2006-02-28 06:50:00
Embassy Tokyo
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1) Top headlines
2) Editorials
3) Prime Minister's daily schedule
Defense and security issues:
4) US Embassy official denies revision of Futenma relocation
5) Asahi poll of Iwakuni City residents shows 71% against
transfer of carrier-borne jets from Atsugi, while 60% call
Iwakuni base a "nuisance"
6) Keen Edge: US, Japanese forces conduct desk-top war game
positing North Korea, China as "hypothetical enemies"
7) USFJ realignment talks stall over cost to Japanese
government of relocating
8) Foreign Ministry will not reopen historical investigation of
charges of "secret pact" between US, Japan on Okinawa reversion
Foreign Minister Aso in action:
9) Aso stiffed by Iran's foreign minister on nuclear issue:
"Inconceivable" that program will be halted
10) In apparent change of consideration, Foreign Minister Aso
toning down rhetoric toward China
11) Prime Minister Koizumi approves target of doubling direct
inward investment in Japan by end of 2011 to equivalent of 5% of
Livedoor e-mail fiasco:
12) Minshuto lawmaker Nagata to apologize today for fake e-mail
charging LDP Takebe's son with taking bribe from Livedoor's
Horie; Party may punish Nagata
13) Koizumi on Nagata's e-mail caper: "The boss (Maehara)
usually commits ritual suicide"; Yokomichi, deputy LH speaker:
"Maehara is still a school kid"
14) Why was Nagata so gullible to believe a phony e-mail?
15) LDP Secretary General Takebe threatens to sue for defamation
of character
16) LDP plans to take hard-line stand toward Minshuto over e-
mail fiasco
17) E-mail showdown not the first such row between the ruling
and opposition camps in the Diet
Home appliance makers to hire more new graduates in fiscal 2007;
120% increase for Toshiba and 37% for Sharp
Toshiba, Orix cancel joint Yamaguchi coal power plant plan due to
global warming and Environment Ministry's opposition
Structural calculation sheets for 50 buildings lost or missing;
Requests for calculation sheets growing following building code
violation scandal
Nihon Keizai:
TOKYO 00001048 002 OF 012
LDP Tax Commission to reexamine corporate depreciation system to
allow capital investment to be recorded as losses
Japan-US Keen Edge command-post drill regards North Korea and
China as hypothetical enemies; Improved liaison and coordination
eyed for integrated operations
Tokyo Shimbun:
Minshuto to avert Nagata's resignation over e-mail fiasco;
Hatoyama responsible for party's measures considering punishing
some party executives
(1) Iraq crisis: Civil war may break out
(2) Iwakuni municipal plebiscite: State policy not a taboo
(1) Total defeat in the Winter Olympics: Athletic rejuvenation
(2) Pre-implantation diagnosis not a dream
(1) Stiffer penalties will not end bid rigging
(2) LDP think-tank insufficient to put end to bureaucracy-led
Nihon Keizai:
(1) Expectations and concern regarding President Bush's planned
visits to India, Pakistan
(2) Price high for neglect of people by Arroyo administration
(1) Torino Winter Olympics end: More reform necessary for the
next Olympics
(2) Iran's nuclear program: Suspicions must be dispelled
Tokyo Shimbun:
(1) No room for optimism in determining earthquake-resistance
levels and improving buildings
(2) Kyoto Protocol targets must be met
3) Prime Minister's Official Residence (Kantei)
Prime Minister's schedule, February 27
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Met at Kantei with Science and Technology Minister Matsuda,
lawmaker Hiroyuki Abe, member of Council for Science and
Technology Policy, and Cabinet Office Vice Minister Erikawa.
Met with Haruo Shimada, special advisor to the Cabinet Office,
and METI Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau chief Ishida. .
Met at LDP headquarters with Tax Research Commission Chairman
TOKYO 00001048 003 OF 012
Yanagisawa, sub-commission chairman Ibuki, followed by Secretary
General Takebe.
Attended LDP Election Strategy Headquarters meeting. Met with
Takebe, General Council Chairman Kyuma, Policy Research Council
Chairman Nakagawa and Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Hosoda.
Attended party board meeting.
Returned to his office.
Met at Lower House speaker's official residence with Speaker Kono
and Vice Speaker Yokomichi, Takebe and Hosoda.
Returned to his official residence.
4) US Embassy security unit chief denies revision of Futenma
relocation plan
TOKYO (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Kevin Maher, the security unit chief of the US Embassy in Japan
gave a speech on Feb. 27 in Naha City in which he stressed that
there is no current thinking in the US government about revising
the basic plan to relocate MCAS Futenma to the coastal portion of
Camp Schwab. He said, "It is not desirable to renegotiate a plan
that was basically agreed to (by the US and Japan)."
On the other hand, he recognized that there might be technical
adjustments needed by Japan and the US even after the final
report, stating: "Since it will take time to iron out the
details, I think it would be possible that even after the final
report is issued, it may take several months before we complete
the concrete plan."
Touching on the reversion of bases in the south central portion
of the main island, talks on which are at the final stage, Maher
said: "If we just carry out individual portions of the interim
report, the whole thing falls apart." He stressed the US stance
that implementation of the Futenma relocation was the overall
5) Poll prior to Iwakuni plebiscite on USFJ realignment finds 71%
opposed to carrier-borne aircraft redeployment; 60% regard base
as nuisance
ASAHI (Page 38) (Full)
February 28, 2006
The city of Iwakuni in Yamaguchi Prefecture will hold a
referendum of its residents on March 12 to ask them whether they
will accept the planned redeployment of US carrier-borne aircraft
to Iwakuni base along with the realignment of US forces in Japan.
The Asahi Shimbun conducted a telephone-based public opinion
survey of Iwakuni citizens on Feb. 25-26 to probe into their
attitudes. In the survey, respondents were asked whether they
TOKYO 00001048 004 OF 012
would accept the redeployment of carrier-borne fighter jets to
the base. In response to this question, 71% answered "no," with
11% saying "yes." As seen from these figures, the greater part of
respondents was negative about the redeployment. Asked whether
they would go to the scheduled referendum, 67% answered "yes." In
addition, 77% noted that the government should respect the
outcome of the local referendum.
