2006-03-03 11:42:00
Embassy Jakarta
Cable title:
E.O. 12958: N/A
JAKARTA 00002849 001.2 OF 055
E.O. 12958: N/A
JAKARTA 00002849 001.2 OF 055
1. (SBU) Indonesia remained a major sending country for
international trafficking in persons (TIP) and faced a very
significant internal trafficking problem. Indonesia was also
a receiving country for trafficked prostitutes, though their
numbers were very small relative to Indonesian victims. The
Government of Indonesia (GOI) recognized trafficking as a
crime and a serious national issue, and took steps to combat
trafficking, but as yet Indonesia has not met minimal TIP
standards under U.S. law.
2. (SBU) Indonesia achieved some progress in combating
trafficking in specific areas over the past year. After a
delay that affected almost all pending legislation, the House
of Representatives (DPR) in January 2006 began formal
hearings on a comprehensive anti-trafficking bill, now
targeted for passage in mid-2006. President Yudhoyono
publicly condemned trafficking and called for the bill's
quick passage. Significant law enforcement efforts continued
apace, with police conducting 110 known
arrests/investigations in 2005 and prosecutors reportedly
bringing 37 traffickers to court. Internal trafficking
became the target of more law enforcement actions, a welcomed
development. Police undertook investigations in cooperation
with Japan and Malaysia; cooperated fully with the U.S. on
the return of wanted American pedophiles; freed trafficked
migrant workers from holding centers; and rescued hundreds of
other women and child victims.
3. (SBU) The GOI took effective steps to prevent trafficking
out of areas devastated by the December 2004 earthquake and
tsunami, with no reports of significant trafficking from Aceh
relative to other areas. The GOI launched the first-ever
televised public service announcements to raise awareness of
trafficking, and engaged in other limited public education
campaigns. The GOI sheltered victims abroad, repatriated
victims and expanded victim services in modest ways. Local
governments and NGOs provided some in-country shelters.
Police, with U.S. assistance, established two medical
recovery centers to treat victims.
4. (SBU) Indonesia made limited or no headway on other
difficult anti-trafficking steps. The GOI provided no
information on attempts to curb the illegal involvement of
individual security force members and corrupt officials in
prostitution linked to trafficking. Law enforcement data
collection on anti-trafficking activities remained weak,
particularly within the Attorney General's Office. Law
enforcement officials and civil society at times failed to
recognize trafficking victims, despite generally rising
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public awareness. The GOI launched a major anti-corruption
campaign, but it had yet to show significant impact on
rampant corruption that facilitated trafficking. Civil
society and GOI officials continued to view conditions of
debt bondage as acceptable within the migrant worker system.
Little information emerged on national and local government
budgets dedicated to anti-trafficking, and funding appeared
very limited and ad hoc. Victim services, while expanding
somewhat, remained inadequate given the extent of the crime.
5. (SBU) Within the context of the country's emerging
democracy, Indonesia's anti-trafficking commitment faced the
same serious constraints affecting other issues of national
importance: endemic corruption, the weakness of government
structures and law enforcement at all levels, limited public
budgets, poverty, a weak public education system, and
competing priorities from other urgent issues. Nevertheless,
Indonesia made gradual progress in the fight against
trafficking in persons. Indonesia continued to welcome and
cooperate with international anti-trafficking assistance, and
anti-trafficking partnership with the U.S. Mission and U.S.
grantees remained strong. End Summary.
6. (U) The U.S. Mission in Indonesia contacted and received
information from many GOI sources specifically for the
preparation of this report, including: the People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry, the Women's Empowerment Ministry
(hereinafter the Women's Ministry),the National Police
(POLRI),the Attorney General's Office (AGO),the Manpower
and Transmigration Ministry (the Manpower Ministry),and a
number of local government offices, including in East Java
and North Sumatra. Particularly valuable information came
from international and domestic NGOs, including the
International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC),the
American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS),
Save the Children-USA, and The Asia Foundation. Mission
research included input from international organizations such
as the International Labor Organization (ILO),UNICEF, and
the International Organization for Migration (IOM). A
breakdown of Mission hours spent in preparation of the report
will follow separately.
7. (U) The report text follows the general outline of themes
and questions provided in ref A instructions. Each section
begins with a capsule "update" that briefly summarizes the
most important new information included in the text.
8. (U) Through mid-June 2006, the Jakarta Mission point of
contact on the TIP issue is Political Officer Mark Clark,
tel. (62) 21-3435-9146, fax (62) 21-3435-9116.
9. (SBU) Report text:
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The past year did not witness significant change in overall
trafficking patterns in Indonesia. New information became
available on the extent of internal trafficking for
prostitution to remote Papua, with an NGO estimating some
3,000 victims in the sex trade in six major areas. Media
reporting indicated that Indonesian women, under the guise of
"cultural performers," constituted an important number of
trafficking victims in Japan. In the aftermath of the
December 2004 destructive earthquake and tsunami,
anti-trafficking organizations found little evidence of
significant trafficking of women and children from Aceh,
particularly compared to the extent of trafficking elsewhere
in Indonesia. Human Rights Watch provided more descriptive
accounts of abuse and trafficking-like conditions facing
child domestic workers. Foreign prostitutes in Indonesia
remain relatively very small in number, with continued
reports of Chinese, Russian and Central Asian women engaged
in the sex trade in Jakarta.
President Yudhoyono spoke out forcefully against trafficking,
called for quick passage of the anti-trafficking bill before
the legislature, and condemned trafficking in a joint
statement signed with Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah.
After a lengthy delay, which affected almost all pending
legislation, the House of Representatives began formal
deliberations on the anti-trafficking bill and targeted
passage in mid-2006. Some officials stated that GOI
anti-trafficking budgets expanded, but provided no details.
The GOI's severe funding constraints, pre-occupation with
post-tsunami reconstruction, and deep-rooted corruption all
adversely affected Indonesia's anti-trafficking efforts.
-------------- -
Indonesia, a developing country and emerging democracy with
the world's fourth largest population, is a place of origin
for a significant number of internationally trafficked women
and children, and to a lesser extent men. Indonesia is also
a transit and destination country for international
trafficking, although foreign victims are very small in
number relative to Indonesian victims. Very significant
incidents of trafficking occur within Indonesia's borders,
including for prostitution. Different regions of the country
are identifiable as sending, transit and/or receiving areas
for internal as well as international trafficking. There
were no credible reports during this period of trafficking in
territory outside of GOI control, namely in the very limited
areas held by separatist rebels in Aceh province prior to the
JAKARTA 00002849 004.2 OF 055
August 2005 peace accord.
Reliable statistics or estimates of the overall number of
victims remain unavailable, in large part because of the
illegal and informal nature of trafficking, the lack of
systematic research, and frequent definitional problems. The
sources available for information on the prevalence of TIP
include GOI agencies (particularly the Women's Ministry and
the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry),domestic and
international NGOs and international organizations, including
UNICEF, IOM and ILO. Most organizations' estimates rely upon
a combination of extrapolation, field experience, press
reports and anecdotal evidence. Some of these organizations
will not provide estimates due to the uncertainty of their
information. Definitional problems, often including a lack
of distinction between human trafficking, lesser abuses of
workers, and illegal migration make some estimates very
Crude estimates of the prevalence of TIP vary tremendously,
but most indicate the number of victims in the upper tens of
thousands or higher. In past years, GOI documents referenced
various estimates of the total number of victims, usually in
the hundreds of thousands, without providing details for
these figures. The GOI's 2004-2005 TIP report did not offer
an estimate of victims. GOI officials charged with the issue
state that they do not have reliable, overall estimates of
the number of victims.
Other non-governmental estimates of the overall number of TIP
victims exist, but do not have a strong basis in systematic
research. Migrant worker advocacy groups occasionally cited
very high and seemingly inaccurate numbers. To the extent
that such organizations do not differentiate between
trafficking and lesser abuses of migrant workers, their
figures represent gross overestimates.
While reliable figures do not exist, many anti-trafficking
organizations believe the number of victims of internal
trafficking exceeds the number of Indonesians trafficked
overseas. The U.S. Mission's observations support this
Some groups have developed boundary estimates for groups
vulnerable to trafficking. ICMC and ACILS, in their 2003
book entitled "Trafficking of Women and Children in
Indonesia," identified three categories that generate the
greatest number of TIP victims: female migrant workers,
JAKARTA 00002849 005.2 OF 055
prostitutes and child domestic workers. (There are other
categories that also generate TIP victims, but not are
included in these ICMC/ACILS boundary estimates.) ICMC/ACILS
estimated that between 2.4 to 3.7 million women and children
worked in these sectors. Within these boundaries, the total
number of children ranges from 254,000 to 422,000.
ICMC/ACILS point out that these are not estimates of the
number of victims (for example, most female migrant workers
are not trafficked),but they do provide an indication of the
potential impact of trafficking on a large number of women
and children.
-------------- --------------
-------------- --------------
SECTOR Women Children Children
-------------- -------------- --------------
In-country Sex
Workers 130k - 240k 39k - 72k
Female Migrant
Workers 1.4 - 2.1 mil. n/a
In-country domestic
workers 860k - 1.4 mil. 215k - 350k
-------------- --------------
2.4 - 3.7 mil. 254k - 422k
-------------- --------------
Prostitution constitutes a major source of concern for TIP in
Indonesia due to the number of women and children involved;
the clandestine, abusive and often forced nature of this
work; the prevalence of organized crime; and the frequent
awareness and/or complicity of officials and security forces
(police and military) in prostitution. The boundary
estimates for domestic sex workers are somewhat more precise
than for other areas. ICMC/ACILS in 2003 estimated between
130,000 to 240,000 in-country prostitutes. A number of
studies have consistently found that on average children make
up some 25 to 30 percent of persons working as prostitutes.
Using 30 percent, ICMC/ACILS arrives at boundary estimates of
some 39,000 to 72,000 child prostitutes. This range also
corresponds generally with a UNICEF estimate. Underage
prostitutes (those under 18 years of age) are by definition
TIP victims under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of
The ILO generated data on the incidence of the worst forms of
child labor, including child trafficking for prostitution,
through a series of "rapid assessments" conducted in 2003.
The ILO carried out the assessments in limited geographic
areas of concern for specific types of child labor. For
child trafficking into prostitution, the ILO assessment
JAKARTA 00002849 006.2 OF 055
focused on Java, home to 60 percent of Indonesia's
population. The ILO field research generated "best guess"
estimates for child prostitutes in these provinces, noted in
Table 2.
-------------- --------------
-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
West Java: 31,380 9,000 29
Jakarta: 28,620 5,100 18
East Java: 14,279 4,081 29
Central Java: 8,495 3,177 37
Yogyakarta 1,106 194 18
-------------- -------------- --------------
83,880 21,552 26
-------------- --------------
In remote Papua, a 2005 ICMC field study estimated that there
were over 3,000 internally trafficked women and girls in the
sex trade, including some 1,000 child prostitutes, in the
area's seven largest population centers. Almost all child
street prostitutes were of Papuan origin. In contrast, most
victims in karaoke bars and brothels originated from
Indonesian areas outside Papua, with the greatest number
coming from North Sulawesi. The victims normally arrived by
ship, often with false promises of employment. Internal
migrant workers generated much of the demand for
prostitution. Geographic isolation, economic
underdevelopment, and lack of civil society concern increased
the severity of trafficking conditions in Papua.
Locations in Riau Islands Province that are in close
proximity to Singapore, including Batam, Bintan, and Karimun,
drew continued domestic and international attention as major
destination points for sex trafficking, as well as transit
areas for trafficking into Malaysia in particular. A 2003
report by the Indonesian NGO Partnership in Health and
Humanity Foundation (YMKK) estimated 6,138 prostitutes held
in debt bondage in 58 separate "entertainment" establishments
and seven extensive brothel areas in Batam. With roughly 30
percent of prostitutes under the age of 18, YMKK estimated
approximately 2,000 child prostitutes on Batam. According to
Indonesian media, NGOs, and ILO research, Malaysians and
Singaporeans constitute the largest number of sex tourists in
Batam and the surrounding areas like Balai Karimun and
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Tanjung Pinang. The area's sex industry is also heavily
dependent on Indonesian clients, drawn in part from the
population of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers in
Batam. ILO research described Tanjung Balai Karimun, near
Batam, as operating a "prostitution economy."
Malaysia is commonly identified as the country receiving the
greatest number of Indonesian trafficking victims. Past NGO
and GOI estimates of Indonesian prostitutes (whether
trafficked or not) and child prostitutes in Malaysia have
ranged in the thousands, but such estimates do not have a
strong basis in substantive research. Officials at the
Women's Ministry reported that during 2004 the GOI
repatriated from Malaysia 1,047 allegedly trafficked
prostitutes. The officials did not provide further details,
and might have categorized all returned prostitutes as
trafficking victims.
IOM recorded 470 Indonesian trafficking victims, including
110 children, repatriated from Malaysia from March 2005 to
February 2006. Of these, 81 were trafficked into
prostitution, representing 62 adults and 19 children.
Domestic workers constituted the largest number of victims
(267) repatriated with IOM assistance.
The ILO, IOM, NGOs and Indonesian diplomats in Malaysia have
noted reports of illegal Indonesian migrant workers
trafficked to isolated plantations and plywood factories in
Malaysia. It was not clear in all instances whether such
reports met the definition of trafficking or represented
other types of labor abuse. IOM repatriated 53 reportedly
trafficked plantation workers during the period March 2005 to
February 2006.
The GOI, police and local press reports documented the
trafficking of young Indonesian women to Japan under the
guise of "cultural performers," and suggested that such
trafficking victims numbered at least in the hundreds. In
2003, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo reportedly acknowledged
knowing of 235 female entertainment workers in Japan.
International media reported that in 2005 Japanese
authorities rescued 44 Indonesian women trafficked as "sex
slaves" to Japan, with Indonesians representing for the first
time the largest group of foreign victims rescued from the
sex trade there. In 2005, police arrested two persons for
trafficking dozens of "cultural performers" into prostitution
in Japan.
