2007-12-12 06:38:00
Embassy Seoul
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 003515
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014
Classified By: A/POL M/C Brian McFeeters Reasons 1.4 (b,d).
C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 003515
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014
Classified By: A/POL M/C Brian McFeeters Reasons 1.4 (b,d).
1. (U) Provided below is a list of post's cables pertaining
to the December 17 Presidential election. This list may be
useful in answering questions related to the candidates and
the election. Paragraph 2 highlights key cables by category
(Bio Sketches, Ambassador/Embassy Visitors - Candidate
Meetings, Final Race, Party Primaries, Pre-Race Posturing,
and Miscellaneous) and paragraph 3 provides a chronological
2. (C) Key Cables by category:
A. Biographical Sketches
11/06 Seoul 003268 (CO) Candidate Lee Hoi-Chang: Third Time's
The Charm?
10/25 Seoul 003178 Chung Dong-Young Advisors: It's All About
The Economy
10/19 Seoul 003137 Lee Unveils Official Campaign Leadership
09/07 Seoul 002728 (CO) Ambassador Meets With Prof. Moon
Chung-In, GNP Lawmaker Won Hee-Ryong
07/22 Seoul 002189 Presidential Candidate Chung Dong-Young
Reaches for the Moon
04/04 Seoul 000985 (CO) Potential Presidential Candidate
Chung Un-Chan: Is Economic Expertise Enough?
03/05 Seoul 000615 (CO) Optimistic Kingmaker Chun Jung-Bae's
Solidarity - Pipe Dream or Political Vision?
01/12 Seoul 000112 (CO) 2007 ROK Presidential Candidates
B. Ambassador/Embassy Visitors - Candidates Meetings
-------------- --------------
11/06 Seoul 003269 (CO) Candidate Rhee In-Jae: Still Running
11/05 Seoul 003256 (CO) Presidential Candidate Moon Kuk-Hyun
Focuses On International Competitiveness
07/10 Seoul 002063 (CO) Ambassador's Meeting with Former
Prime Minister Lee Hae-Chan
02/06 Seoul 000357 (CO) The Ambassador Meets With GNP
Candidate Park Geun-Hye
C. Final Race
12/11 Seoul 003511 (Co) Chung Dong-Young Campaign Manager
Chung and UNDP's Future Bleak
12/11 Seoul 003510 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak and Monk Myochung Two
Peas from a Pod
12/07 Seoul 003485 (Co) Lee Myung-Bak Stretches His Lead: Key
Contacts Say Game Over
11/30 Seoul 003424 (CO) The Heat is on Official Presidential
Campaign Kicks Off
11/21 Seoul 03361 (Co) Week of Destiny One Month Till
Presidential Election
D. Party Primaries
10/12 Seoul 003080 (CO) UNDP Primary Preview
10/05 Seoul 003018 (CO) UNDP Changes Primary Rules Amid
Fraud Allegations
09/19 Seoul 002886 (CO) Chung Overtakes Sohn in Polls
09/18 Seoul 002861 (CO) Lee Wins Primary, What Next?
09/17 Seoul 002845 (CO) Three-Man Race Emerges After First
Round in UNDP Primary
09/06 Seoul 002713 (CO) UNDP Pre-Primary: Working From Nine
to Five
8/31 Seoul 002652 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Confident After Primary
08/27 Seoul 002573 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Comes Out Against
October Summit
08/17 Seoul 002471 (CO) GNP Decision Time Approaches: Lee
Myung-Bak in Driver's Seat
08/06 Seoul 002356 New Liberal Party: UNDP Not Quite United
07/09 Seoul 002048 Gap in Polls Closing Between two GNP
07/09 Seoul 002047 Can the Non-GNP Candidates Come Together?
07/06 Seoul 002027 A Ray of Sunshine In GNP's New Policy
Toward North Korea
06/18 Seoul 001841 Progressive Coalition: Clear as MUD?
06/08 Seoul 001756 Progressive Kingmakers: Still Undecided on
2007 Candidate
06/05 Seoul 001712 (CO) Park Geun-Hye Remains Confident in
Her Principles
06/05 Seoul 001711 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Smooth Sailing Till
06/04 Seoul 001686 Lee Myung-Bak Dreams Up a Canal Project
06/04 Seoul 001684 URI Party Defectors and Democratic Party
Create New Party
05/16 Seoul 001479 (CO) Progressives Still Far From United
05/15 Seoul 001462 Lee Myung-Bak Ends GNP Primary Crisis
05/09 Seoul 001384 (CO) Lee and Park Showdown Heats Up
05/08 Seoul (CO) 001361 Sohn Hak-Kyu Plans Trip North to
Boost Ratings
04/26 Seoul 001213 (CO) ROK By-Elections: Much Ado About
04/20 Seoul 001159 (CO) Presidential Candidate Lee
Myung-Bak's Polls Take a Dive
04/10 Seoul 001047 Chung Dong-Young's Advisors Set Foreign
Policy Direction
04/03 Seoul 000975 (CO) GNP Primary Schedule - Working Out
the Details
03/20 Seoul 000811 (CO) Sohn Hak-Kyu Leaves the GNP:
Political Future Over?