The Japanese and US governments will release a final report on
the US military realignment in late March at the earliest, and
Iwakuni is the first among base-hosting municipalities in the
nation to carry out a referendum on the realignment. Its results
could affect the realignment talks between the two countries. All
eyes are therefore on what judgment Iwakuni citizens will hand
Among those opposed to the redeployment of carrier-borne aircraft
to Iwakuni base, three-fourths picked "because it will increase
the possibility of damage, such as noise pollutions and aircraft
accidents." Among other reasons for negative answers were
"because I have been against the base presence from the
beginning," and, "because the government made the decision
without listening to local views." In the survey, respondents
were also asked whether they feel the base is a nuisance. In
response to this question, "yes" answers-broken down to "very
much" and "somewhat"-totaled 60%.
The government is implementing pump-priming measures, such as
infrastructure construction, in localities hosting US military
facilities. In the survey, respondents were asked if they thought
Iwakuni base helps the local economy. In response, "very much"
accounted for 8%, with "somewhat" at 44%.
In the meantime, the Japanese and US governments agreed last fall
on the joint military- civilian use of Iwakuni base. This is
reportedly in return for the city's acceptance of carrier-borne
jets. In the survey, respondents were asked if they thought a
civilian airport would be necessary. In response, negative
answers accounted for 51%, with positive answers at 41% .
Polling methodology: The survey was conducted in the city of
Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, on Feb. 25-26 over the telephone
on a computer-aided random digit dialing (RDD) basis. Respondents
were chosen from among all eligible voters in the city on a three-
stage random-sampling basis. Valid answers were obtained from
1,020 persons (62%).
6) North Korea, China regarded as hypothetical enemies in Japan-
US CPX drill
SANKEI (Top play) (Abridged)
February 28, 2006
Japan's Self-Defense Forces (SDF) and US Forces Japan (USFJ) have
been conducting a command post exercise (CPX),codenamed "Keen
Edge," on a schedule from Feb. 23 through March 3. In this
bilateral joint drill, North Korea and China are regarded as de
facto hypothetical enemies, sources revealed yesterday. The
Defense Agency and the SDF have both denied the "China threat" in
their official views. The CPX drill, however, anticipates
bilateral military operations aimed primarily at facilitating
missile defense and maritime security operations.
TOKYO 00001048 005 OF 012
The ongoing "Keen Edge" exercise is mainly for the purpose of
facilitating communications between the Ground, Maritime, and Air
Self-Defense Forces (GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF) ahead of their
integration in late March. In addition, the CPX drill is also
intended for smooth liaising with USFJ. SDF and USFJ officers are
conducting troop movements on the computer screen, as well as the
flow of command orders and information.
According to informed sources, Japan is a "blue nation" in a CPX
scenario, with the United States being a "green nation". First,
the CPX anticipates that the United States senses moves in a
"purple nation" (North Korea) to fuel a ballistic missile. Japan
and the United States, alerted by the moves, step up their
lookout with US Naval Forces Japan (USNFJ),US Air Force Japan
(USAFJ),and MSDF Aegis-equipped destroyers in the Sea of Japan.
Tensions are growing high in a "brown nation" as well. The ASDF
is then ordered to airlift Japanese nationals from South Korea.
Furthermore, an "orange nation" (China) follows these moves on
the Korean Peninsula, deploying its navy's submarines and other
vessels teamed up with its air force's reconnaissance planes and
other aircrafts. In the CPX drill, Japan and the United States
anticipate a case where a seaborne group of foreign civilians,
possibly Chinese nationals, makes an illegal landing on an
uninhabited islet claimed by both Japan and China, with
unidentified vessels coming around. The SDF is training for
reporting the incident to the prime minister's office and
liaising with the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and the National Police
Agency (NPA).
At the next stage, the MSDF reports the moves of Chinese naval
vessels and submarines staged around the disputed islet. This
stage anticipates their intrusion into Japanese territorial
waters. The MSDF then moves out into maritime security
operations, with all its vessels and aircrafts nearby taking
counteractions at once.
The GSDF is also ready to swing its Western Army troops in order
to cope with the invasion of the islet. The ASDF is also training
to order F-15 squadrons based in mainland prefectures to stand by
for operations at Naha base and Shimojishima Airport in the city
of Miyakojima, Okinawa Prefecture.
7) Japan, US to put off US force realignment talks
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Japan and the US planned to hold deputy director-level talks on
US force realignment in Japan in Tokyo on March 1-2, but they
have now decided to postpone the talks, reflecting little
progress made in negotiations on the planned transfer of bases in
the southern part of Okinawa. The negotiations also cover Japan's
share of the cost for relocating Marines to Guam.
8) Government decides not to reopen investigation of charges of
"secret deal" on Okinawa reversion
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 006 OF 012
In a press briefing yesterday, Vice Foreign Minister Shotaro
Yachi indicated that the government would not reopen an
investigation to find whether Japan and the US had actually
reached a secret deal for Japan to bear the necessary cost for
the return of Okinawa to Japan, as has been claimed by Bunroku
Yoshino. Yoshino had been in charge of negotiations with the US
on the reversion of Okinawa as chief of the Foreign Ministry's
American Affairs Bureau. Yachi said: "In response to an inquiry
by then Foreign Minister Yohei Kono (in 2000),the former chief
replied that there had been no secret pact. What is the point of
asking him another question?"
9) Iranian foreign minister to Aso: Halting nuclear program is
YOMIURI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki, who arrived in Japan yesterday,
met with Foreign Minister Taro Aso at the Iikura Guest House the
same day. Aso conveyed to Mottaki the international community's
strong concern about Iran's resumption of uranium-enrichment
activities, calling for an early suspension of the activities.
But Mottaki replied: "Halting our nuclear program is
inconceivable." The meeting ended without any meeting of minds.
The meeting lasted for 2 hours, though it had been arranged for
only an hour. The two ministers spent one hour and 45 minutes
discussing Iran's nuclear issue.
Aso called for Iran to swiftly give up its nuclear ambitions and
cooperate with inspections by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA),saying: "Iran's refusal to give up nuclear
activities will only lead to making it difficult to resolve the
nuclear dispute. I hope Iran will make a wise, constructive
In response, Mottaki said: "The peaceful use of atomic energy is
Iran's right. We cannot accept nuclear apartheid." He reiterated
Iran's determination to continue nuclear research and development
activities within the nation.
The two ministers also referred to an agreement reportedly
"reached in principle" between Iran and Russia on establishing a
joint uranium enrichment venture for uranium enrichment
activities. On this issue, Mottaki just said: "We will continue
Iran is the third largest oil supplier to Japan in terms of
volume, following Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Given
this, imposing sanctions on Iran is undesirable for Japan,
although it supports a plan to refer Iran to the United Nations
Security Council. Mottaki is scheduled to meet with Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Economy, Trade and Industry
Minister Toshihiro Nikai today.
