2008-01-09 18:13:00
Embassy Freetown
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. Summary: Embassy Freetown's outreach in December 2007
Included articles surrounding the arrival of the Amistad and
programs organized to raise awareness about it, Ambassador Perry's
maiden press conference, the performances of Devin Philips and New
Orleans Straight Ahead jazz ensemble in Sierra Leone, the awarding
of grants to nine local organizations from the Ambassador's Special
Self-help fund, and Ambassador Perry's courtesy call on a local
human rights organization. Press coverage was extensive and mostly
2. Post and Mission Activities/Press Releases:
A. On Wednesday, December 4, the embassy issued a clarification
press release in response to a newspaper article published on
December 3 entitled "US Embassy's Official Stabs Co-tenant." The
press release said the alleged incident did not involve a US
official and that the matter was under investigation by the Sierra
Leone police. The Public Affairs Officer also contacted the
newspaper to find out how that kind of story was published without
the embassy's involvement.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Embassy Press Release" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/5
"Press Release: US Embassy" WE YONE 12/5
"US Embassy Press Release" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/5
"US Embassy Press Release" THE SPECTATOR 12/6
"US Embassy Press Release" STANDARD TIMES 12/6
"US Embassy Press Release" NEW VISION 12/5
"US Embassy Press Release" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/6
"US Embassy Debunks Press Report" THE TRUMPET12/6
B. On Sunday, December 9, the US Amistad Schooner docked in the
Freetown harbor at about 10:30 AM. The crew was welcomed by a large
crowd including diplomats, politicians, academics, and members of
the public. While delivering a speech to the gathering, Ambassador
Perry said the Amistad's historic events represent the hope of every
individual to reach his or her full potential in freedom and
security, adding that the Amistad incident is still relevant in
today's world, where human rights violations continue to occur.
Also, on December 11, Ambassador Perry and some members of the
Amistad crew paid a visit to President Ernest Bai Koroma and Vice
President sam-Sumana.
The local press reported as follows:
"Freedom! Freedom! At Last Amistad Dock the Province of Freedom" WE
YONE 12/10
"Amistad Arrives in Freetown" THE TRUMPET 12/10
"A Photo of L'Amistad Ship Arriving" AWARENESS TIMES 12/10
"History Returns to Sierra Leone" CONCORD TIMES 12/11
"Amistad Sails into Freetown" KALLEONE 12/11
"La Amistad Arrives" PREMIER NEWS 12/11
"Sierra Leonean on Board Replica Slave Ship" AWOKO 12/11
"Amistad Ship Crew Visits President Koroma" WE YONE 12/12
"US Ambassador Remembers her Roots" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/14
"US Schooner Amistad Arrives in Freetown" THE NEWS 12/7
"US Schooner Amistad Arrives" AWOKO 12/7
"Avoid 'AMISTAD' 419ers Operators" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/7
"SLBS Radio and Television" 12/10
"Cotton Tree News radio" 12/13
"UN Radio Station" 12/11
C. On Wednesday, December 5, "Devin Philips and New Orleans Straight
Ahead," a jazz ensemble from the United States, thrilled an audience
including Ministers, Ambassadors, and other dignitaries at the US
Embassy in Freetown. At the opening of the concert, Ambassador Perry
said "... an important part of the African-American history, jazz is
referred to by many as the only true American Art form, so it is
fitting that we come together to share this program at the American
Embassy." The jazz ensemble was joined by the Sierra Leone Refugee
All Stars, a band of six Sierra Leonean musicians who lived as
refugees in the republic of Guinea, and it was the highlight of
their visit to Sierra Leone. "Devin Philips and New Orleans Straight
ahead" also gave workshops and concerts to students in Freetown and
The local press reported as follows:
"American Jazz Group Thrills Sierra Leone" AWARENESS TIMES 12/11
"'Devin Philips New Orleans Straight Ahead Jazz' Band Thrills Sierra
Leoneans PREMIER NEWS" 12/12
"Press release: Devin Philips and His Jazz Ensemble Performs and
Teaches in Sierra Leone" NEW CITIZEN 12/12
"Devin Philip's Jazz Ensemble Performs and Teaches in Sierra Leone"
THE POOL 12/12
"Devin Philips and His Jazz Ensemble Performs and Teaches in Sierra
Leone" THE NEWS 12/12
"Devin Philips and His Jazz Thrilled a Packed Hall at the American
Embassy on December 5" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/12
"Devin Philips and His Jazz Ensemble Performs and Teaches in Sierra
"US Jazz Band in Salone to Entertain and Teach" THE TRUMPET 12/13
Interview with Devin Philips following the concert at the Embassy,
"Cotton Tree News (CTN) Radio Station" 12/5
D. On Thursday, December 12, Ambassador June Carter Perry signed
agreements with five Sierra Leonean organizations selected to
receive 2007 USAID Ambassador's Special Self-Help program funding
totaling $65,000. Nine organizations were selected to receive the
2007 Ambassador's Special Self Help Program funding and special
consideration was given to agriculture, projects that assist at-risk
groups or improved access to water, sanitation and healthcare. In
her remarks at the signing ceremony, Ambassador Perry said the
grantees should be proud of their achievements, adding that the
selection of their projections was "a testament to the dedication
they have shown their communities by their patience and hard work in
preparing their winning proposals." Joachim Van Brandt, the Special
Projects Coordinator, advised the grantees to remain committed to
achieving their goals and to ensure that they kept the embassy
informed about their activities.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Ambassador Sponsors $65,000 Self-Help Projects" AWARENESS TIMES
"US Embassy Donates $65,000 to Nine NGOs" STANDARD TIMES 12/13
"Ambassador Carter Signs $65,000 Self Help Project" AWOKO 12/13
"USA Special Fund Signing in Freetown" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/13
"US Embassy Doles USD65,000 to 5 Sierra Leonean Groups" THE POOL
"Signing Ceremony for Recipients of Ambassador's Special Self-Help
Funding" THE SPECTATOR 12/13
"American Ambassador Doles USD65,000 to Five Organizations" NEW
VISION 12/13
"Nine Communities Benefit from $65,000 Self Help Fund Project"
"U.S. Ambassador's Special Self-Help Funding" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/14
"Remarks from Ambassador June Carter Perry at the Ambassador's
Special Self-Help Signing Ceremony, U.S. Embassy, December 12, 2007"
"US Embassy Dish Out $65,000" WE YONE 12/14
Interview with Joachim Van Brandt following the signing ceremony,
"Cotton Tree News (CTN) Radio Station" and "Sierra Leone
Broadcasting Service (SLBS) Radio Station" 12/12
E. On Friday, December 14, Ambassador June Carter Perry held her
first press conference since her arrival at post. Ambassador Perry
discussed a number of issues with the press ranging from development
and human rights, to corruption and HIV/AIDS. In her remarks,
Ambassador Perry said the national elections were a concrete
expression of the progress Sierra Leone has made in recent years,
adding that the country has set a fine example for other countries,
not just in the region, but throughout Africa and the world. She
said the country faces huge challenges coupled with the high
expectations of the people but stressed that United States will
support the efforts of the people and government of Sierra Leone to
encourage reform and social and economic development. She also
commended the government for its strong and public declaration to
fight corruption, adding that she would support Sierra Leone's
initiatives to combat corruption, promote government transparency
and effectiveness, and to open the doors of opportunity to all
Sierra Leoneans no matter their age, gender, or affiliation.
