2008-03-10 05:15:00
Embassy Manama
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (SBU) Bahrain continues to struggle with trafficking in
persons, but has taken some positive steps during the past
year. The King signed into law new anti-trafficking
legislation that carries stiff penalties. Prosecutors and
police officers have received training on identification and
protection of trafficked victims, and attempted to apply that
training when dealing with high-threat populations. The new
Labor Management Regulatory Authority began implementing
labor reforms aimed at decreasing the demand for migrant
labor, a step that would benefit migrant laborers who remain
in country as well as poor, disenfranchised Bahrainis. In
Embassy Manama's view, keeping Bahrain on Tier 3 would amount
to the USG failing to recognize that Bahrain has taken some
significant steps toward eliminating trafficking. Moving
Bahrain to Tier 2-Watchlist could provide a boost to
anti-trafficking elements in the GOB and in civil society,
and send the message that Bahrain can benefit by moving in
the right direction. T
hat said, there remains much work left to do.
2. (U) Post's point of contact for Trafficking in Persons
is PolOff Steve Jacob, 973.1724.2834 / 202.448.5131, ext
2834, fax 973.1727.3011. The preparation of the TIP report
cable required an FS-05 to work 45 hours. The responses
below are keyed to reftel queries:
3. (SBU) REFTEL Question 27 - Overview of host country's
efforts to eliminate trafficking in persons.
--A. (SBU) Bahrain is a destination country for
internationally trafficked men and women. Most male victims
are trafficked to Bahrain as construction labor and
occasionally as domestic labor. Most female victims are
trafficked to Bahrain as domestic or hospitality labor
(including for hotels and restaurants),and, occasionally, as
field labor. There have been no reports of children being
trafficked. There are no reports of trafficking occurring
within the country's borders, and there is no national
territory outside of the government's control. Post has
requested trafficking statistics from the government,
including Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice
and Islamic Affairs, Public Prosecution, Ministry of
Interior, General Directorate of Nationality, Passports, and
Residence, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Labor
and the Labor Market Regulatory Authority. By the March 1
deadline, we had not received responses to all 150 questions
posed reftel; post will transmit an update when th
ese replies are received. Other sources of information post
drew on include the press, International Organization for
Migration, and Migrant Workers Protection Society. The
Migrant Workers Protection Society, while the organization
closest to the trafficked population, maintains no case
records or statistics. Foreign embassy sources provide
useful information, but due to limited resources their
reports are almost all anecdotes about individual cases.
There are approximately 517,000 expatriates in Bahrain.
Indian nationals comprise the largest single group of
laborers, and by extension the largest potential group of
victims. Since the labor laws do not cover domestic labor,
female domestic workers of all nationalities are the most at
risk of trafficking.
--B. (SBU) The GOB has taken several steps to combat
trafficking over the last year. The most significant step
was the enactment a comprehensive anti-trafficking in persons
law on January 9, 2008. This law defines trafficking,
prescribes specific penalties for violations, and grants
authority for an intragovernmental committee to oversee the
welfare of victims. In addition, the Ministry of Interior
created a specialized unit to investigate trafficking cases.
Nonetheless, some victims continue to suffer from contract
substitution and debt bondage as they enter squalid living
conditions, where they sometimes work long hours for minimal
pay. Primary source countries continued to be India,
Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand,
and the Philippines. To a lesser extent, Ethiopia, Eritrea,
Morocco, and countries of the former Soviet Union were also
source countries. The primary traffickers are employment
recruitment agencies in both Bahrain and the sending
countries. Some victims descr
ibed recruitment agents approaching them in their home
countries with offers of desirable and lucrative employment
in Bahrain. Upon arrival, these people faced poor salaries,
long hours, squalid living conditions, and heavy debts to
employers and the recruitment agencies.
--C. (SBU) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs chairs an
interagency anti-trafficking in persons committee. The
Ministries of Labor, Interior, Justice and Islamic Affairs,
Social Development, and Health, as well as the Labor Market
Regulatory Authority (LMRA),Central Informatics Organization
(CIO),General Directorate for Nationality, Passports, and
Residence (GDNPR) participate. In November, 2007, the
Ministry of Interior formed a special unit to investigate
trafficking cases, and in particular, forced prostitution and
sex trafficking.
--D. (SBU) Legal barriers were removed on January 9 when the
anti-TIP law entered into force. In post's assessment there
are no resource barriers to the GOB's efforts to combat TIP.
It is unclear what role corruption may play in dampening
political will to combat trafficking. Though post has no
evidence of corruption, many observers believe that
influential Bahraini figures benefit from trafficking and use
their connections to avoid enforcement efforts.
--E. (SBU) The inter-ministerial task force continues to
meet to monitor and assess GOB progress on different fronts,
however it rarely made available its progress reporting. The
Labor Management Regulatory Agency and the Ministry of Labor
have made continual efforts to monitor and publish the number
of laborers in country, however, no other organizations do so.
4. (SBU) REFTEL Question 28 - Investigation and prosecution
of traffickers.
