2009-03-03 11:38:00
Embassy Harare
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DE RUEHSB #0177/01 0621138
R 031138Z MAR 09



E.O. 12958: N/A


B. 08 STATE 132759




E.O. 12958: N/A


B. 08 STATE 132759

1. (U) The following is Embassy Harare's response to questions posed
to Post in reftels.

Zimbabwe's TIP Situation

-- 23 A. (SBU) There are no reliable statistics on the trafficking
problem in Zimbabwe. Most information on trafficking comes from
anecdotal reporting supplied by the nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs) and international organizations (IOs) providing assistance to
victims and vulnerable populations. One NGO reported helping 45
adolescent girls, most of whom were trafficked internally. The
International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported assisting
nine trafficking victims, three of whom were referred by the
Zimbabwean police. IOM, in partnership with the Government of
Zimbabwe (GOZ) and UNICEF, conducted a study on child trafficking in
Zimbabwe between November 2007 and February 2008 to gauge the scale
of the problem and identify target areas for anti-trafficking
programs. The draft report is currently being discussed by
stakeholders before being distributed to the general public. IOM
expects it will become public in the coming months. IOM also
expected to complete a five-country (Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola,
Namibia, and Botswana) regional study on trafficking in July 2008.
In October 2007, the Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social
Welfare in collaboration with the International Labor Organization
(ILO),United Nations Development Program (UNDP),United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),UNICEF
and IOM launched a multi-year program on the Elimination of the
Worst Forms of Child Labor in Zimbabwe. This program will address
child labor issues and the implementation of ILO Convention 182,
including identifying the worst forms of child labor in Zimbabwe and
implementing activities pertaining to the prevention of child labor,
protection of working children, rehabilitation of victims and income
generating measures. The three above mentioned efforts remain
incomplete as negotiations with the government over permits delayed
the start dates. Political violence and instability in 2008 further
delayed progress. As of February 2009, the projects remained

-- 23 B. (SBU) Zimbabwe is a country of origin, transit, and
destination for internationally trafficked men, women and children.
Women and children are trafficked for labor and sexual exploitation
along the borders with the four surrounding countries. There have
been reports of Zimbabweans, especially young men and boys,

providing labor for months in South Africa without pay before their
employers report them to authorities for deportation. Many
Zimbabweans suffering labor exploitation in surrounding countries do
not report the offense to authorities out of fear of deportation.
There have been reports of young women and girls being lured to the
People's Republic of China, Egypt, the United Kingdom, and Canada
under false pretenses for commercial sexual exploitation. Men,
women, and children from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi,
Mozambique, and Zambia are trafficked through Zimbabwe en route to
South Africa. A small number of South African girls are trafficked
to Zimbabwe for forced domestic labor. Trafficking also occurs
within the country's borders. NGOs believe internal trafficking
increased during the year, largely due to the closure of schools,
political violence, and a worsening economy. Young men and women
and children in rural areas are trafficked to farms for agricultural
labor and domestic servitude or to cities and towns for commercial
sexual exploitation and domestic servitude. Although anecdotally it
appears the situation worsened during the year, there is no
quantitative data to confirm this.

-- 23 C. (SBU) Within Zimbabwe's borders, persons are trafficked to
farms for agricultural labor, homes for domestic servitude, and - in
some cases - for sexual exploitation. Women trafficked out of
Zimbabwe for forced labor may be subjected to long working hours and
abuse as well. Anecdotally, post is aware of other cases of men who
have been trafficked into forced labor in construction and
agriculture. These conditions may include long hours of forced
labor for no pay, physical and sexual abuse. Adolescent boys and
girls that are trafficked within Zimbabwe are often lured with the
promise of education and are then forced to work.

