2009-07-02 09:59:00
Embassy Islamabad
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DE RUEHIL #1470/01 1830959
O 020959Z JUL 09


E.O. 12958: N/A

Summary: Reports on killing of 28 militants of Mangal Bagh-led
Lashkar-e-Islam (LI),including an unidentified commander when
gunship helicopters pounded the hideouts of the militant group in
Tirah, Khyber Agency dominated headlines in all newspapers on
Monday. However, a Urdu language daily "Jang," claimed that the
slain commander was none other than Mangal Bagh himself. Interior
Minister Rehman Malik's statement that "Swat Taliban leader Maulana
Fazalullah has been critically injured" in the ongoing military
offensive received prominent display. Assistant Secretary of State
Robert Blake's remarks that he made in an interview with an Indian
wire service that "India needed not to be concerned about the U.S.
assistance to Pakistan" was also highlighted. Reports on a latest
poll conducted by the World Public Opinion that "most Pakistanis see
Taliban and Al Qaeda as a critical threat to the country" also
received extensive coverage in almost all newspapers.

The government's decision to increase prices of petroleum products
came under critical editorial comments, however, some newspapers ran
editorials on the current military offensive against militancy.
Commenting on the brutal slaughter of 18 wounded militants by order
of Baitullah Mehsud, the Lahore-based liberal English daily, "Daily
Times," observed that "Baitullah's technique is based on the
extremely savage ways of inflicting death." The center-right
national English daily "The Nation" noted that "acts of the sort are
a far cry from the militant claims that they were fighting for
Sharia in the valley of Swat." In its editorial on the subject,
another liberal English daily, "The Post," advised that "there
should be no letdown in the military operation in the face of these
bullying militants." End Summary.

News Stories

"28 Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) Militants Killed In Khyber" "The News"

"At least 28 militants, including an unidentified commander, were
killed when gunship helicopters pounded the hideouts of Mangal
Bagh-led Lashkar-e-Islam (LI),a banned militant organisation in the
Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency on Wednesday, an official of Frontier

Corps (FC) Major Fazal claimed."

"Fazlullah Seriously Injured: Malik" "The Nation" (07/02)

"Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that Swat Taliban
leader Maulana Fazlullah has been seriously injured in the operation
launched against militants in Swat. In an interview to the BBC on
Wednesday, Malik said that the so-called leaders of the militants
were in hiding but will be taken out of their hiding places. 'We
need help from the world and will probe, who is providing money and
arms to Taliban,' he said. He said the terrorists hiding in South
Waziristan were making plans for terror attacks."

"U.S. To Consult India Closely In Fight Against Extremism" "Dawn"

"The United States assured India on Wednesday that it would consult
New Delhi 'very closely' in the fight against extremism in South
Asia. In an interview to India's PTI news agency, Assistant
Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert Blake, however,
described Pakistan and Afghanistan as America's 'strategic priority'
because of the militancy that threatened to destabilize both the
countries.... Blake said that India needed not be concerned about
the U.S. assistance to Pakistan. 'The new focus in terms of our
relationship with Pakistan is to dramatically increase economic
assistance to Pakistan to help that country overcome some of its
economic challenges and to extend the writ of the government to
other parts of Pakistan,' he said."

"Most Pakistanis See Taliban, Al Qaeda As Threat: Survey" "Dawn"

"Most Pakistanis now see the Pakistani Taliban as well as Al Qaeda
as a critical threat to the country - a major shift from 18 months
ago - and support the government and army in their fight in the Swat
valley against the militants, according to findings of a new public
opinion survey released on Wednesday. 'A sea change has occurred in
Pakistani public opinion. The tactics and undemocratic bent of
militant groups - in tribal areas as well as Swat - have brought
widespread revulsion and turned Pakistanis against them,' comments
Clay Ramsay, Research Director at World Public Opinion Poll."

"Troika For Total Purge Of Militants" "The Nation" (07/02)

"Top leadership of the country (troika) Wednesday reaffirmed
commitment to fight in the troubled areas of north-west and tribal
belt 'till complete elimination of the militants.' 'The militants
would be chased till they surrender or get killed,' it was asserted
in a high level meeting held here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr. Prime
Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani and Chief of the Army Staff General
Ashfaq Parvez Kayani called on President Asif Ali Zardari to discuss
the issues relating to overall law and order situation in the

"Operation In Swat To End Soon: Gilani" "Daily Times" (07/02)

"The army operation in Swat and Malakand Division will be over soon
and the internally displaced persons (IDPs) will return to their
homes with respect and dignity, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani
told reporters at Prime Minister's House on Wednesday."

