2009-01-21 10:11:00
Embassy Baku
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DE RUEHKB #0040/01 0211011
R 211011Z JAN 09



E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: 08 STATE 123907




E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: 08 STATE 123907

1. This cable contains Post's Investment Climate Statement for 2009
and includes the following sections:

A.1. Openness to Foreign Investment
A.2. Conversion and Transfer Policies
A.3. Expropriation and Compensation
A.4. Dispute Settlement
A.5. Performance Requirements and Incentives
A.6. Right to Private Ownership and Establishment
A.7. Protection of Property Rights
A.8. Transparency of the Regulatory System
A.9. Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investments
A.10.Political Violence
A.11. Corruption
A.12. Bilateral Investment Agreements
A.13. OPIC and Other Investment Insurance
A.14. Labor
A.15. Foreign Trade Zones/Free Ports
A.16. Foreign Direct Investment Statistics


2. Azerbaijan's ongoing transition to a market economy presents
both significant prospects and challenges. Over the past decad,
Azerbaijan has successfully executed a strateg to develop its oil
and gas resources and is nowbenefiting from the receipt of energy
revenue inlows. Much work remains to be done, however, to spead
the wealth and produce attendant prosperity or the country's
population of eight and a half illion. This includes improving
governance and curbing corruption, diversifying the economy through
domestic and foreign investment, strengthening public expenditure
planning, and creating jobs. The long running and unresolved
conflict with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh has left Azerbaijan with
approximately 700,000 refugees and internally displaced persons
(IDPs) for more than a decade and constitutes an enormous burden on
economic and democratic development.

3. Azerbaijan's macroeconomic situation continued to improve in

2008. According to the National Bank, GDP exceeded USD 40 billion
by year-end 2008, largely driven by growth in the energy sector.
The economy was expected to grow in real terms in 2008 by about 13
percent, despite relatively high inflation, a second-half decline in
oil production and export prices, and the dampening effects of a
weakened global economy. Growing inflation has become a public and
private sector concern; official statistics will likely show an
inflation rate in the range of 15-20% for 2008. Independent sources
quote increased public spending and import monopolies as main
drivers of inflation.

4. The national currency, the manat, appreciated less than one
percent in real terms against the U.S. dollar in 2008. The nominal
exchange rate was approximately 1 USD = 0.80 AZN as of January 1,

2009. In response to the global financial crisis and a decline in

confidence in financial sector stability, the National Bank
abandoned its market basket policy, adopted earlier in the year, and
began re-pegging to the dollar. The market basket system was
designed to achieve gradual nominal appreciation against a basket of
relevant currencies, but was temporarily suspended due to the major
volatility in the exchange rate between the two currencies in the
basket, the dollar and the euro. The National Bank's currency
reserves grew 75.6 percent and reached USD 3.5 billion as of
December 2008. The State Oil Fund continues to support
macroeconomic stability, transferred over 5.5 billion USD to the
state budget in 2008 and is slated to provide over 7 billion USD in
support of the 2009 budget. The Fund's reserves are estimated to
exceed 14 billion USD.

5. Since the completion of the Baku-Tbilisi pipeline in 2006, oil
export revenues have expanded dramatically and the energy sector has
shifted from infrastructure construction to service provision and
exploration. Despite offshore technical problems and the disruption
of oil transportation through Georgia in August, the BTC pipeline
delivered approximately 700,000 barrels of oil per day from
Azerbaijan's offshore Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) field at year's
end, down from a peak of approximately 950,000 earlier in the year.
In addition, the South Caucasus pipeline (SCP) conveyed 9.5 billion
cubic meters of natural gas from the Shah Deniz field to Georgia and
Turkey. Azerbaijan has taken significant steps to implement the
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI),which promotes
oil revenue transparency, and is taking steps to become the first
country to be rated "fully compliant" with EITI norms.

6. Azerbaijan continues to cooperate with international financial
institutions in its reform efforts, and was named the "Number One"

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reformer in the World Bank's Doing Business 2009 Report. It is
also receiving economic reform and financial development sector
support as a participant in the EU's "Good Neighbor" Program.
Azerbaijan is not yet a member of the WTO, but is working closely
with USAID to develop WTO-consistent legal and regulatory reforms,
and has made notable progress toward its accession goal. The United
States designated Azerbaijan as a beneficiary developing country for
the purposes of the Generalized System of Preferences program in
late 2008.