--A. (SBU) On January 9, 2008, Bahrain enacted law number 1
of 2008 with respect to trafficking in persons. The law
specifically prohibits trafficking in persons for sexual and
non-sexual purposes. The law defines trafficking in persons
as "the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or
receiving persons, by means of threat or the use of force or
other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deceit, abuse of
power or of position or any other direct or indirect unlawful
means." Prior to January 9, trafficking cases were
prosecuted under laws pertaining to forced labor,
unjustifiable withholding of salary, unlawful holding of an
employee's passport, assault, and forced prostitution.
--B. (SBU) The new law does not differentiate between
purposes of trafficking; however trafficking of women, or
persons under the age of 15 are considered aggravating
circumstances, as is te transmission of an incurable
disease. Under te law, any individual convicted of any form
of tafficking faces a prison sentence of not less thanthree
years and not more than 15 years, in additon to a fine of
not less than BD 2,000 (approximaely USD 4,530) and not more
than BD 10,000 (apprximately USD 22,650). Sentencing under
aggravating circumstances is doubled, and increases the
maximum prison sentence to life. Each corporate person
convicted of trafficking in the name of, on behalf of, or to
the benefit of the chairman, a member of the board of
directors, or any other corporate official acting in their
corporate capacity faces a fine of not less than BD 10,000
(approximately USD 22,650) and not more than BD 100,000
(approximately USD 226,500),in addition to the cost of
repatriating the victim to their home c
ountry. The GOB did not provide data on sex traffickers, or
victims of trafficking by the March 1 deadline. According to
press reports, the Lower Criminal Court convicted two
Bahrainis and an Iraqi on charges of coercing into
prostitution several dancers at a Manama hotel through the
use of threats and intimidation. All three men received
two-year prison sentences.
--C. (SBU) The new law does not differentiate between
purposes of trafficking. Under the law, any individual
convicted of any form of trafficking faces a prison sentence
of not less than three years and not more than 15 years, in
addition to a fine of not less than BD 2,000 (approximately
USD 4,530) and not more than BD 10,000 (approximately USD
22,650). Each corporate person convicted of trafficking in
the name of, on behalf of, or to the benefit of the chairman,
a member of the board of directors, or any other corporate
official acting in their corporate capacity faces a fine of
not less than BD 10,000 (approximately USD 22,650) and not
more than BD 100,000 (approximately USD 226,500),in addition
to the cost of repatriating the victim to their home country.
Employers found guilty of imposing forced labor on employees
are subject to imprisonment of up to ten years and/or a fine.
Court cases against employers were rare because plaintiffs
often could not afford legal representation and were
frequently bar
red from other employment. The GOB did not provide data by
the March 1 deadline on persons convicted of confiscating
workers' passports or travel documents, switching contracts
without workers' consent, or withholding payment of salaries
as a means of keeping the worker in a state of service.
--C (cont). (SBU) On January 1, new foreign labor
regulations took effect for government organizations. The
regulations are scheduled to take effect for the private
sector on July 1, and for domestic workers in early 2009.
Previously, the Ministry of Labor issued blank work permits
to every registered corporation. These permits, which did
not identify a specific laborer, prohibited the employee from
seeking other employment without the employer's permission.
Under the new regulations, the Ministry of Labor does not
issue blank permits to employers, but works with the
employer, the job seeker, and other government agencies to
issue a work visa prior to the employee's arrival in country.
Upon arrival, the LMRA registers the employee's biographic
data to prevent abuse or transfer of the visa. The work visa
is transferable to a new employer. In addition, the LMRA
charges employers a monthly fee of BD 10 (USD 26.50) for each
expatriate laborer in order to ensure continual reporting of
expatriate labor and
to reduce the demand for expatriate labor. According to LMRA
rules, this fee should not be passed down to the laborer. As
of February 11, 75 inspectors had been hired and had begun
visiting employers to ensure compliance.
--D. (U) Rape of a female is punishable by a sentence of up
to ten years in prison, and rape of a male can result in
imprisonment of up to seven years unless the male victim is
under 17 years of age, in which case the perpetrator can be
imprisoned up to ten years. The penalties under the new
trafficking law are more stringent, entailing both a fine and
a prison sentence of between three and 15 years.
--E. (SBU) Current law criminalizes both prostitution and
solicitation of prostitution. The activities of procurers of
prostitutes, such as pimps or brothel operators, are also
criminalized. Public Prosecution reported that the number of
prostitutes jailed cannot be determined because in some cases
the prostitutes are considered victims. Nonetheless, Public
Prosecution received 122 prostitution cases. Sentences for
individuals who "encouraged the practice of prostitution"
varied between ten days and two years in prison. Sentences
for those who "managed an establishment for the practice of
prostitution," ranged from three months to three years in
--F. (SBU) The GOB had not responded by March 1 to post's
request for statistics pertaining to convictions on
trafficking related offenses during the reporting period. In
calendar year 2007, the Ministry of Labor transferred 821
labor cases against sponsors to the Public Prosecution for
investigation and trial, however, no further information is
presently available to post.
--G. (SBU) The GOB included a module devoted to trafficking
in the eight-week training course on international law given
to newly-appointed public prosecutors. The GOB has
encouraged its officials to participate in trafficking
related programs on how to recognize, investigate, and
prosecute instances of trafficking. In October, the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted a
follow-up survey on the training it conducted, using USG
funds, with the GOB. To date, post has not received the IOM
report. In cooperation with several GOB ministries, IOM
initiated a new capacity-building program that will, among
other things, enable the GOB to monitor trafficking cases on
its own.
