2008-12-30 09:36:00
Embassy Hanoi
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 HANOI 001412
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/31/2018
REF: A. HANOI 1348
B. HCMC 801
C. HANOI 1102
HANOI 00001412 001.2 OF 002
Classified By: Pol Counselor Brian Aggeler for Reasons 1.4 (B and D)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 HANOI 001412
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/31/2018
REF: A. HANOI 1348
B. HCMC 801
C. HANOI 1102
HANOI 00001412 001.2 OF 002
Classified By: Pol Counselor Brian Aggeler for Reasons 1.4 (B and D)
1. (C) Summary: During a December 29 dinner discussion with
the Ambassador, three founding members of the reform-minded
Institute for Development Studies expressed doubt that a
proposed stimulus package of $6 billion would be implemented
in full. They argued that small and medium business owners,
farmers and the poor and unemployed should be the primary
beneficiaries of the package. One scholar asserted that
state-owned shipping giant Vinashin is in dire financial
straits, defaulting on a number of loans. The three
reformers, former advisers to some of Vietnam's senior-most
leaders, surmised that the high-profile PCI scandal would
figure in January 5-14 Central Committee discussions;
however, they doubted HCMC Party Secretary and Politburo
member Le Thanh Hai would be forced to retire because of his
connections to the scandal. The experts highlighted the
growing role of the National Assembly (NA) in Vietnam's
policy process, emphasizing that NA deputies have themselves
seized opportunities presented them. One scholar downplayed
suggestions that Party leaders allowed the NA to become a
more forceful voice in Vietnam's affairs. End Summary.
2. (SBU) The three participants in the dinner with the
Ambassador are founding members of the Institute for
Development Studies (IDS) and, collectively, have over 90
years of experience analyzing and promoting Vietnam's
development. Nguyen Quang A is IDS President and Chairman of
the Board of the 3C Computer Co. He is known to have saved
VP Bank (the Bank for Private Enterprises) from bankruptcy
when he was its Chairman from 1997-2002. Dr. Le Dang Doanh
retired as Senior Economist at the Ministry of Planning and
Investment in 2007, but remains active as a consultant. He
served as an economic adviser to several Vietnamese leaders,
including General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh (who ushered in
the "doi moi" reforms) and Vietnam's first communist premier
and Ho Chi Minh contemporary, Pham Van Dong. Madam Pham Chi
Lan has worked as a consultant since retiring as an adviser
to Prime Minister Phan Van Khai in 2006. She has an over 25
year association with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and
Industry and was involved in formulating many important
commercial laws as part of the "doi moi" reforms. She also
is regarded as an expert on Vietnam's evolving civil society.
Taking Aim at Stimulus Package
3. (SBU) Quang A, Lan and Doanh generally discounted the
proposed $6 billion stimulus package, saying that the GVN was
floating a public figure much higher than it actually
intended to implement. Doanh felt that deliberations on the
package were dragging on and that it was too late for the
funds to have any real positive effect on the domestic
economic situation. The group was split on how the money
should be spent, but seemed to generally agree that farmers
and small and medium enterprises should be among the
beneficiaries, with an additional emphasis on relief for the
poor and unemployed. Doanh stressed that no matter how the
money was spent, the process "should be clear and
transparent." Quang A said the package would be funded
through bonds and that the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) was
quickly dropping interest rates so that when the stimulus
bonds were issued, the SBV could offer a lower rate for them.
He agreed that commercial banks would be the likely
purchasers as they have excess liquidity.
4. (SBU) All three agreed that 2009 will be a difficult year
for businesses in Vietnam, including state owned enterprises
(SOEs). Doanh said Vinashin, the state-owned shipping
company, is in dire straits due to the cancellation of three
ship building contracts and has already defaulted on a number
of loans. (Note: Vinashin has a history of recent troubles
and was reportedly unable to get financing for a number of
projects earlier this year. End Note). According to Doanh,
the Chinese Government is heavily subsidizing its ship
building industry so Chinese-built ships cost 50 percent less
than those built by Vinashin.
