2007-04-04 13:38:00
Embassy Baghdad
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DE RUEHGB #1165/01 0941338
P 041338Z APR 07
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 05 BAGHDAD 001165 



E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/27/2017

Classified By: Ambassador Ryan Crocker for Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).




E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/27/2017

Classified By: Ambassador Ryan Crocker for Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

1. (C) Summary: During his final hours in Baghdad,
Ambassador Khalilzad helped to conclude an agreement between
President Talabani and Prime Minister Maliki on
de-Baathification reform, formally known as the
"Accountability and Reconciliation Law" (text below).
Talabani and Maliki signed a cover letter affirming their
political support for the legislation, which will be
submitted to the Council of Representatives (CoR) by PM
Maliki. Although post had hoped to have the entire
Presidency Council sign off on the draft, VP Adil Abdel Mehdi
was hesitant to endorse the draft without approval by SCIRI
senior leadership. President Talabani pushed for this
agreement in order to bring concrete evidence of progress on
the reconciliation agenda to the Arab League Summit in Riyadh
March 28-29. The draft law contains some positive
developments, such as a firm commitment to complete the work
of de-Baathification and pension benefits to most individuals
affected by de-Baathification sanctions. It also contains
provisions that could be exploited, however, to reduce
transparency and politicize the de-Baathification process.
Our task is now to work the CoR to reinforce the law's
positive aspects, water down or eliminate its negative
aspects, and help the law gain broad consensus, particularly
among Sunnis. End Summary.

The Legislative Process

2. (C) This is only the first step in the legislative
process, and the draft will likely undergo several iterations
before it is approved by the CoR. After the PM has submitted
the draft to the Speaker's office, Speaker Mashadani will
send it to the CoR De-Baathification Committee for
consideration. Once the committee has debated, amended and
agreed upon text, Chairman Falah Al-Shanshal (Sadrist) will
forward the draft to the CoR Legal Committee. The Legal
Committee will then make its own amendments before the bill
is read for the first time on the floor of the CoR. This
process is repeated until the third reading, when the draft
will be voted upon by the full CoR membership. We expect
considerable debate at each step in the process, which will
offer opportunities to tighten language, build in greater
transparency and due process measures, and establish cross
sectarian consensus.

Positive Aspects

3. (C) This draft achieves an important US goal: a sunset
clause to end the work of the Higher National
De-Baathification Commission (HNDBC) and dissolve the body

within one year. While we had advocated that
de-Baathification procedures to apply to only the highest
levels of former Baath Party membership - the Fira level and
above which comprises approximately 1200 individuals - this
draft sets the bar at the Shu'aba level. This means that
10,000-12,000 individuals will be permanently prohibited from
working in the public sector, although most should be
eligible for pension benefits, which will greatly mitigate
the effects of de-Baathification. Former military and
special forces officers will also receive pension benefits.

4. (C) The law also contains a provision to apply its
conditions retroactively; all individuals who previously
received orders but do not meet the criteria set forth in
this law will be automatically eligible for reinstatement.
The draft establishes the "Accountability and Reconciliation
Commission," tasked with publishing a list of all individuals
subject to de-Baathification procedures. This commission
will increase transparency in the sanctions process and
create accountability, as all decisions and orders will be
logged (and presumably, verified for authenticity). The new
commission will also focus on developing projects to promote
political pluralism, tolerance and equality.

5. (C) Another positive development is the transfer of the
appeals process to the judiciary. The law creates a
"Cassation Panel for Accountability and Reconciliation" to be
comprised of judges and will be independent of the HNDBC.
This will provide an independent, judicial forum to consider
and ensure the fairest possible hearing for those who dispute
HNDBC findings.

Negative Aspects

6. (C) The law provides for pension benefits for individuals

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at the Shu'aba level and above who are given
de-Baathification orders. However, individuals who were
previously subject to de-Baathification but no longer meet
the criteria are not guaranteed pension benefits. Instead,
the law stipulates that these individuals will receive a
pension "except if a contradictory order is issued from the
Ministry or the Cassation Panel." This provision means that
those Ministries that chose to enforce the order against the
individual will also have the power to decide whether or not
the individual receives a pension.

7. (C) Although the appeals process is moved to an
independent body, the law allows for the PM to review appeals
decisions and lodge objections as he sees fit. This risks
political interference in the process and reduces the
transparency and accountability of institutions.

