2008-04-22 02:12:00
Embassy Baghdad
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DE RUEHGB #1240/01 1130212
P 220212Z APR 08
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 07 BAGHDAD 001240 



E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/20/2018

REF: 07 BAGHDAD 2693

Classified By: Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker. Reasons: 1.4 (b) & (d).




E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/20/2018

REF: 07 BAGHDAD 2693

Classified By: Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker. Reasons: 1.4 (b) & (d).

1. (C) SUMMARY: SARG MFA allowed the Iraqi delegation
considerable latitude to pursue its agenda at Syria's second
hosting of the Iraq Neighbors' Border Security Working Group
(BSWG) April 13-14 (the first Damascus meeting was in August
2007). Surprisingly, given the state of Syrian Saudi
relations, the Saudis were represented. Iran sent a
delegation that was considerably less confrontational than
last year. Turkish special envoy to Iraq Ozcelik was
effective in his efforts to balance Iraqi criticism for
cross-border raids, and prevent the Iranians from getting
special mention of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK).
Substantively the final recommendations and the lack of
practical discussion mean the format has few specifics to
pass to the Neighbors Foreign Ministerial in Kuwait, but the
Iraqis seem happy with their performance in this multilateral
forum. This may reflect tough questions from the Egyptians,
Kuwaitis and Jordanians as to whether the BSWG should come
under the Foreign Ministers or Interior Minister rubric.
While the SARG succeeded in getting favorable language and
watering down some language, the fact the meeting was held
and the Iranians were kept on a short leash were the event's
accomplishments. End Summary.

2. (C) In preparation for the Neighbors Process Ministerial
scheduled to be held in Kuwait April 22, the Border Security
Working Group (BSWG) held its second meeting in Damascus
April 13-14. Participants included neighboring states Turkey,
Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia (a previous no-show which
sent a representative from their Damascus Embassy),plus
Egypt, Bahrain, the Arab League, and first-time attendee the
Organization of the Islamic Conference. Attending as
observers were UNAMI (Political Affairs officer Matthias
Leitner),the EU (represented by the French DCM on behalf of
current EU president Portugal),and the G-8 ambassadors.
(Note: the August 2007 session included P-5 ambassadors. We
understand that the Japanese ambassador's request to attend

the BSWG led to the G-8 formulation. Within this framework,
the Italian Ambasssador and German Charge also attended the
meeting. End note.) The U.S. delegation comprised the
Charge, as well as the DHS Attache and Deputy Political
Military Counselor from Embassy Baghdad.

3. (C) Echoing the opening remarks he delivered during the
August 2007 gathering, Syrian Interior Minister MG Bassam
Abdel Majid noted that Syria was one of the first states ever
to suffer from terrorism in the 70's and 80's. He reiterated
the steps that Syria was taking to stem the flow of foreign
terrorists into Iraq, including mobile patrols, increased
checkpoints spaced every 2-3 km along the 550-km border, a 3
meter-high berm, and increased inspection to impede the flow
of illegal arms and goods across the border. Abdel Majid
again lamented the unfulfilled "foreign promises" of
equipment like night vision goggles, a reference to what the
SARG believes was a U.S. and later UK promise to provide
border equipment in 2004.

4. (C) Abdel Majid said that it was not up to Syria alone to
control the border but cited the "common responsibility among
the neighboring countries." In closing, Abdel Majid
reaffirmed SARG condemnation of all forms of terrorism and
readiness to combat it, cautioning against linking terrorism
to Arabs and Muslims, renewing a call for an international
conference under UN auspices to identify terrorism and its
motives, underscoring the need to "differentiate between
terrorism and the rights of peoples to resist occupation."

5. (C) Iraqi delegation head D/FM Labeed Abbawi presented his
remarks, noting that the group's work would have an important
effect on the lives of Iraqis, allowing them to live in peace
and permitting those in neighboring countries to return home.
It was important to make progress on the group's work since
the August 2007 meeting. In response to Abdel Majid's remark
that the neighbors need a partner with which to work, Abbawi
pointed to the improved security situation in Iraq and the
Iraqi Security Forces successful efforts since the GOI
started applying Fard al-Qanoon (FAQ) in Baghdad and other
cities. This plan has been successful and contributed
greatly to reducing the incidents of violence, terrorism, and
crime, in addition to bringing back displaced families to
their homes. FAQ was comprehensive and was not intended to
target any particular party. The government has cracked down
on terrorists and volatile areas throughout Iraq, proof to
all Iraqi parties that the GOI was not sectarian or
representative of any one particular political slant.

