2007-03-02 14:19:00
Embassy Brussels
Cable title:
Belgium 2007 Trafficking in Persons Report
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Belgium 2007 Trafficking in Persons Report
Ref: 06 State 202745
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Belgium 2007 Trafficking in Persons Report
Ref: 06 State 202745
1. (U) The 2007 Trafficking in Persons follows in paragraph
two. Embassy Point of Contact is Political Counselor
Theodore H. Andrews, telephone (32) (2)508-2111/fax 513-
5333. Staff hours spent in preparation of this report:
Political Counselor (FO-1): 3 hours
Political Assistant (LES-10): 48 hours
Political Intern: 16 hours
2. (SBU) Begin Text of 2007 Report:
A. Belgium is a destination and transit country for
trafficked persons. The majority of trafficking victims in
Belgium are young women originating primarily from Sub-
Saharan Africa, Central Europe, and Asia. Particularly
prominent source countries are Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria,
Romania, and China. Most victims are destined for
Belgium?s larger cities or other European countries, often
the United Kingdom, and are usually trafficked for the
purposes of sexual exploitation. Male victims are
typically trafficked for exploitative labor in restaurants,
bars, sweatshops and construction sites.
For 2006, the Federal Police's Central Service for
Trafficking in Persons investigated 230 cases. Specific
information regarding these cases (age, gender,
nationality, nature of exploitation) was not yet available
at the time of this report, but should be released later in
the year.
There are three centers in Belgium tasked with sheltering
victims of trafficking: Payoke in Antwerp (Flanders
region),Surya in Liege (region of Wallonia),and Pag-Asa
in Brussels. Police are encouraged to bring known or
discovered victims of trafficking to these centers for
assistance. The three specialized shelter centers
registered 667 victims in 2003, 586 victims in 2004 and 112
victims during the first half of 2005. More recent
statistics are pending from all three shelters. Preliminary
numbers from the Payoke Center indicate that they assisted
143 victims in 2006, 60 of whom were new to the center.
More specific information should become available in April
2007. Of the registered victims, 175 opted for assistance
by the centers in 2003, 144 in 2004 and 36 for the first
half of 2005. The victims were mostly women (in 2004, 100
women and 44 men),coming originally from Nigeria, China,
Romania, Bulgaria and Albania.
Of all victims taken care of by three specialized shelter
organizations between 1999 and 2005, 34 percent were
victims of sexual exploitation, 18 percent of economic
exploitation, 19 percent of smuggling, and 21 percent of
trafficking/smuggling combined.
In the past several years, Belgium has greatly improved its
data gathering regarding trafficking, with information
supplied by the Justice Ministry, the Federal Police and
the three specialized shelter centers. The Center for
Equal Opportunity and the Combat Against Racism is tasked
with issuing an annual report on the matter and
coordinating victim centers and law enforcement efforts in
combating trafficking.
B. Most recent trends show that forced prostitution and
related criminality organized by Bulgarian criminal groups
persists. There is growing private prostitution and
commercial escort services have gained ground. An
increasing number of victims, especially young victims, are
forced to beg. Economic exploitation cases continue to be
on the rise, but this could be the result of better
prosecution techniques resulting from legislative
improvements in the Belgian approach to their trafficking
problems.ATIONIn recent years, the government of Belgium has continued
its proactive and sophisticated approach to anti-
trafficking law enforcement. In 2005 the lawmakers amended
the 1995 anti-trafficking act. Through this amendment,
trafficking has become a crime specifically defined in the
Belgian Criminal Code. In line with prevailing
international and European conventions, the lawmakers have
distinguished between trafficking and smuggling.
Additionally, the new legislation allows the law
enforcement agencies to fight "slum lords," and the
exploitation of persons through forced begging has become a
crime. Furthermore, the new laws address trafficking of
both foreign nationals and Belgian nationals within
C. The funding of law enforcement agencies is currently
adequate, and there are no reports of governmental
corruption. Victims are aided through three non-
governmental organizations that rely largely on government
D. In May 2004 the federal government instituted a
coordination composed of
representative relevant ministries.
The report of the new agency report has not yet
been made at the State Department or the agencies
involved in comnnected to a secure
wto network and have access formation.