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The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Aceh and
limited parts of North Sumatra province in December 2004
raised immediate concerns over women and children left
vulnerable to trafficking. A subsequent major earthquake
that hit Nias Island in March 2005 raised similar concerns.
In a November 2005 report, UNICEF concluded that there had
been no substantiated cases of child trafficking in
tsunami-striken areas and that there had been no large-scale
organized trafficking of children separated or orphaned by
the tsunami. Local media reported an unsuccessful attempt to
traffic two teenaged girls from Aceh to Malaysia; possible
trafficking of some Acehnese women also to Malaysia; and one
case of an Acehnese child allegedly trafficked to Batam. In
June 2005, police arrested several Indonesian NGO workers for
allegedly trafficking 15 children from Nias to Jakarta,
though details remained unclear. IOM assisted the Nias
cases, and also reported helping with 7 trafficking victims
from Aceh. U.S. Embassy partners concluded that, despite the
tsunami's impact, there was little evidence of significant
trafficking of Acehnese, while the extent of trafficking
crimes appeared far greater in other areas of the country.
The GOI's quick and firm response to stop the unauthorized
movement of children out of Aceh contributed to the
prevention of trafficking from tsunami-affected areas.
ICMC/ACILS note that the category of overseas or migrant
labor, which according to their research generates large
numbers of TIP victims, encompasses a range of sectors.
Female Indonesian migrant laborers tend to work as domestic
helpers, as entertainers, in the service industry, in
factories and on plantations. Males tend to find work
overseas in construction, factories and plantations, and as
drivers. The large majority of Indonesian workers overseas
are not trafficking victims, but they are vulnerable to
trafficking and lesser abuses at various stages -- during
their recruitment, pre-departure, placement and return. The
migrant worker recruiting system tolerates and
institutionalizes forms of debt bondage. The media tend to
describe Indonesian women as among the most abused of all
Asian migrant workers due in part to their lack of education
and poor English language skills. Such articles commonly
cite examples of abuse in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
and Hong Kong.
Child domestic workers, frequently found in many middle- to
upper-income Indonesian households, may number from 215,000
to 350,000 in the under-15 age bracket, according to
ICMC/ACILS. ILO data from a limited 2002-2003 survey
indicated that some 688,000 children under age 18 may be
employed as child domestic workers. Employers may prefer
child domestics over adults because children commonly receive
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lower wages, and can be more easily managed and controlled.
An unknown number of domestics work in trafficking or
trafficking-like conditions. For example, they may receive
little or no wages, face restricted freedom of movement, be
subject to physical and psychological abuse and sexual
assault, and have no means to remove themselves from such
situations. A 2005 Human Rights Watch report, "Always on
Call," provided accounts of gross abuse of child domestic
workers in Indonesia.
Street children represent another potential source of
trafficking victims. In 2003, the Social Affairs Ministry
estimated there were some 50,000 street children in
Indonesia, while NGO estimates place the number at 120,000 or
higher. ICMC/ACILS note that although most street children
are not trafficked into their situation, they are very
vulnerable to traffickers. ILO studies in 2001 and 2004
documented children trafficked for the purpose of organized
street begging.
The GOI, including the police, and NGOs like LBH-APIK and
ICMC/ACILS have documented the selling of brides, including
some underage, in the Singkawang District of West Kalimantan.
This area is the focal point for the bride purchase
phenomenon due to the existence of a large, poor ethnic
Chinese community. Most buyers are from Taiwan and Hong Kong
and seek Chinese-speaking women. Anecdotal evidence and
Indonesian officials who have visited Taiwan suggest that
many brides become spouses and part of families in Taiwan,
although some are trafficked for prostitution, forced
domestic work, or other slavery-like practices.
In 2004, the Taiwan police received over 170 reports of abuse
from Indonesian women living in Taiwan, according to
Indonesian police sources. Beginning in 2004, Indonesian
police increased their interactions with counterparts in
Taiwan. In August 2005, Indonesian and Taiwanese officials
held a seminar on protections for Indonesian spouses in
Taiwan, and reported that there were 10,115 Indonesian
citizen spouses living in Taiwan, roughly 11 percent of all
foreign-born spouses.
Organizations working on TIP recognized additional categories
that presumably generate trafficking victims. In most cases,
even less information is available on the prevalence of
trafficking in these sectors. One well-documented category
that appears to meet the TIP definition is the recruitment of
boys to work on offshore fishing platforms (jermals),
JAKARTA 00002849 010.2 OF 055
employment that exposes these children to many serious
hazards and isolation for months at a time. The incidence of
boys on fishing platforms off the coast of North Sumatra has
decreased dramatically over recent years. An ILO field study
in June 2003 of 100 known platforms uncovered only 15
children. More recent ILO studies have focused on children
trafficked aboard fishing vessels. The NGO Terre des Hommes
documented the phenomenon of trafficking in babies, as
distinct from illegal adoptions. The plantation sector and
narcotics trafficking may generate an unknown number of
trafficking victims.
Women and children are most likely to fall victim to
trafficking in Indonesia. A number of factors that
contribute to women's vulnerability, including: poverty,
lower education levels, cultural expectations, unequal status
(relative powerlessness) in the family and society
(particularly in lower income groups),limited economic
opportunities, and expectations of supporting children and
families. Girls who have married and divorced at a young age
appear particularly vulnerable. Age and cultural traditions
that emphasize the authority of older persons compound
children's vulnerability. The frequent complicity of parents
and relatives in the trafficking of children reflects a lack
of respect for children's rights within some family settings,
as well as economic pressures.
Traffickers victimize persons from many different ethnic
groups. Many persons trafficked originate from
densely-populated, low income areas of Java, reflecting the
larger pool of potential victims on this island that features
some 60 percent of Indonesia's total population and
contributes the majority of the country's migrant labor. No
accurate statistics are available to judge, however, if the
prevalence of TIP (as a percent of the population) is greater
on Java than in other regions.
The Women's Ministry conducted a study in 2003 of sending
areas in West Java that supplied women and girls for
prostitution and sex trafficking. The study concluded that a
strong correlation exists between poverty and trafficking
victims at the district level. Other studies have
de-emphasized poverty as the key factor, pointing to the
existence of established trafficking networks that lead to
greater recruitment of victims in some areas compared to
neighboring communities with the same economic profile.
Domestic and international groups combating TIP, as well as
the GOI, identified provinces and districts within provinces
that are primarily sending areas. The major sending
JAKARTA 00002849 011.2 OF 055
provinces include: Central Java, East Java, West Java, North
Sumatra, North Sulawesi, Lampung, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB),
and West Kalimantan.
Traffickers send victims to domestic and overseas locations.
NGOs and the GOI identify the following provinces as major
domestic receiving areas: Bali, East Java (Surabaya),East
Kalimantan, Jakarta, Papua, and Riau Islands (near Singapore).
Certain provinces stood out as important transit areas for
trafficking victims, including: Bali, Jakarta, East Java,
Riau Islands, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan and East
In terms of overseas receiving areas, traffickers send
Indonesian victims to many countries. Most GOI, NGO and
press reports concluded that the greatest numbers of
Indonesian victims overseas were found in Malaysia and Saudi
Arabia, respectively, mirroring overall migrant worker flows
to these countries. Other noted destinations included
Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South
Korea, and Singapore. Unlike in some recent years, there
were no new reports of trafficking to Australia.
GOI agencies and NGOs have documented distinct patterns and
routes of trafficking from and to different locations. For
example, North Sulawesi is known as an area that sends
trafficked women as prostitutes to isolated Papua. West
Kalimantan is the focal point for the bride purchase
phenomenon, due to the existence of a large, poor ethnic
Chinese community there and the fact that most buyers are
from Taiwan and Hong Kong and seek Chinese-speaking women.
Certain villages in Indramayu, West Java, constitute a
well-documented sending area for young girls and women,
particularly into the sex trade. During a February 2003 U.S.
Embassy visit, Indramayu officials stated that up to
two-thirds of girls and young women in certain villages had
migrated to work in large cities or overseas, as prostitutes
in many cases, leading the local government to allocate
anti-trafficking funds. Girls from Indramayu represent the
largest group of prostitutes operating in some prostitution
areas of Jakarta.
The number of persons trafficked into Indonesia from aboard
is relatively small, possibly in the hundreds, far fewer than
the number of Indonesian victims inside and outside the
country. Press and GOI accounts of foreign prostitutes
working in Jakarta and Batam, Riau Islands Province, provided
indications that Indonesia is a destination point for
trafficked women, though information remained very
superficial. Most foreign prostitutes in Indonesia
originated from mainland China. According to NGO
information, some 150 foreign prostitutes operated in Batam,
coming from China and Thailand, along with a small number of
JAKARTA 00002849 012.2 OF 055
Europeans. The media, NGOs, and the ILO reported smaller
numbers of women from Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong,
Uzbekistan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Venezuela, Spain
and Ukraine. In all such reports, the foreign women acted as
prostitutes. Often times, the presence of foreign
prostitutes became public knowledge following police raids
covered by the media. During 2004, raids in Jakarta led to
the arrest and deportation of prostitutes from China and
Uzbekistan. In August 2005, police and immigration officials
in Jakarta raided nightclubs, saunas and beauty parlors,
rounding up and deporting 68 foreign prostitutes, 63 from
China and 5 total from Russia and Uzbekistan.
In 2004 ACILS and other non-governmental sources reported
Burmese seafarers trafficked aboard fishing vessels from
Thailand operating in Indonesian waters. Over a period of
years, some of these fishermen jumped ship in the remote
eastern Indonesian port of Tual. In 2006, one NGO estimated
that there were some 100 such Burmese fishermen living in
undocumented status near Tual.
For internal trafficking into the sex trade, traffickers used
debt bondage, violence and threats of violence, drug
addiction, and withholding of documents to keep women and
children in prostitution.
Traffickers employ a variety of means to attract and hold
victims, including promises of well-paying jobs, debt
bondage, community or family pressures, threats of violence,
rape, and false marriages. Promises of relatively lucrative
employment are among the most common tactics. For example,
police and NGO interviews of women who escaped from forced
prostitution in Batam, Papua and Malaysia commonly reveal
that traffickers recruited the young women with offers of
jobs in restaurants, supermarkets or as domestic servants.
Once at their destination, traffickers used violence and rape
to force them into the sex trade. Migrant worker recruiters
also use misrepresentation and debt bondage to traffic men
and women. Beginning in December 2004 and continuing through
2005, the GOI freed some 2,000 women and girls detained in
illegal Jakarta-area migrant worker holding centers, many of
which reportedly kept their victims illegally confined under
inhumane conditions.
Debt bondage is particularly common in the sex trade.
Indonesian women and girls trafficked into prostitution in
Batam, for example, commonly began with a debt of five to ten
million rupiah (USD 600-1,200). Given the constant
accumulation of other debts, women and girls are often unable
to repay these amounts, even after years of work as
prostitutes. Although detailed information was lacking, NGOs
assumed traffickers would subject foreign victims held in
prostitution to threats, violence, and withholding of
JAKARTA 00002849 013.2 OF 055
Some migrant workers, often female, also entered trafficking
and trafficking-like situations during their attempt to find
work abroad through migrant worker recruiting agencies
(PJTKI). Licensed and unlicensed PJTKI used debt bondage,
withholding of documents and confinement in locked premises
to keep migrant workers in holding centers, sometimes for
periods of many months. Some PJTKI also use threats of
violence to maintain control over prospective migrant
workers. Civil society, officials, and victims themselves
commonly viewed conditions of debt bondage and physical
confinement as acceptable aspects of the migrant worker
system, rather than as rights violations.
Traffickers sent Indonesian victims both overseas and to
domestic locations. As noted above, traffickers focused
disproportionately on women and children. Traffickers also
took advantage of persons in many impoverished regions.
While poverty plays a leading role in facilitating
trafficking, poor educational opportunities, cultural factors
and established trafficking networks also acted as important
Traffickers fit many different profiles. Some worked in
larger mafia-like organizations, particularly for trafficking
into major prostitution areas. Others operated as small or
family-run businesses. Husband-wife teams of traffickers
were common, with the wife often serving as the recruiting
agent. In many instances, local community leaders and
parents of victims assisted in trafficking.
Some PJTKI operated similar to trafficking rings, leading
both male and female workers into debt bondage, abusive
employment situations and other trafficking situations. Some
of the offending PJTKI held official licenses. Others
operated illegally or appeared to be paper fronts for
Some individual members of the security forces were complicit
in trafficking, particularly by providing protection to
brothels and prostitution fronts in discos, karaoke bars and
hotels, or by receiving bribes to turn a blind eye to such
crimes. An unknown number of civilian officials, including
those who work in local government service, immigration, and
local Manpower offices, either contributed to or were
complicit in trafficking.
There were many reports of families either selling or
encouraging children to enter abusive domestic service or
prostitution. Children worked to pay off debts or advances
provided to their families. In certain rural communities,
such as Indramayu, West Java, the GOI and NGOs repeatedly
noted a culture in which young women were encouraged to
support their families by becoming big-city prostitutes.
JAKARTA 00002849 014.2 OF 055
Indonesia' priority to fight trafficking found renewed
expression in public remarks by President Yudhoyono, cabinet
members, and other senior officials. In December 2005,
President Yudhoyono called publicly for the quick passage of
the comprehensive anti-trafficking bill and personally
decried the conditions of trafficked migrant workers. In
January 2006, President Yudhoyono and Malaysian Prime
Minister Abdullah Badawi issued a joint statement, which
"condemned acts of trafficking in persons as an atrocious
crime against humanity." The joint statement also "expressed
strong commitment in working together to combat such crime
and instructed the two countries' respective national police
to enhance cooperation towards such a goal." Indonesia's
Women's Minister and Manpower Minister spoke out against
trafficking publicly and in meetings.