03/19 Seoul 000794 (CO) Kim Geun-Tae Silent on Elections,
Vocal on FTA and China
03/15 Seoul 000770 (CO) Former PM Lee Hae-Chan's Vist to
Pyongyang: North Ready for Improved Relations
02/28 Seoul 000516 Sohn Hak-Kyu: New Reform Party
Presidential Candidate?
02/15 Seoul 000472 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Qualified, Ready and
In First Place
02/14 Seoul 000449 ROK Presidential Candidate Park Geun-Hye:
Can She Return Home To The Blue House?
02/02 Seoul 000333 Presidential Hopeful Chung Dong-Young:
Contender or Also-Ran?
02/02 Seoul 000331 ROK Presidential Candidate Lee Myung-Bak:
Conservative Politics, Progressive Heart?
E. Pre-Race Posturing
11/28 Seoul 003410 (CO) UNDP Chung Dong-Young's Camp Facing
Uphill Battle
11/23 Seoul 003366 (CO) UNDP Candidate Chung to Jeolla
Where's the Love
11/16 Seoul 003331 (Co) Candidates Offer No Good Solution to
Education Reform
11/14 Seoul 003312 (Co) UNDP-DP Merger Does 13 Plus 1.2 Equal
11/09 Seoul 003285 (Co) The Lee Hoi-Chang Effect
10/17 Seoul 003122 (CO) New UNDP Candidate Chung Banks on
North Korea Credentials
10/12 Seoul 003086 (CO) All Key Political Factors Favor GNP
Candidate Lee Myung-Bak
10/11 Seoul 003058 (CO) Dark Horse Candidate Moon Kuk-Hyun -
Does He Have a Chance?
10/05 Seoul 003017 (CO) Conservative Candidate Makes Online
09/28 Seoul 002960 (CO) Advisor Says GNP Candidate Lee Lacks
Clear Foreign Policy Vision
09/19 Seoul 002876 (CO) Senior KBS Correspondents See GNP's
Victory Inevitable
09/14 Seoul 002800 (CO) Top Political Analyst Says "Lucky
Lee" Will Win in December
08/30 Seoul 002626 (CO) Moon Kook Hyun: From Paper President
to ROK President?
08/22 Seoul 002539 (CO) GNP Candidate Lee Myung-Bak Takes Aim
Toward December
07/27 Seoul 002269 Religious Fervor Among Korean Voters
07/20 Seoul 002178 (CO) ROK Presidential Election: Still the
Politics of the Vortex
03/12 Seoul 000734 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: Who Is
Seeing Diminishing Returns?
12/07 Seoul 003484 (Co) Gyeongsang Anticipating the
Conservative Revival
11/30 Seoul 003426 (CO) Uncovering the DJ Kidnapping Closing
the Door on an Authoritarian Past
07/20 Seoul 002180 Students' Views on Candidates' Foreign
07/13 Seoul 002096 Regionalism: Still a Factor in Korean
07/05 Seoul 002014 Foreign Policy Outlook for South Korean
Presidential Candidates
06/29 Seoul 001964(CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam:
Looking Forward to Lee Myung-Bak Presidency
06/27 Seoul 001934 NGOs Keep Presidential Candidates on Their
06/19 Seoul 001848 From Watchdogs to Quasi Political Parties:
NGOs in the ROK
06/01 Seoul 001670 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Foreign Policy Advisors
on U.S.-ROK Relations and North Korea
05/14Seoul 001444 (CO) Former PM Han Myeong-Sook Seeks to
Understand U.S. Position
05/14 Seoul 001439 (CO) URI Party Visit to Pyongyang: DPRK
Said it is Committed to Initial Actions Agreement
05/11 Seoul 001418 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Advisor on Economic
Issues and DPRK
04/25 Seoul 001203 (CO) How Presidential Camps are Appealing
to Korean Youth
04/16 Seoul 001088 Gwangju: Birthplace of ROK Democracy Gears
Up For 2007 Elections
04/06 Seoul 001012 (CO) Election Experts Share Views on FTA
and Elections
04/06 Seoul 001002 (CO) Elder Statesman Lee Hoi-Chang Warns
About North Korea's "Gimmicks"
03/30 Seoul 000935 (CO) Advisers to GNP Candidate Park
Geun-Hye Stress U.S.-ROK Alliance
03/23 Seoul 000851 (CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam on
North Korea and Domestic Politics
03/02 Seoul 000592 (CO) Presidential Candidate Chung
Dong-Young Discusses Politics, Six Party Talks and FTA
02/07 Seoul 000371 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: How They
Define Engagement with North Korea
01/19 Seoul 000167 (CO) Whither URI Party?
