2009-08-10 08:17:00
Embassy Kabul
Cable title:
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 KABUL 002294
E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/26/2019
Classified By: Interagency Provincial Affairs Deputy Coordinator Hoyt Y
ee for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 KABUL 002294
E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/26/2019
Classified By: Interagency Provincial Affairs Deputy Coordinator Hoyt Y
ee for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (S/NF) Nangarhar Governor Gul Agha Sherzai told Task
Force Mountain Warrior Commander (TFMW CDR) and State
Department Regional Representative (DOS/R) on August 3 that
the return from Pakistan of Haji Zaman, implicated in the
murder of former Deputy President Haji Abdul Qadir, would be
a test for the "rule of law." The dispute between Zaman and
Qadir,s relatives could result in a "big disturbance" if not
resolved quickly. He emphasized the need for outreach to the
tribes of Nangarhar to promote stability, and proposed
creation of a 350-member "police auxiliary" in the province.
Nangarhar is prioritizing election security and will conduct
security-related "clean-ups" in the coming weeks to ensure a
safe election. The Province needs better electricity, roads
and employment opportunities, he said, in embracing TFMW,s
new approach to Command Emergency Response Programs (CERP).
Sherzai did not tip his hand on his post-election plans,
although he said President Karzai had offered him his pick of
either the Kandahar governorship or the Ministry of Interior
Portfolio. End Summary.
Rule of Law: Haji Zaman,s Return A Possible "Big Disturbance"
-------------- --------------
2. (C) On August 3, TFMW CDR COL George and DOS/R met with
Nangarhar Governor Sherzai at the governor,s palatial estate
in Jalalabad for general introductions and a tour d,horizon
of Nangarhar. The Nangarhar Police Chief and National
Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief also stopped by briefly
for introductions. Sherzai said the return from Pakistan of
Haji Zaman, who was implicated in the murder of former Vice
President Haji Abdul Qadir, will be a test for "rule of law."
Sherzai said that he had discussed the matter with President
Karzai and emphasized that swift resolution was imperative
for provincial stability. He urged Karzai to consult with
Kabul Governor Haji al Din Mohammed, Haji Qadir,s brother,
then to visit Nangarhar and broker a way forward with Haji
Zahir, Haji Qadir,s son, for the sake of peace. Karzai
thought it was a good plan. Sherzai worried that if Haji
Qadir,s family was not reconciled with Haji Zaman, there
would be a "big disturbance" in Nangarhar between Haji
Zahir,s backers, Haji al Din Mohammed,s Ghilzai tribal
members, and Haji Zaman,s Khogiyani tribal supporters.
Sherzai said he has been working the issue for more than a
year. Haji Din Mohammed,s position, according to Sherzai,
is that Haji Zaman should confess to the murder of Haji
Qadir, and a Jirga should be held to decide upon the
Tribal Dynamics Key
3. (C) Governor Sherzai emphasized that tribes provide the
key to stability and security in Nangarhar Province. He said
he actively engages every tribe in his jurisdiction to
bolster support for the Afghan government and noted that for
many years, hostility between "Jihadis" and local tribes had
made Nangarhar nearly ungovernable. Sherzai claimed he was
able to restore basic stability and security because he
engaged the tribes. He added that on August 9, he would
convene representatives of tribes from all 21 districts in
Nangarhar to encourage them to support the elections.
Sherzai Urges Karzai to Work with Pastuns
4. (C) Sherzai said he met with President Karzai o/a August
1, and pressed the Afghan President to engage the Pashtun
people, "to slide them closer to the Afghan government and
the United States." Karzai must seek their support
narco-trafficking, smuggling and other illicit activities.
The Afghan state cannot hold together without Pashtun buy-in,
Sherzai said.
