2009-01-26 11:09:00
Embassy Kinshasa
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
REFS: A) Kinshasa 46 B) Kinshasa 20 C) 08 Kinshasa 1146
and Previous
E.O. 12958: N/A
REFS: A) Kinshasa 46 B) Kinshasa 20 C) 08 Kinshasa 1146
and Previous
1. (SBU) Summary: This cable provides an overview of information
with respect to issues surrounding Operation Lightning Thunder
against the LRA, since military action began in December 2008. It
highlights LRA atrocities committed against the civilian population
following and preceding the operation, the attendant humanitarian
response, local press coverage, and MONUC's role. End Summary.
DRC Extends Invitation to UPDF
2. (U) On January 22, the DRC extended its invitation to the UPDF
to remain in the DRC to conduct military operations against the LRA,
according to press reports. The extension, which is valid for 21
days, may be extended again, if needed.
Humanitarian Overview
3. (SBU) The Head of OCHA for the DRC recently provided post with
an internal summary of LRA atrocities against Congolese civilians,
which covers a period between mid-September 2008 and mid-January
-- Numbers of attacks: The LRA attacked 36 locations during the
period; 16 of these attacks have taken place since Christmas 2008.
-- Civilian deaths: The total estimated number of civilian deaths is
569 persons.
-- Wounded/injured civilians: According to OCHA, the number of
wounded/injured civilians has been grossly under-reported,
especially in the aftermath of the attacks during and after
Christmas 2008 in the Faradje and Doruma areas. In the attacks
which have taken place between December 2008 and January 2009, LRA
combatants have utilized machetes extensively, due to the loss of
weaponry in the wake of UPDF operations. Various sources have
confirmed to OCHA cases of decapitation, machete wounds, physical
torture and rape.
-- Abduction of civilians: The number of abductions reported during
this period stands at 427 civilians. However, OCHA believes the
actual number must be considerably higher, given that in the run-up
to September 2008 approximately 400 civilian abductions had been
reported. The attacks of September-October 2008 represented a
turning point in the modalities of LRA operations in the DRC. In
previous raids (April-May 2008 and the previous 2006-2007 period),
civilians were abducted mostly as porters and instances of release
were more common.
-- Internal displacement: To date, OCHA estimates that roughly
104,000 persons are displaced in approximately 16-20 different
locations in the territory of Haut Uele.
4. (SBU) OCHA cautions that, in general, the numbers of civilian
casualties and abductions have been extremely difficult to verify as
attacks occur in remote locations, which are difficult to access and
have extremely poor communications infrastructure. They also note
that family separation during displacement and successive
displacement renders it difficult to estimate accurately the number
of abductions. Separately, UNHCR estimates that the LRA has killed
620 people since September 2008 and that approximately 115,000
people remain displaced.
5. (SBU) The Head of OCHA told post that the focus is on health and
relief aid distributions, i.e., non-food items. The patterns of
recent attacks are a major concern for humanitarian organizations,
as they believe aid (especially food aid) may attract LRA combatants
in search of sustenance and other goods. Nevertheless, they continue
working on strengthening the response and the establishment of "safe
aid areas."
6. (SBU) Separately, the USAID DART team reported that humanitarian
organizations attempting to deliver and distribute aid to IDPs and
other vulnerable populations in the province continue to face
significant logistical obstacles due to insecurity and poor road
conditions. The team also reported that the distribution of
non-food items in Dungu by UNICEF and implementing partners remained
suspended as of January 14 due to ongoing tensions between IDPs and
the local population. At the same time, UNHCR and implementing
partners will aim to reach 100,000 IDPs who have not received
KINSHASA 00000081 002 OF 003
assistance since September 2008.
DRC Press Coverage
7. (U) Local press coverage of Operation Lightning Thunder has
focused principally on the modalities of the operation and LRA
follow-on atrocities against the civilian population. From our
viewpoint, there is very little public attention on the operation.
Nevertheless, there have been some articles reflecting discontent.
