2006-02-09 14:03:00
Embassy Rabat
Cable title:
S E C R E T RABAT 000215
E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/01/2009
Classified By: Defense Attache Colonel Solomon for Reasons 1.4 (b) and
S E C R E T RABAT 000215
E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/01/2009
Classified By: Defense Attache Colonel Solomon for Reasons 1.4 (b) and
1. (C) Summary: The US Mission and the Moroccan government
warmly welcome your upcoming visit. We believe King Mohammed
will see the visit as reinforcement of our solid relationship
with Morocco, a relationship the King considers very
important. Morocco continues cooperation with us to counter
terror, and has indicated it would like to deepen military
and security cooperation with the United States. Morocco has
been designated a Major Non-NATO Ally (June 2004); and in the
same month hosted a major, U.S. led multi-national exercise,
MAJESTIC EAGLE, using the Cap Draa range. Morocco has also
signed a NATO Security agreement, and an Article 98 agreement
with the U.S. End Summary.
Bilateral Developments
2. (C) In the two years following the May 2003 Casablanca
terrorist bombings, the United States has quadrupled
non-military assistance to Morocco, doubled military
assistance, declared Morocco a Major Non-NATO Ally, concluded
and ratified a Free Trade Agreement, hosted visits by the
King and PM Jettou to Washington, established naval and legal
attach offices at Embassy Rabat, expanded counter-terrorism
training and assistance, announced Morocco's Millennium
Challenge Account eligibility, conducted large-scale military
exercises in Morocco and off its coast, and carried out a
series of high level visits to Morocco. In addition, the US
provided much appreciated humanitarian assistance in response
to both the Al-Hoceima earthquake and a 2005 locust invasion.
The US was instrumental, through Presidential Envoy Senator
Lugar, in securing the release of the final 404 Moroccan POWs
held by the Polisario, in August 2005.
3. (C) Most recently, FBI Director Mueller met King
Mohammed VI in Rabat on February 7 and discussed
counterterrorism cooperation, the opening of the Embassy's
FBI office, and the importance of solving the Western Sahara
Algeria and Western Sahara
4. (C) Morocco,s relations with Algeria remain sour. The
Western Sahara issue remains a key; without a resolution to
this long-standing dispute, limited Moroccan resources that
could be utilized more productively elsewhere will go to
maintaining security in the territory, where roughly
two-thirds of the Moroccan army is deployed.
5. (C) While eager for an internationally sanctioned
resolution to the dispute, the GOM is not waiting for one to
entrench its presence in the territory, "Moroccanizing" the
Western Sahara. The government intends to demonstrate to its
domestic and international audiences that the Western Sahara
can thrive as an autonomous part of the Kingdom.
6. (SBU) We continue to urge Morocco and Algeria to improve
their dialogue and avoid negative public rhetoric. We
contribute to the annual budget of MINURSO, the peacekeeping
force in the territory, and support confidence-building
measures such as family visits between Morocco and
Polisario-controlled areas. The last American military
observers in MINURSO departed in 2003. The largest
contingents currently belong to the French, Russians, and
Middle East
7. (C) Palestinian President Abbas visited Morocco in May,
2005, and King Mohammed met briefly with Shimon Peres in
Madrid earlier in 2005. The Israeli liaison office in Rabat,
closed during the second intifada, remains shuttered.
Morocco continues to play an active role in bringing together
Christian, Islamic, and Jewish religious leaders.
8. (C) On Iraq, the GOM continues to play a discreet but
supportive role. However, the GOM has not publicly condemned
terrorist attacks in Baghdad in the same way it has condemned
attacks elsewhere. Two employees of the Moroccan Embassy in
Baghdad are currently being held hostage; there have been
strong public statements and demonstrations of support for
them and against the kidnappers, from the King and the
Moroccan people. Morocco has, at the request of DoD, assigned
a liaison officer to CENTCOM HQ in Tampa (and another to
JFCOM HQ in Norfolk). The Iraqis have a new Ambassador in
Rabat who is visible and active, but there is no Moroccan
Ambassador in Baghdad.