After a delay that affected almost all pending national
legislation, Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) took
up the anti-trafficking bill as a DPR initiative in late 2005
and began formal hearings in January 2006. Given its backlog
of over 200 bills, the DPR in effect prioritized the
anti-trafficking law over most other pending legislation.
The DPR committee targeted passage of the bill in mid-2006.
GOI-sponsored public education campaigns, continued arrests
and prosecutions of traffickers, new medical facilities and
shelters to assist victims, and other actions detailed in
this report provided further signs of political will.
Given the scope of the country's trafficking problem,
Indonesia's actions against trafficking, whether the
responsibility of national or local governments, continued to
demonstrate serious weaknesses and failings. Indonesia's
relative poverty, weaknesses in governance, poor public
funding, preoccupation with post-tsunami recovery, and
endemic corruption all contributed to these shortcomings.
As a developing country with a low per capita income, and as
a new democracy of some 240 million people struggling with a
legacy of 40 years of authoritarian rule, Indonesia faces
huge challenges in governance, which significantly limit the
GOI's ability to fight trafficking. Indonesia's emerging
democratic structures commonly lack capacity and integrity,
and face critical funding limitations.
Overall, government funding for anti-trafficking remained
very inadequate, a situation similar to the country's
response to many other crimes and social ills. Limited
funding constrained central and local governments' assistance
and protection efforts. This included the GOI's ability to
JAKARTA 00002849 015.2 OF 055
detect and assist victims on islands sometimes many hundreds
of miles from the national and provincial capitals. While
the GOI did assist many Indonesians trafficked abroad,
assistance and protection efforts, in particular for persons
trafficked within Indonesia, remained very sporadic and did
not reach most victims. Limited police budgets and lack of
operational funds severely hampered investigations, many of
which required travel to other police districts.
Jakarta officials and researchers reported that the national
and local governments increased outlays for specific
anti-trafficking efforts over the past several years, but
these sources did not provide budget data. In 2006 the GOI's
focal point for anti-trafficking, the Women's Ministry, did
not receive a significant increase in anti-trafficking
funding, which remained at approximately $300,000 (the
Women's Ministry has a policy, rather than operational role).
There were reports of additional provincial and district
governments allocating limited money for anti-trafficking
efforts, but no details were available.
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck
Indonesia's Aceh and North Sumatra provinces on December 26,
2004, continued to consume massive amounts of GOI funding and
attention over the past year. As the world's worst natural
disaster in living memory, the catastrophe left over 120,000
Indonesians dead and many more missing. It also caused
billions of dollars in physical damage. Key Indonesian
ministries in the fight against trafficking, including the
People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry, the Women's Ministry
and the Social Affairs Ministry, took on major
responsibilities for the Aceh relief effort. Staff and
budgets in these ministries were very much focused on tsunami
response efforts during most of 2005.
Corruption, which took firm root under the former Suharto
government, remains widespread and deeply entrenched. The
legal system generally functions poorly and rule of law is
weak, severely affecting GOI law enforcement efforts for all
crimes, and TIP cases are no exception. The police force is
only slowly coming to grips with its proper role in a
democracy and under civilian, rather than military,
Corruption in Indonesia's legal system affects trafficking
cases. According to NGO reports, and statements from
officials and police, in recent years traffickers have used
corruption in the legal process to their benefit to obtain
reduced charges and sentences, to manipulate investigative
reporting, and to avoid charges altogether. Often times,
NGOs, officials and private citizens did not report
information on corruption and illegal activities to the
authorities because of concern over retribution or lack of
trust in the system to take action in such cases.
JAKARTA 00002849 016.2 OF 055
Corruption among government officials and institutions
responsible for producing national identity cards, passports
and other identifying documents contributed substantially to
trafficking. This particularly affected the trafficking of
persons abroad and the trafficking of minors into
The Yudhoyono administration launched a new and promising
anti-corruption campaign, with an Corruption Eradication
Commission (KPK) and a special anti-corruption task force
under the Attorney General's Office. The campaign achieved
some notable, high-profile successes in its first 16 months,
but represented only the beginning of a very long process
needed to significantly reduce endemic corruption.
Senior GOI officials periodically evaluate the Government's
performance, including serious shortcomings. The GOI uses
the National Anti-Trafficking Task Force to evaluate progress
and shortcomings under the framework of the National Action
Plan to combat trafficking. The Task Force had the following
priorities for 2004-2007:
-- Adoption of the comprehensive anti-trafficking law
-- Increase in public awareness campaigns and efforts
-- Promotion of better mechanisms for counter-trafficking
programs at provincial and district levels
-- Full development of shelters in all provinces and in half
of all districts
-- Strengthening the capacity of law enforcement officers and
task forces at all levels
-- Building data collection and information systems
As an example of its activity, the latest National
Anti-Trafficking Task Force meeting, held in late February
2006, endorsed a number of practical actions, including:
targeting the passage of the anti-trafficking bill in 2006;
increasing GOI public awareness programs; increased attention
to the role of falsified national identity documents in
contributing to trafficking; better defining procedures for
victims to access government services; development of an
awards program for local government leaders who carry out
significant anti-trafficking efforts; and needed follow-up
with the Finance Ministry and the National Planning Board to
explore more national and local level funding in anticipation
of the end of foreign anti-trafficking assistance.
The GOI produces and publicly distributes an annual
anti-trafficking report, normally available by April of each
JAKARTA 00002849 017.2 OF 055
Indonesia's acknowledgement of trafficking found clear
reiteration in public statements by President Yudhoyono and
other measures. Indonesia's National Spokesperson on
Trafficking, Dewi Hughes, continued numerous public
engagements. The GOI ran a first-ever anti-trafficking
public service announcement on television, reaching millions
of viewers. The Manpower and National Education ministries
incorporated anti-trafficking materials in their training
activities. The national Scout movement expanded its
anti-trafficking campaign in West Java. The GOI made
progress in achieving free basic education and free birth
registrations in some districts. The GOI began to introduce
a passport with improved security features.
The GOI at the most senior levels acknowledges that
trafficking is a serious problem that affects many Indonesian
women and children. This acknowledgement is reflected in
presidential and ministerial-level statements, including
clear public statements by President Yudhoyono in 2005; three
related national action plans; national and local
anti-trafficking task forces; additional criminal sanctions
included in the 2002 Child Protection Act; police actions to
combat trafficking; and current GOI and DPR efforts to pass
comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation.
As an important signal of its recognition of the problem, the
GOI seeks, accommodates and welcomes international assistance
to fight the trafficking of Indonesian citizens, including in
the area of law enforcement. Indonesia actively participated
in international, regional and sub-regional anti-trafficking
events, including preparation and signing of the November
2004 ASEAN anti-trafficking declaration, and hosting of the
ASEAN TIP workshop in 2005. President Yudhoyono and
Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's January 2006 joint
statement condemned trafficking as "an atrocious crime
against humanity."
Some GOI agencies, individual officials and local governments
lagged behind in understanding and acknowledging TIP. Others
took anti-TIP actions without using the term "trafficking."
A number of senior civilian officials and law enforcement
officers continue to believe that trafficking is a problem
only for Indonesians victimized abroad and they do not
acknowledge or admit the existence of internal trafficking,
particularly for prostitution. In general, trafficking
within Indonesia's borders received less acknowledgment and
priority than trafficking of Indonesians to other countries,
though law enforcement actions against internal trafficking
appeared to increase.
JAKARTA 00002849 018.2 OF 055
Many government agencies at national and sub-national levels
carried out anti-trafficking efforts, some in a substantive
way and others only superficially. The People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry is the senior most executive body
responsible for TIP. In 2002, the President identified the
Women's Ministry as the focal point for anti-trafficking
efforts, particularly those concerning women and children.
Both the Coordinating Ministry and the Women's Ministry
actively engaged on TIP throughout the year. Several deputy
ministers from both ministries devoted themselves on an
almost full-time basis to anti-trafficking activities.
The People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the Women's
Ministry lead the GOI's National Anti-Trafficking Task Force,
which has formal responsibility for the National Action Plan
to Eliminate Trafficking in Persons. This body includes 12
other GOI agencies (as well as NGOs and civil society
-- Home Affairs Ministry
-- Foreign Affairs Ministry
-- Religious Affairs Ministry
-- Law and Human Rights Ministry
-- Manpower and Transmigration Ministry
-- Social Affairs Ministry
-- Health Ministry
-- Education Ministry
-- Tourism and Culture Ministry
-- Communications Ministry
-- The National Police (POLRI)
-- The National Statistics Bureau
The National Task Force has had limited success as a
coordinating body, and less success in generating concrete
actions. In part, this reflects the relative powerlessness
of the Women's Ministry within the national government, and
the fact that neither the People's Welfare Coordinating
Ministry nor the Women's Ministry has much operational
authority. However, interagency coordination generally is
weak or nonexistent everywhere in the government on almost
all issues.
The Manpower Ministry maintained a Directorate for the
Protection of Overseas Workers that carried out some
functions related to anti-trafficking, though it normally did
not use this concept to describe its actions.
Local government agencies, for the most part operating
autonomously from central ministries, also played roles in
anti-trafficking. The number of provinces with established
anti-trafficking committees or task forces increased to 12
(out of 33 provinces),namely: Bali, Central Java, East
Java, East Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, Jakarta, North
Sulawesi, North Sumatra, West Java, West Kalimantan, West
JAKARTA 00002849 019.2 OF 055
Nusa Tenggara, and Yogyakarta. At least 14 district-level
task forces also operated within 8 provinces: Bali
(Buleleng),Central Java (Cilicap),East Java (Tulungagung,
Malang, Ponorogo, Blitar, Banyuwangi),Riau (Dumai),Riau
Island (Tanjung Balai Karimun),West Java (Indramayu,
Bandung, Bekasi),West Kalimantan (Sambas),and West Nusa
Tenggara (Sumbawa). The effectiveness of the various
committees and task forces varied considerably, and some
failed to function adequately.
During this period, the GOI and NGOs continued
anti-trafficking information and education initiatives, which
were limited in scope and budget, but did raise awareness
among the Indonesian public. GOI-sponsored public awareness
campaigns included TV, radio and print media, and commonly
featured senior officials. Indonesia's National Spokesperson
on Trafficking, TV personality Dewi Hughes, continued public
awareness engagements in numerous media events that
highlighted the human cost of trafficking, sought to warn
potential victims, and lobbied for the passage of the
anti-trafficking bill.
In 2005-2006, the Women's Ministry conducted
awareness-raising efforts in 16 provinces. In late 2005, the
Women's Ministry sponsored a televised public service
announcement (PSA) on private national television stations,
with viewing audiences in the millions of viewers. The
television PSA, the first-ever related to trafficking, ran
for approximately one month. The PSA depicted a rural girl
who, with the promise of a lucrative job, is trafficked into
prostitution in a big Indonesian city.
The Manpower Ministry included information on the risk of
trafficking, and other abuses, during mandatory training of
out-going migrant workers. The Manpower Ministry also
launched pilot projects in four sub-districts (two in West
Java, one in Central Java, one in West Nusa Tenggara)
involving activists who reach to their communities to raise
awareness about trafficking and safe migration.
Some local governments, such as in North Sulawesi, East Java,
and Batam, also conducted education campaigns.
The National Education Ministry incorporated anti-trafficking
materials in some of its training activities. The Ministry
distributed anti-trafficking education kits to 150
administrators responsible for the country's out of school
education services. The National Education Ministry also
funded a local NGO project to assist radio stations in West
Java with the creation and airing of anti-trafficking PSAs.
NGOs remained the most active groups conducting
anti-trafficking campaigns in some areas. For example, in
Surabaya, East Java, NGOs held discussions in prostitution
JAKARTA 00002849 020.2 OF 055
complexes, sponsored university workshops, conducted
campaigns in bus and railway stations, and distributed
brochures and posters.
There were few efforts that focused on reducing demand for
trafficking. Limited public education material in Bali and
Batam, aimed at stopping child sex tourism, contained
messages for potential clients of prostitutes.
The GOI efforts contributed to increasing public
understanding of the seriousness of the trafficking problem,
but GOI agencies responsible for combating trafficking did
not have funds to conduct extensive, national education
efforts. The national TIP Task Force called for expanded
awareness-raising campaigns.
Media coverage of trafficking, both domestic and
international, expanded over recent years. National
television, radio and print media, and local newspapers
routinely covered TIP issues. Investigative journalism shows
highlighted the crime. Migrant workers who had become
trafficking victims, Indonesian prostitutes in Malaysia and
the Middle East, domestic servants in Saudi Arabia, and child
prostitutes were among topics that received significant
Indonesia's national Scouts organization, which has near
universal representation in public schools, continued and
expanded its anti-trafficking education campaign in West
Java. The on-going campaign targets 25,000 students in 116
schools in 2006. Some Islamic organizations, including
Muslim boarding schools (pesantren) began to take a more
active role in anti-trafficking awareness-raising in parts of
West Java, East Java, and Aceh. In West Java, the Fahmina
Institute and the pesantren of Kyai Husein Muhammad engaged
in active anti-trafficking efforts focused on the Muslim
The GOI supported and administered other national programs
related to the prevention of trafficking, but not designed
specifically as anti-trafficking efforts. These programs
commonly faced serious constraints in terms of GOI limited
funds, institutional capacity, and corruption. Some of the
more relevant programs were:
-- A program to encourage free basic public education through
the first nine years of schooling, including subsidies for
students from poor families. A number of districts announced
their achievement of free public schooling.
-- A program to encourage birth registrations, coupled with a
law that mandates government offices to provide birth
certificates free of charge. At least 21 local governments
began free provision of birth certificates.
JAKARTA 00002849 021.2 OF 055
-- A national program to eliminate gender inequality in
-- Programs to train female migrant workers.
-- Credit schemes for micro-, small- and medium-sized
businesses, some of which focused on women.