8. (C) The law allows the Provincial Councils (PCs) to raise
or lower the level of Baath Party membership that will be
removed from public service in their governorates. This
allows governorates to choose to include only Fira and above
(approximately 1200 individuals nationwide),or to add all
Firqa level members and above (approximately 50,000
individuals nationwide). While this was designed to be a
tool to allow the provinces to address their own needs, it
fails to consider the political realities on the ground.
Nearly all provincial councils are dominated by Shia parties,
due to the Sunni boycott of 2005 elections. A Shia heavy PC
could choose to lower the level of de-Baathification coverage
in Sunni and mixed provinces, further exacerbating and
isolating Sunni communities. In addition, there is no time
frame associated with this provision, nor is there an
indication of how frequently such decisions can be made,
which could lead to frequent changes in policy and political
intimidation and/or threats.

9. (C) The "Accountability and Reconciliation Commission"
created under this law is tasked with largely benign
functions that could legitimately advance reconciliation
efforts. However, there is one function, "to track down
financial assets," that could be exploited to harass and
threaten individuals. Granting this commission an
investigative role independent of the judiciary creates the
risk that the new commission, like its predecessor, will
become a tool of political intimidation and will lose
credibility as an institution of reconciliation. This risk
is compounded by the fact that the commission is permanent.

10. (C) The draft law creates additional bureaucracy which,
if unchanged during CoR debate, threatens to undermine the
positive developments contained in the reform package. For
example, the process of issuing a de-Baathification order is
greatly complicated by additional layers of "review" in the
Cassation Panel and the Special Committee. The appeals
process originates in the Cassation Panel, but the CoR can
also recommend individual case reviews and the PM can object
to Cassation Panel decisions. It is crucial to have
streamlined procedures for issuing decisions and deciding
appeals in order for the process to maintain public
credibility and integrity.

11. (C) Perhaps the biggest concern is the "Special
Committee" that is formed under this law. This committee,
made up of political and security experts rather than
technocrats, is given a broad, ill-defined mandate to
"protect State institutions and the political system against
the exploitation of the national reconciliation process and
the spirit of tolerance by elements in the dissolved Baath...
or any other group who seek to return to sensitive positions
for the purpose of working against the Constitution."
Although the process of de-Baathification is supposed to end
within one year, this committee appears to have the authority
to continue to persecute and attack former Baathists, and
potentially the political opposition, for an indefinite
period of time. The draft does not specify what the
committee can actually do to these individuals.

Conclusions and Way Forward

12. (C) While this draft could provide a good foundation for
reconciliation, early reactions suggest that what could be
too little gain for the Sunnis may already go too far for the
Shia. Grand Ayatollah Sistani's office has publicly opposed
the draft, and prominent cleric Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Al-Karbali
cautioned in his Friday sermon that the legislation could
allow criminals and former security officers to return to
positions of power. The Higher National Debaathification
Commission, considered the subject matter expert by most
Shia, issued a statement condemning the draft law as
unconstitutional and warning that it could encourage further

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violence and bloodshed.

13. (C) Our task is now to reinforce the draft's positive
aspects, water down or eliminate negative aspects, and help
the final law gain broad consensus. We will engage VP
Hashimi immediately, drawing him into the consultative
process and supporting his party's efforts to amend key
provisions in order to gain broader Sunni support. We will
also reach out to SCIRI leader Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim and other
key Shia politicians, encouraging them to show leadership in
the face of resistance in order to pass meaningful reform.
The legislative process, as well as the upcoming
UN/International Center for Transitional Justice conference,
will provide important opportunities to address our concerns
and build consensus, and post will continue to work with
political leaders to ensure that de-Baathification reform
fosters real reconciliation.


Draft of Accountability and Reconciliation Law

The people of Iraq, rose up and overcame all manifestations
of fear, capitulation and division; It surmounted trials as
one nation capable of building what was destroyed by its
enemies. This people went out in an unprecedented fashion
to fill the ballot boxes with an unyielding and free will
to elect its leaders, to write its permanent Constitution
and to recover its long lost freedom.