7. In 2005 World Bank estimates showed that 24 percent of the
population lived in poverty, with slightly more than nine percent in
extreme poverty. Government of Azerbaijan statistics state that
poverty was reduced to 20.8 percent in 2006 and 16 percent in 2007
despite significant price hikes for basic items - including fuel,
water, electricity and public transportation, which unavoidably led
to across-the-board price increases on consumer goods and services
and would deteriorate the poverty numbers. In 2008 the World Bank
conducted its own household survey-based poverty assessment, the
results of which are expected to be made available in early 2009.
Despite continued strong economic growth (real GDP growth was over
30 percent from 2006 to 2007, and is estimated to be about 13
percent for 2008),poverty remains particularly acute in
Azerbaijan's regions, and developing an investment climate which
encourages private investment and increases employment opportunities
in the regions remains crucial for Azerbaijani policymakers.

8. Corruption is a significant deterrent to investment in
Azerbaijan, especially in the non-energy sector. Laws and
regulations that exist to combat corruption are not effectively
enforced, with corruption in the regulatory, tax, and dispute
settlement systems most pervasive. Problems in the quality,
reliability, and transparency of governance, as well as abuse of the
regulatory system and poor contract enforcement, significantly
impede the ability of many companies to do business in Azerbaijan.
These problems have driven many companies, including some major
Western firms, from the market. Although Azerbaijan adopted a new
and much-anticipated anti-corruption law in 2005 and a National
Strategy on Increasing Transparency in Combating Corruption, as well
as an ethics code for civil servants in 2007, little progress in
implementing these measures has been made.


9. The Government of Azerbaijan officially welcomes foreign direct
investment, realizing that it plays a vital role in development of
the country's economy. Since 1994, Azerbaijan has attracted
significant amounts of foreign investment to develop further its
energy sector. Government bureaucracy, weak legal institutions and
predatory behavior by politically connected monopoly interests
continue to hinder investment outside of the energy sector.
Azerbaijan made an unprecedented improvement in the World Bank 2009
"Doing Business" Report, jumping 64 places from 97 to 33, garnering
it the designation of "Number One" Reformer for the year. This
improvement is primarily due to the creation of a one-stop-shop for
business registration which halved the time, cost and number of
procedures to start up a business. Azerbaijan made noteworthy
advances in seven of the ten criteria covered by the report, but
still has room for improvement in the areas of Trading Across
Borders, Construction Permits, and Closing a Business.

10. The Law on Protection of Foreign Investments permits foreign
direct investment (FDI) in any activity open to a national investor
unless prohibited by law. Prohibited areas include those relating
to national security and defense. The government carefully controls
other key sectors, such as energy and communications. In the past,
the process of investment in the oil and gas sector has been to
conclude a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with the State Oil
Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR),which is subsequently ratified by
parliament. The establishment of a Ministry of Fuel and Energy,
renamed the Ministry of Energy and Industry (MEI) in 2004, has not
meaningfully changed this procedure, although the MEI has been given
nominal responsibility for conclusion of PSAs. A limitation on FDI
in the banking sector was reduced when the National Bank of
Azerbaijan (NBA) increased the limit on participation of banks with
foreign ownership from 30 to 50 percent of the commercial banking
market. A new regulatory guideline on insurance also eliminated
foreign ownership restrictions on insurance companies, and a new law
on investments is being considered.

11. Azerbaijan is not yet a member of the World Trade Organization,
but the Government, with much international technical assistance,
has been working to amend existing legislation. The progress made to
achieve the World Bank Doing Business report ranking, and
deveopment of WTO-consistent legal reforms have been avisible
result of the Government's desire to accde to the WTO. The
Ministry of Economic Developent has been tasked to lead the WTO

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accession process, and Azerbaijan held two WTO Working Party
Meetings in Geneva in 2008, in addition to bilateral discussions
with USTR and the EU. Creating a stable and predictable business
environment is especially crucial for attracting investment to the
non-energy sector. At present, however, Azerbaijan remains a
challenging market in which to do business.

12. Under Azerbaijani law, foreign investors may participate in the
Azerbaijani market through joint ventures with local companies,
establishment of subsidiaries wholly owned by foreign investors, and
representative offices and branches of foreign legal entities. The
Law on Protection of Foreign Investments provides that the
Azerbaijani government will treat foreign investors in a manner "not
less favored" than the treatment accorded to local investors. This
law provides for repatriation of profits, revenues, and other
investment-related funds so long as applicable Azerbaijani taxes
have been paid. The law also provides a 10-year grandfather clause
in the event new legislation less favorable to the foreign investor
is adopted. However, this provision does not apply to changes in
tax legislation.