--H. (SBU) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked the
embassies of sending countries to inform it of any efforts
they make to contact sponsors or mediate disputes between
expatriate workers and their employers. The MFA, GDNPR,
Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, and the Public
Prosecution office work with the Migrant Workers Protection
Society and the embassies of some sending countries to
facilitate mediation of labor disputes.
--I. (SBU) There are no known trafficking-related
extradition requests filed with the GOB. Bahrain is party to
a number of bilateral extradition treaties and some
multinational arrangements, including the Arab Agreement to
Combat Trans-Arab Organized Crime and the Arab Agreement to
Combat Terrorism.
--J. (SBU) There is no evidence available to post of
official government involvement in or tolerance of
trafficking. However, in activist and expat labor circles
there are widespread rumors of unnamed officials providing
Bahrainis with authorization to sponsor more expatriate
workers than they could reasonably employ. Expatriate
laborers also report rumors that unnamed government officials
in their private capacities, like some other wealthy
Bahrainis, have withheld domestic employees' passports and
salaries. Some reportedly engaged in the illegal practice of
"selling" a visa to a worker for fees exceeding 1000 dinars
($2650). This practice, referred to as "casual labor,"
allowed the worker who purchased the visa to seek employment
illegally on the open market. Employers who hired these
workers were subject to fines if caught. However, because
they could hire these workers for less than workers hired
through recruitment agencies, some reportedly accepted the
risk. The Ministry of Labor's system of acc
ountability required that if a laborer left his/her sponsor,
the sponsor was required to report the laborer as a "runaway"
and to pay a 100 dinar ($265) deposit, refundable upon
repatriation of the worker. Reportedly, after a "casual"
worker's two year work permit validity expired, the worker
would go back to the original sponsor to "renew" his work
permit by "buying" the visa again from the sponsor for a
similar sum.
--K. (U) No government officials have been prosecuted for
involvement in trafficking or trafficking-related corruption.
--L. (U) Bahrain does not contribute troops to international
peacekeeping efforts.
--M. (U)Bahrain does not have an identified child sex
tourism problem.
5. (SBU) REFTEL Question 29 - Protection and assistance to
--A. (SBU)The government opened a shelter for women in 2006.
Between April 1, 2007 and February 1, 2008, the shelter
provided legal services for 45 expatriate women for a variety
of causes, the majority of which were beatings. In July, two
women, one Ukrainian and one Russian, approached the shelter
seeking repatriation and relief from trafficking, which the
shelter provided. Between August 1, 2007, and January 31,
2008, the government granted an amnesty for all illegal
laborers, whereby they could legalize their status in Bahrain
or return to their home country without having to pay fines
normally levied for visa overstays. According to the LMRA
website, at the end of the amnesty, 12,897 workers returned
to their home countries, while 43,445 chose to remain in
country either by transferring their visa to a new employer
(29,804) or renewing an expired visa (13,641). The press
reported slightly higher figures. MWPS volunteers told
poloff that during the amnesty, in two cases, they saw
sponsors go to the
queue in front of the GDNPR office, locate "their" runaway
workers, and physically prevent them from registering for the
amnesty. MWPS and the media reported that some employers
did not grant their employees time off to register.
--B. (SBU) There are several shelters for trafficking
victims, especially women. There are no reports of internal
trafficking. The government runs its own large shelter that
provides services for victims of trafficking victims and of
domestic abuse. The MWPS maintains a small shelter for
women, and many of the sending countries maintain shelters
for their nationals. The government shelter, financed by the
Ministry of Social Development, reported providing legal
services to 45 expatriate women. The government shelter
reportedly referred some victims to the hospital for medical
treatment, and to a social worker for psychological services.
Post was unable to obtain statistics from the embassies or
from the MWPS shelter. The MWPS shelter relies upon
community donations for its operation.
--C. (SBU) Although it permits NGOs that serve migrant
workers to operate freely in Bahrain, the GOB does not
provide funding or other forms of support to foreign or
domestic NGOs for services to trafficking victims.
--D. (SBU) A short module on trafficking is included in the
initial training for prosecutors and police officers.
According to the Public Prosecution office, police officers
attempt to identify prostitutes as victims. In most cases
victims were given temporary shelter by the police, or taken
to the MWPS shelter while the case underwent a preliminary
investigation. In cases of physical, sexual, or
psychological abuse, the police referred the case to the
government-run shelter. In cases where there was an
indication of misconduct on the part of the expatriate
worker, the worker was held in detention before being
deported. The government did not provide statistics on
numbers of victims to post before the reporting deadline of
March 1.
--E. (U) Bahrain does not have legalized prostitution.
--F. (SBU) Trafficking victims were not fined or imprisoned
unless they were found guilty of an immigration violation or
suspected of a crime such as theft or prostitution. Workers
who were no longer employed by their sponsor, but who pursued
work illegally as "casual" laborers, were detained while
being processed for deportation. According to the Ministry
of Labor, it did not normally detain workers longer than 48
hours, but detention lengths reportedly varied. According to
MWPS, workers who left their employers were frequently
charged with running away, and imprisoned for two weeks for
being deported.
