2007-04-11 19:39:00
Embassy Baghdad
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/10/2017
Classified By: Ambassador Ryan Crocker per 1.4 (b) and (d)
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/10/2017
Classified By: Ambassador Ryan Crocker per 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (C) SUMMARY: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani April 9
discussed with the Ambassador how to improve Iraq-Turkey
relations after Iraq decided to hold its next Neighbors'
Conference in Egypt instead of Istanbul. During his meeting
with Talabani the Ambassador also urged Talabani to act on
the PKK issue, to push for quick agreement on the package of
hydrocarbons laws under consideration, and to introduce to
the Council of Representatives (CoR) the draft
de-Ba'athification law approved by Talabani and Prime
Minister Maliki. Talabani called Turkish Prime Minister
Erdogan on April 9 to smooth things over, noting that he
thought Erdogan was pleased. The Ambassador spoke later that
day with Kurdistan Regional Government president Massoud
Barzani about Barzani's recently reported statements on
Turkish interference in Iraq. Barzani said, and Post
confirmed, that these statements were actually made February
27 and that he released another statement toning down his
position and calling for cooperation. End Summary.
Progress in Kurdistan
3. (C) Talabani said during his April 9 meeting with the
Ambassador that they were celebrating in Kurdistan that day -
they consider April 9 their national day. He told the
Ambassador about how Kurdistan had improved since Operation
Iraqi Freedom: the region has gone from having from 6 to
1,000 millionaires, increased trade with many countries,
finished two hospitals with five more under construction, and
planned to open an American University in Sulaymaniyah. He
invited the Ambassador to accompany him when he returns to
the Kurdistan Region on April 27.
Iraq-Turkey Relations
4. (C) Talabani replayed his conversation with Turkish Prime
Minister Erdogan at the Arab Summit in Riyadh (reftel) and
added that he told Erdogan that Turkey was a key partner for
Iraq, characterizing Turkey as "an important counterbalance
to Iran." He said Erdogan responded by asking what he could
do further to help with this "balance" (Talabani did not
elaborate further on this point). Talabani said he
underscored to Erdogan the importance of Turkey's eventual
membership in the European Union and role as a democratic
neighbor to Iraq. He said he praised Erdogan's policies
toward the Kurds, noting that under previous governments the
Kurdish holiday of Nawroz was prohibited. Talabani reported
that Erdogan agreed on the need for good bilateral relations
and offered to help train Iraqi police.
5. (C) According to Talabani, Erdogan expressed dismay at
KRG President Barzani's recent statements in the media
threatening to retaliate in the event of Turkish intervention
in Iraq. Talabani told Erdogan at the Arab Summit he blamed
Turkey for elevating the rhetoric, noting that Turkish
officials had also been making inflammatory statements in the
media. He noted that the Turks had invited Sunni Arabs,
Shia, Turkomen, and KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani to a conference
in Turkey a few months ago but then prevented Nechirvan from
coming. Talabani said he reiterated to Erdogan that the
contentious issues between Turkey and Iraq could not be
decided through media and propaganda. Talabani noted to the
Ambassador the need for U.S. Special Envoy for Countering the
PKK General Joseph Ralston to try to improve relations with
Turkey. He said this is an election year for Turkey and
"many in Turkey" want to prevent Erdogan from becoming
6. (C) The Ambassador replied that the Turks were now upset
because Iraq decided to host the next round of the Neighbors'
conference and the International Compact for Iraq (ICI) in
Egypt instead of Istanbul. Talabani explained that the
Political Council for National Security (PCNS),comprised of
top government and party leaders, made this decision. He
added that he was the only one at the PCNS meeting who voted
for Turkey - the others were sold on Egypt because it is an
Arab country and Prime Minister Maliki thought Turkey would
"cause problems." The Ambassador accepted that but said that
Turkey is an important partner. Talabani agreed to the
Ambassador's request that he call Erdogan to try to smooth
things over. Talabani agreed.
PKK and Iran
BAGHDAD 00001256 002 OF 003
7. (C) During the April 9 conversation, the Ambassador
raised with Talabani the issue of an annual conference of the
PKK allegedly meeting in Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region.
Talabani said he talked to Barzani about the PKK and they
agreed it is not in their interests to support the PKK but
some in Kurdistan are doing it "without official permission."
Talabani stated he had helped to close PKK offices in
Kurdistan and Baghdad, but most of the PKK problems were in
Barzani's area of influence. He suggested the Ambassador
raise the issue with Barzani, but promised to do what he
could to restrict the movement of PKK.
