2008-02-14 09:11:00
Embassy Jakarta
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: State 161287
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: State 161287
1. (U) SUMMARY: A Mission interagency panel evaluated 12 proposals
for the Trafficking in Persons solicitation for G/TIP managed by
2008 ESF and INCLE funds. We are pleased to recommend the five
projects below in priority order. Mission is forwarding the full
proposals to G/TIP via e-mail as well as an explanation of the
panel's selections. END SUMMARY.
2. (U) Name of Organization: International Criminal Investigative
Training Assistance Program (ICITAP)
Name of Project: Integrated Anti-trafficking Strategy for
Identification, Investigation, Information Sharing and Prosecution
of Transnational Trafficking Organizations for the Indonesian
National Police
Timeline 1 Year
BUDGET (USD) 115,655.00
POC: Robert C. Barlow
Abstract: The purpose of this proposal is to provide continued
ICITAP technical assistance, training, and limited equipment to the
Indonesian National Police (INP) Assistance Program to assist the
Government of Indonesia (GOI) to increase and continue the
development of sustainable efforts initiated in the ICITAP "Point of
Origin Strategy." This proposal capitalizes on the integrated
multi-disciplinary anti-trafficking strategy for identification,
investigation, information sharing and prosecution of transnational
trafficking organizations and the protection and safety of
trafficking victims that began in late 2006. ICITAP worked directly
and collaboratively with local IOM, NGOs, and USAID to integrate and
train law enforcement and non-governmental personnel together in
geographic areas where the most vulnerable of populations reside,
specifically in North Sumatra and East Java. Micro-training
sessions have resulted in the training of 560 Indonesian police
officers, 131 Malaysian police officers and 118 NGO staff,
representing 62 NGO organizations during the past 18 months. The
result has been an increase of arrests, NGOs now feel more
comfortable to contact police regarding victims and traffickers and
have done so on a regular basis since the strategy was initiated.
As important is the police now understand the role and benefit of
NGOs and IOM. Further, this strategy was expanded to border areas of
Malaysia where ICITAP received funding to conduct an
Indonesia-Malaysia Bi-Lateral TIP Project developing operational
relationships with Malaysian law enforcement counterparts and also
non-governmental organizations and stakeholders at Points of Transit
along the porous borders and waterways of common trafficking routes.
This project proposal would expand the strategy to include
prosecutors being integrated into the process working directly with
IOM that is currently involved in the training and education of the
procuracy and judiciary. With a new trafficking law recently passed,
increased collaboration with IOM and other NGO's, demand for
assistance, and a new and consistent willingness by the police to
work with other non-law enforcement components, it is important to
maintain the momentum generated in the last year. Outcomes would
include an augmented, synthesized, multi-disciplinary response to
trafficking issues in the previously identified areas of North
Sumatra and East Java; areas plagued by trafficking organizations
that have preyed upon the vulnerable populations of young women for
sexual exploitation. Stakeholders, including police, prosecutors,
IOM, and NGO's would be again be integrated into training modules to
develop requisite skills, competencies, and working relationships to
produce a seamless process of prevention, rescue, investigation, and
arrest of traffickers and disruption of trafficking organizations in
Indonesia. This would be supplemented by already existing ICITAP
initiatives with the Marine Police Special Boat Units interdiction
capacity along trafficking routes, the ICITAP Cyber Crimes
Investigative Unit and Child Exploitation Tracking System (CETS)
that operationally address transnational criminal activities.