10) Foreign Minister Aso cools inflammatory remarks about China,
perhaps out of consideration to that country
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Full)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 007 OF 012
Foreign Minister Taro Aso has recently been very carefully
choosing his words when he talks about China. He appears to be
making an effort to improve strained ties with that country ever
since he was blasted for such his remarks as that it would be
desirable for the Emperor to visit Yasukuni Shrine.
Aso joined several senior Foreign Ministry officials on Feb. 26
to view a move (with Ken Takakura) jointly produced by Japan and
China. He praised the film, saying, "Maybe films and arts are
taking the lead over politics." Asked on a TV program on Feb. 19
about whether he would visit Yasukuni Shrine if he became prime
minister, Aso responded to the question in a cautious manner,
saying, "I will put national interests ahead of personal beliefs
and interests."
All the more because Aso is known for his provocative remarks,
such as China's military strength being a "threat" to Japan, some
observers see a big change in his recent words. They think that
the reason is because Economy, Trade and Industry Minister
Toshihiro Nikai met in Beijing with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao
even though Aso himself has been unable to meet his Chinese
counterpart since he assumed his post last November.
Some see his change as a performance to play up that he is a
politically balanced leader, with an eye on the upcoming Liberal
Democratic Party presidential election in September.
11) Prime Minister approves target of doubling inward foreign
direct investment by end of 2011 to 5% share of GDP
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi yesterday met with Haruo
Shimada, special advisor to the Cabinet Office, at the Prime
Minister's Residential Office (Kantei) and approved a proposal to
set a target for the rise in the outstanding balance of inward
foreign direct investment, such as investment in Japanese
companies and purchases of such. The target will be a doubling of
the current 2006 level to a 5% share of gross domestic product
(GDP) by the end of 2011. The government will hold a meeting of
the Council on Inward Foreign Direct Investment (CIFDI),chaired
by the prime minister, possibly next week and formally adopt the
newly proposed target. The decision will be incorporated in the
basic policy guidelines on economic and fiscal management and
structural reforms for fiscal 2006, to be adopted at a cabinet
meeting in June.
The government has judged that it is now able to meet the current
target of doubling inward foreign direct investment over five
years that started in late 2001. The new target is aimed to
double that amount as a share of GDP, which is to increase as the
economy grows. The government will begin mapping out specific
investment promotion measures, by setting up a taskforce under
the CIFDI possibly the middle of next month.
12) Minshuto to punish Nagata for e-mail fiasco; Nagata to make
apology at press conference
YOMIURI (Page 1) (Full)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 008 OF 012
The main opposition party Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan)
decided yesterday to apply party rules to punish House of
Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata, who had claimed by citing
an e-mail that former Livedoor Co. President Takafumi Horie sent
30 million yen to Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary
General Tsutomu Takebe's son. Minshuto made the decision because
it has learned through its investigation into the authenticity of
the e-mail Nagata cited in the Diet that it is unlikely the e-
mail was sent from Horie.
The expectation is that the party will impose light punishment on
Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Noda and other executive members
for supervisory responsibility. President Seiji Maehara and
Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama will hold separately press
conferences this evening to offer their apologies. The two
leaders will explain the party's decision.
Prior to the other press conferences, Nagata is expected to hold
his own one. Nagata had expressed his desire to resign his seat,
but he has since told Hatoyama his intention to remain in the
Diet. Hatoyama will convey the party's decision to Nagata today,
hoping to put an end to the matter. Some Minshuto members,
however, are concerned that the party's decision will not
convince the public. They are demanding stricter punishment of
Hatoyama talked yesterday by phone with Nagata, still
hospitalized in a Tokyo, and he asked him to let him handle his
political fate. Nagata responded, "I understand." Hatoyama then
told reporters, "He should sincerely apologize for pursuing a
private person, who is the LDP secretary general's son, based on
inappropriate information."
Hatoyama yesterday called at the offices of such veteran
lawmakers as former party head Naoto Kan and former deputy head
Ichiro Ozawa to explain the party's decision.
13) Horie e-mail: "One way of DPJ taking responsibility is for
party head to quit"
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Slightly abridged)
February 28, 2006
Prime Minister Koizumi last evening dined with Lower House
Speaker Kono, Vice Speaker Yokomichi and three top Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) at the Lower House Speaker's official
residence. According to a participant, the prime minister,
referring to the e-mail at issue, touched on a possible situation
in which Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ = Minshuto) head Maehara
and Diet Policy Committee Chairman Yoshihiko Noda may take
responsibility, by saying, "There are ways of the head of the
party stepping down or his subordinate quitting instead."
Yokomichi, a former DPJ member who has temporarily left the party
to serve as Lower House speaker, criticized the prime minister's
remark, "Mr. Maehara is young."
14) What made Nagata believe that partially blackened out money
remittance e-mail was authentic? Minshuto's explanation vital
ASAHI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 009 OF 012
The major opposition party Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan)
concluded yesterday that a copy of the e-mail produced at the
Diet by its House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata was
insufficient as evidence. The grounds for Nagata's allegation
have thus collapsed. What made Nagata believe that the e-mail was
conclusive evidence? Did he carefully examine it beforehand?
Public distrust might grow stronger unless all these points are
thoroughly explained in Nagata's press conference today and the
party's interim report.
Sender and recipient were one and same person
When Nagata produced a copy of the e-mail in question in the Feb.
16 Budget Committee session, its sender and recipient were
blackened out with a marker. But Nagata categorically said in a
subsequent press conference, "The e-mail was sent by (former
Livedoor Co. President Takafumi) Horie and the recipient was a
Livedoor employee."
The party eventually obtained a copy of the same e-mail and found
that the e-mail addresses of its sender and recipient were the
same as that of the person who had provided the information to
Nagata. This suggested that a copy of the e-mail Nagata has
obtained was not authentic.
Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Yoshihiko Noda revealed to the
press last night that the e-mail's sender and recipient had been
blackened out when Nagata obtained it from the person in
Noda also indicated that when he told Nagata late last week that
the e-mail's sender and recipient might be the same person,
Nagata was flabbergasted. Noda emphatically said, "Those lines
were not blackened out by Mr. Nagata."
Nagata himself told the Feb. 16 press conference, "When I saw the
e-mail, part of it was blackened out." Despite that, he insisted
that former Livedoor President Horie had sent it. Nagata's basis
for making such a judgment will be questioned today.
