor standards,
with trade unions and a more flexible labor market playing a role in
representing workers' interests. However, there are no clear
enforcement mechanisms for an employer's failure to engage in good
faith collective bargaining. Revisions to the Labor Code since 2002
have included new procedures for investigating industrial accidents
and the requirement that businesses employing more than 50 workers
must establish a work safety division and create a position for a
"work safety specialist." The enforcement of worker safety rules
continues to be a major issue, as enterprises are often unable or
unwilling to invest in safer equipment or to enforce safety
National Priority Projects
In the spring of 2005, President Putin announced plans for four
National Priority Projects in health, education, housing, and
agriculture. These projects were meant to share the benefits of the
recent energy-fueled economic boom with ordinary Russians and to
tackle some of Russia's most pressing social and economic needs.
While the projects have made progress in improving health and
education, there have been few evident improvements arising from the
housing and agriculture projects.
The National Projects provide investment opportunities, especially
in medical equipment manufacturing, agricultural equipment sales,
and housing construction. The 2008 budget for the projects was RUB
330 billion (USD 12.5 billion),slightly more than the 2007 budget
of USD 11.4 billion. In September 2007, the GOR decided to
transform the National Priority Projects in health, education, and
housing into mid-term (2009-2012) state programs as of 2009. The
state programs will keep the priorities of the national projects,
supplemented by new directions of development. In 2008 the National
Priority Project on Agriculture was made part of a five year
National Program for Development of Agriculture and for Market
Regulation for the period from 2008 to 2012.
Foreign Trade Zones/Free Ports
To date, six Special Economic Zones have been established pursuant
to legislation passed in 2005: in Zelenograd and Dubna in the Moscow
region (focused on micro-electronics and nuclear technology,
respectively); St. Petersburg (information technology); Tomsk (new
materials); Lipetsk (appliances and electronics); and Yelabuga (auto
components and petrochemicals).
The Russian Federal Special Economic Zones Management Agency and its
regional offices, a real estate management company, and a
supervisory board, which includes representatives of SEZ residents,
manage the zones. Enterprises operating in industrial-production
zones (20 square kilometers) pay lower unified social taxes, and
those within progressive-technical zones (2 square kilometers) are
allowed to write-off all R&D expenses. Both types of zones benefit
from reduced land and property taxes and a waiver of customs duties
on imports and finished exports.
In 2007, seven special tourist economic zones were established in
the Krasnodar, Stavropol, Altai, Kaliningrad, and Irkutsk regions,
as well as in the constituent republics of Altai and Buryatia. In
June 2008, a tender committee approved creating three port special
economic zones to stimulate infrastructure development. The
locations included the airports of Krasnoyarsk in East Siberia and
Ulyanovsk in the Volga area, and the Sovetskaya Gavan port in the
Khabarovsk Territory, in the Far East.
The SEZs are developing gradually, led by the Moscow region and St.
Petersburg, but poor infrastructure is hampering their growth.
Transportation and logistic challenges make SEZs in more remote
regions less attractive. The special tourist economic zone in
Krasnodar, site of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, was expected to
attract significant foreign investment, but that prospect has become
more uncertain in the current financial climate. The SEZ in
Kaliningrad, previously established in 1996, has been able to
attract some moderate investments, but those in the Russian Far East
have had less success.
Foreign Direct Investment Statistics
(NOTE: Tables 1 through 4 providing Russian investment data have
been deleted in order to facilitate the investment climate
statement's transmission as a cable. The data was provided in the
Word document sent to EUR/RUS and EEB/IFD/OIA, and is available from
the Embassy Moscow Economic Section by sending an e-mail to Economic
Officer Aaron Fishman: END NOTE.)
Table 1 shows flows of foreign investment by country for the first
nine months of 2008, compared to the same period in 2007. Total
foreign investment declined by 13.8% in the first nine months of
2008, compared to the same period in 2007. According to Russian
statistical practice, total foreign investment numbers include
direct investment (FDI),portfolio investment, and "other"
investment (largely trade credits). Cyprus consistently figures
high as an investor because most investment coming from Cyprus is
actually returning Russian capital. (Note: The data in the Tables
below is from the Russian State Statistical Service and may differ
from data maintained by the Central Bank of Russia and the U.S.
Department of Commerce.)
The numbers in Table 2 represent an accumulated stock of total
foreign investment, which include FDI, portfolio, and "other"
Table 3 shows foreign investment by region over the first nine
months of 2008, compared to the same period in 2007. Moscow
continues to attract the largest volume of investments, mainly due
to the concentration of companies' headquarters and the largest
concentration of consumers with high purchasing power.
Table 4 shows investment by sector over the first nine months of
2008, compared to the same period in 2007. Total investment in such
sectors as trade, extraction of fuel, and transport and
communications fell by over 50%, while other real estate, production
and distribution of power, gas and water, finance, food, and
construction became higher investment growth sectors in 9M08,
compared to the same period in 2007.

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