9. (C) Morocco is pressing internal reform on all fronts: in
women's rights; in the media; in education; in the economic
realm, with FTA implementation and liberalization of the
banking/financial sector; and, in the religious sphere, where
Morocco's Ministry of Islamic Affairs is restructuring
mosques and Islamic education to promote tolerance and
moderation. The USG is actively supporting many of these
efforts, including through direct (MEPI, ESF and USAID DA)
funding. Morocco's Equity & Reconciliation Commission,
established to examine human rights abuses between 1956 and
1999, has recently completed its work and submitted its final
report to the King, who has decreed that the findings should
be made public.
Military Background
10. (C//NF) In recent years, the Moroccans have demonstrated
commitment to our military relationship, as well as to
supporting US strategic interests abroad. In 2004, they
hosted a major exercise, MAJESTIC EAGLE, which included
participation from ten NATO countries. They have also hosted
US forces at various training exercises, and have provided
critical staging, overflight and logistical support for U.S.
forces in transit. Post annually processes several hundred
aircraft and ship clearances, many at short notice, and not a
single U.S. request has been denied. No other country gets
that much privilege here, even France.
Cooperation in the War on Terror
11. (C//NF) Moroccan cooperation with the U.S. in countering
terrorism continues to be excellent, notably in the areas of
intelligence sharing, arrests, border security, and in
restricting terrorist financing. The strength of this law
enforcement cooperation was underlined just last week by the
visit to Morocco of FBI Director Mueller, who also had an
audience with the King. The Royal Moroccan military, which
plays a peripheral role in counter-terrorism, signed a
"coalition of the willing vision statement" to improve
regional cooperation in the Pan-Sahel at the last EUCOM
Chiefs of Defense Conference in Stuttgart. Also, the Moroccan
Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior and the Gendarmerie
respond enthusiastically to our invitations to attend
counter-terrorism seminars and education programs associated
with the DOD Counter-Terrorism Fellowship, the Marshall
Center, and the Near East & South Asia Center at National
Defense University.
The Cap Draa (Tan Tan) Range
12. (C//NF) Morocco continues to support our joint
development of the Cap Draa training area. The site is an
exceptional training area because of its size, remoteness,
and coastal location which can accommodate naval and
amphibious training as well as large-scale ground and air
training. A US Naval Construction Battalion participated in
an Engineering Exercise with Moroccan Armed Forces engineers
during AFRICAN LION 05 (Feb ) May 05). They completed two
fifty foot range towers, a helicopter landing pad, a trench
and bunker area, a small arms range, and a parachute drop
zone improvement, as well as improving the beachhead. The
next AFRICAN LION is scheduled for May - June, 2006.
International Peacekeeping
13. (C//NF) Morocco has been involved in UN PKO since shortly
after independence in 1956. Morocco has recently contributed
peacekeeping contingents in Bosnia, Kosovo, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, and Haiti. Morocco has
offered to train Iraqi Police and Civil Protection personnel
in Morocco.
Military Assistance
14. (C//NF) The Moroccans responded very positively to
increased Foreign Military Financing (FMF),which, coupled
with the continued generous transfers of Excess Defense
Articles (EDA),demonstrates our interest and commitment to
our military relationship. Much of U.S. FMF is used to buy
spare parts for aging equipment. FMF and continued access to
EDA play a significant factor in maintaining access to
Moroccan bases and training areas and influences Moroccan
decision-making in supporting our broader strategic interests.
Engagement Activities
15. (C//NF) Morocco became one of the first African
countries to participate in EUCOM,s Military to Military
Contact Program and the State Partnership Program, with the
Utah National Guard (UTNG). The UTNG demonstrated great
initiative through emergency relief efforts after the
Al-Hociema earthquake in Feb 2004. UTNG hosted a visit of 13
Moroccans to Utah in June 2004, and in Feb 2005 Morocco
hosted a reciprocal visit. The program was personally
approved by the King, and has great support by the state of
ACSA Agreement
16. (C) Morocco is on the verge of signing an Acquisition
and Cross-Servicing Agreement.
