2008-07-08 01:20:00
Embassy Tokyo
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1) Top headlines
2) Editorials
3) Prime Minister's G-8 Summit schedule (Nikkei)
G-8 Summit diplomacy:
4) First day of Hokkaido Toyako Summit focuses on Africa aid
5) Japan's proactive stance toward African assistance motivated by
desire for UNSC permanent seat, securing natural resources (Nikkei)
6) Japan's African contribution lacks a human presence, with PKO
strategy going nowhere (Sankei)
7) Prime Minister Fukuda, as chair of the Toyako Summit, faces
difficult task of persuading U.S. to accept long-term target for
greenhouse gas reduction (Sankei)
8) Coordination for setting a long-term target for reduction of
greenhouse gases reaching final stage, but setting the base year may
slip (Nikkei)
9) Summit's joint statement on terrorism to denounce abductions
10) G-8 leaders all offer written hopes for the future on Tanabata
Festival tree (Asahi)
11) Fukuda has bilateral meetings with South African president and
other leaders (Yomiuri)
12) Fukuda in meetings with British, German leaders confirms
cooperation on climate change policy (Asahi)
Korean Peninsula issues:
13) Tokyo Shimbun's exclusive interview with ROK President Lee:
Promises cooperation on resolving abduction issue (Tokyo Shimbun)
14) Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura says next U.S. administration
will back Japan on the abduction issue, as well (Mainichi)
15) Urgent meeting of association of families of abductees calls for
public to raise voices in support of resolving abduction issue
16) Overseas rush of Japanese lawmakers: 150 over next couple of
months (Yomiuri)
Defense and security:
17) Plan readied in outline to dispose of Self-Defense Forces stock
of cluster munitions next fiscal year under international agreement
18) Final report on Defense Ministry reform bogs down (Mainichi)
19) Influential LDP lawmaker Makoto Koga sees Diet dissolution and a
snap election either next January or next spring (Nikkei)
African leaders urge G-8 to step up assistance to deal with soaring
food prices
Mainichi & Sankei:
G-8 agrees to expand assistance to Africa
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G-8 vows coordinated assistance on food, farm technology for Africa
G-8 to include call for ending food export restrictions in
Tokyo Shimbun:
ROK President Lee: Leaders of Japan, China, South Korea will discuss
environmental issues in September
African leaders urge G-8 to resolve rising food prices
(1) Zimbabwe: President Mugabe's oppression cannot be ignored
(2) Reform of archive system: Make Kasumigaseki transparent
(1) G-8 Toyako Summit: Make the G-8 summit starting point for
African self-reliance
(2) Teacher hiring scandal: Thorough investigation necessary to
teach students morals
(1) G-8 summit: Cooperation vital to control food prices
(2) Dispatch of day workers: Calm discussion needed before stepping
up restrictions
(1) G-8 must respond to anxiety of financial markets
(2) Strengthening taxi regulations questionable
(1) Assistance for Africa: Need to shift policy from quantity to
(2) Teacher hiring scandal: End collusion
Tokyo Shimbun:
(1) G-8 Toyako Summit: Africa first test for G-8
(2) Convenience stores' voluntary closing during late night hours:
Good chance to reconsider lifestyles
(1) Crime committed by former Japan Highway Public Co. vice
president: Amakudari must be banned in order also to eradicate bid
3) Prime Minister's Official Residence (Kantei)
Prime Minister's schedule, July 7
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Met with British Prime Minister Brown at the Windsor Hotel Toya.
Met with German Chancellor Merkel.
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Working lunch with participants from G-8 nations, various African
nations and international agencies. Photo session.
Meetings with leaders of G-8 nations, African countries and
international agencies.
Met with Sough African President Mbeki.
Met with Algerian President Bouteflika, followed by Nigerian
President Yar'Adua.
Summit reception.
Dinner party hosted by him and his wife. Stayed the hotel overnight.
4) G-8 to coordinate assistance on food, farm technology for Africa
YOMIURI (Top Play) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
The leaders of the Group of Eight summit and seven African countries
took part in an "extended talks" yesterday afternoon. They exchanged
views on the serious impact of soaring global food and oil prices on
African countries. The African leaders expressed strong concern
about the soaring prices and urged the G-8 leaders to strengthen
their assistance that would lead to improving the productivity of
agricultural products, as well as to display leadership in curbing
prices through talks with oil-producing countries, including the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). In response,
the G-8 leaders vowed a policy of providing African countries with
agricultural assistance.
At the beginning of the conference, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda,
chair of the G-8 summit, briefed the members on Japan's policy of
doubling its official development assistance (ODA) to Africa by
2012, which he had promised in the fourth round of the Tokyo
International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) held in
May in Yokohama. One African leader voiced appreciation, saying: "I
highly value that Japan fulfilled leadership in doubling investment,
focusing on infrastructure improvement."
5) Japan plays up pro-Africa policy, eyeing UNSC permanent seat,
abundant resources
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
In expanded talks participated by the leaders of the Group of Eight
(G-8) nations and African countries yesterday, Prime Minister Yasuo
Fukuda underscored his eagerness to help African development. Behind
this approach is a desire to win support from African countries, a
strong voting base in the United Nations, for Japan's bid for a
permanent seat on the UN Security Council. But Japan's conventional
aid-oriented diplomatic approach is facing financial difficulties.
Representatives from African countries also presented requests and
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complaints of the present state of assistant measures pledged by the
G-8 nations.
The expanded talks lasted for about three hours starting from around
13:00. Delivering a speech at the outset of the talks, Fukuda,
taking advantage of his role as the chair of the G-8 Summit,
explained Japan's assistant measures for Africa. He said: "Japan
plans to double official development assistance (ODA) disbursements
to the region by 2012. The government will also advance assistance
programs that will lead to doubling private direct investment."
Fukuda briefed on the assistance measures he pledged to implement in
the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in
late May and then said: "Based on these measures, Japan would like
to help Africa develop in cooperation with you." African leaders
expressed their gratitude, with one participant saying: "I offer my
thanks to you for inviting us to the Lake Toya Summit. TICAD ended
in great success."
As the talks proceeded, however, one request after another was
presented from African leaders. They posed questions about the state
of implementation of the aid plans pledged (by the G-8 nations).
They complained that some of the plans committed to by the G-8
nations have ended up as just lip service.
