2008-02-15 15:43:00
Embassy Berlin
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BERLIN 000194
E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/15/2018
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission John Koenig for Reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BERLIN 000194
E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/15/2018
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission John Koenig for Reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d)
1. (C) Summary: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
overtures to the Turkish community and statements against
assimilation during his February 7-10 visit to Germany caused
a political tempest. His call for Turks living in Germany to
reaffirm strong ties to Turkey and educate their children in
the Turkish language were viewed by many in Germany as both a
hindrance to German government efforts to promote integration
of foreigners and an unwelcome intrusion into German domestic
affairs. German government officials from all parts of the
political spectrum expressed concern about the Turkish
government's extensive role in the affairs of Turks in
Germany. Erdogan made clear in his public statements that he
hopes Turkish citizens living in Germany will promote Turkish
foreign policy, such as its aspirations for EU membership.
Erdogan also firmly rejected an EU "privileged partnership"
at last week's Munich Security Conference (reftel),calling
it a poor substitute for Turkey's long-standing ambitions to
become a full member of the EU. Erdogan's overall message
was likely intended to enhance his standing with Turkey's
electorate, but German antipathy to his message could
strengthen German public opinion against Turkish EU
membership. End summary.
Erdogan's Confusing Message
2. (SBU) During his visit to Germany, Erdogan clearly staked
Turkey's claim to the loyalties of Turks living in Germany.
He warned the Turkish community against assimilating into
Germany society and culture, asserting in a public speech
that "assimilation is a crime against humanity." This
statement was interpreted by some Germans to mean that
Turkish-Germans should consider themselves Turkish above all
else. At the same time, he expressed support for
"integration" in the form of German language acquisition as a
supplement to Turkish. Furthermore, at a rally in Cologne
before 20,000 cheering ethnic Turks, he appeared to call for
their allegiance to Turkey (over Germany) by references to
"we Turks" and the singing of the Turkish national anthem.
He also suggested that schools teaching primarily in the
Turkish language be established throughout Germany. At the
site of the recent tenement fire in Ludwigshafen, in which
nine ethnic Turks died (among them, some German citizens),
Erdogan called for the bodies to be flown "home" to Turkey.
Some Germans understood this statement to mean that, in
Erdogan's view, even Turks with German citizenship are
fundamentally more Turkish than German. A Turkish Studies
analyst told CG Duesseldorf that Erdogan's address "sounded
like a campaign speech" and an appeal for AKP votes in future
3. (C) The German Foreign Office's Turkey Desk told poloff
that the official bilateral relationship with Turkey has not
been damaged. Still, high-ranking German politicians of a
wide-range of political parties indicated their deep
displeasure with Erdogan's attempt to curry the allegiance of
Turks in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel countered
Erdogan's claim to the loyalties of Turkish-Germans, stating
that "their loyalty must belong to the German state." CSU
party chairman Erwin Huber called Erdogan's proposals "poison
for integration." CDU/CSU caucus chairman Volker Kauder
accused Erdogan of "interfering in Germany's internal
affairs." SPD caucus chairman Peter Struck rejected
Erdogan's calls for Turkish language based schools, stressing
that "We do not want a parallel society in Germany." Left
Party leader Gregor Gysi added that Erdogan "abused the
situation" by "trying to gain voter support" among Turkish
citizens living in Germany. (Note: The Turkish Embassy
refused to comment to Embassy Berlin about Erdogan's trip.
End note.)
-------------- ---
Turkey Complicates Germany's Integration Efforts
-------------- ---
4. (C) Turks in Germany generally support Erdogan's approach
to the Turkish diaspora. Burhan Kesici, President of the
Islamic Federation in Berlin, told poloff that "it is
appropriate for a foreign head of state to speak directly to
his citizens in foreign lands." (Note: Most ethnic Turks
living in Germany hold Turkish citizenship. End note.) Many
Turks in Germany also insist that, after all, Erdogan did
express support for integration in terms of mastering the
BERLIN 00000194 002 OF 003
German language. However, another close contact of the
Embassy, Ali Ertan Toprak, General Secretary of the Alevi
Community, believes that Erdogan's proposals, such as
establishing Turkish schools in Germany, would be "a step
backward" for the Turkish community, as his approach would
reinforce parallel societies that are detrimental to
integration. He also accused Erdogan of double standards:
criticizing assimilation in Germany, while "carrying out a
first-rate assimilation policy" in Turkey directed against
Kurds, Christians, and Alevis.