BAGHDAD 00001240 002 OF 007

6. (C) National reconciliation is occurring side-by-side with
FAQ, through legislation passed by the CoR: the amnesty law,
which led to release of close to 30,000 detainees; the
Accountability and Justice law; which facilitated the return
of many former employees, civilian or military, and also
provided pension rights to several others. The GOI is now
opening to the tribes who fought against AQI and armed
groups. This has a large impact on building trust among
Iraqis. The main result was the Iraqi awakening. These
steps, however, do not mean that all that needs to be done
has been accomplished.

7. (C) There are still some issues that were agreed upon at
the last meeting that need implementing procedures and
follow-up, such as liaison officers between Iraq and
neighboring countries. While every country has pledged to
appoint an LNO except for one (Note: believed to be Saudi
Arabia. End note),officers have not been exchanged, nor have
there been any meetings. We need new information-sharing
procedures on terrorists, weapons smuggling and organized
crime members, and drugs. There are still weapons smuggling
routes as well as terrorist financing networks that require
better border control. We have information on the presence
of some groups that exist in neighboring countries. This
situation requires cooperation to remove this cancer that
kills everywhere.

8. (C) Iraq, however, has seen improvement in the
implementation of some recommendations made at the last
meeting in the areas of counterintelligence exchange, and a
reduction in the level of inflammatory media rhetoric. There
also has been a reduction of fatwas from religious circles in
some of the neighboring countries. As far as border
infiltration, there has been a reduction in the number of
infiltration by terrorist groups, VBIEDs, and the incidence
of expired consumer goods being smuggled into the country.

9. (C) We are concerned about the bombing that has occurred
on the border by Turkish and Iranian forces, which negatively
affects border villages and threatens the lives of innocent
Iraqi citizens and their property. This issue needs to be
discussed with our Turkish and Iranian friends to prevent its
recurrence. We bring these concerns not to exchange
accusations but to move forward. We want this meeting to be
as much about quality as well as quantity in terms of the
work accomplished in counter-terrorism and criminal control
or border control and to prevent the smuggling of weapons and
explosives to achieve stability, which will in turn reflect
on the stability and security of neighboring countries.

10. (C) Unfortunately, events in Basrah demonstrated
continued regional interference by neighboring countries in
domestic Iraqi affairs, direct and indirect, according to
agendas that contradict with Iraq,s unity and the security
of its territory. Military operations, however, were a
striking indication that political reconciliation was
occuring side by side with respect for rule of law.

11. (C) In closing, Abbawi called on the need to exchange
information on the smuggling of arms, drugs and people,
citing the existence of routes from some neighboring
countries leading into Iraq. Abbawi underscored that Iraq
did not want to confront neighboring countries on these
issues, rather, it sought to identify the problems in order
to resolve them.

12. (C) In separate remarks, Iraqi MOI U/S for Intelligence
Hussein Ali Kamal noted that "foreign" arms were captured
during the GOI security operations in Basrah, adding that
some of the neighboring countries were negatively affecting
the security situation by providing training to militias.
Kamal called for the establishment of a committee to document
illicit actions foreign entities were carrying out in Iraq.

13. (C) Under co-chairs Abbawi and Syrian Assistant FM
Ahmed Arnous, who took over the role played by Syrian
Political Security Department head Major General Mohammed
Mansoura at the August 2007 meeting, Egyptian delegate head
MFA Assistant Minister Dr. Hamid al-Zain began the formal
delegation remarks, noting that Egypt had taken a stand with
Iraq since the "beginning of the crisis" and sought to
coordinate with all parties in order to bring stability to
Iraq. Regional security and stability is integrated, which
led Egypt to host Sharm el-Sheikh conference and other
international conferences to deal with Iraqi conditions.

14. (C) National reconciliation is the foundation for the
return of security and stability of Iraq. The gathering of
the working group is about all countries respecting each

BAGHDAD 00001240 003 OF 007

other and also respecting the principle of good neighbors and
non-interference in the internal affairs of others and
support for reconciliation efforts. Egypt watched with
concern the recent security setback in Iraq, namely, Basrah.
Let,s be honest, al-Zain said, the road to Iraqi security
and stability is still a long one. The emergence from the
recent crisis requires compromise and security, which is not
achieved by force. We have to intensify political measures
to ensure the existence of a unified government that
represents all Iraqis based on a constitution accepted by all
Iraqis. We are gathered here to confront terrorism in a
coordinated fashion.