Fukuda met separately with African leaders, including South African
President Thabo Mubeki, after the expanded talks. Mubeki told Fukuda
in the meeting: "We want you to hold a follow-up discussion (on the
pledged aid) with the other G-8 leaders."
Some representatives from Africa expressed hope for Japan's
technological cooperation. Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
stressed in a meeting with Fukuda: "Our nation has natural
resources, so we can form a full partnership with other countries.
We want to learn Japan's technologies and know what brought success
to Japan." Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua indicated his
enthusiasm to lure Japanese companies into his country, remarking:
"We are making efforts to create an environment for investment. In
particular, we would like to improve public security on a priority
There are two major reasons Japan spent many hours to emphasize its
pro-Africa policy on the first day of the summit. One is a desire to
win over African votes for its bid for a UNSC permanent seat.
Another is to secure abundant resources in Africa by deepening
relations with the region.
6) Japan's PKO strategy going nowhere
SANKEI (Page 5) (Abridged)
July 8, 2008
Poverty drives civil wars and tribal disputes in Africa. Prime
Minister Yasuo Fukuda advocated his "peace cooperative nation"
initiative in his January policy before the Diet, clarifying Japan's
stance of contributing to the international community in the area of
United Nations peacekeeping operations. The Group of Eight (G-8),
now in session with its leaders meeting at Lake Toya in Hokkaido,
discussed aid to Africa in its expanded meeting held yesterday.
However, there was no scene to allow Fukuda to display his
leadership on the issue of building peace.
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The government plans to send two persons this September from the
Self-Defense Forces to the headquarters of the United Nations
Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) deployed in the southern part of Sudan in
Africa. Japan will participate in PKO in Africa for the first time
in 13 years since the SDF sent personnel to the headquarters of
United Nations Operations in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) in 1993-1995.
Fukuda began early this year to study where to send SDF personnel
for Japan's PKO contribution. The area on his mind was Africa, which
was expected to be on the agenda for the G-8 summit. Then, the
government, centering on the Foreign Ministry, chose Sudan, where
most of the G-8 members have sent troops to settle the Darfur war,
which is called the worst crisis to humanity in history.
The Foreign Ministry explored the possibility of sending Ground
Self-Defense Force engineering troops to the southern part of Sudan
for such missions as repairing roads and removing landmines. With
the G-8 summit timetabled, the Foreign Ministry pushed ahead with
its idea of sending GSDF members to Sudan. This, however, upset the
Defense Ministry, which was concerned about how to ensure the safety
of GSDF members. Subsequently, the government forwent its GSDF
dispatch plan for the time being. Instead, the government decided to
send personnel to UNMIS headquarters in Sudan's capital city of
This course of action was finalized within the government on June
26, with the G-8 summit soon to open. On June 30, Fukuda met with
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. On that occasion, Fukuda told
Ban that Japan would send SDF personnel to UNMIS headquarters.
However, Ban urged Fukuda to send SDF troops to Sudan, suggesting
the need for Japan to step up the SDF's role in the areas of
airlift, land transportation, and supply.
7) Lake Toya Summit: Japan, host nation, at crucial juncture in
persuading U.S. over long-term target for cutting greenhouse gas
SANKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
Participants in the G-8 summit (Lake Toya Summit in Hokkaido) will
today discuss global warming measures. Since Japan will lead
discussions on a post-Kyoto Protocol framework for preventing global
warming from 2013, it is being called upon to achieve progress. The
focus of discussions is how to deal with the long-term goal of
cutting global greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050.
Prime Minister Fukuda intends to persuade the U.S. to agree on this
goal. However, Chairman Connaughton of the U.S. government's Council
on Environmental Quality yesterday said, "Cutting greenhouse gas
emissions is an issue for all major economies." As such, since the
U.S. remains cautious about the idea of setting a long-term goal, it
is unclear whether there will be as much progress on the matter as
Japan would like to see.
In an effort to create a post-Kyoto Protocol framework led by the
UN, Japan intends to call for participation of all major emitters,
approval for not only top-down reduction goals but also for a
variety of flexible approaches, as well as balancing environmental
preservation with economic development.
To achieve those ends, Japan as the host nation wants to lead
discussions on a post-Kyoto framework, thereby sending a message to
TOKYO 00001864 006 OF 012
the world that Japan is proactive on global warming. As part of that
effort, it will propose a sector-specific approach that would apply
reduction targets for various industrial sectors. It wants to
incorporate the proposal in the declaration of leaders of the G-8
Japan aims at upgrading the treatment of the proposal from
"seriously consider," as was adopted last year, to "agreement." To
this end, it is necessary to persuade the U.S., which has not joined
the Kyoto Protocol and remains cautious about setting a long-term
goal, to agree on the idea. President Bush has indicated a
possibility of making a concession but still remains cautious.
If Japan leans toward European countries, which are positive about
setting a long-term goal, the U.S. will not be persuaded. However,
if it is overly deferent to the U.S., it will lose support from
European countries. Prime Minister Fukuda as the chairman of the
meeting will surely have to walk a fine line in the discussions.
8) Global warming measures: Coordination on long-term targets
reaches final stage; Decision on base year for emissions cuts to be
put off
NIKKEI (Page 3) (Abridged slightly)
July 8, 2008
Coordination of views of various countries on long-term targets for
cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the major issue among global
warming measures, has reached its final stage. Japan, the G-8 summit
host nation, is trying to secure approval from various countries on
the inclusion in a chairman's statement of a goal of cutting
greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050. Reaching a decision
on the adoption of a base year will likely be put off. With leading
countries wide apart on long-term targets, tough negotiations are
A senior official of the European Commission of the European Union
(EU) yesterday warned that the long-term target of cutting
greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050 should not suffer a
setback at the summit this time. He said: "We already discussed the
target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050 at
the G-8 last year. We must move forward this year."
This official also pointed out: "We should slash carbon emissions by
60 PERCENT to 80 PERCENT from the perspective of a scientific
approach. 50 PERCENT is the minimum level." He thus underscored
that reaching an agreement on a 50 PERCENT reduction is a
nonnegotiable line.
Concerning the long-term target, participants in the Heiligendamm
summit held in Germany last year agreed to seriously consider
cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050. Japan is
aiming at including in a G-8 statement wording saying that moving
forward that agreement is the supreme task.