5. (C) Erdogan's proposals renewed discussion about the
appropriate role of the Turkish government in German domestic
affairs. Indeed, the largest Turkish religious organization
in Germany, DITIB, which operates hundreds of mosques
throughout Germany, is managed by Ankara's Directorate of
Religious Affairs, Diyanet. The business card of DITIB's
general secretary, Sadi Arslan, lists him as the Turkish
Embassy's Counselor for Religious Affairs. Such an extensive
role in the lives of Turkish-Germans by the Turkish
government was considered appropriate decades ago -- even by
the German government -- when Turks lived as temporary guest
workers in Germany. Now that ever more Turks are German
citizens, however, and plan to stay permanently in Germany,
some Germans are rethinking whether Turkish government
involvement with ethnic Turks in Germany continues to make
sense. Today, there is growing suspicion among the German
public about what some see as Turkey's attempt to cultivate a
"country within a country," in which ethnic Turks hold a
stronger allegiance to the Turkish state than to the German
6. (C) According to the Chancellery's Maximilian
Mueller-Haerlin, confidant to Integration Commissioner Maria
Boehmer, "Erdogan's trip has not been helpful to the cause of
integration in Germany." Ali Aslan, organizer for the
Federal Interior Ministry's Islam Conference process, agrees
that the fallout from Erdogan's proposals will complicate the
Chancellor's and Interior Minister's pro-integration efforts.
Parliamentarian Lale Akguen (SPD) said the enthusiasm that
Erdogan's speech generated among Turks showed that "our
integration efforts to date have not succeeded."
Greater Opposition to Turkey's EU Accession?
7. (C) Historically, Turkey has wanted Turks living in
Germany to promote Turkish foreign policy. Erdogan stated,
in his Cologne speech, that Turks in Germany "should exert
effective influence on the German political landscape" and
"engage in lobbying to protect our interests," such as
Turkish accession to the EU. The German government is split
on this issue, with the Merkel and the CDU/CSU favoring a
"privileged partnership" short of actual membership and
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) open to full
membership. The MFA's Turkey Desk told us they do not expect
Erdogan's controversial statements to damage Turkey's EU
membership talks.
8. (C) CDU/CSU Deputy Caucus Chairman Wolfgang Bosbach told
DCM that German public opinion, always skeptical of Turkey's
EU membership, could well become more firmly entrenched
against Turkey's EU accession as a result of Erdogan's
overtures. CSU Chairman Erwin Huber publicly echoed the view
of many conservatives, claiming that "Erdogan preached
Turkish nationalism on German soil. This is anti-European
and substantiates our reservations with regard to Turkey's
membership in the European Union." The Chancellery's Geza
von Geyr (Senior Director for Security and Foreign Policy)
told Political MC that "Erdogan's visit had not made Turkey's
EU membership simpler." A close Embassy contact in the
federal government responded to poloff that certain
high-profile politicians, "the usual suspects, who indulge
their conservative constituencies and are dead set against
Turkey joining the EU, can be relied upon to always look hard
for fodder to argue against Turkey's EU membership."
9. (C) In view of Erdogan's statements and recent
Turkey-related events that have attracted negative media
attention in Germany -- such as the perplexingly lengthy and
serpentine court battle in Turkey of a 17 year-old German boy
accused of sexual relations with an underage British girl;
the anticipated lifting of the headscarf ban in Turkish
universities (and associated fears of a decline in secularism
in Turkey); and Turkish suspicions of race-motivated arson in
the Ludwigshafen fire -- Germans increasingly ask themselves
if Turkey is compatible with the EU. Some Germans have
privately expressed concern to poloff that Turkey could exert
BERLIN 00000194 003 OF 003
an even greater influence over Turkish-Germans, in ways
counter to integration, if Turkey were to become an EU member.