However, the effect was questioned
thr Opportunity and the Combined forced labor, and
forced trafficking involveing units of the federals,
the Interior Ministry, the Employment
Ministy, and the courts. The Council of Ministersation. The Social Welefare
departments monitor for such each
judicial districted to trafficking
information gathering is in the
hands of the newly established IAMM/CIATEH and The Center
for Equal Opportunity and he Combat Against Racism.
Belgium is also comitted to anti-trafficking agreements as
a member of the EU/Europol, Interpol, and the UN.
C. The government has, in past years, occasioally
organized public awareness campaigns, paQticularly
regarding the exploitation of child2en. No major awareness
campaigns were launhed in 2006, but Child Focus and Stop
Child Prostitution are two NGOs that continually organize
campaigns on child prostitution awareness. Government
agencies and NGOs in Belgium have a well-developed network
of websites that provide information on trafficking and
direct victims toward relief centers.
D. The government extensively supports programs to prevent
trafficking. Most agencies involved in the combat are
federal and/or regional government subsidized. The
position of women in public life is protected by means of
anti-discrimination legislation. School attendance is
compulsory until age 18.
E. The government is highly cooperative with NGOs in
combating trafficking in persons, providing most of the
financial support for its three victims' centers. They
display very close cooperation with international bodies
that work on trafficking issues.
F. As a Schengen Zone country, Belgium's main immigration
and emigration monitoring is through its 6 airports, 6
seaports, and the high-speed train terminal in Brussels.
However, there are no inspections along its land borders,
making trafficking more difficult to detect. However,
employment and social welfare agencies screen routinely for
victims of trafficking among foreigners.
G. Internal coordination takes place at the political
level by the federal government, at the level of the courts
through the College of Prosecutors General, at the Federal
Prosecuting Office, and by the newly established
IAMM/CIATTH for data gathering. For multilateral efforts,
a special unit operates within the Belgian Foreign Ministry
to coordinate with authorities in origin countries.
Belgium actively participates in actions developed by the
UN, IMO, EU, OSCE and Council of Europe. The Federal
Police coordinates actions with INTERPOL and EUROPOL,
within the EU framework and through bilateral cooperation
agreements with selected countries.
H. In 2004, the federal government launched a national
action plan that it continues to implement. It was
developed in conjunction with all relevant departments and
agencies dealing with trafficking and was part of the
government's Integral Security Policy Statement of March
2004, which designated trafficking as a top priority. This
plan was disseminated by direct correspondence with each
Investigation and prosecution of traffickers
A. The Belgian act of April 13, 1995, contained a series
of measures aimed at repressing human trafficking and child
pornography. The law defined trafficking in persons as
"helping in any way whatsoever, either directly or through
an intermediary, an alien who enters or resides in Belgium,
and, in doing so, directly or indirectly making use of
fraudulent practices, violence, threats or any form or of
force against that alien and, abusing the particularly
vulnerable position on that alien on account of his or her
uncertain administrative status or due to pregnancy,
illness, disability or mental disorder." In 2002,
parliament adopted legislation to combat organized crime
more effectively. A further restructuring of the entire
anti-trafficking effort occurred in 2004.
In 2005, lawmakers adopted a major overhaul of the 1995
legislation. It aligned Belgian legislation with
prevailing European and international law, in particular
the additional protocols to the UN Convention Against
Transnational Organized Crime (2000),the EU Council
framework decision on combating trafficking in human beings
(2002),the EU directive on the facilitation of
unauthorized entry, transit and residence (2002),and the
EU Council framework decision on the strengthening of the
penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorized
entry, transit and residence.
Following passage of the 2005 act, it become possible to
pursue criminal cases for recruiting, transporting,
transiting, providing shelter or housing to, and passing on
the control over persons for the purpose of prostitution,
child pornography, exploitation of mendacity, economic
exploitation, organ transplant or to force them to commit
crimes and offences. The new act makes it easier for the
law to arrest slumlords, and to act against the
exploitation of forced begging. In another major change,
the new legislation applied the law to Belgian
perpetrators, and not only to non-Belgians. The new
legislation defined smuggling as opposed to trafficking,
and made it impossible to invoke consent of the victim as a
defense against criminal charges. Aggravating
circumstances include threatening the life of victim,
involvement in a criminal organization, vulnerability of
the victim, use of violence, and causing severe harm or
death of the victim.
