2006-08-31 14:52:00
Embassy Moscow
Cable title:
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 MOSCOW 009627
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/31/2016
Classified By: Ambassador William J. Burns: Reasons 1.4 (B) and (D)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 MOSCOW 009627
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/31/2016
Classified By: Ambassador William J. Burns: Reasons 1.4 (B) and (D)
1. (C) Summary: In an August 31 meeting with the
Ambassador, Chairman of the International Relations Committee
of the Russia Duma Konstantin Kosachev expressed concern over
the deteriorating tone in US-Russian relations. Kosachev
explained his opposition to imposing sanctions against Iran
absent a clear roadmap, arguing that Iran was emboldened by
Lebanon and undeterred by economic measures. Kosachev still
held out the possibility of a Russian troop contribution to
UNIFIL, but conceded Ministry of Defense opposition.
Surveying the frozen conflicts, Kosachev recognized that
Russia was not playing a helpful role, but argued the West
did not recognize the legitimate grievances that undergird
the disputes, which independence for Kosovo would complicate.
Kosachev welcomed the Ambassador's state-of-play on NGO
re-registration and volunteered his assistance, if required.
He characterized news of a union of leftist political parties
a welcome political development in Russia, but said it was an
open question whether this union or a combination of the
beleaguered "rightist" democrats could break through the
seven percent parliamentary threshold. Action: Request
Department's assistance in helping Kosachev schedule
appointments in Washington on September 24-25 and in New York
on September 27. Other topics septel. End Summary
2. (C) Kosachev launched the hour-long meeting expressing
surprise over Senator Lugar's August 29 characterization of
US-Russian relations as "adversarial" (which, rendered in
Russian, conveyed the sense of "enemy"). The Ambassador
responded that the Senator's remarks were an accurate sign of
the times, reflecting the assessment in Washington that
Russian actions were tilting the relationship to one of
competition, not cooperation. Factors that may have hardened
the Senator's view, the Ambassador added, was the GOR refusal
to permit a visit to the Mayak fissile material storage
facility that precipitated the cancellation of Lugar's July
visit, following on last year's six-hour delay of Senators
Lugar and Obama at the Perm airport. Having just completed a
visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan, Senator Lugar was
well-apprised of the concerns of Russia's neighbors. The
Ambassador urged Kosachev to seek out Russia's critics during
his late September visit to the U.S. and address their
concerns directly. He also reviewed where WTO negotiations
stood, and outlined initiatives flowing from the G-8 summit
meeting between the Presidents to enhance cooperation on
nuclear energy.
3. (C) A critical factor in US-Russian relations would be
continued cooperation in halting Iranian proliferation, the
Ambassador emphasized. Kosachev noted that he was alarmed
over more aggressive Iranian rhetoric, fueled by the
perceived victory of its clients in Lebanon. Relating an
August 30 conversation with the Iranian Ambassador, Kosachev
concluded that Iran was pleased with events in Lebanon,
convinced that they had inflicted a defeat on Israel and the
West, and untroubled by the prospect of sanctions. The
Iranian Ambassador had struck a defiant tone, he noted,
stating that Iran was not intimidated by anyone, and
certainly not by the UNSC. Despite "open relations" with the
Iranian Ambassador, Kosachev was taken aback by the strident
Iranian talking points, which the Ambassador appeared to read
verbatim, as well as by Iran's criticism of Russian as well
as U.S. positions. Kosachev condemned Iran's decision to
move forward with the production of heavy water, labeling it
"completely wrong," but concluded that the more pressure
applied on Iran, the less influence the UNSC would wield.
"If we proceed toward sanctions," Kosachev warned, "they will
have an opposite effect."
4. (C) Kosachev stated that the GOR was still studying the
Iranian response, which he described as difficult to
understand, technical in its details, and requiring
clarification. Based on his conversations with the relevant
GOR actors, Kosachev predicted that the GOR would seek
further dialogue with Iran and put forward additional
questions before arriving at a final decision. Pointing to
uncertainty in European capitals as well, Kosachev concluded
that few countries would be prepared to proceed immediately.