01/19 Seoul 000166 (CO) GNP: In The Lead, But Not In The Bag?
01/11 Seoul 000083 (CO) Political Perspectives On ROK's 2007
01/03 Seoul 000017 (CO) ROK Presidential Race: End Of Year
Polls Show Strong Lead For Former Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-Bak
3. (C) Chronological Listing:
12/11 Seoul 003511 (Co) Chung Dong-Young Campaign Manager
Chung and UNDP's Future Bleak
12/11 Seoul 003510 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak and Monk Myochung Two
Peas from a Pod
12/07 Seoul 003484 (Co) Gyeongsang Anticipating the
Conservative Revival
12/07 Seoul 003485 (Co) Lee Myung-Bak Stretches His Lead: Key
Contacts Say Game Over
11/30 Seoul 003424 (CO) The Heat is on Official Presidential
Campaign Kicks Off
11/30 Seoul 003426 (CO) Uncovering the DJ Kidnapping Closing
the Door on an Authoritarian Past
11/28 Seoul 003410 (CO) UNDP Chung Dong-Young's Camp Facing
Uphill Battle
11/23 Seoul 003366 (CO) UNDP Candidate Chung to Jeolla
Where's the Love
11/21 Seoul 03361 (Co) Week of Destiny One Month Till
Presidential Election
11/16 Seoul 003331 (Co) Candidates Offer No Good Solution to
Education Reform
11/14 Seoul 003312 (Co) UNDP-DP Merger Does 13 Plus 1.2 Equal
11/09 Seoul 003285 (Co) The Lee Hoi-Chang Effect
11/06 Seoul 003269 (CO) Candidate Rhee In-Jae: Still Running
11/06 Seoul 003268 (CO) Candidate Lee Hoi-Chang: Third
Time's The Charm?
11/05 Seoul 003256 (CO) Presidential Candidate Moon
Kuk-Hyun Focuses On International Competitiveness
10/25 Seoul 003178 Chung Dong-Young Advisors: It's All About
The Economy
10/19 Seoul 003137 Lee Unveils Official Campaign Leadership
10/17 Seoul 003122 (CO) New UNDP Candidate Chung Banks on
North Korea Credentials
10/12 Seoul 003086 (CO) All Key Political Factors Favor GNP
Candidate Lee Myung-Bak
10/12 Seoul 003080 (CO) UNDP Primary Preview
10/11 Seoul 003058 (CO) Dark Horse Candidate Moon Kuk-Hyun -
Does He Have a Chance?
10/05 Seoul 003018 (CO) UNDP Changes Primary Rules Amid
Fraud Allegations
10/05 Seoul 003017 (CO) Conservative Candidate Makes Online
09/28 Seoul 002960 (CO) Advisor Says GNP Candidate Lee Lacks
Clear Foreign Policy Vision
09/19 Seoul 002886 (CO) Chung Overtakes Sohn in Polls
09/19 Seoul 002876 (CO) Senior KBS Correspondents See GNP's
Victory Inevitable
09/18 Seoul 002861 (CO) Lee Wins Primary, What Next?
09/17 Seoul 002845 (CO) Three-Man Race Emerges After First
Round in UNDP Primary
09/14 Seoul 002800 (CO) Top Political Analyst Says "Lucky
Lee" Will Win in December
09/07 Seoul 002728 (CO) Ambassador Meets With Prof. Moon
Chung-In, GNP Lawmaker Won Hee-Ryong
09/06 Seoul 002713 (CO) UNDP Pre-Primary: Working From Nine
to Five
8/31 Seoul 002652 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Confident After Primary
08/30 Seoul 002626 (CO) Moon Kook Hyun: From Paper President
to ROK President?
08/27 Seoul 002573 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Comes Out Against
October Summit
08/22 Seoul 002539 (CO) GNP Candidate Lee Myung-Bak Takes Aim
Toward December
08/17 Seoul 002471 (CO) GNP Decision Time Approaches: Lee
Myung-Bak in Driver's Seat
08/06 Seoul 002356 New Liberal Party: UNDP Not Quite United
07/27 Seoul 002269 Religious Fervor Among Korean Voters
07/22 Seoul 002189 Presidential Candidate Chung Dong-Young
Reaches for the Moon
07/20 Seoul 002180 Students' Views on Candidates' Foreign
07/20 Seoul 002178 (CO) ROK Presidential Election: Still the
Politics of the Vortex
07/13 Seoul 002096 Regionalism: Still a Factor in Korean
07/10 Seoul 002063 (CO) Ambassador's Meeting with Former
Prime Minister Lee Hae-Chan
07/09 Seoul 002048 Gap in Polls Closing Between two GNP
07/09 Seoul 002047 Can the Non-GNP Candidates Come Together?