The authorities amended the 2005 law in 2006 by making it a
crime to contract a fake marriage, receive compensation for
arranging a fake marriage, or to incite others to do so.
B. Persons convicted of violating anti-trafficking
legislation are subject to one to five years of
imprisonment and are fined between 500 and 50,000 euro.
Repeat offenders, those convicted of offences of an
organized nature, and other, aggravating circumstances the
punishment increased from ten to fifteen years imprisonment
along with fines up to 100,000 euros. If the offender
belongs to a criminal organization, or if the trafficking
results in manslaughter, the punishment is 15 to 20 years
imprisonment and a fine ranging from 1,000 to 150,000
Penalties for rape and forcible sexual assault are rather
similar, but if resulting in the death of the victim the
penalty can be up to 30 years imprisonment.
C. Persons convicted of trafficking for economic
exploitation are subject to one to five years imprisonment
and are fined between 500 and 50,000 euros. The law
specifies that Belgian nationals can also become victims of
economic exploitation. Under the law, economic exploitation
means that the victim is employed under circumstances which
violate human dignity. The use of force or exploitation of
vulnerability is not required to qualify a situation as
Belgian authorities enforce very restrictive regulations as
to the employment of foreigners as au pairs, interns,
entertainers, and sportsmen. To combat trafficking, special
ID cards are issued to diplomatic household personnel.
D. Most recent information on rape laws and punishments
E. Prostitution as such is not a criminal act, but
organizing prostitution and forcing people to prostitute
themselves are criminal offences. The act of November 2000
has reinforced protection of minors with regard to
trafficking, prostitution and pornography. Organizing
prostitution of minors under age sixteen can result in 20
years imprisonment. Prostitution in bars and through
escort services is diminishing, while the phenomenon of
people prostituting themselves through the internet is
increasing significantly. The law enforcement agencies
encounter great difficulties monitoring this form of
F. The Federal Police has in 2004 conducted 276
investigations into human trafficking cases, and 162
investigations for the first nine months of 2005. In 2001,
115 persons were sentenced for trafficking-related criminal
acts. The number of sentenced persons was 130 in 2002 and
170 in 2003. The perpetrators on average received 30
months imprisonment and average fines ranged from 9,145
euro in 2001 to 11,510 euro in 2003. Other sentences
ded confiscation of goodsil rights.
In Octobved eight years
imprQ fine for running a
Qs also handed down senten and people organizing fae marriages.
In November 2006 an Antwerp Qudge convicted 13 Russian
nationals for recruQting girls for sexual exploitation.
They received sentences ranging from 1 to 7 years
imprisonment as well as heavy fines.
In a landmark case in December of 2006, 12 traffickers
appeared in court for smuggling as many as 100,000 persons
to the United Kingdom over a 6 year period. The smugglers
and traffickers consisted of 8 Turkish nationals, two
Iranian refugees, and two Belgians. Their victims were
mainly Turkish Kurds. The offenders received penalties
ranging from 3 to 10 years imprisonment and were
collectively fined 2 million euros.
Also in December 2006, a Leuven court convicted 20 people
of organizing prostitution and trafficking ring that
forcibly exploited young women and girls from Eastern
Europe. They were sentenced to 9 years imprisonment and up
to 25,000 euro fines.
G. Trafficking is done by small, and occasionally larger,
criminal organizations from Eastern Europe and Asia. In
2005, the Federal Police identified 144 criminal
organizations involved in trafficking and smuggling,
compared with only 100 organizations in 2004. Most of these
organizations were transnational in nature. Trafficking is
only part of the activities of these criminal
organizations, as they also are involved in drugs trade,
money laundering, car thefts, visa and passport
counterfeiting, and other criminal activity. Restaurants,
travel agencies, and phone shops are often used as front
organizations. There are no reports of government
officials becoming involved.
H. The government actively investigates cases of
trafficking, and uses advanced investigation technologies,
such as scanners for containers entering their ports.
Wiretaps are being used in investigations and the Belgian
police forces collaborate actively with Europol and
Interpol. Legislation enacted in 2005 provides a better
legal footing for pro-active investigation, infiltration,
observation, wiretaps, the gathering of financial
information and the use of informers. It also provides
with a more accurate definition of "dwelling" which allows
the police to search a wider range of premises. The new
law also better defines the role the federal prosecutor,
district prosecutors and investigating judges. Police also
use special investigation techniques, such as covert
operations, to pursue traffickers.