The local press reported as follows:
"'We Will Help Government Fight Corruption...' says U.S. Ambassador"
"US Envoy Backs Probe on Corrupt SLPP Officials!" FOR DI PEOPLE
"US Government Pledges Continued Support to Salone" AWOKO 12/17
"'Difficult Challenges Ahead of APC' - US Ambassador" THE NEW
"US Endorses Govt's Corruption Investigation" SALONE TIMES 12/17
"US Ambassador Outlines Challenges" THE NEWS 12/17
"'Corruption Robs Future Generations' - US Ambassador" STANDARD
TIMES 12/17
"US Ambassador Impressed with President Koroma" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/17
"US Pledges Partnership with Salone" AFRICAN CHAMPION 12/17
"Profile of June Carter Perry - Ambassador of the United States to
the republic of Sierra Leone" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/18
"More on US Envoy's meet with the Press" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/18
"US Ambassador Assures Sierra Leone" PREMIER NEWS 12/20
"Americans Disclose Plans for Sierra Leone" AWARENESS TIMES 12/20
"United States Pledges to Empower Sierra Leone" EQUITY 12/21
"U.S. Ambassador Unveils 5 Years Plan for Sierra Leone" SIERRA
"The New Citizen Radio Station" 12/14
"The Galaxy Radio Station" 12/14
"The SLBS Television" 12/14
"SKYY FM 106.6 Radio Station" 12/14
Post-press conference interview with Ambassador June Carter Perry,
"UN Radio Station" and the "Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service
(SLBS)" 12/14
F. On Friday, December 14, Ambassador June Carter Perry held a
reception for the Amistad and an essay contest awards ceremony at
the Embassy's atrium. In her remarks, Ambassador Perry said it was
appropriate to commemorate the visit of the Amistad, the same time
as Human Rights Day, "since the Amistad incident was the source of
probably the first human rights case to appear before the Supreme
Court of the United States." Ambassador Perry also presented awards
to the winners of the Amistad essay contest. In November, the
embassy sent materials on the Amistad incident to over 20 schools
around Sierra Leone, with a challenge to the students to write
essays addressing the topic "Why I Admire Those Who Revolted on the
Amistad." Samuel S. S. S. Sesay of the Government Model Secondary
School received the 1st place award in essay contest. Aminata Palmer
of Apex International School and Cedric William Leigh of Princes of
Wales School took second and third places, respectively. Each
participant received a certificate from the embassy. Samuel Sesay,
the first place winner, received a VIP tour of the Amistad ship
together with his family.
The local press reported as follows:
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" NEW VISION 12/20
"Model Pupil Wins Amistad Writer Prize" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/20
"Sierra Leonean Student Wins Amistad Essay" STANDARD TIMES 12/20
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Student" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/20
"U.S. Ambassador Gives Awards for Amistad Essay" POOL NEWSPAPER
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" AWOKO 12/20
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" NEW CITIZEN 12/20
"Government Model tops Amistad Essay" THE NEWS 12/21
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" KALLEONE 12/21
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/24
Interview with Public Affairs Officer, Danna Van Brandt, following
the awards ceremony "Cotton Trees News (CTN) Radio Station" 12/20
G. On Tuesday, December 18, Ambassador Perry paid a visit to the
offices of Prison Watch Sierra Leone to get first hand information
about the activities of the organization. Programme Coordinator
Mambu F. Feika said the organization monitors whether prisoners'
rights are observed; examines the nature of prisoners' rights and
prison conditions. He gave an update of the organization's
activities, pointing out that since its inception 3 years ago, the
US government has been their main sponsor. Ambassador Perry
commended the organization for its efforts and assured them of her
government's continued support.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Envoy Visits Prison Watch" PREMIER NEWS 12/21
"US Envoy Visits Prison Watch" AWARENESS TIMES 12/24
H. On Thursday, December 20, the embassy circulated President George
Bush's holiday greetings to all Muslims celebrating the feast of Eid
al-Adha. The message of President Bush called on Muslims to honor
Abraham's obedience to God by celebrating with family and friends
and showing gratitude for the many blessings bestowed by God. He
said the generosity and goodwill displayed by American Muslims
during this occasion and through out the year have contributed to
the strength and vitality of the American nation.
The local press reported as follows:
"Presidential Message on Eid al-Adha" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/21
"Press release: U.S. President's Message on Eid-ul-Adha" THE POOL
"Presidential Message on Eid al-Adha" EQUITY PRESS 12/21
"Presidential Message on Eid al-Adha" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/21
I. On Thursday, December 27, the embassy issued a press release
stating that effective January 1, 2008, the application fee for U.S.
non-immigrant visas (NIVs) will increase from $100 (Le 300,000) to
$131 (Le 393,000). This worldwide increase will allow the U.S.
Department of State to recover the costs of security and other
enforcements to the NIV application process, the release said.
Applicants who paid the $100 fee before the January 1 fee increase
and are scheduled and appear for interview before January 31, may,
however, be processed for a visa. According to the press release,
new security-related costs, new information technology systems, and
inflation, made the $100.00 MRV fee lower than the actual cost of
processing non-immigrant visas. It also said the U.S. Department of
State had been absorbing the additional cost for some time, but
could no longer do so and, therefore, was forced to institute the
fee increase.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Embassy Increases Visa Fees" AWARENESS TIMES 12/28
"New U.S. Visa Fees" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/31
A. On Wednesday, December 4, Special Court of Sierra Leone President
and retired Supreme Court judge, Justice George Gelaga-King, said
the country's justice and legal system is crooked and is incapable
of delivering swift and effective justice. While delivering the
keynote address at the Sierra Leone Bar Association National
Consultative Conference, Justice Gelaga-King said "the legal and
justice system has the cankerworm of bribery and corruption to which
we cannot shut our eyes," adding that there is hardly anyone who
works in the system that is not aware of those unwholesome
practices. Justice Gelaga-King said if determined and relentless
efforts were not made to reform the judiciary by removing corrupt
and disrupting influences, the future of the country's legal system
would be bleak. He also raised questions about the disparity of
salaries between judges paid by the government of Sierra Leone and
those paid by the DFID and Commonwealth Secretariat, insisting that
such disparity is unacceptable and may lead to disaffection and
The local press reported as follows:
"Punching Hard... Special court President Unveils Shortfalls in
Justice System" STANDARD TIMES 12/5
"Special Court Official Accuses Judiciary of Corruption" CONCORD
TIMES 12/5
"Supreme Court Will Soon Become Moribund - Justice Gelaga-King"
AWOKO 12/5
"Special Court Judge Exposes Judicial Corruption" INDEPENDENT
B. On Tuesday, December 4, Special Representative of the UN
Secretary General, Victor Angelo announced that he would retire from
the UN at the end of December. Speaking at a press conference in
Freetown, Mr. Angelo said Sierra Leone is a new model in Africa. He
told journalists that in his final report on Sierra Leone, he would
urge the UN to increase aid to the country. Mr. Angelo said one of
the major challenges facing the new government is meeting the rising
expectations of the people, insisting that the international donor
community was bound to support the new administration in its efforts
at revitalizing the economy. Mr. Angelo dismissed allegations that
he interfered with the 2007 election process, maintaining that all
he did was to ensure that the elections were effectively monitored.