-- 23 D. (SBU) Women and young girls are the most at-risk group for
trafficking. The use of child labor, especially as farm workers or
domestic servants, is common in Zimbabwe, often with the complicity
of family members. Durin the reporting period, schools across the
country, particularly in rural areas, were forced to close due to a
combination of political violence, lack of teachers, and a lack of
sanitary facilities at schools. In areas where schools did
function, rising school fees often meant parents could not afford to
send their children to school. In October, UNICEF announced that
just a week before examinations were set to take place for primary,
ordinary and advanced level, they found that an estimated 40 percent
of the country's teachers were teaching and district education
officers were ill equipped to run national exams. UNICEF reported in
January 2009 that school enrollment had declined from approximately
85 percent in 2007 to just 20 percent in 2008. Girls were more
likely than boys to drop out because they were more readily
employable as domestic workers. Numerous reports from the press and
NGOs indicated a rising number of Zimbabwean children entered South
Africa illegally where they ended up as child labor working for
little or no pay. In many cases, the children traded sex with guides
or truck drivers to be smuggled across the border. The Progressive
Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) reported that at least 35,000
Zimbabwean teachers had left the country in recent years to seek
better opportunities and to flee political violence that targeted
teachers. Many find employment as teachers in surrounding countries;
however, others were forced into jobs on farms and in factories for
little or no pay. There also have been reports of employers
withholding their documentation under the pretext of regularizing
their status. Zimbabweans often accept this abuse rather than report
the offence to authorities and risk deportation.

-- 23 E. (SBU) According to anecdotal reports, cross-border
traffickers are typically independent business people who are part
of small networks of local criminal groups that facilitate
trafficking within Zimbabwe, as well as into South Africa or other
surrounding countries. In many cases, a trafficker approaches a
potential victim with the offer of a lucrative job in another part
of the country or in a neighboring country. Traffickers often
transport victims covertly across borders at unrecognized border
crossing points or bribe an immigration officer for entry. Many
young men and boys are exploited by guides when they attempt to
cross the border illegally into South Africa or another neighboring
country to find work. There were numerous reports of guides leading
Zimbabweans, including children, through the crocodile-infested
Limpopo River into South Africa. Within Zimbabwe's borders, family
members often entice children and other relatives to travel from
rural to urban areas with the promise of a job or education. On
arrival, the family member sometimes forces the victim into forced
domestic or other labor. Some children, particularly orphans, have
been lured to South Africa based on the promise of an education and

-------------- --------------
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-- 24 A. (SBU) The government, including senior officials at law
enforcement, immigration and social welfare agencies, acknowledges
that trafficking is a problem in the country. Senior government
officials frequently speak out publicly about the dangers of
trafficking, illegal migration, prostitution and exploitative labor

-- 24 B. (SBU) The government established in 2006 an
inter-ministerial taskforce on trafficking, which includes
representatives from the Ministries of Home Affairs, Justice,
Information, Parliamentarian Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Public
Service, Labor and Social Welfare. Under the Ministry of Home
Affairs, the Victim Friendly Unit (VFU) of the Zimbabwe Republic
Police (ZRP) deals with children's and sexual abuse cases, and has
the lead on investigation and tracking of trafficking cases and the
Qthe lead on investigation and tracking of trafficking cases and the
referral of victims to support services. The Interpol National
Central Bureau (NCB) Zimbabwe office has a "Human Trafficking Desk"
staffed by ZRP detectives who coordinate Zimbabwe's involvement in
international trafficking investigations. The Department of
Immigration (in the Ministry of Home Affairs) monitors borders and
ports of entry for possible traffickers and victims. The Department
of Social Welfare (in the Ministry of Public Service, Labor and
Social Welfare) also has several programs for vulnerable children.
The Ministry of Information collaborates on awareness campaigns
funded by NGOs and IOs.

-- 24 C. (SBU) In practice, a severe lack of financial resources and
hyperinflationary conditions limit the government's ability to
address the trafficking problem. Police lack the resources,
including manpower and fuel, to properly investigate trafficking
cases. A backlog of cases continued to overwhelm a judicial system
in which pre-trial detainees can wait prolonged periods before
receiving a hearing in court. In addition, overall corruption in law
enforcement and the judiciary were serious problems, exacerbated by
low wages. NGOs and some government officials believed victims
refused to prosecute or report cases of trafficking because they
feared their traffickers would bribe police or judges. The
Department of Social Welfare lacks the necessary funding to properly
assist victims; however, it routinely refers victims to NGOs and IOs
for such services.