--G. (SBU) The GOB does not actively discourage workers from
pursuing legal action against employers. The GOB reportedly
facilitates contact with lawyers, but NGOs report that
workers rarely have the money to hire quality attorneys.
Immigration officials often adjust residence and sponsorship
requirements to enable expatriate victims to work for
employers other than their sponsors so that they may support
themselves during the legal process. MWPS representatives
reported that it no longer encouraged victims of abuse to
seek restitution through the court system due to the length
of court cases. MWPS has experienced higher levels of
success working in conjunction with source country embassy
staffs to negotiate settlements with sponsors. Such
settlements often included back-payments of salary, repayment
of recruiting fees, release of passports and/or sponsorship,
and repatriation.
--H. (U) Reference paragraph 4B.
--I. (SBU) Prosecutors and police officers undergo a
training module on trafficking as part of their initial
training. Post is not aware of any further special training.
The GOB had not responded to all reftel questions before the
March 1 reporting deadline.
--J. (U) Post is unaware of any Bahraini nationals that are
victims of trafficking.
--K. (SBU) The International Organization for Migration
occasionally works with trafficking victims in Bahrain,
however most of its work has been to provide training,
capacity building, and awareness campaigns. In this
capacity, the GOB has offered to provide training space,
conference space, and support design and printing of
awareness materials. Neither the GOB nor IOM provided any
additional information to post regarding this question by the
March 1 deadline.
6. (SBU) REFTEL question 30 - Prevention.
--A. (SBU) The GOB acknowledges that trafficking is a
problem in the country, and a senior Foreign Ministry
official presented a speech at the Vienna Forum to Fight
Human Trafficking in February, 2008, outlining Bahrain's
efforts to combat trafficking.
--B. (U) The Labor Management Regulatory Authority has
initiated an education campaign for both employers and
incoming labor. The campaign focuses on how employers and
employees can ensure the legality of their employment on the
LMRA website. On May 29, 2007, the Ministry of Social
Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in
cooperation with IOM, organized a symposium entitled,
"Trafficking in Persons: A Global and Local Perspective."
--C. (SBU) There was some official coordination between the
GOB and civil society concerning trafficking. At the GOB's
request, the director of a non-governmental domestic violence
center initially managed the government shelter; however, she
withdrew from its management shortly after it opened. The
GOB has since attempted to recruit other NGOs to run the
shelter; none have accepted the offer for a variety of
reasons. The MWPS has developed an adequate network to
assist victims. The Ministry of Interior occasionally
contacted the MWPS when the police identified victims needing
assistance. Embassies also contacted MWPS for assistance
with victims. The MWPS received no direct GOB funding,
although some Bahraini officials have contributed to the
group on an individual basis in connection with its annual
fundraising dinner.
--D. (SBU) Under the new LMRA regulations, immigrant workers
are screened and biometrically registered upon entry into
--E. (SBU) The inter-ministerial task force coordinates GOB
action. The GOB does not have a public corruption task
force. Issues of corruption are addressed publicly by
periodic government audit reports, Members of Parliament, and
by an NGO, the Bahrain Transparency Society. In addition,
the new LMRA regulations require cooperation between various
internal agencies, including the Ministries of Labor,
Interior, and Foreign Affairs, the GDNPR, and the Central
Infomatics Organization before a work visa can be issued.
--F. (SBU) The GOB had not responded to post's query by the
March 1 deadline. As post reported last year, member
ministries of the anti-trafficking task force formulated a
national plan of action that includes legislation, a shelter,
a trafficking database, phone hotlines, and outreach, among
other items. NGOs were not consulted in the process. The
plan is an internal document and has not been made public in
its official form.
7. (U) REFTEL Question 31 - Heroes.
--A. (U) Post recommends Marietta Dias and the Migrant
Workers Protection Society as a trafficking Hero. The
Migrant Workers Protection Society is comprised of 38
volunteer members, almost entirely expatriates. The MWPS
maintains a small shelter for trafficking victims, and works
hard to get the press to publish victims' stories and raise
awareness of their plight. MWPS is sure to attend any
function where migrant labor is the focus of discussion. It
assists laborers in court, facilitates mediation between
workers and their sponsors, and educates workers about their
rights in Bahrain. It also works with employers to improve
working conditions for migrant laborers.
--B. (U) As the head of its action committee Marietta Dias is
the face of the MWPS. Ms. Dias, an Indian retiree with no
formal training in social work or counseling, works
tirelessly to care for migrant laborers from any country.
Ms. Dias coordinates her work with embassies, GOB agencies,
and welfare groups to seek justice or repatriation for
workers. She has worked with many international NGOs to
learn more and better ways of improving the treatment of
migrant laborers, as well as to increase international
awareness of Bahrain's migrant labor force.
8. (U) REFTEL question 32 - Best practices. Post believes
that the combination of the new trafficking law and the new
LMRA system for issuing work visas provide a legal framework
conducive to discouraging trafficking and reducing the demand
for migrant labor. LMRA officials admit that its system of
biometric controls and increased fees for work visas is aimed
at reducing Bahrain's reliance on expatriate labor and
encouraging employers to hire Bahraini employees. This
reduction in demand, in combination with stiff penalties on
traffickers, could reduce the incidence of trafficking.