15. (C) al-Zain made five suggestions: 1) Re-activate
channels to exchange information, particularly with the
neighboring interior ministries regarding suspect individuals
to prevent threats to Iraq and other countries; 2) Iraq
should provide to the GOE the latest report on Egyptian
detainees in Iraqi custody, as well as the charges against
them; 3) BSWG members, particularly Iraq, should exchange
lost passport data to prevent use by terrorist entities; 4)
Inform the Neighbors Process standing secretariat of the
Interior Ministers of the recommendations of the BSWG; 5)
Focus on the main hierarchy for issues related to the
Security Cooperation protocol in counter-intelligence,
borders, and organized crime that was signed by Neighboring
countries ministers. Al-Zain hoped that the conference would
conclude with an agreement on serious steps which show
commitment and honest intentions to support and aid Iraq with
what is needed to reach tangible results.

16. (C) Jordanian MOI Secretary General Mukhaimer Abu Jammous
expressed confidence in the improvement in the security
situation in Iraq, stating that Jordan was doing its utmost
to fight terrorism, noting the existence of networks and
Jordan's firm pledge to combat terrorism and these networks.
He underscored that security in Iraq is integrated with
regional security declaring that the GOJ will not hesitate to
act against any terrorist operation targeting Jordanian
security, nor would it provide safe haven to any terrorist
groups on Jordanian soil or who seek to use Jordanian soil
from which to launch operations against neighboring countries
or other countries. Finally, Jordan rejected any bargaining
with terrorists or giving in to their demands.

17. (C) Jordan has suffered from terrorism, notably the 2005
hotels attacks and the rocket attack in Aqaba in which dozens
of innocent civilians died. He stressed the need for
regional collective effort against terrorists and
identification of specific measures to control the border and
stop illegal cross border activities. He added that Jordan
had taken border security such as the addition of a
checkpoint across from Iraqi Trebeel crossing point. He
underscored that Jordan prevented any practices that promote
violence and sectarianism.

18. (C) The Kuwaiti Delegation head noted the importance of
the BSWG as a forum in which to exchange ideas on how best to
achieve cooperation and coordination between Iraq and the
neighboring countries, either bilaterally or within the
framework of the Security Protocol signed by interior
ministers at the second Neighbors conference held in Jeddah
in 2006. Kuwait has taken a number of steps to control the
border, using advanced equipment for both day and night
surveillance, as well as physical barriers and increased
maritime patrols. The GOK appointed liaison officers to
exchange information with Iraqi officers to crack down on
terrorist activities. Kuwait is ready to provide border
security training to Iraq. He closed by expressing his hope
for "an end to all border violations and excesses by Iraq" to
permit the UN to carry out its work according to UNSCR 833,
including preserving delineation of the border. He expressed
support for Fard al-Qanoon which has led to security
improvements in Baghdad and the central provinces.

19. (C) On Basrah, he said that the violence and opposition
had led to Iraqi casualties that confirmed the need to
redouble efforts to do away with all militias and take steps
to encourage all the parties and political blocs to
participate in political activity and use peaceful means to
convey their political stances. Kuwait supports all Iraqi
efforts aimed at enforcing government institutions and
political dialogue and support for vulnerable groups,
including refugees and internally displaced persons. Kuwait
added it answered the UN,s call for donations to the refugee
commission to help the Iraqi displaced allocating USD
1million for health and education. Kuwait condemned all
attacks against institutions and innocent Iraqis,
infrastructure, and houses of worship. He stressed Kuwait,s

BAGHDAD 00001240 004 OF 007

commitment to Iraqi sovereignty, independence, and peace,
pledging not to interfere in Iraqi domestic matters. Kuwait
said its desire to assist Iraq is demonstrated by its hosting
of the third Neighbors Process ministerial meeting April 22.
Kuwait would work to re-enforce its cooperation with Iraq and
support the establishment of security and stability. Iraq
and other neighboring countries should all shoulder this