(SBU) According to Zimbabwean law, birth registry is a right. In
practice, many Zimbabwean children do not have a valid citizenship
document because of stringent requirements and long distances needed
to travel even to local offices where birth registry is recorded if
a child is not born in a hospital. Independent groups estimate as
many as two million citizens - including children - may have been
disenfranchised by a 2002 law revising the citizenship act,
including those perceived to have opposition leanings, such as the
more than 200,000 commercial farm workers from neighboring
countries, and approximately 30,000 mostly white dual nationals.
Constitutional Amendment 19, which became effective on February 13,
2009, relaxed citizenship requirements and is expected to facilitate
birth registration.

-- 24 D. (SBU) The government does not have the resources to
systematically monitor its anti-trafficking efforts and periodically
make available, publicly or privately and directly or through
regional/international organizations, assessments of its
anti-trafficking efforts.


-- 25 A. (SBU) Zimbabwean law does not specifically prohibit
trafficking. Trafficking-related crimes are currently addressed
under other legislation, primarily the Criminal Law (Codification
and Reform) Act, the Immigration Act and the Labor Relations
Amendment Act. These laws criminalize transporting people across the
border for sex, corruption of children, and allowing children to
reside in or to frequent a brothel, allowing children to consort
with or be employed by prostitutes, and forgery of travel documents.
In addition, the Crimial Law Act prohibits abduction and the
pledging of a female. The constitution and labor law provide that no
one may be held in slavery or servitude or be made to perform forced
or compulsory labor. Zimbabwean legal experts consider these laws
sufficient to cover both internal and external forms of trafficking
for sexual exploitation. Additionally, a victim can bring a civil
suit against a trafficker under current law. The Criminal Procedure
and Evidence Act provides for victim restitution and compensation.
The government reported in 2007 that it had drafted comprehensive
trafficking legislation; however, the draft has not been made
available for review nor introduced in Parliament. After March 2008
elections, Parliament was not sworn in until August. The newly
elected parliamentarians have not yet formed the committees that
review and propose legislation.

-- 25 B. (SBU) In terms of sexual exploitation offenses, the
Criminal Law Act provides for the following:

-- Procuring another person for unlawful sexual conduct, or to
become a prostitute whether inside or outside Zimbabwe, or to leave
his or her usual place of residence to become an inmate or frequent
a brothel is punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of two
years (10 years if the person procured is under 16 years of age),or

-- Coercing or inducing another person to engage in unlawful sexual
conduct with another person by threat or intimidation is punishable
by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of five years, or both.

-- Detaining a person in a brothel or any other premises with the
intention that the detained person should engage in unlawful sexual
conduct is punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of one year,
or both.

-- Allowing a person under 16 years of age to knowingly enter an
establishment for the purpose of engaging in unlawful sexual conduct
is punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of seven years, or
Qboth. If the person is below the age of 12, the act is punishable by
a fine, a maximum imprisonment of 10 years, or both.

-- A parent allowing a child under 18 years of age to become a
prostitute is punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of 10
years, or both.

-- Living off or facilitating prostitution is punishable by a fine,
a maximum imprisonment of two years, or both.

-- Solicitation of another person for prostitution is punishable by
a fine, a maximum imprisonment of six months, or both.

-- Sexual intercourse or performing indecent acts with a person
under 16 years of age is punishable by a fine, a maximum
imprisonment of 10 years, or both.

-- Pledging a female person for a forced marriage or to compensate
for the death of a relative, or any debt or obligation, is
punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of two years, or both.
Any party to the marriage or arrangement may be charged as an

-- Forgery of a public document or corruptly using a false document
is punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of 20 years, or

-- 25 C. (SBU) In terms of labor trafficking offenses, the Labor
Relations Amendment Act provides for the following:

-- Failure of an employer to protect employees' right to fair labor
standards (including to pay any employee a wage lower than a
prescribed minimum, to require an employee to work more than the
maximum hours permitted by law, or to require any employee to work
under any conditions or situation which are below prescribed
standards) is punishable by a fine, a maximum imprisonment of two
years, or both.

