2007-09-21 13:28:00
Embassy Baghdad
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/21/2017
Classified By: Classified by: ePRT Team Leader Wade Weems, E.O. 12958,
reasons 1.5 (b,d)
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/21/2017
Classified By: Classified by: ePRT Team Leader Wade Weems, E.O. 12958,
reasons 1.5 (b,d)
1. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Summary. Wasit Governor Abd al
Latif Hamad Turfa is a self-proclaimed political independent
who meets regularly with ePRT. In a 16 September meeting in
his office in Al Kut, the Governor, dressed as usual in a
western business suit, discussed his views on Iraqi politics,
tribes and security issues. He stressed his willingness to
work with CF, his disdain for the former regime, his
inclusive approach to governing and his close ties to the PM
and key cabinet members. Governor Latif said he followed
"every detail" of the Amb Crocker/CG Petraeus Congressional
testimony and thought it was a "good report with good
balance." During the nearly two-hour meeting with IPAO he
did not stray from his upbeat demeanor except when he reacted
tepidly to the ePRT's tribal engagement plans. End summary.
All is Congenial in Wasit Politics
2. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Governor Latif emphasized that he
and his four deputy governors are politically independent.
He stressed that he does not have a background in the ISF or
any political party and insisted he is not influenced by any
outside factors- his only motivation is desire to help the
people of the province. He said his "policy of openness" has
resulted in a two-year period free of political conflict.
(Note. There have been many political conflicts in the
Province during the last two years including assassinations
and several violent clashes between ISCI-Badr and JAM. End
note.) Latif claimed to have a good relationship with
provincial tribal leaders, whom he said meet regularly in
tribal councils. He denied a rumor that he told the last
tribal council on 5 September not to cooperate with CF. He
was complimentary of the Anbar Tribal Awakening and noted
that he had organized a memorial service for Sheikh Abdul
Sattar Rishaon on 17 September.
National Politics
3. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Gov Latif considers himself close to
Prime Minister Maliki and hosted him at his house during the
PM's visit to Wasit in June. He assessed the CoR as
dysfunctional, he does not think the attempt to bring in the
Sunnis was a good idea as they are too disruptive- they
"failed the cabinet."
4. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Latif does not think the Group of
Four will succeed in implementing a Shi'a Regional Government
similar to the Kurdish model. He said he opposed Southern
Regional Government and opined that the Kurds were too
focused on independence and the overly religious Shi'as were
too focused on religion and noted that both positions were at
"the expense of the country." When asked about Iranian
influence he noted that Iran supports both Shi'a and Sunni
groups only to disrupt progress in Iraq. Latif claimed that,
during an earlier official trip to Iran, he told the Iranians
that they should support a strong Iraq and to "leave America
to us." (Note. Latif has been linked in past reporting to
Da'wa and Iran and he is widely perceived to be under the
Iranian influence. End note.)
5. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) In a separate meeting at the
governance center, ePRT program project manager (PPM) met
with the Deputy Governor for Technical Affairs (DGTA),
Provincial Reconstruction Development Committee (PRDC)
Engineer, Director General for Displacement and Migration and
the Deputy Director of Youth and Sports DDYS). Topics of
discussion with the DGTA and PRDC Engineer included ESF
project nominations, the reconvening of the PRDC, and the
development of CERP projects. PPM and DDYS discussed
opportunities to support youth athletic and recreational
activity centers in Wasit.
6. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Comment. While not overly
charismatic, Governor Latif can be engaging. He takes pride
in his knowledge of recent US history (he named the last
seven Presidents) and enjoys quoting names and vignettes from
the American Civil War. He has met with ePRT and CDR 214th
over a dozen times since we arrived and has shows interest on
big ticket development projects while staying clear of
details. As before, Latif was less than truthful in some
answers, evidenced by the implausible claim that he was
unaware that Georgian forces would deploy outside of FOB
Delta. He accepted a brief explanation of our tribal
engagement plan with a look of consternation, he asked why we
needed to work with the tribes and quietly accepted that it
was beyond his control. There is also reporting in other
channels that Latif has significant control over the Province
ISF. During monthly Provincial Security Transition
Assessments he claims to be capable of overseeing the
BAGHDAD 00003175 002 OF 002
Provincial Security Council. However, the security situation
in Al Kut is grim; fifteen of eighteen neighborhoods are
controlled by JAM-infiltrated police or JAM units. If the
Governor is indeed in control, then he is ineffective, or
worse, plays a supporting role in the security problems,
either directly or by being weak when confronted by negative
elements. ERPT will continue to maintain a working
relationship with Governor Latif while observing his actions
with a skeptical approach. End comment.
Bio Notes
7. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Lateef Hamad Turfa Al Augaili.
DOB/POB: 1963 in Al Hay District, Wasit Governorate, Iraq.
Education: Associates Degree (equivalent) Baghdad Technical
Position: Wasit Governor, appointed 10 February 2005 as a
member of 221 slate (Coalition of Iraqi Allies and Cadres).
