2009-05-06 14:31:00
Embassy Kyiv
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DE RUEHKV #0758/01 1261431
P 061431Z MAY 09
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KYIV 000758 


E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/30/2019

Classified By: Ambassador William Taylor for reasons 1.4(b,d).


C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KYIV 000758


E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/30/2019

Classified By: Ambassador William Taylor for reasons 1.4(b,d).


1. (C) Deputy Secretary Steinberg conveyed the message that
the Obama Administration strongly supports Ukraine's
independence and sovereignty in meetings April 26-27 with
Rada Speaker Lytvyn, former Speaker and presidential
contender Arseniy Yatsenyuk, opposition Party of Regions
representatives, and other foreign and security policy
leaders. (Meetings with President Yushchenko and PM
Tymoshenko reported separately.) The Deputy Secretary also
underlined the need for Ukraine's leaders to put political
rivalries aside and take decisive action to address the
ongoing economic crisis through the IMF program. Yatsenyuk
argued that a generational shift in leadership was needed,
and that he was prepared to lead this new generation.
Regions representatives criticized Tymoshenko's handling of
the economic crisis, arguing that either a broad coalition
between Tymoshenko's BYuT and themselves or early
Presidential and Parliamentary elections were solutions.
Speaker Lytvyn stated that only transparent political
dialogue that put the nation first could place Ukraine back
on the right track. At a dinner April 26, the Deputy
Secretary heard concerns about neo-imperial Russian policy
toward Ukraine. End Summary.

Deputy Secretary's Message

2. (C) During an April 26-27 visit to Kyiv, Deputy Secretary
Steinberg stressed in meetings with Rada Speaker Volodymyr
Lytvyn, presidential contender Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Party of
Regions representatives that the Obama Administration
remained committed to Ukraine's security and independence,
and continued to support Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations.
He noted he was in Kyiv to help set a course for continued
US-Ukraine cooperation. The Deputy Secretary said that it
was time to get past "politics as usual," and that Ukraine's
leaders must work together to overcome the political and
economic crises facing the country to lead Ukraine toward a
prosperous and secure future.

3. (C) David Lipton, Special Assistant to the President for
International Economic Affairs, stressed in the meetings that
Ukraine could not wait to enact needed measures to shore up
the economy, including budget reform and bank restructuring.
He said that the hard realities facing Ukraine included
continued difficulty in the world economy, depressed external
demand for Ukrainian exports, and capital markets reluctant
to lend to Ukraine. Ukraine would have to solve its own
problems, but would have the help of the IMF, he said.

Lipton cautioned that bank recapitalization and other
structural reforms had to be done openly and transparently if
Ukrainians, and global markets, were to have confidence in
the process.

Yatsenyuk: Yes I Can

4. (C) 34-year-old former Rada Speaker and presidential
contender Arseniy Yatsenyuk told the Deputy Secretary that
the time had come for "huge changes" to the political system
in Ukraine. He asserted that through his new political
movement, "Front for Change," he would "create a new
political elite" that could move beyond the
"overpersonalized" politics that currently dominate Ukraine.
He decried the political populism that hindered necessary
economic reforms, and said that the country should improve
the current constitution rather than start over with a new
one. Yatsenyuk said he wanted to see Ukraine move to a
parliamentary republic "within five to ten years," rather
than return to a strong presidential system. He concluded
that "everyone is exhausted right now," adding that consensus
on some of these broad issues could be possible after the
presidential election.

5. (C) When asked to comment on Ukraine's external relations,
Yatsenyuk told the Deputy Secretary that "everything begins
with the neighbors." He implicitly criticized Tymoshenko for
the way she handled the March EU-Ukraine joint statement on
gas transit modernization, which aggravated Moscow, saying
that "it is far better to give the Bear treats, than to kick
it." Yatsenyuk said Moscow had too much influence in the EU,
particularly with Germany, France, and Italy and that the
Russians also kept their influence in Ukraine by maintaining
"hooks, or concealed relationships" with all Ukrainian

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6. (C) Drawing on the Administration's "reset button" theme,
Yatsenyuk proposed "reshaping" the most controversial issues
in the Ukrainian-Russian bilateral relationship, namely NATO
enlargement and Ukrainian nationalism. Yatsenyuk quietly
commented that Ukraine would not, however, play second fiddle
in any relationship between the US and Russia. Within two to
three years, Yatsenyuk predicted, the US would realize that
"Russia will always be Russia" and then progress between the
US, Ukraine, and Russia would be possible.

