2007-08-15 16:49:00
Embassy Baghdad
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/14/2017
REF: A. 06 BAGHDAD 4584
Classified By: Ninewa PRT Leader Jason Hyland: 1.4 (B) and (D)
This is a Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) message.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/14/2017
REF: A. 06 BAGHDAD 4584
Classified By: Ninewa PRT Leader Jason Hyland: 1.4 (B) and (D)
This is a Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) message.
1. (C) Summary. According to the best local estimates, four
near-simultaneous VBIEDs August 14 killed at least 200,
wounded at least 300 and destroyed dozens of structures in
the Yezidi villages of Qahtaniya and Al Jazeera in the
northern Iraqi province of Ninewa. 4/1 Brigade Combat Team
Commander COL Twitty and PRT TL Hyland visited the attack
site August 15, together with the Ninewa Governor and Police
Chief to express condolences and offer assistance to the
local population. The Governor's visit in particular was
well received by the local population. This huge attack on
the minority Yezidi community in a rural district west of
Mosul illustrates the terrorists' efforts to target remote
less-protected areas, as security improves elsewhere. As
well, it is likely an attempt by AQI to incite tension along
a key fault line in the territories under dispute in the
Article 140 process. The temporal leader of all Yezidis said
members of his community risk their lives whenever they
travel outside of solely Kurdish-controlled Yezidi regions of
Ninewa province. In a radical change of rhetoric since even
two months ago, one Yezidi leader told us that they now
identify themselves with Kurds ethnically and politically,
but they continued to stress their religious differences with
the Muslim Kurds. End Summary.
Catastrophic Bombings in Western Ninewa
2. (S) Two VBIEDs exploded in succession in the western
Ninewa town of Qahtaniya, about 75 miles west of Mosul, at
approximately 1930 August 14. At approximately the same
time, two separate VBIEDs detonated in the nearby village of
Al Jazeera. Reports indicate that terrorists used tractor
trailers and dump trucks to deliver some of the explosives.
Local Iraqi officials' estimates of casualties varied widely,
but center on at least 200 killed and 300 wounded in the
attacks, though that number may rise. Many of Qahtaniya's
crude, one-story structures were leveled in the explosions,
trapping victims. Qahtaniya, a town of 15,000, and Al
Jazeera, a town of 9,000, are poor, agricultural, almost
exclusively Yezidi towns in the Sinjar district. They are on
the margins of effective Kurdish control in western Ninewa
province and abut Sunni Arab tribal areas.
3. (C) Coalition Forces arrived at the scene soon after the
attacks and provided assistance to the community, helping to
evacuate some of the injured. The Kurdistan Regional
Government (KRG) has opened the roadblocks into Kurdistan so
that those wounded in this attack can be treated in hospitals
in the neighboring provinces of Dahuk and Erbil. As well,
the Coalition is accepting casualties at the Forward
Operating Base Marez hospital outside Mosul.
4. (C) 4/1 Brigade Combat Team Commander COL Twitty led an
August 15 site visit, which included PRT Leader Hyland,
Ninewa Governor Kashmoula, Ninewa Police Chief General
Wathiq, other senior local officials and international press.
Khataniya is a poor village of simple mud-brick houses and
the attacks flattened the structures; local residents
expressed anger at the terrorists and fear for their lives,
but clearly welcomed the visit by both Iraqi and American
representatives. The mayor of Tal Afar joined the group at
the site of the attacks. The officials expressed their
commitment to assist residents affected by the attacks. In
an interview with a local television station, Governor
Kashmoula pledged to help and called for increased GOI
resources. The Governor asked local officials to draw up a
list of their most-pressing needs, and to provide an accurate
list of all those who died or who were injured so they could
petition for compensation from the GOI. Local officials
appeared still stunned by the event, and trying to ascertain
the facts on the ground. General Wathiq said in a separate
television interview that the attack showed that terrorists
are having trouble finding hard targets that they can
successfully attack and are instead attacking more vulnerable
5. (C) TL Hyland August 15 called hereditary temporal leader
of the Yezidis Emir Tahsin Beg to express his condolences on
the part of the USG and to offer assistance to the victims.
Tahsin Beg said he expects further attacks on Yezidis, both
in the Sinjar and Shikhan districts.