Sherzai Proposes Police Auxiliary for Nangahar
-------------- -
5. (C/NF) Sherzai said he had pitched to President Karzai the
idea of auxiliary police force for Nangarhar to address
possible Khogiyani tribal violence. Sherzai proposed forming
a unit of thirty people from each district, for a total of
approximately 350 policemen in all. Members would be
nominated and approved by the tribes, and then have to be
approved by their local District Sub-Governor. Sherzai said
an unspecified "we" will pay for the force members,
salaries, weapons and equipment, but emphasized that this
would not be a militia. Sherzai said he had proposed this
idea for Nangarhar on multiple occasions, but "the Coalition
has been opposing." The Governor gave examples of how this
KABUL 00002294 002 OF 003
strategy had been implemented successfully in the past but
deflected the question of who would command the force if
Sherzai left the governorship. Sherzai said he would also
convene a Jirga for Khogiyani tribal leaders and the three
most troubled neighboring districts to engage tribal leaders
on issues of improving security and development in the
Sherzai Raises Civilian Casualties, Criticizes Karzai
-------------- --------------
6. (C) While voicing concern over the issue of civilian
casualties, Sherzai said he had recently chastised Afghan
President Karzai for the President,s media salvos against
Coalition Forces, actions, noting that, "I told him it is
fine to disagree among ourselves around the table, but not
publicly." He said the Afghan people had great respect for
the United States and positive views toward Americans, even
though they vocally criticize bombing campaigns or civilian
casualties. To mitigate the negative effects of some
operations, Sherzai said, "The United States should leave a
good memory here: roads, clinics, schools, and beautiful
buildings. You should go after a very specific target: the
bad guys." He urged the United States to "engage with the
local people and get them to support your views."
Sherzai Prioritizes Election Security
7. (S/NF) The Governor said he is encouraging the Nangarhar
Provincial Council to develop a security plan for elections,
but that security forces will conduct "clean-up" operations
in the run-up to the vote. The National Directorate of
Security (NDS),the Afghan National Army (ANA) and the Afghan
National Police (ANP) met August 4 to decide on the
provincial security plan, the Governor said, emphasizing he
is confident the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) will
perform well throughout the election period. "We need the
Coalition Forces' help with the election process to ensure
people can vote without fear and safely." The COL noted that
Coalition Forces are coordinating with Afghan counterparts on
security with an aim toward maximizing voter turn-out. The
Governor will be in Nangarhar through the election. "I
can,t go anywhere," he said. "This is a very delicate and
important time. We all have a responsibility."
Governor Enthused About New CERP Approach
8. (C) Sherzai responded positively to Task Force Mountain
Warrior,s new approach to Commander,s Emergency Response
Program (CERP) funds, in which funds would be distributed
only pursuant to provincial and district government budget
exercises. The Governor extolled the virtues of community
participation and ownership of international assistance,
noting that he wants locals as well as donors to attend
provincial development council meetings. In engaging on
CERP, Sherzai believes a coordination committee that would
provide for every district should be created and he would
present his own plan on how that might work. "A coordination
committee should control everything," the Governor added,
noting, "It should provide for every district. There will be
a nexus between the tribes and the government. We also want
Jirgas involved in the decision making."
Nangarhar Needs Electricity and Jobs
9. (SBU) Sherzai encouraged Coalition Forces to partner with
both the Afghan government and ordinary people to promote
reconstruction and development. The Governor said he would
be willing to lend his expertise in support of Coalition
Forces whenever needed and identified Jalalabad,s poor
electrical grid, ring road problems and unemployment as the
most pressing economic concerns for Nangarhar. He suggested
that local contractors be paid for international development
contracts directly and, using local labor, that they could
employ a great many more people than international companies.
By way of example, Sherzai said "Local people can get paid
to crush aggregate. They will do it faster than machines!
We did that at Torkham Gate and it is the best road in the
Sherzai Doesn,t Tip Future Plans
10. (S/NF) Sherzai was reluctant to reveal his post-election
plans. "I don,t know if I will move (from the Nangarhar
governorship)," he said. "President Karzai asked me to take
either the Kandahar governorship or the Minister of Interior
portfolio." (Note: We received an unconfirmed report that
Sherzai had opted to return as Governor to Kandahar. In
KABUL 00002294 003 OF 003
addition, it seems likely he will shuttle back and forth to
Kabul from time to time leading up to the election. End
11. (S/NF) The Governor lived up to his reputation as a savvy
political operator, casting himself as an American ally while
seeking ways to further extend and consolidate his authority
in Nangarhar through auxiliary police and tribal outreach.