-- Revolving credit schemes for cooperatives and savings and
loan associations.
-- Various cooperative efforts with NGOs to assist women from
poor families.
The Megawati Government, which left office in October 2004,
did not capitalize on then President Megawati's publicly
declared campaign against the commercial sexual exploitation
of children in Batam and Bali, announced in July 2003. The
campaign led to some limited actions in Batam and some
meetings in Bali, and helped somewhat to raise public
awareness, but GOI efforts did not match the President's
rhetoric. The campaign did not carry over into the new
administration of President Yudhoyono.
-------------- --------------
The overall relationship between relevant GOI offices and
NGOs remained cooperative and mutually supportive on
TIP-related issues. Cooperation varied from agency to agency
and location to location. The GOI recognized the importance
of NGO expertise, networks and involvement. NGOs met
regularly with officials and participated in national and
local task forces. The GOI and NGOs collaborated on many TIP
initiatives, including in protection of victims, public
awareness raising, and in providing assistance to law
enforcement officials in investigations and prosecutions.
The police and NGOs continued to share information on
trafficking, although mutual suspicions between NGOs and
police sometimes prevented their cooperation.
In East Java, the province's Child Protection Commission,
police, city authorities, and NGO representatives in May 2005
launched a network to monitor and prevent trafficking of
children into prostitution. The network monitors brothels
and reports to the social services office and police if a
brothel employs a child prostitute.
The DPR invited NGOs and other civil society groups to
participate in hearings on the pending anti-trafficking bill.
Women's groups worked with the GOI and DPR members to garner
political support for the bill's passage.
In 2005, the Foreign Ministry decided not to proceed with an
initiative by the NGO ICMC to provide limited technical and
material assistance to TIP shelters and personnel operating
JAKARTA 00002849 022.2 OF 055
out of Indonesian diplomatic offices in Malaysia. The
Foreign Ministry explained that it had concerns over
perceptions by the Malaysian government of a foreign NGO
working with the Indonesian embassy there on such a sensitive
issue. This situation coincided roughly with Malaysia's
announced effort to expel illegal Indonesian workers.
The GOI, by its own admission, could not adequately monitor
its borders due to the vast size of the country (stretching
some three thousand miles east-west encompassing 17,000
islands),its tens of thousands of miles of coastline, and
its limited naval and border patrol units. While the GOI
increased controls and oversight at some border points in
response to concerns over terrorism and illegal migrant
worker flows to Malaysia, border control in general remained
very inadequate. Field reports from the Indonesia-Malaysia
land border crossing points, such as Entikong, West
Kalimantan, consistently described very loose and easily
corrupted immigration controls.
The GOI did not effectively monitor immigration and
emigration patterns for evidence of trafficking, with some
limited exceptions in areas like the Riau Islands, where from
time to time police and immigration officials utilized
immigration/emigration data to detect and act against
trafficking rings. On the whole, however, immigration
officials and law enforcement agencies did not have the
equipment, capacity or tools to generate useful information,
or did not prioritize such information.
In 2004, Indonesia established a Transnational Crime Center
(TNCC),which includes trafficking as one focus. There was
no information, however, on the TNCC's activities related to
trafficking over the past year.
In February 2006, the GOI introduced a new passport with
increased security features. In the future, the GOI plans to
link fingerprints to passport data to prevent fraud. While
efforts to increase passport integrity began, Indonesia's
passport services, like most other government services,
remained the object of widespread corruption. Indonesians
are able to easily obtain passports in false and multiple
identities. The lack of computerized nationwide passport and
immigration records facilitated the work of traffickers, and
made it difficult to check whether potential trafficking
victims have left Indonesia. Recruitment agencies routinely
falsified birth dates, including for children, in order to
apply for passports and migrant worker documents.
At the national level, the Women's Ministry served as the
focal point for GOI actions on TIP. The People's Welfare
JAKARTA 00002849 023.2 OF 055
Coordinating Ministry, which includes the Women's Ministry
under its umbrella, also played a key role in coordinating
efforts across different agencies. The National Action Plan
to eliminate trafficking created a Task Force led by the
People's Welfare Coordinating Minister and the Women's
Minister, and included some 28 government and law enforcement
agencies, NGOs, and civil society groups (see above). Many
provinces and a number of districts operated task forces for
coordinating anti-trafficking efforts.
The GOI actively participated in multilateral and
international coordination efforts to combat trafficking
under UN, ASEAN and regional frameworks. As an example, the
GOI hosted the ASEAN workshop on combating TIP in November
2005. The results for Indonesia of such multinational
efforts have been mixed, in part because they often do not
involve GOI agencies that are responsible for TIP and are
knowledgeable about the issue. For example, the Bali
Ministerial process appears to have had little discernable
impact on GOI anti-trafficking efforts inside the country
thus far.
In 2002, then President Megawati approved three five-year
national action plans related to trafficking, one each to
eliminate the worst forms of child labor, to combat
trafficking in women and children, and to eliminate the
commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). The
People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the Women's
Ministry led the development of the anti-trafficking action
plan, beginning in March 2002. A number of NGOs and civil
society groups actively joined in the drafting and discussion
of the plans. NGOs and civil society groups sit on the
steering committee for implementing the action plan.
Following its adoption, the GOI has disseminated the action
plans to GOI offices, provincial officials, NGOs and civil
society groups, often through workshops, seminars and the
travel of Jakarta officials to the provinces.
East Java Province approved a provincial action plan in 2005.
Other provinces and districts also have developed action
plans, including West Kalimantan.
The GOI has given responsibility for developing
anti-trafficking programs to the National Anti-Trafficking
Task Force, created by the National Action Plan, and led by
the People's Welfare Coordinating Minister and the Women's
Minister, which includes other government and law enforcement
agencies, NGOs, and civil society groups (see above).
Responsibility for provincial and district-level programs
varies from location to location. A growing number of
provinces and districts (26 in total) have their own task
forces or committees.
JAKARTA 00002849 024.2 OF 055
The DPR formally took up the comprehensive anti-trafficking
bill in late 2005, after a long period of inaction affecting
almost all other pending legislation. The DPR began hearings
in January 2006 and targeted passage in mid-2006. Law
enforcement actions against traffickers continued apace in
2005, with 110 arrests/investigations of individual
traffickers, some reported 37 prosecutions, and at least 16
convictions, per partial data available. Most cases
pertained to women and children trafficked into prostitution.
In contrast to previous years, a sizable number of arrests
wee for acts of internal trafficking. Law enforcemett
actions were highly concentrated in four provic"es. Police
did not improve their data collectinn on TIP cases and the
Attorney General's Office paid very limited attention to
centralized informt ion on trafficking. Raids on illegal or
abusiv migrant worker holding centers freed hundreds of
women and resulted in arrests. The police formedsspecial
units to investigate crimes against women and children,
including trafficking. Indonesiano*fficials assisted with
the arrest and return oftthree American pedophiles. Clashes
between polie and military highlighted the continued
involveeent of individual security force members in
prostitution. Debt bondage in the migrant worker systemQ
continued as a widely accepted practice.
Currn*t Indonesian law criminalizes trafficking in persnns,
though the country does not yet have comprehensive
anti-trafficking legislation. Existing law have important
limitations, such as the lack of a clear legal definition of
trafficking. The Penal Code's Article 297 stipulates that
"trafficking of females (age not specified) and trafficking
in underage males" constitute a criminal offense and provides
for penalties. Law No. 30/1999 on Human Rights also asserts
children's rights to enjoy protection against trafficking.
The October 2002 Child Protection Act (Chapter 12) includes
specific and serious penalties for child trafficking and
related offenses. As pertains to trafficking, however, the
Act is general in nature and without a comprehensive
definition of the crime. While the GOI can and did prosecute
TIP cases under existing laws, including those for related
criminal violations (e.g., rape, illegal confinement, abuse
of women for immoral purposes, etc.),the lack of a
comprehensive law with adequate legal definitions constitutes
an impediment for law enforcement.
Police and prosecutors have increasingly turned to the Child
JAKARTA 00002849 025.2 OF 055
Protection Act, and its tougher sanctions, in cases of child
trafficking. This trend continued over the past year, with
at least 38 traffickers charged under the Act.
At times, police and prosecutors used other sections of the
Penal Code to jail traffickers, including provisions against
abductions (Article 332).
The 2002-2007 National Action Plan on anti-trafficking notes
that the enactment of a comprehensive anti-trafficking law is
an important goal and called for passage of the law by 2004.
GOI began research for the law in 2002, completed an initial
draft in 2003, and submitted the bill to the House of
Representatives (DPR) following presidential signature in
July 2004. The bill criminalizes all forms of trafficking,
provides compensation for victims, and protection for
victims, witnesses and others involved in legal proceedings.
It also includes stiff penalties for perpetrators and
officials involved in trafficking (see below).
The outgoing DPR did not deliberate on the TIP bill before
leaving office in September 2004. During much of 2005,
political conditions and inexperience in the new
administration and DPR resulted in the DPR only passing
several minor laws from a backlog of over 200 bills.
Although the Yudhoyono administration and the DPR agreed to
prioritize passage of the anti-trafficking law during 2005,
the DPR did not take further action on the bill until the
last quarter of 2005, when the legislature adopted the draft
as its own "initiative" and formed a special committee to
handle the bill. In December 2005, President Yudhoyono and
the Women's Minister publicly called for the bill's quick
passage. The DPR committee began formal hearings in January
2006 and targeted passage of the bill in mid-2006.
In 2004, the DPR passed Law 39/2004 on the protection of
migrant workers abroad. The law provides greater regulation
of the migrant worker recruiting and placement process. It
establishes jail sentences of 2 to 15 years for unlicensed
labor recruitment agencies. Over the past year, Jakarta
police and Manpower Ministry officials began shutting down
some illegal and abusive recruiting agencies, and arresting
their operators using the migrant worker protection law.
A myriad of other laws exists in Indonesia that the GOI can
use to prosecute trafficking-related offenses. These include
laws against sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, child
labor, abduction, rape, unlawful detention, and immigration
offenses. At times, the GOI used these laws in conjunction
with anti-trafficking charges to prosecute traffickers.
JAKARTA 00002849 026.2 OF 055
ICMC/ACILS conducted a review of existing legislation and
concluded that, "although (existing laws) can and should be
used to act now against those who traffic in people, there
are many gaps in the existing legislation."
Under the Criminal Code, Article 297, those "trafficking in
females and trafficking in underage males are threatened by a
penalty of up to six years in jail." The Child Protection
Act, Article 83, provides for a jail sentence of 3 to 15
years, plus fines, for child traffickers. In addition, there
are separate sanctions for related crimes against children
such as: sexual exploitation (10 years maximum imprisonment
plus fine),involving a child in narcotics trade (5 years in
jail to life imprisonment, or death penalty, plus fine),and
exposure of children to trafficking situations (5 years
maximum imprisonment, plus fine).
The anti-trafficking bill, pending before the legislature,
provides for jail sentences ranging from 4 to 15 years for
trafficking acts. The bill provides for increased sentences
for trafficking under certain circumstances, for example:
trafficking by parents (increased sentence by one-third);
trafficking resulting in serious injury (5 to 20 years); and
trafficking resulting in death (life in prison).
The Criminal Code, Article 285, stipulates a maximum of 12
years imprisonment for rape committed outside of marriage.
Other generally less severe criminal sanctions apply for
sexual intercourse with a minor, forcing a person to commit
an act of sexual abuse of a minor, facilitating minors to
perform acts of obscenity, and other related offenses. The
12-year maximum jail sentence for rape exceeds the 6-year
maximum for trafficking under the Criminal Code, but is
similar to the 15-year maximum penalty for trafficking of
children under the Child Protection Act.
As a matter of national law, Indonesia has not legalized
prostitution. Indonesia's Penal Code does not explicitly
mention prostitution, but the Code's Chapter 14 refers to
"crimes against decency/morality," which many within national
and local governments interpret to apply to prostitution.
Central government officials contacted by the Embassy agreed
in their interpretation that the Penal Code renders
prostitution illegal. The prostitution of children is
clearly illegal under the Penal Code and the 2002 Child
Protection Act.
The Penal Code can be used to prosecute the acts of pimps,
JAKARTA 00002849 027.2 OF 055
brothel owners and enforcers on the basis of various crimes,
including: using violence or threats of violence to force
persons to conduct indecent acts (Article 289, with a maximum
penalty of nine years in jail); facilitating indecent acts
(Article 296, with a possible jail term of 16 months);
conducing/facilitating public indecency (Article 281); and
making profits from the indecent acts of a woman (Article
506, with a possible one-year jail sentence). In practice,
authorities rarely pursued such charges against those
involved in prostitution.
Clients of child prostitutes can be charged under the Penal
Code and the Child Protection Act. In theory, married
persons who are clients of prostitutes can be charged for
engaging in sexual relations outside of marriage (Penal Code
Article 284). In general, police did not arrest and pursue
charges against clients of prostitutes.
While contrary to societal and religious norms in Indonesia,
the practice of prostitution is widespread and largely
tolerated in many areas of the country, particularly when it
is not a matter of public display. Although contrary to
national interpretations that the Penal Code prohibits
prostitution, authorities in some localities have formally or
informally regulated prostitution in response to community
pressure. Drawing on precedents from the Dutch colonial era,
beginning in 1960, some cities and other areas, including
eventually Jakarta, Surabaya, and Batam, adopted a policy of
"localization" (concentration in a particular locale) for
prostitution. Often supported by elements of civil society,
"localization" was justified as an attempt to isolate vice
and thereby preserve the morals of the wider community, as
well as an effort to better monitor the activity and provide
health and rehabilitation services. In recent years, some
local governments (Jakarta among them) closed down the
"localization" areas because of protests from religious
groups, a trend that continues.
