2006-07-21 05:35:00
Embassy Minsk
Cable title:  

IISEPS Polling: Lukashenko Still Enjoys Popular Support

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DE RUEHSK #0758/01 2020535
R 210535Z JUL 06



E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: IISEPS Polling: Lukashenko Still Enjoys Popular Support

MINSK 00000758 001.2 OF 007




E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: IISEPS Polling: Lukashenko Still Enjoys Popular Support

MINSK 00000758 001.2 OF 007

1. SUMMARY: On July 10, Director of the independent polling service
IISEPS Oleg Manaev gave Ambassador the results of two opinion
surveys conducted in June. Lukashenko maintains a high support
rating, with 55 percent of those polled claiming they would vote
for Lukashenko again should elections be held tomorrow. His
closest competitor, opposition coalition candidate Aleksandr
Milinkevich, comes in a distant second with only 13 percent. The
majority of respondents (70 percent) believe there should be a
dialogue between the opposition and GOB, but 41 percent blame the
opposition and West for the lack of dialogue and only 30 percent
blame the authorities. According to the surveys, 89 percent of
those polled get their news from Belarusian TV and less than 5
percent listen to foreign radio broadcasts from Poland and
Lithuania. Only 14 percent of respondents use the internet with
much frequency, but of those who use do use the internet, the most
popular online news sites include, Radio Liberty, and other
independent news sites. End Summary.

2. Manaev conducted two opinion surveys in June. During the first
survey (June I),carried out on June 2-12, 1509 people were
interviewed. The second survey (June II),was conducted on June 15-
25 and included 1505 people. Below are highlights of the polls.

Support For Lukashenko Still High

3. According to IISEPS' June I polling, 21.4 percent of respondents
consider Belarus a relatively democratic country, whereas 27.3
percent consider it more of a dictatorship. However, 64.6 percent
of those polled view Lukashenko's third term as president
legitimate and legal. In fact, support for Lukashenko still runs
much higher than for his nearest adversary, Milinkevich.

Results of voting at the Presidential Election (%) according to
IISEPS 2006 polling compared to the Central Election Committee's
(CEC) official data:

CEC Feb March April June I June II
--- --- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Lukashenko 83.0 64.7 64.9 63.1 63.1 61.9
Milinkevich 6.1 18.3 21.4 18.8 20.2 19.9
Gaidukevich 3.5 5.0 2.2 5.2 4.4 3.3
Kozulin 2.2 7.0 5.0 7.3 5.5 5.9
Against all 5.2 5.0 6.4 5.5 6.8 9.0

"If elections were held again tomorrow, who would you vote for?"

Answer June I June II
-------------- -------------- --------------

Lukashenko 54.7(%) 54.3
Milinkevich 13.7 13.6
Kozulin 2.8 3.7
Gaidukevich 2.7 ---
No answer 22.3 ---

"Which of the below political figures more closely represents your
ideal of a politician?" (June I)

Lukashenko 41.4
Putin 29.4
Blair 5.1
Bush 4.2
Castro 3.2
Nazarbaev 2.2
Yushenko 2.0

"In your opinion, has Lukashenko been successful at solving the
following problems that the country faces?" (June I)

Yes No
-------------- --------------
Maintaining stability in society 70.0(%) 24.8
Raising the economy and welfare 55.6 36.1
Protecting social justice 42.5 45.5
Battling corruption 41.7 47.7
Improving Belarus' international status 41.0 47.5
Protecting democracy and political freedom 37.6 47.9
Battling bureaucracy 34.8 52.3

"Are you satisfied with the way Lukashenko has ran the country in
the last 12 years?" (June I)
Completely satisfied 38.5
Somewhat satisfied 29.8
Somewhat not satisfied 9.1

MINSK 00000758 002.2 OF 007

Not at all satisfied 19.7

"In your opinion, whose interests does Lukashenko serve?" (More
than one answer) (June I)
Pensioners 40.7
Presidential hierarchy 39.7
Leaders of government businesses/collective farms 33.3
People like yourself 23.9
Youth 21.3

"On a scale from one to ten, in your opinion, where is Belarus
located?" ('1' representing complete democracy and '10'
representing a true dictatorship)(June I)

Scale %
-------------- --------------
1 5.3
2 6.0
3 10.1
4 9.4
5 14.3
6 10.7
7 11.7
8 10.2
9 7.3
10 9.8

