2009-04-15 14:07:00
Embassy Baku
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BAKU 000306
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/15/2019
Classified By: Ambassador Anne E. Derse
Reasons 1.4 (b, d)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BAKU 000306
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/15/2019
Classified By: Ambassador Anne E. Derse
Reasons 1.4 (b, d)
1. (C) Summary: The Ambassador met April 1 with the somewhat
reclusive new Minister of Economic Development Shahin
Mustafayev to discuss ongoing commercial and economic
cooperation, including WTO accession. Mustafayev presented a
very favorable assessment of Azerbaijan,s economy and
suggested that the business climate is already very good,
while complaining about trade restrictions associated with
Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act. The Ambassador said
that the U.S. Embassy and USAID would continue to support
Azerbaijan,s WTO efforts, in line with President Aliyev,s
objectives, and awaits revised goods and services offers.
Mustafayev said initial work should be done by mid-April and
that his ministry is preparing a legislative action plan.
The Ambassador encouraged Mustafayev to continue reform
efforts on public investment, including cost/benefit
analysis, and pressed for additional cooperation on
Azerbaijan,s draft competition law. Mustafayev expressed
appreciation for USAID training and emphasized President
Aliyev,s goals for development in the regions, including
additional support for small- and medium-sized enterprises.
End Summary
2. (C) The Ambassador met April 1 with Minister of Economic
Development Shahin Mustafayev to discuss WTO accession,
reform efforts and assistance projects. Mustafayev, in turn,
raised GOAJ concerns about Section 907 of the Freedom Support
Act, calling for it to be repealed. Describing ongoing
differences about Section 907 as "regrettable,8 the Minister
repeated a common GOAJ talking point of late: the U.S.
Government,s annual waiver of the provision is insufficient
and unbalanced. Given a high level of strategic cooperation
between the two governments, he said, Section 907 must be
3. (C) Minister Mustafayev presented a highly favorable
assessment of Azerbaijan,s economy. Despite the worldwide
crisis, he reported that GDP, on an annual basis, is growing
at 3.4 percent, with growth in non-energy sectors ) namely
agriculture ) reaching 14 percent. Domestic and foreign
investment combined is increasing by 27 percent, with imports
rising by 30 percent. Average salaries have surged by 26
percent, reaching USD 360 per month on average. President
Aliyev, he said, continues to favor development of non-energy
sectors, and is pleased by developments in agriculture.
Azerbaijan,s 2004-2008 five-year plan came to completion in
December, with new roads, power plants, hospitals, schools
and cultural centers constructed. Nearly 750,000 new jobs
were created during the period. &I could go on and on
speaking of Azerbaijan,s achievements,8 the Minister said.
WTO Accession
4. (C) The Ambassador said that President Aliyev has said
publicly that he is committed to Azerbaijan,s accession to
WTO, and noted that while tremendous progress has been made
in recent years, a final push is necessary on Azerbaijan,s
side to realize this goal. WTO accession, she said, would
spur economic growth, particularly in non-energy sectors and
among small and medium-sized enterprises. A USAID-funded
study, which was shared with the Ministry, concluded that WTO
membership would add 2.5 percentage points to annual growth.
Still, Azerbaijan must produce further legal and regulatory
changes, including a second legislative action plan, to keep
up momentum. The USG also is awaiting revised goods and
services offers. The USG stands ready to offer additional
technical assistance on legal and regulatory reform to the
GOAJ. Under a co-financing agreement, subsequently signed by
the Minister of Finance, the GOAJ would contribute USD 3
million this year to support WTO accession.
5. (C) Minister Mustafayev said that Azerbaijan,s political
objective has not changed ) WTO accession is a priority )
and the GOAJ appreciates the assistance of USAID. The
Ministry is now preparing answers to questions raised at
multi-party talks in Geneva in December. That exercise
should be completed by mid- to late-April. Azerbaijan is
developing a legislative action plan, and the Ministry is
enhancing staff to speed up the WTO accession process. At
the same time, he warned, Azerbaijan worries that hasty
accession might threaten development of the agricultural
BAKU 00000306 002 OF 003
sector. &We want WTO,8 the Minister said, &but we cannot
undermine the achievements that we have already made.8
Mustafayev also expressed concern about some countries that
are acting to protect markets in the face of the global
economic crisis.