Comment: Unintended Consequences
10. (C) Erdogan may have succeeded in strengthening Turkey's
influence on Turks in Germany and solidifying his support in
Turkey. But if his aim was to promote bilateral relations
and Turkey's bid for EU membership, his efforts seem to have
backfired, since Germans now appear increasingly skeptical
about both Turkey's compatibility with Europe and the Turkish
government's "intrusion" into German domestic affairs. End
11. (U) This message was coordinated with CG Frankfurt and CG
E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/15/2018
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission John Koenig for Reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d)
1. (C) Summary: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
overtures to the Turkish community and statements against
assimilation during his February 7-10 visit to Germany caused
a political tempest. His call for Turks living in Germany to
reaffirm strong ties to Turkey and educate their children in
the Turkish language were viewed by many in Germany as both a
hindrance to German government efforts to promote integration
of foreigners and an unwelcome intrusion into German domestic
affairs. German government officials from all parts of the
political spectrum expressed concern about the Turkish
government's extensive role in the affairs of Turks in
Germany. Erdogan made clear in his public statements that he
hopes Turkish citizens living in Germany will promote Turkish
foreign policy, such as its aspirations for EU membership.
Erdogan also firmly rejected an EU "privileged partnership"
at last week's Munich Security Conference (reftel),calling
it a poor substitute for Turkey's long-standing ambitions to
become a full member of the EU. Erdogan's overall message
was likely intended to enhance his standing with Turkey's
electorate, but German antipathy to his message could
strengthen German public opinion against Turkish EU
membership. End summary.
Erdogan's Confusing Message
2. (SBU) During his visit to Germany, Erdogan clearly staked
Turkey's claim to the loyalties of Turks living in Germany.
He warned the Turkish community against assimilating into
Germany society and culture, asserting in a public speech
that "assimilation is a crime against humanity." This
statement was interpreted by some Germans to mean that
Turkish-Germans should consider themselves Turkish above all
else. At the same time, he expressed support for
"integration" in the form of German language acquisition as a
supplement to Turkish. Furthermore, at a rally in Cologne
before 20,000 cheering ethnic Turks, he appeared to call for
their allegiance to Turkey (over Germany) by references to
"we Turks" and the singing of the Turkish national anthem.
He also suggested that schools teaching primarily in the
Turkish language be established throughout Germany. At the
site of the recent tenement fire in Ludwigshafen, in which
nine ethnic Turks died (among them, some German citizens),
Erdogan called for the bodies to be flown "home" to Turkey.
Some Germans understood this statement to mean that, in
Erdogan's view, even Turks with German citizenship are
fundamentally more Turkish than German. A Turkish Studies
analyst told CG Duesseldorf that Erdogan's address "sounded
like a campaign speech" and an appeal for AKP votes in future
3. (C) The German Foreign Office's Turkey Desk told poloff
that the official bilateral relationship with Turkey has not
been damaged. Still, high-ranking German politicians of a
wide-range of political parties indicated their deep
displeasure with Erdogan's attempt to curry the allegiance of
Turks in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel countered
Erdogan's claim to the loyalties of Turkish-Germans, stating
that "their loyalty must belong to the German state." CSU
party chairman Erwin Huber called Erdogan's proposals "poison
for integration." CDU/CSU caucus chairman Volker Kauder
accused Erdogan of "interfering in Germany's internal
affairs." SPD caucus chairman Peter Struck rejected
Erdogan's calls for Turkish language based schools, stressing
that "We do not want a parallel society in Germany." Left
Party leader Gregor Gysi added that Erdogan "abused the
situation" by "trying to gain voter support" among Turkish
citizens living in Germany. (Note: The Turkish Embassy
refused to comment to Embassy Berlin about Erdogan's trip.
End note.)
-------------- ---
Turkey Complicates Germany's Integration Efforts
-------------- ---
4. (C) Turks in Germany generally support Erdogan's approach
to the Turkish diaspora. Burhan Kesici, President of the
Islamic Federation in Berlin, told poloff that "it is
appropriate for a foreign head of state to speak directly to
his citizens in foreign lands." (Note: Most ethnic Turks
living in Germany hold Turkish citizenship. End note.) Many
Turks in Germany also insist that, after all, Erdogan did
express support for integration in terms of mastering the
BERLIN 00000194 002 OF 003
German language. However, another close contact of the
Embassy, Ali Ertan Toprak, General Secretary of the Alevi
Community, believes that Erdogan's proposals, such as
establishing Turkish schools in Germany, would be "a step
backward" for the Turkish community, as his approach would
reinforce parallel societies that are detrimental to
integration. He also accused Erdogan of double standards:
criticizing assimilation in Germany, while "carrying out a
first-rate assimilation policy" in Turkey directed against
Kurds, Christians, and Alevis.