15) LDP Secretary General Takebe to file suit claiming slander
SANKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
February 28, 2006
The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito yesterday
held a meeting of the government-ruling coalition council, where
the two ruling parties agreed to pursue not only the
responsibility of House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata
of Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan),including his
resignation as a Diet member, but also the Minshuto leadership's
responsibility, including President Seiji Maehara. LDP Secretary
General Tsutomu Takebe also declared he would file a suit
alleging slander and seek compensation on behalf of himself and
his son.
In the council meeting, New Komeito Secretary General Tetsuzo
Fuyushiba pointed out: "Minshuto President Maehara stated he was
sure about (the suspicions). He has a heavy responsibility for
that, aside from that of Mr. Nagata." Referring to Minshuto
Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama's allegations that there were
connections between the investment union used by Livedoor Co. and
TOKYO 00001048 010 OF 012
an LDP lawmaker, Fuyushiba indicated an intention to pursue him,
saying: "He hasn't presented any grounds for the suspicions."
Following Fuyushiba, Takebe also stated: "Minshuto members,
including President Maehara and Secretary General Hatoyama, have
repeated the suspicions in public as though they were fact
without showing any grounds. Depending on what happens in the
press conferences tomorrow, I would deal with them severely."
16) Horie e-mail: Hard-line argument for not accepting lawmaker
Nagata's apology rises in LDP
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Excerpts)
February 28, 2006
In dealing with the e-mail that Lower House member Hisayasu
Nagata of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ = Minshuto) brought
up during Lower House Budget Committee sessions, the Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito yesterday determined
that they would take a harsh response, including pressing ahead
with a disciplinary motion, which has already been submitted,
unless Nagata quits as lawmaker. Some LDP members have said that
it is better not to corner the DPJ. However, alarmed about such a
stance being taken as complicity between the ruling and
opposition camps, there are growing calls for a firm stance.
LDP Secretary General Takebe during yesterday's consultative
meeting between the government and the ruling parties insisted:
"This issue cannot be settled with Mr. Nagata making a
superficial apology to the public. I had the impression that Mr.
Nagata entered the hospital in order to buy time and dodge his
responsibility. If he refuses to quit as lawmaker, I would like
him to be punished." LDP Upper House Caucus Chairman Aoki noted,
"There were news reports noting that the LDP said, 'It is easy to
steer the Diet with Maehara in charge. But the case this time is
different. We will absolutely not allow the case to vaporize."
New Komeito Secretary General Fuyushiba echoed Aoki, "This is the
fifth submission of a punitive motion against Mr. Nagata. He
should be disciplined in a strict manner."
In view of the DPJ's behavior eroding trust in the Diet as a
whole, the LDP's Project Team on Dignity and Authority of the
Diet yesterday held its first meeting in the Diet. The meeting
decided to compile a set of proposals for better Diet discussions
and to present a report to the Diet Steering Committee and other
related panels.
The prevailing view on this issue in the LDP had been sympathy
toward Maehara, and Executive Council Chairman Kyuma noted, "It
is not necessary for Mr. Nagata to take such a drastic step as
quitting as a lawmaker." The LDP leadership, though, has
determined that as Maehara has claimed that "there is massive
darkness in the LDP," a failure to confront the DPJ could lead to
doubts that the LDP has something to hide.
The Diet Law stipulates four ranks of punishments: (1)
admonishment; (2) apology; (3) suspension of attendance at Diet
sessions; and (4) expulsion. LDP Acting Secretary General Ichiro
Aizawa appearing on a TV program on Feb. 26, saying, "Mr. Nagata
deserves a punishment harsher than admonishment."
17) Horie e-mail issue: LDP-posed motion to punish Nagata comes
TOKYO 00001048 011 OF 012
into focus; Governing coalition looking into response by Minshuto
(Democratic Party of Japan)
SANKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
February 28, 1006
Minshuto House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata and
other lawmakers will today hold a press conference to apologize
about the mess over the so-called Horie e-mail issue. Drawing
public attention is what will happen to a motion for disciplinary
measures the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has introduced in the
Lower House. In many cases, such motions are proposed only as a
gesture and come to nothing. This time seems different, however.
Looking into how Minshuto will respond to the controversial e-
mail issue, the ruling coalition intends to call for strict
punishment if Nagata fails to show contrition properly.
At a meeting yesterday of the government-ruling coalition
council, LDP Secretary General Tsutomu Takebe stressed: "If Mr.
Nagata isn't going to resign, we'll then assume a tough stance to
punish him." New Komeito Secretary General Tetsuzo Fuyushiba, as
well, pointed out: "The motion this time (for disciplinary
measures) against Mr. Nagata is the fifth one. We think it is
necessary to punish him severely in order to make clear who is
Both the houses of the Diet are allowed to punish members.
Punitive measures consist of four levels in the order of light to
heavy: 1) reprimand; 2) apology; 3) suspension for up to 30 days;
and 4) expulsion. When a motion for disciplinary measures is
proposed, the motion is discussed first in the Steering Committee
and then in the Disciplinary Committee. After receiving a report
from the Disciplinary Committee, a plenary session makes a final
decision whether to take disciplinary measures.
The LDP on Feb. 17 introduced a motion against Nagata. The motion
is now being discussed at the Lower House Steering Committee.
Once the motion is sent to the Lower House Disciplinary
Committee, public attention will be focused on what disciplinary
measures will be taken against him. Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi, however, said at the party executive meetings yesterday:
"Expulsion is like a death sentence. We need to give due
consideration to public opinion."