In November 2005, the city of Tanggerang, near Jakarta,
passed a public morality ordinance which, in part, forbids
persuading or coercing others into acts of prostitution, as
well as against acts of physical intimacy in public, such as
kissing. Other local governments are considering ordinances
against prostitution in the context of broader, and possibly
intrusive, regulations of public morality.
According to a media report, in February 2006 the social
services agency in Batam announced a plan to issue
identification cards to prostitutes, with the stated
objective of preventing children from being engaged in
prostitution. The plan met with opposition from local
legislators and religious leaders, who objected to the
measure believing it to constitute legalization of
In some areas, including certain locations in Papua, brothel
owners registered prostitutes with the police with a view to
JAKARTA 00002849 028.2 OF 055
demonstrating that the prostitutes are not coerced or
Some local governments gained important tax revenues from
otherwise legal entertainment businesses, such as karaoke
bars, that also offer prostitution. Individual police and
other officials also gained illegal income as a result of
prostitution. These factors encouraged the tendency to
tolerate prostitution, according to observers.
The GOI investigated, arrested, indicted, convicted and
sentenced traffickers, with partial data indicating that
anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts in 2005 continued at
a pace similar to 2004.
According to data provided by the national police, local
police offices, other GOI offices and press accounts, police
investigated/arrested 110 suspected traffickers in calendar
year 2005. An additional 15 arrests occurred in
January-February 2006. Almost all of the arrests related to
trafficking of women and girls for prostitution, with the
exception of baby-trafficking (see below). Police
investigated and arrested traffickers sending victims to
internal destinations (62 cases) and foreign countries
(Malaysia 21 cases; Japan 3; Middle East 3; Singapore 2).
The sizable number of arrests for acts of trafficking within
Indonesia represented a positive change from previous years,
in which most arrests related to international trafficking.
Approximately one-quarter of the arrests related to cases of
"baby-selling," commonly using article 83 from the Child
Protection Act prohibiting "the trafficking, selling or
kidnapping of children for oneself or in order to sell to
another..." Some of these cases may refer to practices of
illegal adoption, rather than an inherently harmful, black
market trade in babies.
Prosecutors took 37 traffickers to court in 2005, according
to information from the Attorney General's Office (AGO)
provided to the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry in
late February 2006. The AGO had not provided details of the
cases to the Embassy by the time of this report. Details of
25 completed or on-going prosecutions were available to the
Embassy from other GOI and non-governmental sources, showing
16 convictions of traffickers and no acquittals. The average
sentence in these cases was 30 months in prison. The average
sentence length for persons convicted under the Child
Protection Act was higher than for those convicted only under
the Penal Code. The longest sentence handed down by a court
in 2005 in a trafficking case was nine years, representing a
conviction under both the Penal Code and Child Protection Act.
In the 57 cases for which relevant information was available,
JAKARTA 00002849 029.2 OF 055
police and prosecutors used the Child Protection Act against
traffickers in 38 cases; the Penal Code in 33 cases; the
Migrant Worker Protection Act in 13 cases; and a local
ordinance in 2 cases. Police and prosecutors often filed
charges under multiple laws. Almost all cases involving
child or baby trafficking utilized the Child Protection Act.
As in previous years, the available law enforcement data
showed distinct geographic patterns. In 2005, 18 out of 33
provinces recorded anti-trafficking law enforcement cases,
with law enforcement actions highly concentrated in four
provinces. North Sumatra recorded the greatest number of
arrests and prosecutions (27),followed by West Java (24),
Jakarta (18),and Riau Islands (15). The remaining 14
provinces recorded 7 or fewer cases each. In some areas of
the country known for trafficking problems, there were few or
no reports of law enforcement actions.
The law enforcement data available to the Embassy represents
incomplete and imperfect information. Despite standing
instructions from National Police Headquarters, not all
police districts reported anti-trafficking statistics and
some district reports were incomplete. The national police
data collection effort for anti-trafficking statistics
remained inadequate and did not demonstrate improvement over
the previous year. This also reflects a general weakness in
law enforcement data collection, which applies not only to
the issue of trafficking in persons. In addition, police
data would not necessarily capture some cases that did not
involve trafficking charges, such as cases in which
traffickers are charged with rape or abduction instead of
Relative to the police, the AGO had even more difficulty in
providing anti-trafficking data. AGO attention to data
collection on TIP appeared very limited. Central government
officials often relied upon contacts with province and
district level courts and prosecutors to gather data on legal
proceedings against traffickers.
The GOI's difficulties in collecting data are not unique to
TIP, but are endemic to the Indonesian Government and have
been particularly acute following decentralization. Local
authorities are no longer compelled to provide data to
central authorities in many instances.
Police and other GOI officials stated that almost all of the
convicted traffickers served their sentences in jail, but no
details were available.
Continuing law enforcement actions that began in December
2004 and January 2005, police and Manpower Ministry officials
conducted raids on 12 illegal migrant worker holding centers
in Jakarta from February to October 2005, arresting 10
persons and freeing 565 women. The police used the 2004
migrant worker protection law as the basis for the arrests.
According to GOI officials, the raids targeted unlicensed
JAKARTA 00002849 030.2 OF 055
holding centers some of which forcibly held prospective
female workers (adults and some children) under inhumane
conditions. However, they did not reflect a change in the
GOI's tacit acceptance of debt bondage, which, while not
recognized in law, is largely institutionalized in
Indonesia's migrant worker system.
Many traffickers arrested during this period appeared to be
lower level operators and/or members of small crime groups.
In a few cases, like that of the Jakarta-based traffickers
who sent women to Japan as "cultural entertainers," police
appeared to arrest more senior members of trafficking
syndicates. Most observers suspected the involvement of
larger crime syndicates and international criminal rings,
particularly for some overseas trafficking of prostitutes.
Large organized crime gangs commonly operated brothels in
major prostitution zones, normally with the involvement of
individual security force members. Traffickers also took on
the form of migrant worker recruiting agencies, both licensed
and unlicensed. Marriage brokers were involved in
trafficking using false marriages.
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces indirectly or directly assist traffickers,
and in some cases themselves fit the definition of
No information was available on the channeling of profits
from trafficking in persons.
As noted above, police continued actions to investigate
traffickers, break up trafficking rings, arrest traffickers
and free victims during this period. Police trained under
the DOJ/ICITAP program carried out qualitatively improved
investigations of trafficking during 2005, according to U.S.
Mission observations. In most incidents, however, police
were largely reactive in their investigations, taking actions
in response to complaints by family members, escaped
trafficking victims, civil society groups, NGOs, the press
and other government officials. Police more readily took
action in the case of children trapped in prostitution,
rather than adults forced into, or trapped in, the sex
Beginning as early as 2001, the police established women's
help desks (RPK) to protect women and child victims of
violence, including trafficking, and also to aid in
investigations of these crimes. The police have steadily
expanded the number of RPK, totaling 237 such desks in 2006.
Recently, certain police districts, including Jakarta and
North Sumatra, formed specialized investigative units focused
JAKARTA 00002849 031.2 OF 055
on crimes against women and children, with the units referred
to by the abbreviation RENATA. In 2006 the RENATA unit in
Medan, North Sumatra, consisted of 18 full-time female police
investigators, led by a senior female police official, and
focused most of its work on cases of domestic violence and
trafficking in persons. As noted above, in 2005 North
Sumatra carried out more anti-trafficking law enforcement
actions than any other province, per available data.
Jakarta's RENATA unit achieved some high-profile success in
2005 with the arrests of two traffickers sending young women
into prostitution in Japan.
GOI officials and NGOs often criticized police officers as
too passive in combating trafficking absent specific
complaints. Although police were often aware of underage
prostitutes or other trafficking situations, they frequently
did not intervene to protect victims or arrest probable
traffickers without specific reports from third parties.
Police in some areas facilitated and accepted at face value
efforts by pimps to obtain written statements by prostitutes,
which "verified" that the prostitutes were of adult age and
had consented to their roles. Police in some areas generally
accepted trafficking or trafficking-like situations, whether
out of lack of awareness of trafficking as a crime, their
direct or indirect involvement in trafficking, their
individual financial interest in prostitution, lack of police
resources for operations, or competing law enforcement
To aid in trafficking investigations, cases involving
Indonesian migrant workers, and other crimes, beginning in
2003 the police posted liaison officers in Indonesian
embassies in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Australia and Thailand.
These police liaison officers contributed to growing law
enforcement cooperation particularly with Malaysia. The
Indonesian police liaisons in Australia and Saudi Arabia have
also helped to investigate trafficking in the past.
In some instances, the police, particularly those who had
received anti-trafficking training, used active investigation
techniques to develop trafficking cases. The police used
undercover operations to some extent. In the past, police
occasionally employed electronic surveillance using technical
expertise developed for counter-terrorism. Information
collected through electronic surveillance is not admissible
in Indonesian courts except in cases of terrorism. The
cooperation of victims and witnesses was important to police
and prosecutors in making cases against traffickers.
According to a number of the police, GOI officials and NGOs,
victims frequently avoided testifying because of the
prolonged nature of court cases, their desire to return to
their home areas and lack of financial assistance to maintain
themselves. This complicated prosecution efforts. In some
JAKARTA 00002849 032.2 OF 055
cases, police did not detain suspects, who then subsequently
disappeared and did not present themselves in court.
Beginning in 2003, the GOI and POLRI using their own budgets
began to provide some training to officials and law
enforcement officers on TIP and related subjects at the
national and local levels, a positive change from previous
years. NGOs at times served as resource persons for such
training. POLRI has welcomed anti-trafficking training
assistance from the U.S. via the Department of
Justice/ICITAP, which will continue in 2006 after a break in
funding in 2005. The International Organization for
Migration (IOM) continued to provide some anti-trafficking
training to the police over the past year.
The Manpower Ministry trained labor inspectors and officials
responsible for migrant workers in the subjects of the worst
forms of child labor and trafficking.
The GOI cooperated with other governments, particularly
Malaysia, in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking
cases during this reporting period. Indonesian and Malaysian
law enforcement officers worked together to stop criminal
operations trafficking women and girls into prostitution in
Malaysia, and trafficking of babies to Malaysia. Indonesian
and Singaporean police also cooperated in the investigation
of a ring sending Indonesian prostitutes to Singapore. It
was unclear whether the prostitutes were trafficked.
In the past, Indonesia and Australia cooperated in the
investigations of Australian pedophiles victimizing children
in Bali, and syndicates trafficking women to Australia.
Indonesian police and other officials cooperated actively
with U.S. law enforcement to arrest and expel wanted American
citizen pedophiles (see below).
Indonesia maintains extradition treaties with only five
countries or territories, but very seldom utilizes this
mechanism to seek extradition of its citizens, preferring
less formal options such as rendering and deportation.
Indonesia does not have a history of extraditing or rendering
its own citizens to other countries.
Indonesia did not extradite any traffickers during this
reporting period and there were no reports of such requests
from other countries.
JAKARTA 00002849 033.2 OF 055
Indonesian police and officials have cooperated with foreign
governments, including the U.S. and Australia, in the
apprehension and repatriation of foreign sex offenders.
-------------- --------------
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces facilitated, tolerated, or were involved in
TIP on a variety of levels. The GOI in past reports
acknowledged this fact, which has been widely reported by
groups working on trafficking. The most common example of
such complicity was in the production of national identity
cards. In local communities, low-level officials certified
false information to produce national identity cards and
family data cards for children to allow them to work as
adults. They commonly did so in order to collect bribes and
also to assist poor families in gaining additional wage
earners. In most cases, these officials facilitated such
cards without knowing the children will be trafficked. In a
much smaller number of cases, the local officials presumably
were aware that they are facilitating trafficking. Based on
the identity cards, traffickers processed passports and work
visas for children who otherwise would not be able to obtain
such documents. With less than 30 percent of all births
registered in the country, and such registrations also
subject to falsification, authorities often had little legal
basis to challenge documents containing false information.
Some officials in local Manpower offices (Disnaker)
reportedly licensed and tolerated migrant worker recruiting
agencies despite the officials' knowledge of the agencies'
involvement in trafficking. In return for bribes, some
Immigration officials turned a blind eye to potential
trafficking victims, failing to screen or act with due
diligence in processing passports and immigration control.
Local governments' informal or formal regulation of and
alleged profiteering from established prostitution zones in
larger cities also raised concerns about local officials'
involvement and tolerance of trafficking.
Individual members of the police and military were associated
with brothels and prostitution fronts, most frequently
through the collection of protection money, which was a
widespread practice. Sometimes off-duty security force
members worked as security personnel at brothels. Security
force members also involved themselves in prostitution as
brothel owners or through other illicit business interests,
according to NGOs and other reports. As one prominent
example, NGOs continued to report the involvement of
Indonesian navy personnel and police in the Dolly
prostitution complex in Surabaya, one of Southeast Asia's
largest brothel areas. A 2005 NGO examination of trafficking
in Papua also found indications of police and military
personnel involved in trafficking.
JAKARTA 00002849 034.2 OF 055
NGOs described the involvement in TIP of individual police
and military members primarily as one of extorting protection
money from brothel owners and pimps, and of not taking
proactive steps to free underage or other trafficked
prostitutes. In past years, there have been reports of
police officers assisting pimps to return runaway prostitutes
to brothels. The NGOs did not report any examples of
security force members actively recruiting or forcing
children into prostitution.
Police, public order officials and military members sometimes
clashed as a result of raids on prostitution areas, publicly
highlighting the link between security force members and the
sex trade. Examples of such clashes occurred in Padang, West
Sumatra, in 2005 and in Sukabumi, West Java, in February
In some cases, the police tolerance of trafficking,
profiteering from the sex trade, and/or lack of understanding
of the law limited or delayed their actions in response to
complaints. On occasions in the past, national police
headquarters intervened with local police units to generate
actions, after the local units failed to respond to direct
Police and officials often did not recognize the relationship
of debt bondage and trafficking of women and girls for
The recruiting process for Indonesians working as unskilled
or semi-skilled labor abroad tends to institutionalize debt
bondage, which technically is illegal under Indonesian law.