Lytvyn: Dialogue and Transparency are Key

7. (C) Speaker Lytvyn told the Deputy Secretary that Ukraine
needed the support and cooperation of friends like the US,
but added that "you (US) can only support those who want it,"
and who help themselves. Lytvyn said that it was important
that Ukraine's political leaders unite and create a "culture
of dialogue" to work for the common good of the country. He
added that the ongoing political battle between Yushchenko
and Tymoshenko prevented necessary reforms and hard
decisions, such as the package of IMF-related legislation, to
be taken. He argued against changing Ukraine's political
system to "suit the personalities of certain political
leaders," a reference to rumored negotiations towards a
BYuT-Regions coalition and ongoing debates over
constitutional reform. Ukraine needed "radical measures" to
regain people's trust in political leaders, said Lytvyn, or
else "we will have nothing."

8. (C) Turning to the economy, Lytvyn stressed that
necessary economic reforms, including bank restructuring, had
to be done openly and transparently. He characterized some
politicians' recent declarations of political reform as
attempts to draw attention away from the economic crisis and
to "distribute power amongst themselves." Looking longer
term, Lytvyn argued that Ukraine needed to reform its
political system to introduce open party electoral lists,
clearly delineate the powers of the president and prime
minister, and have local administrations elected, not
appointed. The country also must develop an independent
energy strategy, he said, noting that the current system was
lucrative for some business clans that continued to prevent
meaningful change in the energy sector. Lytvyn concluded
that the cooperation between Tymoshenko and Yushchenko on
energy security at the EU conference in Brussels was a step
in the right direction, but noted that Russia should play a
role in the energy sector modernization and reform process.

Regions: We Know What to Do

9. (C) Party of Regions deputy faction leader Serhiy
Lyovochkin criticized Tymoshenko's handling of the economic
crisis and said that most government Ministers were
"unprofessional and incompetent." He told the Deputy
Secretary that the government had done little to combat the
economic crisis since the IMF released the first tranche of
its Stand-By Arrangement. Lyovochkin criticized the constant
political battles between Tymoshenko and Yushchenko, saying
that they were more interested in scoring political points
against one another than pushing through the reforms needed
to fix the economy.

10. (C) Lyovochkin outlined two possible options to overcome
the current economic crisis and political infighting. First,
Regions could unite with Tymoshenko's BYuT faction to create
a broad Rada coalition. The coalition could replace many of
current Ministers with "professionals" and would have the
votes in the Rada to pass necessary legislation. The second
option would be to push for early Rada and Presidential
elections. Lyovochkin said that Regions was confident it
would prevail in both elections and that it would then be
free to make the changes needed to restore economic stability
to Ukraine. He said that there was a strong preference in
Regions for the second option because it was more democratic
and "normal."


11. (C) At an April 26 dinner hosted by the Ambassador, the
Deputy Secretary met with senior foreign policy and security
officials and leading members of the Rada. A repeated theme
was concern about neo-imperial Russian policy toward Ukraine.
Kostantyn Gryshchenko, Deputy Secretary of the National
Security and Defense Council and concurrently Ambassador to
Russia, observed that the attitude in Moscow is that "the US

KYIV 00000758 003 OF 003

needs Russia more than Russia needs the US." If the Obama
Administration did not take concrete actions to show Russia
that it could be firm, the situation could become "dangerous"
for Ukraine. The Deputy Secretary underlined that the US
sought better relations with Russia where possible, but not
at the expense of other interests or commitments. As for
concrete actions, he pointed to the Administration's resolve
to continue to support the holding of NATO exercises in
Georgia despite vociferous Russian opposition.

12. (C) Former Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk said he
welcomed the re-start of US relations with Russia, "but not
at the expense of Ukrainian interests." Better US relations
with Russia are good for Ukraine, but the US should reiterate
to Russia that it must not be "aggressive." Russia has
demonstrated its aggressive tendencies not only in Georgia,
but also in the gas disputes with Ukraine in 2006 and 2009.
These represented "a serious challenge." He said that
Ukraine had to start looking to Iran as a possible
alternative source of gas, an issue "of great strategic

13. (C) The Deputy Secretary noted the appointment of
Ambassador Morningstar, known for his central role in
promoting the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, as evidence of the
Administration's commitment to diversification of gas sources
and pipeline routes. We would like to discuss with Iran a
different future. Much would be possible if Iran would
change its policy and end its nuclear enrichment program.
However, if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, it would spark a
nuclear arms race and put the region in peril.

14. (C) Valentyn Nalivaichenko, head of the Security Service
of Ukraine, noted that Russian Services are "aggressive" in
parts of Ukraine, particularly Crimea. The Russian Embassy
is financing pro-Russian separatist groups. Ukraine is
"nearly" ready to expel the Russian Consul General.
Gryshchenko highlighted the distorted image of Ukraine in the
state controlled Russian media - Ukraine is second only to
the United States as "Great Satan." Yatsenyuk (also present
at the dinner in addition to his private meeting) concluded
that it was impossible to have mutually respectful relations
with Russia. The best one could hope for is "predictable"
relations. He did not perceive any significant difference
between Putin and Medvedev: "the interdependence is so great,
there is no way to split them."

15. (SBU) The Deputy Secretary cleared this message.


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