-- Forced labor is punishable by a fine, two years imprisonment, or

-- Employment of a person under 15 years of age (unless as an
apprentice who is over 13 years of age) is punishable by a fine, two
years imprisonment, or both.

(SBU) The Labor Relations Amendment Act does not specifically
include provisions for criminal punishment of labor recruiters who
engage in recruitment of laborers using knowingly fraudulent or
deceptive offers; for employers or labor agents who confiscate
workers' passports or travel documents, switch contracts without the
worker's consent as a means to keep the worker in a state of
service, or withhold payment of salaries as means of keeping the
worker in a state of service. However, prosecutors may be able to
use the fair labor standards provisions in the Labor Relations
Amendment Act to pursue cases involving such activities.

(SBU) Zimbabwe does not have specific laws that criminalize the acts
of labor recruiters who recruit laborers using knowingly fraudulent
or deceptive offers or impose on recruited laborers inappropriately
high or illegal fees or commissions that create a debt bondage
condition for the laborer. The constitution and labor law, however,
provide that no one may be held in slavery or servitude or be made
to perform forced or compulsory labor. There have not been reports
of convictions for labor trafficking offenses during the reporting

-- 25 D. (SBU) Rape and aggravated indecent assault are punishable
by life imprisonment. Incarceration is mandatory for convictions for
rape or forcible sexual assault, but there is no minimum penalty.
The media frequently reports on rape cases and convictions.
Sentences usually vary from four years to fifteen years, depending
on the circumstances of the crime.
-- 25 E. (SBU) Police did not respond to inquiries regarding
investigations, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences of new
cases or those trafficking investigations reported last year.
Ministry of Justice officials reported that the cases included in
last year's TIP report were not brought to trial.

(SBU) None of the investigations or cases reported in the 2008 TIP
Report has come to completion. Resource constraints in public health
facilities, the ZRP, and the judiciary remain a severe hindrance. In
addition, few victims are willing to come forward and pursue
prosecution against their traffickers. Police lack human, financial
and other resources to conduct proper investigations. It is not
unusual for a detainee to remain in remand custody for several years
before his/her case is heard in court. In addition, only government
hospitals can conduct rape examinations submissible as evidence in
court. Severe economic hardships, lack of equipment, and strikes by
medical workers closed public health facilities across the country
at the end of 2008. The lack of public health facilities may have
Qat the end of 2008. The lack of public health facilities may have
prevented reports of rape and sexual assault.

-- 25 F. (SBU) The government does not provide its own specialized
training on trafficking; however, government officials attended 13
IOM training workshops that focused on trafficking and how to
recognize trafficking victims during the reporting period. There
were four training sessions specifically for law enforcement,
including ZRP, VFU, magistrates, prosecutors, and imigration. There
were three sessions specifically for health and social welfare
workers, including officials from Ministry of Health and Child
Welfare and Department of Social Welfare. An additional three
sessions were held for faith-based organizations, including those
that run shelters for children that may have been trafficked. IOM
also conducted three training sessions for local law enforcement and
health and social welfare workers in several areas known to be
problem trafficking areas. The sub-regional Interpol office also
organized one training session for 24 Zimbabwean police officers.
-- 25 G. (SBU) The government does cooperate with other governments
in the investigation and prosecution of cases. However, during the
reporting period, Interpol reported there were no international
investigations or prosecutions brought forth by the Zimbabwean

-- 25 H. (SBU) The Zimbabwe Extradition Act permits the extradition
of nationals, and the government has extradition treaties with
countries in the region. There have not been reports of
trafficking-related extraditions or requests of extradition from
Zimbabwe to other countries during the reporting period.

-- 25 I. (SBU) There was no evidence of government involvement in or
tolerance of trafficking, on a local or institutional level.

-- 25 J. (SBU) Not applicable per response to question I above.

-- 25 K. (SBU) Prostitution and the activities of brothel
owner/operator, clients, pimps, and enforcers are criminalized (as
defined in the Criminal Law Act.) During the year, there have been
media reports regarding efforts by police to halt prostitution
throughout the country. Police arrested both prostitutes and

-- 25 L. (SBU) There have not been reported cases involving
Zimbabwean nationals deployed abroad as part of a peacekeeping or
other similar mission who engaged in or facilitated severe forms of
trafficking or who exploited trafficking victims.

