2009-12-01 17:03:00
Embassy London
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DE RUEHLO #2676/01 3351703
R 011703Z DEC 09



E.O. 12958: N/A




E.O. 12958: N/A

1. Summary: The fourteenth session of the IMO Dangerous
Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) Sub Committee (S/C)
met in London from 21-25 September 2009, under the
chairmanship of Mrs. Olga Pestel-Lefevre (France). The
session was attended by delegations from fifty-nine member
states, one associate member, two representatives from United
Nations specialized agencies, three intergovernmental
organizations and twenty-three non-governmental organizations
in consultative status. Working groups (WGs) and drafting
groups (DGs) were formed to address several of the agenda
items. USDEL objectives were achieved. Outcomes of particular
interest include the following:
a. The S/C continued its work on installation of equipment
for detection of radioactive objects in port based on a
proposal from Iran. See paragraph 17 for further details.
b. The S/C continued its work on Amendments to the
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code. These
amendments should be finalized at DSC 15 and submitted to the
May 2011 session of the Committee and would come into force
on 1 January 2012 on a voluntary basis, and from 1 January
2013 on a mandatory basis. See paragraph 3 for further
c. The S/C completed its work on amendments to the Code of
Safe Practice for Stowage and Securing (CSS). See paragraph 4
for further details.
d. The S/C completed its work on Amendment 35-10 to the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code. The
amendments will be submitted to Maritime Safety Committee
(MSC) meeting #87 (MSC 87) for consideration and subsequent
adoption. Amendment 35-10 will be published fall 2010 and
will attain voluntary status on 1 January 2011 and mandatory
status on 1 January 2012. End summary.

Amendments to the IMDG Code (Dangerous Goods)

2. The S/C considered 15 separate proposals under this
agenda item. The S/C agreed to proposals for inclusion in
Amendment 35-10 to the IMDG Code for consideration and
expected adoption by MSC 87. Other proposals were either
rejected or deferred for further consideration at DSC 15
contingent on submission of revised proposals. The S/C
re-established the correspondence group under the
coordination of the United Kingdom for revision of Chapters
7.1, 7.2, and 7.4 of the IMDG Code.

Amendments to the IMSBC Code (Solid Bulk Cargoes)
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3. The S/C agreed in principle with Sweden's proposal to add
pulp wood and timber to the IMSBC Code and instructed the

IMSBC WG to further deliberate the issue. The S/C also agreed
with a proposal to add a schedule for granular ferrous
sulphate monohydrate in Group C in the IMSBC Code. The S/C
agreed to remove the schedule for wood pulp pellets as these
do not exist in practice and the schedule could easily be
mistaken for the schedule for wood pellets. As presented by
the United States and Brazil, the S/C agreed, in principle,
that citrus pulp pellets could be exempt from the schedules
for seedcake (b),UN 1386, and seedcake, UN 2217. The WG
prepared a draft MSC Circular on the interpretation of
stowage and segregation requirements for brown coal
briquettes and coal related to "hot areas". The WG agreed
that fuel oil storage tanks should not be considered as "hot
areas" when appropriate procedures are taken for the fuel
heating. The S/C did not agree with a Venezuelan proposal to
increase from 0.3% the allowable moisture content of direct
reduced iron (C).

Amendments to the CSS Code (Stowage and Securing)
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4. A majority of delegations did not support amending the
unified instructions on safe packing of cargo transport units
at this time. The S/C did agree on a width of 750 mm for
permanent lashing bridges on new construction vessels (keels
of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 January 2015). This requirement
would not apply to existing vessels due to the exorbitant
costs and structural issues of refitting. Several other
issues were discussed regarding the securing of containers
including application of the draft new annex to existing
containerships, amendments to resolution A.533 (13),and
amendments to resolution A. 571 (14) all of which will be
reviewed for approval by MSC 87.