However, the U.S. stance is stubborn, as it seeks the involvement of
such major emitters as China and India as well. Chairman Connaughton
of the U.S. government's Council on Environmental Quality
underscored during a press conference yesterday: "President Bush
said that cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050 is
valuable and necessary. He, however, categorically noted that all
emitters must share this target."
TOKYO 00001864 007 OF 012
Regarding a numerical target for cutting greenhouse gas emissions,
Connaughton said, "If major economies set realistic targets, they
can produce major results." He thus indicated a view that it would
be desirable to adopt a framework of setting achievable
nation-specific goals.
Commenting on a base year for emissions, the same senior EC official
yesterday revealed his stance of not seeking an agreement. He said,
"It is all right to discuss this matter after the G-8." The base
year of the Kyoto Protocol is 1990. Japan is calling for making 2005
the base year in a post-Kyoto Protocol framework. Its stance is at
odds with that of the EU, which considers 1990 to be the appropriate
9) G-8 joint statement to criticize abductions, terrorism as
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
The draft of a joint statement on antiterrorism measures to be
adopted at the Group of Eight (G-8) Summit (Lake Toya Summit) was
released yesterday. The draft defines all terrorist acts as crimes
and criticizes abductions, hostage-taking, and suicide bombings as
"impermissible." It specifies: "Disputes or poverty cannot be used
to justify terrorism." The draft mentions the G-8 nation's "firm
support" for the antiterrorism measures by the United Nations,
pledging G-8 nations' strengthened cooperation in fighting
Specifically, the draft emphasizes that the nations will cooperate
in preventing the smuggling of cash and the flow of terrorists'
funds via charity organizations. The draft also proposes taking
steps to cope with biological, chemical, and radiological terrorism,
terrorism against information and communications, and other types of
10) Prime Minister Fukuda makes summit debut on Tanabata
ASAHI (Page 4) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
The G-8 Lake Toya Summit opened on July 7. Timed with Tanabata (a
Japanese star festival),an event was held at the summit hall
yesterday in which G-8 participants hung paper strips with their
wishes written on bamboo branches.
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's paper strip read: "Learn lessons from
the past -- open a bright future by learning from human wisdom."
President George W. Bush's paper strip read: "I want to see a world
free from any kind of oppression, including poverty and illness."
The message of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the chair of last
year's summit, read: "May a good star shine upon the G-8 summit. May
each one of us have a sense of responsibility."
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's wished: "An end to poverty; an
end to terrorism on the third anniversary of the July 7, 2005,
London bombings." EU Chairman Barroso's paper strip simply read
"peace" in kanji.
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11) Premier meets with South African president and other African
YOMIURI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Prime Minister Fukuda met with the presidents of South Africa,
Algeria and Nigeria at the venue of the G-8 Lake Toya Summit in
Referring to the climate change issue, the prime minister during the
meeting with South African President Mbeki sought cooperation from
his nation, a major greenhouse gas emitter, noting: "I would like to
hold close talks for the setting of an effective post-Kyoto Protocol
framework to prevent global warming from 2013. It is important to
set numbers that are convincible in technical and scientific
President Mbeki simply replied, "I would like to discuss this issue
at the meeting of major emitters on July 9."
The three leaders expressed to Fukuda their support for Japan's bid
for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
12) Fukuda reaffirms cooperation with British and German leaders
MAINICHI (Page 4) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda met with British Prime Minister Gordon
Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in succession ahead of the
opening of the Lake Toya Summit in Hokkaido yesterday. In discussing
the issue of climate change in the meetings with the two leaders,
both sides agreed to cooperate to produce valuable results at the
Summit. Merkel, who chaired the Heiligendamm Summit last year,
expressed hopes that a joint statement to be adopted this year will
take a step forward from the one of last year, saying: "Various
positive moves have been seen since the Heiligendamm Summit."
13) South Korean President Lee in interview with Tokyo Shimbun
president reveals plan to upgrade Japan-China-South Korea
environmental ministerial to trilateral top-level talks in
September, expresses eagerness to cooperate to resolve abduction
TOKYO SHIMBUN (Top play) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
Eiji Tsukiyama, Seoul
South Korean President Lee Myung Bak gave an interview on July 7 at
the Blue House, the presidential office, for about an hour to
Chunichi Shimbun and Tokyo Shimbun President Torao Oshima and others
ahead of his attendance at an expanded G-8 Lake Toya summit meeting
in Hokkaido. In the interview, the president indicated that he would
discuss joint efforts to fight against global warming in East Asia
at a Japan-China-South Korea summit to be held in Japan in
September. The president also indicated that he would work strongly
upon North Korea in connection with the abduction of Japanese
nationals by the North, saying: "If North Korea is to come out to
the international community after its nuclear issue is resolved, it
is important to settle this (abduction issue)."
TOKYO 00001864 009 OF 012
President Lee also revealed a plan to present specific figures
regarding greenhouse gas emissions, such as a mid-term reduction
target up to 2020, in 2009. He also said about China, the world's
second largest CO2 emitter, "The fact that coal is its major energy
source is also a problem." He also indicated that Japan, China, and
South Korea would discuss joint efforts at the trilateral summit in
September by upgrading the trilateral environmental ministerial to
top-level talks.
About North Korea's declaration on June 26 of its nuclear programs
and activities, the president said: "Although I can positively
evaluate it, it is insufficient because information on nuclear
weapons is not included."
He expressed his resolve, saying: "The goal must be achieved without
fail by convincing North Korea that abandoning nuclear programs
would serve its own interests."
As reasons of ongoing protest rallies against the resumption of U.S.
beef imports, the president cited an increased public interest in
food safety and a lack of correct information on BSE. He also noted:
"Power has been shifted from innovative forces to conservative
forces after a lapse of 10 years and a political slogan has also
circulated. But because a large number of people have begun to
understand the crux of the matter, I don't think (the turmoil) will
grow any further."
14) Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura expects next U.S.
administration will support Japan's efforts to resolve abduction
MAINICHI (Page 5) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Referring to the statements of the top leaders of Japan and the
United States in their summit meeting on July 6 stressing
cooperation on resolving the issues of North Korea's nuclear
programs and abductions of Japanese nationals, Chief Cabinet
Secretary Nobutaka Machimura told the press yesterday: "It was
meaningful." Based on the fact that the term of President George W.
Bush will end next January, Machimura expressed his anticipation
that the U.S. stance of supporting Japan to resolve the abduction
issue would continue in the next administration, as well. He stated:
"It is not good for superpower like the United States to shift its
policy whenever an administration changes."