Doubting HCMC's Le Thanh Hai Will Fall
5. (C) The scholars pointed out that the January 5-14 meeting
of the 160-member Central Committee (CC) will focus on the
economic challenges the country faces and map out general
policy guidelines. However, all three doubted that any
significant statements or major change in direction would
flow from the plenum. This is because Vietnam's
HANOI 00001412 002.2 OF 002
consensus-driven decision-making process mitigates against
major changes, they explained. Quang A and Doanh surmised
that the high-profile PCI scandal (Refs A and B) would figure
in the discussions because the Party and Government have
promised to get to the bottom of Vietnam's corruption
problem. In response to the Ambassador's question, Doanh
said it was possible the CC would discuss personnel changes
in connection to the scandal. All three, however, cautioned
that rumors of personnel changes inevitably accompany scandal
and that "you should not believe everything you hear." Quang
A and Doanh said someone would be made the "scapegoat" for
the scandal, but said they were skeptical it would be HCMC
Party Secretary and Politburo member Le Thanh Hai. (Note:
Refs A and B discuss the PCI scandal in detail. End Note).
Highlighting NA as Change Driver
6. (C) Quang A, Lan and Doanh remarked that the National
Assembly (NA) is bound to become more assertive as its
members become more competent. They pointed out that NA
deputies are increasingly striving to serve the interests of
their constituents. If an ordinary citizen in a province,
for instance, is concerned about corruption, then his or her
representative in the NA will call the government to task
over its failings on corruption, Doanh declared. Quang A and
Doanh emphasized that the NA has become more assertive
because NA deputies have themselves seized on opportunities
presented them. Doanh voiced skepticism that Party
higher-ups wanted the NA to be more involved in Vietnam's
policy process.
7. (SBU) The group noted with approval the NA's more vocal
role in recent budget discussions, in which deputies publicly
questioned the availability of funds for the proposed
stimulus and the wisdom of trying to increase production and
exports while demand declines. Doanh said that, despite
these recent statements, the NA still lacks the resources to
accurately analyze the State budget and that it would benefit
from training and capacity building in this area.
Striving To Get Through Next Year
8. (C) The three IDS scholars lamented that some unspecified
"iron hands" are not happy with the work of the institute and
have tried to shut it down (Note: Ref C discusses IDS'
background and recent difficulties. End Note). Quang A
predicted that, if IDS can survive through 2009, the
institute will be around for a while. IDS scholars merely
want to continue to contribute ideas to Vietnam's reform
process and help the country develop, he concluded.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/31/2018
REF: A. HANOI 1348
B. HCMC 801
C. HANOI 1102
HANOI 00001412 001.2 OF 002
Classified By: Pol Counselor Brian Aggeler for Reasons 1.4 (B and D)
1. (C) Summary: During a December 29 dinner discussion with
the Ambassador, three founding members of the reform-minded
Institute for Development Studies expressed doubt that a
proposed stimulus package of $6 billion would be implemented
in full. They argued that small and medium business owners,
farmers and the poor and unemployed should be the primary
beneficiaries of the package. One scholar asserted that
state-owned shipping giant Vinashin is in dire financial
straits, defaulting on a number of loans. The three
reformers, former advisers to some of Vietnam's senior-most
leaders, surmised that the high-profile PCI scandal would
figure in January 5-14 Central Committee discussions;
however, they doubted HCMC Party Secretary and Politburo
member Le Thanh Hai would be forced to retire because of his
connections to the scandal. The experts highlighted the
growing role of the National Assembly (NA) in Vietnam's
policy process, emphasizing that NA deputies have themselves
seized opportunities presented them. One scholar downplayed
suggestions that Party leaders allowed the NA to become a
more forceful voice in Vietnam's affairs. End Summary.
2. (SBU) The three participants in the dinner with the
Ambassador are founding members of the Institute for
Development Studies (IDS) and, collectively, have over 90
years of experience analyzing and promoting Vietnam's
development. Nguyen Quang A is IDS President and Chairman of
the Board of the 3C Computer Co. He is known to have saved
VP Bank (the Bank for Private Enterprises) from bankruptcy
when he was its Chairman from 1997-2002. Dr. Le Dang Doanh
retired as Senior Economist at the Ministry of Planning and
Investment in 2007, but remains active as a consultant. He
served as an economic adviser to several Vietnamese leaders,
including General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh (who ushered in
the "doi moi" reforms) and Vietnam's first communist premier
and Ho Chi Minh contemporary, Pham Van Dong. Madam Pham Chi
Lan has worked as a consultant since retiring as an adviser
to Prime Minister Phan Van Khai in 2006. She has an over 25
year association with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and
Industry and was involved in formulating many important
commercial laws as part of the "doi moi" reforms. She also
is regarded as an expert on Vietnam's evolving civil society.