The local press reported as follows:
"U.N. Envoy to Present Salone's Model to Security" PEEP! MAGAZINE
"UN's Angelo to Retire this Month" CONCORD TIMES 12/5
"Victor Angelo Damns Critics... "They are Only Wasting their Time."
WE YONE 12/5
"SLPP Protest Has No Link With Angelo's Departure" SALONE TIMES
"Victor Angelo to Face Security Council" THE SPARK 12/5
"'Those Trying to Intimidate Me are Wasting their Time' - Victor
Angelo" AWOKO 12/5
"...And to Snub Angelo" NEW VISION 12/5
"Angelo Lashes Critics" THE SPECTATOR 12/5
C. On Friday, December 7, UNDP Country Director Bernard Mokam
launched the 2007 Human Development Index (HDI) in Freetown. Sierra
Leone was ranked last out of 177 countries surveyed. The theme of
the 2007 HDI report "Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a
Divided World," focused on climate change - the greatest challenge
facing humanity at the start of the 21st Century. Mr. Mokam said the
Human Development report has been used over the years to engender
and intensify both national and global debate on development issues,
and in particular, serving as an instrument of advocacy by the UNDP
for sustainable human development. He also said the 2007 report
indicated that much progress had been made in human development in
the areas of poverty, education, and access to safe drinking water.
Mr. Mokam said one of the reasons for Sierra Leone's unenviable
position in the Human Development Index was the unavailability of
reliable data on the country. He urged the government emphasize data
management in the country.
The local press reported as follows:
"Sierra Leone Last Again" AWOKO 12/10
"Salone: World's Poorest Country" CONCORD TIMES 12/10
"Summary Recommendations of the Sierra Leone Human Development
Report 2007" WE YONE 12/10
"FBC Lecturer Criticizes 2007 Human Development Report" SIERRA
"Who is the UNDP Fooling?" THE TRUMPET 12/10
"Possible Explanations for Sierra Leone's Last Position" AWARENESS
TIMES 12/10
"As 2007 Human Index Report Launched... APC Asked to Hand over
Power" SALONE TIMES 12/10
D. On Wednesday, December 12, the Transition Team report was
submitted to President Ernest Koroma. President Koroma said his
government was going to hand over the report to the Anti-Corruption
Commission to examine its recommendations and take appropriate
action. President Koroma said the Transition team was also designed
to make everyone, particularly public officials, accountable and if
the report revealed that previous government officials were involved
in any financial impropriety, they would be held accountable. He
said he would support the work of the ACC without unduly influencing
its work. "The report is our first step, I believe, in taking action
at the most appropriate time," he said. The Presidential Transition
Team was set up in September 2007 to allow a smooth transition by
scrutinizing government ministries and departments. The team was
headed by Vice President Samuel Sam-Sumana.
The local press reported as follows:
"ACC May Rope SLPP Ministers" CONCORD TIMES 12/13
"As Transition Report out... President Koroma Says 'a busy Christmas
for ACC'" AWOKO 12/13
"Transition Team Presents Report" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/13
"Transition Team Presents 17,000 Page Report against SLPP Officials"
"Busy Christmas for ACC" THE NEW CITIZEN 12/13
"As Transition Team Submits Report... SLPP Ministers In Trouble" THE
E. On Thursday, December 13, a dusk-to-dawn curfew was declared in
the Eastern Provincial town of Kono following violent clashes
between the police and groups of demonstrating youths. The
protesters said the activities of the mining outfit, Koidu Holdings
Limited, were adversely affecting their environment. They complained
that their houses were being demolished without adequate
compensation, adding that the company had reneged on agreement they
had signed with the Chiefdom authorities. The agreement, according
to spokesman for the protesters, required the company to resettle
the residents of the area to a safer place. They protesters also
called for a renegotiation of the mining lease agreement with the
company because, in their view, the existing agreement did not
promote local people's interests. A spokesman for the company said
the protesters were a band of thieves who did not represent the
genuine interests of the local people. Nine protesters were
confirmed to have been shot by the police and two of them
subsequently died. A Commission of Enquiry was set up to probe into
the activities of the mining outfit and the reasons for the
violence. The Commission's report is still pending.
The local press reported as follows:
"Curfew in Kono as... Police Shoot Nine" AWOKO 12/14
"Koidu Town Explodes... 4 Feared Dead" THE DEMOCRAT 12/14
"War in Kono... Koidu Holdings on the Rampage..." STANDARD TIMES
"As Tankoro Youths Rise Against Koidu Holdings, Police Shoot Nine
Demonstrators" THE POOL 12/14
"Kono: 1 Killed in Riot Yesterday" INDEPENDENT OBVSERVER 12/14
"Kono Strike against Koidu Holdings" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/14
"Live Shots Fired in Kono" WE YONE 12/14
"Rioting in Kono" PREMIER NEWS 12/14
F. On Thursday, December 20, President Koroma commissioned a 15
megawatt thermal plant at the King Tom Power Station in Freetown.
While delivering his address, President Koroma said the generators
were a demonstration of his government's commitment to providing
reliable electricity to the people of Freetown, adding that he will
work to extend the service to the whole country as soon as possible.
In November, 2007, Energy and Power Minister Haja Hafsatu Kabba
announced Global Trading Group of Belgium as one of three winners of
the bid to provide machines for Emergency power supply to Freetown.
The first shipment of machines arrived on Saturday, December 15 and
another shipment arrived the following week amidst jubilation and
celebration by Freetown residents. Some of the people chanted
"Welcome Ernest Electricity, down you go Kabbah Tiger!" as the
generators were driven across the town in containers.