Migrant worker recruiting agencies commonly hold prospective
workers in debt bondage. The indebtedness stems from
processing fees charged to the workers by the agencies and
costs incurred by the agencies prior to the departure of
workers for jobs overseas. Prospective migrant workers can
remain in holding centers for months at a time, awaiting
placement and departure. In some cases, such situations
degenerate into jail-like conditions, with poor food and
sanitation, and with workers unable to leave locked
warehouses where they are housed. There often appeared to be
widespread societal acceptance and tolerance by GOI officials
and law enforcement of such migrant worker conditions.
Situations of debt bondage commonly continued with overseas
The Manpower Ministry and the Jakarta police launched raids
on unlicensed migrant worker agencies, some of which kept
women and girls under inhumane conditions (see above).
U.S.-funded NGOs, the ILO and others examined the basis for
legal challenges to debt bondage and alternative means of
organizing migrant worker recruitment. There was a gradual
increase in awareness among some Indonesian officials that
JAKARTA 00002849 035.2 OF 055
the GOI should address the issue of debt bondage.
-------------- --------------
The GOI did not provide details regarding actions taken
against civil officials suspected of involvement in
trafficking. From time to time, the GOI applied
administrative sanctions against officials involved in
passport or other document fraud. Criminal prosecutions for
such actions are not common. There were no GOI reports of
the security forces prosecuting or disciplining their own
members for involvement in prostitution or other activities
related to trafficking.
The police actively investigated reports of foreign
pedophiles operating in Indonesia. In 2004, these efforts
led to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of an
Australian pedophile in Bali in May 2004, and of a Dutch
pedophile in West Nusa Tenggara also in May 2004. In 2005, a
court in Bali sentenced a French pedophile to 30 months in
jail. Police in Bali arrested a suspected Dutch pedophile in
July 2005, but the case remains under investigation. In
February 2006, the GOI deported an Australian pedophile who
had escaped from a jail in western Australia.
During this reporting period, Indonesia authorities fully and
quickly cooperated with U.S. law enforcement officials for
the arrest, expulsion and successful return to the U.S. of
three American citizens wanted due to pedophile charges or
convictions in the United States.
Indonesia has signed and in most cases ratified international
instruments related to the worst forms of child labor and the
trafficking of women and children:
-- The GOI signed ILO Convention 182 concerning the
elimination of the worst forms of child labor and ratified
this with Law No. 1 of 2000 on March 8, 2000.
-- Indonesia ratified ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labor in
1950. The GOI ratified ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition
of Forced Labor in 1999.
-- Indonesia signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention
on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child
Prostitution and Child Pornography, and ratified this in
September 2001.
-- Indonesia signed in December 2000 the UN Convention
Against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to
JAKARTA 00002849 036.2 OF 055
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The GOI
has not yet ratified the Convention and Protocol.
-- On September 25, 2003, Indonesia signed the Convention for
the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the
Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 1950, and the
Convention's Final Protocol. Indonesia has not yet ratified
these instruments.
The DPR formally took up the comprehensive anti-trafficking
bill in late 2005, after a long period of inaction affecting
almost all other pending legislation. The DPR began hearings
in January 2006 and targeted passage in mid-2006. Law
enforcement actions against traffickers continued apace in
2005, with 110 arrests/investigations of individual
traffickers, some reported 37 prosecutions, and at least 16
convictions, per partial data available. Most cases
pertained to women and children trafficked into prostitution.
In contrast to previous years, a sizable number of arrests
were for acts of internal trafficking. Law enforcement
actions were highly concentrated in four provinces. Police
did not improve their data collection on TIP cases and the
Attorney General's Office paid very limited attention to
centralized information on trafficking. Raids on illegal or
abusive migrant worker holding centers freed hundreds of
women and resulted in arrests. The police formed special
units to investigate crimes against women and children,
including trafficking. Indonesian officials assisted with
the arrest and return of three American pedophiles. Clashes
between police and military highlighted the continued
involvement of individual security force members in
prostitution. Debt bondage in the migrant worker system
continued as a widely accepted practice.
Current Indonesian law criminalizes trafficking in persons,
though the country does not yet have comprehensive
anti-trafficking legislation. Existing laws have important
limitations, such as the lack of a clear legal definition of
trafficking. The Penal Code's Article 297 stipulates that
"trafficking of females (age not specified) and trafficking
in underage males" constitute a criminal offense and provides
for penalties. Law No. 30/1999 on Human Rights also asserts
children's rights to enjoy protection against trafficking.
The October 2002 Child Protection Act (Chapter 12) includes
specific and serious penalties for child trafficking and
related offenses. As pertains to trafficking, however, the
JAKARTA 00002849 037.2 OF 055
Act is general in nature and without a comprehensive
definition of the crime. While the GOI can and did prosecute
TIP cases under existing laws, including those for related
criminal violations (e.g., rape, illegal confinement, abuse
of women for immoral purposes, etc.),the lack of a
comprehensive law with adequate legal definitions constitutes
an impediment for law enforcement.
Police and prosecutors have increasingly turned to the Child
Protection Act, and its tougher sanctions, in cases of child
trafficking. This trend continued over the past year, with
at least 38 traffickers charged under the Act.
At times, police and prosecutors used other sections of the
Penal Code to jail traffickers, including provisions against
abductions (Article 332).
The 2002-2007 National Action Plan on anti-trafficking notes
that the enactment of a comprehensive anti-trafficking law is
an important goal and called for passage of the law by 2004.
GOI began research for the law in 2002, completed an initial
draft in 2003, and submitted the bill to the House of
Representatives (DPR) following presidential signature in
July 2004. The bill criminalizes all forms of trafficking,
provides compensation for victims, and protection for
victims, witnesses and others involved in legal proceedings.
It also includes stiff penalties for perpetrators and
officials involved in trafficking (see below).
The outgoing DPR did not deliberate on the TIP bill before
leaving office in September 2004. During much of 2005,
political conditions and inexperience in the new
administration and DPR resulted in the DPR only passing
several minor laws from a backlog of over 200 bills.
Although the Yudhoyono administration and the DPR agreed to
prioritize passage of the anti-trafficking law during 2005,
the DPR did not take further action on the bill until the
last quarter of 2005, when the legislature adopted the draft
as its own "initiative" and formed a special committee to
handle the bill. In December 2005, President Yudhoyono and
the Women's Minister publicly called for the bill's quick
passage. The DPR committee began formal hearings in January
2006 and targeted passage of the bill in mid-2006.
In 2004, the DPR passed Law 39/2004 on the protection of
migrant workers abroad. The law provides greater regulation
of the migrant worker recruiting and lacement process. It
establishes jail sentencesof 2 to 15 years for unlicensed
labor recruitmen agencies. Over the past year, Jakarta
police ad Manpower Ministry officials began shutting down
some illegal and abusive recruiting agencies, and rresting
their operators using the migrant worke prottection law.
JAKARTA 00002849 038.2 OF 055
A myriad of other laws exists in Indonesia that the GOI can
use to prosecute trafficking-related offenses. These include
laws against sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, child
labor, abduction, rape, unlawful detention, and immigration
offenses. At times, the GOI used these laws in conjunction
with anti-trafficking charges to prosecute traffickers.
ICMC/ACILS conducted a review of existing legislation and
concluded that, "although (existing laws) can and should be
used to act now against those who traffic in people, there
are many gaps in the existing legislation."
Under the Criminal Code, Article 297, those "trafficking in
females and trafficking in underage males are threatened by a
penalty of up to six years in jail." The Child Protection
Act, Article 83, provides for a jail sentence of 3 to 15
years, plus fines, for child traffickers. In addition, there
are separate sanctions for related crimes against children
such as: sexual exploitation (10 years maximum imprisonment
plus fine),involving a child in narcotics trade (5 years in
jail to life imprisonment, or death penalty, plus fine),and
exposure of children to trafficking situations (5 years
maximum imprisonment, plus fine).
The anti-trafficking bill, pending before the legislature,
provides for jail sentences ranging from 4 to 15 years for
trafficking acts. The bill provides for increased sentences
for trafficking under certain circumstances, for example:
trafficking by parents (increased sentence by one-third);
trafficking resulting in serious injury (5 to 20 years); and
trafficking resulting in death (life in prison).
The Criminal Code, Article 285, stipulates a maximum of 12
years imprisonment for rape committed outside of marriage.
Other generally less severe criminal sanctions apply for
sexual intercourse with a minor, forcing a person to commit
an act of sexual abuse of a minor, facilitating minors to
perform acts of obscenity, and other related offenses. The
12-year maximum jail sentence for rape exceeds the 6-year
maximum for trafficking under the Criminal Code, but is
similar to the 15-year maximum penalty for trafficking of
children under the Child Protection Act.
As a matter of national law, Indonesia has not legalized
prostitution. Indonesia's Penal Code does not explicitly
mention prostitution, but the Code's Chapter 14 refers to
JAKARTA 00002849 039.2 OF 055
"crimes against decency/morality," which many within national
and local governments interpret to apply to prostitution.
Central government officials contacted by the Embassy agreed
in their interpretation that the Penal Code renders
prostitution illegal. The prostitution of children is
clearly illegal under the Penal Code and the 2002 Child
Protection Act.
The Penal Code can be used to prosecute the acts of pimps,
brothel owners and enforcers on the basis of various crimes,
including: using violence or threats of violence to force
persons to conduct indecent acts (Article 289, with a maximum
penalty of nine years in jail); facilitating indecent acts
(Article 296, with a possible jail term of 16 months);
conducing/facilitating public indecency (Article 281); and
making profits from the indecent acts of a woman (Article
506, with a possible one-year jail sentence). In practice,
authorities rarely pursued such charges against those
involved in prostitution.
Clients of child prostitutes can be charged under the Penal
Code and the Child Protection Act. In theory, married
persons who are clients of prostitutes can be charged for
engaging in sexual relations outside of marriage (Penal Code
Article 284). In general, police did not arrest and pursue
charges against clients of prostitutes.
While contrary to societal and religious norms in Indonesia,
the practice of prostitution is widespread and largely
tolerated in many areas of the country, particularly when it
is not a matter of public display. Although contrary to
national interpretations that the Penal Code prohibits
prostitution, authorities in some localities have formally or
informally regulated prostitution in response to community
pressure. Drawing on precedents from the Dutch colonial era,
beginning in 1960, some cities and other areas, including
eventually Jakarta, Surabaya, and Batam, adopted a policy of
"localization" (concentration in a particular locale) for
prostitution. Often supported by elements of civil society,
"localization" was justified as an attempt to isolate vice
and thereby preserve the morals of the wider community, as
well as an effort to better monitor the activity and provide
health and rehabilitation services. In recent years, some
local governments (Jakarta among them) closed down the
"localization" areas because of protests from religious
groups, a trend that continues.
In November 2005, the city of Tanggerang, near Jakarta,
passed a public morality ordinance which, in part, forbids
persuading or coercing others into acts of prostitution, as
well as against acts of physical intimacy in public, such as
kissing. Other local governments are considering ordinances
against prostitution in the context of broader, and possibly
intrusive, regulations of public morality.
According to a media report, in February 2006 the social
services agency in Batam announced a plan to issue
JAKARTA 00002849 040.2 OF 055
identification cards to prostitutes, with the stated
objective of preventing children from being engaged in
prostitution. The plan met with opposition from local
legislators and religious leaders, who objected to the
measure believing it to constitute legalization of
In some areas, including certain locations in Papua, brothel
owners registered prostitutes with the police with a view to
demonstrating that the prostitutes are not coerced or
Some local governments gained important tax revenues from
otherwise legal entertainment businesses, such as karaoke
bars, that also offer prostitution. Individual police and
other officials also gained illegal income as a result of
prostitution. These factors encouraged the tendency to
tolerate prostitution, according to observers.
The GOI investigated, arrested, indicted, convicted and
sentenced traffickers, with partial data indicating that
anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts in 2005 continued at
a pace similar to 2004.
According to data provided by the national police, local
police offices, other GOI offices and press accounts, police
investigated/arrested 110 suspected traffickers in calendar
year 2005. An additional 15 arrests occurred in
January-February 2006. Almost all of the arrests related to
trafficking of women and girls for prostitution, with the
exception of baby-trafficking (see below). Police
investigated and arrested traffickers sending victims to
internal destinations (62 cases) and foreign countries
(Malaysia 21 cases; Japan 3; Middle East 3; Singapore 2).
The sizable number of arrests for acts of trafficking within
Indonesia represented a positive change from previous years,
in which most arrests related to international trafficking.
Approximately one-quarter of the arrests related to cases of
"baby-selling," commonly using article 83 from the Child
Protection Act prohibiting "the trafficking, selling or
kidnapping of children for oneself or in order to sell to
another..." Some of these cases may refer to practices of
illegal adoption, rather than an inherently harmful, black
market trade in babies.
Prosecutors took 37 traffickers to court in 2005, according
to information from the Attorney General's Office (AGO)
provided to the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry in
late February 2006. The AGO had not provided details of the
cases to the Embassy by the time of this report. Details of
25 completed or on-going prosecutions were available to the
Embassy from other GOI and non-governmental sources, showing
JAKARTA 00002849 041.2 OF 055
16 convictions of traffickers and no acquittals. The average
sentence in these cases was 30 months in prison. The average
sentence length for persons convicted under the Child
Protection Act was higher than for those convicted only under
the Penal Code. The longest sentence handed down by a court
in 2005 in a trafficking case was nine years, representing a
conviction under both the Penal Code and Child Protection Act.
In the 57 cases for which relevant information was available,
police and prosecutors used the Child Protection Act against
traffickers in 38 cases; the Penal Code in 33 cases; the
Migrant Worker Protection Act in 13 cases; and a local
ordinance in 2 cases. Police and prosecutors often filed
charges under multiple laws. Almost all cases involving
child or baby trafficking utilized the Child Protection Act.