I. Adequate training of police officers and magistrates is
J. The government and law enforcement agencies cooperate
smoothly and regularly with other governments. Channels
used by the federal police are shared with Interpol and
Europol. Belgium has also signed a wide range of bilateral
police cooperation agreements with Eastern European
countries. Also, the Foreign Ministry has begun more
widely posting immigration specialists in its foreign
diplomatic posts.
K. Belgians and foreign nationals can be extradited under
the European arrest warrant. Belgian Parliament has
adopted this European framework decision.
L. There is no evidence of government involvement in or
tolerance of trafficking.
M. There were cases in the nineties of fraudulent visas
issued by Belgian embassies. One particularly case, which
happened at the Belgian embassy in Bulgaria, resulted in a
formal investigation and hearings in Parliament.
Disciplinary measures were taken against the diplomats
involved in the fraud.
N. The Belgian authorities identify sex tourism and child
pornography as a serious problem. Belgium has specific
legislation for combating these criminal acts. Belgians
can be charged in Belgium for child abuse crimes committed
abroad. In 2000 the Belgian Parliament adopted a new
constitutional provision on children?s rights guaranteeing
respect of moral, physical and sexual integrity of
children. In 2000 the lawmakers amended the 1995 act on
combating human trafficking and child pornography. New
provisions were added to the criminal code enhancing the
protection of minors, particularly with regard to
trafficking, prostitution and pornography.
A Brussels judge handed down a ten-year imprisonment
sentence to a Belgian who abused in Thailand some 200 Thai
children over a twenty-year period. As a first in Belgian
legal history, Child Focus, the Belgian organization
tracking missing children, made use of its legal position
to claim damages. It obtained the payment of a 20,000 euro
O. ILO Convention 182, ratified 5/8/2002
ILO Convention 29, ratified 1/20/1944
ILO Convention 105, ratified 1/23/1961
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the
Child and on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and
Child Pornography, ratified 3/27/2006.
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish ..., ratified
Protection and assistance to victims
A. In 2006, Parliament enacted a complete overhaul of the
1980 Immigration Act, bringing Belgian legislation in line
with prevailing EU directives, such as the EU Directive
2004/81 on awarding residence to trafficking victims who
opt to cooperate with the authorities. As a result, the
prevailing Belgian protection system is now supported by
law, and has been extended to certain categories of
smuggling victims, including unaccompanied minors, the
vulnerable, the deceived, and ill victims.
Victims have 45 days to decide what to do, and can qualify
for a renewable 3-month residence permit or a 6-month
permit, depending on the state of the judicial
investigation. They can eventually obtain permanent
residence after the traffickers are sentenced.
There was a noticeable increase in the number of victims of
economic exploitation who sought help from the shelter
centers, from 10 in 1999 to 48 in 2004. The victims were
for the larger part Chinese, Equatorian, Nigerian,
Moroccan, and Romanian nationals.
Under-age victims arriving in Belgium are in the first
place directed to a special center, and in a later stage,
they receive help from custodians whose task it is to
assist these victims finding housing, and education. They
also give legal assistance when the victims file for
B. The federal and regional governments fund the
recognized shelters. These centers provide
medical/psychological aid, administrative aid and judicial
C. Victims get in touch with the centers individually,
through the police, social services, district courts, labor
courts or the Immigration Office.
D. Victims are not fined, detained, jailed or deported.
Average stay in the shelters is six months. Victims can
also opt to stay outside the shelters.
E. The system is designed to obtain cooperation from
victims. Victims are encouraged to collaborate with the
law enforcement agencies during a judicial investigation
but also by starting litigation against offenders. The
shelters have to authority to file a lawsuit in their own
name or in the name of a victim.
F. Victims are provided access to safe houses, the
whereabouts of which are kept secret. There are specific
shelter systems in place for juveniles and those
particularly threatened by their traffickers.
