2009-04-03 08:41:00
Embassy Freetown
Cable title:  

Fraud Summary - Freetown

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DE RUEHFN #0127/01 0930841
R 030841Z APR 09



E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Fraud Summary - Freetown

Ref: 08 STATE 074840

Country Conditions




E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Fraud Summary - Freetown

Ref: 08 STATE 074840

Country Conditions

1. Freetown is a high fraud post. Despite much progress since the
end of an 11-year civil war in 2001, Sierra Leone is ranked last on
the UN Human Development Index. As such, socioeconomic conditions
for many residents are poor and many people seek a better life
elsewhere. There is a large diaspora of Sierra Leoneans throughout
the world, especially in the U.S. and UK. Sierra Leoneans often
expect, and receive, remittances from extended family members living
in wealthier countries. Furthermore, many Sierra Leoneans will try
to join their family members abroad, legally or illegally.
Corruption is present at all levels of society, particularly in
government. It is therefore easy to obtain authentic documents with
false information, sometimes by bribing officials.

NIV Fraud

2. Most NIV fraud consists of false bank statements and invitation
letters. This usually results in a 214(b) refusal rather than a
formal investigation by the Fraud Prevention Unit (FPU). However,
over half of NIV cases referred to the FPU are confirmed as fraud.
B visas constitute eighty-four percent of all applications. Of the
rest, only F visas (6.1%),G visas (2.8%),and A visas (2.2%) each
exceed two percent of the visa caseload. Within these categories,
the most disconcerting is relationship fraud for official and
diplomatic dependants. Diplomats and officials, including very
high-level emissaries, commonly make fraudulent claims regarding
biological and adopted children in order to bring them to the U.S.
These claims are always supported by Notes Verbale, which are
another area of concern to us and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Post has received both unauthorized and fraudulent Notes Verbale
supporting official and non-official visa applications. Students
typically apply for visas to attend schools selected due to a family
member living nearby or being on the school staff, suggesting the
possibility that the student application is a cover for intending
immigrants. Students can rarely explain their rationale in
selecting a university. Several of the relatively few high school
student exchange visitors and conference participants have not
returned from the U.S., with or without attending the intended
program first. Little-known and unvetted Sierra Leonean
organizations usually find program participants, and are likely
responsible for organizing the alien smuggling under the unwitting
aegis of well-meaning, established U.S. entities.

Document fraud is very common. Official documents are rarely forged
since authentic documents with false information are easily
obtained. For example, late or delayed birth certificates based on
reports from the "parents" are often issued many years after the
child is born. With this birth certificate, a passport is obtained.
At least once a month, IDENT and FR hits uncover an applicant with
a second identity.

IV Fraud

3. Embassy Dakar processes Sierra Leone's Immigrant Visas.

DV Fraud

4. Embassy Abidjan processed Sierra Leone's Diversity Visas until
the last week of the reporting period. Embassy Freetown did not
process enough DV cases in this reporting period to comment

ACS and U.S. Passport Fraud

5. There has been little U.S. passport fraud, other than occasional
photocopies of U.S. passports of alleged inviting relatives
presented during visa interviews. One imposter was turned back
twice at the local airport with someone else's U.S. passport, before
the passport was returned to the Embassy. The supposed mother of
this imposter also came to the Embassy claiming an older sister was
born in the United States, and thus eligible for a passport.


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Adoption Fraud

6. Embassy Dakar processes Sierra Leone's adoptions.

Use of DNA Testing

7. Due to CRBA cases often coming from non-traditional family
situations and unreliable birth certificates, DNA testing is
recommended in about 70% of cases. In about 15-20% of those, the
blood relationship has been disproved, and in about 10% of cases,
applicants have abandoned the application after DNA testing was
recommended. Post also handles DNA testing for DHS upon request,
but does not usually receive the results.

Asylum and Other DHS Benefit Fraud

8. V92 and V93 cases are not processed by Embassy Freetown. Most
are processed by Embassy Conakry or Embassy Dakar. Embassy Freetown
also receives many requests for transportation letters from LPRs who
have lost or stolen I-551s. Airline security denied boarding to
several imposters using other persons' I-551s.

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Alien Smuggling, Trafficking, Organized Crime, Terrorist Travel
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9. Post has seen several instances of alien smuggling where an
adult chaperone accompanies teenagers ostensibly bringing students
for an exchange program or conference. In some instances where the
visas were issued, the children never returned.

DS Criminal Fraud Investigations

10. The consular section referred only one issue--a bribe offer to
a LES--in the last six months to RSO for investigation. The
referral was handled informally over e-mail. RSO is still

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Host Country Passport, Identity Documents, and Civil Registry
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11. PASSPORT: The Sierra Leonean passport in production since 2001
has a machine-readable bio page with a photo-digitized picture
(large and small) and signature. Older passports were declared
obsolete in 2002. Post does not have any specimens. Applicants
must present a birth certificate and national ID card and, in
theory, come for an interview. However, false breeder documents are
easily obtained and are not verified by the Immigration Office.
There are three passports: regular (passport numbers beginning with
the letter "O"),service (passport numbers beginning with "S"),and
diplomatic (passport letters beginning with "D"). The three
passport types are very similar except for the word "Service" or
"Diplomatic" on the cover above "Passport." All inside pages have
watermarks and the passport number hole-punched at the top.
Passports contain the following UV luminescent features:

-- Cross-hatching on inside covers
-- Crest and hidden lion on inside front cover
-- Hidden passport number on page 1 (regular passports only)
-- Page numbers and a square at the edge of each page, starting at
the top and moving down each page until the center of the book, then
back up.
-- Sierra Leone Crest at the bottom of each page and "Republic of
Sierra Leone" near the top.
-- Monochrome binding string, between pages 16 and 17.

