2006-12-29 13:12:00
Embassy Kyiv
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DE RUEHKV #4679/01 3631312
P 291312Z DEC 06
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KYIV 004679 



E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/27/2016

Classified By: Ambassador for reasons 1.4(a,b,d).

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KYIV 004679



E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/27/2016

Classified By: Ambassador for reasons 1.4(a,b,d).

1. (C) Summary. The Central Election Commission (CEC)
announced on December 29 that more than four million valid
signatures had been collected in support of a proposed
nationwide referendum on NATO membership and the Single
Economic Space (SES),as a result of aggressive pushing from
referendum proponents and a court ruling. Under the law,
three million valid signatures collected in no fewer than
two-thirds of all oblasts (regions) are required to call a
referendum. The collection of signatures in support of the
referendum began in late 2005 as a ploy by the SPDU(o) party
of former Kuchma Chief of Staff Medvedchuk to gain votes in
the March 2006 Rada elections, but the rules of referenda in
Ukraine have turned this issue into a possible vehicle for
anti-NATO politicians to slow down relations with the
Alliance and revisit Ukraine's announced European path. The
CEC has tried to stall issuance of a decision on the validity
of the signatures gathered in support of the referendum, but
has run out of legal options. Yushchenko as President has
the authority to sit on the referendum issue without making a
decision, according to CEC Chair Davydovych and Deputy Head
of the Presidential Administration Yatsenyuk assured the
Ambassador that the President would not let a referendum
happen in the near future.

2. (C) While the Universal agreement endorsed holding a
referendum prior to NATO accession, it also emphasized the
need to ensure all proper preparations had been completed, an
implied reference to an effective public education campaign
to lift popular support. If the referendum were to be held
in the short term, most believe it would fail given the
unpopularity of NATO membership in the wake of two election
cycles and an anemic government information campaign. If it
fails, another referendum on NATO could not be held for five
years. End summary and comment.

Collecting Signatures For Political Gain

3. (SBU) Beginning in late 2005 and leading up to the March
2006 parliamentary elections, the political party SDPU(o) led
by former Kuchma chief of staff Viktor Medvedchuk, who has
strong ties to the Kremlin, began a campaign to collect
signatures requesting the CEC conduct a referendum on the
questions of joining NATO and the Single Economic Space (SES)
on March 26, the day general elections were held. At the
time, many believed that SDPU(o) pushed the referendum in
hopes of bolstering its chances of getting its political bloc
Ne Tak! over the three percent threshold. (Note: Ne Tak!

received a scant one percent, not making it into the Rada.)
However, their collection of far more than the
legally-required minimum number of signatures--the
constitution requires three million; they sent the CEC more
than four and a half million--gave them the right to demand
the referendum be held.

4. (C) Comment: Although the petition for referendum contains
two questions, the press and our contacts have paid little
attention to the SES aspect of the petition. As opposed to
just a referendum on joining NATO, which could be interpreted
as support for neutrality, the proposed SES plank would offer
a popular endorsement of the alternative of economic
integration with Russia rather than the EU. While the GOU
line on SES, even under Kuchma, has been consistently against
anything beyond a free trade agreement, public polls in 2004
and 2005 showed a clear majority of Ukrainians in favor of
SES and deeper economic ties with Russia. Shortly after the
March election, Kremlin-associated Russian political
technologist Gleb Pavlovsky publicly warned Medvedchuk not to
leave Ukraine until he succeeded in pushing the referendum

5. (C) Comment continued: According to the current referendum
law, if a referendum on a certain question were held and
failed, a repeat referendum on the same issue could not be
held again for 5 years. Polling numbers and our contacts
confirm that a referendum on NATO membership held before an
effective public education campaign would be doomed to
failure. Currently, about two-thirds of the country oppose
NATO membership for Ukraine, with about a third representing
hard opposition and the rest skeptical that the benefits of
membership outweigh the risks and costs. End comment.

CEC Not Rushing to Make Progress

6. (C) At a November 15 meeting, CEC Chairman Davydovych told
the Ambassador that he had been trying to drag out the
process of verifying the signatures collected by SDPU(o);
according to the law, the CEC should have finished the count

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within one month of receiving the signatures. Although
Davydovych said publicly that the CEC has found that 12-15
percent of the signatures were forged, he told the Ambassador
that there was such a large number of signatures that
eventually the CEC would have to conclude that there were
enough valid signatures. He added that the SDPU(o)-led
referendum group had taken the CEC to court over its lack of
progress. On December 11, the Pechersk Court ruled that the
CEC must make a decision on the validity of the signatures.