********************************************* ********
Visit Embassy Manama's Classified Website:
********************************************* ********
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (SBU) Bahrain continues to struggle with trafficking in
persons, but has taken some positive steps during the past
year. The King signed into law new anti-trafficking
legislation that carries stiff penalties. Prosecutors and
police officers have received training on identification and
protection of trafficked victims, and attempted to apply that
training when dealing with high-threat populations. The new
Labor Management Regulatory Authority began implementing
labor reforms aimed at decreasing the demand for migrant
labor, a step that would benefit migrant laborers who remain
in country as well as poor, disenfranchised Bahrainis. In
Embassy Manama's view, keeping Bahrain on Tier 3 would amount
to the USG failing to recognize that Bahrain has taken some
significant steps toward eliminating trafficking. Moving
Bahrain to Tier 2-Watchlist could provide a boost to
anti-trafficking elements in the GOB and in civil society,
and send the message that Bahrain can benefit by moving in
the right direction. T
hat said, there remains much work left to do.
2. (U) Post's point of contact for Trafficking in Persons
is PolOff Steve Jacob, 973.1724.2834 / 202.448.5131, ext
2834, fax 973.1727.3011. The preparation of the TIP report
cable required an FS-05 to work 45 hours. The responses
below are keyed to reftel queries:
3. (SBU) REFTEL Question 27 - Overview of host country's
efforts to eliminate trafficking in persons.
--A. (SBU) Bahrain is a destination country for
internationally trafficked men and women. Most male victims
are trafficked to Bahrain as construction labor and
occasionally as domestic labor. Most female victims are
trafficked to Bahrain as domestic or hospitality labor
(including for hotels and restaurants),and, occasionally, as
field labor. There have been no reports of children being
trafficked. There are no reports of trafficking occurring
within the country's borders, and there is no national
territory outside of the government's control. Post has
requested trafficking statistics from the government,
including Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice
and Islamic Affairs, Public Prosecution, Ministry of
Interior, General Directorate of Nationality, Passports, and
Residence, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Labor
and the Labor Market Regulatory Authority. By the March 1
deadline, we had not received responses to all 150 questions
posed reftel; post will transmit an update when th
ese replies are received. Other sources of information post
drew on include the press, International Organization for
Migration, and Migrant Workers Protection Society. The
Migrant Workers Protection Society, while the organization
closest to the trafficked population, maintains no case
records or statistics. Foreign embassy sources provide
useful information, but due to limited resources their
reports are almost all anecdotes about individual cases.
There are approximately 517,000 expatriates in Bahrain.
Indian nationals comprise the largest single group of
laborers, and by extension the largest potential group of
victims. Since the labor laws do not cover domestic labor,
female domestic workers of all nationalities are the most at
risk of trafficking.
--B. (SBU) The GOB has taken several steps to combat
trafficking over the last year. The most significant step
was the enactment a comprehensive anti-trafficking in persons
law on January 9, 2008. This law defines trafficking,
prescribes specific penalties for violations, and grants
authority for an intragovernmental committee to oversee the
welfare of victims. In addition, the Ministry of Interior
created a specialized unit to investigate trafficking cases.
Nonetheless, some victims continue to suffer from contract
substitution and debt bondage as they enter squalid living
conditions, where they sometimes work long hours for minimal
pay. Primary source countries continued to be India,
Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand,
and the Philippines. To a lesser extent, Ethiopia, Eritrea,
Morocco, and countries of the former Soviet Union were also
source countries. The primary traffickers are employment
recruitment agencies in both Bahrain and the sending
countries. Some victims descr
ibed recruitment agents approaching them in their home
countries with offers of desirable and lucrative employment
in Bahrain. Upon arrival, these people faced poor salaries,
long hours, squalid living conditions, and heavy debts to
employers and the recruitment agencies.
--C. (SBU) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs chairs an
interagency anti-trafficking in persons committee. The
Ministries of Labor, Interior, Justice and Islamic Affairs,
Social Development, and Health, as well as the Labor Market
Regulatory Authority (LMRA),Central Informatics Organization
(CIO),General Directorate for Nationality, Passports, and
Residence (GDNPR) participate. In November, 2007, the
Ministry of Interior formed a special unit to investigate
trafficking cases, and in particular, forced prostitution and
sex trafficking.
--D. (SBU) Legal barriers were removed on January 9 when the
anti-TIP law entered into force. In post's assessment there
are no resource barriers to the GOB's efforts to combat TIP.
It is unclear what role corruption may play in dampening
political will to combat trafficking. Though post has no
evidence of corruption, many observers believe that
influential Bahraini figures benefit from trafficking and use
their connections to avoid enforcement efforts.
--E. (SBU) The inter-ministerial task force continues to
meet to monitor and assess GOB progress on different fronts,
however it rarely made available its progress reporting. The
Labor Management Regulatory Agency and the Ministry of Labor
have made continual efforts to monitor and publish the number
of laborers in country, however, no other organizations do so.
4. (SBU) REFTEL Question 28 - Investigation and prosecution
of traffickers.