Kosachev reinforced his discomfort over starting down the
sanctions path without a clear roadmap. The international
community would box itself in a corner by applying economic
MOSCOW 00009627 002 OF 003
sanctions, knowing that they would be rejected by Iran. The
Iranian leadership, he reiterated, was not posturing and was
not intimidated by sanctions. Kosachev related that when he
raised the examples of Spain, Sweden and the Ukraine --
countries that had nuclear programs, but no enrichment
facilities -- the Iranian Ambassador retorted that none of
these countries had been "cheated" by the international
community; instead, Iran had to rely upon itself.
5. (C) The Ambassador warned that inaction or delay in the
UNSC carried a significant cost. Iran had demonstrated that
international conciliation would not induce it to halt its
nuclear program. The US and Russia, working with the EU, had
produced a very generous package and had agreed several
months ago that Iranian rejection of its terms would be met
with significant steps to demonstrate the displeasure of the
international community. While Kosachev's apprehensions were
understandable, no one was in a position to describe exactly
the consequences of continued Iranian defiance. However, it
was important for the GOR to acknowledge the cost of
international inaction. The Ambassador agreed that events in
Lebanon appeared to have hardened Iranian attitudes. It was
critical that the EU-3, US, Russia and China remain united.
Russia should not signal that it intended to throw up its
arms. US policymakers were aware of the limits of sanctions
and no one sought a precipitous move to the use of force;
however, the US was convinced that inaction was not an
option. The six partners needed to think through the next
steps together and ensure that Iran did not have an
opportunity to exploit differences.
-------------- --
-------------- --
6. (C) Kosachev described the Israeli-Lebanon conflict as a
lose-lose proposition. The UNSC, Russia, the US and EU all
were diminished, he argued, and the only answer was to
prevent a resumption of hostilities. Kosachev questioned the
perceived unconditional US support for Israel, arguing that
the GOI had abused its sovereign right to combat terrorists.
He noted that he was an advocate for Russian participation in
UNIFIL, but conceded that the Russian bureaucracy was
divided. Much would depend on the mandate, with the Ministry
of Defense arguing against a troop contribution in the
absence of clarity over the scope of UNIFIL's mission.
Technically, Kosachev underscored, the GOR had a 2,000 strong
division prepositioned for peacekeeping operations. Foreign
Minister Lavrov's trip to the region (September 6-8) and
discussions at UNGA would shape Russian thinking. The
Ambassador agreed that the expanded UNIFIL needed to be stood
up as quickly as possible, warning that provocations by
Hezbollah or Syria against a politically weakened GOI would
create an explosive situation.
-------------- --------------
-------------- --------------
7. (C) Kosachev bemoaned Western indifference to the real
emotions that fueled the frozen conflicts. There was some
truth that Russia perpetuated these conflicts, he admitted,
but the key to resolving the disputes in Georgia lay in
improving relations between the GOG and people of Abkhazia
and South Ossetia. Abkhazia, Kosachev stressed, had never
been an historic part of Georgia, but was incorporated by
Stalin and Beria -- a move that had been rejected by the
Abkhazians from the outset. Kosachev said that he personally
was in favor of Abkhazia remaining within Georgia, but not by
force, and repeated that this outcome would not be achieved
by Georgian appeals to the US or Brussels, or by Russian
pressure: a concordat between Tbilisi and Abkhazia was
essential. There needed to be a common program. Russia had
not done enough to effect this outcome, but neither -- he
insisted -- had Georgia. As for South Ossetia, it was an
instance of a divided people. The issue resonated in Russia,
he noted, and within the Duma and among the leadership of
North Ossetia it was difficult to discuss any solution short
of reunification. Kosachev derisively described the economy
of South Ossetia as consisting of 2 factories, 600 jobs, and
"you know what."
8. (C) Kosovo presented a very dangerous development since
there would be a referendum in Transdnistria on September 17.
In the wake of the positive Putin-Voronin visit, he noted,
Russia would neither recognize nor deny the referendum, but
some Duma members would be present as observers. Kosachev
said he simply could not accept that Kosovo was not a
precedent for other frozen conflicts, including Abkhazia. If
Kosovo was granted independence, the international community
MOSCOW 00009627 003 OF 003
should do so understanding the implications for other
conflict areas. These disputes, he reiterated, are driven by
nationalist demands that are not artificial. While Kosachev
accepted the Ambassador's points on the unique status of
Kosovo, he reiterated that they were not credible to the
people of these regions.