The local press reported as follows:
"President Koroma Commissions 15 Megawatts Generator" SIERRA EXPRESS
MEDIA 12/21
"The Lights are on!" PREMIER NEWS 12/21
"APC makes Impossible Possible" WE YONE 12/21
"Light is Back!" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/21
"For Diesel Alone ... NPA Generators Need US$79,000 Daily" NEW
VISION 12/21
"President Koroma Commissions 15 Megawatt Generators" STANDARD TIMES
"Residents of Eastern Enjoy Koroma Electricity" THE NEW CITIZEN
"'We have Achieved it' - Ernest Koroma" AWOKO 12/21
G. On Wednesday, December 19, National Electoral Commissioner
Christiana Thorpe announced that local government elections will be
held on July 5, 2008. She said the elections will be conducted for
the five city councils of Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Koidu-New Sembehun
and Makeni; one municipal council in Bonthe Township and 13 District
Councils across the country. An official of the Commission also
announced that boundary delimitation exercise had started and will
be completed in February, 2008. It was also disclosed that the voter
register for the 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary elections will
be updated from March 1 -15 and the official campaign period will be
between June 21 - July 3, 2008. By-elections for the vacant
parliamentary seats will be conducted in March, 2008. Also, Mayor
and councilor elections will be conducted separately, which is a
departure from the system that was used in 2004.
The local press reported as follows:
"Local Government Elections to be Held in July" AWOKO 12/20
"NEC Declares July 5 for Local Elections" CONCORD TIMES 12/20
"Local Council Elections July 5" THE NEW CITIZEN 12/20
"Bye Elections March 2008; Local Gov' Elections July 2008" THE POOL
"Bye-Elections Slated for March 2008; Local Council Elections July
5, 2008" NEW VISION 12/20
"NEC Declares July 5 Local Government Elections" AWARENESS TIMES
"Local Government Election is July 5" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/20
"Local Council Election July 5" THE SPECTATOR 12/20
"Sierra Leoneans to Vote for Mayors" SALONE TIMES 12/20
H. On Thursday, December 21, two midday explosions occurred in the
central business district of Freetown, leaving at least 14 people
dead and many seriously injured. The Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Ahmed Kamanda Bongay, said he did not know the cause of the
explosions but he thought they were caused by a cooking gas
container that was left unattended. He said they were investigating
the cause of the explosions. The Minister of Health also announced
that a Commission of Enquiry would be set up to probe into the
The local press reported as follows:
"Explosion Kills 14" AWOKO 12/21
"Gas Explosion Leaves 18 dead, 21 Injured" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA
"Free Street Explosion Leaves 20 Dead" SALONE TIMES 12/21
"Explosion Kills 14 at Free Street" PREMIER NEWS 12/21
"Explosion Kills 17" NEW VISION 12/21
"18 Dead in Gas Explosion" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/21
"Tragedy! Shelltox and Gas Kill 16... 33 Fatally Injured, 3 Lebanese
in critical condition" STANDARD TIMES 12/21
"Freetown Gas Explosion Kill 18" CONCORD TIMES 12/21
"Death Toll Rise from Yesterday's Gas Explosion at Free Street"
"Free Street Explosion: 18 Fatally Injured" THE POOL 12/21
"Tragedy!" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/21
"Tragedy Hits the City" WE YONE 12/21
"1 Lebanese, 17 Sierra Leoneans Die in Gas Explosion" THE AFRICAN
"17 Feared Dead in Gas Explosion" NEW CITIZEN 12/21
"Peaceful End to Clinton Standoff" THE POOL 12/3; FOR DI PEOPLE
"US Daredevil Evil Knievel Dies" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/4
"Democrats Fight Over Universal Health Care" AWARENESS TIMES 12/4
"Bush Says Iran Remains a Threat" WE YONE 12/3; AWARENESS TIMES
"Iran Welcomes US Nuclear Report" NEW CITIZEN 12/5; CONCORD TIMES
"US Democrats Want Rethink on Iran" SALONE TIMES 12/5; PREMIER NEWS
"US Spies Give Shock Verdict on Iran Threat" SALONE TIMES 12/5
"Nazi Rocket Scientist's Secret Papers up for Sale" SALONE TIMES
"Brad Pitt Unveils Plans for New Orleans Homes" SALONE TIMES 12/5
"U.S. Report: Iran Stopped Nuclear Weapons Work in 2003" THE SPARK
12/5; THE TRUMPET 12/6
"Bush Announces Middle East Visit" THE POOL 12/6
"Rice at Talks on African Conflicts" THE SPARK 12/6; PREMIER NEWS
"US Urges More Troops for Somalia" THE DEMOCRAT 12/7
"Bush Sends Letter to North Korea" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/7
"Gunman Goes on Rampaging at US Mall" THE POOL 12/7; THE SPECTATOR
"Bush Urges Tehran to Come Clean" THE POOL 12/7
"Iran a Threat, Say Europe Elite" THE SPARK 12/7
"US Airline Payout Angers Workers" PREMIER NEWS 12/10
"Oprah Campaigns for Obama in Iowa" THE POOL 12/10
"Iran Protests over US 'espionage'" THE POOL 12/10
"Inquiry into Destroyed CIA Tapes" THE POOL 12/10; AWARENESS TIMES
"US Wants More Pressure on Iran" AWARENESS TIMES 12/10
"Role of Gays Splits Episcopal Church" AWARENESS TIMES 12/10
"5 Die in Colo. Church, Mission Attacks" PREMIER NEWS 12/11
"Hollywood Writers Talks Collapse" AFRICAN CHAMPION 12/11
"High Court Rules on Crack, Powder Cocaine Sentences" AWARENESS
TIMES 12/11
"Colorado Police Seek Links in Shootings" AWARENESS TIMES 12/11
"Gore to US, China: Fix Climate or else" AWARENESS TIMES 12/11
"Vick Sentenced to 23 Months for Dog fighting" AWARENESS TIMES
"The Benefits of US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue" STANDARD
TIMES 12/11
"CIA Man Defends 'Water-boarding'" AWARENESS TIMES 12/12
"US Central Bank Set to Cut Rates" CONCORD TIMES 12/12
"Army Pays $725 to WWII Vet for Unfair Trial, Imprisonment" PREMIER
NEWS 12/14
"Jury Sees Duke's Letters to Diana" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/14
"Climate Deal Sealed by US U-turn" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/17; THE SPARK
"US Prices Jump Most in Two Years" PREMIER NEWS 12/17
"Deadly US Snow Storm Sparks Chaos" AWARENESS TIMES 12/18; DEMOCRAT
12/18; THE POOL 12/18
"'US Backed' Turkish Raids on Iraq" AWARENESS TIMES 12/18
"US Denies Backing Turkish PKK Raid" THE POOL 12/18
"Bush 'Loses Patience' with Syria" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/21
"US Passes Tighter Gun Control Law" THE POOL 12/21
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. Summary: Embassy Freetown's outreach in December 2007
Included articles surrounding the arrival of the Amistad and
programs organized to raise awareness about it, Ambassador Perry's
maiden press conference, the performances of Devin Philips and New
Orleans Straight Ahead jazz ensemble in Sierra Leone, the awarding
of grants to nine local organizations from the Ambassador's Special
Self-help fund, and Ambassador Perry's courtesy call on a local
human rights organization. Press coverage was extensive and mostly
2. Post and Mission Activities/Press Releases:
A. On Wednesday, December 4, the embassy issued a clarification
press release in response to a newspaper article published on
December 3 entitled "US Embassy's Official Stabs Co-tenant." The
press release said the alleged incident did not involve a US
official and that the matter was under investigation by the Sierra
Leone police. The Public Affairs Officer also contacted the
newspaper to find out how that kind of story was published without
the embassy's involvement.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Embassy Press Release" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/5
"Press Release: US Embassy" WE YONE 12/5
"US Embassy Press Release" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/5
"US Embassy Press Release" THE SPECTATOR 12/6
"US Embassy Press Release" STANDARD TIMES 12/6
"US Embassy Press Release" NEW VISION 12/5
"US Embassy Press Release" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/6
"US Embassy Debunks Press Report" THE TRUMPET12/6
B. On Sunday, December 9, the US Amistad Schooner docked in the
Freetown harbor at about 10:30 AM. The crew was welcomed by a large
crowd including diplomats, politicians, academics, and members of
the public. While delivering a speech to the gathering, Ambassador
Perry said the Amistad's historic events represent the hope of every
individual to reach his or her full potential in freedom and
security, adding that the Amistad incident is still relevant in
today's world, where human rights violations continue to occur.