20. (C) Iranian delegation head MFA Director for Arab Affairs
Firoozadeh (who led the Iranian delegation to the 2007
Damascus meeting) said that Iran had taken steps to control
the border, having signed the Security and Cooperation
protocol to implement all relevant procedures. Iraq has seen
progress and more success under Maliki, as demonstrated by
improving security conditions and confronting insurgency and
criminal activities. The GOI had proven its ability to manage
its own affairs, given its several successes despite all the
obstacles laid by Coalition Forces. What will help Iraq most
will be the transfer of political and security
responsibilities to the GOI and an end to Coalition

21. (C) Iran continues its support to the GOI in the realms
of politics, government, security and economics. Continuing
efforts between Iraq and its neighbors within the framework
of the Neighbors Process will help dramatically improve
security and stability in Iraq. This will occur in addition
to individual efforts taken by Iran in controlling the common
border. Continuing cooperation continues via existing
agreements to control the borders like the MOU to implement
the bilateral border agreement to delineate the land and
maritime borders signed by foreign ministers in Tehran in

22. (C) This conference takes place in the face of
unfortunate events in Basrah and Baghdad. Iran, Firoozadeh
said, spared no efforts to improve cooperation and
coordination aimed at building a foundation for security.
What happened in Basrah was an example of Iran,s active role
in bilateral cooperation, demonstrated by controlling the
clashes and limiting them and supporting all Iraq security
plans to implement the law. After 5 years of occupation, the
GOI is capable of managing its internal affairs. The
situation calls for an expedited end to the occupation, and
for an end to UN Chapter VII vis-a-vis Iraq. What is
required is support from neighbors. Sovereignty and
independence is the right of all Iraqis that should not be
compromised. Foreign occupation forces should not make Iraq
bargain for its current and future stability and
independence. We see improving political and security
operation. It should have the support of the regional
states. The occupier should stop humiliating the GOI with
its practices and procedures. If these practices stop, there
is hope that the conditions will improve and Maliki,s
government will succeed.

23. (C) The Arab League delegation head said Iraq needed to
"reach the shore safely," as demonstrated by the gathering
today. Iraq must live in peace with itself and its
neighbors, and be integrated with the region and within the
international community. Occupation forces had the primary
responsibility for security. This responsibility was then
transferred to Coalition Forces. Recently, a conference was
held among Arab leaders in this very city where they reached
a decision to stress again the Arab point of view of
achieving security and political solutions for Iraq,s
challenges, based on the basic elements of respect, unity,
sovereignty, and the independence of Iraq.

24. (C) Turkish Envoy to Iraq Murat Ozcelik rebutted
Abbawi,s remark on the Turkish bombings in the north, noting
that the GOT had taken "stringent measures" on the borders to
prevent terrorists from going into Iraq as well as terrorists
going into Turkey, steps which have contributed to Iraqi
stability. PKK is an issue which has been discussed between
both countries. Iraq has condemned the PKK as a terrorist
organization. We are now cooperating with Iraq. In this
vein, there is forward motion, such as the late April visit
of Iraqi Deputy Joint Forces Chief Abadi to Ankara. There is
discussion on other ways to deal with these issues. Military
cooperation is a possible outcome. We are moving in the
right direction. The policy process is ongoing. The GOI
passed important legislation. We have to see what direction
the election law will be going.

25. (C) There are still difficulties, Ozcelik said, but
today,s gathering is a sign of the commitment of the
neighbors to Iraq,s security. All steps must be taken to

BAGHDAD 00001240 005 OF 007

stop individuals from infiltrating into Iraq. Turkey has
controlled its border and deterred criminals. This is a
critical year. The neighbors must work together to take
steps to help Iraq to restore security and stability so that
the political process can go forward.

26. (C) Absent from this session were remarks by the observer
countries, despite assurances by Deputy FM Arnous that
delegations would be invited to comment.