As in previous years, the available law enforcement data
showed distinct geographic patterns. In 2005, 18 out of 33
provinces recorded anti-trafficking law enforcement cases,
with law enforcement actions highly concentrated in four
provinces. North Sumatra recorded the greatest number of
arrests and prosecutions (27),followed by West Java (24),
Jakarta (18),and Riau Islands (15). The remaining 14
provinces recorded 7 or fewer cases each. In some areas of
the country known for trafficking problems, there were few or
no reports of law enforcement actions.
The law enforcement data available to the Embassy represents
incomplete and imperfect information. Despite standing
instructions from National Police Headquarters, not all
police districts reported anti-trafficking statistics and
some district reports were incomplete. The national police
data collection effort for anti-trafficking statistics
remained inadequate and did not demonstrate improvement over
the previous year. This also reflects a general weakness in
law enforcement data collection, which applies not only to
the issue of trafficking in persons. In addition, police
data would not necessarily capture some cases that did not
involve trafficking charges, such as cases in which
traffickers are charged with rape or abduction instead of
Relative to the police, the AGO had even more difficulty in
providing anti-trafficking data. AGO attention to data
collection on TIP appeared very limited. Central government
officials often relied upon contacts with province and
district level courts and prosecutors to gather data on legal
proceedings against traffickers.
The GOI's difficulties in collecting data are not unique to
TIP, but are endemic to the Indonesian Government and have
been particularly acute following decentralization. Local
authorities are no longer compelled to provide data to
central authorities in many instances.
Police and other GOI officials stated that almost all of the
convicted traffickers served their sentences in jail, but no
JAKARTA 00002849 042.2 OF 055
details were availablQ
Continuing law enforcement actions that began in December
2004 and January 2005, police and Manpower Ministry officials
conducted raids on 12 illegal migrant worker holding centers
in Jakarta from February to October 2005, arresting 10
persons and freeing 565 women. The police used the 2004
migrant worker protection law as the basis for the arrests.
According to GOI officials, the raids targeted unlicensed
holding centers some of which forcibly held prospective
female workers (adults and some children) under inhumane
conditions. However, they did not reflect a change in the
GOI's tacit acceptance of debt bondage, which, while not
recognized in law, is largely institutionalized in
Indonesia's migrant worker system.
Many traffickers arrested during this period appeared to be
lower level operators and/or members of small crime groups.
In a few cases, like that of the Jakarta-based traffickers
who sent women to Japan as "cultural entertainers," police
appeared to arrest more senior members of trafficking
syndicates. Most observers suspected the involvement of
larger crime syndicates and international criminal rings,
particularly for some overseas trafficking of prostitutes.
Large organized crime gangs commonly operated brothels in
major prostitution zones, normally with the involvement of
individual security force members. Traffickers also took on
the form of migrant worker recruiting agencies, both licensed
and unlicensed. Marriage brokers were involved in
trafficking using false marriages.
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces indirectly or directly assist traffickers,
and in some cases themselves fit the definition of
No information was available on the channeling of profits
from trafficking in persons.
As noted above, police continued actions to investigate
traffickers, break up trafficking rings, arrest traffickers
and free victims during this period. Police trained under
the DOJ/ICITAP program carried out qualitatively improved
investigations of trafficking during 2005, according to U.S.
Mission observations. In most incidents, however, police
were largely reactive in their investigations, taking actions
in response to complaints by family members, escaped
trafficking victims, civil society groups, NGOs, the press
and other government officials. Police more readily took
action in the case of children trapped in prostitution,
rather than adults forced into, or trapped in, the sex
JAKARTA 00002849 043.2 OF 055
Beginning as early as 2001, the police established women's
help desks (RPK) to protect women and child victims of
violence, including trafficking, and also to aid in
investigations of these crimes. The police have steadily
expanded the number of RPK, totaling 237 such desks in 2006.
Recently, certain police districts, including Jakarta and
North Sumatra, formed specialized investigative units focused
on crimes against women and children, with the units referred
to by the abbreviation RENATA. In 2006 the RENATA unit in
Medan, North Sumatra, consisted of 18 full-time female police
investigators, led by a senior female police official, and
focused most of its work on cases of domestic violence and
trafficking in persons. As noted above, in 2005 North
Sumatra carried out more anti-trafficking law enforcement
actions than any other province, per available data.
Jakarta's RENATA unit achieved some high-profile success in
2005 with the arrests of two traffickers sending young women
into prostitution in Japan.
GOI officials and NGOs often criticized police officers as
too passive in combating trafficking absent specific
complaints. Although police were often aware of underage
prostitutes or other trafficking situations, they frequently
did not intervene to protect victims or arrest probable
traffickers without specific reports from third parties.
Police in some areas facilitated and accepted at face value
efforts by pimps to obtain written statements by prostitutes,
which "verified" that the prostitutes were of adult age and
had consented to their roles. Police in some areas generally
accepted trafficking or trafficking-like situations, whether
out of lack of awareness of trafficking as a crime, their
direct or indirect involvement in trafficking, their
individual financial interest in prostitution, lack of police
resources for operations, or competing law enforcement
To aid in trafficking investigations, cases involving
Indonesian migrant workers, and other crimes, beginning in
2003 the police posted liaison officers in Indonesian
embassies in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Australia and Thailand.
These police liaison officers contributed to growing law
enforcement cooperation particularly with Malaysia. The
Indonesian police liaisons in Australia and Saudi Arabia have
also helped to investigate trafficking in the past.
In some instances, the police, particularly those who had
received anti-trafficking training, used active investigation
techniques to develop trafficking cases. The police used
undercover operations to some extent. In the past, police
occasionally employed electronic surveillance using technical
expertise developed for counter-terrorism. Information
JAKARTA 00002849 044 OF 055
collected through electronic surveillance is not admissible
in Indonesian courts except in cases of terrorism. The
cooperation of victims and witnesses was important to police
and prosecutors in making cases against traffickers.
According to a number of the police, GOI officials and NGOs,
victims frequently avoided testifying because of the
prolonged nature of court cases, their desire to return to
their home areas and lack of financial assistance to maintain
themselves. This complicated prosecution efforts. In some
cases, police did not detain suspects, who then subsequently
disappeared and did not present themselves in court.
Beginning in 2003, the GOI and POLRI using their own budgets
began to provide some training to officials and law
enforcement officers on TIP and related subjects at the
national and local levels, a positive change from previous
years. NGOs at times served as resource persons for such
training. POLRI has welcomed anti-trafficking training
assistance from the U.S. via the Department of
Justice/ICITAP, which will continue in 2006 after a break in
funding in 2005. The International Organization for
Migration (IOM) continued to provide some anti-trafficking
training to the police over the past year.
The Manpower Ministry trained labor inspectors and officials
responsible for migrant workers in the subjects of the worst
forms of child labor and trafficking.
The GOI cooperated with other governments, particularly
Malaysia, in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking
cases during this reporting period. Indonesian and Malaysian
law enforcement officers worked together to stop criminal
operations trafficking women and girls into prostitution in
Malaysia, and trafficking of babies to Malaysia. Indonesian
and Singaporean police also cooperated in the investigation
of a ring sending Indonesian prostitutes to Singapore. It
was unclear whether the prostitutes were trafficked.
In the past, Indonesia and Australia cooperated in the
investigations of Australian pedophiles victimizing children
in Bali, and syndicates trafficking women to Australia.
Indonesian police and other officials cooperated actively
with U.S. law enforcement to arrest and expel wanted American
citizen pedophiles (see below).
Indonesia maintains extradition treaties with only five
countries or territories, but very seldom utilizes this
JAKARTA 00002849 045 OF 055
mechanism to seek extradition of its citizens, preferring
less formal options such as rendering and deportation.
Indonesia does not have a history of extraditing or rendering
its own citizens to other countries.
Indonesia did not extradite any traffickers during this
reporting period and there were no reports of such requests
from other countries.
Indonesian police and officials have cooperated with foreign
governments, including the U.S. and Australia, in the
apprehension and repatriation of foreign sex offenders.
-------------- --------------
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces facilitated, tolerated, or were involved in
TIP on a variety of levels. The GOI in past reports
acknowledged this fact, which has been widely reported by
groups working on trafficking. The most common example of
such complicity was in the production of national identity
cards. In local communities, low-level officials certified
false information to produce national identity cards and
family data cards for children to allow them to work as
adults. They commonly did so in order to collect bribes and
also to assist poor families in gaining additional wage
earners. In most cases, these officials facilitated such
cards without knowing the children will be trafficked. In a
much smaller number of cases, the local officials presumably
were aware that they are facilitating trafficking. Based on
the identity cards, traffickers processed passports and work
visas for children who otherwise would not be able to obtain
such documents. With less than 30 percent of all births
registered in the country, and such registrations also
subject to falsification, authorities often had little legal
basis to challenge documents containing false information.
Some officials in local Manpower offices (Disnaker)
reportedly licensed and tolerated migrant worker recruiting
agencies despite the officials' knowledge of the agencies'
involvement in trafficking. In return for bribes, some
Immigration officials turned a blind eye to potential
trafficking victims, failing to screen or act with due
diligence in processing passports and immigration control.
Local governments' informal or formal regulation of and
alleged profiteering from established prostitution zones in
larger cities also raised concerns about local officials'
involvement and tolerance of trafficking.
Individual members of the police and military were associated
with brothels and prostitution fronts, most frequently
through the collection of protection money, which was a
widespread practice. Sometimes off-duty security force
members worked as security personnel at brothels. Security
force members also involved themselves in prostitution as
JAKARTA 00002849 046.3 OF 055
brothel owners or through other illicit business interests,
according to NGOs and other reports. As one prominent
example, NGOs continued to report the involvement of
Indonesian navy personnel and police in the Dolly
prostitution complex in Surabaya, one of Southeast Asia's
largest brothel areas. A 2005 NGO examination of trafficking
in Papua also found indications of police and military
personnel involved in trafficking.
NGOs described the involvement in TIP of individual police
and military members primarily as one of extorting protection
money from brothel owners and pimps, and of not taking
proactive steps to free underage or other trafficked
prostitutes. In past years, there have been reports of
police officers assisting pimps to return runaway prostitutes
to brothels. The NGOs did not report any examples of
security force members actively recruiting or forcing
children into prostitution.
Police, public order officials and military members sometimes
clashed as a result of raids on prostitution areas, publicly
highlighting the link between security force members and the
sex trade. Examples of such clashes occurred in Padang, West
Sumatra, in 2005 and in Sukabumi, West Java, in February
In some cases, the police tolerance of trafficking,
profiteering from the sex trade, and/or lack of understanding
of the law limited or delayed their actions in response to
complaints. On occasions in the past, national police
headquarters intervened with local police units to generate
actions, after the local units failed to respond to direct
Police and officials often did not recognize the relationship
of debt bondage and trafficking of women and girls for
The recruiting process for Indonesians working as unskilled
or semi-skilled labor abroad tends to institutionalize debt
bondage, which technically is illegal under Indonesian law.
Migrant worker recruiting agencies commonly hold prospective
workers in debt bondage. The indebtedness stems from
processing fees charged to the workers by the agencies and
costs incurred by the agencies prior to the departure of
workers for jobs overseas. Prospective migrant workers can
remain in holding centers for months at a time, awaiting
placement and departure. In some cases, such situations
degenerate into jail-like conditions, with poor food and
sanitation, and with workers unable to leave locked
warehouses where they are housed. There often appeared to be
widespread societal acceptance and tolerance by GOI officials
and law enforcement of such migrant worker conditions.
Situations of debt bondage commonly continued with overseas
JAKARTA 00002849 047 OF 055
The Manpower Ministry and the Jakarta police launched raids
on unlicensed migrant worker agencies, some of which kept
women and girls under inhumane conditions (see above).
U.S.-funded NGOs, the ILO and others examined the basis for
legal challenges to debt bondage and alternative means of
organizing migrant worker recruitment. There was a gradual
increase in awareness among some Indonesian officials that
the GOI should address the issue of debt bondage.
-------------- --------------
The GOI did not provide details regarding actions taken
against civil officials suspected of involvement in
trafficking. From time to time, the GOI applied
administrative sanctions against officials involved in
passport or other document fraud. Criminal prosecutions for
such actions are not common. There were no GOI reports of
the security forces prosecuting or disciplining their own
members for involvement in prostitution or other activities
related to trafficking.
The police actively investigated reports of foreign
pedophiles operating in Indonesia. In 2004, these efforts
led to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of an
Australian pedophile in Bali in May 2004, and of a Dutch
pedophile in West Nusa Tenggara also in May 2004. In 2005, a
court in Bali sentenced a French pedophile to 30 months in
jail. Police in Bali arrested a suspected Dutch pedophile in
July 2005, but the case remains under investigation. In
February 2006, the GOI deported an Australian pedophile who
had escaped from a jail in western Australia.
During this reporting period, Indonesia authorities fully and
quickly cooperated with U.S. law enforcement officials for
the arrest, expulsion and successful return to the U.S. of
three American citizens wanted due to pedophile charges or
convictions in the United States.
Indonesia has signed and in most cases ratified international
instruments related to the worst forms of child labor and the
trafficking of women and children:
-- The GOI signed ILO Convention 182 concerning the
elimination of the worst forms of child labor and ratified
this with Law No. 1 of 2000 on March 8, 2000.
-- Indonesia ratified ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labor in
1950. The GOI ratified ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition
JAKARTA 00002849 048 OF 055
of Forced Labor in 1999.
-- Indonesia signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention
on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child
Prostitution and Child Pornography, and ratified this in
September 2001.
-- Indonesia signed in December 2000 the UN Convention
Against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The GOI
has not yet ratified the Convention and Protocol.
-- On September 25, 2003, Indonesia signed the Convention for
the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the
Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 1950, and the
Convention's Final Protocol. Indonesia has not yet ratified
these instruments.