07/06 Seoul 002027 A Ray of Sunshine In GNP's New Policy
Toward North Korea
07/05 Seoul 002014 Foreign Policy Outlook for South Korean
Presidential Candidates
06/29 Seoul 001964(CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam:
Looking Forward to Lee Myung-Bak Presidency
06/27 Seoul 001934 NGOs Keep Presidential Candidates on Their
06/19 Seoul 001848 From Watchdogs to Quasi Political Parties:
NGOs in the ROK
06/18 Seoul 001841 Progressive Coalition: Clear as MUD?
06/08 Seoul 001756 Progressive Kingmakers: Still Undecided
on 2007 Candidate
06/05 Seoul 001712 (CO) Park Geun-Hye Remains Confident in
Her Principles
06/05 Seoul 001711 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Smooth Sailing Till
06/04 Seoul 001686 Lee Myung-Bak Dreams Up a Canal Project
06/04 Seoul 001684 URI Party Defectors and Democratic Party
Create New Party
06/01 Seoul 001670 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Foreign Policy Advisors
on U.S.-ROK Relations and North Korea
05/16 Seoul 001479 (CO) Progressives Still Far From United
05/15 Seoul 001462 Lee Myung-Bak Ends GNP Primary Crisis
05/14 Seoul 001444 (CO) Former PM Han Myeong-Sook Seeks to
Understand U.S. Position
05/14 Seoul 001439 (CO) URI Party Visit to Pyongyang: DPRK
Said it is Committed to Initial Actions Agreement
05/11 Seoul 001418 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Advisor on Economic
Issues and DPRK
05/09 Seoul 001384 (CO) Lee and Park Showdown Heats Up
05/08 Seoul (CO) 001361 Sohn Hak-Kyu Plans Trip North to
Boost Ratings
04/26 Seoul 001213 (CO) ROK By-Elections: Much Ado About
04/25 Seoul 001203 (CO) How Presidential Camps are Appealing
to Korean Youth
04/20 Seoul 001159 (CO) Presidential Candidate Lee
Myung-Bak's Polls Take a Dive
04/16 Seoul 001088 Gwangju: Birthplace of ROK Democracy Gears
Up For 2007 Elections
04/10 Seoul 001047 Chung Dong-Young's Advisors Set Foreign
Policy Direction
04/06 Seoul 001012 (CO) Election Experts Share Views on FTA
and Elections
04/06 Seoul 001002 (CO) Elder Statesman Lee Hoi-Chang Warns
About North Korea's "Gimmicks"
04/04 Seoul 000985 (CO) Potential Presidential Candidate
Chung Un-Chan: Is Economic Expertise Enough?
04/03 Seoul 000975 (CO) GNP Primary Schedule - Working Out
the Details
03/30 Seoul 000935 (CO) Advisers to GNP Candidate Park
Geun-Hye Stress U.S.-ROK Alliance
03/23 Seoul 000851 (CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam on
North Korea and Domestic Politics
03/20 Seoul 000811 (CO) Sohn Hak-Kyu Leaves the GNP:
Political Future Over?
03/19 Seoul 000794 (CO) Kim Geun-Tae Silent on Elections,
Vocal on FTA and China
03/15 Seoul 000770 (CO) Former PM Lee Hae-Chan's Vist to
Pyongyang: North Ready for Improved Relations
03/12 Seoul 000734 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: Who Is
Seeing Diminishing Returns?
03/05 Seoul 000615 (CO) Optimistic Kingmaker Chun Jung-Bae's
Great Solidarity - Pipe Dream or Political Vision?
03/02 Seoul 000592 (CO) Presidential Candidate Chung
Dong-Young Discusses Politics, Six Party Talks and FTA
02/28 Seoul 000516 Sohn Hak-Kyu: New Reform Party
Presidential Candidate?
02/15 Seoul 000472 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Qualified, Ready and
In First Place
02/14 Seoul 000449 ROK Presidential Candidate Park Geun-Hye:
Can She Return Home To The Blue House?
02/07 Seoul 000371 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: How They
Define Engagement with North Korea
02/06 Seoul 000357 (CO) The Ambassador Meets With GNP
Presidential Candidate Park Geun-Hye
02/02 Seoul 000333 Presidential Hopeful Chung Dong-Young:
Contender or Also-Ran?
02/02 Seoul 000331 ROK Presidential Candidate Lee Myung-Bak:
Conservative Politics, Progressive Heart?
01/19 Seoul 000167 (CO) Whither URI Party?
01/19 Seoul 000166 (CO) GNP: In The Lead, But Not In The Bag?
01/12 Seoul 000112 (CO) 2007 ROK Presidential Candidates
01/11 Seoul 000083 (CO) Political Perspectives On ROK's 2007
01/03 Seoul 000017 (CO) ROK Presidential Race: End Of Year
Polls Show Strong Lead For Former Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-Bak
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014
Classified By: A/POL M/C Brian McFeeters Reasons 1.4 (b,d).