Yezidis Face Death Threats
6. (C) Earlier on August 14, TL Hyland, 4/1 Deputy Commanding
Officer LTC Boden, BCT Chaplain MAJ Butterworth and PRT IPAOs
BAGHDAD 00002723 002 OF 002
Hankey and Polacheck met in Shikhan with the temporal and
spiritual leaders of the Yezidi, the minority, non-Muslim,
Kurdish-speaking religious community based in Ninewa,
northern Iraq. Emir Tahsin Beg said his community fears
radical Islamist attacks when traveling outside the
Yezidi-majority areas under the protection of Kurdish
security forces. The de facto Kurdish control of this
community, about 25 miles southeast of Dahuk, has fostered a
permissive and safe, though tense, security environment. The
Kurdish presence is seen in the Peshmerga presence on the
ground, a large Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) headquarters
and Kurdish flags prominently flying. However, outside of
those towns under Kurdish protection, Tahsin Beg said,
"Yezidis are killed for being Yezidi." Security concerns
have forced the cancellation of the Yezidis' annual
pilgrimage from around the world to the holy town of Lalish
) in Shikhan ) since 2004. Similarly, the pilgrimage to
Sinjar Mountain has been poorly attended in the same time
frame. Baba Sheikh, the spiritual leader of Yezidis, echoed
these same concerns about security to TL Hyland.
Yezidis Turn to Kurds for Security, Politics
7. (C) Tahsin Beg said Ninewa Governor Kashmoula (Kurdish
Alliance) "doesn't do anything" to help protect the Yezidi
community, though Vice Governor Khasro Goran (KDP) visits
regularly. Conversely, Tahsin Beg told TL Hyland the
Peshmerga pays for a Yezidi security force within the towns
and provides a security umbrella for the Yezidi areas.
Tahsin Beg praised KRG Prime Minister Barzani and Iraqi
President Talibani for their support and protection of his
community. Cameran Kheira Beg, a former national-level Iraqi
politician and nephew of Tahsin Beg, argued that security in
Yezidi areas could be improved by creating official police
positions for Yezidis in their hometowns, tightly controlling
the distribution of weapons to officers across the province
and improving police salaries relative to potential terrorist
financial offers. Tahsin Beg said the changing ethnic makeup
of the Shikhan district affects security, citing a recent
influx of Sunni Arabs into the area, which had historically
been entirely Yezidi. He also made an impassioned appeal for
Coalition Forces remaining in Iraq.
8. (C) Tashin Beg told TL Hyland that the Yezidis are
definitely Kurds, but are differentiated from the vast
majority of Kurds because they are not Muslim. This
contradicts statements he made as late as June to former-TL
Knight. Cameran Beg said the feeling is reciprocated, with
the Kurds considering Shikhan as part of Kurdish Dahuk
province. The political leaders went out of their way to
stress this message, with Cameran Beg welcoming PRT members
as "guests of the Yezidi Kurds." Despite this newfound
identification as Kurds, Tahsin Beg said an undercurrent of
religious tension with Kurds remains because Yezidis are not
Yezidis Want Article 140 Now, Support Joining Kurds
-------------- --------------
9. (C) Yezidi as well as KDP leaders in Shikhan all say they
want the Article 140 referendum. Tahsin Beg said "everyone"
in the district wants the vote "as soon as possible" and that
most would vote to join Kurdistan. The KDP district chief
said the people of Shikhan want the Article 140 referendum
but the GOI is stalling. Nonetheless, "it must go ahead," he
10. (C) Comment: This sort of attack on a poorly protected
rural area shows increased desperation by terrorists to
disrupt political stability; the possibility of further
spectacular attacks in Ninewa concerns many. The August 14
attacks will likely push the Yezidi community even closer to
the Kurds, who now seem to be their only effective
protection. Tahsin Beg's departure from his earlier comments
regarding the Yezidis' ethnic identification with the Kurds
could be either a sign of a developing political alliance or
simply his resignation to Kurdish power. We will follow up
directly with him, when PRT Leader meets him in the coming
days. Regardless of motivation, a Yezidi association with
the Kurds would directly affect how the Sinjar district, on
the border between Kurds and Sunni Arabs, votes in the
Article 140 referendum on the area's future status. Both the
Kurds and the Sunni Arabs possibly stand to gain from the
attacks, with the Kurds potentially cementing the Yezidis'
support before the referendum and the Sunni Arabs possibly
intimidating the Yezidis to leave before the vote even
happens. PRT Ninewa will continue to work closely with its
military partners and provincial officials to help the
affected communities recover. End Comment.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/14/2017
REF: A. 06 BAGHDAD 4584
Classified By: Ninewa PRT Leader Jason Hyland: 1.4 (B) and (D)
This is a Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) message.