Also, on December 11, Ambassador Perry and some members of the
Amistad crew paid a visit to President Ernest Bai Koroma and Vice
President sam-Sumana.
The local press reported as follows:
"Freedom! Freedom! At Last Amistad Dock the Province of Freedom" WE
YONE 12/10
"Amistad Arrives in Freetown" THE TRUMPET 12/10
"A Photo of L'Amistad Ship Arriving" AWARENESS TIMES 12/10
"History Returns to Sierra Leone" CONCORD TIMES 12/11
"Amistad Sails into Freetown" KALLEONE 12/11
"La Amistad Arrives" PREMIER NEWS 12/11
"Sierra Leonean on Board Replica Slave Ship" AWOKO 12/11
"Amistad Ship Crew Visits President Koroma" WE YONE 12/12
"US Ambassador Remembers her Roots" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/14
"US Schooner Amistad Arrives in Freetown" THE NEWS 12/7
"US Schooner Amistad Arrives" AWOKO 12/7
"Avoid 'AMISTAD' 419ers Operators" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/7
"SLBS Radio and Television" 12/10
"Cotton Tree News radio" 12/13
"UN Radio Station" 12/11
C. On Wednesday, December 5, "Devin Philips and New Orleans Straight
Ahead," a jazz ensemble from the United States, thrilled an audience
including Ministers, Ambassadors, and other dignitaries at the US
Embassy in Freetown. At the opening of the concert, Ambassador Perry
said "... an important part of the African-American history, jazz is
referred to by many as the only true American Art form, so it is
fitting that we come together to share this program at the American
Embassy." The jazz ensemble was joined by the Sierra Leone Refugee
All Stars, a band of six Sierra Leonean musicians who lived as
refugees in the republic of Guinea, and it was the highlight of
their visit to Sierra Leone. "Devin Philips and New Orleans Straight
ahead" also gave workshops and concerts to students in Freetown and
The local press reported as follows:
"American Jazz Group Thrills Sierra Leone" AWARENESS TIMES 12/11
"'Devin Philips New Orleans Straight Ahead Jazz' Band Thrills Sierra
Leoneans PREMIER NEWS" 12/12
"Press release: Devin Philips and His Jazz Ensemble Performs and
Teaches in Sierra Leone" NEW CITIZEN 12/12
"Devin Philip's Jazz Ensemble Performs and Teaches in Sierra Leone"
THE POOL 12/12
"Devin Philips and His Jazz Ensemble Performs and Teaches in Sierra
Leone" THE NEWS 12/12
"Devin Philips and His Jazz Thrilled a Packed Hall at the American
Embassy on December 5" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/12
"Devin Philips and His Jazz Ensemble Performs and Teaches in Sierra
"US Jazz Band in Salone to Entertain and Teach" THE TRUMPET 12/13
Interview with Devin Philips following the concert at the Embassy,
"Cotton Tree News (CTN) Radio Station" 12/5
D. On Thursday, December 12, Ambassador June Carter Perry signed
agreements with five Sierra Leonean organizations selected to
receive 2007 USAID Ambassador's Special Self-Help program funding
totaling $65,000. Nine organizations were selected to receive the
2007 Ambassador's Special Self Help Program funding and special
consideration was given to agriculture, projects that assist at-risk
groups or improved access to water, sanitation and healthcare. In
her remarks at the signing ceremony, Ambassador Perry said the
grantees should be proud of their achievements, adding that the
selection of their projections was "a testament to the dedication
they have shown their communities by their patience and hard work in
preparing their winning proposals." Joachim Van Brandt, the Special
Projects Coordinator, advised the grantees to remain committed to
achieving their goals and to ensure that they kept the embassy
informed about their activities.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Ambassador Sponsors $65,000 Self-Help Projects" AWARENESS TIMES
"US Embassy Donates $65,000 to Nine NGOs" STANDARD TIMES 12/13
"Ambassador Carter Signs $65,000 Self Help Project" AWOKO 12/13
"USA Special Fund Signing in Freetown" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/13
"US Embassy Doles USD65,000 to 5 Sierra Leonean Groups" THE POOL
"Signing Ceremony for Recipients of Ambassador's Special Self-Help
Funding" THE SPECTATOR 12/13
"American Ambassador Doles USD65,000 to Five Organizations" NEW
VISION 12/13
"Nine Communities Benefit from $65,000 Self Help Fund Project"
"U.S. Ambassador's Special Self-Help Funding" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/14
"Remarks from Ambassador June Carter Perry at the Ambassador's
Special Self-Help Signing Ceremony, U.S. Embassy, December 12, 2007"
"US Embassy Dish Out $65,000" WE YONE 12/14
Interview with Joachim Van Brandt following the signing ceremony,
"Cotton Tree News (CTN) Radio Station" and "Sierra Leone
Broadcasting Service (SLBS) Radio Station" 12/12
E. On Friday, December 14, Ambassador June Carter Perry held her
first press conference since her arrival at post. Ambassador Perry
discussed a number of issues with the press ranging from development
and human rights, to corruption and HIV/AIDS. In her remarks,
Ambassador Perry said the national elections were a concrete
expression of the progress Sierra Leone has made in recent years,
adding that the country has set a fine example for other countries,
not just in the region, but throughout Africa and the world. She
said the country faces huge challenges coupled with the high
expectations of the people but stressed that United States will
support the efforts of the people and government of Sierra Leone to
encourage reform and social and economic development. She also
commended the government for its strong and public declaration to
fight corruption, adding that she would support Sierra Leone's
initiatives to combat corruption, promote government transparency
and effectiveness, and to open the doors of opportunity to all
Sierra Leoneans no matter their age, gender, or affiliation.