"No Plan to Launch Operation In North Waziristan: Army" "Dawn"

"The army has reiterated that it has no intention of launching an
operation in North Waziristan, but warned that severe action will be
taken if security forces come under attack. The army's message for
the people of the agency was contained in pamphlets dropped from
helicopters over Miramshah and other parts of the region on

"Forces Not Ready For South Waziristan Offensive" "Dawn" (07/02)

"Pakistan is not yet ready to launch a full-fledged military
offensive in South Waziristan, experts told a seminar in Washington.
'The Pakistani military is very over-stretched,' Shuja Nawaz, a
strategic analyst associated with the Atlantic Council in
Washington, said. 'The military does not have the capacity to
launch a full-fledged operation while it is engaged in other
places.' Mr. Nawaz told the seminar at the Atlantic Council that
the army would like to clear the militants from the settled areas
first, particularly D.I. Khan."

"Al Qaeda Is On The Run, Claims Qureshi" "The Nation" (07/02)

"Pakistan is claiming to have 'turned the tide' in its battle with
militants and says it has Al Qaeda 'on the run' after a series of
government offensives. Today, public opinion has converted to such
an extent that the tribes have set up Lashkars (militias) to support
Army operations,' Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi told a
British newspaper."

"Support For Lashkar will Continue, Says Hoti" "Dawn" (07/02)

"Two members of a Lashkar (militia) were killed in clashes with
militants in Doog Darra while NWFP Chief Minister Amir Haider Khan
Hoti addressed tribal elders of Upper Dir on Wednesday. He said the
government had helped the Lashkar and would continue to support it.
He said that action would continue till the defeat of the militants
in Malakand region."

"Military Action Yielding Positive Results: Iftikhar" "The Nation"

"Claiming that the ongoing military operation against militants is
yielding positive and fruitful results, NWFP Information Minister
Mian Iftikhar Hussain has re-affirmed his government's resolve to
eradicate terrorism and militancy from the region."

"Kurram Clashes Claim 14 Lives" "The News" (07/02)

"Fourteen persons were killed and 26 others injured in clashes
between the rival groups in Sadda/Parachinar on Wednesday night.
Later, the elders of Upper and Lower Kurram succeeded in brokering
ceasefire after hectic efforts, sources said."

"Taliban Threat In Orakzai Security Men Stop Performing Duty" "Dawn"
"About 150 Khasadar and Levies personnel on Wednesday stopped
performing their duties in upper Orakzai Agency on expiry of the
deadline given to them by the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. Deputy TTP
Chief in Orakzai Hakeemullah Mehsud and their Shura had a few days
ago ordered the Khasadar force and all government servants to resign
from their jobs and stop taking salaries from the 'pro-U.S.
government.' In a message to the Mamozai tribe, the TTP leader had
warned the Khasadars that if they or their relatives serving under
the government failed to resign, the Taliban would take action
against them, a Khasadar in Orakzai told 'Dawn' by telephone on

"Two Killed In Nowshera Rocket Attack" "The News" (07/02)

"Two persons were killed and three others injured when four rockets
fired by the militants hit different places in the cantonment area
in Nowshera in the wee hours of Wednesday."

"Cop Killed As Militants Hit Check-Post, Convoy" "The Nation"

"A policeman was killed and nine others were injured when militants
attacked a police check-post and a convoy in Tall area of Hangu
district on Wednesday."

"Tribal Elder, Three Others Shot Dead" "Dawn" (07/02)

"A pro-government tribal elder and three other people were killed in
an attack on their vehicle in Jamrud tehsil of the Khyber Agency on
Wednesday, sources said."

"U.S. Slaps Sanctions On Three Leaders Of Lashkar-e-Taiba" "Dawn"

"The United States imposed on Wednesday sanctions on an Al Qaeda
backer and three leaders of the Lashkar-e-Taiba. The U.S. Treasury
said it was imposing an assets freeze on the four, identified as
FazeelA-Tul Shaykh Abu Mohammed Ameen AlPeshawari, Arif Qasmani,
Mohammed Yahya Mujahid, and Nasir Javaid."