Public Investment
6. (C) The Ambassador noted USAID support for the Ministry,s
efforts to improve cost/benefit analysis for publicly funded
infrastructure projects and other big-ticket budget items and
encouraged additional reforms. She applauded the
establishment of the Ministry,s new Public Investment
Department and noted that more than 100 civil servants have
been trained in cost/benefit analysis principles. USAID
began an intensive 8-week training program on cost/benefit
March 30, and three Ministry staff members are enrolled. She
suggested that the Ministry now finalize and pass to the
Cabinet of Ministers a comprehensive draft public investment
decree, which would mandate rigorous cost/benefit standards
for all new large-scale projects, with appropriate
monitoring. Mustafayev said that previous practice in this
regard was not based on legislation or regulation, but rather
project specific instructions from the Cabinet of Ministers.
He noted that the President had called for a project
monitoring plan. The Minister expressed appreciation for
USAID,s support for training and suggested that domestic and
international experts gather regularly to discuss issues.
Business Environment
7. (C) The Ambassador said that Azerbaijan needs to build on
last year,s success, as highlighted in the World Bank,s
Doing Business report, and continue efforts to improve the
business climate. Several prominent U.S. companies, she
noted, have not been able to complete deals in Azerbaijan.
&Our commercial relationship needs to be further
developed,8 she said. The U.S. Government granted
Azerbaijan an advantageous trade status through the
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) late last year. She
highlighted three areas for additional cooperation:
Azerbaijan,s competition law, which is approaching its third
and final reading in parliament; the investment law; and the
bankruptcy law. The USG also stands ready to help Azerbaijan
with its new Investment Promotion Agency.
8. (C) Mustafayev said that his ministry,s Legal Department
should be the main point of contact for U.S. Embassy and
USAID comments on the competition law. Otherwise, he said,
Azerbaijan already has a favorable business environment, with
existing investors who are &comfortable and happy.8 Still,
there is work to do on the investment law. The Minister has
embarked on a mission to explain GSP to Azerbaijani
businessmen, and the Ministry may establish a hot-line to
support entrepreneurs. The Ministry has already set up
Business Training Centers, because it understands that small
businessmen do not know how to prepare business plans and
draft budgets.
Development of the Regions
9. (C) The U.S. Embassy and USAID are committed to supporting
President Aliyev,s plans for rapidly accelerating regional
socio-economic and non-oil sector development, the Ambassador
said. The Ministry of Finance has received authorization to
sign a USD 45 million Co-Financing Agreement with USAID
(subsequently signed),of which USD 14 million will be
directed to programs in this area. These issues could be
further explored at the next meeting of the Economic
Partnership Commission, which is tentatively slated to
convene in Baku this summer. Mustafayev acknowledged the
President,s priorities, and encouraged USAID to touch base
with the Ministry,s National Fund for Entrepreneurs. This
fund, he said, would work with the banking sector to extend
credits of up to USD 150 million to small businesses in 2009.
Additionally, he noted, Azerbaijan is negotiating with the
World Bank on a USD 100 million plan for development of
small- and medium-sized enterprises. Moreover, Azerbaijan,s
State Investment Company recently signed an agreement with
Kuwait on SME support.
BAKU 00000306 003 OF 003
10. (C) The Ambassador,s meeting with Mustafayev, who took
the helm at the Ministry in November 2008, covered much
ground, but was less than reassuring on some fronts. The
Minister, who has gained a reputation in Baku for being a
micro-manager and workaholic, appeared to have his staff on
pins and needles, and regularly flipped through a thick,
color-coded briefing book during the discussion. Moreover,
his long discussion of Azerbaijan,s many &achievements8
and a recitation of impressive, but unconfirmed economic
statistics, positioned him more as an old style bureaucrat or
technocrat than a reform-oriented mover and shaker like his
predecessor Heydar Babayev (who told the Ambassador
sarcastically that Mustafayev had been selected to succeed
him because "he can't make a decision," but was good at
crafting positive statistics.) The rumor mill in Baku
suggests at Mustafayev is a confidant of omnipresent
politician and businessman Kamalladin Heydarov, who currently
serves as Minister of Emergency Situations. To some extent,
at least, administrative paralysis has set in at the
Ministry, as Mustafayev replaces top officials. On the
positive side, Mustafayev repeated several times that he
appreciated the USG's support on economic reform and
development, including WTO, and he authorized his staff --
who has been reluctant under his new leadership to work as
closely with us as they have in the past -- to now engage
directly with USAID on existing and planned new projects.