3. (U) Name of Organization: International Organization for
Migration (IOM)
Name of Project: Strengthening the Capacity of Government Agencies
for Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers to Combat Human
Trafficking as well as to Protect Victims of Trafficking in
Timeline: 12 Months
BUDGET (USD) 333,449.00
POC: Elizabeth Dunlap, Fitriana Nur
Abstract: Within the framework of this project, IOM proposes to
work in partnership with GOI to strengthen government capacity to
combat human trafficking, particularly for labor trafficking,
JAKARTA 00000304 002 OF 003
through targeted training with government agencies involved in the
sending and receiving of labor migrants. Technical assistance and
targeted trainings will be carried out for staff of the Overseas
Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BNP2TKI),Police, ministries of
Manpower, Immigration, Social Affairs, Foreign Affairs, NGOs, as
well as other airport and seaport officials. Successful
collaboration of each agency present at Jakarta Airports Terminal 3,
a terminal specific for returning migrant workers, the Surabaya
airport, as well as the sea ports in Jakarta and Surabaya where
thousands of domestic and international migrant workers transit each
month will substantially further the GOI's progress towards
protecting the rights of its labor migrants. The overall goal of
the project is to contribute to Indonesia's efforts to fight human
trafficking, by strengthening the capacity of agencies tasked with
the placement and protection of labor migrants to prevent and
protect trafficking victims. Project objectives allow for (1)
strengthening knowledge of front line officers of the above
mentioned agencies on trafficking and safe migration (2) improved
implementation coordination between agencies in Jakarta and Surabaya
for prevention and protection of labor migrant (3) enhanced
knowledge and role of senior representatives of the relevant
agencies on their responsibilities under the Anti Trafficking Law
and migrant protection, and (4) increased awareness of labor
migrants and potential trafficking victim of regulation of
regulations and safe migration and for victims to be supported with
direct assistance. The project is designed to maximize government
ownership and sustainability at all levels and will result in
increase capacity to prevent and identify trafficking of Indonesians
and to provide individual assistance and protection for victims.
Progress with regards to Indonesia's efforts to combat trafficking
largely rests with the success of BNP2TKI, which has requested IOM
support with training, and its victims as mandated under Indonesia's
new Anti Trafficking Law. This project will build upon the
successful results of IOM's recent law enforcement program to combat
human trafficking and will also complement IOM Indonesia's on-going
Return, Recovery and Reintegration Program in Indonesia.
4. (U) Name of Organization: Save the Children
Name of Project: Migrant Worker Protection (PROTECT)
Timeline: 3 years
BUDGET (USD) 500,000
POC: Bambang Ertanto Cahyo Dewa
Abstract: Around the world, Indonesian migrant workers are
exploited and abused through domestic servitude, prostitution and
forced plantation work. Countries including Singapore, Malaysia and
Saudi Arabia regularly deport migrant workers who have been rescued
from slave-like conditions. Government health statistics estimate
that nearly 80 percent of returning "domestic workers" from Saudi
Arabia are infected with sexually transmitted diseases. One root
cause of this problem is that Indonesian migrant workers' rights are
not protected throughout the process of training and placement
overseas. Recruiting, processing, training and placing migrant
laborers are centralized through exclusive monopolies in Jakarta and
nearly all migrant laborers begin their employment indebted to
placement companies. Workers are not allowed to return home until
they have repaid their debt plus accrued interest. This creates
slave-like conditions as workers who are mistreated, abused and
enslaved by their employers cannot escape their situation. Save the
Children (SC) is pleased to submit this proposal to improve the
protection of Indonesian migrant workers from trafficking and
exploitation. The 30-month Migrant Worker Protection Project
(PROTECT) will support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to address
widespread debt bondage in Indonesia's migrant labor system;
establish community-level safe migration mechanisms to thwart the
efforts of traffickers and recruiters; and support two district
governments in Central Java and West Kalimantan to develop and
implement protective policies and decentralized job training centers
to better monitor and protect migrant workers. The project utilizes
SC's community mobilization model, ENACT, and draws on eight years
of anti-trafficking work in Indonesia to mobilize communities toward
safer migration and away from debt bondage. A key result of the
PROTECT project will be a replicable and sustainable model of safe
migration that reduces debt bondage across the country.
Name of Organization: Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)
5. (U) Name of Project: Mapping Local Capacity to Prevent and
Protect Human Trafficking in Indonesia: The Strengthening of Local
Timeline: 18 months
BUDGET (USD) 254,253.00
POC: Medelina K. Hendytio
JAKARTA 00000304 003 OF 003
Abstract: Although Indonesia was classified as Tier 2 in the US
Department of State TIP Report, the commitment of the Indonesian
government and other actors dealing with this issue is still low.