--A. (SBU) On January 9, 2008, Bahrain enacted law number 1
of 2008 with respect to trafficking in persons. The law
specifically prohibits trafficking in persons for sexual and
non-sexual purposes. The law defines trafficking in persons
as "the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or
receiving persons, by means of threat or the use of force or
other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deceit, abuse of
power or of position or any other direct or indirect unlawful
means." Prior to January 9, trafficking cases were
prosecuted under laws pertaining to forced labor,
unjustifiable withholding of salary, unlawful holding of an
employee's passport, assault, and forced prostitution.
--B. (SBU) The new law does not differentiate between
purposes of trafficking; however trafficking of women, or
persons under the age of 15 are considered aggravating
circumstances, as is te transmission of an incurable
disease. Under te law, any individual convicted of any form
of tafficking faces a prison sentence of not less thanthree
years and not more than 15 years, in additon to a fine of
not less than BD 2,000 (approximaely USD 4,530) and not more
than BD 10,000 (apprximately USD 22,650). Sentencing under
aggravating circumstances is doubled, and increases the
maximum prison sentence to life. Each corporate person
convicted of trafficking in the name of, on behalf of, or to
the benefit of the chairman, a member of the board of
directors, or any other corporate official acting in their
corporate capacity faces a fine of not less than BD 10,000
(approximately USD 22,650) and not more than BD 100,000
(approximately USD 226,500),in addition to the cost of
repatriating the victim to their home c
ountry. The GOB did not provide data on sex traffickers, or
victims of trafficking by the March 1 deadline. According to
press reports, the Lower Criminal Court convicted two
Bahrainis and an Iraqi on charges of coercing into
prostitution several dancers at a Manama hotel through the
use of threats and intimidation. All three men received
two-year prison sentences.
--C. (SBU) The new law does not differentiate between
purposes of trafficking. Under the law, any individual
convicted of any form of trafficking faces a prison sentence
of not less than three years and not more than 15 years, in
addition to a fine of not less than BD 2,000 (approximately
USD 4,530) and not more than BD 10,000 (approximately USD
22,650). Each corporate person convicted of trafficking in
the name of, on behalf of, or to the benefit of the chairman,
a member of the board of directors, or any other corporate
official acting in their corporate capacity faces a fine of
not less than BD 10,000 (approximately USD 22,650) and not
more than BD 100,000 (approximately USD 226,500),in addition
to the cost of repatriating the victim to their home country.
Employers found guilty of imposing forced labor on employees
are subject to imprisonment of up to ten years and/or a fine.
Court cases against employers were rare because plaintiffs
often could not afford legal representation and were
frequently bar
red from other employment. The GOB did not provide data by
the March 1 deadline on persons convicted of confiscating
workers' passports or travel documents, switching contracts
without workers' consent, or withholding payment of salaries
as a means of keeping the worker in a state of service.
--C (cont). (SBU) On January 1, new foreign labor
regulations took effect for government organizations. The
regulations are scheduled to take effect for the private
sector on July 1, and for domestic workers in early 2009.
Previously, the Ministry of Labor issued blank work permits
to every registered corporation. These permits, which did
not identify a specific laborer, prohibited the employee from
seeking other employment without the employer's permission.
Under the new regulations, the Ministry of Labor does not
issue blank permits to employers, but works with the
employer, the job seeker, and other government agencies to
issue a work visa prior to the employee's arrival in country.
Upon arrival, the LMRA registers the employee's biographic
data to prevent abuse or transfer of the visa. The work visa
is transferable to a new employer. In addition, the LMRA
charges employers a monthly fee of BD 10 (USD 26.50) for each
expatriate laborer in order to ensure continual reporting of
expatriate labor and
to reduce the demand for expatriate labor. According to LMRA
rules, this fee should not be passed down to the laborer. As
of February 11, 75 inspectors had been hired and had begun
visiting employers to ensure compliance.
--D. (U) Rape of a female is punishable by a sentence of up
to ten years in prison, and rape of a male can result in
imprisonment of up to seven years unless the male victim is
under 17 years of age, in which case the perpetrator can be
imprisoned up to ten years. The penalties under the new
trafficking law are more stringent, entailing both a fine and
a prison sentence of between three and 15 years.
--E. (SBU) Current law criminalizes both prostitution and
solicitation of prostitution. The activities of procurers of
prostitutes, such as pimps or brothel operators, are also
criminalized. Public Prosecution reported that the number of
prostitutes jailed cannot be determined because in some cases
the prostitutes are considered victims. Nonetheless, Public
Prosecution received 122 prostitution cases. Sentences for
individuals who "encouraged the practice of prostitution"
varied between ten days and two years in prison. Sentences
for those who "managed an establishment for the practice of
prostitution," ranged from three months to three years in
--F. (SBU) The GOB had not responded by March 1 to post's
request for statistics pertaining to convictions on
trafficking related offenses during the reporting period. In
calendar year 2007, the Ministry of Labor transferred 821
labor cases against sponsors to the Public Prosecution for
investigation and trial, however, no further information is
presently available to post.
--G. (SBU) The GOB included a module devoted to trafficking
in the eight-week training course on international law given
to newly-appointed public prosecutors. The GOB has
encouraged its officials to participate in trafficking
related programs on how to recognize, investigate, and
prosecute instances of trafficking. In October, the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted a
follow-up survey on the training it conducted, using USG
funds, with the GOB. To date, post has not received the IOM
report. In cooperation with several GOB ministries, IOM
initiated a new capacity-building program that will, among
other things, enable the GOB to monitor trafficking cases on
its own.
