2008-10-24 03:36:00
Embassy Suva
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SUVA 000401
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/24/2018
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires, a.i. Richard K. Pruett;
Reasons 1,4 (B),(D).
C O N F I D E N T I A L SUVA 000401
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/24/2018
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires, a.i. Richard K. Pruett;
Reasons 1,4 (B),(D).
1. (C) Summary. The move by Fiji's interim Prime Minister
Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama to convene a "Presidential
Political Dialogue Forum" (PPDF) to facilitate the conducting
of a general election "as soon as practically possible" has
opened a schism within the inner circles of the interim
government (IG) between those in favor and those opposed to
the forum. The rift could cause the departure of
Bainimarama's close advisor John Samy as early as October 27.
It also throws into further doubt the IG's commitment to the
PPDF process. End summary.
2. (C) Dr. Sitiveni "Steven" Halapua, an eminent Tongan
professor at the East-West Center in Honolulu who is also the
"People's Representative" to Tonga's Constitutional and
Electoral Commission, discussed with Embassy officers on
October 23 his understanding of events leading to his
selection by the IG as a "co-interlocutor" of the PPDF.
(Retired Australian Foreign Service officer Robin Nair, an
ethnic Indo-Fijian, is the other co-interlocutor.) Halapua
revealed that John Samy, a key advisor to Bainimarama, had
persuaded Bainimarama to proceed with the PPDF despite
collective opposition to the dialogue within the IG.
According to Halapua, intramural criticism of the PPDF
initiative so affected Samy that he is now drafting a
memorandum of understanding governing his future relations
with the IG, and if the IG does not accept his terms by the
date of the PPDF's opening on October 27, then he is prepared
to resign immediately from the government.
3. (C) Halapua disclosed that interim Attorney General Aiyaz
Sayed-Khaiyum had rallied the entire Military Council of the
Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) in opposition to the
PPDF initiative. According to Halapua, he had to terminate a
meeting with Samy on October 21 when Bainimarama suddenly
called Samy away to a meeting with Sayed-Khaiyum and the
Military Council. Halapua shared with us Samy's later
account of the meeting. Sayed-Khaiyum reportedly excoriated
the PPDF as an ill-conceived idea coming at the wrong time.
Asked in which way Sayed-Khayum thought the PPDF
ill-conceived, Halapua replied that the interim attorney
general seemed to think that the October 9 high court ruling
dismissing the main legal challenge to the 2006 coup had
given the IG a sort of carte blanche that obviated the need
for any conciliatory measures for the present. Sayed-Khaiyum
also reportedly criticized Halapua and Nair as representing
the interests of the international community -- by
implication, in opposition to Fiji's national interests.
4. (C) Samy passionately argued in favor of allowing the
PPDF to go forward. Halapua did not elaborate much on Samy's
arguments, except to say that Samy had warned Bainimarama
that he would lose all credibility with respect to any future
appeal for dialogue if he now aborted the PPDF process. It
had to have been a tour de force on Samy's part, because his
argument carried the day against the articulate and
persuasive attorney general.
5. (C) Sayed-Khaiyum's challenge before the Military Council
reportedly still rankled Samy during a subsequent budget
meeting he attended at which Sayed-Khaiyum was Chair.
Afterward, Samy informed Bainimarama that he would no longer
attend budget meetings if they are chaired by Sayed-Khaiyum.
Bainimarama apparently told Sayed-Khaiyum of Samy's feelings,
prompting the interim attorney general to ask Samy (perhaps
patronizingly) "are you alright?" Samy reportedly replied
that by attacking Halapua and Nair, Sayed-Khaiyum had
impugned Samy by association. Halapua did not provide more
details about Samy's spat with Sayed-Khaiyum, but he noted
that Samy is an accomplished economist who had earlier turned
down Bainimarama's offer to head Fiji's Ministry of Finance.
Said Halapua, Samy's threat to boycott budget meetings is
magnified by the fact that he possesses most of the financial
credentials to be found in the committee.