(08070804kn) Back to Top
15) SANKEI (Page 2) (Abridged slightly)
July 8, 2008
The Association of the Families of Victims of Kidnapped by North
Korea (AFVKN) and other organizations held an emergency meeting
yesterday at the Servo Kankan Hall in Nagata-cho, Chiyoda Ward,
Tokyo. The Japanese government has announced that it will partially
lift sanctions against North Korea even though there has been no
progress on the abduction issue. The United States, too, has begun
taking steps to delist North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Frustrated with the series of concessions by the government, AFVKN
members urged Tokyo not to lift sanctions easily and called for a
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stronger national voice.
AFVKN representative Shigeo Iizuka, 70, who is the older brother of
Yaeko Taguchi, who was abducted at the age of 22, expressed a sense
of crisis at the meeting, saying: "We are losing the major
bargaining chip of economic sanctions. We are worried that the
government is using its diplomatic cards for nothing."
Teruaki Masumoto, 52, the younger brother of Rumiko Masumoto, who
went missing at the age of 24, also called for cooperation, saying:
"If the Japanese government does not raise its voice about (the
United States' decision to take the North off its list of terrorism
blacklist),then we would like to see the general public raise their
Kyoko Nakayama, prime ministerial advisor on the abduction issue,
also called for public support, saying: "We are frustrated.
Concessions must not be made easily. We need the public's help so
that the Japanese government will take a firm stance."
16) About 150 lawmakers planning overseas trips
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
A rush of Diet members' overseas junkets has already begun. About
150 lawmakers from both Diet chambers are expected to travel abroad
mostly in July and August. The 150 members account for more than 70
PERCENT of all Diet members. They appear to have decided to hurry
to make overseas trips because the outlook for the political
situation has become fluid, given the possibility of dissolution of
the House of Representatives for a snap election after the end of
the next extraordinary Diet session.
Of the 138 Lower House members planned to visit overseas, about 100
will have wound up their itineraries by early August. Usually many
lawmakers go abroad before an ordinary Diet session in January, but
the Diet members were unable to do so because the last extraordinary
session went straight through the New Year from last year for the
first time in 14 years. Reportedly, they did not go abroad during
the consecutive holidays (Golden Week) from late April to early May;
so, many lawmakers planned their overseas trips for the summer.
17) Defense Ministry to work out cluster bomb disposal plan next
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Full)
July 8, 2008
The Defense Ministry set a basic course yesterday to dispose of the
Self-Defense Forces' stock of cluster munitions. The ministry will
outline a disposal plan next fiscal year. In addition, the ministry
will also make a budget request for that purpose. Scrapping the
cluster munitions will cost 20-30 billion yen, so the ministry will
retrench the disposal cost through such measures as reusing cluster
bombs as single warhead bombs.
The government has now agreed on a cluster bomb banning treaty and
is expected to sign it late this year. The Defense Ministry has
therefore studied its responses. If the treaty comes into effect,
Japan will be required to dispose of the SDF's cluster munitions,
worth 27.6 billion yen, within eight years. Japan has no know-how to
TOKYO 00001864 011 OF 012
dispose of cluster bombs, so the Defense Ministry will first outline
a plan to remove bomblets from cluster bombs and defuse these
bomblets. After that, the ministry will consider setting up a new
workshop for cluster disposal and redeploying cluster bomblets,
which are mounted on weapons like multiple launch rocket systems
(MLRS),as single warhead munitions.
18) Defense Ministry facing difficulties in finalizing reform plan
MAINICHI (Page 5) (Abridged)
July 8, 2008
A government advisory panel discussing how to reform the Defense
Ministry was expected to work out a final report in late June.
However, the panel has yet to finalize its report, facing
difficulties in compiling opinions from its members. The Defense
Ministry is going to partially integrate its internal bureaus'
officials and the Self-Defense Forces' staff officers. However, the
Defense Ministry still remains unable to coordinate what to do about
civilian control after its organizational integration of bureaucrats
and SDF staff officers.
The reform panel was set up in the wake of scandals, such as former
Administrative Vice Defense Minister Takemasa Moriya's bribery case.
In February, Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba came up with a radical
restructuring plan that features a drastic reorganization of the
Defense Ministry's internal bureaus and the SDF's staff offices.
Then, the panel focused its discussion on restructuring the Defense
In mid-June, the advisory panel's secretariat, including Assistant
Chief Cabinet Secretary Kyoji Yanagisawa, who is from the Defense
Ministry, presented a draft plan for personnel exchanges between the
Defense Ministry's internal bureau officials and the SDF's staff
officers. However, Ishiba rejected the draft plan intended to
maintain the Defense Ministry's current system as is. In this case,
Ishiba thought to himself that SDF personnel cannot be above
division director in the Defense Ministry's internal bureaus. In the
end, the advisory panel's secretariat will fully rewrite its draft
plan, basing it on a proposal that came this May from National
Defense Academy President Makoto Iokibe, an influential member of
the advisory panel.
Iokibe's proposal is to basically retain the Defense Ministry's
current organizational setup that consists of its internal bureaus
and the SDF's staff offices. Meanwhile, Iokibe has also proposed
mixing internal bureau officials and SDF staff officers. His idea
paves the way for the Defense Ministry to appoint SDF staff officers
to senior posts that have been occupied by those in the Defense
Policy Bureau and other internal bureaus. Compared with the
secretariat's draft plan, Iokibe's proposal is going further to
integrate the Defense Ministry's bureaucracy and the SDF's brass.
19) LDP Koga predicts dissolution of Lower House "next January or
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Delivering a speech in Fukuoka yesterday, Makoto Koga, chairman of
the Election Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party, said about
timing for dissolution of the House of Representatives for a snap
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election: "It is conceivable that the government will make the
decision after it submits a bill related to revenues and
expenditures at the outset of the ordinary Diet session (next
January) or in late March or early April after the bill is
Koga said: "The Lower House should not be dissolved this year. If
that were the case, (the LDP) would be defeated (in the general
election)." He added that in the election to be held in September of
next year following the expiration of the Lower House members' term,
"There is a high possibility that the LDP will be driven into a
corner by the opposition camp. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's right
to dissolve the Lower House might be restricted."