1. (C) Summary. According to the best local estimates, four
near-simultaneous VBIEDs August 14 killed at least 200,
wounded at least 300 and destroyed dozens of structures in
the Yezidi villages of Qahtaniya and Al Jazeera in the
northern Iraqi province of Ninewa. 4/1 Brigade Combat Team
Commander COL Twitty and PRT TL Hyland visited the attack
site August 15, together with the Ninewa Governor and Police
Chief to express condolences and offer assistance to the
local population. The Governor's visit in particular was
well received by the local population. This huge attack on
the minority Yezidi community in a rural district west of
Mosul illustrates the terrorists' efforts to target remote
less-protected areas, as security improves elsewhere. As
well, it is likely an attempt by AQI to incite tension along
a key fault line in the territories under dispute in the
Article 140 process. The temporal leader of all Yezidis said
members of his community risk their lives whenever they
travel outside of solely Kurdish-controlled Yezidi regions of
Ninewa province. In a radical change of rhetoric since even
two months ago, one Yezidi leader told us that they now
identify themselves with Kurds ethnically and politically,
but they continued to stress their religious differences with
the Muslim Kurds. End Summary.
Catastrophic Bombings in Western Ninewa
2. (S) Two VBIEDs exploded in succession in the western
Ninewa town of Qahtaniya, about 75 miles west of Mosul, at
approximately 1930 August 14. At approximately the same
time, two separate VBIEDs detonated in the nearby village of
Al Jazeera. Reports indicate that terrorists used tractor
trailers and dump trucks to deliver some of the explosives.
Local Iraqi officials' estimates of casualties varied widely,
but center on at least 200 killed and 300 wounded in the
attacks, though that number may rise. Many of Qahtaniya's
crude, one-story structures were leveled in the explosions,
trapping victims. Qahtaniya, a town of 15,000, and Al
Jazeera, a town of 9,000, are poor, agricultural, almost
exclusively Yezidi towns in the Sinjar district. They are on
the margins of effective Kurdish control in western Ninewa
province and abut Sunni Arab tribal areas.
3. (C) Coalition Forces arrived at the scene soon after the
attacks and provided assistance to the community, helping to
evacuate some of the injured. The Kurdistan Regional
Government (KRG) has opened the roadblocks into Kurdistan so
that those wounded in this attack can be treated in hospitals
in the neighboring provinces of Dahuk and Erbil. As well,
the Coalition is accepting casualties at the Forward
Operating Base Marez hospital outside Mosul.
4. (C) 4/1 Brigade Combat Team Commander COL Twitty led an
August 15 site visit, which included PRT Leader Hyland,
Ninewa Governor Kashmoula, Ninewa Police Chief General
Wathiq, other senior local officials and international press.
Khataniya is a poor village of simple mud-brick houses and
the attacks flattened the structures; local residents
expressed anger at the terrorists and fear for their lives,
but clearly welcomed the visit by both Iraqi and American
representatives. The mayor of Tal Afar joined the group at
the site of the attacks. The officials expressed their
commitment to assist residents affected by the attacks. In
an interview with a local television station, Governor
Kashmoula pledged to help and called for increased GOI
resources. The Governor asked local officials to draw up a
list of their most-pressing needs, and to provide an accurate
list of all those who died or who were injured so they could
petition for compensation from the GOI. Local officials
appeared still stunned by the event, and trying to ascertain
the facts on the ground. General Wathiq said in a separate
television interview that the attack showed that terrorists
are having trouble finding hard targets that they can
successfully attack and are instead attacking more vulnerable
5. (C) TL Hyland August 15 called hereditary temporal leader
of the Yezidis Emir Tahsin Beg to express his condolences on
the part of the USG and to offer assistance to the victims.
Tahsin Beg said he expects further attacks on Yezidis, both
in the Sinjar and Shikhan districts.