Motions for disciplinary measures introduced to date against
House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata
1. Date of submission
2. Proponents
3. Reasons
4. Result
1. Oct. 6, 2000
2. LDP, New Komeito, and the now defunct Conservative Party
3. Interference with the explanation of amendment to the Public
Office Election Law at the Upper House plenary session
4. Shelved
1. April 26, 2002
2. LDP, New Komeito, and Conservative Party
3. Shouted when a Conservative Party member explained a bill in
the Lower House plenary session
TOKYO 00001048 012 OF 012
4. Shelved
1. June 7, 2004
2. LDP
3. Obstructed the Upper House president's entry into the
plenary hall over pension reform-related bills at the Upper House
plenary session
4. Shelved
1. July 8, 2005
2. New Komeito
3. Slandered New Komeito's election campaigning at the Special
Election Committee on Ethics
4. Shelved
1. Feb. 17, 2006
2. LDP (backed by New Komeito)
3. Slandered LDP secretary general's son based on e-mail that
alleged 30-million-yen transfer of funds
4. Undecided
E.O. 12958: N/A
1) Top headlines
2) Editorials
3) Prime Minister's daily schedule
Defense and security issues:
4) US Embassy official denies revision of Futenma relocation
5) Asahi poll of Iwakuni City residents shows 71% against
transfer of carrier-borne jets from Atsugi, while 60% call
Iwakuni base a "nuisance"
6) Keen Edge: US, Japanese forces conduct desk-top war game
positing North Korea, China as "hypothetical enemies"
7) USFJ realignment talks stall over cost to Japanese
government of relocating
8) Foreign Ministry will not reopen historical investigation of
charges of "secret pact" between US, Japan on Okinawa reversion
Foreign Minister Aso in action:
9) Aso stiffed by Iran's foreign minister on nuclear issue:
"Inconceivable" that program will be halted
10) In apparent change of consideration, Foreign Minister Aso
toning down rhetoric toward China
11) Prime Minister Koizumi approves target of doubling direct
inward investment in Japan by end of 2011 to equivalent of 5% of
Livedoor e-mail fiasco:
12) Minshuto lawmaker Nagata to apologize today for fake e-mail
charging LDP Takebe's son with taking bribe from Livedoor's
Horie; Party may punish Nagata
13) Koizumi on Nagata's e-mail caper: "The boss (Maehara)
usually commits ritual suicide"; Yokomichi, deputy LH speaker:
"Maehara is still a school kid"
14) Why was Nagata so gullible to believe a phony e-mail?
15) LDP Secretary General Takebe threatens to sue for defamation
of character
16) LDP plans to take hard-line stand toward Minshuto over e-
mail fiasco
17) E-mail showdown not the first such row between the ruling
and opposition camps in the Diet
Home appliance makers to hire more new graduates in fiscal 2007;
120% increase for Toshiba and 37% for Sharp
Toshiba, Orix cancel joint Yamaguchi coal power plant plan due to
global warming and Environment Ministry's opposition
Structural calculation sheets for 50 buildings lost or missing;
Requests for calculation sheets growing following building code
violation scandal
Nihon Keizai:
TOKYO 00001048 002 OF 012
LDP Tax Commission to reexamine corporate depreciation system to
allow capital investment to be recorded as losses
Japan-US Keen Edge command-post drill regards North Korea and
China as hypothetical enemies; Improved liaison and coordination
eyed for integrated operations
Tokyo Shimbun:
Minshuto to avert Nagata's resignation over e-mail fiasco;
Hatoyama responsible for party's measures considering punishing
some party executives
(1) Iraq crisis: Civil war may break out
(2) Iwakuni municipal plebiscite: State policy not a taboo
(1) Total defeat in the Winter Olympics: Athletic rejuvenation
(2) Pre-implantation diagnosis not a dream
(1) Stiffer penalties will not end bid rigging
(2) LDP think-tank insufficient to put end to bureaucracy-led
Nihon Keizai:
(1) Expectations and concern regarding President Bush's planned
visits to India, Pakistan
(2) Price high for neglect of people by Arroyo administration
(1) Torino Winter Olympics end: More reform necessary for the
next Olympics
(2) Iran's nuclear program: Suspicions must be dispelled
Tokyo Shimbun:
(1) No room for optimism in determining earthquake-resistance
levels and improving buildings
(2) Kyoto Protocol targets must be met
3) Prime Minister's Official Residence (Kantei)
Prime Minister's schedule, February 27
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Met at Kantei with Science and Technology Minister Matsuda,
lawmaker Hiroyuki Abe, member of Council for Science and
Technology Policy, and Cabinet Office Vice Minister Erikawa.
Met with Haruo Shimada, special advisor to the Cabinet Office,
and METI Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau chief Ishida. .
Met at LDP headquarters with Tax Research Commission Chairman
TOKYO 00001048 003 OF 012
Yanagisawa, sub-commission chairman Ibuki, followed by Secretary
General Takebe.
Attended LDP Election Strategy Headquarters meeting. Met with
Takebe, General Council Chairman Kyuma, Policy Research Council
Chairman Nakagawa and Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Hosoda.
Attended party board meeting.
Returned to his office.
Met at Lower House speaker's official residence with Speaker Kono
and Vice Speaker Yokomichi, Takebe and Hosoda.
Returned to his official residence.
4) US Embassy security unit chief denies revision of Futenma
relocation plan
TOKYO (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Kevin Maher, the security unit chief of the US Embassy in Japan
gave a speech on Feb. 27 in Naha City in which he stressed that
there is no current thinking in the US government about revising
the basic plan to relocate MCAS Futenma to the coastal portion of
Camp Schwab. He said, "It is not desirable to renegotiate a plan
that was basically agreed to (by the US and Japan)."
On the other hand, he recognized that there might be technical
adjustments needed by Japan and the US even after the final
report, stating: "Since it will take time to iron out the
details, I think it would be possible that even after the final
report is issued, it may take several months before we complete
the concrete plan."
Touching on the reversion of bases in the south central portion
of the main island, talks on which are at the final stage, Maher
said: "If we just carry out individual portions of the interim
report, the whole thing falls apart." He stressed the US stance
that implementation of the Futenma relocation was the overall
5) Poll prior to Iwakuni plebiscite on USFJ realignment finds 71%
opposed to carrier-borne aircraft redeployment; 60% regard base
as nuisance
ASAHI (Page 38) (Full)
February 28, 2006
The city of Iwakuni in Yamaguchi Prefecture will hold a
referendum of its residents on March 12 to ask them whether they
will accept the planned redeployment of US carrier-borne aircraft
to Iwakuni base along with the realignment of US forces in Japan.
The Asahi Shimbun conducted a telephone-based public opinion
survey of Iwakuni citizens on Feb. 25-26 to probe into their
attitudes. In the survey, respondents were asked whether they
TOKYO 00001048 004 OF 012
would accept the redeployment of carrier-borne fighter jets to
the base. In response to this question, 71% answered "no," with
11% saying "yes." As seen from these figures, the greater part of
respondents was negative about the redeployment. Asked whether
they would go to the scheduled referendum, 67% answered "yes." In
addition, 77% noted that the government should respect the
outcome of the local referendum.
The Japanese and US governments will release a final report on
the US military realignment in late March at the earliest, and
Iwakuni is the first among base-hosting municipalities in the
nation to carry out a referendum on the realignment. Its results
could affect the realignment talks between the two countries. All
eyes are therefore on what judgment Iwakuni citizens will hand
Among those opposed to the redeployment of carrier-borne aircraft
to Iwakuni base, three-fourths picked "because it will increase
the possibility of damage, such as noise pollutions and aircraft
accidents." Among other reasons for negative answers were
"because I have been against the base presence from the
beginning," and, "because the government made the decision
without listening to local views." In the survey, respondents
were also asked whether they feel the base is a nuisance. In
response to this question, "yes" answers-broken down to "very
much" and "somewhat"-totaled 60%.
