2009-01-28 10:17:00
Embassy Colombo
Cable title:  

Sri Lankans Welcome Inauguration of Barack Obama

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R 281017Z JAN 09


E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Sri Lankans Welcome Inauguration of Barack Obama



E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Sri Lankans Welcome Inauguration of Barack Obama

1. Summary. Sri Lankans welcomed the inauguration of President
Barack Obama with widespread enthusiasm. Ambassador hosted a
viewing of the occasion with high level contacts and attended
services at two Buddhist temples where monks blessed the President.
Sri Lankan media carried a congratulatory message from President
Mahinda Rajapaksa. Media coverage of the inauguration and
transition has been overwhelmingly positive, expressing optimism for
a new era in American leadership. End Summary.


2. Ambassador and Mrs. Blake hosted a dinner and viewing of the
inauguration for top Embassy contacts and their spouses on the
evening of January 20. Approximately 60 senior government
officials, educators, business people, journalists and other
contacts attended the event. In introductory remarks, Ambassador
welcomed the new administration and reaffirmed that relations
between the people of the United States and Sri Lanka will remain
strong under an Obama presidency. Attendees applauded the
President's comments about foreign policy and expressed overwhelming
enthusiasm and hope for the new administration. Photos of the event
were carried in the Daily Mirror, a leading daily independent

Buddhist Blessings for the President

3. Ambassador also participated in a pair of ceremonies at two of
Colombo's most important Buddhist temples. During a January 26
service at Colombo's largest temple, Gangarama Temple, members of
Sri Lanka's four main religious communities (Buddhist, Hindu,
Muslim, and Roman Catholic),gave their blessings for President
Obama. In remarks at the service, Ambassador praised the
inter-faith gathering and commented that President Obama's message
of unity rather than division is a concept that can bring positive
change beyond the United States. Sri Lankan press covered the
event. In a service the following day at Sambodhi Vihara Temple,
Ambassador received blessings for President Obama from religious
leaders. The temple is home to Buddhist TV, a popular Sri Lankan
television station which covered the event. Sri Lanka's Chief
Justice Sarath Silva joined the Ambassador and monks from the temple
for tea and discussion following the service.

President Rajapaksa Letter

4. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa delivered his
congratulations to President Obama in a letter that appeared in the

local press. The text of the letter follows:

Excellency: It gives me great pleasure to extend to you, Mr.
President, the warmest best wishes of the Government and the people
of Sri Lanka and my own on the occasion of your inauguration as
president of the United States of America. Your unprecedented
victory reflects the trust that the American people have placed in
your leadership and vision.

The warm and cordial relations that exist between our two countries
are based on a long tradition of friendship, trust and mutuality of
interests. We share common democratic values and perspectives on a
broad range of political issues, particularly in combating

The Government and people of Sri Lanka deeply appreciate the
principled stand taken by Government of United States that the
integrity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka is non-negotiable. The role
the United States is playing in achieving peace in Sri Lanka through
the consolidation of democratic institutions and promoting economic
development has earned our admiration and gratitude.

As you prepare to embark on the first term of your Presidency, I
wish to convey to Your Excellency my best wishes for a successful
tenure of office and your personal well-being. I am confident that
during your term of office there will be greater opportunities for
our two countries to develop our bilateral relations further. It
will be my pleasure to work with you closely for the promotion of
world peace and prosperity.

I wish you all the success: Mahinda Rajapaksa

5. Sri Lankan press coverage of the inauguration was extensive and
highly positive. Recent local news coverage has been dominated by
stories and commentary regarding war; however, for the past week,
the media has also given wide coverage to the new administration and
its possible impact on Sri Lanka.

Following are excerpts from editorials in the Sri Lankan press.

The Island, a nationalist-leaning, independent daily wrote: "In his
(Obama's) speech, he held out the hope of remaking America and
reaching out to the rest of the world as a friend...However, in the
same breath, he sent a message to America's enemies...He defended
the scale of US ambitions and faulted those who questioned it."

The Island, in another editorial, reported: "Just a few years ago,
being white was widely considered an essential prerequisite for
those aspiring to run for the American presidency, just as much as
being of the same cultural and religious background as the majority
community in Sri Lanka, is considered by many in Sri Lanka today as
essential for one running for the position of President of Sri

The Sunday Leader, the paper of slain journalist Lasantha
Wickrematunge, wrote: "Barack Obama's greatest attribute may turn
out to be his greatest weakness - his captivating oratory...This
man's brilliant speaking and acute mind had brought him into the
White House...To overcome the greatest financial crisis America is
facing is one daunting task. To settle two wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan while attempting to resolve the 100 year old war between
Israelis and Palestinians and bring in peace to the Middle East is