27. (C) The final session entailed review of the 13-point
recommendation paper (text below) ) 8 points longer than the
August document. Drawn from the Iraqi recommendation paper
with the input of various delegations, notable additions were
support for Iraqi efforts to end armed activities, collection
of illegal weapons, and the dismantling of militias; explicit
reference to the exchange of liaison officers; the creation
of a Baghdad-based secretariat for the working group to
interior ministers that would issue biannual reports;
support for the Support Mechanism to the Foreign Ministers
Plenary; a call for adoption of &international criteria8
when countries are considering designation of refugee status
to individuals who may be involved in terrorism. The final
point expressed gratitude to Syria for hosting the meeting
and &extensive Syrian efforts and cooperation8 in
controlling its border with Iraq. When we suggested quietly
to other neighboring delegations that they might want to
broaden the list of cooperating names, the Iraqi and
Jordanian delegations told us the wording only drew attention
to Syria's unhelpfulness since Syria was the only name
mentioned. The Iranian delegation suggested naming the MEK
specifically in Article VII as an example of a terrorist
group that is using Iraqi soil to carry out elicit
activities. The motion was quickly rebuffed, as Syria and
Iraq argued that mentioning one group would lead to
mentioning all groups.

28. (C) The session became somewhat contentious, as Egypt
and Jordan criticized the out-of-nowhere appearance of the
separate support mechanism for the BSWG, wondering whether it
would be subordinate to the interior or foreign ministers.
The Kuwaiti delegation added its concerns as to whether the
BSWG came under the Interior or Foreign Ministry umbrella and
it was agreed that this matter would be addressed before or
during the April 22 meeting. The Arab League reprised its
positive role of helping the process by preventing the SARG
from eliminating text calling on neighboring countries to
collect illegal weapons, dismantle militias, and prevent the
entry of illegal weapons into Iraq. A number of the
recommendations are a grab-bag of bilateral pet peeves, with
the reference to Takfir reflecting Iraq,s disquiet with
radical Saudi and Kuwaiti clerics who occasionally denounce
the GOI, and the vetting of refugee applicants for terrorism
ties a possible Iranian addition related to its MEK concerns.
In contrast to the August session, delegates for the most
part avoided bilateral backbiting with Iraq and appeared to
approach the proceedings with more purpose.

29. (C) Comment: The SARG allowed the Iraqis considerable
leeway as Syria sought to cast itself as the facilitator
rather than be branded the guilty party in foreign terrorist
infiltration into Iraq. Both the Syrian and Iraqi
delegations clearly learned their procedural lessons from the
August gathering, opting to prepare the media statement the
evening before the opening session, and limiting the drafting
committee membership to Iraq, Syria, and the Arab League to
blunt Iranian interference. The Iraqi delegation seemed more
confident and self assured as it worked the meeting to its
advantage and was satisfied with the recommendations paper.
While the SARG MFA lead role meant that there was no focus on
practical measures that had been seen last year when the
Ministry of Interior chaired the meeting, the MFA controlled
discussion and ensured the meeting stayed on track. The GOI
was able to use the specter of Iranian complicity in the
events in Basrah and Baghdad, a theme that figured
prominently throughout the conference, to its advantage
against Iran. In that vein, the Iranian delegation was
markedly less aggressive in its presentation and remained
virtually silent throughout the two days.

30. (C) The BSWG has not reached its full potential and may
not in its current format. The gathering to focus on Iraq,s
security needs is irksome to many delegations, epitomized by
the stony silence of the Saudi representative from the
Damascus Embassy. The occasional digressions towards
bilateral irritants have prevented the group from focusing on
concrete measures, leaving little substance to forward up to
the interior ministers. End Comment.

BAGHDAD 00001240 006 OF 007



The Security cooperation and Coordination Committee of Iraq's
Neighboring Countries met in Damascus on April 13-14 2008
with the participation of representatives of Iraq's
neighbors, Egypt, Bahrain, the Arab League, the Organization
of the Islamic Conference the five permanent national at the
UN SC, the G-8, the UN and the European Union.

Based on the common desire to enhance the cooperation between
Iraq and the countries neighboring it for the consolidation
of its security and stability,

Stressing the respect of Iraqi unity, sovereignty,
independence and preserving its Arab Islamic identity, and
the reflection of this on security and stability in the
region, and in light of the mutual commitments among the
parties according to the recommendations reached in the first
meeting of the Committee held in Damascus on August 8-9,
2007, as well as the agreements and Memoranda of
Understanding signed between Iraq and the neighboring

And after listening to the presentation made by the head of
the Iraqi delegation on the current security situation in
Iraq and the needed security efforts to support the endeavors
aiming at establishing security and stability in Iraq,

And while the Committee stresses the importance of the topics
it discusses as they constitute a significant element for the
success of the committees of Sharm el-Sheikh conference held
on May 4, 2007 as what is being established in the security
arena reflects positively on the work of these committees and
different aspects of life,

The participants agreed on the following recommendations
which will be presented to the forthcoming plenary
Ministerial expanded meeting of Iraq's Neighboring Countries
due in Kuwait on April 22, 2008, and to the next meeting of
Interior Ministers of Iraq's Neighboring countries which will
be held in Jordan in October of this year.