Visit Embassy Rabat's Classified Website;
E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/01/2009
Classified By: Defense Attache Colonel Solomon for Reasons 1.4 (b) and
1. (C) Summary: The US Mission and the Moroccan government
warmly welcome your upcoming visit. We believe King Mohammed
will see the visit as reinforcement of our solid relationship
with Morocco, a relationship the King considers very
important. Morocco continues cooperation with us to counter
terror, and has indicated it would like to deepen military
and security cooperation with the United States. Morocco has
been designated a Major Non-NATO Ally (June 2004); and in the
same month hosted a major, U.S. led multi-national exercise,
MAJESTIC EAGLE, using the Cap Draa range. Morocco has also
signed a NATO Security agreement, and an Article 98 agreement
with the U.S. End Summary.
Bilateral Developments
2. (C) In the two years following the May 2003 Casablanca
terrorist bombings, the United States has quadrupled
non-military assistance to Morocco, doubled military
assistance, declared Morocco a Major Non-NATO Ally, concluded
and ratified a Free Trade Agreement, hosted visits by the
King and PM Jettou to Washington, established naval and legal
attach offices at Embassy Rabat, expanded counter-terrorism
training and assistance, announced Morocco's Millennium
Challenge Account eligibility, conducted large-scale military
exercises in Morocco and off its coast, and carried out a
series of high level visits to Morocco. In addition, the US
provided much appreciated humanitarian assistance in response
to both the Al-Hoceima earthquake and a 2005 locust invasion.
The US was instrumental, through Presidential Envoy Senator
Lugar, in securing the release of the final 404 Moroccan POWs
held by the Polisario, in August 2005.
3. (C) Most recently, FBI Director Mueller met King
Mohammed VI in Rabat on February 7 and discussed
counterterrorism cooperation, the opening of the Embassy's
FBI office, and the importance of solving the Western Sahara
Algeria and Western Sahara
4. (C) Morocco,s relations with Algeria remain sour. The
Western Sahara issue remains a key; without a resolution to
this long-standing dispute, limited Moroccan resources that
could be utilized more productively elsewhere will go to
maintaining security in the territory, where roughly
two-thirds of the Moroccan army is deployed.
5. (C) While eager for an internationally sanctioned
resolution to the dispute, the GOM is not waiting for one to
entrench its presence in the territory, "Moroccanizing" the
Western Sahara. The government intends to demonstrate to its
domestic and international audiences that the Western Sahara
can thrive as an autonomous part of the Kingdom.
6. (SBU) We continue to urge Morocco and Algeria to improve
their dialogue and avoid negative public rhetoric. We
contribute to the annual budget of MINURSO, the peacekeeping
force in the territory, and support confidence-building
measures such as family visits between Morocco and
Polisario-controlled areas. The last American military
observers in MINURSO departed in 2003. The largest
contingents currently belong to the French, Russians, and
Middle East
7. (C) Palestinian President Abbas visited Morocco in May,
2005, and King Mohammed met briefly with Shimon Peres in
Madrid earlier in 2005. The Israeli liaison office in Rabat,
closed during the second intifada, remains shuttered.
Morocco continues to play an active role in bringing together
Christian, Islamic, and Jewish religious leaders.
8. (C) On Iraq, the GOM continues to play a discreet but
supportive role. However, the GOM has not publicly condemned
terrorist attacks in Baghdad in the same way it has condemned
attacks elsewhere. Two employees of the Moroccan Embassy in
Baghdad are currently being held hostage; there have been
strong public statements and demonstrations of support for
them and against the kidnappers, from the King and the
Moroccan people. Morocco has, at the request of DoD, assigned
a liaison officer to CENTCOM HQ in Tampa (and another to
JFCOM HQ in Norfolk). The Iraqis have a new Ambassador in
Rabat who is visible and active, but there is no Moroccan
Ambassador in Baghdad.