Casualty and Incidents Reports and Analysis

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5. The S/C considered an incident report from Secretariat
wherein a container loaded with standard commercial nickel
metal hydride rechargeable batteries exploded onboard the
container vessel PUNJAB SENATOR. The crew brought the fire
under control with massive use of CO2 and intensive cooling
and eventually put the fire out. Provisions for a new entry
of nickel metal hydride batteries were considered under
agenda item 3 and agreed to in principle by the S/C. The S/C
also reviewed the reports from eleven member governments and
from the Secretariat summarizing container inspection
programs that had been carried out in various countries and
further agreed to urge all member governments to submit such
reports in the future in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1201. It
should be noted that, given the large number of inspections
in the United States and the maturity of the U.S. domestic
program, the U.S. documented rate of container deficiencies,
about 25%, is likely more representative of the shipping
industry as a whole than the lower rates documented by
countries with many fewer inspections.

Safe Loading and Unloading for Bulk Carriers (BLU Code)
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6. At DSC 13 the S/C established an intersessional
correspondence group under the chairmanship of the United
States to progress this work and prepare a written report to
DSC 14. The S/C approved the report in general. The report
included amendments to the BLU Code, the Manual on Loading
and Unloading of Solid Bulk Cargoes for Terminal
Representatives MSC/Circ.1160 and the footnotes in Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention chapter VI in light of the
recommended form for cargo information contained in MSC/Circ.

663. The S/C also agreed to a draft MSC circular on
additional considerations for the safe loading of bulk
carriers and will forward it to MSC 87 for approval. Having
noted that the work on the agenda item had concluded, the S/C
invited the Committee to delete the item from the work
program on the S/C.

Recommendations for the Safe use of Pesticides in Ships
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7. The S/C established a drafting group at DSC 12 to develop
two draft MSC circulars, which were subsequently approved at
MSC 84, as applicable to the safe use of pesticides for cargo
holds (MSC/Circ.689) and for cargo transport units
(MSC.Circ.746). The S/C noted that one issue remained
outstanding, namely the control of rodents on ships. Noting
that no documents were submitted to DSC 13 on this issue, the
S/C invited member governments to submit proposals to DSC 14
for consideration. One proposal was made by Germany to DSC 14
to update the text of MSC/Circ.612 on Recommendations on safe
use of pesticides in ships. The S/C established a drafting
group at DSC 14 to update the text of MSC/Circ.612 for its
use as a supplement to the IMDG Code, IMBSC Code, and the
Grain Code. The DG also updated the text of MSC/Circ. 1264 on
Recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in ships
applicable to the fumigation of cargo transport units. The
S/C approved the report in general. After being finalized by
the E&T Group, it will be submitted to MSC 87 for approval.

Guidance on Protective Clothing

8. The S/C recalled an amendment to the 2000 HSC Code and
SOLAS 11-2, as prepared by FP 49, to include a requirement to
carry chemical protective clothing on board taking into
account the danger of the chemicals to be carried. At DSC 13,
the S/C expressed a view that, if the relevant amendments
were approved by the MSC, the S/C should develop associated
guidance on protective clothing selection. On this basis, the
S/C considered a proposal by Sweden to refer to EN 943-2 as a
suitable standard for the selection of protective clothing.
However, the S/C/ was of the opinion that this standard
provides too little protection and that there were other
standards that should be considered. On this basis, the S/C
established a DG at DSC 13 to develop guidance on protective
clothing. The DG agreed that the protective equipment is
intended to deal with emergency incidents, including spills
for packaged dangerous goods only, and is not intended for
working with chemicals. The WG also suggested that the
ISO-TC8 S/C should assist with standards development. At DSC
14, the S/C considered a proposal from Sweden to establish a
correspondence group, in cooperation with ISO, to develop a

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corresponding standard, taking into account provisions in
SOLAS regulation II-2/, for guidance on protective
clothing as well as the comments and outcomes of DSC 13 and
DSC 14.

Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes
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9. The S/C considered papers submitted by Sweden, the United
States, Canada, and Finland on this topic. A WG was
established and recommend several changes to the draft
revised Code. The S/C considered the report of the WG and
approved the report in general and established a
correspondence group under the coordination of Sweden.

Stowage of water reactive materials

10. The S/C noted a proposal by Germany to review the cargo
stowage, segregation, and packing requirements for water
reactive substances covered by the IMDG Code and agreed to
include this agenda item in the work program of the S/C with
a target completion date of 2009. In the proposal, Germany
observed that there are some water-reactive substances that
could react dangerously with carbon dioxide and therefore
would render conventional fire-fighting mediums useless or
even dangerous in an emergency situation. The S/C, noting
that no documents were submitted under this agenda item,
invited the Germany and other interested member governments
to continue research in this area and to submit proposals to
DSC 15.

International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972
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11. The S/C recalled that DSC 12 considered proposals to
standardize the scope, principles, and requirements of the
continuous examination programmes in light of a recent
incident involving a deficient container and agreed to
include this agenda item in the work program of the S/C with
a target completion date of 2009. Under this agenda item,
the S/C took decisions on a number of proposals and decided
to establish an intersessional correspondence group under the
chairmanship of the International Standards Organization
(ISO) to further this work and prepare a written report to
DSC 14. The S/C considered the report of the Correspondence
Group and established a WG under the chairmanship of the
United States. The S/C endorsed the recommendation that the
International Standards Organization (ISO) should be invited
to develop the appropriate standard and include specific
marking criteria to denote containers with limited racking
and stacking capacities. The S/C endorsed the group's
recommendation to invite the Committee to extend the target
completion date to 2010.

Guidelines for Packing Cargo Transport Units

12. The S/C recalled that DSC 12 considered a proposal by
Germany, noting that Guidelines on Packing of Cargo Transport
Units have not been amended since the adoption of Amendment
31-02 to the IMDG Code and that the Guidelines may benefit
from improvements. The S/C agreed to include this agenda
item in the work program of the S/C with a target completion
date of 2009. The S/C further recalled that DSC 13, having
considered the proposal by Germany which observed that when
the Guidelines were included in the 2006 Edition of the
Supplement to the IMDG Code, the Guidelines were not updated
to reflect the changes to labels, placards, marks, and signs.
DCS 13 instructed the E&T Group to identify amendments in
the future as they become necessary and report them to the
S/C for approval. DSC 13 also noted that there may be a need
to consider developing an ongoing procedure to update
instruments to reflect revisions to the IMDG Code. The S/C
requested E&T 14 to prepare draft revision guidelines for
consideration at DSC 15.

Documentation for Dangerous Goods in Packaged Form
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13. The S/C recalled a proposal by the Untied States to
review documentation requirements for dangerous goods in
packaged form and, if necessary, to prepare amendments to
SOLAS VII regulation 4 and the IMDG Code. The S/C agreed to
include this agenda item in the work program of the S/C with
a target completion date of 2009. In the proposal, the
United States observed SOLAS needed to be amended. The S/C

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supported the proposal in principle and, noting the
documentation requirements contained in MARPOL Annex III,
agreed to forward the proposal to the E&T 13 for
finalization. The S/C considered the draft amendment to
regulation VII/4 of SOLAS prepared by the E&T Group, made
modifications, and approved it for submission to MSC 87 for
approval with the view to adoption at MSC 88. The envisioned
entry-into-force date is 1 January 2014, in order to align
with amendment 36-12 to the IMDG Code. Having noted that
work on this item has been concluded, the S/C invited the
Committee to delete it from the work program of the S/C.