6. (C) Samy's pique apparently did not end with
Sayed-Khaiyum. According to Halapua, Samy still feels so
hurt for being mistrusted that he is now drafting a
memorandum of understanding to govern his future relations
with the IG and is prepared to resign from the interim
government if the IG does not accept his terms by October 27.
In the course of advocating for the PPDF, Samy reportedly
concluded that the IG had never been very serious about
instituting a dialogue with the opposition. Bainimarama had
often blamed deposed Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase for not
being willing to hold genuine talks, but Samy now feels that
Bainimarama was simply projecting onto the opposition his own
reluctance. Halapua claimed that Samy now feels appalled
that despite his work with the IG for over a year, during
which time he was the principal architect of the draft
People's Charter for Change, Peace and Progress, or blueprint
for reforming Fiji's political culture, those in Fiji's
ruling circle still don't have a vision for how to get there.
7. (C) Halapua mentioned his surprise in learning that John
Samy is not as some portray him: a Rasputin-like eminence
grise manipulating Bainimarama from behind the scenes. He
is, instead, as Nair has characterized him: the moderate in
Bainimarama's inner circle. (Comment: Nair had earlier told
embassy officers that Samy alone had been truly receptive to
his proposals. Nair is himself a moderate but does not share
Samy's access to Bainimarama. The only other moderate in
Bainimarama's circle seems to be Permanent Secretary Parmesh
Chand. Chand does not seem as close to Bainimarama as Samy
or Sayed-Khaiyum and appears seldom to take an advocacy role
on policy issues. End comment.)
8. (SBU) Halapua and Nair are only now beginning to
formulate their roles in the upcoming dialogue forum.
Halapua had little idea yet of the modalities for the
meeting, except that it would be held at the parliament
complex in Suva and would include all 16 of Fiji's registered
parties. Each of the parties will be represented by
principals plus one. The IG will be represented by
Sayed-Khaiyum as principal, accompanied by Samy. Bainimarama
will chair the meeting. The meeting will be aimed at
achieving an agenda and terms of reference for the PPDF
sessions to follow.
9. (C) In light of Bainimarama's recent unhelpful
stipulations that none of the parties come to the forum with
demands, including any insistence on holding the IG to its
earlier promise of elections by March 2009, Embassy officers
suggested to Halapua that he and Nair try to impress upon
Bainimarama the value in his taking a light approach to
chairing the session, presiding over, but not necessarily
running, the meetings. As interlocutors, Halapua and Nair
would foreshadow the role Sir Paul Reeves or his substitute
would play in facilitating any future sessions. They could
play an important role in shaping the context of discussions
in order to promote genuine dialogue, so careful focus now on
establishing ground rules and processes could pay big
dividends for this and any future meetings. Halapua seized
on the word 'process' and began to think aloud about seating
and other arrangements. He toyed with the idea of flanking
Bainimarama with himself and Nair. He was especially pleased
with the thought that Sayed-Khaiyum would not be able to pass
notes directly to Bainimarama but would instead need to go
through Samy. (According to Halapua, Samy had originally
sought to distance himself from the PPDF for fear his
participation in it might somehow muddle his promotion of the
draft Peoples Charter, but Samy later changed his mind
because his participation might help to neutralize
Sayed-Khaiyum's baleful influence.) Halapua added that he
and Nair are in the process of writing out some ground rules
for the proceedings.