E.O. 12958: N/A
1) Top headlines
2) Editorials
3) Prime Minister's G-8 Summit schedule (Nikkei)
G-8 Summit diplomacy:
4) First day of Hokkaido Toyako Summit focuses on Africa aid
5) Japan's proactive stance toward African assistance motivated by
desire for UNSC permanent seat, securing natural resources (Nikkei)
6) Japan's African contribution lacks a human presence, with PKO
strategy going nowhere (Sankei)
7) Prime Minister Fukuda, as chair of the Toyako Summit, faces
difficult task of persuading U.S. to accept long-term target for
greenhouse gas reduction (Sankei)
8) Coordination for setting a long-term target for reduction of
greenhouse gases reaching final stage, but setting the base year may
slip (Nikkei)
9) Summit's joint statement on terrorism to denounce abductions
10) G-8 leaders all offer written hopes for the future on Tanabata
Festival tree (Asahi)
11) Fukuda has bilateral meetings with South African president and
other leaders (Yomiuri)
12) Fukuda in meetings with British, German leaders confirms
cooperation on climate change policy (Asahi)
Korean Peninsula issues:
13) Tokyo Shimbun's exclusive interview with ROK President Lee:
Promises cooperation on resolving abduction issue (Tokyo Shimbun)
14) Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura says next U.S. administration
will back Japan on the abduction issue, as well (Mainichi)
15) Urgent meeting of association of families of abductees calls for
public to raise voices in support of resolving abduction issue
16) Overseas rush of Japanese lawmakers: 150 over next couple of
months (Yomiuri)
Defense and security:
17) Plan readied in outline to dispose of Self-Defense Forces stock
of cluster munitions next fiscal year under international agreement
18) Final report on Defense Ministry reform bogs down (Mainichi)
19) Influential LDP lawmaker Makoto Koga sees Diet dissolution and a
snap election either next January or next spring (Nikkei)
African leaders urge G-8 to step up assistance to deal with soaring
food prices
Mainichi & Sankei:
G-8 agrees to expand assistance to Africa
TOKYO 00001864 002 OF 012
G-8 vows coordinated assistance on food, farm technology for Africa
G-8 to include call for ending food export restrictions in
Tokyo Shimbun:
ROK President Lee: Leaders of Japan, China, South Korea will discuss
environmental issues in September
African leaders urge G-8 to resolve rising food prices
(1) Zimbabwe: President Mugabe's oppression cannot be ignored
(2) Reform of archive system: Make Kasumigaseki transparent
(1) G-8 Toyako Summit: Make the G-8 summit starting point for
African self-reliance
(2) Teacher hiring scandal: Thorough investigation necessary to
teach students morals
(1) G-8 summit: Cooperation vital to control food prices
(2) Dispatch of day workers: Calm discussion needed before stepping
up restrictions
(1) G-8 must respond to anxiety of financial markets
(2) Strengthening taxi regulations questionable
(1) Assistance for Africa: Need to shift policy from quantity to
(2) Teacher hiring scandal: End collusion
Tokyo Shimbun:
(1) G-8 Toyako Summit: Africa first test for G-8
(2) Convenience stores' voluntary closing during late night hours:
Good chance to reconsider lifestyles
(1) Crime committed by former Japan Highway Public Co. vice
president: Amakudari must be banned in order also to eradicate bid
3) Prime Minister's Official Residence (Kantei)
Prime Minister's schedule, July 7
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Met with British Prime Minister Brown at the Windsor Hotel Toya.
Met with German Chancellor Merkel.
TOKYO 00001864 003 OF 012
Working lunch with participants from G-8 nations, various African
nations and international agencies. Photo session.
Meetings with leaders of G-8 nations, African countries and
international agencies.
Met with Sough African President Mbeki.
Met with Algerian President Bouteflika, followed by Nigerian
President Yar'Adua.
Summit reception.
Dinner party hosted by him and his wife. Stayed the hotel overnight.
4) G-8 to coordinate assistance on food, farm technology for Africa
YOMIURI (Top Play) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
The leaders of the Group of Eight summit and seven African countries
took part in an "extended talks" yesterday afternoon. They exchanged
views on the serious impact of soaring global food and oil prices on
African countries. The African leaders expressed strong concern
about the soaring prices and urged the G-8 leaders to strengthen
their assistance that would lead to improving the productivity of
agricultural products, as well as to display leadership in curbing
prices through talks with oil-producing countries, including the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). In response,
the G-8 leaders vowed a policy of providing African countries with
agricultural assistance.
At the beginning of the conference, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda,
chair of the G-8 summit, briefed the members on Japan's policy of
doubling its official development assistance (ODA) to Africa by
2012, which he had promised in the fourth round of the Tokyo
International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) held in
May in Yokohama. One African leader voiced appreciation, saying: "I
highly value that Japan fulfilled leadership in doubling investment,
focusing on infrastructure improvement."
5) Japan plays up pro-Africa policy, eyeing UNSC permanent seat,
abundant resources
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
In expanded talks participated by the leaders of the Group of Eight
(G-8) nations and African countries yesterday, Prime Minister Yasuo
Fukuda underscored his eagerness to help African development. Behind
this approach is a desire to win support from African countries, a
strong voting base in the United Nations, for Japan's bid for a
permanent seat on the UN Security Council. But Japan's conventional
aid-oriented diplomatic approach is facing financial difficulties.
Representatives from African countries also presented requests and
TOKYO 00001864 004 OF 012
complaints of the present state of assistant measures pledged by the
G-8 nations.
The expanded talks lasted for about three hours starting from around
13:00. Delivering a speech at the outset of the talks, Fukuda,
taking advantage of his role as the chair of the G-8 Summit,
explained Japan's assistant measures for Africa. He said: "Japan
plans to double official development assistance (ODA) disbursements
to the region by 2012. The government will also advance assistance
programs that will lead to doubling private direct investment."
Fukuda briefed on the assistance measures he pledged to implement in
the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in
late May and then said: "Based on these measures, Japan would like
to help Africa develop in cooperation with you." African leaders
expressed their gratitude, with one participant saying: "I offer my
thanks to you for inviting us to the Lake Toya Summit. TICAD ended
in great success."
As the talks proceeded, however, one request after another was
presented from African leaders. They posed questions about the state
of implementation of the aid plans pledged (by the G-8 nations).
They complained that some of the plans committed to by the G-8
nations have ended up as just lip service.
Fukuda met separately with African leaders, including South African
President Thabo Mubeki, after the expanded talks. Mubeki told Fukuda
in the meeting: "We want you to hold a follow-up discussion (on the
pledged aid) with the other G-8 leaders."