13. While the Azerbaijani government employs no formal screening
mechanisms for general foreign investment, the process of
registering an enterprise with the Ministry of Justice serves as a
de facto screening process. Although by law required only to
determine that documents of enterprises seeking registration are in
order, the Ministry operates in a non-transparent and arbitrary
manner. Credible reports indicate that ministry officials make
extra-legal determinations of whether individual foreign investments
are of an appropriate nature before making decisions about
registration. Some investors have alleged that they have received
demands for bribes when attempting to register their enterprises.


14. Azerbaijan has a liberal exchange system, and, in general,
there are no restrictions on converting or transferring funds
associated with an investment into freely usable currency and at a
legal, market-clearing rate. Conversion is carried out through the
Baku Interbank Currency Exchange Market and the Organized Interbank
Currency Market. The Baku Electronic Currency Exchange System
(BEST) was launched in July 2002. Cash exchange is carried out at
numerous currency exchange points and no difficulties exist in
obtaining foreign exchange.

15. Since 2001, the NBA has required that cash transactions be
conducted in Azerbaijani manats. In 2006, the NBA completed the
denomination of the national currency, and starting from January
2007 new Azerbaijani Manats (1 AZN equals 5000 old Azerbaijani
Manats) are the only legal cash tender. The average delay for
remitting investment returns is two to three business days.
Additional requirements relating to the disclosure of the source of
currency transfers have been imposed in an attempt to reduce illicit
transactions. Parliament amended legislation in 2007 to eliminate
custom duties for cash currency exports, a move that is in-line with
a WTO requirement and is believed to help ease inflationary
pressures. The Tax Ministry has occasionally frozen bank accounts of
companies that it believes have failed to meet their tax


16. The Law on Protection of Foreign Investments protects foreign
investors against nationalization and requisition except under
certain specified circumstances. Nationalization of property to
prevent harm to the population or damage to state interests of
Azerbaijan is possible by parliamentary resolution. Requisition by
a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers is possible in the event of
natural disaster, epidemic, or other extraordinary situation. In
the event of nationalization or requisition, foreign investors are
entitled by law to prompt, effective, and adequate compensation.
There have been no cases of nationalization or requisition against
foreign firms in Azerbaijan.


17. Dispute settlement mechanisms exist in Azerbaijan, but
effective means of protecting and enforcing property and contractual
rights are by no means assured. While the Azerbaijani government
does not officially interfere in the court system, in practice
courts are weak, judges often inexperienced, and progressive new tax
and other economic legislation poorly understood. The Economic
Court, which has jurisdiction over commercial disputes, is weak,
widely regarded as corruptible, and its decisions are often
inconsistent. The Civil Procedure Code of September 2000 sets forth

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basic civil legislation.

18. Since 2000, the Law on International Arbitration provides for
the possibility of local arbitration in international commercial
matters. However, in practice arbitration is seldom used to resolve
disputes. A Bilateral Investment Treaty between the U.S. and
Azerbaijan, which came into effect in 2001, provides U.S. investors
with recourse to the International Center for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes. Azerbaijan is a party to the World Bank
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States
and Nationals of Other States and is also a member of the
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Azerbaijan is also
a party to the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, which provides for binding
international arbitration of investment disputes between foreign
investors and the state. The Civil Procedure Code provides that
foreign arbitral awards may be enforced in Azerbaijan so long as
they do not contravene legislation or public policy, and if
reciprocity exists.

19. Investment disputes have arisen in Azerbaijan when a foreign
investor's success threatened well connected or favored local
interests. Reportedly, resolution of such disputes has occasionally
involved the foreign investor acquiring a local partner with strong
ties to influential persons. Azerbaijan's bankruptcy law does not
function effectively and is rarely used. However, USAID will be
working directly with the Ministries of Economic Development and
Justice to promote a legal/regulatory reform of the
bankruptcy/business closure system in 2009.


20. Azerbaijan has not yet developed effective incentives to
attract foreign investment, other than the incentives provided by
Production Sharing Agreements in the oil and gas sector; however a
special economic zone law has been crafted and presented to
Parliament and is expected to be enacted in 2009. Performance
requirements are not imposed on new investment, but investors who
participate in the privatization process of enterprises often assume
specific obligations regarding future investment and employment.
Foreign investors are not required to purchase from local sources or
export a certain percentage of output. Except for those state
monopolies identified above, there is no requirement that nationals
own shares in enterprises. Investors in PSAs assume obligations and
requirements as provided within the PSA.