9. (C) The Ambassador briefed Kosachev on the status of the
re-registration of Western non-governmental organizations and
his meeting with the Director of the Federal Registration
Service (septel),noting the high level of anxiety among NGO
representatives over the implementation of the new law.
Kosachev, who played a helpful role in securing the
modification of the initial draft of the NGO legislation,
immediately interjected that he was prepared to help, if
there was any indication that the law was being misapplied.
The goal, he underscored, was to ease the work of the NGOs.
Kosachev agreed with the Ambassador's suggestion that the GOR
take the initiative in briefing G8 Ambassadors and members of
the foreign NGO community.
10. (C) Turning to internal political developments,
Kosachev welcomed the recent announcement of a union of
leftist political parties. A lack of strong political
parties was a signal weakness of Russia's democracy and
United Russia had long advocated and created incentives for
political combinations. Some reforms that had been
interpreted in the West as undemocratic, Kosachev noted, were
sincere efforts to create larger, more stable political
parties. Kosachev said that Russia needed a strong rightist
party as well, and hoped Yabloko and SPS would overcome their
leadership differences to forge a coalition.
11. (C) Kosachev said he was not certain that the leftist
union of the Party of Life, Party of Pensioners and Rodina
would succeed, pointing to the charisma-deficit of its
leadership; nevertheless, he wished the organizers success.
United Russia, he underscored, would not do anything to block
this political development. Kosachev predicted a 2007 Duma
with United Russia, Communist, and LDPR representation. Both
the leftist bloc and coalition of rightists parties could
aspire to break through the seven percent threshold but,
slamming his fist on the table, Kosachev expressed
exasperation over whether the latter would get their act
together. As to whether the Kremlin would induce a coalition
among the beleaguered "democrats," Kosachev said it depended
on the coalition's leader. Former Prime Minister Kasyanov,
for instance, was not welcome at the Kremlin and Kosachev
discounted his strategy of running for President absent a
strong political party base.
12. (U) Post requests Department assistance in helping the
Russian Embassy to arrange appropriate calls for Kosachev
during his September 24-25 visit to Washington and September
27 stop in New York. In addition to his already-arranged
session with the HIRC leadership, Kosachev seeks appointments
with Senators Lugar and McCain, a meeting with the National
Security Adviser, and meetings with appropriate senior State
Department officials. Kosachev would also be willing to
speak at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/31/2016
Classified By: Ambassador William J. Burns: Reasons 1.4 (B) and (D)
1. (C) Summary: In an August 31 meeting with the
Ambassador, Chairman of the International Relations Committee
of the Russia Duma Konstantin Kosachev expressed concern over
the deteriorating tone in US-Russian relations. Kosachev
explained his opposition to imposing sanctions against Iran
absent a clear roadmap, arguing that Iran was emboldened by
Lebanon and undeterred by economic measures. Kosachev still
held out the possibility of a Russian troop contribution to
UNIFIL, but conceded Ministry of Defense opposition.
Surveying the frozen conflicts, Kosachev recognized that
Russia was not playing a helpful role, but argued the West
did not recognize the legitimate grievances that undergird
the disputes, which independence for Kosovo would complicate.
Kosachev welcomed the Ambassador's state-of-play on NGO
re-registration and volunteered his assistance, if required.
He characterized news of a union of leftist political parties
a welcome political development in Russia, but said it was an
open question whether this union or a combination of the
beleaguered "rightist" democrats could break through the
seven percent parliamentary threshold. Action: Request
Department's assistance in helping Kosachev schedule
appointments in Washington on September 24-25 and in New York
on September 27. Other topics septel. End Summary
2. (C) Kosachev launched the hour-long meeting expressing
surprise over Senator Lugar's August 29 characterization of
US-Russian relations as "adversarial" (which, rendered in
Russian, conveyed the sense of "enemy"). The Ambassador
responded that the Senator's remarks were an accurate sign of
the times, reflecting the assessment in Washington that
Russian actions were tilting the relationship to one of
competition, not cooperation. Factors that may have hardened
the Senator's view, the Ambassador added, was the GOR refusal
to permit a visit to the Mayak fissile material storage
facility that precipitated the cancellation of Lugar's July
visit, following on last year's six-hour delay of Senators
Lugar and Obama at the Perm airport. Having just completed a
visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan, Senator Lugar was
well-apprised of the concerns of Russia's neighbors. The
Ambassador urged Kosachev to seek out Russia's critics during
his late September visit to the U.S. and address their
concerns directly. He also reviewed where WTO negotiations
stood, and outlined initiatives flowing from the G-8 summit
meeting between the Presidents to enhance cooperation on
nuclear energy.