Some representatives from Africa expressed hope for Japan's
technological cooperation. Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
stressed in a meeting with Fukuda: "Our nation has natural
resources, so we can form a full partnership with other countries.
We want to learn Japan's technologies and know what brought success
to Japan." Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua indicated his
enthusiasm to lure Japanese companies into his country, remarking:
"We are making efforts to create an environment for investment. In
particular, we would like to improve public security on a priority
There are two major reasons Japan spent many hours to emphasize its
pro-Africa policy on the first day of the summit. One is a desire to
win over African votes for its bid for a UNSC permanent seat.
Another is to secure abundant resources in Africa by deepening
relations with the region.
6) Japan's PKO strategy going nowhere
SANKEI (Page 5) (Abridged)
July 8, 2008
Poverty drives civil wars and tribal disputes in Africa. Prime
Minister Yasuo Fukuda advocated his "peace cooperative nation"
initiative in his January policy before the Diet, clarifying Japan's
stance of contributing to the international community in the area of
United Nations peacekeeping operations. The Group of Eight (G-8),
now in session with its leaders meeting at Lake Toya in Hokkaido,
discussed aid to Africa in its expanded meeting held yesterday.
However, there was no scene to allow Fukuda to display his
leadership on the issue of building peace.
TOKYO 00001864 005 OF 012
The government plans to send two persons this September from the
Self-Defense Forces to the headquarters of the United Nations
Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) deployed in the southern part of Sudan in
Africa. Japan will participate in PKO in Africa for the first time
in 13 years since the SDF sent personnel to the headquarters of
United Nations Operations in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) in 1993-1995.
Fukuda began early this year to study where to send SDF personnel
for Japan's PKO contribution. The area on his mind was Africa, which
was expected to be on the agenda for the G-8 summit. Then, the
government, centering on the Foreign Ministry, chose Sudan, where
most of the G-8 members have sent troops to settle the Darfur war,
which is called the worst crisis to humanity in history.
The Foreign Ministry explored the possibility of sending Ground
Self-Defense Force engineering troops to the southern part of Sudan
for such missions as repairing roads and removing landmines. With
the G-8 summit timetabled, the Foreign Ministry pushed ahead with
its idea of sending GSDF members to Sudan. This, however, upset the
Defense Ministry, which was concerned about how to ensure the safety
of GSDF members. Subsequently, the government forwent its GSDF
dispatch plan for the time being. Instead, the government decided to
send personnel to UNMIS headquarters in Sudan's capital city of
This course of action was finalized within the government on June
26, with the G-8 summit soon to open. On June 30, Fukuda met with
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. On that occasion, Fukuda told
Ban that Japan would send SDF personnel to UNMIS headquarters.
However, Ban urged Fukuda to send SDF troops to Sudan, suggesting
the need for Japan to step up the SDF's role in the areas of
airlift, land transportation, and supply.
7) Lake Toya Summit: Japan, host nation, at crucial juncture in
persuading U.S. over long-term target for cutting greenhouse gas
SANKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
Participants in the G-8 summit (Lake Toya Summit in Hokkaido) will
today discuss global warming measures. Since Japan will lead
discussions on a post-Kyoto Protocol framework for preventing global
warming from 2013, it is being called upon to achieve progress. The
focus of discussions is how to deal with the long-term goal of
cutting global greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050.
Prime Minister Fukuda intends to persuade the U.S. to agree on this
goal. However, Chairman Connaughton of the U.S. government's Council
on Environmental Quality yesterday said, "Cutting greenhouse gas
emissions is an issue for all major economies." As such, since the
U.S. remains cautious about the idea of setting a long-term goal, it
is unclear whether there will be as much progress on the matter as
Japan would like to see.
In an effort to create a post-Kyoto Protocol framework led by the
UN, Japan intends to call for participation of all major emitters,
approval for not only top-down reduction goals but also for a
variety of flexible approaches, as well as balancing environmental
preservation with economic development.
To achieve those ends, Japan as the host nation wants to lead
discussions on a post-Kyoto framework, thereby sending a message to
TOKYO 00001864 006 OF 012
the world that Japan is proactive on global warming. As part of that
effort, it will propose a sector-specific approach that would apply
reduction targets for various industrial sectors. It wants to
incorporate the proposal in the declaration of leaders of the G-8
Japan aims at upgrading the treatment of the proposal from
"seriously consider," as was adopted last year, to "agreement." To
this end, it is necessary to persuade the U.S., which has not joined
the Kyoto Protocol and remains cautious about setting a long-term
goal, to agree on the idea. President Bush has indicated a
possibility of making a concession but still remains cautious.
If Japan leans toward European countries, which are positive about
setting a long-term goal, the U.S. will not be persuaded. However,
if it is overly deferent to the U.S., it will lose support from
European countries. Prime Minister Fukuda as the chairman of the
meeting will surely have to walk a fine line in the discussions.
8) Global warming measures: Coordination on long-term targets
reaches final stage; Decision on base year for emissions cuts to be
put off
NIKKEI (Page 3) (Abridged slightly)
July 8, 2008
Coordination of views of various countries on long-term targets for
cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the major issue among global
warming measures, has reached its final stage. Japan, the G-8 summit
host nation, is trying to secure approval from various countries on
the inclusion in a chairman's statement of a goal of cutting
greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050. Reaching a decision
on the adoption of a base year will likely be put off. With leading
countries wide apart on long-term targets, tough negotiations are
A senior official of the European Commission of the European Union
(EU) yesterday warned that the long-term target of cutting
greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050 should not suffer a
setback at the summit this time. He said: "We already discussed the
target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050 at
the G-8 last year. We must move forward this year."
This official also pointed out: "We should slash carbon emissions by
60 PERCENT to 80 PERCENT from the perspective of a scientific
approach. 50 PERCENT is the minimum level." He thus underscored
that reaching an agreement on a 50 PERCENT reduction is a
nonnegotiable line.
Concerning the long-term target, participants in the Heiligendamm
summit held in Germany last year agreed to seriously consider
cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050. Japan is
aiming at including in a G-8 statement wording saying that moving
forward that agreement is the supreme task.
However, the U.S. stance is stubborn, as it seeks the involvement of
such major emitters as China and India as well. Chairman Connaughton
of the U.S. government's Council on Environmental Quality
underscored during a press conference yesterday: "President Bush
said that cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50 PERCENT by 2050 is
valuable and necessary. He, however, categorically noted that all
emitters must share this target."