21. There are no legal requirements for employment of host country
nationals. Employers wishing to hire foreign workers in Azerbaijan
must obtain a license from the Ministry of Labor. Foreigners who
wish to work in Azerbaijan must register with local authorities at
their place of residence and obtain work permits from the Ministry
of Labor. Heads of representative offices and branches of foreign
legal entities and their deputies do not require work permits. In
2008, the Government introduced a work permit regime for all
immigrant employees. Unfortunately, due to a lack of transparency
and printed fee schedule, there are


22. Under Azerbaijani law, foreign investors may engage in
investment activities not prohibited by law. Private entities may
freely establish, acquire, and dispose of interests in business
enterprises. In practice, access to markets, credit and other
business operations is often impeded by licensing and other
regulatory requirements and by politically connected business
interests that can mobilize the powers of the state to their
advantage. In sectors of interest to certain senior government and
political figures, competition is actively impeded through
administrative barriers.

23. Legislation regulating real property rights include the Law on
Mortgage (2005),Land Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1999),the
Law on Land Reform (1996),the Law on Land Leasing (1999),and the
Law on Land Market (1999). New laws on collateral and cadastral law
have been drafted which would significantly strengthen creditor
rights, and improve the transparency and fluidity with which markets
for real and moveable property function. Azerbaijani citizens and
Azerbaijani legal entities, including enterprises with foreign
investment, can legally own, buy, sell, and trade property. Foreign
citizens and enterprises may lease, but cannot own, land.


24. Secured interests in property, both movable and real, are
technically recognized. While the Government, together with World

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Bank, has been working to improve the property registration system,
the system is filled with bureaucratic requirements and is generally
seen as corrupt and inefficient. In 2006, the Government centralized
processing of residential real estate transactions through a network
of notary offices under the Ministry of Justice.

25. In the mid-1990s, Azerbaijan began implementing a national
system for registering and protecting intellectual property rights
with the assistance of the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO),of which it is a member. Azerbaijan enacted improved
copyright legislation (Law on Copyright and Related Rights) in 1996,
patent legislation (Law on Patents) in 1997, and trademark
protection legislation (Law on Trademarks and Geographic Names) in

1998. Azerbaijan is a party to the Convention Establishing the
World Intellectual Property Organization, the Paris Convention for
Protection of Industrial Property, and the Berne Convention for the
Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Azerbaijan is also a
party to the Geneva Phonograms Convention, and acceded to the two
WIPO Internet treaties in 2005.

26. The State Copyright Agency has formed an anti-piracy
commission, with representatives from various ministries. While the
Agency has made some progress by conducting raids and initiating
civil court proceedings for violation of copyrights, in practice,
there is limited enforcement of intellectual property rights.
Pirated software and movies, as well as knock-off clothing and
luxury items, are widely available in Azerbaijan. Shortcomings in
its intellectual property rights laws and enforcement thereof
resulted in Azerbaijan remaining on the U.S. Special 301 Watch List
from 2000 to 2005. Improvements in IPR enforcement allowed
Azerbaijan's removal from the list in 2006. As part of its WTO
accession program, Azerbaijan has recently developed a range of
WTO-consistent IPR legal and regulatory reforms, which could
significantly strengthen IPR rights and enforcement protections.


27. Although the Azerbaijani government has improved its regulatory
system in the past several years, lack of transparency and
allegations of corruption remain key problems in this area. The
lack of transparent policies and effective laws to establish clear
rules and foster competition are particularly serious impediments to
investment. Informal bureaucratic control mechanisms often impede
with application of laws and regulations and hinder competition.