The local press reported as follows:
"'We Will Help Government Fight Corruption...' says U.S. Ambassador"
"US Envoy Backs Probe on Corrupt SLPP Officials!" FOR DI PEOPLE
"US Government Pledges Continued Support to Salone" AWOKO 12/17
"'Difficult Challenges Ahead of APC' - US Ambassador" THE NEW
"US Endorses Govt's Corruption Investigation" SALONE TIMES 12/17
"US Ambassador Outlines Challenges" THE NEWS 12/17
"'Corruption Robs Future Generations' - US Ambassador" STANDARD
TIMES 12/17
"US Ambassador Impressed with President Koroma" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/17
"US Pledges Partnership with Salone" AFRICAN CHAMPION 12/17
"Profile of June Carter Perry - Ambassador of the United States to
the republic of Sierra Leone" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/18
"More on US Envoy's meet with the Press" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/18
"US Ambassador Assures Sierra Leone" PREMIER NEWS 12/20
"Americans Disclose Plans for Sierra Leone" AWARENESS TIMES 12/20
"United States Pledges to Empower Sierra Leone" EQUITY 12/21
"U.S. Ambassador Unveils 5 Years Plan for Sierra Leone" SIERRA
"The New Citizen Radio Station" 12/14
"The Galaxy Radio Station" 12/14
"The SLBS Television" 12/14
"SKYY FM 106.6 Radio Station" 12/14
Post-press conference interview with Ambassador June Carter Perry,
"UN Radio Station" and the "Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service
(SLBS)" 12/14
F. On Friday, December 14, Ambassador June Carter Perry held a
reception for the Amistad and an essay contest awards ceremony at
the Embassy's atrium. In her remarks, Ambassador Perry said it was
appropriate to commemorate the visit of the Amistad, the same time
as Human Rights Day, "since the Amistad incident was the source of
probably the first human rights case to appear before the Supreme
Court of the United States." Ambassador Perry also presented awards
to the winners of the Amistad essay contest. In November, the
embassy sent materials on the Amistad incident to over 20 schools
around Sierra Leone, with a challenge to the students to write
essays addressing the topic "Why I Admire Those Who Revolted on the
Amistad." Samuel S. S. S. Sesay of the Government Model Secondary
School received the 1st place award in essay contest. Aminata Palmer
of Apex International School and Cedric William Leigh of Princes of
Wales School took second and third places, respectively. Each
participant received a certificate from the embassy. Samuel Sesay,
the first place winner, received a VIP tour of the Amistad ship
together with his family.
The local press reported as follows:
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" NEW VISION 12/20
"Model Pupil Wins Amistad Writer Prize" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/20
"Sierra Leonean Student Wins Amistad Essay" STANDARD TIMES 12/20
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Student" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/20
"U.S. Ambassador Gives Awards for Amistad Essay" POOL NEWSPAPER
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" AWOKO 12/20
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" NEW CITIZEN 12/20
"Government Model tops Amistad Essay" THE NEWS 12/21
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" KALLEONE 12/21
"U.S. Embassy Awards Sierra Leonean Students for Writing about
Amistad" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/24
Interview with Public Affairs Officer, Danna Van Brandt, following
the awards ceremony "Cotton Trees News (CTN) Radio Station" 12/20
G. On Tuesday, December 18, Ambassador Perry paid a visit to the
offices of Prison Watch Sierra Leone to get first hand information
about the activities of the organization. Programme Coordinator
Mambu F. Feika said the organization monitors whether prisoners'
rights are observed; examines the nature of prisoners' rights and
prison conditions. He gave an update of the organization's
activities, pointing out that since its inception 3 years ago, the
US government has been their main sponsor. Ambassador Perry
commended the organization for its efforts and assured them of her
government's continued support.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Envoy Visits Prison Watch" PREMIER NEWS 12/21
"US Envoy Visits Prison Watch" AWARENESS TIMES 12/24
H. On Thursday, December 20, the embassy circulated President George
Bush's holiday greetings to all Muslims celebrating the feast of Eid
al-Adha. The message of President Bush called on Muslims to honor
Abraham's obedience to God by celebrating with family and friends
and showing gratitude for the many blessings bestowed by God. He
said the generosity and goodwill displayed by American Muslims
during this occasion and through out the year have contributed to
the strength and vitality of the American nation.
The local press reported as follows:
"Presidential Message on Eid al-Adha" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/21
"Press release: U.S. President's Message on Eid-ul-Adha" THE POOL
"Presidential Message on Eid al-Adha" EQUITY PRESS 12/21
"Presidential Message on Eid al-Adha" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/21
I. On Thursday, December 27, the embassy issued a press release
stating that effective January 1, 2008, the application fee for U.S.
non-immigrant visas (NIVs) will increase from $100 (Le 300,000) to
$131 (Le 393,000). This worldwide increase will allow the U.S.
Department of State to recover the costs of security and other
enforcements to the NIV application process, the release said.
Applicants who paid the $100 fee before the January 1 fee increase
and are scheduled and appear for interview before January 31, may,
however, be processed for a visa. According to the press release,
new security-related costs, new information technology systems, and
inflation, made the $100.00 MRV fee lower than the actual cost of
processing non-immigrant visas. It also said the U.S. Department of
State had been absorbing the additional cost for some time, but
could no longer do so and, therefore, was forced to institute the
fee increase.
The local press reported as follows:
"US Embassy Increases Visa Fees" AWARENESS TIMES 12/28
"New U.S. Visa Fees" PEEP! MAGAZINE 12/31
A. On Wednesday, December 4, Special Court of Sierra Leone President
and retired Supreme Court judge, Justice George Gelaga-King, said
the country's justice and legal system is crooked and is incapable
of delivering swift and effective justice. While delivering the
keynote address at the Sierra Leone Bar Association National
Consultative Conference, Justice Gelaga-King said "the legal and
justice system has the cankerworm of bribery and corruption to which
we cannot shut our eyes," adding that there is hardly anyone who
works in the system that is not aware of those unwholesome
practices. Justice Gelaga-King said if determined and relentless
efforts were not made to reform the judiciary by removing corrupt
and disrupting influences, the future of the country's legal system
would be bleak. He also raised questions about the disparity of
salaries between judges paid by the government of Sierra Leone and
those paid by the DFID and Commonwealth Secretariat, insisting that
such disparity is unacceptable and may lead to disaffection and
The local press reported as follows:
"Punching Hard... Special court President Unveils Shortfalls in
Justice System" STANDARD TIMES 12/5
"Special Court Official Accuses Judiciary of Corruption" CONCORD
TIMES 12/5
"Supreme Court Will Soon Become Moribund - Justice Gelaga-King"
AWOKO 12/5
"Special Court Judge Exposes Judicial Corruption" INDEPENDENT
B. On Tuesday, December 4, Special Representative of the UN
Secretary General, Victor Angelo announced that he would retire from
the UN at the end of December. Speaking at a press conference in
Freetown, Mr. Angelo said Sierra Leone is a new model in Africa. He
told journalists that in his final report on Sierra Leone, he would
urge the UN to increase aid to the country. Mr. Angelo said one of
the major challenges facing the new government is meeting the rising
expectations of the people, insisting that the international donor
community was bound to support the new administration in its efforts
at revitalizing the economy. Mr. Angelo dismissed allegations that
he interfered with the 2007 election process, maintaining that all
he did was to ensure that the elections were effectively monitored.