Despite his notoriety, it is encouraging that he was
receptive to the pitch for a more transparent CERP allocation
process, although he will likely seek to shape and define the
process for his own ends. While we understand Sherzai,s
limitations, the challenge will be to edge him further along
the spectrum from warlord to governor. We will try to
leverage his ambitions for national power and his desire for
respect, both domestically and internationally, to help us
guide our agenda to separate the population from the AAF,
connect the people to the government, and transform Nangarhar
to positive effect. End Comment.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/26/2019
Classified By: Interagency Provincial Affairs Deputy Coordinator Hoyt Y
ee for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (S/NF) Nangarhar Governor Gul Agha Sherzai told Task
Force Mountain Warrior Commander (TFMW CDR) and State
Department Regional Representative (DOS/R) on August 3 that
the return from Pakistan of Haji Zaman, implicated in the
murder of former Deputy President Haji Abdul Qadir, would be
a test for the "rule of law." The dispute between Zaman and
Qadir,s relatives could result in a "big disturbance" if not
resolved quickly. He emphasized the need for outreach to the
tribes of Nangarhar to promote stability, and proposed
creation of a 350-member "police auxiliary" in the province.
Nangarhar is prioritizing election security and will conduct
security-related "clean-ups" in the coming weeks to ensure a
safe election. The Province needs better electricity, roads
and employment opportunities, he said, in embracing TFMW,s
new approach to Command Emergency Response Programs (CERP).
Sherzai did not tip his hand on his post-election plans,
although he said President Karzai had offered him his pick of
either the Kandahar governorship or the Ministry of Interior
Portfolio. End Summary.
Rule of Law: Haji Zaman,s Return A Possible "Big Disturbance"
-------------- --------------
2. (C) On August 3, TFMW CDR COL George and DOS/R met with
Nangarhar Governor Sherzai at the governor,s palatial estate
in Jalalabad for general introductions and a tour d,horizon
of Nangarhar. The Nangarhar Police Chief and National
Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief also stopped by briefly
for introductions. Sherzai said the return from Pakistan of
Haji Zaman, who was implicated in the murder of former Vice
President Haji Abdul Qadir, will be a test for "rule of law."
Sherzai said that he had discussed the matter with President
Karzai and emphasized that swift resolution was imperative
for provincial stability. He urged Karzai to consult with
Kabul Governor Haji al Din Mohammed, Haji Qadir,s brother,
then to visit Nangarhar and broker a way forward with Haji
Zahir, Haji Qadir,s son, for the sake of peace. Karzai
thought it was a good plan. Sherzai worried that if Haji
Qadir,s family was not reconciled with Haji Zaman, there
would be a "big disturbance" in Nangarhar between Haji
Zahir,s backers, Haji al Din Mohammed,s Ghilzai tribal
members, and Haji Zaman,s Khogiyani tribal supporters.
Sherzai said he has been working the issue for more than a
year. Haji Din Mohammed,s position, according to Sherzai,
is that Haji Zaman should confess to the murder of Haji
Qadir, and a Jirga should be held to decide upon the
Tribal Dynamics Key
3. (C) Governor Sherzai emphasized that tribes provide the
key to stability and security in Nangarhar Province. He said
he actively engages every tribe in his jurisdiction to
bolster support for the Afghan government and noted that for
many years, hostility between "Jihadis" and local tribes had
made Nangarhar nearly ungovernable. Sherzai claimed he was
able to restore basic stability and security because he
engaged the tribes. He added that on August 9, he would
convene representatives of tribes from all 21 districts in
Nangarhar to encourage them to support the elections.
Sherzai Urges Karzai to Work with Pastuns
4. (C) Sherzai said he met with President Karzai o/a August
1, and pressed the Afghan President to engage the Pashtun
people, "to slide them closer to the Afghan government and
the United States." Karzai must seek their support
narco-trafficking, smuggling and other illicit activities.
The Afghan state cannot hold together without Pashtun buy-in,
Sherzai said.