G. Training on recognizing trafficked persons is well
established in law enforcement agencies, and procedures for
dealing with trafficking cases are well known. The Justice
Ministry, in 2005, organized special training sessions for
magistrates hand The Foreign
Ministrytrai in
origin countries.tic staff in
traffick@d in recent years and
H. The government provirhelter (in
afore-men work permits to
traf@elgium collaborates regational
Organization forTnited Nations and
the C0he
combat trafficking in hQfor labor
exploitation"mbating sexual
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Belgium 2007 Trafficking in Persons Report
Ref: 06 State 202745
1. (U) The 2007 Trafficking in Persons follows in paragraph
two. Embassy Point of Contact is Political Counselor
Theodore H. Andrews, telephone (32) (2)508-2111/fax 513-
5333. Staff hours spent in preparation of this report:
Political Counselor (FO-1): 3 hours
Political Assistant (LES-10): 48 hours
Political Intern: 16 hours
2. (SBU) Begin Text of 2007 Report:
A. Belgium is a destination and transit country for
trafficked persons. The majority of trafficking victims in
Belgium are young women originating primarily from Sub-
Saharan Africa, Central Europe, and Asia. Particularly
prominent source countries are Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria,
Romania, and China. Most victims are destined for
Belgium?s larger cities or other European countries, often
the United Kingdom, and are usually trafficked for the
purposes of sexual exploitation. Male victims are
typically trafficked for exploitative labor in restaurants,
bars, sweatshops and construction sites.
For 2006, the Federal Police's Central Service for
Trafficking in Persons investigated 230 cases. Specific
information regarding these cases (age, gender,
nationality, nature of exploitation) was not yet available
at the time of this report, but should be released later in
the year.
There are three centers in Belgium tasked with sheltering
victims of trafficking: Payoke in Antwerp (Flanders
region),Surya in Liege (region of Wallonia),and Pag-Asa
in Brussels. Police are encouraged to bring known or
discovered victims of trafficking to these centers for
assistance. The three specialized shelter centers
registered 667 victims in 2003, 586 victims in 2004 and 112
victims during the first half of 2005. More recent
statistics are pending from all three shelters. Preliminary
numbers from the Payoke Center indicate that they assisted
143 victims in 2006, 60 of whom were new to the center.
More specific information should become available in April
2007. Of the registered victims, 175 opted for assistance
by the centers in 2003, 144 in 2004 and 36 for the first
half of 2005. The victims were mostly women (in 2004, 100
women and 44 men),coming originally from Nigeria, China,
Romania, Bulgaria and Albania.
Of all victims taken care of by three specialized shelter
organizations between 1999 and 2005, 34 percent were
victims of sexual exploitation, 18 percent of economic
exploitation, 19 percent of smuggling, and 21 percent of
trafficking/smuggling combined.
In the past several years, Belgium has greatly improved its
data gathering regarding trafficking, with information
supplied by the Justice Ministry, the Federal Police and
the three specialized shelter centers. The Center for
Equal Opportunity and the Combat Against Racism is tasked
with issuing an annual report on the matter and
coordinating victim centers and law enforcement efforts in
combating trafficking.
B. Most recent trends show that forced prostitution and
related criminality organized by Bulgarian criminal groups
persists. There is growing private prostitution and
commercial escort services have gained ground. An
increasing number of victims, especially young victims, are
forced to beg. Economic exploitation cases continue to be
on the rise, but this could be the result of better
prosecution techniques resulting from legislative
improvements in the Belgian approach to their trafficking
problems.ATIONIn recent years, the government of Belgium has continued
its proactive and sophisticated approach to anti-
trafficking law enforcement. In 2005 the lawmakers amended
the 1995 anti-trafficking act. Through this amendment,
trafficking has become a crime specifically defined in the
Belgian Criminal Code. In line with prevailing
international and European conventions, the lawmakers have
distinguished between trafficking and smuggling.
Additionally, the new legislation allows the law
enforcement agencies to fight "slum lords," and the
exploitation of persons through forced begging has become a
crime. Furthermore, the new laws address trafficking of
both foreign nationals and Belgian nationals within
C. The funding of law enforcement agencies is currently
adequate, and there are no reports of governmental
corruption. Victims are aided through three non-
governmental organizations that rely largely on government
D. In May 2004 the federal government instituted a
coordination composed of
representative relevant ministries.
The report of the new agency report has not yet
been made at the State Department or the agencies
involved in comnnected to a secure
wto network and have access formation.