1. Praising the positive cooperation between Iraq and the
neighboring countries in the field of fighting terrorism and
controlling borders, and the efforts exerted by the Iraqi
government in this field, leading to improvement in the
security situation in Iraq. The continuation of this
requires more coordinated efforts and taking practical steps
to fight all forms of terrorism and drying up its various
resources of financing, and confirmation that controlling the
borders is a shared responsibility between Iraq and the
neighboring countries.

2. Supporting efforts of the Iraqi government to end armed
activities, collecting illegal weapons, dismantling of
militias, and calling on all countries to commit to prevent
the entry of weapons into and from Iraq.

3. Stressing the importance of boosting the cooperation on
the bilateral and regional levels to combat organized
criminal activities and drugs.

4. The necessity to activate channels for the exchange of
information on security issues, inter alia, to the concerned
elements through the channels and the agreed-upon mechanism,
particularly within the framework of the meetings of the
Interior Ministers of Iraq's neighboring countries in a way
that guarantees that no threats occur against Iraq or any
neighboring country.

5. Calling on the countries which haven't yet ratified the
Security Cooperation Protocol signed on September 26, 2006 in
Jeddah, to sign it as soon as possible, and stressing the
importance of the bilateral security committees formed
between Iraq and the neighboring countries, urging the
neighboring countries which haven't signed yet on the
bilateral MOUs with Iraq in the security field to take the
needed procedures towards signing these memoranda as soon as

6. Calling on the concerned countries and parties to adopt
the international criteria in fighting terrorism when
considering granting the status of refugee as to make sure of
the legal situation of those applying for it.

7. Stressing on the necessity of taking measures that
guarantee not using the territories of Iraq or any territory

BAGHDAD 00001240 007 OF 007

of neighboring countries for training or organizing terrorist
actions committed within Iraq or against other countries or
their citizens and enhancing cooperation between Iraq and
neighboring countries to eliminate any such threat through
dialogue and diplomatic channels.

8. Stressing on the prevention of provoking violence or
blaspheming the others (Takfir) in whatever forms, and
adopting recommendations not to deal with any Iraqi elements
that call for terrorism, Takfir, inciting sectarian sedition,
or calling for undermining the political process in Iraq.

9. Stressing the importance of the recommendations issued by
the Committee of Border experts which was held in Kuwait on
October 22-23, 2007, in implementation of the decision of the
Security Cooperation and Coordination committee in its first
meeting, with an emphasis on the necessity on carrying out
these recommendation which tackled the process of border
control, taking quick procedures to name liaison officers, if
not yet done so, and defining means of communications to
activate their roles, exchange of information, and the
proposal to hold another meeting of the Committee on the
margins of the upcoming fifth meeting of the Neighbors
Process Interior Ministers meeting this year in Amman in
2008, to follow up the implementation of the recommendations
endorsed by the first meeting.

10. Calling on all neighboring countries to cooperate with
the Baghdad-based Secretariat of Ministers of Interior of
Iraq's Neighboring countries, presenting the bi-annual
reports to follow up the implemented recommendations and

11. Stressing on cooperation with the Support Mechanism
ratified in the plenary meeting of Foreign Ministers of
Iraq's neighboring countries held in Istanbul in November
2007 which will be formed at the Iraqi foreign Ministry to
follow up all results of the Ministerial meetings and their
sub-committees, and presenting their findings to the
ministerial meetings of the neighboring countries once the
duties and the rules of the procedures concerning this
mechanism have been ratified.

12. Stressing the importance of commitment to achieve Iraqi
national reconciliation and accord, praising the role for the
Iraqi government in this regard, calling on the Arab League
to continue its efforts in this regard in coordination and
cooperation with the Iraqi government and the parties

13. Expressing thanks and gratitude to the Syrian Arab
Republic for hosting this important meeting, excellent
hospitality and welcome, and for the facilities it has
provided to make this meeting a success. Also commending
extensive Syrian efforts and the cooperation it showed in
controlling the borders with Iraq which helped improve
security and stability in Iraq.