The January 7, 2009 edition of the independent La Reference Plus
carried an op-ed from a former member of the DRC parliament,
Jeannine Aiwa, entitled "The Government Has Blessed LRA Massacres
Since 2005." Aiwa claimed that the LRA entered the DRC in 2004 at
the request of the government, following contact with an LRA
representative in the United States. According to the author, LRA
fighters have remained active in the region due to the complicity of
government insiders. Aiwa stressed that the FARDC has been
incapable of driving the LRA out of DRC territory.
8. (U) Additionally, the January 7, 2009 edition of the independent
Le Potentiel contains an article entitled "Mixed Results of Military
Operations Against LRA in Dungu." It points out that the presence
of the Ugandan army in Orientale Province may signal another foreign
occupation of the DRC. Benoit Kinalego, Chairman of the Dungu-based
Justice and Peace Diocesan Commission, characterized the LRA attacks
as a consequence of a lack of a coherent strategy on the part of the
GDRC. Kinshasa authorities, he continued, needed to develop a more
consistent approach to the LRA issue, while the government should
strengthen the FARDC contingent on the ground (Note: The recent
entry of Rwandan soldiers into the DRC to fight the FDLR has,
unsurprisingly, also generated a great deal of press coverage which
is likely to overshadow reporting on the Ugandan presence. End
MONUC's Role
9. (SBU) According to a MONUC military source, the organization has
principally been providing logistic support to the FARDC in the
context of the operation against the LRA. This support includes
limited transportation for FARDC soldiers and vehicles to the field,
a certain medevac capability, and provision of a certain amount of
dry rations, fuel, and water purification capabilities. The MONUC
base in Dungu has also been reinforced with one Moroccan battalion,
and additional MONUC forces were also reportedly deployed to
Faradje. Additionally, UPDF soldiers have also used the MONUC base
at Dungu during the operation.
Summary of LRA Actions in DRC
10. (SBU) The following points are particular highlights from
recent editions of post's daily Eastern DRC Notes cable report.
Interested readers may consult these reports for further details on
LRA-related issues, to include particular instances of LRA attacks
in the DRC from December 2008-January 2009.
-- MONUC's Ituri Brigade recently reported that there are 1,200 UPDF
soldiers in the DRC and that the UPDF has deployed to South Sudan
(ref A).
-- MONUC recently reported a total of 38 LRA fighters killed and
eight captured. A separate set of 21 LRA combatants have apparently
surrendered to "other forces" (undefined, but not UPDF or FARDC)
(ref A).
-- MONUC and Human Rights Watch provided information that some
villages in LRA-afflicted areas have organized self-defense forces
in conjunction with the FARDC. These forces have on at least two
occasions beaten back the LRA. One incident resulted in three LRA
fighters killed and five killed in another (ref A).
-- According to MONUC, the UPDF believes that Kony is still in
Garamba Park and that the LRA consists of 600 combatants and 200
dependents (Ref B).
-- A local NGO leader told Post on December 22 (ref C) that the LRA
had "lost lots of human and material resources" during the initial
attack. Imam Abd Shakur Shukrani, leader of the Bunia Muslim
community, told post that the LRA had been dislodged from many
positions from which they had harassed the local population.
KINSHASA 00000081 003.2 OF 003
However, he also predicted follow-on LRA reprisals, noting that the
remaining LRA elements had dispersed over a large area, with many
locals expecting retaliation. Shukrani said that the LRA had
distributed pamphlets in which it warned that the group would attack
MONUC and exact harsher treatment on the local population.
11. (SBU) The GDRC's decision to allow the UPDF, unarguably a more
formidable fighting force than the FARDC, to attack the LRA was
courageous. The extreme remoteness of the area has obscured to the
average Congolese the extent and development of the operation, as
well as the heinous LRA reprisals. Support for Lightning Thunder in
the DRC remains ambivalent - there is a recognition that the FARDC
needed outside assistance to try to rid the DRC of the LRA scourge.