However, the effect was questioned
thr Opportunity and the Combined forced labor, and
forced trafficking involveing units of the federals,
the Interior Ministry, the Employment
Ministy, and the courts. The Council of Ministersation. The Social Welefare
departments monitor for such each
judicial districted to trafficking
information gathering is in the
hands of the newly established IAMM/CIATEH and The Center
for Equal Opportunity and he Combat Against Racism.
Belgium is also comitted to anti-trafficking agreements as
a member of the EU/Europol, Interpol, and the UN.
C. The government has, in past years, occasioally
organized public awareness campaigns, paQticularly
regarding the exploitation of child2en. No major awareness
campaigns were launhed in 2006, but Child Focus and Stop
Child Prostitution are two NGOs that continually organize
campaigns on child prostitution awareness. Government
agencies and NGOs in Belgium have a well-developed network
of websites that provide information on trafficking and
direct victims toward relief centers.
D. The government extensively supports programs to prevent
trafficking. Most agencies involved in the combat are
federal and/or regional government subsidized. The
position of women in public life is protected by means of
anti-discrimination legislation. School attendance is
compulsory until age 18.
E. The government is highly cooperative with NGOs in
combating trafficking in persons, providing most of the
financial support for its three victims' centers. They
display very close cooperation with international bodies
that work on trafficking issues.
F. As a Schengen Zone country, Belgium's main immigration
and emigration monitoring is through its 6 airports, 6
seaports, and the high-speed train terminal in Brussels.
However, there are no inspections along its land borders,
making trafficking more difficult to detect. However,
employment and social welfare agencies screen routinely for
victims of trafficking among foreigners.
G. Internal coordination takes place at the political
level by the federal government, at the level of the courts
through the College of Prosecutors General, at the Federal
Prosecuting Office, and by the newly established
IAMM/CIATTH for data gathering. For multilateral efforts,
a special unit operates within the Belgian Foreign Ministry
to coordinate with authorities in origin countries.
Belgium actively participates in actions developed by the
UN, IMO, EU, OSCE and Council of Europe. The Federal
Police coordinates actions with INTERPOL and EUROPOL,
within the EU framework and through bilateral cooperation
agreements with selected countries.
H. In 2004, the federal government launched a national
action plan that it continues to implement. It was
developed in conjunction with all relevant departments and
agencies dealing with trafficking and was part of the
government's Integral Security Policy Statement of March
2004, which designated trafficking as a top priority. This
plan was disseminated by direct correspondence with each
Investigation and prosecution of traffickers
A. The Belgian act of April 13, 1995, contained a series
of measures aimed at repressing human trafficking and child
pornography. The law defined trafficking in persons as
"helping in any way whatsoever, either directly or through
an intermediary, an alien who enters or resides in Belgium,
and, in doing so, directly or indirectly making use of
fraudulent practices, violence, threats or any form or of
force against that alien and, abusing the particularly
vulnerable position on that alien on account of his or her
uncertain administrative status or due to pregnancy,
illness, disability or mental disorder." In 2002,
parliament adopted legislation to combat organized crime
more effectively. A further restructuring of the entire
anti-trafficking effort occurred in 2004.
In 2005, lawmakers adopted a major overhaul of the 1995
legislation. It aligned Belgian legislation with
prevailing European and international law, in particular
the additional protocols to the UN Convention Against
Transnational Organized Crime (2000),the EU Council
framework decision on combating trafficking in human beings
(2002),the EU directive on the facilitation of
unauthorized entry, transit and residence (2002),and the
EU Council framework decision on the strengthening of the
penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorized
entry, transit and residence.
Following passage of the 2005 act, it become possible to
pursue criminal cases for recruiting, transporting,
transiting, providing shelter or housing to, and passing on
the control over persons for the purpose of prostitution,
child pornography, exploitation of mendacity, economic
exploitation, organ transplant or to force them to commit
crimes and offences. The new act makes it easier for the
law to arrest slumlords, and to act against the
exploitation of forced begging. In another major change,
the new legislation applied the law to Belgian
perpetrators, and not only to non-Belgians. The new
legislation defined smuggling as opposed to trafficking,
and made it impossible to invoke consent of the victim as a
defense against criminal charges. Aggravating
circumstances include threatening the life of victim,
involvement in a criminal organization, vulnerability of
the victim, use of violence, and causing severe harm or
death of the victim.