This people, free and sincere, committed itself to the
principles of Democracy and the Rule of Law, and came
together once again to turn a new page for a promising
Iraqi future, free of terrorism, corruption and
destructiveness, a future that is based on principles of
unity and National Reconciliation.

In order for this people to prove its genuineness and its
adherence to the values which are based on tolerance, love
and peaceful coexistence, while deeply realizing the
magnitude of the crimes committed against all Iraqis at the
hand of the figures of the former regime and the
leaderships of the dissolved Baath Party, who were brought
to justice through the High Criminal Court; and because we
have a Constitution that protects the future generations
and prevents the return of the Baath party or any other
entity that adopts ideologies based on the use of violence,
terrorism, totalitarianism, despotism, sectarianism, and
racism to rule the nation and the people.

Because we realize, today more than ever, the extent of
what Iraqis , all Iraqis, have suffered because of the
actions and practices of the former regime and since this
realization is an important part of the process of moving
Democracy forward and one of the basic elements for
building real National Reconciliation; and in order to turn
the hateful page of the past, not by forgetting or
pretending to forget the great sacrifices of our people and
the harsh sufferings they endured during that dark period;
all this requires that this people be given back what would
help it to forget the calamities of obsoleteness,
backwardness and deprivation and to start a period of
recovery, healing, prosperity, progress and wellbeing under
a Law based on principles of reconciliation and

For this, we present "The Law of Accountability and
Reconciliation" in order to construct an Iraq that is open
to all Iraqis who are determined to build a free and
democratic Iraq rid from sectarianism, racism, tyranny,
discrimination, exclusion and marginalization. This is to
happen at the same time as bringing to justice those who
perpetrated crimes against the people of Iraq and exacted
all types of repression and humiliations against it. This
shall ensure that they receive through the Judiciary their
just punishment. We hope that this law will open wide
opportunities before all to work to build our country and
pave the way before the coming generations for a bright and
shining future.

First: Accountability:

1. The Debaathification decisions shall cover every one who
was at a rank of Section member and above in the dissolved
Baath Party. Pension rights shall be arranged for those
covered by the decisions of Debaathification in accordance
with the applicable pension laws.

2. The military from the Army and the Police who were
Baathists at the time of the fall of the regime, having
reached the age of retirement and were at the rank of
Colonel and above shall be referred to retirement.

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3. All positions, military grades, decorations and titles
that are enjoyed by the Section and Branch members and the
regional and national bureaus shall be cancelled.

4. Members of Sections, Branches, regional and national
bureaus shall be prohibited from participating in
government tenders (category 1 and 2) for the next ten

5. Pension salary or grant shall not be paid to any person
who was a member of the "Dissolved Baath" at the time of
the fall and submits a request for political asylum abroad.

6. Any person who benefited from this Law or any former
member of the dissolved Baath or others, and subsequently
was proven to have submitted false information or returned
to one of the banned entities or assisted or promoted any
one of them shall have all exceptions and rights waived and
shall be dismissed from the service and shall be charged of
a crime involving moral turpitude. He shall be judicially
prosecuted to return what he gained of rights and assets.

7. A "Special Committee" shall be formed made up of seven
members with experience in politics and security that come
from different tendencies and are nominated in consultation
between the Presidency Council and the Prime Minister, and
approved by the Council of Representatives. Its purpose
shall be to turn the page on the past and to protect the
State institutions and the political system in the country
against the exploitation of the national reconciliation
process and the spirit of tolerance by those elements in
the Dissolved Baath or the special agencies of the former
Regime or any other group who seek to return to sensitive
positions for the purpose of working against the

8. The "Special Committee" shall take its decisions by a
majority of 5 (or 4) votes for immediate implementation.
The committee shall work under the supervision of the Prime
Minister and it shall inform him of its decisions as well
as considering on his behalf all the decisions issued by
the Debaathification Commission.

9. A Commission called "Cassation Panel for Accountability
and Reconciliation" shall be formed and shall be referred
to in this Law as the Cassation Panel to be made up of
seven Judges of first grade appointed by the Higher
Juridical Council, approved by the Council of Ministers and
ratified by the Council of Representatives. They shall be
headed by the senior Judge among them; its decisions shall
be by a majority of four votes.

10. "The Cassation Panel" shall consider all the decisions
of the De-Baathification Commission or the decisions of the
ministerial committee as well as all grievances or to
examine the cases filed regarding the De-Baathification
Commission procedures.