10. (SBU) The idea of a presidentially-sanctioned political
dialogue seems to have originated out of the April meeting of
the National Council For Building a Better Fiji (NCBBF) in
which it called for a forum of all parties, convened by the
president, to discuss electoral reform. (The IG established
the NCBBF to promote the adoption of the draft People's
Charter.) Subsequently, Fiji's major parties, including
Qarase's Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL) party, agreed
to participate on the condition that the forum discuss more
than just electoral reform. The idea for the Forum
languished when Bainimarama made it clear he would not accept
Fiji constitutional law expert Sir Paul Reeves of New Zealand
as its chair, despite Reeves' endorsement for the position by
the Commonwealth's secretary general. The IG had suggested
three other names, feeling that Reeves was already too wedded
to Fiji's present political system, which he had helped to
codify as the chair of the Fiji Constitution Review
Commission from 1995 to 1997. The Commonwealth's secretary
general persisted in supporting Reeves for the role. Reeves
reportedly believed that elections could be held in March
2009 as Bainimarama had originally promised the PIF
leadership at its 2007 summit in Tonga. Reeves also
reportedly wanted the Forum broadened to include more than
issues of electoral reform (e.g., a date certain for
elections),whereas Bainimarama was adamant that its
discussions be limited to electoral reform. Bainimarama
effectively sidelined Reeves by saying he would only accept
him as an advisor or facilitator, and not as Chair, to which
Reeves did not assent. Later statements by Bainimarama and
the NCBBF then seemed to delay the convening of the Forum
indefinitely by making it contingent upon prior acceptance of
the Peoples Charter.
11. (SBU) Halapua and East-West Center President Charles
Morrison visited Fiji in September to push their idea of a
"talanoa" consultative process to bring the IG together with
Qarase and other major opposition figures. They explained
their ideas to Bainimarama, Qarase, Samy, Fiji Labour Party
leader Mahendra Chaudhry, resident heads of diplomatic
missions, and virtually every other major political figure in
Fiji, with the exception of oppositionist Mick Beddoes of the
United People's Party, who was unavailable. They found most
parties generally receptive to the idea but very distrustful
of the other participants. Subsequently, Robin Nair, in his
capacity as a member of the so-called Independent Monitoring
Group (IMG),which was ostensibly established by President
Iloilo to provide independent oversight of the preparation
process for the People's Charter, made his own attempt at
promoting dialogue. He attempted to persuade Bainimarama to
de-link the PPDF from progress on the People's Charter. He
also tried to sell the IG on the idea of using a well-known
conflict resolution group to lead the PPDF as a way to
mediate an end to Fiji,s political impasse. Nair was
disappointed by Bainimarama's cool response to his proposals;
the commodore promised only to take Nair's idea under
advisement for later discussion with Republic of Fiji
Military Forces' Military Council.
12. (SBU) Further impetus to the idea of a political forum
came with generally supportive statements by New Zealand and
Australia. Helpful, too, was the announcement by Opposition
Leader Mick Beddoes that he had dropped his earlier
insistence on first establishing terms of reference and was
now willing to participate in a proposed Presidential
Dialogue Forum even without an agenda. According to Beddoes,
the IG and the representatives of the various parties could
establish rules of engagement and an agenda at their first
meeting or two and just go on from there. Beddoes' statement
echoed earlier, more equivocal statements of support by both
Qarase and Chaudhry. The October 9 High Court ruling
dismissing Qarase's legal challenge to the 2006 coup clearly
threw the opposition off-balance. These developments seem to
have emboldened Samy to propose to Bainimarama a serious push
with the PPDF.
13. (C) Sayed-Khaiyum's argument against holding the
Presidential Political Dialogue Forum at this time was at
least half-right -- it is indeed ill-conceived, in the sense
that the IG has given little thought to its preparation.
Sayed-Khaiyum and other elements of the IG clearly seem to
see little personal value in dialogue. They had surely
weighed against the idea when Nair had first broached the
idea of a PPDF de-linked from the Charter process.
Bainimarama only seemed to have agreed to the PPDF on an
impulse under Samy's suasion. He apparently had even signed
the invitation letters to the forum before consulting with
Sayed-Khaiyum and the Military Council. (On a conscious or
unconscious level, this appears to have been deliberate, as
though Bainimarama wanted to force the issue.) He apparently
caved in to their criticism of the dialogue initiative before
calling Samy in to defend the proposal. Bainimarama appears
to have given little real thought to how a dialogue should be
constructed or to what ends. Even Halapua and Nair, both
intelligent men and major proponents of dialogue, were caught
somewhat flat-footed by Samy's success in persuading
Bainimarama to let the forum to go forward.