"Navy To Get 10 U.S. Surveillance Aircraft" "The News" (07/02)

"Pakistan Navy will get 10 refurbished United States P3C Orion
anti-submarine surveillance aircraft during the next three years.
The first two such aircraft will be delivered to the navy by October
this year. 'All the 10 aircraft having 18 hours of flying endurance
are totally funded by the U.S.,' Commander, Pakistan Fleet, Rear
Admiral Muhammad Asif Sandila told newsmen on Wednesday in

"India Pulls Out Troops From Kashmir Town" "Dawn" (07/02)

"India withdrew paramilitary troops on Wednesday from a tense town
in occupied Kashmir where they shot dead four protesters to quell
anti-India demonstrations in the past three days, the government
said. Baramulla town, near the Line of Control, is the first town
in the disputed region where the police will look after law and
order. Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram had said last month
that New Delhi planned to withdraw some troops from towns across the
region after a significant fall in militant violence."


"Baitullah's Evil Tactics," an editorial in the Lahore-based liberal
English language daily "Daily Times" (cir. 10,000) (07/02)

"Baitullah is showing signs of being under pressure by employing
savage tactics of retaliation too. Anyone who speaks against him
inside the vast tracts occupied by the various warlords is liable to
get killed.... As he faces what may be the last chapter in his book
of unbelievable cruelty, he is carefully sustaining the psychology
of intimidation among populations that are forced to live under his
authority.... Baitullah's technique is based on the extremely
savage ways of inflicting death.... Far from being a pious warrior
in the Pashtun tradition, Baitullah uses deceit as a tactic of
popular disarmament. The people now know him but are helpless
living under his authority. The people's true verdict will come
after the Pakistan army has hunted him down."

"Un-Islamic Indeed," an editorial in the center-right national
English daily "The Nation" (cir. 20,000) (07/02)

"According to reports coming in from ISPR, the militants in Bhia
valley have killed 18 of their own fighters while making a retreat
during an Army operation against them.... This is an extreme act
and appears to have been caused by desperation because, probably,
the commander apprehended that the injured could fall into the hands
of Pakistan Army and divulge some secrets.... Acts of the sort are
a far cry from the militant claims that they were fighting for
Sharia in the Valley of Swat.... In fact, these acts are entirely

"Combating Taliban," an editorial in the Lahore-based liberal
English daily "The Post" (cir. 5,000) (07/02)

"According to ISPR, Taliban have killed 18 of their injured
companions in Biha valley as they could not take them along while
retreating. This point to the fact that Taliban are on the run and
have their communication system partly or wholly destroyed....
South Waziristan is believed to be the stronghold of Taliban Chief
whose killing or arrest will mean a lot for the fight against
extremists.... There should be no letdown in the military operation
in the face of these bullying militants."

"Knowing The Reality," an editorial in the country's premier
business newspaper, "Business Recorder" (cir. 25,000) (07/02)

"Taliban commanders, Gul Bahadur and Maulvi Nazir, had cut peace
deals with the Pakistan government. Consequently, the conflicting
loyalties of the two sets of Taliban commanders tended to be
undermining the Pak-U.S. anti-Taliban co-operation in the tribal
region.... Unless Baitullah Mehsud surrenders or gets killed in an
air strike or otherwise and his new allies, Gul Bahadur and Maulvi
Nazir, meet the same fate there is every possibility that the
Pakistani forces have to fight a two-front war in Waziristan. Given
that Mehsuds and Wazirs are a warrior race and have strong links
with Afghan Taliban and have apparently united in the conflict on
our western border could pose a grave challenge to the territorial
integrity of Pakistan."

"Rising Of Locals Against Militants," an editorial in the
Islamabad-based rightist English daily "Pakistan Observer" (cir.
5,000) (07/02)

"A greater political awakening among the local population and an
assured backing by the Army and other law enforcement agencies for
their security would give courage and confidence to the local people
to stand against the militants and that would be the real and
enduring victory against militancy and terrorism."

"Crisis In The Making," an editorial in the Karachi-based
center-left independent national English daily "Dawn" (cir. 55,000)

"The situation faced by the hundreds of thousands of IDPs in
makeshift camps is getting grimmer.... The cramped and unhygienic
conditions prevalent at the camps have already raised the incidence
of illnesses such as cholera, malaria and acute diarrhea. With the
monsoons coming up and many of the camps located in areas that are
likely to be flooded, as WHO noted, the risk of full-blown epidemics
looms large.... The state cannot afford to be seen as abandoning
its citizens to the scourge of disease and death that will follow if
the supply of essential medicines and basic health services at the
camps slows down."