Sherzai Proposes Police Auxiliary for Nangahar
-------------- -
5. (C/NF) Sherzai said he had pitched to President Karzai the
idea of auxiliary police force for Nangarhar to address
possible Khogiyani tribal violence. Sherzai proposed forming
a unit of thirty people from each district, for a total of
approximately 350 policemen in all. Members would be
nominated and approved by the tribes, and then have to be
approved by their local District Sub-Governor. Sherzai said
an unspecified "we" will pay for the force members,
salaries, weapons and equipment, but emphasized that this
would not be a militia. Sherzai said he had proposed this
idea for Nangarhar on multiple occasions, but "the Coalition
has been opposing." The Governor gave examples of how this
KABUL 00002294 002 OF 003
strategy had been implemented successfully in the past but
deflected the question of who would command the force if
Sherzai left the governorship. Sherzai said he would also
convene a Jirga for Khogiyani tribal leaders and the three
most troubled neighboring districts to engage tribal leaders
on issues of improving security and development in the
Sherzai Raises Civilian Casualties, Criticizes Karzai
-------------- --------------
6. (C) While voicing concern over the issue of civilian
casualties, Sherzai said he had recently chastised Afghan
President Karzai for the President,s media salvos against
Coalition Forces, actions, noting that, "I told him it is
fine to disagree among ourselves around the table, but not
publicly." He said the Afghan people had great respect for
the United States and positive views toward Americans, even
though they vocally criticize bombing campaigns or civilian
casualties. To mitigate the negative effects of some
operations, Sherzai said, "The United States should leave a
good memory here: roads, clinics, schools, and beautiful
buildings. You should go after a very specific target: the
bad guys." He urged the United States to "engage with the
local people and get them to support your views."
Sherzai Prioritizes Election Security
7. (S/NF) The Governor said he is encouraging the Nangarhar
Provincial Council to develop a security plan for elections,
but that security forces will conduct "clean-up" operations
in the run-up to the vote. The National Directorate of
Security (NDS),the Afghan National Army (ANA) and the Afghan
National Police (ANP) met August 4 to decide on the
provincial security plan, the Governor said, emphasizing he
is confident the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) will
perform well throughout the election period. "We need the
Coalition Forces' help with the election process to ensure
people can vote without fear and safely." The COL noted that
Coalition Forces are coordinating with Afghan counterparts on
security with an aim toward maximizing voter turn-out. The
Governor will be in Nangarhar through the election. "I
can,t go anywhere," he said. "This is a very delicate and
important time. We all have a responsibility."
Governor Enthused About New CERP Approach
8. (C) Sherzai responded positively to Task Force Mountain
Warrior,s new approach to Commander,s Emergency Response
Program (CERP) funds, in which funds would be distributed
only pursuant to provincial and district government budget
exercises. The Governor extolled the virtues of community
participation and ownership of international assistance,
noting that he wants locals as well as donors to attend
provincial development council meetings. In engaging on
CERP, Sherzai believes a coordination committee that would
provide for every district should be created and he would
present his own plan on how that might work. "A coordination
committee should control everything," the Governor added,
noting, "It should provide for every district. There will be
a nexus between the tribes and the government. We also want
Jirgas involved in the decision making."
Nangarhar Needs Electricity and Jobs
9. (SBU) Sherzai encouraged Coalition Forces to partner with
both the Afghan government and ordinary people to promote
reconstruction and development. The Governor said he would
be willing to lend his expertise in support of Coalition
Forces whenever needed and identified Jalalabad,s poor
electrical grid, ring road problems and unemployment as the
most pressing economic concerns for Nangarhar. He suggested
that local contractors be paid for international development
contracts directly and, using local labor, that they could
employ a great many more people than international companies.
By way of example, Sherzai said "Local people can get paid
to crush aggregate. They will do it faster than machines!
We did that at Torkham Gate and it is the best road in the
Sherzai Doesn,t Tip Future Plans
10. (S/NF) Sherzai was reluctant to reveal his post-election
plans. "I don,t know if I will move (from the Nangarhar
governorship)," he said. "President Karzai asked me to take
either the Kandahar governorship or the Minister of Interior
portfolio." (Note: We received an unconfirmed report that
Sherzai had opted to return as Governor to Kandahar. In
KABUL 00002294 003 OF 003
addition, it seems likely he will shuttle back and forth to
Kabul from time to time leading up to the election. End
11. (S/NF) The Governor lived up to his reputation as a savvy
political operator, casting himself as an American ally while
seeking ways to further extend and consolidate his authority
in Nangarhar through auxiliary police and tribal outreach.
Despite his notoriety, it is encouraging that he was
receptive to the pitch for a more transparent CERP allocation
process, although he will likely seek to shape and define the
process for his own ends. While we understand Sherzai,s
limitations, the challenge will be to edge him further along
the spectrum from warlord to governor. We will try to
leverage his ambitions for national power and his desire for
respect, both domestically and internationally, to help us
guide our agenda to separate the population from the AAF,
connect the people to the government, and transform Nangarhar
to positive effect. End Comment.