14. (C) By inviting even new and obscure parties to the
dialogue forum, Bainimarama is able to mitigate some of the
influence of the real opposition heavy-weights arrayed
against him -- viz., Qarase, Chaudhry, and to a lesser extent
Beddoes. He also ingratiates himself somewhat with the
smaller parties. After suffering the opposition's slings and
arrows, Bainimarama--especially if he resists the temptation
to resort to his usual blustering--might conceivably even
emerge as a sort of compromise figure if Qarase and Chaudhry
eventually turn their rhetorical firepower on each other.
Another, more cynical possibility is that some or all of the
new parties are bogus and created by the IG in order to pack
the deck at the forum.
15. (C) The likelihood is that Bainimarama will not succeed
in playing a statesman but will resort to form by attempting
instead to bully the opposition to accept the draft Peoples
Charter as Fiji's vision statement. If the first session
adjourns with a date for a second, it will be no small
victory and would bode well for Fiji's ability to demonstrate
progress at the December meeting of the PIF in Papua New
Guinea. If the dialogue fails, the recriminations likely
will fly fast and furious. The chances for the dialogue to
survive the first meeting are probably less than even, but if
the parties ever do settle down to a genuine give and take,
they may find common areas for agreement on important issues
related to election reform and confirmation of some form of
amnesty for Bainimarama and his people. Perhaps most
optimistically, the parties represented in the 2006
parliament could agree to a choreographed session by a
reassembled parliament at which the draft People's Charter
could be ratified or referred to a referendum or early
consideration by a newly-elected parliament -- similar to the
historic compromise between Federalists and Anti-Federalists
that led to the adoption of our own Bill of Rights by the
First U.S. Congress. As Dr. Halapua put it to Embassy
officers, dialogue may be painful, but in light of the
alternatives, it still remains the preferred "soft option."
End comment.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/24/2018
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires, a.i. Richard K. Pruett;
Reasons 1,4 (B),(D).
1. (C) Summary. The move by Fiji's interim Prime Minister
Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama to convene a "Presidential
Political Dialogue Forum" (PPDF) to facilitate the conducting
of a general election "as soon as practically possible" has
opened a schism within the inner circles of the interim
government (IG) between those in favor and those opposed to
the forum. The rift could cause the departure of
Bainimarama's close advisor John Samy as early as October 27.
It also throws into further doubt the IG's commitment to the
PPDF process. End summary.
2. (C) Dr. Sitiveni "Steven" Halapua, an eminent Tongan
professor at the East-West Center in Honolulu who is also the
"People's Representative" to Tonga's Constitutional and
Electoral Commission, discussed with Embassy officers on
October 23 his understanding of events leading to his
selection by the IG as a "co-interlocutor" of the PPDF.
(Retired Australian Foreign Service officer Robin Nair, an
ethnic Indo-Fijian, is the other co-interlocutor.) Halapua
revealed that John Samy, a key advisor to Bainimarama, had
persuaded Bainimarama to proceed with the PPDF despite
collective opposition to the dialogue within the IG.
According to Halapua, intramural criticism of the PPDF
initiative so affected Samy that he is now drafting a
memorandum of understanding governing his future relations
with the IG, and if the IG does not accept his terms by the
date of the PPDF's opening on October 27, then he is prepared
to resign immediately from the government.
3. (C) Halapua disclosed that interim Attorney General Aiyaz
Sayed-Khaiyum had rallied the entire Military Council of the
Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) in opposition to the
PPDF initiative. According to Halapua, he had to terminate a
meeting with Samy on October 21 when Bainimarama suddenly
called Samy away to a meeting with Sayed-Khaiyum and the
Military Council. Halapua shared with us Samy's later
account of the meeting. Sayed-Khaiyum reportedly excoriated
the PPDF as an ill-conceived idea coming at the wrong time.