"Why Exploit People For American War," an editorial in the
Karachi-based, pro-Taliban Jihadi Urdu daily "Islam" (cir. 15,000)

"Prime Minister's advisor on petroleum has made it clear that the
money generated from the increase in petroleum products would be
spent to cover budget deficit and expenses on 'war against
terrorism.' Meaning that the so-called war expenses will be met
through Pakistani tax payers' money.... America has imposed a war
tax on the people of Pakistan via the government of Pakistan."

"Waziristan: Back To Square One," an op-ed by Ayaz Wazir in the
populist, often sensational national English daily "The News" (cir.
55,000) (07/02)

"Villages in the Mahsud area were hit hard in the Waziristan
operation. Whether Baitullah Mahsud and members of his
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan are killed or not is yet to be seen....
While the operation has been launched against the Mehsuds, life has
become difficult for the Wazirs as well. Some families have
reportedly crossed the border into Afghanistan in anticipation of
the military operation. Reports reaching Wana speak of a warm
welcome extended to them by the Afghan authorities. This requires
urgent corrective measures by the government, or there will be
disastrous consequences for Pakistan.... Worst still, the 'war on
terror' was brought from across the border to their area. The
collateral damage that they suffered in the eight years war is
unparalleled in the history of the country. Neither Islamabad nor
Washington did anything for the welfare of the people nor developed
the area. The only favor that they did to the people was the gifts
of death and destruction, through the drones."

"Cheer In The Midst Of Gloom," an op-ed by Mohammad Jamil in the
Lahore-based liberal English daily "The Post" (cir. 5,000) (07/02)

"What was implied that Baitullah Mehsud had joined hands with the
CIA, RAW and Mossad to destabilize Pakistan? This news has
relevance, as Pakistan is reported to have provided intelligence
about Baitullah Mehsud a number of times but the U.S. did not use
drones to take him out. This created suspicions about CIA's
involvement because drones are being operated by the CIA and not
U.S. and NATO forces. Some analysts are of the view that the reason
for the recent attacks and fixing head money for Baitullah Mehsud is
that the U.S. has understood that Pakistan's security forces are
going to get him and he will divulge all the secrets. So the CIA
wants to see him dead."

"Pakistan Focuses On Islamic Extremism," an op-ed by Ahmed Rashid in
the Lahore-based liberal English daily "The Post" (cir. 5,000)

"The army's offensive in the FATA region is crucial to global
security because the area is home to Al Qaeda and numerous allied
groups. But it will not be easy. The rugged, mountainous region
lacks infrastructure and is now in the hands of the Taliban. The
army's paramilitary troops have never won a decisive victory
there.... The Pakistani public, army and government have suddenly
awakened to the Taliban threat. That is a crucial first step. But
it will need strong international support to effectively respond."

"Punjab next battleground," an op-ed by Jamaat-e-Islami chief Syed
Munawar Hussain in Karachi-based right-wing pro-Jamaat-e-Islami Urdu
daily "Jasarat" (cir. 3,000) (07/02)

"We have been saying for quite some time that the military operation
will not remain confined to the tribal areas, it would go deep into
the heart of Punjab too. American officials during their visits to
Pakistan had expressed their concerns about South Punjab, and they
suspected presence of some five to six thousands militants in the
area, and maybe someday Mr. Holbrooke would come and say that a new
fight is needed against Punjabi Jihadis."

"Mehmud Ahmadinejad Ratified As President," an editorial in liberal
Urdu daily "Express" (cir. 25,000) (07/02)

"Iran's Guardian Council has said that following the Shoora's
decision, the file of wrongdoings in Presidential elections has been
closed. It has also said that the defeated candidates cannot
protest now that the decision has come. However, there is an
apprehension that the U.S. might try to spoil the situation because
according to BBC, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said
that the decision to accept Ahmadinejad as President will be taken
when the time comes.... In these circumstances, it would not be
wrong to say that the U.S. is busy creating unrest in Iran - this is
what Hillary Clinton's statement reveals. The international
community must take measures to foil these attempts. However, it is
the losing candidate's responsibility to save the country from
internal turmoil and foreign conspiracies by accepting the electoral
results with an open mind."

(All circulation figures are based on estimation)

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