Statistics are witness to the amount of human trafficking victims
that increase each year. Despite various efforts and policy to
eliminate Trafficking in Persons, the stress of most programs,
interventions, research and recommendations tend to be "nationally
heavy." In other words, there is limited attention given to
increasing capacity of local governance. This project therefore aims
to increase the capacity and knowledge of local governance and at
the same time enhance more systematic coordination between local,
provincial and national governments in dealing with Trafficking in
Persons. The intervention will involve mapping capacities in four
areas (West Kalimantan, Riau, East Java, and North Sulawesi) to get
better observe the magnitude and needs; training of target groups,
workshops, establishing Guidelines to deal with Human Trafficking
for local governance and building data sharing mechanism and
strategies within the three governmental hierarchies. Through the
interventions, it is expected that there will be increased knowledge
and awareness for local governance on trafficking issues and
strategies to eliminate human trafficking; the establishment of
Guidelines on preventing and protecting Trafficking in Persons for
local governance; and the establishment of communication and data
sharing mechanisms between local, provincial and national
governments in the prevention and protecting Trafficking in Person.
6. (U) Name of Organization: Center for Societal Development
Studies, Atma Jaya Catholic University
Name of Project: Sensitizing Debt Bondage Practices in the
Prosecution Process
Timeline: 18 months
BUDGET (USD) 285,146
POC: George Martin Sirait/ Yustina Rostiawati
Abstract: Debt bondage practices have been widely known as one of
the most frequent methods the traffickers use to trap VoTs. In the
prosecution process, however, many law enforcement officials still
fail to identify this practice. Although the new anti-trafficking
law of 2007 has highlighted this practice, other related laws do not
explicitly stipulate relationship between debt bondage and TIP.
Based on our previous study on Debt Bondage in Human Trafficking:
Case Study in Two Forms of TIP involving Children and Women (2007),
we would like to deepen knowledge and sensitize concern, primarily
of law enforcement officials, to this issue. The project will be
called "sensitizing debt bondage practices in the prosecution
process". The project will include: deeper studies on updated TIP
mapping; trends; various forms of debt bondage practices in TIP; and
collection of best practices of law enforcement process applied
throughout Indonesia. Secondly, we will propose an innovative
approach for the sake of TIP victims interests, namely to set up a
group of TIP consultants, who will assist law enforcers to
understand TIP cases comprehensively. This improved knowledge and
institutional building will be established in the local
(province/regency) level through training, monitoring, and
consulting. The project activity will also empower trans-local
resources, both formal law enforcers and NGOs activists by
interweaving networks among those involved in the line of sending,
transit, and receiving areas.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: State 161287
1. (U) SUMMARY: A Mission interagency panel evaluated 12 proposals
for the Trafficking in Persons solicitation for G/TIP managed by
2008 ESF and INCLE funds. We are pleased to recommend the five
projects below in priority order. Mission is forwarding the full
proposals to G/TIP via e-mail as well as an explanation of the
panel's selections. END SUMMARY.
2. (U) Name of Organization: International Criminal Investigative
Training Assistance Program (ICITAP)
Name of Project: Integrated Anti-trafficking Strategy for
Identification, Investigation, Information Sharing and Prosecution
of Transnational Trafficking Organizations for the Indonesian
National Police
Timeline 1 Year
BUDGET (USD) 115,655.00
POC: Robert C. Barlow
Abstract: The purpose of this proposal is to provide continued
ICITAP technical assistance, training, and limited equipment to the
Indonesian National Police (INP) Assistance Program to assist the
Government of Indonesia (GOI) to increase and continue the
development of sustainable efforts initiated in the ICITAP "Point of
Origin Strategy." This proposal capitalizes on the integrated
multi-disciplinary anti-trafficking strategy for identification,
investigation, information sharing and prosecution of transnational
trafficking organizations and the protection and safety of
trafficking victims that began in late 2006. ICITAP worked directly
and collaboratively with local IOM, NGOs, and USAID to integrate and
train law enforcement and non-governmental personnel together in
geographic areas where the most vulnerable of populations reside,
specifically in North Sumatra and East Java. Micro-training
sessions have resulted in the training of 560 Indonesian police
officers, 131 Malaysian police officers and 118 NGO staff,
representing 62 NGO organizations during the past 18 months. The
result has been an increase of arrests, NGOs now feel more
comfortable to contact police regarding victims and traffickers and
have done so on a regular basis since the strategy was initiated.
As important is the police now understand the role and benefit of
NGOs and IOM. Further, this strategy was expanded to border areas of
Malaysia where ICITAP received funding to conduct an
Indonesia-Malaysia Bi-Lateral TIP Project developing operational
relationships with Malaysian law enforcement counterparts and also
non-governmental organizations and stakeholders at Points of Transit
along the porous borders and waterways of common trafficking routes.