The government is implementing pump-priming measures, such as
infrastructure construction, in localities hosting US military
facilities. In the survey, respondents were asked if they thought
Iwakuni base helps the local economy. In response, "very much"
accounted for 8%, with "somewhat" at 44%.
In the meantime, the Japanese and US governments agreed last fall
on the joint military- civilian use of Iwakuni base. This is
reportedly in return for the city's acceptance of carrier-borne
jets. In the survey, respondents were asked if they thought a
civilian airport would be necessary. In response, negative
answers accounted for 51%, with positive answers at 41% .
Polling methodology: The survey was conducted in the city of
Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, on Feb. 25-26 over the telephone
on a computer-aided random digit dialing (RDD) basis. Respondents
were chosen from among all eligible voters in the city on a three-
stage random-sampling basis. Valid answers were obtained from
1,020 persons (62%).
6) North Korea, China regarded as hypothetical enemies in Japan-
US CPX drill
SANKEI (Top play) (Abridged)
February 28, 2006
Japan's Self-Defense Forces (SDF) and US Forces Japan (USFJ) have
been conducting a command post exercise (CPX),codenamed "Keen
Edge," on a schedule from Feb. 23 through March 3. In this
bilateral joint drill, North Korea and China are regarded as de
facto hypothetical enemies, sources revealed yesterday. The
Defense Agency and the SDF have both denied the "China threat" in
their official views. The CPX drill, however, anticipates
bilateral military operations aimed primarily at facilitating
missile defense and maritime security operations.
TOKYO 00001048 005 OF 012
The ongoing "Keen Edge" exercise is mainly for the purpose of
facilitating communications between the Ground, Maritime, and Air
Self-Defense Forces (GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF) ahead of their
integration in late March. In addition, the CPX drill is also
intended for smooth liaising with USFJ. SDF and USFJ officers are
conducting troop movements on the computer screen, as well as the
flow of command orders and information.
According to informed sources, Japan is a "blue nation" in a CPX
scenario, with the United States being a "green nation". First,
the CPX anticipates that the United States senses moves in a
"purple nation" (North Korea) to fuel a ballistic missile. Japan
and the United States, alerted by the moves, step up their
lookout with US Naval Forces Japan (USNFJ),US Air Force Japan
(USAFJ),and MSDF Aegis-equipped destroyers in the Sea of Japan.
Tensions are growing high in a "brown nation" as well. The ASDF
is then ordered to airlift Japanese nationals from South Korea.
Furthermore, an "orange nation" (China) follows these moves on
the Korean Peninsula, deploying its navy's submarines and other
vessels teamed up with its air force's reconnaissance planes and
other aircrafts. In the CPX drill, Japan and the United States
anticipate a case where a seaborne group of foreign civilians,
possibly Chinese nationals, makes an illegal landing on an
uninhabited islet claimed by both Japan and China, with
unidentified vessels coming around. The SDF is training for
reporting the incident to the prime minister's office and
liaising with the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and the National Police
Agency (NPA).
At the next stage, the MSDF reports the moves of Chinese naval
vessels and submarines staged around the disputed islet. This
stage anticipates their intrusion into Japanese territorial
waters. The MSDF then moves out into maritime security
operations, with all its vessels and aircrafts nearby taking
counteractions at once.
The GSDF is also ready to swing its Western Army troops in order
to cope with the invasion of the islet. The ASDF is also training
to order F-15 squadrons based in mainland prefectures to stand by
for operations at Naha base and Shimojishima Airport in the city
of Miyakojima, Okinawa Prefecture.
7) Japan, US to put off US force realignment talks
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Japan and the US planned to hold deputy director-level talks on
US force realignment in Japan in Tokyo on March 1-2, but they
have now decided to postpone the talks, reflecting little
progress made in negotiations on the planned transfer of bases in
the southern part of Okinawa. The negotiations also cover Japan's
share of the cost for relocating Marines to Guam.
8) Government decides not to reopen investigation of charges of
"secret deal" on Okinawa reversion
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 006 OF 012
In a press briefing yesterday, Vice Foreign Minister Shotaro
Yachi indicated that the government would not reopen an
investigation to find whether Japan and the US had actually
reached a secret deal for Japan to bear the necessary cost for
the return of Okinawa to Japan, as has been claimed by Bunroku
Yoshino. Yoshino had been in charge of negotiations with the US
on the reversion of Okinawa as chief of the Foreign Ministry's
American Affairs Bureau. Yachi said: "In response to an inquiry
by then Foreign Minister Yohei Kono (in 2000),the former chief
replied that there had been no secret pact. What is the point of
asking him another question?"
9) Iranian foreign minister to Aso: Halting nuclear program is
YOMIURI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki, who arrived in Japan yesterday,
met with Foreign Minister Taro Aso at the Iikura Guest House the
same day. Aso conveyed to Mottaki the international community's
strong concern about Iran's resumption of uranium-enrichment
activities, calling for an early suspension of the activities.
But Mottaki replied: "Halting our nuclear program is
inconceivable." The meeting ended without any meeting of minds.
The meeting lasted for 2 hours, though it had been arranged for
only an hour. The two ministers spent one hour and 45 minutes
discussing Iran's nuclear issue.
Aso called for Iran to swiftly give up its nuclear ambitions and
cooperate with inspections by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA),saying: "Iran's refusal to give up nuclear
activities will only lead to making it difficult to resolve the
nuclear dispute. I hope Iran will make a wise, constructive
In response, Mottaki said: "The peaceful use of atomic energy is
Iran's right. We cannot accept nuclear apartheid." He reiterated
Iran's determination to continue nuclear research and development
activities within the nation.
The two ministers also referred to an agreement reportedly
"reached in principle" between Iran and Russia on establishing a
joint uranium enrichment venture for uranium enrichment
activities. On this issue, Mottaki just said: "We will continue
Iran is the third largest oil supplier to Japan in terms of
volume, following Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Given
this, imposing sanctions on Iran is undesirable for Japan,
although it supports a plan to refer Iran to the United Nations
Security Council. Mottaki is scheduled to meet with Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Economy, Trade and Industry
Minister Toshihiro Nikai today.