3. (C) A critical factor in US-Russian relations would be
continued cooperation in halting Iranian proliferation, the
Ambassador emphasized. Kosachev noted that he was alarmed
over more aggressive Iranian rhetoric, fueled by the
perceived victory of its clients in Lebanon. Relating an
August 30 conversation with the Iranian Ambassador, Kosachev
concluded that Iran was pleased with events in Lebanon,
convinced that they had inflicted a defeat on Israel and the
West, and untroubled by the prospect of sanctions. The
Iranian Ambassador had struck a defiant tone, he noted,
stating that Iran was not intimidated by anyone, and
certainly not by the UNSC. Despite "open relations" with the
Iranian Ambassador, Kosachev was taken aback by the strident
Iranian talking points, which the Ambassador appeared to read
verbatim, as well as by Iran's criticism of Russian as well
as U.S. positions. Kosachev condemned Iran's decision to
move forward with the production of heavy water, labeling it
"completely wrong," but concluded that the more pressure
applied on Iran, the less influence the UNSC would wield.
"If we proceed toward sanctions," Kosachev warned, "they will
have an opposite effect."
4. (C) Kosachev stated that the GOR was still studying the
Iranian response, which he described as difficult to
understand, technical in its details, and requiring
clarification. Based on his conversations with the relevant
GOR actors, Kosachev predicted that the GOR would seek
further dialogue with Iran and put forward additional
questions before arriving at a final decision. Pointing to
uncertainty in European capitals as well, Kosachev concluded
that few countries would be prepared to proceed immediately.
Kosachev reinforced his discomfort over starting down the
sanctions path without a clear roadmap. The international
community would box itself in a corner by applying economic
MOSCOW 00009627 002 OF 003
sanctions, knowing that they would be rejected by Iran. The
Iranian leadership, he reiterated, was not posturing and was
not intimidated by sanctions. Kosachev related that when he
raised the examples of Spain, Sweden and the Ukraine --
countries that had nuclear programs, but no enrichment
facilities -- the Iranian Ambassador retorted that none of
these countries had been "cheated" by the international
community; instead, Iran had to rely upon itself.
5. (C) The Ambassador warned that inaction or delay in the
UNSC carried a significant cost. Iran had demonstrated that
international conciliation would not induce it to halt its
nuclear program. The US and Russia, working with the EU, had
produced a very generous package and had agreed several
months ago that Iranian rejection of its terms would be met
with significant steps to demonstrate the displeasure of the
international community. While Kosachev's apprehensions were
understandable, no one was in a position to describe exactly
the consequences of continued Iranian defiance. However, it
was important for the GOR to acknowledge the cost of
international inaction. The Ambassador agreed that events in
Lebanon appeared to have hardened Iranian attitudes. It was
critical that the EU-3, US, Russia and China remain united.
Russia should not signal that it intended to throw up its
arms. US policymakers were aware of the limits of sanctions
and no one sought a precipitous move to the use of force;
however, the US was convinced that inaction was not an
option. The six partners needed to think through the next
steps together and ensure that Iran did not have an
opportunity to exploit differences.
-------------- --
-------------- --
6. (C) Kosachev described the Israeli-Lebanon conflict as a
lose-lose proposition. The UNSC, Russia, the US and EU all
were diminished, he argued, and the only answer was to
prevent a resumption of hostilities. Kosachev questioned the
perceived unconditional US support for Israel, arguing that
the GOI had abused its sovereign right to combat terrorists.
He noted that he was an advocate for Russian participation in
UNIFIL, but conceded that the Russian bureaucracy was
divided. Much would depend on the mandate, with the Ministry
of Defense arguing against a troop contribution in the
absence of clarity over the scope of UNIFIL's mission.
Technically, Kosachev underscored, the GOR had a 2,000 strong
division prepositioned for peacekeeping operations. Foreign
Minister Lavrov's trip to the region (September 6-8) and
discussions at UNGA would shape Russian thinking. The
Ambassador agreed that the expanded UNIFIL needed to be stood
up as quickly as possible, warning that provocations by
Hezbollah or Syria against a politically weakened GOI would
create an explosive situation.