28. While laws and decrees are usually published in one of the
country's official newspapers, implementation is often delayed while
regulations are developed. Those regulations in many cases are not
published or distributed. In 2008, the government began a concerted
effort to improve the transparency and predictability of the
business regulatory environment with the assistance of USAID and the
WB/IFC. This is reflected in the well publish progress made in the
World Bank's 2009 Doing Business rankings. The major areas of
improvement included establishing a one-stop shop for business
registration, streamlining property registration and transfer
procedures, automation of key tax administration processes,
broadened coverage of the credit registry system, and improved
corporate governance guidelines. Significant areas for improvement
remain, including customs operations, business closure, and business
permitting systems; however Azerbaijan announced in fall 2008 its
plan to establish a one-stop shop for customs entry/clearance in


29. Azerbaijan has announced plans to adopt 29 national accounting
standards to be in-line with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) by 2009. Audited financial statements have only
been adopted in banking and finance, where foreign ownership is most


30. As of December 2007, there were 43 banks in Azerbaijan. The
banking sector is dominated by the International Bank of Azerbaijan
(IBA),which controls more than 50 percent of the banking sector.
Foreign ownership in the banking sector is limited to 50 percent on
an aggregate basis. There are 18 banks with foreign capital. As of
November 2007, Moody's Weighted Average Bank Financial Strength
Rating for Azerbaijan was "E+".

31. According to the National Bank of Azerbaijan (NBA),as of
December 2007, total assets of the Azerbaijan banking system were
about 7 billion USD. Total capital of banks grew by 77 percent and
reached AZN 1 billion as of December 1, 2007. Deposits grew by 39
percent and reached AZN 3100 million. Azerbaijan in 2007 established
the National Depository Insurance Fund, which, as of December 2007,
has 37 banking members.

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32. The NBA has taken steps to improve bank supervision, and
reduced capital requirements in December 2008 in response to the
global financial crisis. A presidential decree required
installation of point of sale (POS) terminals in all shops within
two years beginning in January 2006. Despite some progress in
installation of POS terminals, the vast majority of stores and
restaurants do not carry POS terminals or, if they do, avoid running
card transactions to minimize taxation. The Baku Interbank Currency
Exchange (BICEX) carries out interbank auctions of foreign exchange.
Treasury bill auctions are conducted by the Baku Stock Exchange,
which was established in 2000. Overall the securities market
remains as a very nascent stage of development.

33. In November 2008, Fitch Ratings affirmed Azerbaijan's long-term
issuer default rating as BB+ with a stable outlook. In July 2008
Moody's Investor Service raised its outlook on Azerbaijan's Ba1
issuer rating from stable to positive.


34. There have been no acts of political violence against U.S.
businesses or assets, nor against any foreign-owned entity. The risk
of political violence affecting foreign investors remains minimal.
In 2006 and 2007, the Azerbaijani authorities arrested two separate
groups that were accused of plotting terrorist acts against Western
interests. Police periodically use force to disperse unauthorized
demonstrations or spontaneous acts of public discontent; police also
used force to break up a peaceful protest during the January 2009
conflict in Gaza.


35. Corruption is a significant deterrent to investment in
Azerbaijan, especially in the non-energy sector. Laws and
regulations that exist to combat corruption have not been
effectively enforced. A new anti-corruption law came into force in
January 2005. Under the terms of the law, a new commission has the
authority to require full financial disclosure from government
officials. However, Azerbaijan made little progress on
implementation of this law. The Azerbaijani government recognizes
that corruption is a problem, although it frequently disagrees with
the results of international rankings produced by groups such as
Transparency International. According to Transparency
International, the situation in Azerbaijan worsened in 2008 and the
country ranked 157th out of 163 countries, compared to 130th in

2006. Popular opinions identify the State Customs Committee as the
institution of greatest concern of businesses in Azerbaijan,
followed by the Ministry of Taxation. Corruption appears most
pervasive in the regulatory, tax and dispute settlement systems.
Throughout the country, problems in the quality, reliability and
transparency of governance, as well as abuse of the regulatory
system and poor contract enforcement, significantly impede the
ability of many companies to do business in Azerbaijan and have
driven many companies, including some major Western firms, from the

36. In the past several years, politically connected businesses
appear to have benefited from government regulatory and other
decisions to achieve effective control over several lucrative
sectors of the economy, and U.S. investors have been among those
victimized. Currently, powerful state-owned enterprises, such as
the Azerbaijan State Caspian Shipping Company (CASPAR) and the State
Airlines (AZAL),have protected their commercial interests by
blocking entrance of new entrants into the market through the
exercise of their regulatory authority -- a clear conflict of
interest. A focus of current international community work in
Azerbaijan is combating corruption and improving governance. In
2004, Azerbaijan joined the Council of Europe's Group of States
against Corruption (GRECO),but Azerbaijan is not a signatory to the
OECD Convention on Combating Bribery.