Talabani mentioned that during his trip to Iran in the fall,
IRGC QF commander Soleimani promised to turn over individual
in Iran who had tried to assassinate him. Soleimani,
however, had yet to do so. Talabani said he asked the
Iranians again about this and was told "they would arrive
soon." He believed that the Iranians were delaying on this
issue due to their worries about Iranian-opposition Kurds
currently in Kurdistan and the strong relationship between
the U.S. and the Kurds.
8. (C) The Ambassador pushed Talabani to help on the
hydrocarbons law. Talabani said he would, but he thought
that most of the potential problems had been worked out. He
expressed the view that revenue sharing was captured in the
constitution so it should not be an issue. He noted his
statement at the Arab summit that oil was for all of Iraq.
Talabani asked why the USG was not encouraging U.S. companies
to come to the KRG. The Ambassador responded that they are
waiting for the hydrocarbons package to work out. He
reiterated that the sooner the law was passed the better for
both U.S. investors and for encouraging Iraq's neighbors.
9. (C) The Ambassador urged Talabani to keep pressing on the
draft de-Ba'athification law that Talabani and the Prime
Minister had signed at the end of March. Talabani said he
had spoken to chair of the Higher National De-Ba'athification
Commission Ahmed Chalabi and encouraged him to pass this law
through the Council of Representatives (CoR). He encouraged
Chalabi to discuss the issue with the Ambassador as well.
Talabani claimed that the draft law was well-received at the
Arab Summit and that the former Ba'ath party members now in
Syria were waiting for the revised law so they could return
to work in Iraq. He explained the faction of the Ba'ath
party led by Muhammad Yunis Ahmed was waiting on a new law
before it publicly condemned violence and terrorism and
promoted the political process. In Talabani's view, Iraq
could still benefit from the Ba'athists who are "not really
10. (C) The Ambassador reiterated the importance of getting
the Talabani-PM draft of the de-Ba'athification law signed on
March 26 to the CoR. Talabani replied that it should pass
through the Council of Ministers first, but if that was not
successful the Presidency could submit it directly to the
CoR. He said he is just waiting on the PM's return from
Japan on April 13 to make a decision.
Keeping the Sunnis Engaged
11. (C) Asked about the potential withdrawal of the Sunni
Tuwafuq bloc from the government, Talabani opined that the
Sunnis feel like they are not a partner in policy-making. He
reiterated his plan to deal with this problem by holding
regular meetings of the PCNS, of the Presidency, and between
Presidency and PM. He also said the three presidencies of
the branches of government (President, PM, and CoR Speaker)
should begin meeting regularly. Talabani said he and Shia VP
Mehdi had met with Sunni VP Hashimi to convince him to remain
in the government. Talabani said after the April 3-4 attacks
by AQI on the Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP) headquarters he sent
his presidential guard to protect the IIP and gave them
$200,000 for reconstruction ($100,000 each from the
Presidency and the PUK). He said it is important the IIP
feels like it has friends. He asserted that the Presidency
cooperates across sectarian lines but that "others do not
have the same good relationship."
Turkey: Talabani's Call to Erdogan
BAGHDAD 00001256 003 OF 003
12. (C) Talabani later that day provided a readout to the
Ambassador of his April 9 telephone conversation with
Erdogan. Talabani told Erdogan that he was working closely
with Barzani to take measures to contain the PKK. Erdogan
raised Turkey's disappointment that the conference would not
be held in Istanbul. Talabani explained that Iraq has issues
with its Arab neighbors and he asked for Turkey's indulgence,
explaining that Arab leaders would have difficulty accepting
a conference in Turkey as they are not as "enlightened." In
Talabani's estimation, Erdogan was pleased with the
13. (C) Again on April 9 the Ambassador spoke by phone to
Talabani, who said he had talked to Barzani and told him to
make a positive statement toward Turkey. At the suggestion
of Talabani and Foreign Minister Zebari, the Ambassador
called Barzani to reiterate this request. Barzani told the
Ambassador that he had never made the statements recently
attributed to him in the media. He suggested, rather, that
an earlier statement he made on February 27 had been merely
been released again and distorted (Note: The Al-Arabiyah
reporter who conducted the interview confirmed that it
occurred on February 27 at Barzani's residence in the
Kurdistan Region. End Note). He speculated that this
interview was being aired again now to cause trouble. At the
same time, Barzani pointed to Turkey as the culprit for
heightened rhetoric, noting a list he had of 17 negative or
threatening statements Turkey had made in recent weeks and
14. (U) Barzani said he told his staff to issue a statement
on moderation, cooperation and brotherhood, which Post
confirmed was issued on April 10 (septel).