TOKYO 00001864 007 OF 012
Regarding a numerical target for cutting greenhouse gas emissions,
Connaughton said, "If major economies set realistic targets, they
can produce major results." He thus indicated a view that it would
be desirable to adopt a framework of setting achievable
nation-specific goals.
Commenting on a base year for emissions, the same senior EC official
yesterday revealed his stance of not seeking an agreement. He said,
"It is all right to discuss this matter after the G-8." The base
year of the Kyoto Protocol is 1990. Japan is calling for making 2005
the base year in a post-Kyoto Protocol framework. Its stance is at
odds with that of the EU, which considers 1990 to be the appropriate
9) G-8 joint statement to criticize abductions, terrorism as
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
The draft of a joint statement on antiterrorism measures to be
adopted at the Group of Eight (G-8) Summit (Lake Toya Summit) was
released yesterday. The draft defines all terrorist acts as crimes
and criticizes abductions, hostage-taking, and suicide bombings as
"impermissible." It specifies: "Disputes or poverty cannot be used
to justify terrorism." The draft mentions the G-8 nation's "firm
support" for the antiterrorism measures by the United Nations,
pledging G-8 nations' strengthened cooperation in fighting
Specifically, the draft emphasizes that the nations will cooperate
in preventing the smuggling of cash and the flow of terrorists'
funds via charity organizations. The draft also proposes taking
steps to cope with biological, chemical, and radiological terrorism,
terrorism against information and communications, and other types of
10) Prime Minister Fukuda makes summit debut on Tanabata
ASAHI (Page 4) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
The G-8 Lake Toya Summit opened on July 7. Timed with Tanabata (a
Japanese star festival),an event was held at the summit hall
yesterday in which G-8 participants hung paper strips with their
wishes written on bamboo branches.
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's paper strip read: "Learn lessons from
the past -- open a bright future by learning from human wisdom."
President George W. Bush's paper strip read: "I want to see a world
free from any kind of oppression, including poverty and illness."
The message of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the chair of last
year's summit, read: "May a good star shine upon the G-8 summit. May
each one of us have a sense of responsibility."
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's wished: "An end to poverty; an
end to terrorism on the third anniversary of the July 7, 2005,
London bombings." EU Chairman Barroso's paper strip simply read
"peace" in kanji.
TOKYO 00001864 008 OF 012
11) Premier meets with South African president and other African
YOMIURI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Prime Minister Fukuda met with the presidents of South Africa,
Algeria and Nigeria at the venue of the G-8 Lake Toya Summit in
Referring to the climate change issue, the prime minister during the
meeting with South African President Mbeki sought cooperation from
his nation, a major greenhouse gas emitter, noting: "I would like to
hold close talks for the setting of an effective post-Kyoto Protocol
framework to prevent global warming from 2013. It is important to
set numbers that are convincible in technical and scientific
President Mbeki simply replied, "I would like to discuss this issue
at the meeting of major emitters on July 9."
The three leaders expressed to Fukuda their support for Japan's bid
for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
12) Fukuda reaffirms cooperation with British and German leaders
MAINICHI (Page 4) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda met with British Prime Minister Gordon
Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in succession ahead of the
opening of the Lake Toya Summit in Hokkaido yesterday. In discussing
the issue of climate change in the meetings with the two leaders,
both sides agreed to cooperate to produce valuable results at the
Summit. Merkel, who chaired the Heiligendamm Summit last year,
expressed hopes that a joint statement to be adopted this year will
take a step forward from the one of last year, saying: "Various
positive moves have been seen since the Heiligendamm Summit."
13) South Korean President Lee in interview with Tokyo Shimbun
president reveals plan to upgrade Japan-China-South Korea
environmental ministerial to trilateral top-level talks in
September, expresses eagerness to cooperate to resolve abduction
TOKYO SHIMBUN (Top play) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
Eiji Tsukiyama, Seoul
South Korean President Lee Myung Bak gave an interview on July 7 at
the Blue House, the presidential office, for about an hour to
Chunichi Shimbun and Tokyo Shimbun President Torao Oshima and others
ahead of his attendance at an expanded G-8 Lake Toya summit meeting
in Hokkaido. In the interview, the president indicated that he would
discuss joint efforts to fight against global warming in East Asia
at a Japan-China-South Korea summit to be held in Japan in
September. The president also indicated that he would work strongly
upon North Korea in connection with the abduction of Japanese
nationals by the North, saying: "If North Korea is to come out to
the international community after its nuclear issue is resolved, it
is important to settle this (abduction issue)."
TOKYO 00001864 009 OF 012
President Lee also revealed a plan to present specific figures
regarding greenhouse gas emissions, such as a mid-term reduction
target up to 2020, in 2009. He also said about China, the world's
second largest CO2 emitter, "The fact that coal is its major energy
source is also a problem." He also indicated that Japan, China, and
South Korea would discuss joint efforts at the trilateral summit in
September by upgrading the trilateral environmental ministerial to
top-level talks.
About North Korea's declaration on June 26 of its nuclear programs
and activities, the president said: "Although I can positively
evaluate it, it is insufficient because information on nuclear
weapons is not included."
He expressed his resolve, saying: "The goal must be achieved without
fail by convincing North Korea that abandoning nuclear programs
would serve its own interests."
As reasons of ongoing protest rallies against the resumption of U.S.
beef imports, the president cited an increased public interest in
food safety and a lack of correct information on BSE. He also noted:
"Power has been shifted from innovative forces to conservative
forces after a lapse of 10 years and a political slogan has also
circulated. But because a large number of people have begun to
understand the crux of the matter, I don't think (the turmoil) will
grow any further."
14) Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura expects next U.S.
administration will support Japan's efforts to resolve abduction
MAINICHI (Page 5) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Referring to the statements of the top leaders of Japan and the
United States in their summit meeting on July 6 stressing
cooperation on resolving the issues of North Korea's nuclear
programs and abductions of Japanese nationals, Chief Cabinet
Secretary Nobutaka Machimura told the press yesterday: "It was
meaningful." Based on the fact that the term of President George W.
Bush will end next January, Machimura expressed his anticipation
that the U.S. stance of supporting Japan to resolve the abduction
issue would continue in the next administration, as well. He stated:
"It is not good for superpower like the United States to shift its
policy whenever an administration changes."