1. (U) Provided below is a list of post's cables pertaining
to the December 17 Presidential election. This list may be
useful in answering questions related to the candidates and
the election. Paragraph 2 highlights key cables by category
(Bio Sketches, Ambassador/Embassy Visitors - Candidate
Meetings, Final Race, Party Primaries, Pre-Race Posturing,
and Miscellaneous) and paragraph 3 provides a chronological
2. (C) Key Cables by category:
A. Biographical Sketches
11/06 Seoul 003268 (CO) Candidate Lee Hoi-Chang: Third Time's
The Charm?
10/25 Seoul 003178 Chung Dong-Young Advisors: It's All About
The Economy
10/19 Seoul 003137 Lee Unveils Official Campaign Leadership
09/07 Seoul 002728 (CO) Ambassador Meets With Prof. Moon
Chung-In, GNP Lawmaker Won Hee-Ryong
07/22 Seoul 002189 Presidential Candidate Chung Dong-Young
Reaches for the Moon
04/04 Seoul 000985 (CO) Potential Presidential Candidate
Chung Un-Chan: Is Economic Expertise Enough?
03/05 Seoul 000615 (CO) Optimistic Kingmaker Chun Jung-Bae's
Solidarity - Pipe Dream or Political Vision?
01/12 Seoul 000112 (CO) 2007 ROK Presidential Candidates
B. Ambassador/Embassy Visitors - Candidates Meetings
-------------- --------------
11/06 Seoul 003269 (CO) Candidate Rhee In-Jae: Still Running
11/05 Seoul 003256 (CO) Presidential Candidate Moon Kuk-Hyun
Focuses On International Competitiveness
07/10 Seoul 002063 (CO) Ambassador's Meeting with Former
Prime Minister Lee Hae-Chan
02/06 Seoul 000357 (CO) The Ambassador Meets With GNP
Candidate Park Geun-Hye
C. Final Race
12/11 Seoul 003511 (Co) Chung Dong-Young Campaign Manager
Chung and UNDP's Future Bleak
12/11 Seoul 003510 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak and Monk Myochung Two
Peas from a Pod
12/07 Seoul 003485 (Co) Lee Myung-Bak Stretches His Lead: Key
Contacts Say Game Over
11/30 Seoul 003424 (CO) The Heat is on Official Presidential
Campaign Kicks Off
11/21 Seoul 03361 (Co) Week of Destiny One Month Till
Presidential Election
D. Party Primaries
10/12 Seoul 003080 (CO) UNDP Primary Preview
10/05 Seoul 003018 (CO) UNDP Changes Primary Rules Amid
Fraud Allegations
09/19 Seoul 002886 (CO) Chung Overtakes Sohn in Polls
09/18 Seoul 002861 (CO) Lee Wins Primary, What Next?
09/17 Seoul 002845 (CO) Three-Man Race Emerges After First
Round in UNDP Primary
09/06 Seoul 002713 (CO) UNDP Pre-Primary: Working From Nine
to Five
8/31 Seoul 002652 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Confident After Primary
08/27 Seoul 002573 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Comes Out Against
October Summit
08/17 Seoul 002471 (CO) GNP Decision Time Approaches: Lee
Myung-Bak in Driver's Seat
08/06 Seoul 002356 New Liberal Party: UNDP Not Quite United
07/09 Seoul 002048 Gap in Polls Closing Between two GNP
07/09 Seoul 002047 Can the Non-GNP Candidates Come Together?
07/06 Seoul 002027 A Ray of Sunshine In GNP's New Policy
Toward North Korea
06/18 Seoul 001841 Progressive Coalition: Clear as MUD?
06/08 Seoul 001756 Progressive Kingmakers: Still Undecided on
2007 Candidate
06/05 Seoul 001712 (CO) Park Geun-Hye Remains Confident in
Her Principles
06/05 Seoul 001711 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Smooth Sailing Till
06/04 Seoul 001686 Lee Myung-Bak Dreams Up a Canal Project
06/04 Seoul 001684 URI Party Defectors and Democratic Party
Create New Party
05/16 Seoul 001479 (CO) Progressives Still Far From United
05/15 Seoul 001462 Lee Myung-Bak Ends GNP Primary Crisis
05/09 Seoul 001384 (CO) Lee and Park Showdown Heats Up
05/08 Seoul (CO) 001361 Sohn Hak-Kyu Plans Trip North to
Boost Ratings
04/26 Seoul 001213 (CO) ROK By-Elections: Much Ado About
04/20 Seoul 001159 (CO) Presidential Candidate Lee
Myung-Bak's Polls Take a Dive
04/10 Seoul 001047 Chung Dong-Young's Advisors Set Foreign
Policy Direction
04/03 Seoul 000975 (CO) GNP Primary Schedule - Working Out
the Details
03/20 Seoul 000811 (CO) Sohn Hak-Kyu Leaves the GNP:
Political Future Over?