On the other hand, there is a growing, albeit undefined, unease with
continued LRA atrocities on DRC soil. In any case, the LRA, in DRC
public and governmental opinion, takes a backseat to the
ever-changing drama in the Kivus.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REFS: A) Kinshasa 46 B) Kinshasa 20 C) 08 Kinshasa 1146
and Previous
1. (SBU) Summary: This cable provides an overview of information
with respect to issues surrounding Operation Lightning Thunder
against the LRA, since military action began in December 2008. It
highlights LRA atrocities committed against the civilian population
following and preceding the operation, the attendant humanitarian
response, local press coverage, and MONUC's role. End Summary.
DRC Extends Invitation to UPDF
2. (U) On January 22, the DRC extended its invitation to the UPDF
to remain in the DRC to conduct military operations against the LRA,
according to press reports. The extension, which is valid for 21
days, may be extended again, if needed.
Humanitarian Overview
3. (SBU) The Head of OCHA for the DRC recently provided post with
an internal summary of LRA atrocities against Congolese civilians,
which covers a period between mid-September 2008 and mid-January
-- Numbers of attacks: The LRA attacked 36 locations during the
period; 16 of these attacks have taken place since Christmas 2008.
-- Civilian deaths: The total estimated number of civilian deaths is
569 persons.
-- Wounded/injured civilians: According to OCHA, the number of
wounded/injured civilians has been grossly under-reported,
especially in the aftermath of the attacks during and after
Christmas 2008 in the Faradje and Doruma areas. In the attacks
which have taken place between December 2008 and January 2009, LRA
combatants have utilized machetes extensively, due to the loss of
weaponry in the wake of UPDF operations. Various sources have
confirmed to OCHA cases of decapitation, machete wounds, physical
torture and rape.
-- Abduction of civilians: The number of abductions reported during
this period stands at 427 civilians. However, OCHA believes the
actual number must be considerably higher, given that in the run-up
to September 2008 approximately 400 civilian abductions had been
reported. The attacks of September-October 2008 represented a
turning point in the modalities of LRA operations in the DRC. In
previous raids (April-May 2008 and the previous 2006-2007 period),
civilians were abducted mostly as porters and instances of release
were more common.
-- Internal displacement: To date, OCHA estimates that roughly
104,000 persons are displaced in approximately 16-20 different
locations in the territory of Haut Uele.
4. (SBU) OCHA cautions that, in general, the numbers of civilian
casualties and abductions have been extremely difficult to verify as
attacks occur in remote locations, which are difficult to access and
have extremely poor communications infrastructure. They also note
that family separation during displacement and successive
displacement renders it difficult to estimate accurately the number
of abductions. Separately, UNHCR estimates that the LRA has killed
620 people since September 2008 and that approximately 115,000
people remain displaced.
5. (SBU) The Head of OCHA told post that the focus is on health and
relief aid distributions, i.e., non-food items. The patterns of
recent attacks are a major concern for humanitarian organizations,
as they believe aid (especially food aid) may attract LRA combatants
in search of sustenance and other goods. Nevertheless, they continue
working on strengthening the response and the establishment of "safe
aid areas."
6. (SBU) Separately, the USAID DART team reported that humanitarian
organizations attempting to deliver and distribute aid to IDPs and
other vulnerable populations in the province continue to face
significant logistical obstacles due to insecurity and poor road
conditions. The team also reported that the distribution of
non-food items in Dungu by UNICEF and implementing partners remained
suspended as of January 14 due to ongoing tensions between IDPs and
the local population. At the same time, UNHCR and implementing
partners will aim to reach 100,000 IDPs who have not received
KINSHASA 00000081 002 OF 003
assistance since September 2008.
DRC Press Coverage
7. (U) Local press coverage of Operation Lightning Thunder has
focused principally on the modalities of the operation and LRA
follow-on atrocities against the civilian population. From our
viewpoint, there is very little public attention on the operation.
Nevertheless, there have been some articles reflecting discontent.