11. In the De-Baathification or the exemption cases, the
person included, his office, the Parliament member or the
governorate council's member shall have the right to submit
a request of appeal within the specified period. Unless the
Prime Minister objects within one month after notification
the decision of the Supreme Cassation Panel shall be final.

12. The Cassation Panel shall reach its decision within
(60) days from the date of receiving the request. In any
case, the employee shall continue in his post after he is
granted paid leave until the issuing of the cassation
decision, except for the decisions issued by the
Ministerial Committee.

13. The Council of Representatives shall have the right to
issue recommendations to be approved in a general session
calling on the commissions and the committees responsible
for the application of this law to review their decisions.

14. "The De-Baathification Commission" shall complete its
functions within a period not to exceed one year after the
date of entry into force of this Law.

15. Every Iraqi citizen shall have the right to file a
lawsuit against any member of the "Dissolved Baath" or in
the security agencies of the former regime before the
Criminal Courts concerning crimes of private or public
right within three months from the date of the issuance of
this law before the Cassation Panel for Reconciliation and
Accountability. The Commission shall set up branches in all
Iraqi governorates to receive lawsuits within the
abovementioned limited period. A period not to exceed three
months as of the date of receiving the claims shall be set

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for deciding them in a final and complete manner. It is not
permitted to appeal these lawsuits before any other legal

Second- Reconciliation:

1. Governorates' Councils shall be allowed to make a
decision related to the departments of their governorate to
reduce or raise the level of Accountability or
Debaathification procedures by one grade according to the
conditions that they will assess within their borders for
the application of the principles of accountability and

2. Those individuals who received Debaathification orders
in the past in accordance with the Coalition Provisional
Authority (CPA) order No.1 and the relevant decisions, and
those who are entitled under this law to be reappointed to
service. If there is no suitable position in the public
sector for an individual or if he has reached the
retirement age as of the date of entry into force of this
law, then that individual shall receive a pension without
further formalities, except if a contradictory order is
issued from the Ministry or the Cassation Panel.

3. There shall be established in accordance with this law a
neutral and independent commission, called "Accountability
and Reconciliation Commission", its function is to serve
the historical remembrance of the atrocities and suffering
during the "the Dissolved Baath" regime in order to protect
the coming generations from falling again into the clutches
of tyranny and persecution and to disseminate the spirit of
coexistence, reconciliation, civic peace, justice, equality
and citizenship among Iraqis. It shall work particularly to
achieve the following:

A. To determine who are the individuals included in the
De-Baathification procedures within a period not to exceed
one year and to publish a list in this regard in accordance
with the De-Baathification procedures stipulated in this
Law. The list shall contain names of all individuals
subject to these procedures indicating the rank of each and
the date of issuing the relevant De-Baathification order.
This list shall be kept in the Dissolved Baath Party

B. All files of the Dissolved Baath Party shall be
transferred to NGOs and/or the appropriate governmental
organizations in order to be preserved until a permanent
Iraqi archive is established pursuant to the law. The
representative of the organization, which will preserve the
files, shall have the right to look into and make an
inventory of these files as of the date of this Law in
preparation for transferring and providing safekeeping for

C. To contribute in developing social and cultural programs
that reaffirm political pluralism, tolerance and equality,
and at the same time condemns the crimes and atrocities
committed by the former regime as well as the culture of
the one-party system, marginalization and exclusion.

D. To endorse the activities and decisions of the "
Accountability and Reconciliation Commission" in addition
to its work in eradicating Baathification from the thinking
of the individual and society, to prevent the Baath
culture, to track down financial assets, to review the
educational programs which glorify the role of the Baath
and its figures and to preserve the bad heritage of the
former regime so as to bear witness of its squandering the
people's assets, of its crimes and its personality cult.

4. The De-Baathification Commission shall be dissolved
after ending its work within a period not to exceed one
year as of the date of entry into force of this law.

5. An interim committee shall be formed in the Council of
Representatives in accordance with Article (135 / Sixth) to
monitor the implementation procedures of the Supreme
Commission for Debaathification and State agencies in order
to ensure justice, objectivity and transparency and to
consider their consistency with the laws. The decisions of
the committee shall be subject to the approval of the
Council of Representatives.

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