Asked in which way Sayed-Khayum thought the PPDF
ill-conceived, Halapua replied that the interim attorney
general seemed to think that the October 9 high court ruling
dismissing the main legal challenge to the 2006 coup had
given the IG a sort of carte blanche that obviated the need
for any conciliatory measures for the present. Sayed-Khaiyum
also reportedly criticized Halapua and Nair as representing
the interests of the international community -- by
implication, in opposition to Fiji's national interests.
4. (C) Samy passionately argued in favor of allowing the
PPDF to go forward. Halapua did not elaborate much on Samy's
arguments, except to say that Samy had warned Bainimarama
that he would lose all credibility with respect to any future
appeal for dialogue if he now aborted the PPDF process. It
had to have been a tour de force on Samy's part, because his
argument carried the day against the articulate and
persuasive attorney general.
5. (C) Sayed-Khaiyum's challenge before the Military Council
reportedly still rankled Samy during a subsequent budget
meeting he attended at which Sayed-Khaiyum was Chair.
Afterward, Samy informed Bainimarama that he would no longer
attend budget meetings if they are chaired by Sayed-Khaiyum.
Bainimarama apparently told Sayed-Khaiyum of Samy's feelings,
prompting the interim attorney general to ask Samy (perhaps
patronizingly) "are you alright?" Samy reportedly replied
that by attacking Halapua and Nair, Sayed-Khaiyum had
impugned Samy by association. Halapua did not provide more
details about Samy's spat with Sayed-Khaiyum, but he noted
that Samy is an accomplished economist who had earlier turned
down Bainimarama's offer to head Fiji's Ministry of Finance.
Said Halapua, Samy's threat to boycott budget meetings is
magnified by the fact that he possesses most of the financial
credentials to be found in the committee.
6. (C) Samy's pique apparently did not end with
Sayed-Khaiyum. According to Halapua, Samy still feels so
hurt for being mistrusted that he is now drafting a
memorandum of understanding to govern his future relations
with the IG and is prepared to resign from the interim
government if the IG does not accept his terms by October 27.
In the course of advocating for the PPDF, Samy reportedly
concluded that the IG had never been very serious about
instituting a dialogue with the opposition. Bainimarama had
often blamed deposed Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase for not
being willing to hold genuine talks, but Samy now feels that
Bainimarama was simply projecting onto the opposition his own
reluctance. Halapua claimed that Samy now feels appalled
that despite his work with the IG for over a year, during
which time he was the principal architect of the draft
People's Charter for Change, Peace and Progress, or blueprint
for reforming Fiji's political culture, those in Fiji's
ruling circle still don't have a vision for how to get there.
7. (C) Halapua mentioned his surprise in learning that John
Samy is not as some portray him: a Rasputin-like eminence
grise manipulating Bainimarama from behind the scenes. He
is, instead, as Nair has characterized him: the moderate in
Bainimarama's inner circle. (Comment: Nair had earlier told
embassy officers that Samy alone had been truly receptive to
his proposals. Nair is himself a moderate but does not share
Samy's access to Bainimarama. The only other moderate in
Bainimarama's circle seems to be Permanent Secretary Parmesh
Chand. Chand does not seem as close to Bainimarama as Samy
or Sayed-Khaiyum and appears seldom to take an advocacy role
on policy issues. End comment.)
8. (SBU) Halapua and Nair are only now beginning to
formulate their roles in the upcoming dialogue forum.
Halapua had little idea yet of the modalities for the
meeting, except that it would be held at the parliament
complex in Suva and would include all 16 of Fiji's registered
parties. Each of the parties will be represented by
principals plus one. The IG will be represented by
Sayed-Khaiyum as principal, accompanied by Samy. Bainimarama
will chair the meeting. The meeting will be aimed at
achieving an agenda and terms of reference for the PPDF
sessions to follow.