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/10/2017
Classified By: Ambassador Ryan Crocker per 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (C) SUMMARY: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani April 9
discussed with the Ambassador how to improve Iraq-Turkey
relations after Iraq decided to hold its next Neighbors'
Conference in Egypt instead of Istanbul. During his meeting
with Talabani the Ambassador also urged Talabani to act on
the PKK issue, to push for quick agreement on the package of
hydrocarbons laws under consideration, and to introduce to
the Council of Representatives (CoR) the draft
de-Ba'athification law approved by Talabani and Prime
Minister Maliki. Talabani called Turkish Prime Minister
Erdogan on April 9 to smooth things over, noting that he
thought Erdogan was pleased. The Ambassador spoke later that
day with Kurdistan Regional Government president Massoud
Barzani about Barzani's recently reported statements on
Turkish interference in Iraq. Barzani said, and Post
confirmed, that these statements were actually made February
27 and that he released another statement toning down his
position and calling for cooperation. End Summary.
Progress in Kurdistan
3. (C) Talabani said during his April 9 meeting with the
Ambassador that they were celebrating in Kurdistan that day -
they consider April 9 their national day. He told the
Ambassador about how Kurdistan had improved since Operation
Iraqi Freedom: the region has gone from having from 6 to
1,000 millionaires, increased trade with many countries,
finished two hospitals with five more under construction, and
planned to open an American University in Sulaymaniyah. He
invited the Ambassador to accompany him when he returns to
the Kurdistan Region on April 27.
Iraq-Turkey Relations
4. (C) Talabani replayed his conversation with Turkish Prime
Minister Erdogan at the Arab Summit in Riyadh (reftel) and
added that he told Erdogan that Turkey was a key partner for
Iraq, characterizing Turkey as "an important counterbalance
to Iran." He said Erdogan responded by asking what he could
do further to help with this "balance" (Talabani did not
elaborate further on this point). Talabani said he
underscored to Erdogan the importance of Turkey's eventual
membership in the European Union and role as a democratic
neighbor to Iraq. He said he praised Erdogan's policies
toward the Kurds, noting that under previous governments the
Kurdish holiday of Nawroz was prohibited. Talabani reported
that Erdogan agreed on the need for good bilateral relations
and offered to help train Iraqi police.
5. (C) According to Talabani, Erdogan expressed dismay at
KRG President Barzani's recent statements in the media
threatening to retaliate in the event of Turkish intervention
in Iraq. Talabani told Erdogan at the Arab Summit he blamed
Turkey for elevating the rhetoric, noting that Turkish
officials had also been making inflammatory statements in the
media. He noted that the Turks had invited Sunni Arabs,
Shia, Turkomen, and KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani to a conference
in Turkey a few months ago but then prevented Nechirvan from
coming. Talabani said he reiterated to Erdogan that the
contentious issues between Turkey and Iraq could not be
decided through media and propaganda. Talabani noted to the
Ambassador the need for U.S. Special Envoy for Countering the
PKK General Joseph Ralston to try to improve relations with
Turkey. He said this is an election year for Turkey and
"many in Turkey" want to prevent Erdogan from becoming
6. (C) The Ambassador replied that the Turks were now upset
because Iraq decided to host the next round of the Neighbors'
conference and the International Compact for Iraq (ICI) in
Egypt instead of Istanbul. Talabani explained that the
Political Council for National Security (PCNS),comprised of
top government and party leaders, made this decision. He
added that he was the only one at the PCNS meeting who voted
for Turkey - the others were sold on Egypt because it is an
Arab country and Prime Minister Maliki thought Turkey would
"cause problems." The Ambassador accepted that but said that
Turkey is an important partner. Talabani agreed to the
Ambassador's request that he call Erdogan to try to smooth
things over. Talabani agreed.
PKK and Iran
BAGHDAD 00001256 002 OF 003
7. (C) During the April 9 conversation, the Ambassador
raised with Talabani the issue of an annual conference of the
PKK allegedly meeting in Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region.
Talabani said he talked to Barzani about the PKK and they
agreed it is not in their interests to support the PKK but
some in Kurdistan are doing it "without official permission."
Talabani stated he had helped to close PKK offices in
Kurdistan and Baghdad, but most of the PKK problems were in
Barzani's area of influence. He suggested the Ambassador
raise the issue with Barzani, but promised to do what he
could to restrict the movement of PKK.