7. (C) On December 29, the CEC held an open session at
which it declared that 4,431,674 signatures of the total
4,656,182 collected in support of the nationwide referendum
were valid. Under the law, three million valid signatures
collected in no fewer than two thirds of all the oblasts
(regions),with no fewer than 100,000 signatures in each of
these oblasts, are required to request a referendum. The CEC
announced that it would send its referendum protocol
attesting to the validity of the signatures to the President.
All CEC members signed the protocol.

Next Steps: the Buck Stops with the President?
-------------- -

8. (C) CEC Secretary Dubovyk warned a USAID NGO partner on
December 21 that the CEC would probably have to make its
decision on the referendum petition soon. Once the CEC
formally validated the signatures and accepted the petition,
it would have to write a referendum protocol and forward it
to President Yushchenko. Current law stipulates that the
President can either approve it and set a date or decline to
announce a referendum. Davydovych told the Ambassador that
there was no time limit for Yushchenko's decision on whether
to hold the referendum. However, if he were to approve the
holding of a referendum, it would have to be conducted within
120 days of his decision.

9. (SBU) There are several remaining legal avenues to delay
the process. On December 26, Davydovych appealed the
Pechersk ruling to the Kyiv Court of Appeals. The CEC also
asked a district court in Rivne to examine the validity of a
small sample of signatures in favor of the referendum to
address the forgery concerns. Several experts said that
Yushchenko could also appeal the referendum law to the
Constitutional Court, arguing that because the 1991
referendum law predates the 1996 Constitution, there was no
constitutional legislation to guide the process. Such an
appeal could effectively tie the issue up for months, given
the backlog that the Court faces.

Anti-NATO Forces Turn Up the Political Heat

10. (SBU) Pressure has been building over the past few months
for the CEC to issue a decision on the referendum. SDPU(o)
publicly appealed on December 25 to the OSCE and PACE to help
ensure that the referendum would be conducted in 2007.
Former CEC chairman and current adviser to PM Yanukovych
Ryabets said December 26 that he was filing a lawsuit against
Davydovych for disgracing the CEC. In addition, on December
15, three Regions MPs registered a bill stating that the
December 8, 2004 dismissal of the CEC under Chairman Kivalov,
in the wake of Kivalov declaring Yanukovych President, was
illegal; they registered a second bill on December 18
maintaining that the new CEC under Davydovych was appointed
illegally. (note: in fact, then President Kuchma dismissed
the Kivalov CEC and the Rada approved the dismissal and the
reconstituted CEC in line with proper procedures).

Amending the Referendum Law

11. (C) Another issue that will have to be addressed is the
existence of flaws in the current referendum law, adopted in

1991. Currently, the only draft bill on amending the law
was tabled by radical Regions MP Kushnaryov. Davydovych said
that Kushnaryov,s draft leaves many questions unanswered and
a number of provisions do not meet international standards
and norms. A panel of experts on December 21 said that
unaddressed issues included: who would fund referenda; how
voting commissions would be formed; how to ensure there would
be no multiple voting; the lack of guidelines for campaigning
for or against an issue; and a way to differentiate between
binding and nonbinding referenda. The general consensus of
the roundtable was that holding a referendum under these
conditions could add to current political tensions.

CEC Politics at Play

12. (C) According to the USAID NGO partner, CEC Secretary

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Dubovyk was highly critical of the President's team for
having not yet done anything to "torpedo" the NATO/SES
referendum. The CEC, to his mind, had given the Secretariat
eight months to find a way to stop the referendum, which
could have included conducting investigations into whether
the signatures had been collected legally and without duress
or fraud, but they had done nothing. At the end of the day,
the CEC would be legally compelled to certify the signatures;
it would then be up to Yushchenko to decide how to proceed.

13. (C) Comment: Yushchenko's non-interference is in keeping
with his pledge during the 2006 parliamentary and local
elections not to interfere in the procedural process, a
pledge which he kept. Yatsenyuk told the Ambassador on
December 29 not to worry about the court ruling that
compelled the CEC to take action. The President's team
understood that the push for an early referendum was a demand
of the Kremlin, fed through Medvedchuk and adviser to the
Prime Minister Lyovochkin, but that the President would not
let it happen anytime soon. End comment.

14. (U) Visit Embassy Kyiv's classified website:

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