The authorities amended the 2005 law in 2006 by making it a
crime to contract a fake marriage, receive compensation for
arranging a fake marriage, or to incite others to do so.
B. Persons convicted of violating anti-trafficking
legislation are subject to one to five years of
imprisonment and are fined between 500 and 50,000 euro.
Repeat offenders, those convicted of offences of an
organized nature, and other, aggravating circumstances the
punishment increased from ten to fifteen years imprisonment
along with fines up to 100,000 euros. If the offender
belongs to a criminal organization, or if the trafficking
results in manslaughter, the punishment is 15 to 20 years
imprisonment and a fine ranging from 1,000 to 150,000
Penalties for rape and forcible sexual assault are rather
similar, but if resulting in the death of the victim the
penalty can be up to 30 years imprisonment.
C. Persons convicted of trafficking for economic
exploitation are subject to one to five years imprisonment
and are fined between 500 and 50,000 euros. The law
specifies that Belgian nationals can also become victims of
economic exploitation. Under the law, economic exploitation
means that the victim is employed under circumstances which
violate human dignity. The use of force or exploitation of
vulnerability is not required to qualify a situation as
Belgian authorities enforce very restrictive regulations as
to the employment of foreigners as au pairs, interns,
entertainers, and sportsmen. To combat trafficking, special
ID cards are issued to diplomatic household personnel.
D. Most recent information on rape laws and punishments
E. Prostitution as such is not a criminal act, but
organizing prostitution and forcing people to prostitute
themselves are criminal offences. The act of November 2000
has reinforced protection of minors with regard to
trafficking, prostitution and pornography. Organizing
prostitution of minors under age sixteen can result in 20
years imprisonment. Prostitution in bars and through
escort services is diminishing, while the phenomenon of
people prostituting themselves through the internet is
increasing significantly. The law enforcement agencies
encounter great difficulties monitoring this form of
F. The Federal Police has in 2004 conducted 276
investigations into human trafficking cases, and 162
investigations for the first nine months of 2005. In 2001,
115 persons were sentenced for trafficking-related criminal
acts. The number of sentenced persons was 130 in 2002 and
170 in 2003. The perpetrators on average received 30
months imprisonment and average fines ranged from 9,145
euro in 2001 to 11,510 euro in 2003. Other sentences
ded confiscation of goodsil rights.
In Octobved eight years
imprQ fine for running a
Qs also handed down senten and people organizing fae marriages.
In November 2006 an Antwerp Qudge convicted 13 Russian
nationals for recruQting girls for sexual exploitation.
They received sentences ranging from 1 to 7 years
imprisonment as well as heavy fines.
In a landmark case in December of 2006, 12 traffickers
appeared in court for smuggling as many as 100,000 persons
to the United Kingdom over a 6 year period. The smugglers
and traffickers consisted of 8 Turkish nationals, two
Iranian refugees, and two Belgians. Their victims were
mainly Turkish Kurds. The offenders received penalties
ranging from 3 to 10 years imprisonment and were
collectively fined 2 million euros.
Also in December 2006, a Leuven court convicted 20 people
of organizing prostitution and trafficking ring that
forcibly exploited young women and girls from Eastern
Europe. They were sentenced to 9 years imprisonment and up
to 25,000 euro fines.
G. Trafficking is done by small, and occasionally larger,
criminal organizations from Eastern Europe and Asia. In
2005, the Federal Police identified 144 criminal
organizations involved in trafficking and smuggling,
compared with only 100 organizations in 2004. Most of these
organizations were transnational in nature. Trafficking is
only part of the activities of these criminal
organizations, as they also are involved in drugs trade,
money laundering, car thefts, visa and passport
counterfeiting, and other criminal activity. Restaurants,
travel agencies, and phone shops are often used as front
organizations. There are no reports of government
officials becoming involved.
H. The government actively investigates cases of
trafficking, and uses advanced investigation technologies,
such as scanners for containers entering their ports.
Wiretaps are being used in investigations and the Belgian
police forces collaborate actively with Europol and
Interpol. Legislation enacted in 2005 provides a better
legal footing for pro-active investigation, infiltration,
observation, wiretaps, the gathering of financial
information and the use of informers. It also provides
with a more accurate definition of "dwelling" which allows
the police to search a wider range of premises. The new
law also better defines the role the federal prosecutor,
district prosecutors and investigating judges. Police also
use special investigation techniques, such as covert
operations, to pursue traffickers.