His actions in coming months, particularly on WTO accession,
will be telling.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/15/2019
Classified By: Ambassador Anne E. Derse
Reasons 1.4 (b, d)
1. (C) Summary: The Ambassador met April 1 with the somewhat
reclusive new Minister of Economic Development Shahin
Mustafayev to discuss ongoing commercial and economic
cooperation, including WTO accession. Mustafayev presented a
very favorable assessment of Azerbaijan,s economy and
suggested that the business climate is already very good,
while complaining about trade restrictions associated with
Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act. The Ambassador said
that the U.S. Embassy and USAID would continue to support
Azerbaijan,s WTO efforts, in line with President Aliyev,s
objectives, and awaits revised goods and services offers.
Mustafayev said initial work should be done by mid-April and
that his ministry is preparing a legislative action plan.
The Ambassador encouraged Mustafayev to continue reform
efforts on public investment, including cost/benefit
analysis, and pressed for additional cooperation on
Azerbaijan,s draft competition law. Mustafayev expressed
appreciation for USAID training and emphasized President
Aliyev,s goals for development in the regions, including
additional support for small- and medium-sized enterprises.
End Summary
2. (C) The Ambassador met April 1 with Minister of Economic
Development Shahin Mustafayev to discuss WTO accession,
reform efforts and assistance projects. Mustafayev, in turn,
raised GOAJ concerns about Section 907 of the Freedom Support
Act, calling for it to be repealed. Describing ongoing
differences about Section 907 as "regrettable,8 the Minister
repeated a common GOAJ talking point of late: the U.S.
Government,s annual waiver of the provision is insufficient
and unbalanced. Given a high level of strategic cooperation
between the two governments, he said, Section 907 must be
3. (C) Minister Mustafayev presented a highly favorable
assessment of Azerbaijan,s economy. Despite the worldwide
crisis, he reported that GDP, on an annual basis, is growing
at 3.4 percent, with growth in non-energy sectors ) namely
agriculture ) reaching 14 percent. Domestic and foreign
investment combined is increasing by 27 percent, with imports
rising by 30 percent. Average salaries have surged by 26
percent, reaching USD 360 per month on average. President
Aliyev, he said, continues to favor development of non-energy
sectors, and is pleased by developments in agriculture.
Azerbaijan,s 2004-2008 five-year plan came to completion in
December, with new roads, power plants, hospitals, schools
and cultural centers constructed. Nearly 750,000 new jobs
were created during the period. &I could go on and on
speaking of Azerbaijan,s achievements,8 the Minister said.
WTO Accession
4. (C) The Ambassador said that President Aliyev has said
publicly that he is committed to Azerbaijan,s accession to
WTO, and noted that while tremendous progress has been made
in recent years, a final push is necessary on Azerbaijan,s
side to realize this goal. WTO accession, she said, would
spur economic growth, particularly in non-energy sectors and
among small and medium-sized enterprises. A USAID-funded
study, which was shared with the Ministry, concluded that WTO
membership would add 2.5 percentage points to annual growth.
Still, Azerbaijan must produce further legal and regulatory
changes, including a second legislative action plan, to keep
up momentum. The USG also is awaiting revised goods and
services offers. The USG stands ready to offer additional
technical assistance on legal and regulatory reform to the
GOAJ. Under a co-financing agreement, subsequently signed by
the Minister of Finance, the GOAJ would contribute USD 3
million this year to support WTO accession.
5. (C) Minister Mustafayev said that Azerbaijan,s political
objective has not changed ) WTO accession is a priority )
and the GOAJ appreciates the assistance of USAID. The
Ministry is now preparing answers to questions raised at
multi-party talks in Geneva in December. That exercise
should be completed by mid- to late-April. Azerbaijan is
developing a legislative action plan, and the Ministry is
enhancing staff to speed up the WTO accession process. At
the same time, he warned, Azerbaijan worries that hasty
accession might threaten development of the agricultural
BAKU 00000306 002 OF 003
sector. &We want WTO,8 the Minister said, &but we cannot
undermine the achievements that we have already made.8
Mustafayev also expressed concern about some countries that
are acting to protect markets in the face of the global
economic crisis.