03/19 Seoul 000794 (CO) Kim Geun-Tae Silent on Elections,
Vocal on FTA and China
03/15 Seoul 000770 (CO) Former PM Lee Hae-Chan's Vist to
Pyongyang: North Ready for Improved Relations
02/28 Seoul 000516 Sohn Hak-Kyu: New Reform Party
Presidential Candidate?
02/15 Seoul 000472 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Qualified, Ready and
In First Place
02/14 Seoul 000449 ROK Presidential Candidate Park Geun-Hye:
Can She Return Home To The Blue House?
02/02 Seoul 000333 Presidential Hopeful Chung Dong-Young:
Contender or Also-Ran?
02/02 Seoul 000331 ROK Presidential Candidate Lee Myung-Bak:
Conservative Politics, Progressive Heart?
E. Pre-Race Posturing
11/28 Seoul 003410 (CO) UNDP Chung Dong-Young's Camp Facing
Uphill Battle
11/23 Seoul 003366 (CO) UNDP Candidate Chung to Jeolla
Where's the Love
11/16 Seoul 003331 (Co) Candidates Offer No Good Solution to
Education Reform
11/14 Seoul 003312 (Co) UNDP-DP Merger Does 13 Plus 1.2 Equal
11/09 Seoul 003285 (Co) The Lee Hoi-Chang Effect
10/17 Seoul 003122 (CO) New UNDP Candidate Chung Banks on
North Korea Credentials
10/12 Seoul 003086 (CO) All Key Political Factors Favor GNP
Candidate Lee Myung-Bak
10/11 Seoul 003058 (CO) Dark Horse Candidate Moon Kuk-Hyun -
Does He Have a Chance?
10/05 Seoul 003017 (CO) Conservative Candidate Makes Online
09/28 Seoul 002960 (CO) Advisor Says GNP Candidate Lee Lacks
Clear Foreign Policy Vision
09/19 Seoul 002876 (CO) Senior KBS Correspondents See GNP's
Victory Inevitable
09/14 Seoul 002800 (CO) Top Political Analyst Says "Lucky
Lee" Will Win in December
08/30 Seoul 002626 (CO) Moon Kook Hyun: From Paper President
to ROK President?
08/22 Seoul 002539 (CO) GNP Candidate Lee Myung-Bak Takes Aim
Toward December
07/27 Seoul 002269 Religious Fervor Among Korean Voters
07/20 Seoul 002178 (CO) ROK Presidential Election: Still the
Politics of the Vortex
03/12 Seoul 000734 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: Who Is
Seeing Diminishing Returns?
12/07 Seoul 003484 (Co) Gyeongsang Anticipating the
Conservative Revival
11/30 Seoul 003426 (CO) Uncovering the DJ Kidnapping Closing
the Door on an Authoritarian Past
07/20 Seoul 002180 Students' Views on Candidates' Foreign
07/13 Seoul 002096 Regionalism: Still a Factor in Korean
07/05 Seoul 002014 Foreign Policy Outlook for South Korean
Presidential Candidates
06/29 Seoul 001964(CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam:
Looking Forward to Lee Myung-Bak Presidency
06/27 Seoul 001934 NGOs Keep Presidential Candidates on Their
06/19 Seoul 001848 From Watchdogs to Quasi Political Parties:
NGOs in the ROK
06/01 Seoul 001670 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Foreign Policy Advisors
on U.S.-ROK Relations and North Korea
05/14Seoul 001444 (CO) Former PM Han Myeong-Sook Seeks to
Understand U.S. Position
05/14 Seoul 001439 (CO) URI Party Visit to Pyongyang: DPRK
Said it is Committed to Initial Actions Agreement
05/11 Seoul 001418 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Advisor on Economic
Issues and DPRK
04/25 Seoul 001203 (CO) How Presidential Camps are Appealing
to Korean Youth
04/16 Seoul 001088 Gwangju: Birthplace of ROK Democracy Gears
Up For 2007 Elections
04/06 Seoul 001012 (CO) Election Experts Share Views on FTA
and Elections
04/06 Seoul 001002 (CO) Elder Statesman Lee Hoi-Chang Warns
About North Korea's "Gimmicks"
03/30 Seoul 000935 (CO) Advisers to GNP Candidate Park
Geun-Hye Stress U.S.-ROK Alliance
03/23 Seoul 000851 (CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam on
North Korea and Domestic Politics
03/02 Seoul 000592 (CO) Presidential Candidate Chung
Dong-Young Discusses Politics, Six Party Talks and FTA
02/07 Seoul 000371 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: How They
Define Engagement with North Korea
01/19 Seoul 000167 (CO) Whither URI Party?