Amendments to MARPOL Annex III

14. The S/C recalled that DSC 13 had considered the outcome
of the E&T Group's discussion and a related document
submitted by the Netherlands concerning the issue of markings
for marine pollutants. Since the IMDG Code should not
contain regulations that deviate from MARPOL, the S/C
concluded that for marine pollutants in tanks, the correct
technical name need not be shown on the tanks. This decision
would require an amendment to MARPOL Annex III and the S/C
requested MEPC 59 to consider the justification for inclusion
of a new item on "Amendments to MARPOL Annex III." The S/C
also established a DG to consider the incorporation of the
new GHS (Globally Harmonized System) criteria to Annex III of
MARPOL, revise documentation requirements in order to align
MARPOL Annex III with the agreed amendments to SOLAS
regulation VII/4, review marking and labeling provisions of
harmful substances in packaged form, and prepare a draft MEPC
resolution incorporating consequential draft amendments to
MARPOL Annex III. The S/C agreed to the text of the revised
MARPOL Annex III for approval by MEPC 60 with the view to
subsequent adoption by MEPC 61. The S/C also noted that with
the revision to MARPOL Annex III there will be a need for
subsequent amendments to the IMDG Code.

Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces Aboard Ships
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15. The S/C recalled that at DSC 13 Sweden submitted
documents on the transport of wood pellets and other wood
products and a report on a fatal accident in an oxygen
deficient atmosphere on a bulk carrier discharging wood
pellets. The S/C agreed on the need for review of the
Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships and
prepared a justification for a new work program item. MSC 85
agreed to include this item in the work program of the BLG
(Bulk Liquids and Gases),DSC (Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes
and Containers),FP (Fire Prevention),and STCW (Standards of
Training and Watch-Keeping) S/Cs as a high priority item with
a target completion date of 2010, assigning the DSC S/C as a
coordinator. The S/C considered proposals for Amendments to
the Recommendations and to SOLAS regulation III/9 to mandate
enclosed space entry and rescue procedure drills. The S/C
agreed to establish a Correspondence Group on revision of the
Recommendations under the coordination of the Bahamas, to
make progress on the issues taking into account the outcome
of BLG, FP, and STCW S/Cs, and submit a written report to DSC


Efficacy of the Container Inspection Program

16. The S/C recalled that MSC 84 had considered a document
proposing to consider the efficacy of the Container
Inspection Program (CIP) in order to encourage Member
Governments to submit CIP reports and to develop strategies
on how best to utilize the information submitted to reduce
marine incidents with dangerous goods. The Committee agreed
to include this in the work program of DSC 14 with a target
completion date of 2010. The S/C considered two proposals
from the Republic of Korea and agreed in principle to develop
guidance for conducting container inspections. The S/C
invited interested delegates to submit proposals to DSC 15.

Detection of Radioactive Objects in Port - Iranian Proposal
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17. Iran proposed the installation of fixed or portable
radiation detection equipment and proper training. The S/C
recalled that DSC 13 (IMO's Dangerous Goods Subcommittee),
having considered the Iranian document, submitted
justification for a new work program item to MSC 86 (IMO's
Maritime Safety Committee). MSC 86 agreed to include the
proposal in the subcommittee's work program and the

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provisional agenda for DSC 14 as a high-priority item with a
target completion date of 2011. During the S/C meeting, IAEA
(International Atomic Energy Agency) intervened to state that
they have already developed guidelines on the detection of
radioactive material (RAM) and that the IAEA regretted not
being at the MSC meeting that tasked DSC with this agenda in
order to lend their expertise. The IAEA expressed a desire
to provide the guidelines for detection equipment and Iran
offered to coordinate with the IAEA to further this issue.
On this basis, the S/C requested that IAEA submit a report
back to DSC 15.

Other Business

18. The S/C agreed that there should be a standard spectrum
frequency requirement for identification and security (RFIDs)
of cargo containers entering and leaving international ports
and ships.

Chair and Next Meeting

19. The S/C unanimously re-elected Mrs. Olga Pestel-Lefevre
(France) as chairman and Mr. Arsenio A. Dominguez (Panama) as
vice chairman for 2010. The date of the fifteenth session of
the DSC S/C is tentatively scheduled for 13-17 September 2010.

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