Yezidis Face Death Threats
6. (C) Earlier on August 14, TL Hyland, 4/1 Deputy Commanding
Officer LTC Boden, BCT Chaplain MAJ Butterworth and PRT IPAOs
BAGHDAD 00002723 002 OF 002
Hankey and Polacheck met in Shikhan with the temporal and
spiritual leaders of the Yezidi, the minority, non-Muslim,
Kurdish-speaking religious community based in Ninewa,
northern Iraq. Emir Tahsin Beg said his community fears
radical Islamist attacks when traveling outside the
Yezidi-majority areas under the protection of Kurdish
security forces. The de facto Kurdish control of this
community, about 25 miles southeast of Dahuk, has fostered a
permissive and safe, though tense, security environment. The
Kurdish presence is seen in the Peshmerga presence on the
ground, a large Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) headquarters
and Kurdish flags prominently flying. However, outside of
those towns under Kurdish protection, Tahsin Beg said,
"Yezidis are killed for being Yezidi." Security concerns
have forced the cancellation of the Yezidis' annual
pilgrimage from around the world to the holy town of Lalish
) in Shikhan ) since 2004. Similarly, the pilgrimage to
Sinjar Mountain has been poorly attended in the same time
frame. Baba Sheikh, the spiritual leader of Yezidis, echoed
these same concerns about security to TL Hyland.
Yezidis Turn to Kurds for Security, Politics
7. (C) Tahsin Beg said Ninewa Governor Kashmoula (Kurdish
Alliance) "doesn't do anything" to help protect the Yezidi
community, though Vice Governor Khasro Goran (KDP) visits
regularly. Conversely, Tahsin Beg told TL Hyland the
Peshmerga pays for a Yezidi security force within the towns
and provides a security umbrella for the Yezidi areas.
Tahsin Beg praised KRG Prime Minister Barzani and Iraqi
President Talibani for their support and protection of his
community. Cameran Kheira Beg, a former national-level Iraqi
politician and nephew of Tahsin Beg, argued that security in
Yezidi areas could be improved by creating official police
positions for Yezidis in their hometowns, tightly controlling
the distribution of weapons to officers across the province
and improving police salaries relative to potential terrorist
financial offers. Tahsin Beg said the changing ethnic makeup
of the Shikhan district affects security, citing a recent
influx of Sunni Arabs into the area, which had historically
been entirely Yezidi. He also made an impassioned appeal for
Coalition Forces remaining in Iraq.
8. (C) Tashin Beg told TL Hyland that the Yezidis are
definitely Kurds, but are differentiated from the vast
majority of Kurds because they are not Muslim. This
contradicts statements he made as late as June to former-TL
Knight. Cameran Beg said the feeling is reciprocated, with
the Kurds considering Shikhan as part of Kurdish Dahuk
province. The political leaders went out of their way to
stress this message, with Cameran Beg welcoming PRT members
as "guests of the Yezidi Kurds." Despite this newfound
identification as Kurds, Tahsin Beg said an undercurrent of
religious tension with Kurds remains because Yezidis are not
Yezidis Want Article 140 Now, Support Joining Kurds
-------------- --------------
9. (C) Yezidi as well as KDP leaders in Shikhan all say they
want the Article 140 referendum. Tahsin Beg said "everyone"
in the district wants the vote "as soon as possible" and that
most would vote to join Kurdistan. The KDP district chief
said the people of Shikhan want the Article 140 referendum
but the GOI is stalling. Nonetheless, "it must go ahead," he
10. (C) Comment: This sort of attack on a poorly protected
rural area shows increased desperation by terrorists to
disrupt political stability; the possibility of further
spectacular attacks in Ninewa concerns many. The August 14
attacks will likely push the Yezidi community even closer to
the Kurds, who now seem to be their only effective
protection. Tahsin Beg's departure from his earlier comments
regarding the Yezidis' ethnic identification with the Kurds
could be either a sign of a developing political alliance or
simply his resignation to Kurdish power. We will follow up
directly with him, when PRT Leader meets him in the coming
days. Regardless of motivation, a Yezidi association with
the Kurds would directly affect how the Sinjar district, on
the border between Kurds and Sunni Arabs, votes in the
Article 140 referendum on the area's future status. Both the
Kurds and the Sunni Arabs possibly stand to gain from the
attacks, with the Kurds potentially cementing the Yezidis'
support before the referendum and the Sunni Arabs possibly
intimidating the Yezidis to leave before the vote even
happens. PRT Ninewa will continue to work closely with its
military partners and provincial officials to help the
affected communities recover. End Comment.