ID CARD: Government contractors produced machine-readable National
ID cards from 2000 to 2004. The GoSL has not contracted a new
company to produce them yet. While there are theoretically records
of these cards, since the contractor is not involved anymore, there
is no way to verify them. Older, non-machine-readable, cards had no
records at all. Both cards are easily photo-subbed. In lieu, the
National Registration Secretariat now issues letters signed by the
Chief or Deputy Registrar and with a passport size photo attached,
asking the bearer to be excused of any requirement for an ID card.
The letter is not laminated, nor is it registered, allowing for very
easy forgery and nearly impossible registration.

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BIRTH CERTIFICATES: Birth certificates come in several varieties,
depending on when the birth is registered:

-- 0 to 30 days: original
-- 31 days to 1 year: late
-- Over 1 year: delayed

Certified true copies, which are transcriptions of the information
in the registers rather than facsimiles of the original certificate,
are available. Often, the registrar's office will issue a delayed
certificate instead of a certified copy as they can charge more for
the delayed certificate and it does not require a record check.
Also, applicants may obtain a delayed certificate with false
information. All birth certificates are printed on paper stock with
a single-colored pattern background. The registrar fills the data
in handwriting, and then stamps and signs. While post occasionally
sees forged birth certificates, authentic certificates with false
information are so easy to obtain that the latter are much more

Most Sierra Leoneans do not register births, especially if the child
is born outside of a hospital or health center. At the hospitals
and health centers, nurses record births but parents must take these
forms to the nearest Office of the Registrar of Births and Deaths
for registration, which most parents fail to do. Some parents do
not have birth records because most provincial records were
destroyed during the war. In order to give a fair chance to those
who were not registered and to facilitate registration of births,
there was a mass free registration of children aged 0 to 18 on June
20 to 21, 2003 in commemoration of the Day of The African Child.
All birth certificates issued during this period had the prefix
"DAC" followed by a number. Records for DAC registrations are
unreliable difficult to access, and therefore especially prone to

DEATH CERTIFICATES: Death certificates are equally easy to obtain.
Birth and death certificates are issued by the Office of the
Registrar of Births and Deaths, which has a head office in downtown
Freetown and sub-registries at health centers in other parts of
Freetown and the provincial towns and villages. In theory, one
should present a medical report of death and can give information on
the death orally or in writing. If done orally, the registrar
enters the information in the prescribed form, reads it out to
informant and asks the informant to sign. This should be done
within fourteen days of the death so that the Registrar can issue a
burial permit.

EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTS: West African Senior School Certificate
Examinations (WASSCE) and the preceding General Certificate of
Education Ordinary Levels (GCE O-Levels) statements of result,
issued by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC),are perhaps
the sole Sierra Leonean documents that are easily and reliably
verifiable. The WAEC country director insists that all statements
of results for U.S. visa purposes go through Embassy Freetown, so
other posts should not accept results presented directly by the
applicant. The WASSCE replaced the GCE O-Levels in 2000, and can be
verified online using a cheap prepaid scratch-off card. About 30
percent of certificates checked are false. Unfortunately, there is
no easy way to distinguish results between multiple people with the
same name, leaving the door open for fraud. WAEC's other exams,
taken after primary school (NPSE) and ninth grade (BECCE) can be
equally checked at the WAEC office. Other school records are far
less reliable and very prone to fraud as applicants frequently bribe
school officials or generate documents from schools which do not
keep sufficient records.

REGISTRIES: When registry volumes are full, they are sent to the
Freetown main office, allowing the FPU to verify registrations
relatively easily. However, verification of certificates only
proves that the events are properly registered, not that they
actually took place. Among birth and death certificates verified,
over 90 percent come back as properly registered, but field
investigations often prove that registered events never occurred.

Cooperation with Host Government Authorities

12. Post has interacted with host government authorities on a
limited basis on fraud matters. Post has established new, more
stringent, verification procedures with the Administrator and
Registrar-General, who supervises marriage, divorce, business, and
property records. Given the generally ineffective and often corrupt
local judiciary, reliable fraud prosecution is unlikely.

FREETOWN 00000127 004 OF 004

Areas of Particular Concern

13. All areas of concern have been addressed elsewhere in this

Staffing and Training

14. The Deputy Consular Section Chief serves as Fraud Prevention
Manager in addition to his other duties, including managing the new
IV unit, adjudicating visas and providing American citizen services.
He has not received any formal fraud training beyond what is
included in the Basic Consular Course. There are two FPU LES staff.
The senior of the two also handles federal benefits services, and
is the lead cashier on DV days, though these duties will transfer to
the future full-time cashier. Both FPU LES staff have taken the FSN
Fraud Prevention Workshop (PC542) at FSI and Detecting Fraudulent
Documents (PC544) online. The FPU primarily handles the large load
of investigations for IV cases from Dakar, DV cases from Abidjan
(recently transferred to post),V92/V93 cases from Conakry, and
various requests from DHS in petition or adjustment of status cases.
The caseload can at times be overwhelming, particularly when the
annual DV deadline approaches.


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