-- 25 M. (SBU) The country is not identified as a source or
destination for child sex tourism. The country's sexual crimes laws
do have extraterritorial coverage. There are no reports of any
prosecutions or convictions under the extraterritorial provisions.


-- 26 A. (SBU) Foreign victims of trafficking can receive relief
from deportation while receiving victim support services and while
their cases are being investigated. The Chief of Immigration may
offer a temporary employment permit at his discretion.

-- 26 B. (SBU) Zimbabwe does have victim care facilities which are
accessible to trafficking victims, including foreign victims. IOM is
the lead organization in addressing human trafficking, and the
government has supported its activities. IOM trained a number of
social services providers and NGOs to enable them to provide
assistance to victims of trafficking in form of safe shelter,
psychosocial support, family tracing, and reunification. IOM also
continued to capacitate a number of NGOs and service providers to
mainstream human trafficking activities in their already existing

(SBU) The Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children is
the national umbrella organization that oversees and maintains
standards of over 70 institutions for children in Zimbabwe,
including 20 in Harare; however, the country does not have
specialized facilities dedicated to helping victims of trafficking.
IOM, Girl Child Network, Oasis Trust, Musasa Project, and Save the
Children Norway have developed specialized services to assist
trafficking victims in their shelters/assistance programs. These
services include shelter, medical and psychological assistance,
reintegration and livelihood activities, and legal counseling.
Funding for these services/programs comes from international donors.
A number of children's homes and shelters were upgraded in Harare
and Chiredzi for them to be able to provide assistance to child
victims of trafficking: Musasa Project, Harare Children's Home, St.
Joseph's Hostel for Boys and Chingele Children's Home. The
government primarily depends on NGOs and IOs to provide trafficking
Qgovernment primarily depends on NGOs and IOs to provide trafficking
victims these services. Organizations could not provide specific
information on the amount spent specifically for victims of

-- 26 C. (SBU) The government does not have the resources to provide
funding to foreign or domestic NGOs for trafficking victim services.
However, the government routinely refers potential victims to NGOs
and IOs for assistance. In April 2008, the IOM opened a reception
center on government-allocated land for Zimbabweans deported from
Botswana to Plumtree, Zimbabwe. This second reception center in
Zimbabwe helped identify additional trafficking victims. Between
June and December 2008, IOM assisted 766 unaccompanied minors at
Plumtree and 2,807 unaccompanied minors at Beitbridge in 2008.

-- 26 D. (SBU) The government assists and provides relief to foreign
trafficking victims. For example, the government has assisted a
child who authorities believe was trafficked from Mozambique in

2006. The Department of Immigration requires all deportees received
from South Africa and Botswana to attend an IOM briefing on safe
migration, which includes a discussion of trafficking. The ZRP,
Department of Social Welfare and Department of Immigration do have a
mechanism for referring victims of trafficking to victim support;
however, at this time the government primarily depends on NGOs and
IOs working with vulnerable populations and victims to identify
trafficking victims and alert authorities.

-- 26 E. (SBU) Government-run shelters for children may assist
victims through provision of longer-term shelter. Most assistance,
however, is provided through NGOs or church-based organizations.

-- 26 F. (SBU) The Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social
Welfare directly operates programs in three districts to provide
orphans and vulnerable children with basic food assistance, support
for school fees, counseling for victimized children, HIV/AIDS
education, and medical assistance. The government also manages a
small number of children's homes for vulnerable and orphaned
children. However, all such government services are overwhelmed and
under-funded. The government primarily depends on NGOs and IOs to
provide shelter services. Several NGOs, including Child Protection
Services, Girl Child Network, and Save the Children Norway, also
manage children's shelters. IOM, Musasa Project, and Oasis Trust
offer shelter services and support to adult trafficking victims. In
most cases, the shelter, health care, counseling, and reintegration
services are paid for by the NGOs and IOs.