This project proposal would expand the strategy to include
prosecutors being integrated into the process working directly with
IOM that is currently involved in the training and education of the
procuracy and judiciary. With a new trafficking law recently passed,
increased collaboration with IOM and other NGO's, demand for
assistance, and a new and consistent willingness by the police to
work with other non-law enforcement components, it is important to
maintain the momentum generated in the last year. Outcomes would
include an augmented, synthesized, multi-disciplinary response to
trafficking issues in the previously identified areas of North
Sumatra and East Java; areas plagued by trafficking organizations
that have preyed upon the vulnerable populations of young women for
sexual exploitation. Stakeholders, including police, prosecutors,
IOM, and NGO's would be again be integrated into training modules to
develop requisite skills, competencies, and working relationships to
produce a seamless process of prevention, rescue, investigation, and
arrest of traffickers and disruption of trafficking organizations in
Indonesia. This would be supplemented by already existing ICITAP
initiatives with the Marine Police Special Boat Units interdiction
capacity along trafficking routes, the ICITAP Cyber Crimes
Investigative Unit and Child Exploitation Tracking System (CETS)
that operationally address transnational criminal activities.
3. (U) Name of Organization: International Organization for
Migration (IOM)
Name of Project: Strengthening the Capacity of Government Agencies
for Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers to Combat Human
Trafficking as well as to Protect Victims of Trafficking in
Timeline: 12 Months
BUDGET (USD) 333,449.00
POC: Elizabeth Dunlap, Fitriana Nur
Abstract: Within the framework of this project, IOM proposes to
work in partnership with GOI to strengthen government capacity to
combat human trafficking, particularly for labor trafficking,
JAKARTA 00000304 002 OF 003
through targeted training with government agencies involved in the
sending and receiving of labor migrants. Technical assistance and
targeted trainings will be carried out for staff of the Overseas
Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BNP2TKI),Police, ministries of
Manpower, Immigration, Social Affairs, Foreign Affairs, NGOs, as
well as other airport and seaport officials. Successful
collaboration of each agency present at Jakarta Airports Terminal 3,
a terminal specific for returning migrant workers, the Surabaya
airport, as well as the sea ports in Jakarta and Surabaya where
thousands of domestic and international migrant workers transit each
month will substantially further the GOI's progress towards
protecting the rights of its labor migrants. The overall goal of
the project is to contribute to Indonesia's efforts to fight human
trafficking, by strengthening the capacity of agencies tasked with
the placement and protection of labor migrants to prevent and
protect trafficking victims. Project objectives allow for (1)
strengthening knowledge of front line officers of the above
mentioned agencies on trafficking and safe migration (2) improved
implementation coordination between agencies in Jakarta and Surabaya
for prevention and protection of labor migrant (3) enhanced
knowledge and role of senior representatives of the relevant
agencies on their responsibilities under the Anti Trafficking Law
and migrant protection, and (4) increased awareness of labor
migrants and potential trafficking victim of regulation of
regulations and safe migration and for victims to be supported with
direct assistance. The project is designed to maximize government
ownership and sustainability at all levels and will result in
increase capacity to prevent and identify trafficking of Indonesians
and to provide individual assistance and protection for victims.
Progress with regards to Indonesia's efforts to combat trafficking
largely rests with the success of BNP2TKI, which has requested IOM
support with training, and its victims as mandated under Indonesia's
new Anti Trafficking Law. This project will build upon the
successful results of IOM's recent law enforcement program to combat
human trafficking and will also complement IOM Indonesia's on-going
Return, Recovery and Reintegration Program in Indonesia.