Taking Aim at Stimulus Package
3. (SBU) Quang A, Lan and Doanh generally discounted the
proposed $6 billion stimulus package, saying that the GVN was
floating a public figure much higher than it actually
intended to implement. Doanh felt that deliberations on the
package were dragging on and that it was too late for the
funds to have any real positive effect on the domestic
economic situation. The group was split on how the money
should be spent, but seemed to generally agree that farmers
and small and medium enterprises should be among the
beneficiaries, with an additional emphasis on relief for the
poor and unemployed. Doanh stressed that no matter how the
money was spent, the process "should be clear and
transparent." Quang A said the package would be funded
through bonds and that the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) was
quickly dropping interest rates so that when the stimulus
bonds were issued, the SBV could offer a lower rate for them.
He agreed that commercial banks would be the likely
purchasers as they have excess liquidity.
4. (SBU) All three agreed that 2009 will be a difficult year
for businesses in Vietnam, including state owned enterprises
(SOEs). Doanh said Vinashin, the state-owned shipping
company, is in dire straits due to the cancellation of three
ship building contracts and has already defaulted on a number
of loans. (Note: Vinashin has a history of recent troubles
and was reportedly unable to get financing for a number of
projects earlier this year. End Note). According to Doanh,
the Chinese Government is heavily subsidizing its ship
building industry so Chinese-built ships cost 50 percent less
than those built by Vinashin.
Doubting HCMC's Le Thanh Hai Will Fall
5. (C) The scholars pointed out that the January 5-14 meeting
of the 160-member Central Committee (CC) will focus on the
economic challenges the country faces and map out general
policy guidelines. However, all three doubted that any
significant statements or major change in direction would
flow from the plenum. This is because Vietnam's
HANOI 00001412 002.2 OF 002
consensus-driven decision-making process mitigates against
major changes, they explained. Quang A and Doanh surmised
that the high-profile PCI scandal (Refs A and B) would figure
in the discussions because the Party and Government have
promised to get to the bottom of Vietnam's corruption
problem. In response to the Ambassador's question, Doanh
said it was possible the CC would discuss personnel changes
in connection to the scandal. All three, however, cautioned
that rumors of personnel changes inevitably accompany scandal
and that "you should not believe everything you hear." Quang
A and Doanh said someone would be made the "scapegoat" for
the scandal, but said they were skeptical it would be HCMC
Party Secretary and Politburo member Le Thanh Hai. (Note:
Refs A and B discuss the PCI scandal in detail. End Note).
Highlighting NA as Change Driver
6. (C) Quang A, Lan and Doanh remarked that the National
Assembly (NA) is bound to become more assertive as its
members become more competent. They pointed out that NA
deputies are increasingly striving to serve the interests of
their constituents. If an ordinary citizen in a province,
for instance, is concerned about corruption, then his or her
representative in the NA will call the government to task
over its failings on corruption, Doanh declared. Quang A and
Doanh emphasized that the NA has become more assertive
because NA deputies have themselves seized on opportunities
presented them. Doanh voiced skepticism that Party
higher-ups wanted the NA to be more involved in Vietnam's
policy process.
7. (SBU) The group noted with approval the NA's more vocal
role in recent budget discussions, in which deputies publicly
questioned the availability of funds for the proposed
stimulus and the wisdom of trying to increase production and
exports while demand declines. Doanh said that, despite
these recent statements, the NA still lacks the resources to
accurately analyze the State budget and that it would benefit
from training and capacity building in this area.
Striving To Get Through Next Year
8. (C) The three IDS scholars lamented that some unspecified
"iron hands" are not happy with the work of the institute and
have tried to shut it down (Note: Ref C discusses IDS'
background and recent difficulties. End Note). Quang A
predicted that, if IDS can survive through 2009, the
institute will be around for a while. IDS scholars merely
want to continue to contribute ideas to Vietnam's reform
process and help the country develop, he concluded.