4. Lukashenko also has the majority of Belarusians' trust, coming
only in second to the Orthodox Church:

"Do you trust the following government and public institutions?"
(June I)

Yes No
-------------- --------------
Orthodox Church 66.5(%) 22.4
President 60.8 30.6
Government media 57.0 35.0
Army 51.2 36.0
Government 47.7 40.1
Courts 44.9 42.5
KGB 37.9 45.7
Independent media 37.0 47.3
Police 38.4 50.2
Local executive committees 36.7 50.5
Local soviets 36.5 50.3
International organizations 30.8 49.3
Protestant Church 16.6 58.4
Opposition political parties 15.5 65.6

Change Possible?

5. The majority of respondents supports Lukashenko and is satisfied
with his rule. However, the majority of those polled admitted that
citizens fear expressing their opinions in public and commented on
the lack of dialogue between the opposition and GOB. Also
noteworthy is that 25 percent of respondents believe a change in
leadership could occur only if initiated by the authorities and not
as much by the people or the opposition.

"What do you think about Belarusians' readiness to express their
political opinions?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
No one afraid 18.6(%) 24.6
Few people afraid 28.5 21.0
Many people afraid 40.2 33.6
All afraid 7.9 12.9

"Should there be a dialogue between the opposition and government?"
(June I)
Yes 70.9
No 17.3

"Do you think a dialogue exists between the opposition and
government?" (June I)

No 66.2
Yes 16.7

"If you think a dialogue does not exist, then who is to blame (more
than one answer)?" (June I)

MINSK 00000758 003.2 OF 007

Authorities 30.2
Opposition 25.9
The West 15.0
Russia 1.9
No answer 16.1

"Would you like to see a change in leadership happen?" (June I)

Yes 38.9
No 29.4
I don't care 16.6
No answer 15.1

"In your opinion, is it possible to have a complete internal and
national leadership change in Belarus in the next five years?"
(June I)

Very possible 31.8
Doubtful 43.9
Not possible 14.6

"If you believe that a change is possible, who would initiate the
change?" (more than one answer)(June I)

Authorities 25.6
The people 19.2
The West 13.9
The opposition 11.4
Russia 11.1

"Do you think human rights are observed in Belarus?"

Yes 24.9
Yes, more or less 36.1
No, more or less 20.0
No 14.3


6. Belarusian state media and Russian media dominate Belarusians'
access to information. Only a miniscule number listens to external
radio broadcasts and few read online news sources.

"What TV channels do you watch?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
Russian TV (ORT, NTV, etc.) 91.2(%) 83.6
Belarusian TV (BT, STV, ONT) 89.6 89.2
Local TV 47.8 38.4
Cable TV 37.5 31.5
Russian EuroNews 18.2 12.7
Satellite TV 13.9 15.8
Polish TV 9.4 11.8
Weekly RTVI 7.8 6.3

"Not long ago, radio stations in other countries began broadcasting
programming (in Russian and Belarusian) to Belarus. Do you listen
to these broadcasts?"
June I June II
Yes No Yes No
-------------- -------------- --- --------------
Euroradio (Warsaw) 4.8(%)94.4 3.8 93.8
Radia Ratsia (Belyastok) 4.4 94.8 2.5 95.3
Poloniya (Warsaw) 3.6 95.6 3.0 94.7
German Wave (Bonn) 3.3 96.0 2.9 94.5
Baltiskaya Khavalya (Vilnius) 2.0 96.8 1.7 95.8

"Do you use the internet?"
June I June II
-------------- --------------
Yes, daily 5.1(%) 4.1
Yes, several times per week 9.6 7.6
Yes, several times per month 8.4 6.5
Yes, several times per year 4.6 3.7
No 67.8 73.7

"If you do use the internet, what Belarusian information sites do
you visit the most? (more than one answer)"

TUT.BY 16.7 6.7
Independent media sites (i.e., BDG) 4.6 0.3
Radio Liberty 4.5 0.3
Government media (i.e., Respublika) 3.2 0.3
Interfax 2.6 0.5
Charter 97 2.6 0.4

MINSK 00000758 004.2 OF 007

Belapan 2.1 0.4
Vyasna 0.9 0.1

"In the last year, have you--via media, leaflets, word of mouth--
seen or heard the results of independent polling surveys in
June I June II
-------------- --------------
No 64.1(%) 72.2
Yes 31.0 23.8

"Have you ever received the publication 'Belaruski Vyestnik' with
results from public opinion surveys conducted not long ago by
independent sociologists?"
Yes, I read the publication 9.6
No, I never received this publication 88.5

Russia Preferred over EU

7. The majority of those polled prefer a union with Russia over
closer integration with the EU, but the respondents revealed mixed
feelings on Russia's interests in Belarus. On the one hand, they
seek a closer integration with Russia and prefer Lukashenko as
President of the Union, but on the other hand 65 percent fear their
eastern neighbor intends to deprive Belarus of its independence
and, should this ever happen, would not want Lukashenko to rule
over the newly created nation.