10) Foreign Minister Aso cools inflammatory remarks about China,
perhaps out of consideration to that country
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Full)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 007 OF 012
Foreign Minister Taro Aso has recently been very carefully
choosing his words when he talks about China. He appears to be
making an effort to improve strained ties with that country ever
since he was blasted for such his remarks as that it would be
desirable for the Emperor to visit Yasukuni Shrine.
Aso joined several senior Foreign Ministry officials on Feb. 26
to view a move (with Ken Takakura) jointly produced by Japan and
China. He praised the film, saying, "Maybe films and arts are
taking the lead over politics." Asked on a TV program on Feb. 19
about whether he would visit Yasukuni Shrine if he became prime
minister, Aso responded to the question in a cautious manner,
saying, "I will put national interests ahead of personal beliefs
and interests."
All the more because Aso is known for his provocative remarks,
such as China's military strength being a "threat" to Japan, some
observers see a big change in his recent words. They think that
the reason is because Economy, Trade and Industry Minister
Toshihiro Nikai met in Beijing with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao
even though Aso himself has been unable to meet his Chinese
counterpart since he assumed his post last November.
Some see his change as a performance to play up that he is a
politically balanced leader, with an eye on the upcoming Liberal
Democratic Party presidential election in September.
11) Prime Minister approves target of doubling inward foreign
direct investment by end of 2011 to 5% share of GDP
NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
February 28, 2006
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi yesterday met with Haruo
Shimada, special advisor to the Cabinet Office, at the Prime
Minister's Residential Office (Kantei) and approved a proposal to
set a target for the rise in the outstanding balance of inward
foreign direct investment, such as investment in Japanese
companies and purchases of such. The target will be a doubling of
the current 2006 level to a 5% share of gross domestic product
(GDP) by the end of 2011. The government will hold a meeting of
the Council on Inward Foreign Direct Investment (CIFDI),chaired
by the prime minister, possibly next week and formally adopt the
newly proposed target. The decision will be incorporated in the
basic policy guidelines on economic and fiscal management and
structural reforms for fiscal 2006, to be adopted at a cabinet
meeting in June.
The government has judged that it is now able to meet the current
target of doubling inward foreign direct investment over five
years that started in late 2001. The new target is aimed to
double that amount as a share of GDP, which is to increase as the
economy grows. The government will begin mapping out specific
investment promotion measures, by setting up a taskforce under
the CIFDI possibly the middle of next month.
12) Minshuto to punish Nagata for e-mail fiasco; Nagata to make
apology at press conference
YOMIURI (Page 1) (Full)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 008 OF 012
The main opposition party Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan)
decided yesterday to apply party rules to punish House of
Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata, who had claimed by citing
an e-mail that former Livedoor Co. President Takafumi Horie sent
30 million yen to Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary
General Tsutomu Takebe's son. Minshuto made the decision because
it has learned through its investigation into the authenticity of
the e-mail Nagata cited in the Diet that it is unlikely the e-
mail was sent from Horie.
The expectation is that the party will impose light punishment on
Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Noda and other executive members
for supervisory responsibility. President Seiji Maehara and
Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama will hold separately press
conferences this evening to offer their apologies. The two
leaders will explain the party's decision.
Prior to the other press conferences, Nagata is expected to hold
his own one. Nagata had expressed his desire to resign his seat,
but he has since told Hatoyama his intention to remain in the
Diet. Hatoyama will convey the party's decision to Nagata today,
hoping to put an end to the matter. Some Minshuto members,
however, are concerned that the party's decision will not
convince the public. They are demanding stricter punishment of
Hatoyama talked yesterday by phone with Nagata, still
hospitalized in a Tokyo, and he asked him to let him handle his
political fate. Nagata responded, "I understand." Hatoyama then
told reporters, "He should sincerely apologize for pursuing a
private person, who is the LDP secretary general's son, based on
inappropriate information."
Hatoyama yesterday called at the offices of such veteran
lawmakers as former party head Naoto Kan and former deputy head
Ichiro Ozawa to explain the party's decision.
13) Horie e-mail: "One way of DPJ taking responsibility is for
party head to quit"
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Slightly abridged)
February 28, 2006
Prime Minister Koizumi last evening dined with Lower House
Speaker Kono, Vice Speaker Yokomichi and three top Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) at the Lower House Speaker's official
residence. According to a participant, the prime minister,
referring to the e-mail at issue, touched on a possible situation
in which Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ = Minshuto) head Maehara
and Diet Policy Committee Chairman Yoshihiko Noda may take
responsibility, by saying, "There are ways of the head of the
party stepping down or his subordinate quitting instead."
Yokomichi, a former DPJ member who has temporarily left the party
to serve as Lower House speaker, criticized the prime minister's
remark, "Mr. Maehara is young."
14) What made Nagata believe that partially blackened out money
remittance e-mail was authentic? Minshuto's explanation vital
ASAHI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
February 28, 2006
TOKYO 00001048 009 OF 012
The major opposition party Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan)
concluded yesterday that a copy of the e-mail produced at the
Diet by its House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata was
insufficient as evidence. The grounds for Nagata's allegation
have thus collapsed. What made Nagata believe that the e-mail was
conclusive evidence? Did he carefully examine it beforehand?
Public distrust might grow stronger unless all these points are
thoroughly explained in Nagata's press conference today and the
party's interim report.
Sender and recipient were one and same person
When Nagata produced a copy of the e-mail in question in the Feb.
16 Budget Committee session, its sender and recipient were
blackened out with a marker. But Nagata categorically said in a
subsequent press conference, "The e-mail was sent by (former
Livedoor Co. President Takafumi) Horie and the recipient was a
Livedoor employee."
The party eventually obtained a copy of the same e-mail and found
that the e-mail addresses of its sender and recipient were the
same as that of the person who had provided the information to
Nagata. This suggested that a copy of the e-mail Nagata has
obtained was not authentic.
Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Yoshihiko Noda revealed to the
press last night that the e-mail's sender and recipient had been
blackened out when Nagata obtained it from the person in
Noda also indicated that when he told Nagata late last week that
the e-mail's sender and recipient might be the same person,
Nagata was flabbergasted. Noda emphatically said, "Those lines
were not blackened out by Mr. Nagata."
Nagata himself told the Feb. 16 press conference, "When I saw the
e-mail, part of it was blackened out." Despite that, he insisted
that former Livedoor President Horie had sent it. Nagata's basis
for making such a judgment will be questioned today.