(SBU) The Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare and
UNICEF have agreements with 21 NGOs to advance the National Action
Plan for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC),designed to ensure
that orphans and vulnerable children are able to access education,
food, health services, and birth registrations and were protected
from abuse ad exploitation. During the reporting period, UNICEF
reported that the NGOs involved in the program had reached 100,000
OVC with comprehensive support and protection. Additionally, the
Department of Social Welfare (under the Ministry of Public Service,
Labor and Social Welfare) works closely with IOM and Save the
Children Norway to provide protection for children deported from
South Africa received at the IOM Reception Center in Beitbridge,
Zimbabwe. IOM anticipates that the new reception center in Plumtree,
Zimbabwe will offer similar services. Additionally, the district
council of Beitbridge has a dedicated child protection officer and
convenes a child protection committee.

(SBU) The government has a referral process for victims that are
identified at IOM's transit centers in Beitbridge and Plumtree. At
the centers, IOM-trained Ministry of Social Welfare staff identify
victims and refer them to safe houses where short, medium, and
long-term assistance can be provided.

-- 26 G. (SBU) During the reporting period, IOM assisted nine
victims. Three were referred by the Victim Friendly Unit of the
Zimbabwe Republic Police and none were referred by the Department of
Social Welfare. One NGO that assists young women reported assisting
45 girls who were victims of internal trafficking during the
reporting period. Due to the government's lack of capacity and
resources, all victims were assisted by non-governmental

-- 26 H. (SBU) The government's law enforcement, immigration, and
social services do not have a formal system for proactively
identifying victims of trafficking among high-risk persons with whom
they may come in contact. Interpol and IOM-sponsored training
Qthey may come in contact. Interpol and IOM-sponsored training
programs have educated a limited number of government officials to
better identify potential victims.

-- 26 I. (SBU) The rights of trafficking victims are respected. Once
identified as a trafficking victim, the government usually referred
the victim to an NGO or IO for assistance in an expeditious manner.

-- 26 J. (SBU) The government encourages victims to assist in the
investigation and prosecution of traffickers; however, the lack of
resources impedes the ability of the police to pursue many cases.
The four victims identified during the reporting period are
cooperating with the investigations. Victims may file a civil suit
or seek legal action against traffickers. The Criminal Procedure and
Evidence Act provides for victim restitution and compensation. The
law does not preclude witnesses or victims in a court case against a
former employer from seeking other employment or leaving the

-- 26 K. (SBU) The government does not provide its own specialized
training on trafficking; however, government officials attended 10
IOM training workshops that focused on trafficking and how to
recognize trafficking victims during the reporting period. The
Zimbabwean embassy in China was involved in monitoring a reported
case of Zimbabweans who were trafficked to China. The Interpol NCB
Zimbabwe office, the Department of Immigration and the Department of
Social Welfare were in contact with South African authorities to
coordinate victim assistance and investigations in ongoing cases
during the reporting period.

-- 26 L. (SBU) The government primarily relies on IOM and other NGOs
and IOs to provide assistance, such as medical aid, shelter or
financial help, to its nationals who are repatriated as victims of

-- 26 M. (SBU) IOM, UNICEF, Save the Children Norway, and Save the
Children UK work with a network of local NGOs to support trafficking
victims. The government has seen IOM as the leading organization in
addressing human trafficking and has supported all activities
undertaken by IOM including training of law enforcement and social
service providers, as well as the recently launched national
toll-free hotline for counter-trafficking funded by IOM. IOM and the
NGO Oasis Trust launched the hotline in December 2008 for
trafficking victims and for people to report suspected cases of
trafficking. The hotline worked successfully for three weeks but
then became non-functional when the telephone line stopped working.
As of mid-February it remains out of service.