9. (C) In light of Bainimarama's recent unhelpful
stipulations that none of the parties come to the forum with
demands, including any insistence on holding the IG to its
earlier promise of elections by March 2009, Embassy officers
suggested to Halapua that he and Nair try to impress upon
Bainimarama the value in his taking a light approach to
chairing the session, presiding over, but not necessarily
running, the meetings. As interlocutors, Halapua and Nair
would foreshadow the role Sir Paul Reeves or his substitute
would play in facilitating any future sessions. They could
play an important role in shaping the context of discussions
in order to promote genuine dialogue, so careful focus now on
establishing ground rules and processes could pay big
dividends for this and any future meetings. Halapua seized
on the word 'process' and began to think aloud about seating
and other arrangements. He toyed with the idea of flanking
Bainimarama with himself and Nair. He was especially pleased
with the thought that Sayed-Khaiyum would not be able to pass
notes directly to Bainimarama but would instead need to go
through Samy. (According to Halapua, Samy had originally
sought to distance himself from the PPDF for fear his
participation in it might somehow muddle his promotion of the
draft Peoples Charter, but Samy later changed his mind
because his participation might help to neutralize
Sayed-Khaiyum's baleful influence.) Halapua added that he
and Nair are in the process of writing out some ground rules
for the proceedings.
10. (SBU) The idea of a presidentially-sanctioned political
dialogue seems to have originated out of the April meeting of
the National Council For Building a Better Fiji (NCBBF) in
which it called for a forum of all parties, convened by the
president, to discuss electoral reform. (The IG established
the NCBBF to promote the adoption of the draft People's
Charter.) Subsequently, Fiji's major parties, including
Qarase's Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL) party, agreed
to participate on the condition that the forum discuss more
than just electoral reform. The idea for the Forum
languished when Bainimarama made it clear he would not accept
Fiji constitutional law expert Sir Paul Reeves of New Zealand
as its chair, despite Reeves' endorsement for the position by
the Commonwealth's secretary general. The IG had suggested
three other names, feeling that Reeves was already too wedded
to Fiji's present political system, which he had helped to
codify as the chair of the Fiji Constitution Review
Commission from 1995 to 1997. The Commonwealth's secretary
general persisted in supporting Reeves for the role. Reeves
reportedly believed that elections could be held in March
2009 as Bainimarama had originally promised the PIF
leadership at its 2007 summit in Tonga. Reeves also
reportedly wanted the Forum broadened to include more than
issues of electoral reform (e.g., a date certain for
elections),whereas Bainimarama was adamant that its
discussions be limited to electoral reform. Bainimarama
effectively sidelined Reeves by saying he would only accept
him as an advisor or facilitator, and not as Chair, to which
Reeves did not assent. Later statements by Bainimarama and
the NCBBF then seemed to delay the convening of the Forum
indefinitely by making it contingent upon prior acceptance of
the Peoples Charter.
11. (SBU) Halapua and East-West Center President Charles
Morrison visited Fiji in September to push their idea of a
"talanoa" consultative process to bring the IG together with
Qarase and other major opposition figures. They explained
their ideas to Bainimarama, Qarase, Samy, Fiji Labour Party
leader Mahendra Chaudhry, resident heads of diplomatic
missions, and virtually every other major political figure in
Fiji, with the exception of oppositionist Mick Beddoes of the
United People's Party, who was unavailable. They found most
parties generally receptive to the idea but very distrustful
of the other participants. Subsequently, Robin Nair, in his
capacity as a member of the so-called Independent Monitoring
Group (IMG),which was ostensibly established by President
Iloilo to provide independent oversight of the preparation
process for the People's Charter, made his own attempt at
promoting dialogue. He attempted to persuade Bainimarama to
de-link the PPDF from progress on the People's Charter. He
also tried to sell the IG on the idea of using a well-known
conflict resolution group to lead the PPDF as a way to
mediate an end to Fiji,s political impasse. Nair was
disappointed by Bainimarama's cool response to his proposals;
the commodore promised only to take Nair's idea under
advisement for later discussion with Republic of Fiji
Military Forces' Military Council.