15) LDP Secretary General Takebe to file suit claiming slander
SANKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
February 28, 2006
The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito yesterday
held a meeting of the government-ruling coalition council, where
the two ruling parties agreed to pursue not only the
responsibility of House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata
of Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan),including his
resignation as a Diet member, but also the Minshuto leadership's
responsibility, including President Seiji Maehara. LDP Secretary
General Tsutomu Takebe also declared he would file a suit
alleging slander and seek compensation on behalf of himself and
his son.
In the council meeting, New Komeito Secretary General Tetsuzo
Fuyushiba pointed out: "Minshuto President Maehara stated he was
sure about (the suspicions). He has a heavy responsibility for
that, aside from that of Mr. Nagata." Referring to Minshuto
Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama's allegations that there were
connections between the investment union used by Livedoor Co. and
TOKYO 00001048 010 OF 012
an LDP lawmaker, Fuyushiba indicated an intention to pursue him,
saying: "He hasn't presented any grounds for the suspicions."
Following Fuyushiba, Takebe also stated: "Minshuto members,
including President Maehara and Secretary General Hatoyama, have
repeated the suspicions in public as though they were fact
without showing any grounds. Depending on what happens in the
press conferences tomorrow, I would deal with them severely."
16) Horie e-mail: Hard-line argument for not accepting lawmaker
Nagata's apology rises in LDP
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Excerpts)
February 28, 2006
In dealing with the e-mail that Lower House member Hisayasu
Nagata of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ = Minshuto) brought
up during Lower House Budget Committee sessions, the Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito yesterday determined
that they would take a harsh response, including pressing ahead
with a disciplinary motion, which has already been submitted,
unless Nagata quits as lawmaker. Some LDP members have said that
it is better not to corner the DPJ. However, alarmed about such a
stance being taken as complicity between the ruling and
opposition camps, there are growing calls for a firm stance.
LDP Secretary General Takebe during yesterday's consultative
meeting between the government and the ruling parties insisted:
"This issue cannot be settled with Mr. Nagata making a
superficial apology to the public. I had the impression that Mr.
Nagata entered the hospital in order to buy time and dodge his
responsibility. If he refuses to quit as lawmaker, I would like
him to be punished." LDP Upper House Caucus Chairman Aoki noted,
"There were news reports noting that the LDP said, 'It is easy to
steer the Diet with Maehara in charge. But the case this time is
different. We will absolutely not allow the case to vaporize."
New Komeito Secretary General Fuyushiba echoed Aoki, "This is the
fifth submission of a punitive motion against Mr. Nagata. He
should be disciplined in a strict manner."
In view of the DPJ's behavior eroding trust in the Diet as a
whole, the LDP's Project Team on Dignity and Authority of the
Diet yesterday held its first meeting in the Diet. The meeting
decided to compile a set of proposals for better Diet discussions
and to present a report to the Diet Steering Committee and other
related panels.
The prevailing view on this issue in the LDP had been sympathy
toward Maehara, and Executive Council Chairman Kyuma noted, "It
is not necessary for Mr. Nagata to take such a drastic step as
quitting as a lawmaker." The LDP leadership, though, has
determined that as Maehara has claimed that "there is massive
darkness in the LDP," a failure to confront the DPJ could lead to
doubts that the LDP has something to hide.
The Diet Law stipulates four ranks of punishments: (1)
admonishment; (2) apology; (3) suspension of attendance at Diet
sessions; and (4) expulsion. LDP Acting Secretary General Ichiro
Aizawa appearing on a TV program on Feb. 26, saying, "Mr. Nagata
deserves a punishment harsher than admonishment."
17) Horie e-mail issue: LDP-posed motion to punish Nagata comes
TOKYO 00001048 011 OF 012
into focus; Governing coalition looking into response by Minshuto
(Democratic Party of Japan)
SANKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
February 28, 1006
Minshuto House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata and
other lawmakers will today hold a press conference to apologize
about the mess over the so-called Horie e-mail issue. Drawing
public attention is what will happen to a motion for disciplinary
measures the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has introduced in the
Lower House. In many cases, such motions are proposed only as a
gesture and come to nothing. This time seems different, however.
Looking into how Minshuto will respond to the controversial e-
mail issue, the ruling coalition intends to call for strict
punishment if Nagata fails to show contrition properly.
At a meeting yesterday of the government-ruling coalition
council, LDP Secretary General Tsutomu Takebe stressed: "If Mr.
Nagata isn't going to resign, we'll then assume a tough stance to
punish him." New Komeito Secretary General Tetsuzo Fuyushiba, as
well, pointed out: "The motion this time (for disciplinary
measures) against Mr. Nagata is the fifth one. We think it is
necessary to punish him severely in order to make clear who is
Both the houses of the Diet are allowed to punish members.
Punitive measures consist of four levels in the order of light to
heavy: 1) reprimand; 2) apology; 3) suspension for up to 30 days;
and 4) expulsion. When a motion for disciplinary measures is
proposed, the motion is discussed first in the Steering Committee
and then in the Disciplinary Committee. After receiving a report
from the Disciplinary Committee, a plenary session makes a final
decision whether to take disciplinary measures.
The LDP on Feb. 17 introduced a motion against Nagata. The motion
is now being discussed at the Lower House Steering Committee.
Once the motion is sent to the Lower House Disciplinary
Committee, public attention will be focused on what disciplinary
measures will be taken against him. Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi, however, said at the party executive meetings yesterday:
"Expulsion is like a death sentence. We need to give due
consideration to public opinion."
Motions for disciplinary measures introduced to date against
House of Representatives member Hisayasu Nagata
1. Date of submission
2. Proponents
3. Reasons
4. Result
1. Oct. 6, 2000
2. LDP, New Komeito, and the now defunct Conservative Party
3. Interference with the explanation of amendment to the Public
Office Election Law at the Upper House plenary session
4. Shelved
1. April 26, 2002
2. LDP, New Komeito, and Conservative Party
3. Shouted when a Conservative Party member explained a bill in
the Lower House plenary session
TOKYO 00001048 012 OF 012
4. Shelved
1. June 7, 2004
2. LDP
3. Obstructed the Upper House president's entry into the
plenary hall over pension reform-related bills at the Upper House
plenary session
4. Shelved
1. July 8, 2005
2. New Komeito
3. Slandered New Komeito's election campaigning at the Special
Election Committee on Ethics
4. Shelved
1. Feb. 17, 2006
2. LDP (backed by New Komeito)
3. Slandered LDP secretary general's son based on e-mail that
alleged 30-million-yen transfer of funds
4. Undecided