"If a referendum were held now on Belarus' accession to the EU and
you were able to vote 'for,' 'against,' or 'abstain,' how would you
vote?" (June I)

Answer %
-------------- --------------
For 49.2
Against 31.5
Abstain 18.5

"If you were to chose between a union with Russia or entry into the
EU, what would you chose?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
Union with Russia 56.5(%) 52.3
EU accession 29.2 29.6

"It is likely that soon Belarus and Russia will hold a referendum
on the Constitutional Act, which would open the way for closer
integration of both governments. How would you vote?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
For the Act and closer integration 35.1(%) 34.7
Against the Act and closer integration 15.2 17.7
Will not participate 9.5 11.3
Depends on the circumstances 35.3 29.4
No answer 4.9 6.9

"If there were to be a referendum tomorrow on Belarus and Russia
becoming one, how would you vote?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
For 44.9(%) 42.0
Against 28.9 37.6

"What is the best scenario mutual relationship for Belarus and
June I June II
-------------- --------------
Union of independent governments 42.7(%) 45.1
Neighborly relations of independent governments 36.5 30.9
Formation of one government 19.0 21.1

"If there was to be a presidential position [of the Russia-Belarus
Union], who would you vote for to fulfill the position?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
Lukashenko 39.3(%) 45.1
Putin 24.2 24.7
Milinkevich 2.2 1.9
No answer 29.0 23.9

"Some people in Belarus and in Russia believe it would be better

MINSK 00000758 005.2 OF 007

for both countries if they become one and the union's leader became
Lukashenko. How do you feel?" (June I)

Would not want that to happen 38.4
Would want that to happen 35.9
I do not care 17.0

"In your opinion, if Belarus became part of Russia, would it have a
positive or negative effect on the lives of Belarus' population?"
(June II)
Positive 32.4
Negative 33.7
No effect 19.5

The Belarusian and Russian governments are holding negotiations on
the introduction of the Russian ruble in Belarus. In your opinion,
should the Russian ruble be introduced in Belarus? (June II)

No 58.1
Yes 30.3

International Relations

8. The following results are likely a byproduct of the GOB's
successful propaganda campaign against perceived enemies of
Belarus. Forty-five percent of June I respondents blame the EU and
U.S. of violating international norms in internal and external
politics, whereas only 13.2 percent blame Belarus. Russia, of
course, is Belarus' closest friend and continues to get high
support ratings from respondents. However, many respondents
supported the EU [and U.S.] asset freezes of GOB officials:

"Not long ago, the EU froze bank accounts in the EU belonging to 36
high-ranking Belarusian officials in Lukashenko's administration.
Some consider this move justified, others do not. What do you
think?" (June I)
Justified 42.2
Not justified 34.5
No answer 23.3

"How do you rate the political attitude of neighboring countries
towards Belarus?" (June I)

Positive Negative
-------------- --------------
Russia 67.6(%) 14.4
Ukraine 31.5 32.1
Poland 23.1 38.6
Lithuania 19.6 37.4
Latvia 17.8 37.6

"In your opinion, what type of world influence does Russia, the
U.S., and Belarus have?" (June II)

Belarus Russia U.S.
-------------- -------------- --------------
Positive 43.5(%) 68.3 26.1
Negative 11.4 9.5 52.0
Not significant 38.3 11.7 8.3

"And what type of influence, in your opinion, does Russia and the
U.S. exert on Belarus?" (June II)

Russia U.S.
-------------- --------------
Positive 61.6 20.6
Negative 18.2 49.8
Not significant 10.7 18.4

"In your opinion, has Russia, the U.S., and Belarus in the last few
years considered the needs of its own citizens?" (June II)