--H. (SBU) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked the
embassies of sending countries to inform it of any efforts
they make to contact sponsors or mediate disputes between
expatriate workers and their employers. The MFA, GDNPR,
Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, and the Public
Prosecution office work with the Migrant Workers Protection
Society and the embassies of some sending countries to
facilitate mediation of labor disputes.
--I. (SBU) There are no known trafficking-related
extradition requests filed with the GOB. Bahrain is party to
a number of bilateral extradition treaties and some
multinational arrangements, including the Arab Agreement to
Combat Trans-Arab Organized Crime and the Arab Agreement to
Combat Terrorism.
--J. (SBU) There is no evidence available to post of
official government involvement in or tolerance of
trafficking. However, in activist and expat labor circles
there are widespread rumors of unnamed officials providing
Bahrainis with authorization to sponsor more expatriate
workers than they could reasonably employ. Expatriate
laborers also report rumors that unnamed government officials
in their private capacities, like some other wealthy
Bahrainis, have withheld domestic employees' passports and
salaries. Some reportedly engaged in the illegal practice of
"selling" a visa to a worker for fees exceeding 1000 dinars
($2650). This practice, referred to as "casual labor,"
allowed the worker who purchased the visa to seek employment
illegally on the open market. Employers who hired these
workers were subject to fines if caught. However, because
they could hire these workers for less than workers hired
through recruitment agencies, some reportedly accepted the
risk. The Ministry of Labor's system of acc
ountability required that if a laborer left his/her sponsor,
the sponsor was required to report the laborer as a "runaway"
and to pay a 100 dinar ($265) deposit, refundable upon
repatriation of the worker. Reportedly, after a "casual"
worker's two year work permit validity expired, the worker
would go back to the original sponsor to "renew" his work
permit by "buying" the visa again from the sponsor for a
similar sum.
--K. (U) No government officials have been prosecuted for
involvement in trafficking or trafficking-related corruption.
--L. (U) Bahrain does not contribute troops to international
peacekeeping efforts.
--M. (U)Bahrain does not have an identified child sex
tourism problem.
5. (SBU) REFTEL Question 29 - Protection and assistance to
--A. (SBU)The government opened a shelter for women in 2006.
Between April 1, 2007 and February 1, 2008, the shelter
provided legal services for 45 expatriate women for a variety
of causes, the majority of which were beatings. In July, two
women, one Ukrainian and one Russian, approached the shelter
seeking repatriation and relief from trafficking, which the
shelter provided. Between August 1, 2007, and January 31,
2008, the government granted an amnesty for all illegal
laborers, whereby they could legalize their status in Bahrain
or return to their home country without having to pay fines
normally levied for visa overstays. According to the LMRA
website, at the end of the amnesty, 12,897 workers returned
to their home countries, while 43,445 chose to remain in
country either by transferring their visa to a new employer
(29,804) or renewing an expired visa (13,641). The press
reported slightly higher figures. MWPS volunteers told
poloff that during the amnesty, in two cases, they saw
sponsors go to the
queue in front of the GDNPR office, locate "their" runaway
workers, and physically prevent them from registering for the
amnesty. MWPS and the media reported that some employers
did not grant their employees time off to register.
--B. (SBU) There are several shelters for trafficking
victims, especially women. There are no reports of internal
trafficking. The government runs its own large shelter that
provides services for victims of trafficking victims and of
domestic abuse. The MWPS maintains a small shelter for
women, and many of the sending countries maintain shelters
for their nationals. The government shelter, financed by the
Ministry of Social Development, reported providing legal
services to 45 expatriate women. The government shelter
reportedly referred some victims to the hospital for medical
treatment, and to a social worker for psychological services.
Post was unable to obtain statistics from the embassies or
from the MWPS shelter. The MWPS shelter relies upon
community donations for its operation.
--C. (SBU) Although it permits NGOs that serve migrant
workers to operate freely in Bahrain, the GOB does not
provide funding or other forms of support to foreign or
domestic NGOs for services to trafficking victims.
--D. (SBU) A short module on trafficking is included in the
initial training for prosecutors and police officers.
According to the Public Prosecution office, police officers
attempt to identify prostitutes as victims. In most cases
victims were given temporary shelter by the police, or taken
to the MWPS shelter while the case underwent a preliminary
investigation. In cases of physical, sexual, or
psychological abuse, the police referred the case to the
government-run shelter. In cases where there was an
indication of misconduct on the part of the expatriate
worker, the worker was held in detention before being
deported. The government did not provide statistics on
numbers of victims to post before the reporting deadline of
March 1.
--E. (U) Bahrain does not have legalized prostitution.
--F. (SBU) Trafficking victims were not fined or imprisoned
unless they were found guilty of an immigration violation or
suspected of a crime such as theft or prostitution. Workers
who were no longer employed by their sponsor, but who pursued
work illegally as "casual" laborers, were detained while
being processed for deportation. According to the Ministry
of Labor, it did not normally detain workers longer than 48
hours, but detention lengths reportedly varied. According to
MWPS, workers who left their employers were frequently
charged with running away, and imprisoned for two weeks for
being deported.