The local press reported as follows:
"U.N. Envoy to Present Salone's Model to Security" PEEP! MAGAZINE
"UN's Angelo to Retire this Month" CONCORD TIMES 12/5
"Victor Angelo Damns Critics... "They are Only Wasting their Time."
WE YONE 12/5
"SLPP Protest Has No Link With Angelo's Departure" SALONE TIMES
"Victor Angelo to Face Security Council" THE SPARK 12/5
"'Those Trying to Intimidate Me are Wasting their Time' - Victor
Angelo" AWOKO 12/5
"...And to Snub Angelo" NEW VISION 12/5
"Angelo Lashes Critics" THE SPECTATOR 12/5
C. On Friday, December 7, UNDP Country Director Bernard Mokam
launched the 2007 Human Development Index (HDI) in Freetown. Sierra
Leone was ranked last out of 177 countries surveyed. The theme of
the 2007 HDI report "Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a
Divided World," focused on climate change - the greatest challenge
facing humanity at the start of the 21st Century. Mr. Mokam said the
Human Development report has been used over the years to engender
and intensify both national and global debate on development issues,
and in particular, serving as an instrument of advocacy by the UNDP
for sustainable human development. He also said the 2007 report
indicated that much progress had been made in human development in
the areas of poverty, education, and access to safe drinking water.
Mr. Mokam said one of the reasons for Sierra Leone's unenviable
position in the Human Development Index was the unavailability of
reliable data on the country. He urged the government emphasize data
management in the country.
The local press reported as follows:
"Sierra Leone Last Again" AWOKO 12/10
"Salone: World's Poorest Country" CONCORD TIMES 12/10
"Summary Recommendations of the Sierra Leone Human Development
Report 2007" WE YONE 12/10
"FBC Lecturer Criticizes 2007 Human Development Report" SIERRA
"Who is the UNDP Fooling?" THE TRUMPET 12/10
"Possible Explanations for Sierra Leone's Last Position" AWARENESS
TIMES 12/10
"As 2007 Human Index Report Launched... APC Asked to Hand over
Power" SALONE TIMES 12/10
D. On Wednesday, December 12, the Transition Team report was
submitted to President Ernest Koroma. President Koroma said his
government was going to hand over the report to the Anti-Corruption
Commission to examine its recommendations and take appropriate
action. President Koroma said the Transition team was also designed
to make everyone, particularly public officials, accountable and if
the report revealed that previous government officials were involved
in any financial impropriety, they would be held accountable. He
said he would support the work of the ACC without unduly influencing
its work. "The report is our first step, I believe, in taking action
at the most appropriate time," he said. The Presidential Transition
Team was set up in September 2007 to allow a smooth transition by
scrutinizing government ministries and departments. The team was
headed by Vice President Samuel Sam-Sumana.
The local press reported as follows:
"ACC May Rope SLPP Ministers" CONCORD TIMES 12/13
"As Transition Report out... President Koroma Says 'a busy Christmas
for ACC'" AWOKO 12/13
"Transition Team Presents Report" INDEPENDENT OBSERVER 12/13
"Transition Team Presents 17,000 Page Report against SLPP Officials"
"Busy Christmas for ACC" THE NEW CITIZEN 12/13
"As Transition Team Submits Report... SLPP Ministers In Trouble" THE
E. On Thursday, December 13, a dusk-to-dawn curfew was declared in
the Eastern Provincial town of Kono following violent clashes
between the police and groups of demonstrating youths. The
protesters said the activities of the mining outfit, Koidu Holdings
Limited, were adversely affecting their environment. They complained
that their houses were being demolished without adequate
compensation, adding that the company had reneged on agreement they
had signed with the Chiefdom authorities. The agreement, according
to spokesman for the protesters, required the company to resettle
the residents of the area to a safer place. They protesters also
called for a renegotiation of the mining lease agreement with the
company because, in their view, the existing agreement did not
promote local people's interests. A spokesman for the company said
the protesters were a band of thieves who did not represent the
genuine interests of the local people. Nine protesters were
confirmed to have been shot by the police and two of them
subsequently died. A Commission of Enquiry was set up to probe into
the activities of the mining outfit and the reasons for the
violence. The Commission's report is still pending.
The local press reported as follows:
"Curfew in Kono as... Police Shoot Nine" AWOKO 12/14
"Koidu Town Explodes... 4 Feared Dead" THE DEMOCRAT 12/14
"War in Kono... Koidu Holdings on the Rampage..." STANDARD TIMES
"As Tankoro Youths Rise Against Koidu Holdings, Police Shoot Nine
Demonstrators" THE POOL 12/14
"Kono: 1 Killed in Riot Yesterday" INDEPENDENT OBVSERVER 12/14
"Kono Strike against Koidu Holdings" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/14
"Live Shots Fired in Kono" WE YONE 12/14
"Rioting in Kono" PREMIER NEWS 12/14
F. On Thursday, December 20, President Koroma commissioned a 15
megawatt thermal plant at the King Tom Power Station in Freetown.
While delivering his address, President Koroma said the generators
were a demonstration of his government's commitment to providing
reliable electricity to the people of Freetown, adding that he will
work to extend the service to the whole country as soon as possible.
In November, 2007, Energy and Power Minister Haja Hafsatu Kabba
announced Global Trading Group of Belgium as one of three winners of
the bid to provide machines for Emergency power supply to Freetown.
The first shipment of machines arrived on Saturday, December 15 and
another shipment arrived the following week amidst jubilation and
celebration by Freetown residents. Some of the people chanted
"Welcome Ernest Electricity, down you go Kabbah Tiger!" as the
generators were driven across the town in containers.