01/19 Seoul 000166 (CO) GNP: In The Lead, But Not In The Bag?
01/11 Seoul 000083 (CO) Political Perspectives On ROK's 2007
01/03 Seoul 000017 (CO) ROK Presidential Race: End Of Year
Polls Show Strong Lead For Former Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-Bak
3. (C) Chronological Listing:
12/11 Seoul 003511 (Co) Chung Dong-Young Campaign Manager
Chung and UNDP's Future Bleak
12/11 Seoul 003510 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak and Monk Myochung Two
Peas from a Pod
12/07 Seoul 003484 (Co) Gyeongsang Anticipating the
Conservative Revival
12/07 Seoul 003485 (Co) Lee Myung-Bak Stretches His Lead: Key
Contacts Say Game Over
11/30 Seoul 003424 (CO) The Heat is on Official Presidential
Campaign Kicks Off
11/30 Seoul 003426 (CO) Uncovering the DJ Kidnapping Closing
the Door on an Authoritarian Past
11/28 Seoul 003410 (CO) UNDP Chung Dong-Young's Camp Facing
Uphill Battle
11/23 Seoul 003366 (CO) UNDP Candidate Chung to Jeolla
Where's the Love
11/21 Seoul 03361 (Co) Week of Destiny One Month Till
Presidential Election
11/16 Seoul 003331 (Co) Candidates Offer No Good Solution to
Education Reform
11/14 Seoul 003312 (Co) UNDP-DP Merger Does 13 Plus 1.2 Equal
11/09 Seoul 003285 (Co) The Lee Hoi-Chang Effect
11/06 Seoul 003269 (CO) Candidate Rhee In-Jae: Still Running
11/06 Seoul 003268 (CO) Candidate Lee Hoi-Chang: Third
Time's The Charm?
11/05 Seoul 003256 (CO) Presidential Candidate Moon
Kuk-Hyun Focuses On International Competitiveness
10/25 Seoul 003178 Chung Dong-Young Advisors: It's All About
The Economy
10/19 Seoul 003137 Lee Unveils Official Campaign Leadership
10/17 Seoul 003122 (CO) New UNDP Candidate Chung Banks on
North Korea Credentials
10/12 Seoul 003086 (CO) All Key Political Factors Favor GNP
Candidate Lee Myung-Bak
10/12 Seoul 003080 (CO) UNDP Primary Preview
10/11 Seoul 003058 (CO) Dark Horse Candidate Moon Kuk-Hyun -
Does He Have a Chance?
10/05 Seoul 003018 (CO) UNDP Changes Primary Rules Amid
Fraud Allegations
10/05 Seoul 003017 (CO) Conservative Candidate Makes Online
09/28 Seoul 002960 (CO) Advisor Says GNP Candidate Lee Lacks
Clear Foreign Policy Vision
09/19 Seoul 002886 (CO) Chung Overtakes Sohn in Polls
09/19 Seoul 002876 (CO) Senior KBS Correspondents See GNP's
Victory Inevitable
09/18 Seoul 002861 (CO) Lee Wins Primary, What Next?
09/17 Seoul 002845 (CO) Three-Man Race Emerges After First
Round in UNDP Primary
09/14 Seoul 002800 (CO) Top Political Analyst Says "Lucky
Lee" Will Win in December
09/07 Seoul 002728 (CO) Ambassador Meets With Prof. Moon
Chung-In, GNP Lawmaker Won Hee-Ryong
09/06 Seoul 002713 (CO) UNDP Pre-Primary: Working From Nine
to Five
8/31 Seoul 002652 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Confident After Primary
08/30 Seoul 002626 (CO) Moon Kook Hyun: From Paper President
to ROK President?
08/27 Seoul 002573 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Comes Out Against
October Summit
08/22 Seoul 002539 (CO) GNP Candidate Lee Myung-Bak Takes Aim
Toward December
08/17 Seoul 002471 (CO) GNP Decision Time Approaches: Lee
Myung-Bak in Driver's Seat
08/06 Seoul 002356 New Liberal Party: UNDP Not Quite United
07/27 Seoul 002269 Religious Fervor Among Korean Voters
07/22 Seoul 002189 Presidential Candidate Chung Dong-Young
Reaches for the Moon
07/20 Seoul 002180 Students' Views on Candidates' Foreign
07/20 Seoul 002178 (CO) ROK Presidential Election: Still the
Politics of the Vortex
07/13 Seoul 002096 Regionalism: Still a Factor in Korean
07/10 Seoul 002063 (CO) Ambassador's Meeting with Former
Prime Minister Lee Hae-Chan
07/09 Seoul 002048 Gap in Polls Closing Between two GNP
07/09 Seoul 002047 Can the Non-GNP Candidates Come Together?