-------------- --------------
-------------- --------------
7. (C) Kosachev bemoaned Western indifference to the real
emotions that fueled the frozen conflicts. There was some
truth that Russia perpetuated these conflicts, he admitted,
but the key to resolving the disputes in Georgia lay in
improving relations between the GOG and people of Abkhazia
and South Ossetia. Abkhazia, Kosachev stressed, had never
been an historic part of Georgia, but was incorporated by
Stalin and Beria -- a move that had been rejected by the
Abkhazians from the outset. Kosachev said that he personally
was in favor of Abkhazia remaining within Georgia, but not by
force, and repeated that this outcome would not be achieved
by Georgian appeals to the US or Brussels, or by Russian
pressure: a concordat between Tbilisi and Abkhazia was
essential. There needed to be a common program. Russia had
not done enough to effect this outcome, but neither -- he
insisted -- had Georgia. As for South Ossetia, it was an
instance of a divided people. The issue resonated in Russia,
he noted, and within the Duma and among the leadership of
North Ossetia it was difficult to discuss any solution short
of reunification. Kosachev derisively described the economy
of South Ossetia as consisting of 2 factories, 600 jobs, and
"you know what."
8. (C) Kosovo presented a very dangerous development since
there would be a referendum in Transdnistria on September 17.
In the wake of the positive Putin-Voronin visit, he noted,
Russia would neither recognize nor deny the referendum, but
some Duma members would be present as observers. Kosachev
said he simply could not accept that Kosovo was not a
precedent for other frozen conflicts, including Abkhazia. If
Kosovo was granted independence, the international community
MOSCOW 00009627 003 OF 003
should do so understanding the implications for other
conflict areas. These disputes, he reiterated, are driven by
nationalist demands that are not artificial. While Kosachev
accepted the Ambassador's points on the unique status of
Kosovo, he reiterated that they were not credible to the
people of these regions.
9. (C) The Ambassador briefed Kosachev on the status of the
re-registration of Western non-governmental organizations and
his meeting with the Director of the Federal Registration
Service (septel),noting the high level of anxiety among NGO
representatives over the implementation of the new law.
Kosachev, who played a helpful role in securing the
modification of the initial draft of the NGO legislation,
immediately interjected that he was prepared to help, if
there was any indication that the law was being misapplied.
The goal, he underscored, was to ease the work of the NGOs.
Kosachev agreed with the Ambassador's suggestion that the GOR
take the initiative in briefing G8 Ambassadors and members of
the foreign NGO community.
10. (C) Turning to internal political developments,
Kosachev welcomed the recent announcement of a union of
leftist political parties. A lack of strong political
parties was a signal weakness of Russia's democracy and
United Russia had long advocated and created incentives for
political combinations. Some reforms that had been
interpreted in the West as undemocratic, Kosachev noted, were
sincere efforts to create larger, more stable political
parties. Kosachev said that Russia needed a strong rightist
party as well, and hoped Yabloko and SPS would overcome their
leadership differences to forge a coalition.
11. (C) Kosachev said he was not certain that the leftist
union of the Party of Life, Party of Pensioners and Rodina
would succeed, pointing to the charisma-deficit of its
leadership; nevertheless, he wished the organizers success.
United Russia, he underscored, would not do anything to block
this political development. Kosachev predicted a 2007 Duma
with United Russia, Communist, and LDPR representation. Both
the leftist bloc and coalition of rightists parties could
aspire to break through the seven percent threshold but,
slamming his fist on the table, Kosachev expressed
exasperation over whether the latter would get their act
together. As to whether the Kremlin would induce a coalition
among the beleaguered "democrats," Kosachev said it depended
on the coalition's leader. Former Prime Minister Kasyanov,
for instance, was not welcome at the Kremlin and Kosachev
discounted his strategy of running for President absent a
strong political party base.
12. (U) Post requests Department assistance in helping the
Russian Embassy to arrange appropriate calls for Kosachev
during his September 24-25 visit to Washington and September
27 stop in New York. In addition to his already-arranged
session with the HIRC leadership, Kosachev seeks appointments
with Senators Lugar and McCain, a meeting with the National
Security Adviser, and meetings with appropriate senior State
Department officials. Kosachev would also be willing to
speak at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York.