The local press reported as follows:
"President Koroma Commissions 15 Megawatts Generator" SIERRA EXPRESS
MEDIA 12/21
"The Lights are on!" PREMIER NEWS 12/21
"APC makes Impossible Possible" WE YONE 12/21
"Light is Back!" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/21
"For Diesel Alone ... NPA Generators Need US$79,000 Daily" NEW
VISION 12/21
"President Koroma Commissions 15 Megawatt Generators" STANDARD TIMES
"Residents of Eastern Enjoy Koroma Electricity" THE NEW CITIZEN
"'We have Achieved it' - Ernest Koroma" AWOKO 12/21
G. On Wednesday, December 19, National Electoral Commissioner
Christiana Thorpe announced that local government elections will be
held on July 5, 2008. She said the elections will be conducted for
the five city councils of Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Koidu-New Sembehun
and Makeni; one municipal council in Bonthe Township and 13 District
Councils across the country. An official of the Commission also
announced that boundary delimitation exercise had started and will
be completed in February, 2008. It was also disclosed that the voter
register for the 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary elections will
be updated from March 1 -15 and the official campaign period will be
between June 21 - July 3, 2008. By-elections for the vacant
parliamentary seats will be conducted in March, 2008. Also, Mayor
and councilor elections will be conducted separately, which is a
departure from the system that was used in 2004.
The local press reported as follows:
"Local Government Elections to be Held in July" AWOKO 12/20
"NEC Declares July 5 for Local Elections" CONCORD TIMES 12/20
"Local Council Elections July 5" THE NEW CITIZEN 12/20
"Bye Elections March 2008; Local Gov' Elections July 2008" THE POOL
"Bye-Elections Slated for March 2008; Local Council Elections July
5, 2008" NEW VISION 12/20
"NEC Declares July 5 Local Government Elections" AWARENESS TIMES
"Local Government Election is July 5" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/20
"Local Council Election July 5" THE SPECTATOR 12/20
"Sierra Leoneans to Vote for Mayors" SALONE TIMES 12/20
H. On Thursday, December 21, two midday explosions occurred in the
central business district of Freetown, leaving at least 14 people
dead and many seriously injured. The Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Ahmed Kamanda Bongay, said he did not know the cause of the
explosions but he thought they were caused by a cooking gas
container that was left unattended. He said they were investigating
the cause of the explosions. The Minister of Health also announced
that a Commission of Enquiry would be set up to probe into the
The local press reported as follows:
"Explosion Kills 14" AWOKO 12/21
"Gas Explosion Leaves 18 dead, 21 Injured" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA
"Free Street Explosion Leaves 20 Dead" SALONE TIMES 12/21
"Explosion Kills 14 at Free Street" PREMIER NEWS 12/21
"Explosion Kills 17" NEW VISION 12/21
"18 Dead in Gas Explosion" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/21
"Tragedy! Shelltox and Gas Kill 16... 33 Fatally Injured, 3 Lebanese
in critical condition" STANDARD TIMES 12/21
"Freetown Gas Explosion Kill 18" CONCORD TIMES 12/21
"Death Toll Rise from Yesterday's Gas Explosion at Free Street"
"Free Street Explosion: 18 Fatally Injured" THE POOL 12/21
"Tragedy!" THE EXCLUSIVE 12/21
"Tragedy Hits the City" WE YONE 12/21
"1 Lebanese, 17 Sierra Leoneans Die in Gas Explosion" THE AFRICAN
"17 Feared Dead in Gas Explosion" NEW CITIZEN 12/21
"Peaceful End to Clinton Standoff" THE POOL 12/3; FOR DI PEOPLE
"US Daredevil Evil Knievel Dies" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/4
"Democrats Fight Over Universal Health Care" AWARENESS TIMES 12/4
"Bush Says Iran Remains a Threat" WE YONE 12/3; AWARENESS TIMES
"Iran Welcomes US Nuclear Report" NEW CITIZEN 12/5; CONCORD TIMES
"US Democrats Want Rethink on Iran" SALONE TIMES 12/5; PREMIER NEWS
"US Spies Give Shock Verdict on Iran Threat" SALONE TIMES 12/5
"Nazi Rocket Scientist's Secret Papers up for Sale" SALONE TIMES
"Brad Pitt Unveils Plans for New Orleans Homes" SALONE TIMES 12/5
"U.S. Report: Iran Stopped Nuclear Weapons Work in 2003" THE SPARK
12/5; THE TRUMPET 12/6
"Bush Announces Middle East Visit" THE POOL 12/6
"Rice at Talks on African Conflicts" THE SPARK 12/6; PREMIER NEWS
"US Urges More Troops for Somalia" THE DEMOCRAT 12/7
"Bush Sends Letter to North Korea" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/7
"Gunman Goes on Rampaging at US Mall" THE POOL 12/7; THE SPECTATOR
"Bush Urges Tehran to Come Clean" THE POOL 12/7
"Iran a Threat, Say Europe Elite" THE SPARK 12/7
"US Airline Payout Angers Workers" PREMIER NEWS 12/10
"Oprah Campaigns for Obama in Iowa" THE POOL 12/10
"Iran Protests over US 'espionage'" THE POOL 12/10
"Inquiry into Destroyed CIA Tapes" THE POOL 12/10; AWARENESS TIMES
"US Wants More Pressure on Iran" AWARENESS TIMES 12/10
"Role of Gays Splits Episcopal Church" AWARENESS TIMES 12/10
"5 Die in Colo. Church, Mission Attacks" PREMIER NEWS 12/11
"Hollywood Writers Talks Collapse" AFRICAN CHAMPION 12/11
"High Court Rules on Crack, Powder Cocaine Sentences" AWARENESS
TIMES 12/11
"Colorado Police Seek Links in Shootings" AWARENESS TIMES 12/11
"Gore to US, China: Fix Climate or else" AWARENESS TIMES 12/11
"Vick Sentenced to 23 Months for Dog fighting" AWARENESS TIMES
"The Benefits of US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue" STANDARD
TIMES 12/11
"CIA Man Defends 'Water-boarding'" AWARENESS TIMES 12/12
"US Central Bank Set to Cut Rates" CONCORD TIMES 12/12
"Army Pays $725 to WWII Vet for Unfair Trial, Imprisonment" PREMIER
NEWS 12/14
"Jury Sees Duke's Letters to Diana" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/14
"Climate Deal Sealed by US U-turn" FOR DI PEOPLE 12/17; THE SPARK
"US Prices Jump Most in Two Years" PREMIER NEWS 12/17
"Deadly US Snow Storm Sparks Chaos" AWARENESS TIMES 12/18; DEMOCRAT
12/18; THE POOL 12/18
"'US Backed' Turkish Raids on Iraq" AWARENESS TIMES 12/18
"US Denies Backing Turkish PKK Raid" THE POOL 12/18
"Bush 'Loses Patience' with Syria" SIERRA EXPRESS MEDIA 12/21
"US Passes Tighter Gun Control Law" THE POOL 12/21