Talabani mentioned that during his trip to Iran in the fall,
IRGC QF commander Soleimani promised to turn over individual
in Iran who had tried to assassinate him. Soleimani,
however, had yet to do so. Talabani said he asked the
Iranians again about this and was told "they would arrive
soon." He believed that the Iranians were delaying on this
issue due to their worries about Iranian-opposition Kurds
currently in Kurdistan and the strong relationship between
the U.S. and the Kurds.
8. (C) The Ambassador pushed Talabani to help on the
hydrocarbons law. Talabani said he would, but he thought
that most of the potential problems had been worked out. He
expressed the view that revenue sharing was captured in the
constitution so it should not be an issue. He noted his
statement at the Arab summit that oil was for all of Iraq.
Talabani asked why the USG was not encouraging U.S. companies
to come to the KRG. The Ambassador responded that they are
waiting for the hydrocarbons package to work out. He
reiterated that the sooner the law was passed the better for
both U.S. investors and for encouraging Iraq's neighbors.
9. (C) The Ambassador urged Talabani to keep pressing on the
draft de-Ba'athification law that Talabani and the Prime
Minister had signed at the end of March. Talabani said he
had spoken to chair of the Higher National De-Ba'athification
Commission Ahmed Chalabi and encouraged him to pass this law
through the Council of Representatives (CoR). He encouraged
Chalabi to discuss the issue with the Ambassador as well.
Talabani claimed that the draft law was well-received at the
Arab Summit and that the former Ba'ath party members now in
Syria were waiting for the revised law so they could return
to work in Iraq. He explained the faction of the Ba'ath
party led by Muhammad Yunis Ahmed was waiting on a new law
before it publicly condemned violence and terrorism and
promoted the political process. In Talabani's view, Iraq
could still benefit from the Ba'athists who are "not really
10. (C) The Ambassador reiterated the importance of getting
the Talabani-PM draft of the de-Ba'athification law signed on
March 26 to the CoR. Talabani replied that it should pass
through the Council of Ministers first, but if that was not
successful the Presidency could submit it directly to the
CoR. He said he is just waiting on the PM's return from
Japan on April 13 to make a decision.
Keeping the Sunnis Engaged
11. (C) Asked about the potential withdrawal of the Sunni
Tuwafuq bloc from the government, Talabani opined that the
Sunnis feel like they are not a partner in policy-making. He
reiterated his plan to deal with this problem by holding
regular meetings of the PCNS, of the Presidency, and between
Presidency and PM. He also said the three presidencies of
the branches of government (President, PM, and CoR Speaker)
should begin meeting regularly. Talabani said he and Shia VP
Mehdi had met with Sunni VP Hashimi to convince him to remain
in the government. Talabani said after the April 3-4 attacks
by AQI on the Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP) headquarters he sent
his presidential guard to protect the IIP and gave them
$200,000 for reconstruction ($100,000 each from the
Presidency and the PUK). He said it is important the IIP
feels like it has friends. He asserted that the Presidency
cooperates across sectarian lines but that "others do not
have the same good relationship."
Turkey: Talabani's Call to Erdogan
BAGHDAD 00001256 003 OF 003
12. (C) Talabani later that day provided a readout to the
Ambassador of his April 9 telephone conversation with
Erdogan. Talabani told Erdogan that he was working closely
with Barzani to take measures to contain the PKK. Erdogan
raised Turkey's disappointment that the conference would not
be held in Istanbul. Talabani explained that Iraq has issues
with its Arab neighbors and he asked for Turkey's indulgence,
explaining that Arab leaders would have difficulty accepting
a conference in Turkey as they are not as "enlightened." In
Talabani's estimation, Erdogan was pleased with the
13. (C) Again on April 9 the Ambassador spoke by phone to
Talabani, who said he had talked to Barzani and told him to
make a positive statement toward Turkey. At the suggestion
of Talabani and Foreign Minister Zebari, the Ambassador
called Barzani to reiterate this request. Barzani told the
Ambassador that he had never made the statements recently
attributed to him in the media. He suggested, rather, that
an earlier statement he made on February 27 had been merely
been released again and distorted (Note: The Al-Arabiyah
reporter who conducted the interview confirmed that it
occurred on February 27 at Barzani's residence in the
Kurdistan Region. End Note). He speculated that this
interview was being aired again now to cause trouble. At the
same time, Barzani pointed to Turkey as the culprit for
heightened rhetoric, noting a list he had of 17 negative or
threatening statements Turkey had made in recent weeks and
14. (U) Barzani said he told his staff to issue a statement
on moderation, cooperation and brotherhood, which Post
confirmed was issued on April 10 (septel).