12. (SBU) Further impetus to the idea of a political forum
came with generally supportive statements by New Zealand and
Australia. Helpful, too, was the announcement by Opposition
Leader Mick Beddoes that he had dropped his earlier
insistence on first establishing terms of reference and was
now willing to participate in a proposed Presidential
Dialogue Forum even without an agenda. According to Beddoes,
the IG and the representatives of the various parties could
establish rules of engagement and an agenda at their first
meeting or two and just go on from there. Beddoes' statement
echoed earlier, more equivocal statements of support by both
Qarase and Chaudhry. The October 9 High Court ruling
dismissing Qarase's legal challenge to the 2006 coup clearly
threw the opposition off-balance. These developments seem to
have emboldened Samy to propose to Bainimarama a serious push
with the PPDF.
13. (C) Sayed-Khaiyum's argument against holding the
Presidential Political Dialogue Forum at this time was at
least half-right -- it is indeed ill-conceived, in the sense
that the IG has given little thought to its preparation.
Sayed-Khaiyum and other elements of the IG clearly seem to
see little personal value in dialogue. They had surely
weighed against the idea when Nair had first broached the
idea of a PPDF de-linked from the Charter process.
Bainimarama only seemed to have agreed to the PPDF on an
impulse under Samy's suasion. He apparently had even signed
the invitation letters to the forum before consulting with
Sayed-Khaiyum and the Military Council. (On a conscious or
unconscious level, this appears to have been deliberate, as
though Bainimarama wanted to force the issue.) He apparently
caved in to their criticism of the dialogue initiative before
calling Samy in to defend the proposal. Bainimarama appears
to have given little real thought to how a dialogue should be
constructed or to what ends. Even Halapua and Nair, both
intelligent men and major proponents of dialogue, were caught
somewhat flat-footed by Samy's success in persuading
Bainimarama to let the forum to go forward.
14. (C) By inviting even new and obscure parties to the
dialogue forum, Bainimarama is able to mitigate some of the
influence of the real opposition heavy-weights arrayed
against him -- viz., Qarase, Chaudhry, and to a lesser extent
Beddoes. He also ingratiates himself somewhat with the
smaller parties. After suffering the opposition's slings and
arrows, Bainimarama--especially if he resists the temptation
to resort to his usual blustering--might conceivably even
emerge as a sort of compromise figure if Qarase and Chaudhry
eventually turn their rhetorical firepower on each other.
Another, more cynical possibility is that some or all of the
new parties are bogus and created by the IG in order to pack
the deck at the forum.
15. (C) The likelihood is that Bainimarama will not succeed
in playing a statesman but will resort to form by attempting
instead to bully the opposition to accept the draft Peoples
Charter as Fiji's vision statement. If the first session
adjourns with a date for a second, it will be no small
victory and would bode well for Fiji's ability to demonstrate
progress at the December meeting of the PIF in Papua New
Guinea. If the dialogue fails, the recriminations likely
will fly fast and furious. The chances for the dialogue to
survive the first meeting are probably less than even, but if
the parties ever do settle down to a genuine give and take,
they may find common areas for agreement on important issues
related to election reform and confirmation of some form of
amnesty for Bainimarama and his people. Perhaps most
optimistically, the parties represented in the 2006
parliament could agree to a choreographed session by a
reassembled parliament at which the draft People's Charter
could be ratified or referred to a referendum or early
consideration by a newly-elected parliament -- similar to the
historic compromise between Federalists and Anti-Federalists
that led to the adoption of our own Bill of Rights by the
First U.S. Congress. As Dr. Halapua put it to Embassy
officers, dialogue may be painful, but in light of the
alternatives, it still remains the preferred "soft option."
End comment.