9. (C) Morocco is pressing internal reform on all fronts: in
women's rights; in the media; in education; in the economic
realm, with FTA implementation and liberalization of the
banking/financial sector; and, in the religious sphere, where
Morocco's Ministry of Islamic Affairs is restructuring
mosques and Islamic education to promote tolerance and
moderation. The USG is actively supporting many of these
efforts, including through direct (MEPI, ESF and USAID DA)
funding. Morocco's Equity & Reconciliation Commission,
established to examine human rights abuses between 1956 and
1999, has recently completed its work and submitted its final
report to the King, who has decreed that the findings should
be made public.
Military Background
10. (C//NF) In recent years, the Moroccans have demonstrated
commitment to our military relationship, as well as to
supporting US strategic interests abroad. In 2004, they
hosted a major exercise, MAJESTIC EAGLE, which included
participation from ten NATO countries. They have also hosted
US forces at various training exercises, and have provided
critical staging, overflight and logistical support for U.S.
forces in transit. Post annually processes several hundred
aircraft and ship clearances, many at short notice, and not a
single U.S. request has been denied. No other country gets
that much privilege here, even France.
Cooperation in the War on Terror
11. (C//NF) Moroccan cooperation with the U.S. in countering
terrorism continues to be excellent, notably in the areas of
intelligence sharing, arrests, border security, and in
restricting terrorist financing. The strength of this law
enforcement cooperation was underlined just last week by the
visit to Morocco of FBI Director Mueller, who also had an
audience with the King. The Royal Moroccan military, which
plays a peripheral role in counter-terrorism, signed a
"coalition of the willing vision statement" to improve
regional cooperation in the Pan-Sahel at the last EUCOM
Chiefs of Defense Conference in Stuttgart. Also, the Moroccan
Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior and the Gendarmerie
respond enthusiastically to our invitations to attend
counter-terrorism seminars and education programs associated
with the DOD Counter-Terrorism Fellowship, the Marshall
Center, and the Near East & South Asia Center at National
Defense University.
The Cap Draa (Tan Tan) Range
12. (C//NF) Morocco continues to support our joint
development of the Cap Draa training area. The site is an
exceptional training area because of its size, remoteness,
and coastal location which can accommodate naval and
amphibious training as well as large-scale ground and air
training. A US Naval Construction Battalion participated in
an Engineering Exercise with Moroccan Armed Forces engineers
during AFRICAN LION 05 (Feb ) May 05). They completed two
fifty foot range towers, a helicopter landing pad, a trench
and bunker area, a small arms range, and a parachute drop
zone improvement, as well as improving the beachhead. The
next AFRICAN LION is scheduled for May - June, 2006.
International Peacekeeping
13. (C//NF) Morocco has been involved in UN PKO since shortly
after independence in 1956. Morocco has recently contributed
peacekeeping contingents in Bosnia, Kosovo, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, and Haiti. Morocco has
offered to train Iraqi Police and Civil Protection personnel
in Morocco.
Military Assistance
14. (C//NF) The Moroccans responded very positively to
increased Foreign Military Financing (FMF),which, coupled
with the continued generous transfers of Excess Defense
Articles (EDA),demonstrates our interest and commitment to
our military relationship. Much of U.S. FMF is used to buy
spare parts for aging equipment. FMF and continued access to
EDA play a significant factor in maintaining access to
Moroccan bases and training areas and influences Moroccan
decision-making in supporting our broader strategic interests.
Engagement Activities
15. (C//NF) Morocco became one of the first African
countries to participate in EUCOM,s Military to Military
Contact Program and the State Partnership Program, with the
Utah National Guard (UTNG). The UTNG demonstrated great
initiative through emergency relief efforts after the
Al-Hociema earthquake in Feb 2004. UTNG hosted a visit of 13
Moroccans to Utah in June 2004, and in Feb 2005 Morocco
hosted a reciprocal visit. The program was personally
approved by the King, and has great support by the state of
ACSA Agreement
16. (C) Morocco is on the verge of signing an Acquisition
and Cross-Servicing Agreement.
Visit Embassy Rabat's Classified Website;