Public Investment
6. (C) The Ambassador noted USAID support for the Ministry,s
efforts to improve cost/benefit analysis for publicly funded
infrastructure projects and other big-ticket budget items and
encouraged additional reforms. She applauded the
establishment of the Ministry,s new Public Investment
Department and noted that more than 100 civil servants have
been trained in cost/benefit analysis principles. USAID
began an intensive 8-week training program on cost/benefit
March 30, and three Ministry staff members are enrolled. She
suggested that the Ministry now finalize and pass to the
Cabinet of Ministers a comprehensive draft public investment
decree, which would mandate rigorous cost/benefit standards
for all new large-scale projects, with appropriate
monitoring. Mustafayev said that previous practice in this
regard was not based on legislation or regulation, but rather
project specific instructions from the Cabinet of Ministers.
He noted that the President had called for a project
monitoring plan. The Minister expressed appreciation for
USAID,s support for training and suggested that domestic and
international experts gather regularly to discuss issues.
Business Environment
7. (C) The Ambassador said that Azerbaijan needs to build on
last year,s success, as highlighted in the World Bank,s
Doing Business report, and continue efforts to improve the
business climate. Several prominent U.S. companies, she
noted, have not been able to complete deals in Azerbaijan.
&Our commercial relationship needs to be further
developed,8 she said. The U.S. Government granted
Azerbaijan an advantageous trade status through the
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) late last year. She
highlighted three areas for additional cooperation:
Azerbaijan,s competition law, which is approaching its third
and final reading in parliament; the investment law; and the
bankruptcy law. The USG also stands ready to help Azerbaijan
with its new Investment Promotion Agency.
8. (C) Mustafayev said that his ministry,s Legal Department
should be the main point of contact for U.S. Embassy and
USAID comments on the competition law. Otherwise, he said,
Azerbaijan already has a favorable business environment, with
existing investors who are &comfortable and happy.8 Still,
there is work to do on the investment law. The Minister has
embarked on a mission to explain GSP to Azerbaijani
businessmen, and the Ministry may establish a hot-line to
support entrepreneurs. The Ministry has already set up
Business Training Centers, because it understands that small
businessmen do not know how to prepare business plans and
draft budgets.
Development of the Regions
9. (C) The U.S. Embassy and USAID are committed to supporting
President Aliyev,s plans for rapidly accelerating regional
socio-economic and non-oil sector development, the Ambassador
said. The Ministry of Finance has received authorization to
sign a USD 45 million Co-Financing Agreement with USAID
(subsequently signed),of which USD 14 million will be
directed to programs in this area. These issues could be
further explored at the next meeting of the Economic
Partnership Commission, which is tentatively slated to
convene in Baku this summer. Mustafayev acknowledged the
President,s priorities, and encouraged USAID to touch base
with the Ministry,s National Fund for Entrepreneurs. This
fund, he said, would work with the banking sector to extend
credits of up to USD 150 million to small businesses in 2009.
Additionally, he noted, Azerbaijan is negotiating with the
World Bank on a USD 100 million plan for development of
small- and medium-sized enterprises. Moreover, Azerbaijan,s
State Investment Company recently signed an agreement with
Kuwait on SME support.
BAKU 00000306 003 OF 003
10. (C) The Ambassador,s meeting with Mustafayev, who took
the helm at the Ministry in November 2008, covered much
ground, but was less than reassuring on some fronts. The
Minister, who has gained a reputation in Baku for being a
micro-manager and workaholic, appeared to have his staff on
pins and needles, and regularly flipped through a thick,
color-coded briefing book during the discussion. Moreover,
his long discussion of Azerbaijan,s many &achievements8
and a recitation of impressive, but unconfirmed economic
statistics, positioned him more as an old style bureaucrat or
technocrat than a reform-oriented mover and shaker like his
predecessor Heydar Babayev (who told the Ambassador
sarcastically that Mustafayev had been selected to succeed
him because "he can't make a decision," but was good at
crafting positive statistics.) The rumor mill in Baku
suggests at Mustafayev is a confidant of omnipresent
politician and businessman Kamalladin Heydarov, who currently
serves as Minister of Emergency Situations. To some extent,
at least, administrative paralysis has set in at the
Ministry, as Mustafayev replaces top officials. On the
positive side, Mustafayev repeated several times that he
appreciated the USG's support on economic reform and
development, including WTO, and he authorized his staff --
who has been reluctant under his new leadership to work as
closely with us as they have in the past -- to now engage
directly with USAID on existing and planned new projects.
His actions in coming months, particularly on WTO accession,
will be telling.