07/06 Seoul 002027 A Ray of Sunshine In GNP's New Policy
Toward North Korea
07/05 Seoul 002014 Foreign Policy Outlook for South Korean
Presidential Candidates
06/29 Seoul 001964(CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam:
Looking Forward to Lee Myung-Bak Presidency
06/27 Seoul 001934 NGOs Keep Presidential Candidates on Their
06/19 Seoul 001848 From Watchdogs to Quasi Political Parties:
NGOs in the ROK
06/18 Seoul 001841 Progressive Coalition: Clear as MUD?
06/08 Seoul 001756 Progressive Kingmakers: Still Undecided
on 2007 Candidate
06/05 Seoul 001712 (CO) Park Geun-Hye Remains Confident in
Her Principles
06/05 Seoul 001711 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Smooth Sailing Till
06/04 Seoul 001686 Lee Myung-Bak Dreams Up a Canal Project
06/04 Seoul 001684 URI Party Defectors and Democratic Party
Create New Party
06/01 Seoul 001670 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Foreign Policy Advisors
on U.S.-ROK Relations and North Korea
05/16 Seoul 001479 (CO) Progressives Still Far From United
05/15 Seoul 001462 Lee Myung-Bak Ends GNP Primary Crisis
05/14 Seoul 001444 (CO) Former PM Han Myeong-Sook Seeks to
Understand U.S. Position
05/14 Seoul 001439 (CO) URI Party Visit to Pyongyang: DPRK
Said it is Committed to Initial Actions Agreement
05/11 Seoul 001418 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak Advisor on Economic
Issues and DPRK
05/09 Seoul 001384 (CO) Lee and Park Showdown Heats Up
05/08 Seoul (CO) 001361 Sohn Hak-Kyu Plans Trip North to
Boost Ratings
04/26 Seoul 001213 (CO) ROK By-Elections: Much Ado About
04/25 Seoul 001203 (CO) How Presidential Camps are Appealing
to Korean Youth
04/20 Seoul 001159 (CO) Presidential Candidate Lee
Myung-Bak's Polls Take a Dive
04/16 Seoul 001088 Gwangju: Birthplace of ROK Democracy Gears
Up For 2007 Elections
04/10 Seoul 001047 Chung Dong-Young's Advisors Set Foreign
Policy Direction
04/06 Seoul 001012 (CO) Election Experts Share Views on FTA
and Elections
04/06 Seoul 001002 (CO) Elder Statesman Lee Hoi-Chang Warns
About North Korea's "Gimmicks"
04/04 Seoul 000985 (CO) Potential Presidential Candidate
Chung Un-Chan: Is Economic Expertise Enough?
04/03 Seoul 000975 (CO) GNP Primary Schedule - Working Out
the Details
03/30 Seoul 000935 (CO) Advisers to GNP Candidate Park
Geun-Hye Stress U.S.-ROK Alliance
03/23 Seoul 000851 (CO) Former President Kim Young-Sam on
North Korea and Domestic Politics
03/20 Seoul 000811 (CO) Sohn Hak-Kyu Leaves the GNP:
Political Future Over?
03/19 Seoul 000794 (CO) Kim Geun-Tae Silent on Elections,
Vocal on FTA and China
03/15 Seoul 000770 (CO) Former PM Lee Hae-Chan's Vist to
Pyongyang: North Ready for Improved Relations
03/12 Seoul 000734 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: Who Is
Seeing Diminishing Returns?
03/05 Seoul 000615 (CO) Optimistic Kingmaker Chun Jung-Bae's
Great Solidarity - Pipe Dream or Political Vision?
03/02 Seoul 000592 (CO) Presidential Candidate Chung
Dong-Young Discusses Politics, Six Party Talks and FTA
02/28 Seoul 000516 Sohn Hak-Kyu: New Reform Party
Presidential Candidate?
02/15 Seoul 000472 (CO) Lee Myung-Bak: Qualified, Ready and
In First Place
02/14 Seoul 000449 ROK Presidential Candidate Park Geun-Hye:
Can She Return Home To The Blue House?
02/07 Seoul 000371 (CO) ROK Presidential Candidates: How They
Define Engagement with North Korea
02/06 Seoul 000357 (CO) The Ambassador Meets With GNP
Presidential Candidate Park Geun-Hye
02/02 Seoul 000333 Presidential Hopeful Chung Dong-Young:
Contender or Also-Ran?
02/02 Seoul 000331 ROK Presidential Candidate Lee Myung-Bak:
Conservative Politics, Progressive Heart?
01/19 Seoul 000167 (CO) Whither URI Party?
01/19 Seoul 000166 (CO) GNP: In The Lead, But Not In The Bag?
01/12 Seoul 000112 (CO) 2007 ROK Presidential Candidates
01/11 Seoul 000083 (CO) Political Perspectives On ROK's 2007
01/03 Seoul 000017 (CO) ROK Presidential Race: End Of Year
Polls Show Strong Lead For Former Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-Bak