Personal: Married to Iranian woman, has six girls and one
boy. Industrial arts middle school teacher prior to his
position as Governor. Brother was killed at age 27 by former
regime, Latif has a picture of him on his desk. Latif has
very basic English, probably understands English at a zero
plus level.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/21/2017
Classified By: Classified by: ePRT Team Leader Wade Weems, E.O. 12958,
reasons 1.5 (b,d)
1. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Summary. Wasit Governor Abd al
Latif Hamad Turfa is a self-proclaimed political independent
who meets regularly with ePRT. In a 16 September meeting in
his office in Al Kut, the Governor, dressed as usual in a
western business suit, discussed his views on Iraqi politics,
tribes and security issues. He stressed his willingness to
work with CF, his disdain for the former regime, his
inclusive approach to governing and his close ties to the PM
and key cabinet members. Governor Latif said he followed
"every detail" of the Amb Crocker/CG Petraeus Congressional
testimony and thought it was a "good report with good
balance." During the nearly two-hour meeting with IPAO he
did not stray from his upbeat demeanor except when he reacted
tepidly to the ePRT's tribal engagement plans. End summary.
All is Congenial in Wasit Politics
2. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Governor Latif emphasized that he
and his four deputy governors are politically independent.
He stressed that he does not have a background in the ISF or
any political party and insisted he is not influenced by any
outside factors- his only motivation is desire to help the
people of the province. He said his "policy of openness" has
resulted in a two-year period free of political conflict.
(Note. There have been many political conflicts in the
Province during the last two years including assassinations
and several violent clashes between ISCI-Badr and JAM. End
note.) Latif claimed to have a good relationship with
provincial tribal leaders, whom he said meet regularly in
tribal councils. He denied a rumor that he told the last
tribal council on 5 September not to cooperate with CF. He
was complimentary of the Anbar Tribal Awakening and noted
that he had organized a memorial service for Sheikh Abdul
Sattar Rishaon on 17 September.
National Politics
3. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Gov Latif considers himself close to
Prime Minister Maliki and hosted him at his house during the
PM's visit to Wasit in June. He assessed the CoR as
dysfunctional, he does not think the attempt to bring in the
Sunnis was a good idea as they are too disruptive- they
"failed the cabinet."
4. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Latif does not think the Group of
Four will succeed in implementing a Shi'a Regional Government
similar to the Kurdish model. He said he opposed Southern
Regional Government and opined that the Kurds were too
focused on independence and the overly religious Shi'as were
too focused on religion and noted that both positions were at
"the expense of the country." When asked about Iranian
influence he noted that Iran supports both Shi'a and Sunni
groups only to disrupt progress in Iraq. Latif claimed that,
during an earlier official trip to Iran, he told the Iranians
that they should support a strong Iraq and to "leave America
to us." (Note. Latif has been linked in past reporting to
Da'wa and Iran and he is widely perceived to be under the
Iranian influence. End note.)
5. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) In a separate meeting at the
governance center, ePRT program project manager (PPM) met
with the Deputy Governor for Technical Affairs (DGTA),
Provincial Reconstruction Development Committee (PRDC)
Engineer, Director General for Displacement and Migration and
the Deputy Director of Youth and Sports DDYS). Topics of
discussion with the DGTA and PRDC Engineer included ESF
project nominations, the reconvening of the PRDC, and the
development of CERP projects. PPM and DDYS discussed
opportunities to support youth athletic and recreational
activity centers in Wasit.
6. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Comment. While not overly
charismatic, Governor Latif can be engaging. He takes pride
in his knowledge of recent US history (he named the last
seven Presidents) and enjoys quoting names and vignettes from
the American Civil War. He has met with ePRT and CDR 214th
over a dozen times since we arrived and has shows interest on
big ticket development projects while staying clear of
details. As before, Latif was less than truthful in some
answers, evidenced by the implausible claim that he was
unaware that Georgian forces would deploy outside of FOB
Delta. He accepted a brief explanation of our tribal
engagement plan with a look of consternation, he asked why we
needed to work with the tribes and quietly accepted that it
was beyond his control. There is also reporting in other
channels that Latif has significant control over the Province
ISF. During monthly Provincial Security Transition
Assessments he claims to be capable of overseeing the
BAGHDAD 00003175 002 OF 002
Provincial Security Council. However, the security situation
in Al Kut is grim; fifteen of eighteen neighborhoods are
controlled by JAM-infiltrated police or JAM units. If the
Governor is indeed in control, then he is ineffective, or
worse, plays a supporting role in the security problems,
either directly or by being weak when confronted by negative
elements. ERPT will continue to maintain a working
relationship with Governor Latif while observing his actions
with a skeptical approach. End comment.
Bio Notes
7. (S/ REL to USA, ACGU) Lateef Hamad Turfa Al Augaili.
DOB/POB: 1963 in Al Hay District, Wasit Governorate, Iraq.
Education: Associates Degree (equivalent) Baghdad Technical
Position: Wasit Governor, appointed 10 February 2005 as a
member of 221 slate (Coalition of Iraqi Allies and Cadres).
Personal: Married to Iranian woman, has six girls and one
boy. Industrial arts middle school teacher prior to his
position as Governor. Brother was killed at age 27 by former
regime, Latif has a picture of him on his desk. Latif has
very basic English, probably understands English at a zero
plus level.