I. Adequate training of police officers and magistrates is
J. The government and law enforcement agencies cooperate
smoothly and regularly with other governments. Channels
used by the federal police are shared with Interpol and
Europol. Belgium has also signed a wide range of bilateral
police cooperation agreements with Eastern European
countries. Also, the Foreign Ministry has begun more
widely posting immigration specialists in its foreign
diplomatic posts.
K. Belgians and foreign nationals can be extradited under
the European arrest warrant. Belgian Parliament has
adopted this European framework decision.
L. There is no evidence of government involvement in or
tolerance of trafficking.
M. There were cases in the nineties of fraudulent visas
issued by Belgian embassies. One particularly case, which
happened at the Belgian embassy in Bulgaria, resulted in a
formal investigation and hearings in Parliament.
Disciplinary measures were taken against the diplomats
involved in the fraud.
N. The Belgian authorities identify sex tourism and child
pornography as a serious problem. Belgium has specific
legislation for combating these criminal acts. Belgians
can be charged in Belgium for child abuse crimes committed
abroad. In 2000 the Belgian Parliament adopted a new
constitutional provision on children?s rights guaranteeing
respect of moral, physical and sexual integrity of
children. In 2000 the lawmakers amended the 1995 act on
combating human trafficking and child pornography. New
provisions were added to the criminal code enhancing the
protection of minors, particularly with regard to
trafficking, prostitution and pornography.
A Brussels judge handed down a ten-year imprisonment
sentence to a Belgian who abused in Thailand some 200 Thai
children over a twenty-year period. As a first in Belgian
legal history, Child Focus, the Belgian organization
tracking missing children, made use of its legal position
to claim damages. It obtained the payment of a 20,000 euro
O. ILO Convention 182, ratified 5/8/2002
ILO Convention 29, ratified 1/20/1944
ILO Convention 105, ratified 1/23/1961
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the
Child and on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and
Child Pornography, ratified 3/27/2006.
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish ..., ratified
Protection and assistance to victims
A. In 2006, Parliament enacted a complete overhaul of the
1980 Immigration Act, bringing Belgian legislation in line
with prevailing EU directives, such as the EU Directive
2004/81 on awarding residence to trafficking victims who
opt to cooperate with the authorities. As a result, the
prevailing Belgian protection system is now supported by
law, and has been extended to certain categories of
smuggling victims, including unaccompanied minors, the
vulnerable, the deceived, and ill victims.
Victims have 45 days to decide what to do, and can qualify
for a renewable 3-month residence permit or a 6-month
permit, depending on the state of the judicial
investigation. They can eventually obtain permanent
residence after the traffickers are sentenced.
There was a noticeable increase in the number of victims of
economic exploitation who sought help from the shelter
centers, from 10 in 1999 to 48 in 2004. The victims were
for the larger part Chinese, Equatorian, Nigerian,
Moroccan, and Romanian nationals.
Under-age victims arriving in Belgium are in the first
place directed to a special center, and in a later stage,
they receive help from custodians whose task it is to
assist these victims finding housing, and education. They
also give legal assistance when the victims file for
B. The federal and regional governments fund the
recognized shelters. These centers provide
medical/psychological aid, administrative aid and judicial
C. Victims get in touch with the centers individually,
through the police, social services, district courts, labor
courts or the Immigration Office.
D. Victims are not fined, detained, jailed or deported.
Average stay in the shelters is six months. Victims can
also opt to stay outside the shelters.
E. The system is designed to obtain cooperation from
victims. Victims are encouraged to collaborate with the
law enforcement agencies during a judicial investigation
but also by starting litigation against offenders. The
shelters have to authority to file a lawsuit in their own
name or in the name of a victim.
F. Victims are provided access to safe houses, the
whereabouts of which are kept secret. There are specific
shelter systems in place for juveniles and those
particularly threatened by their traffickers.
G. Training on recognizing trafficked persons is well
established in law enforcement agencies, and procedures for
dealing with trafficking cases are well known. The Justice
Ministry, in 2005, organized special training sessions for
magistrates hand The Foreign
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