(08070804kn) Back to Top
15) SANKEI (Page 2) (Abridged slightly)
July 8, 2008
The Association of the Families of Victims of Kidnapped by North
Korea (AFVKN) and other organizations held an emergency meeting
yesterday at the Servo Kankan Hall in Nagata-cho, Chiyoda Ward,
Tokyo. The Japanese government has announced that it will partially
lift sanctions against North Korea even though there has been no
progress on the abduction issue. The United States, too, has begun
taking steps to delist North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Frustrated with the series of concessions by the government, AFVKN
members urged Tokyo not to lift sanctions easily and called for a
TOKYO 00001864 010 OF 012
stronger national voice.
AFVKN representative Shigeo Iizuka, 70, who is the older brother of
Yaeko Taguchi, who was abducted at the age of 22, expressed a sense
of crisis at the meeting, saying: "We are losing the major
bargaining chip of economic sanctions. We are worried that the
government is using its diplomatic cards for nothing."
Teruaki Masumoto, 52, the younger brother of Rumiko Masumoto, who
went missing at the age of 24, also called for cooperation, saying:
"If the Japanese government does not raise its voice about (the
United States' decision to take the North off its list of terrorism
blacklist),then we would like to see the general public raise their
Kyoko Nakayama, prime ministerial advisor on the abduction issue,
also called for public support, saying: "We are frustrated.
Concessions must not be made easily. We need the public's help so
that the Japanese government will take a firm stance."
16) About 150 lawmakers planning overseas trips
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Excerpts)
July 8, 2008
A rush of Diet members' overseas junkets has already begun. About
150 lawmakers from both Diet chambers are expected to travel abroad
mostly in July and August. The 150 members account for more than 70
PERCENT of all Diet members. They appear to have decided to hurry
to make overseas trips because the outlook for the political
situation has become fluid, given the possibility of dissolution of
the House of Representatives for a snap election after the end of
the next extraordinary Diet session.
Of the 138 Lower House members planned to visit overseas, about 100
will have wound up their itineraries by early August. Usually many
lawmakers go abroad before an ordinary Diet session in January, but
the Diet members were unable to do so because the last extraordinary
session went straight through the New Year from last year for the
first time in 14 years. Reportedly, they did not go abroad during
the consecutive holidays (Golden Week) from late April to early May;
so, many lawmakers planned their overseas trips for the summer.
17) Defense Ministry to work out cluster bomb disposal plan next
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Full)
July 8, 2008
The Defense Ministry set a basic course yesterday to dispose of the
Self-Defense Forces' stock of cluster munitions. The ministry will
outline a disposal plan next fiscal year. In addition, the ministry
will also make a budget request for that purpose. Scrapping the
cluster munitions will cost 20-30 billion yen, so the ministry will
retrench the disposal cost through such measures as reusing cluster
bombs as single warhead bombs.
The government has now agreed on a cluster bomb banning treaty and
is expected to sign it late this year. The Defense Ministry has
therefore studied its responses. If the treaty comes into effect,
Japan will be required to dispose of the SDF's cluster munitions,
worth 27.6 billion yen, within eight years. Japan has no know-how to
TOKYO 00001864 011 OF 012
dispose of cluster bombs, so the Defense Ministry will first outline
a plan to remove bomblets from cluster bombs and defuse these
bomblets. After that, the ministry will consider setting up a new
workshop for cluster disposal and redeploying cluster bomblets,
which are mounted on weapons like multiple launch rocket systems
(MLRS),as single warhead munitions.
18) Defense Ministry facing difficulties in finalizing reform plan
MAINICHI (Page 5) (Abridged)
July 8, 2008
A government advisory panel discussing how to reform the Defense
Ministry was expected to work out a final report in late June.
However, the panel has yet to finalize its report, facing
difficulties in compiling opinions from its members. The Defense
Ministry is going to partially integrate its internal bureaus'
officials and the Self-Defense Forces' staff officers. However, the
Defense Ministry still remains unable to coordinate what to do about
civilian control after its organizational integration of bureaucrats
and SDF staff officers.
The reform panel was set up in the wake of scandals, such as former
Administrative Vice Defense Minister Takemasa Moriya's bribery case.
In February, Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba came up with a radical
restructuring plan that features a drastic reorganization of the
Defense Ministry's internal bureaus and the SDF's staff offices.
Then, the panel focused its discussion on restructuring the Defense
In mid-June, the advisory panel's secretariat, including Assistant
Chief Cabinet Secretary Kyoji Yanagisawa, who is from the Defense
Ministry, presented a draft plan for personnel exchanges between the
Defense Ministry's internal bureau officials and the SDF's staff
officers. However, Ishiba rejected the draft plan intended to
maintain the Defense Ministry's current system as is. In this case,
Ishiba thought to himself that SDF personnel cannot be above
division director in the Defense Ministry's internal bureaus. In the
end, the advisory panel's secretariat will fully rewrite its draft
plan, basing it on a proposal that came this May from National
Defense Academy President Makoto Iokibe, an influential member of
the advisory panel.
Iokibe's proposal is to basically retain the Defense Ministry's
current organizational setup that consists of its internal bureaus
and the SDF's staff offices. Meanwhile, Iokibe has also proposed
mixing internal bureau officials and SDF staff officers. His idea
paves the way for the Defense Ministry to appoint SDF staff officers
to senior posts that have been occupied by those in the Defense
Policy Bureau and other internal bureaus. Compared with the
secretariat's draft plan, Iokibe's proposal is going further to
integrate the Defense Ministry's bureaucracy and the SDF's brass.
19) LDP Koga predicts dissolution of Lower House "next January or
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
July 8, 2008
Delivering a speech in Fukuoka yesterday, Makoto Koga, chairman of
the Election Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party, said about
timing for dissolution of the House of Representatives for a snap
TOKYO 00001864 012 OF 012
election: "It is conceivable that the government will make the
decision after it submits a bill related to revenues and
expenditures at the outset of the ordinary Diet session (next
January) or in late March or early April after the bill is
Koga said: "The Lower House should not be dissolved this year. If
that were the case, (the LDP) would be defeated (in the general
election)." He added that in the election to be held in September of
next year following the expiration of the Lower House members' term,
"There is a high possibility that the LDP will be driven into a
corner by the opposition camp. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's right
to dissolve the Lower House might be restricted."