37. In 2004, Azerbaijan adopted an implementation plan for the
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to promote more
transparent management of oil revenues.


38. On October 18, 2000, the U.S. Senate ratified the Treaty
between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan Concerning the
Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment (commonly
known as a "Bilateral Investment Treaty" (BIT). Azerbaijan and the
U.S. exchanged instruments of ratification on July 3, 2001, and the
treaty entered into force on August 2, 2001.

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39. In addition to the above agreement, Azerbaijan has bilateral
investment protection agreements with the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia,
Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Libya,
Moldova, Pakistan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE,
Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.


40. OPIC provided USD 100 million in political risk insurance to
U.S.-based financial institutions and U.S. equity partners in the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. In 2002, OPIC invested USD 50
million in Soros Investment Capital for projects targeted to all
three Caucasus countries. OPIC also disbursed a USD 4.6 million loan
to Caucasus Airlines, a regional air carrier based in Tbilisi.
Caucasus Airlines ceased operations in late 2004 after a dispute
arose with Azerbaijan's state air carrier AZAL over terms on the
Baku-Tbilisi route. In 2005, OPIC provided financing to Baku Oil
Tools for a joint venture with the State Oil Company, SOCAR. In
2006, OPIC provided USD 7.5 million to ShoreBank International Ltd
for SME and mortgage loan portfolio expansion in Azerbaijan.

41. In March 2004, the Export-Import Bank of the United States
(Ex-Im Bank) provided a USD 19.3 million loan guarantee to Saba,
Inc., a mid-sized U.S. company, for engineering, design, and
construction services to build a business and residential center in


42. Azerbaijan has an abundant supply of qualified, trained
technicians and skilled and unskilled laborers at attractive rates
to employers. At the same time, companies cite increasing problems
with hiring skilled professional staff, which could be result of a
decline in quality education and labor emigration. The collapse of
the old Soviet industrial sector in this country during the 1990s
resulted in large numbers of Azerbaijanis becoming unemployed or
underemployed. Government sources estimate the rate of unemployment
at seven percent, but other sources quote up to twenty percent or
more, with underemployment much higher. The Government has
announced plans to increase the minimum monthly wage increased from
AZN 60 to AZN 84 in 2009. A Labor Code that took effect in 1999
regulates labor relations. The workweek is generally forty hours,
the right to strike exists, and industrial strikes occur
occasionally. Azerbaijan is a member of the International Labor
Organization and has ratified more than 50 ILO Conventions.
Azerbaijan is currently engaged with the World Bank in a program to
reform the state pension system.


43. Although the government announced in 2003 its intention to
create special economic zones, there are currently no foreign trade
zones or free ports operating. The Ministry of Economic Development
has announced plans to create a special economic zone near a new
Caspian port to be completed in 2012. The Ministry of Communication
and Information Technologies has conducted a feasibility study to
create Regional Innovation Zones with an aim to boost development of
the sector and to turn Azerbaijan into a regional information and
communication technology hub.


44. Below numbers are the latest available from the State
Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan:

Investments (million USD)
2004 2005 2006 2007
TOTAL INVESTMENTS 5922.7 6669.6 8137.8
Foreign Investment 4575.5 4444.3 5052.8 5160.0
Domestic Investments 1347.2 2225.3 3085

FDI (million USD)

2004 2005 2006 2007
TOTAL 4575.5 4444.3 5052.8 5160.0
Foreign Companies
and Joint Ventures 104.2 230.5 368.4 276.9
Turkey 80.1 96.2 136.6 78.8
USA 8.4 24.8 70 48.1
Iran - 1.2 17.5 2.8
Germany 2.1 21.5 17.4 19.5
Russia 1.8 5.1 4.6 9.6

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United Kingdom 4.2 39.5 39.1 70.5
UAE 4.4 5.7 18.3 10.2
France 2.2 2.6 11.1 4.0
Italy - 4.6 2.8 7.0

45. Major Foreign Investors:
Significant foreign investors in the energy sector include BP,
Unocal, ExxonMobil, Devon Energy (Pennzoil),TPAO, Statoil, Lukoil,
Itochu, Agip, ChevronTexaco, ENI, Halliburton, Schlumberger,
Kvaerner, and Aker Maritime (Technip-Coflexip). Significant
non-energy investments include Garadagh Cement, Castel (brewery),
Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Azercell (mobile telephony),Bakcell (mobile
telephony),Azerfon (mobile telephony),and Hyatt Hotels Baku.


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