--G. (SBU) The GOB does not actively discourage workers from
pursuing legal action against employers. The GOB reportedly
facilitates contact with lawyers, but NGOs report that
workers rarely have the money to hire quality attorneys.
Immigration officials often adjust residence and sponsorship
requirements to enable expatriate victims to work for
employers other than their sponsors so that they may support
themselves during the legal process. MWPS representatives
reported that it no longer encouraged victims of abuse to
seek restitution through the court system due to the length
of court cases. MWPS has experienced higher levels of
success working in conjunction with source country embassy
staffs to negotiate settlements with sponsors. Such
settlements often included back-payments of salary, repayment
of recruiting fees, release of passports and/or sponsorship,
and repatriation.
--H. (U) Reference paragraph 4B.
--I. (SBU) Prosecutors and police officers undergo a
training module on trafficking as part of their initial
training. Post is not aware of any further special training.
The GOB had not responded to all reftel questions before the
March 1 reporting deadline.
--J. (U) Post is unaware of any Bahraini nationals that are
victims of trafficking.
--K. (SBU) The International Organization for Migration
occasionally works with trafficking victims in Bahrain,
however most of its work has been to provide training,
capacity building, and awareness campaigns. In this
capacity, the GOB has offered to provide training space,
conference space, and support design and printing of
awareness materials. Neither the GOB nor IOM provided any
additional information to post regarding this question by the
March 1 deadline.
6. (SBU) REFTEL question 30 - Prevention.
--A. (SBU) The GOB acknowledges that trafficking is a
problem in the country, and a senior Foreign Ministry
official presented a speech at the Vienna Forum to Fight
Human Trafficking in February, 2008, outlining Bahrain's
efforts to combat trafficking.
--B. (U) The Labor Management Regulatory Authority has
initiated an education campaign for both employers and
incoming labor. The campaign focuses on how employers and
employees can ensure the legality of their employment on the
LMRA website. On May 29, 2007, the Ministry of Social
Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in
cooperation with IOM, organized a symposium entitled,
"Trafficking in Persons: A Global and Local Perspective."
--C. (SBU) There was some official coordination between the
GOB and civil society concerning trafficking. At the GOB's
request, the director of a non-governmental domestic violence
center initially managed the government shelter; however, she
withdrew from its management shortly after it opened. The
GOB has since attempted to recruit other NGOs to run the
shelter; none have accepted the offer for a variety of
reasons. The MWPS has developed an adequate network to
assist victims. The Ministry of Interior occasionally
contacted the MWPS when the police identified victims needing
assistance. Embassies also contacted MWPS for assistance
with victims. The MWPS received no direct GOB funding,
although some Bahraini officials have contributed to the
group on an individual basis in connection with its annual
fundraising dinner.
--D. (SBU) Under the new LMRA regulations, immigrant workers
are screened and biometrically registered upon entry into
--E. (SBU) The inter-ministerial task force coordinates GOB
action. The GOB does not have a public corruption task
force. Issues of corruption are addressed publicly by
periodic government audit reports, Members of Parliament, and
by an NGO, the Bahrain Transparency Society. In addition,
the new LMRA regulations require cooperation between various
internal agencies, including the Ministries of Labor,
Interior, and Foreign Affairs, the GDNPR, and the Central
Infomatics Organization before a work visa can be issued.
--F. (SBU) The GOB had not responded to post's query by the
March 1 deadline. As post reported last year, member
ministries of the anti-trafficking task force formulated a
national plan of action that includes legislation, a shelter,
a trafficking database, phone hotlines, and outreach, among
other items. NGOs were not consulted in the process. The
plan is an internal document and has not been made public in
its official form.
7. (U) REFTEL Question 31 - Heroes.
--A. (U) Post recommends Marietta Dias and the Migrant
Workers Protection Society as a trafficking Hero. The
Migrant Workers Protection Society is comprised of 38
volunteer members, almost entirely expatriates. The MWPS
maintains a small shelter for trafficking victims, and works
hard to get the press to publish victims' stories and raise
awareness of their plight. MWPS is sure to attend any
function where migrant labor is the focus of discussion. It
assists laborers in court, facilitates mediation between
workers and their sponsors, and educates workers about their
rights in Bahrain. It also works with employers to improve
working conditions for migrant laborers.
--B. (U) As the head of its action committee Marietta Dias is
the face of the MWPS. Ms. Dias, an Indian retiree with no
formal training in social work or counseling, works
tirelessly to care for migrant laborers from any country.
Ms. Dias coordinates her work with embassies, GOB agencies,
and welfare groups to seek justice or repatriation for
workers. She has worked with many international NGOs to
learn more and better ways of improving the treatment of
migrant laborers, as well as to increase international
awareness of Bahrain's migrant labor force.
8. (U) REFTEL question 32 - Best practices. Post believes
that the combination of the new trafficking law and the new
LMRA system for issuing work visas provide a legal framework
conducive to discouraging trafficking and reducing the demand
for migrant labor. LMRA officials admit that its system of
biometric controls and increased fees for work visas is aimed
at reducing Bahrain's reliance on expatriate labor and
encouraging employers to hire Bahraini employees. This
reduction in demand, in combination with stiff penalties on
traffickers, could reduce the incidence of trafficking.
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