4. (U) Name of Organization: Save the Children
Name of Project: Migrant Worker Protection (PROTECT)
Timeline: 3 years
BUDGET (USD) 500,000
POC: Bambang Ertanto Cahyo Dewa
Abstract: Around the world, Indonesian migrant workers are
exploited and abused through domestic servitude, prostitution and
forced plantation work. Countries including Singapore, Malaysia and
Saudi Arabia regularly deport migrant workers who have been rescued
from slave-like conditions. Government health statistics estimate
that nearly 80 percent of returning "domestic workers" from Saudi
Arabia are infected with sexually transmitted diseases. One root
cause of this problem is that Indonesian migrant workers' rights are
not protected throughout the process of training and placement
overseas. Recruiting, processing, training and placing migrant
laborers are centralized through exclusive monopolies in Jakarta and
nearly all migrant laborers begin their employment indebted to
placement companies. Workers are not allowed to return home until
they have repaid their debt plus accrued interest. This creates
slave-like conditions as workers who are mistreated, abused and
enslaved by their employers cannot escape their situation. Save the
Children (SC) is pleased to submit this proposal to improve the
protection of Indonesian migrant workers from trafficking and
exploitation. The 30-month Migrant Worker Protection Project
(PROTECT) will support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to address
widespread debt bondage in Indonesia's migrant labor system;
establish community-level safe migration mechanisms to thwart the
efforts of traffickers and recruiters; and support two district
governments in Central Java and West Kalimantan to develop and
implement protective policies and decentralized job training centers
to better monitor and protect migrant workers. The project utilizes
SC's community mobilization model, ENACT, and draws on eight years
of anti-trafficking work in Indonesia to mobilize communities toward
safer migration and away from debt bondage. A key result of the
PROTECT project will be a replicable and sustainable model of safe
migration that reduces debt bondage across the country.
Name of Organization: Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)
5. (U) Name of Project: Mapping Local Capacity to Prevent and
Protect Human Trafficking in Indonesia: The Strengthening of Local
Timeline: 18 months
BUDGET (USD) 254,253.00
POC: Medelina K. Hendytio
JAKARTA 00000304 003 OF 003
Abstract: Although Indonesia was classified as Tier 2 in the US
Department of State TIP Report, the commitment of the Indonesian
government and other actors dealing with this issue is still low.
Statistics are witness to the amount of human trafficking victims
that increase each year. Despite various efforts and policy to
eliminate Trafficking in Persons, the stress of most programs,
interventions, research and recommendations tend to be "nationally
heavy." In other words, there is limited attention given to
increasing capacity of local governance. This project therefore aims
to increase the capacity and knowledge of local governance and at
the same time enhance more systematic coordination between local,
provincial and national governments in dealing with Trafficking in
Persons. The intervention will involve mapping capacities in four
areas (West Kalimantan, Riau, East Java, and North Sulawesi) to get
better observe the magnitude and needs; training of target groups,
workshops, establishing Guidelines to deal with Human Trafficking
for local governance and building data sharing mechanism and
strategies within the three governmental hierarchies. Through the
interventions, it is expected that there will be increased knowledge
and awareness for local governance on trafficking issues and
strategies to eliminate human trafficking; the establishment of
Guidelines on preventing and protecting Trafficking in Persons for
local governance; and the establishment of communication and data
sharing mechanisms between local, provincial and national
governments in the prevention and protecting Trafficking in Person.
6. (U) Name of Organization: Center for Societal Development
Studies, Atma Jaya Catholic University
Name of Project: Sensitizing Debt Bondage Practices in the
Prosecution Process
Timeline: 18 months
BUDGET (USD) 285,146
POC: George Martin Sirait/ Yustina Rostiawati
Abstract: Debt bondage practices have been widely known as one of
the most frequent methods the traffickers use to trap VoTs. In the
prosecution process, however, many law enforcement officials still
fail to identify this practice. Although the new anti-trafficking
law of 2007 has highlighted this practice, other related laws do not
explicitly stipulate relationship between debt bondage and TIP.
Based on our previous study on Debt Bondage in Human Trafficking:
Case Study in Two Forms of TIP involving Children and Women (2007),
we would like to deepen knowledge and sensitize concern, primarily
of law enforcement officials, to this issue. The project will be
called "sensitizing debt bondage practices in the prosecution
process". The project will include: deeper studies on updated TIP
mapping; trends; various forms of debt bondage practices in TIP; and
collection of best practices of law enforcement process applied
throughout Indonesia. Secondly, we will propose an innovative
approach for the sake of TIP victims interests, namely to set up a
group of TIP consultants, who will assist law enforcers to
understand TIP cases comprehensively. This improved knowledge and
institutional building will be established in the local
(province/regency) level through training, monitoring, and
consulting. The project activity will also empower trans-local
resources, both formal law enforcers and NGOs activists by
interweaving networks among those involved in the line of sending,
transit, and receiving areas.