5. (C) Erdogan's proposals renewed discussion about the
appropriate role of the Turkish government in German domestic
affairs. Indeed, the largest Turkish religious organization
in Germany, DITIB, which operates hundreds of mosques
throughout Germany, is managed by Ankara's Directorate of
Religious Affairs, Diyanet. The business card of DITIB's
general secretary, Sadi Arslan, lists him as the Turkish
Embassy's Counselor for Religious Affairs. Such an extensive
role in the lives of Turkish-Germans by the Turkish
government was considered appropriate decades ago -- even by
the German government -- when Turks lived as temporary guest
workers in Germany. Now that ever more Turks are German
citizens, however, and plan to stay permanently in Germany,
some Germans are rethinking whether Turkish government
involvement with ethnic Turks in Germany continues to make
sense. Today, there is growing suspicion among the German
public about what some see as Turkey's attempt to cultivate a
"country within a country," in which ethnic Turks hold a
stronger allegiance to the Turkish state than to the German
6. (C) According to the Chancellery's Maximilian
Mueller-Haerlin, confidant to Integration Commissioner Maria
Boehmer, "Erdogan's trip has not been helpful to the cause of
integration in Germany." Ali Aslan, organizer for the
Federal Interior Ministry's Islam Conference process, agrees
that the fallout from Erdogan's proposals will complicate the
Chancellor's and Interior Minister's pro-integration efforts.
Parliamentarian Lale Akguen (SPD) said the enthusiasm that
Erdogan's speech generated among Turks showed that "our
integration efforts to date have not succeeded."
Greater Opposition to Turkey's EU Accession?
7. (C) Historically, Turkey has wanted Turks living in
Germany to promote Turkish foreign policy. Erdogan stated,
in his Cologne speech, that Turks in Germany "should exert
effective influence on the German political landscape" and
"engage in lobbying to protect our interests," such as
Turkish accession to the EU. The German government is split
on this issue, with the Merkel and the CDU/CSU favoring a
"privileged partnership" short of actual membership and
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) open to full
membership. The MFA's Turkey Desk told us they do not expect
Erdogan's controversial statements to damage Turkey's EU
membership talks.
8. (C) CDU/CSU Deputy Caucus Chairman Wolfgang Bosbach told
DCM that German public opinion, always skeptical of Turkey's
EU membership, could well become more firmly entrenched
against Turkey's EU accession as a result of Erdogan's
overtures. CSU Chairman Erwin Huber publicly echoed the view
of many conservatives, claiming that "Erdogan preached
Turkish nationalism on German soil. This is anti-European
and substantiates our reservations with regard to Turkey's
membership in the European Union." The Chancellery's Geza
von Geyr (Senior Director for Security and Foreign Policy)
told Political MC that "Erdogan's visit had not made Turkey's
EU membership simpler." A close Embassy contact in the
federal government responded to poloff that certain
high-profile politicians, "the usual suspects, who indulge
their conservative constituencies and are dead set against
Turkey joining the EU, can be relied upon to always look hard
for fodder to argue against Turkey's EU membership."
9. (C) In view of Erdogan's statements and recent
Turkey-related events that have attracted negative media
attention in Germany -- such as the perplexingly lengthy and
serpentine court battle in Turkey of a 17 year-old German boy
accused of sexual relations with an underage British girl;
the anticipated lifting of the headscarf ban in Turkish
universities (and associated fears of a decline in secularism
in Turkey); and Turkish suspicions of race-motivated arson in
the Ludwigshafen fire -- Germans increasingly ask themselves
if Turkey is compatible with the EU. Some Germans have
privately expressed concern to poloff that Turkey could exert
BERLIN 00000194 003 OF 003
an even greater influence over Turkish-Germans, in ways
counter to integration, if Turkey were to become an EU member.
Comment: Unintended Consequences
10. (C) Erdogan may have succeeded in strengthening Turkey's
influence on Turks in Germany and solidifying his support in
Turkey. But if his aim was to promote bilateral relations
and Turkey's bid for EU membership, his efforts seem to have
backfired, since Germans now appear increasingly skeptical
about both Turkey's compatibility with Europe and the Turkish
government's "intrusion" into German domestic affairs. End
11. (U) This message was coordinated with CG Frankfurt and CG