(SBU) NGOs that provide assistance to victims include Connect
(training for counselors of abuse victims),Corridors of Hope
(HIV/AIDS education and counseling),Childline (children's crisis
hotline),Streets Ahead (counseling and shelter for children),Girl
Child Network (shelter, skills building, and counseling for abused
and trafficked girls),Oasis Trust and Musasa Project (shelter and
counseling for domestic abuse and trafficking victims),and The
Center (counseling for HIV/AIDS patients.) These groups reported
that they generally received good cooperation from local
authorities, but that the level of cooperation often depended on the
location. In some areas, officials were difficult to work with
because they did not understand trafficking or denied any problem
existed. In other areas, officials were very cooperative and eager
to receive training and other assistance in building capacity. In
cases involving children, the Department of Social Welfare, Ministry
of Health and Children and local child protection committees were
involved in placing the child with family or finding a suitable
solution. The government generally ensured that victims received
adequate care from service providers.


-- 27 A. (SBU) The government did not conduct anti-trafficking
information or education campaigns during the reporting periods.
All anti-trafficking campaigns were conducted by IOM. The state-run
media continues to print and air messages about the dangers of
illegal migration and that warn the public about false employment
scams, underage and forced marriages, prostitution and exploitative
labor conditions. During the year, an IOM anti-trafficking radio
campaign aired in five languages on all four government-controlled
radio stations, which broadcast the public service announcement
eight times per day during the peak migration periods. The
government radio stations are a primary source of information
throughout the country, especially in the rural areas. These
awareness materials and radio spots include government and IOM
contact details for victims to call for assistance or information.

-- 27 B. (SBU) The Department of Immigration does not currently have
the ability to systematically monitor the growing number of illegal
migrants deported from South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia to
effectively identify emerging trafficking patterns. Immigration
Qeffectively identify emerging trafficking patterns. Immigration
officials do screen for potential victims; however, the government
primarily depends on IOM protection officers and in-take procedures
to identify victims.

-- 27 C. (SBU) The government has an inter-ministerial taskforce on
trafficking made up of senior government officials that was
established in April 2006; however, it still lacks a multi-agency
operational working group that can effectively combat the
trafficking problem in practice. The head of the inter-ministerial
taskforce is a senior official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The taskforce's goals include: (1) criminalizing human trafficking
through enactment of legislation, (2) information dissemination on
the dangers of trafficking, (3) creating a center to specifically
deal with trafficked persons and assist those seeking advice, (4)
intercepting traffickers by monitoring print and electronic media
for possible trafficking schemes, and (5) training anti-trafficking
experts at all formal entry and exit points into te country. The
taskforce has not achieved any of its goals. In terms of specific
cases, the Interpol NCB Zimbabwe office is the point of contact for
cases requiring international cooperation, and the VFU of the ZRP
serves as the lead for cases of involving internal trafficking. The
government does have a public corruption commission, but it is
under-funded, politicized, and has yet to register any notable

-- 27 D. (SBU) The government does not have a national plan of
action to address trafficking in persons. IOM continues to organize
all NGOs and IOs that work on trafficking to complete a resource and
gap assessment exercise before approaching the government to form a
stakeholders working group.

(SBU) The government generally has a good working relationship with
international organizations and NGOs on trafficking-related issues.
There were some delays in receiving permission/permits to conduct
trafficking-related studies/activities, but these activities were
ultimately allowed to proceed. Unlike in previous years, there have
not been reports of government harassment of NGOs working on the
trafficking issue.

-- 27 E. (SBU) During the reporting period, the government did not
take any specific steps to reduce the demand for commercial sex
acts. Anecdotal reports indicated that a worsening economy reduced
the demand for commercial sex acts.

-- 27 F. (SBU) During the reporting period, the government did not
take any steps towards reducing the participation in international
child sex tourism by its nationals. Post is unaware of any cases of
international child sex tourism involving Zimbabweans.

-- 27 G. (SBU) An assessment of Zimbabwe's efforts to ensure that
its troops deployed abroad for international peacekeeping missions
do not engage in or facilitate trafficking or exploited trafficking
victims was unavailable for this reporting period.


2. (U) Post point of contact for trafficking in persons is Amanda E.
Porter; office phone 263-4-250-593, extension 4530; fax
263-4-253-000; e-mail The estimated hours spent
per officer in preparation of this report are as follows: PolOff 50
hours, PolChief 1 hour review, DCM 1 hour review, AMB 1 hour


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