2006-02-17 13:11:00
Embassy Oslo
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C O N F I D E N T I A L OSLO 000184 



E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/14/2016

Classified By: Ambassador Ben Whitney, reason 1.4 (d)

C O N F I D E N T I A L OSLO 000184



E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/14/2016

Classified By: Ambassador Ben Whitney, reason 1.4 (d)

1. Summary (C) The time is ripe for you to come to Norway.
In the wake of the Mohammed cartoons, your visit would be a
tangible demonstration of our solidarity and friendship with
Norway. Norway is becoming increasingly important as a
reliable major energy supplier, particularly as energy
resources in the Barents Sea begin to come on line, and could
play such a role to a greater extent to countries dependent
on Russian gas. We need to have a robust and focused
dialogue with the Norwegians about all dimensions of the
"High North," including energy, security, and environment.
Finally, Norway is an important partner in promoting
democracy, human rights, and peace and stability around the
globe. We should emphasize that we support their
international engagement and want to work with them to
advance common objectives. We also want to do our part to
implement your vision for transformational diplomacy and are
looking into reestablishing a presence in the Arctic city of
Tromso. We hope you will accept FM Stoere's invitation to
stop in Northern Norway during your upcoming trip to the
Sofia NATO Ministerial or come when your schedule permits.
End summary.

Supporting our Friends, Strengthening a Partner - FM Stoere
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2. (C) Norway is reeling from the Mohammed cartoon
controversy. Now would be a good opportunity to remind
Norway that we are a true friend, particularly since no
Secretary of State has come on a bilateral visit in recent

memory. The Stoltenberg government got off to a shaky start.
There are those within his government coalition -- the
far-left Socialist Left party -- who want to distance
themselves from us. But, FM Stoere has resisted this
pressure and proven he is a dependable and forthright
partner, who wants to work closely with you to advance
stability and democracy around the globe. Your visit to
Norway would support Stoere's drive to get the bilateral
relationship on the firmest possible footing.

3. (C) Norway is living up to its commitment to support
NATO's stabilization efforts in Afghanistan and is prepared
to take on a military role in Sudan. At present, Norway
leads the PRT in Maimana, has F-16s supporting NATO, and is
preparing to deploy 450 troops to the forward locating base
in Mazar-e-Sharif. Norway has also made Afghanistan a
long-term assistance partner.

4. (C) NATO remains the bedrock of Norwegian security
policy, and Norway remains a staunch defender of NATO's

primacy as Europe's foremost security institution. Norway
has seized on the need for transformation and is undertaking
a massive upheaval in its military forces to ensure that it
can contribute meaningfully to Allied warfighting for years
to come. Norway is "right-thinking" on the full gamut of
NATO issues.

Reliable and Predictable Energy Supplier
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5. (C) Norway, as the world's third largest exporter of both
oil and gas, plays an important stabilizing role in global
energy markets and is a key contributor to energy security.
U.S. petroleum companies have invested more than USD 6
billion on Norway's continental shelf. We want to reinforce
that the U.S. recognizes and greatly appreciates Norway's
contribution to the security and stability of global energy
markets. Your visit would also help motivate the Norwegians
to look seriously into becoming an alternative gas source for
countries vulnerable to Russia's whims.

6. (C) Norway's role in supplying hydrocarbons to the U.S.
is also about to change when the Snow White LNG project in
the Barents comes on line next year. Snow White is projected
to supply about 6 percent of U.S. LNG imports and could
supply more than 10 percent if a planned expansion is
realized. As energy resources are developed in the Barents
region, Norway's strategic location and northern focus will
be of growing importance for us and our allies.

7. (C) Norway greatly appreciates ongoing U.S. cooperation
in addressing the proliferation and environmental risk of the
decaying Russian nuclear fleet in the Kola Peninsula through
programs like the G-8s Global Partnership. As focus on the
"High North" intensifies, the U.S.-Norway bilateral dialogue
gains importance. The Norwegians would value your insights
on how best to engage Russia to ensure a cooperative

Common Values, Goals: Working together to Advance Peace
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8. (C) Norway's peacemaking adds real value. Since 2000,

Norway has led mediation efforts to bring Sri Lanka's warring
sides together, orchestrating the 2002 cease-fire and
continuing efforts to settle the conflict. In Sudan, Norway
joined the U.S. and the UK to advance the peace talks that
produced a North-South deal. In the Middle East, Norway
remains a central element in Palestinian donor efforts and
wants to play a central role through the Ad Hoc Liaison
Committee. During the past fifteen years, Norway has also
supported to varying degrees peace efforts in Guatemala,
Colombia, Haiti, Cyprus, Uganda, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Somalia,
Burma, the Philippines, Aceh and the Balkans. Given Norway's
propensity to work closely with us as it engages in these
efforts, we have everything to gain from encouraging them to

Transformational Diplomacy: Re-establishing a Presence in
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9. (C) We had a presence in the Arctic city of Tromso but
closed it in 1994 following the end of the Cold War and in
the face of tough budgetary times. Inspired by your
transformational diplomacy, our hope is that you could
announce the (re)opening of an American Presence Post. We
believe it is time to re-establish a presence in a dynamic
region that will increasingly become important to U.S.
interests, particularly on energy. Our Mission is prepared
to re-assign one of our officers and cover most of the cost
out of existing program funds for the maintenance of the
presence if this initiative is approved by the Department.

10 (U) We hope you can come soon.
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