Belarus Russia U.S.
-------------- -------------- --------------
Yes 51.3 46.2 18.6
No 17.5 10.9 19.7
No difference 23.4 24.5 26.7

"What type of opinion do you have about Presidents Putin, Bush, and
Lukashenko?" (June II)

MINSK 00000758 006.2 OF 007

Positive Negative
-------------- --------------
Bush 27.3 57.4
Lukashenko 62.6 28.2
Putin 74.1 13.6


9. Support for Russia turns sour, however, when respondents were
asked about threats of Russian gas price increases.

"The media often discusses that beginning in 2007, Belarus will
have to pay world prices for Russian gas. Do you believe this?"
(June I)
Yes 60.6
No 28.0
No answer 11.4

"If you said yes, then in your opinion, why would this happen?"
(more than one answer) (June I)
GAZPROM is a commercial structure going bankrupt making an
exception for Belarus 37.9
Putin is using GAZPROM to pressure Lukashenko into Union
integration 30.2
Putin is fulfilling the West's demands to remove Lukashenko
from power 8.6
No answer 15.7

"The leadership of GAZPROM has announced several times that in
2007, Belarus will pay European prices for gas, meaning five times
more than it does today. Which of the following conclusions do you
agree with?" (June II)
It will not affect Belarusian-Russian relations 22.7
It will result in worsening relations 42.0
It means the end of the Union government 16.4
Belarus will be forced to reorient itself to the West 7.2

-------------- --------------
Standard of Living: Still Woes, But Belarus On Right Path
-------------- --------------

10. Despite Lukashenko's repeated statements that the GOB's
priority is to increase the population's standard of living, it
appears that many of these problems are not solved and top the
respondents' list of concerns. However, the majority continues to
believe that Belarus is developing on the right path.

"What are the most burning problems for the country and its
citizens?" (more than one answer)(June II)

Answer %
-------------- --------------

Price increases 60.1
Unemployment 37.0
Corruption, bribery 27.6
Chernobyl consequences 25.5
Crime 23.2
Human right violations 22.1
Absence of order, laws 22.1
Receding population 21.9
Impoverished population 19.5
Production decrease 18.7
Threats from the West 18.2
Belarus' international isolation 14.4
Decline of national culture 10.8
Losing Belarus' independence 8.3
Dissent in society 7.3

"What is the average salary (including wages, pensions, welfare,
etc.) that a member of your family typically receives?"

June I June II
-------------- --------------
Below USD 79 18.3(%) 15.9
USD 79 - 116 42.1 42.0
USD 116 - 232 32.0 33.7
Greater than USD 232 7.0 7.7

Average Salary USD 92 USD 132

MINSK 00000758 007.2 OF 007

"What percent of your family's income is spent on food and housing
services?" (June II)
Less than 10% 2.7
10-30% 11.5
30-50% 37.6
50-80% 34.0
Over 80% 7.4

"What items are you able to purchase? (more than one answer)(June
Sometimes not enough money for simple food and cheap clothes 14.9
Only necessary food and clothes 55.1
Quality and various food and good clothes 25.6
Any food and clothing, whatever I want 5.0
Basic household appliances (TV, refrigerator, etc.) 39.9
Modern appliances and technology (DVD players, etc.) 11.0
Newest high-end appliances and technology 1.4
Inexpensive used car 22.9
New car 1.2
Cannot buy new apartment, although needed 28.9
Apartment, but using life savings or loan 6.2
Real-estate (for vacation, investment) 0.8

"In your opinion, is your country developing on the right or wrong
June I June II
-------------- --------------
Right course 61.4(%) 56.9
Wrong course 26.4 31.0

"How has your life and that of your family changed since 1994?"
(June II)
Changed for the better 51.2
Did not change 27.1
Got worse 17.4


11. The respondents' positive assessment of Lukashenko, his
economic "stability", and the negative opinions of the West are
likely the result of the GOB's successful propaganda campaign and
the general lack of access to (and perhaps lack of interest in)
objective information. Internet usage is increasing, but slowly,
and foreign radio broadcasts have failed to reach the majority of
Belarusians. Nonetheless, some of the respondents' opinions
indicate that they are aware of the shortfalls in their government
and do not believe everything the state media reports. Meanwhile,
Belarusians' generally positive opinion of Russia could quickly
change, as Belarusians are increasingly concerned about Russia's
possible encroachment on Belarus' sovereignty and its willingness
to use gas prices as a political lever.


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