The January 7, 2009 edition of the independent La Reference Plus
carried an op-ed from a former member of the DRC parliament,
Jeannine Aiwa, entitled "The Government Has Blessed LRA Massacres
Since 2005." Aiwa claimed that the LRA entered the DRC in 2004 at
the request of the government, following contact with an LRA
representative in the United States. According to the author, LRA
fighters have remained active in the region due to the complicity of
government insiders. Aiwa stressed that the FARDC has been
incapable of driving the LRA out of DRC territory.
8. (U) Additionally, the January 7, 2009 edition of the independent
Le Potentiel contains an article entitled "Mixed Results of Military
Operations Against LRA in Dungu." It points out that the presence
of the Ugandan army in Orientale Province may signal another foreign
occupation of the DRC. Benoit Kinalego, Chairman of the Dungu-based
Justice and Peace Diocesan Commission, characterized the LRA attacks
as a consequence of a lack of a coherent strategy on the part of the
GDRC. Kinshasa authorities, he continued, needed to develop a more
consistent approach to the LRA issue, while the government should
strengthen the FARDC contingent on the ground (Note: The recent
entry of Rwandan soldiers into the DRC to fight the FDLR has,
unsurprisingly, also generated a great deal of press coverage which
is likely to overshadow reporting on the Ugandan presence. End
MONUC's Role
9. (SBU) According to a MONUC military source, the organization has
principally been providing logistic support to the FARDC in the
context of the operation against the LRA. This support includes
limited transportation for FARDC soldiers and vehicles to the field,
a certain medevac capability, and provision of a certain amount of
dry rations, fuel, and water purification capabilities. The MONUC
base in Dungu has also been reinforced with one Moroccan battalion,
and additional MONUC forces were also reportedly deployed to
Faradje. Additionally, UPDF soldiers have also used the MONUC base
at Dungu during the operation.
Summary of LRA Actions in DRC
10. (SBU) The following points are particular highlights from
recent editions of post's daily Eastern DRC Notes cable report.
Interested readers may consult these reports for further details on
LRA-related issues, to include particular instances of LRA attacks
in the DRC from December 2008-January 2009.
-- MONUC's Ituri Brigade recently reported that there are 1,200 UPDF
soldiers in the DRC and that the UPDF has deployed to South Sudan
(ref A).
-- MONUC recently reported a total of 38 LRA fighters killed and
eight captured. A separate set of 21 LRA combatants have apparently
surrendered to "other forces" (undefined, but not UPDF or FARDC)
(ref A).
-- MONUC and Human Rights Watch provided information that some
villages in LRA-afflicted areas have organized self-defense forces
in conjunction with the FARDC. These forces have on at least two
occasions beaten back the LRA. One incident resulted in three LRA
fighters killed and five killed in another (ref A).
-- According to MONUC, the UPDF believes that Kony is still in
Garamba Park and that the LRA consists of 600 combatants and 200
dependents (Ref B).
-- A local NGO leader told Post on December 22 (ref C) that the LRA
had "lost lots of human and material resources" during the initial
attack. Imam Abd Shakur Shukrani, leader of the Bunia Muslim
community, told post that the LRA had been dislodged from many
positions from which they had harassed the local population.
KINSHASA 00000081 003.2 OF 003
However, he also predicted follow-on LRA reprisals, noting that the
remaining LRA elements had dispersed over a large area, with many
locals expecting retaliation. Shukrani said that the LRA had
distributed pamphlets in which it warned that the group would attack
MONUC and exact harsher treatment on the local population.
11. (SBU) The GDRC's decision to allow the UPDF, unarguably a more
formidable fighting force than the FARDC, to attack the LRA was
courageous. The extreme remoteness of the area has obscured to the
average Congolese the extent and development of the operation, as
well as the heinous LRA reprisals. Support for Lightning Thunder in
the DRC remains ambivalent - there is a recognition that the FARDC
needed outside assistance to try to rid the DRC of the LRA scourge.
On the other hand, there is a growing, albeit undefined, unease with
continued LRA atrocities on DRC soil. In any case, the LRA, in DRC
public and governmental opinion, takes a backseat to the
ever-changing drama in the Kivus.