National and local level assistance efforts continued or
increased over the past year, although they remained small in
comparison with the scope of the problem. The police added
11 new women's help desks in police departments to reach a
total of 237 nationwide. The GOI and police increased from
11 to 18 the number of operational "integrated service
centers," providing health services to TIP and other victims
of violence. With U.S. assistance, the police upgraded two
such centers to become full medical recovery centers
specifically for trafficking victims, and began work on a
third medical center. These two trafficking victim recovery
centers treated hundreds of patients since opening in 2005.
Authorities continued to round-up and deport a small number
of foreign prostitutes without screening them for possible
trafficking victims. Various GOI offices and diplomatic
missions received limited training on TIP victim recognition
and assistance.
The GOI at various levels and to varying degrees assisted its
citizens who fell victim to trafficking. National and local
level assistance efforts continued or increased, but remained
small in comparison with the scope of the problem. In
general, the GOI provided modest but more structured
assistance to Indonesians trafficked abroad. In contrast,
government assistance specifically for internal trafficking
victims remained minimal. Local government assistance
usually appeared ad hoc and often focused on cases with a
public profile.
JAKARTA 00002849 049 OF 055
The police further increased the number of its women's help
desks (RPK),units established to assist women and children
who fall victim to violence including trafficking, and to
help related investigations. The total number of such units
at the province and district levels has gradually increased
from 163 in 2003 and 226 in 2005 to a total of 237 women's
help desks in 2006. The women's desks provided temporary
shelter, special police handling, and some level of legal
services for victims. The women's desks often cooperated
with local NGOs, which arranged for medical and psychological
services, and longer term shelter. Distrust of the police
discouraged some victims from using these desks.
Local governments worked together with NGOs and civil society
groups to establish and operate shelters for TIP victims, in
key transit points like Dumai, Riau Province, and Batam, Riau
Islands Province, and in Entikong on the West Kalimantan
border with Malaysia. Local governments also used social
services offices and police women's desks as temporary
shelters. Women's bureaus in provinces like East Java, North
Sumatra, and Riau Islands budgeted modest funding for
victims' services.
The Foreign Ministry operated shelters for trafficking
victims and migrant workers at its embassies and consulates
in a number of countries, including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, and Singapore. Over the course of 2005, these
diplomatic establishments sheltered thousands of Indonesian
citizens, including trafficking victims. Indonesian
diplomatic missions, in coordination with other GOI agencies,
assisted with repatriation of trafficking victims.
The Manpower Ministry has an Overseas Worker Protection
Directorate. The GOI upgraded this office over the period
2001-2003 and dramatically increased its budget. The
Directorate regulates migrant worker recruiting agencies,
provides limited training to migrant workers, and assists and
repatriates overseas workers fleeing abusive situations. The
Directorate, often in conjunction with the Social Affairs
Ministry, repatriated female migrant workers during 2004 and
2005. Some of the repatriated female migrant workers fit the
definition of trafficking victims.
The Social Affairs Ministry founded a Sub-Directorate of
Social Assistance for Victims of Violence and Migrant Workers
in 2001. In 2002, the Ministry upgraded this office to
become a Directorate, with greater authority and budget,
responding in part to the demand for action against TIP. In
terms of trafficking, the Directorate primarily assisted
victims returning from overseas since domestic cases normally
fall under the responsibility of local governments. In 2004
and 2005, the Ministry provided some repatriation assistance
to tens of thousands of migrant workers, the vast majority of
whom returned from Malaysia. This included transportation,
basic medical care, and food for some of these returnees.
The Directorate provided some training to provincial Social
Affairs offices. The Ministry also operated women's
JAKARTA 00002849 050.3 OF 055
rehabilitation centers and assists with crisis centers,
including the Children's Crisis Center established in Jakarta
in 2002.
The provincial government in East Java established a women's
crisis center in 2003 that serviced trafficking victims and
other women who suffered violence.
Police and public hospitals provided medical care to
trafficking victims, in accordance with a GOI directive (see
In 2004 the Women's Ministry, with input from international
and local NGOs, finalized standard operating procedures
(SOPs) to be used when assisting trafficking victims to
ensure their protection. This was in accordance with the
anti-trafficking National Action Plan's goal of having the
SOPs in place by 2004. The Ministry began to train officials
in the SOPs during 2005.
The Social Affairs Ministry, the Women's Ministry, the Health
Ministry and POLRI signed a coordination agreement in October
2002 to provide "integrated service centers" (PPTs) for women
and children who are victims of violence. As part of this
MOU, the GOI assigned police hospitals, like the Kramat Jati
police hospital in Jakarta and the Bhayangkara hospital in
Surabaya, to be the medical treatment points for migrant
workers who return from abroad with serious medical or
psychological problems. In other locations, public hospitals
operate the service centers, in coordination with the
ministries and the police. In 2006 there were 18 operational
PPTs, an increase from 11 in 2005.
After 2002, the Jakarta police hospital, as a PPT, began
treating hundreds of trafficking victims annually.
With the assistance of a U.S.-funded IOM project, Indonesia
police upgraded the Jakarta police hospital facility to
become a full medical recovery center for victims of
trafficking, the first in Indonesia. The center provides
comprehensive medical care, including psychological
treatment, to TIP victims, most of whom have returned from
abroad. The medical center, which officially opened in its
new form in June 2005, has capacity for 30 in-patients.
During the last seven months of 2005, the hospital treated
330 in-patients and 112 out-patients.
The IOM project assisted with the opening of a second medical
recovery center in the Surabaya police hospital in September
2005. This center has a capacity of 8 in-patients and
treated 15 patients during the final months of 2005. A small
medical recovery unit in the police hospital in Makassar,
South Sulawesi, started informally in January 2006, also with
IOM assistance.
JAKARTA 00002849 051 OF 055
Some government medical facilities and NGO clinics conducted
HIV/AIDS screening, but this did not appear to be widespread
or systematic.
The GOI provided some funding to domestic NGOs and civil
society groups that supported services for TIP victims,
usually as part of a larger program rather than one focused
exclusively on trafficking. At the national level, for
example, the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the
Social Affairs Ministry provided food assistance to social
centers and safe houses nationwide. Local governments in
North Sulawesi, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Riau Islands,
and East Java funded NGOs to provide services to some
victims, including shelters, medical exams and training.
In Jakarta, a screening system is in place at the
international airport to refer cases of abused migrant
workers and trafficking victims to the city's police hospital
(see above). NGOs active in migrant worker advocacy also
identify and refer returned migrant workers who need medical
attention. An NGO screening process was also in practice in
Women's help desks at provincial and district level police
offices typically have formal or informal arrangements in
place with local NGO's to provide short-term shelter and a
modicum of care for trafficking victims. In general,
long-term care does not appear to be available. A current
U.S.-funded project, implemented by IOM, has begun to develop
models of better and longer-term care for trafficking victims.
The GOI's written policy, found in its annual trafficking
report, is that, "from a legal perspective, the Government
treats persons who are trafficked not as criminals, but as
victims who need help and protection." The People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry, the Women's Ministry, and training
conducted by international NGOs and DOJ/ICITAP, reinforced
this policy during the year in public settings and trainings
of police and other officials. Police who received ICITAP
training demonstrated greater awareness of and respect for
TIP victims.
Local government and police practice varied, particularly in
the lower ranks of law enforcement agencies. Local
governments, exercising greater authority under the nation's
decentralization program, sometimes enacted regulations that
tend to treat trafficked prostitutes as criminals, contrary
to national policy. In many instances, GOI officials and
JAKARTA 00002849 052 OF 055
police actively protected and assisted victims. In other
cases, police officers treated victims, particularly
trafficked prostitutes, as criminals, subjected them to
detention, and took advantage of their vulnerability to
demand bribes and sexual services. The media and lower level
officials, including police, frequently failed to protect
victims' identities and commonly provided victims' names to
the public.
The GOI's policy is not to detain or imprison trafficking
victims. Police implementation of this policy varies in
practice. Not all local government laws comply with this
policy. Local police often arrested prostitutes, presumably
including trafficking victims, who operated outside
recognized prostitution zones on charges of violating public
order. Police raids on prostitute areas commonly resulted in
the arrest of prostitutes, rather than users or pimps. On
occasion, the police detained victims, sometimes to gain
their testimony or in the belief they were protecting the
victims from traffickers. In other cases, police detained
victims in order to extract bribes.
While there appeared to be a growing understanding of the
need to protect Indonesian victims of trafficking, this was
not the case for foreign prostitutes. In Jakarta, police and
immigration officials in August 2005 rounded up and deported
foreign prostitutes from China, Russia and Uzbekistan without
screening them as possible trafficking victims or protecting
their identities from intrusive media coverage.
-------------- --------------
The GOI encourages victims to assist in the investigation and
prosecution of traffickers. The GOI reported that victims
frequently were reluctant or refused to provide testimony out
of shame and fear of retribution against themselves and their
families. There are no specific legal mechanisms for victims
to seek compensation from traffickers, though this may be
addressed in the anti-trafficking bill currently pending
before the DPR. A bill on witness protection also remains
pending before the legislature (see below).
In previous periods, there have been reports of police
officers who refused to receive complaints from trafficking
victims, but insisted instead that victims and traffickers
reach an informal settlement (for example, payment of debts
in return for a prostitute's release from a brothel).
The functions of the women's help desks at provincial and
district level police stations include protection of women
and children during the police investigation process of
crimes such as trafficking. Some of the desks functioned
reasonably well, while others did not function adequately.
JAKARTA 00002849 053 OF 055
There were no specific reports of the GOI providing special
protection to witnesses during court cases on trafficking.
The Law and Human Rights Ministry and the Women's Ministry
drafted a Witness and Victim Protection bill, originally
targeted for passage by 2004 in the anti-trafficking National
Action Plan. Like most other legislation, the bill did not
advance in 2005. The Government and the DPR are currently
discussing the bill.
-------------- --------------
The National Action Plan calls for training of government
officials in recognizing trafficking and assisting victims,
to be carried out in the 2003-2007 timeframe. The GOI
conducted such training on an ad hoc basis through various
seminars, workshops and government meetings. POLRI and the
Manpower Ministry both conducted anti-trafficking training,
including victim recognition, over the past year.
NGOs and international organizations have assisted in the
training of Indonesian officials. IOM and ICMC have worked
with Indonesian diplomatic offices in Malaysia to improve
their screening procedures for potential trafficking victims.
The Foreign Ministry discontinued the ICMC activity due to
perceived political sensitivities in Malaysia.
The relationship between Indonesian diplomatic missions and
NGOs abroad that serve trafficking victims appears to vary
greatly. A 2005 survey of Indonesian diplomatic offices in
Malaysia revealed some working frequently with NGOs and
others not. The availability of such NGOs was a factor.
The GOI, both at the national and locals levels, provides
some measure of assistance, including limited medical aid,
shelter, and financial help, to its repatriated nationals who
were trafficking victims. In general, the government at
various levels provided more attention and assistance to
repatriated victims compared with victims of internal
ICMC/ACILS, in their 2003 book, identified 45 local NGO
offices around the country that provide services to
trafficking victims, most in the context of other social
programs. Some of the more prominent NGOs are Solidaritas
Perempuan (Jakarta),LBH-Apik (Jakarta and West Kalimantan),
Yayasan Mitra Kesehatan dan Kemanusiaan or YMKK (Batam),
Rifka Anisa (Yogyakarta) and LADA (Lampung). Some labor
unions also provided services to trafficking victims. The
activities of these groups related to TIP include: legal
JAKARTA 00002849 054 OF 055
assistance, prevention and education programs, medical
services, clinics for children, research and advocacy,
counseling, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and
shelters. More NGOs have emerged over the past several
years, including Migrant Care, currently a leading advocacy
body for migrant worker rights and anti-trafficking, and Anak
Bangsa, a pioneering NGO assisting victims along the
Indonesia-Malaysia border area of West Kalimantan.
The GOI's 2004-2005 trafficking report listed service
providers for trafficking victims, including women's crisis
centers, trauma centers, shelters and drop-in centers set up
by local governments, NGOs, and community organizations in 14
provinces. The report also documented dozens of legal aid
organizations and their branches across Indonesia that have a
mandate to provide legal assistance to victims of trafficking
and other violence.
GOI continued strong cooperation with NGOs over the past year
in the area of assistance to trafficking victims. In some
cases government offices relied heavily on NGO inputs and
advice. GOI offices provided licenses to organizations and
access to trafficking victims, included NGOs on national and
local action committees, and interceded with law enforcement
agencies in some cases to permit NGOs to carry out their
activities. NGOs frequently interacted with the police,
though mutual suspicions limited the interaction in some
Kyai Husein Muhammad: As a founder and leader of the Fahmina
Institute and the head of a large Islamic boarding school
(pesantren),Kyai Husein Muhammad ("Kyai" is a title
referring to a respected local religious leader/scholar) has
helped to raise awareness of trafficking in persons among
women and children in rural communities in West Java. Kyai
Husein has carried out an anti-trafficking media campaign,
which in 2005 included distribution of 22,000 leaflets each
week in mosques after Friday prayers, along with outreach to
village health clinics and schools. Kyai Husein researched
and produced written works concerning the application of
Islamic Law and trafficking, an unprecedented initiative to
use Islamic arguments and traditions to combat this crime.
His scholarship highlighted the Islamic perspective on
victims' rights, the rights of women and children, and the
immorality of human trafficking, while emphasizing that
victims should not be criminalized and that communities have
a responsibility to combat trafficking. Kyai Husein's
efforts were instrumental in raising awareness of the risk of
trafficking in post-tsunami Aceh and enlisting Muslim schools
there in the ultimately successful prevention of TIP in
tsunami-affected areas.
Kyai Husein is an advisor to the Indonesian Government on
JAKARTA 00002849 055 OF 055
violence against women and he contributed to the drafting of
the law against domestic violence, passed in 2004. He has
published a number of works on Islam and gender issues. The
Asia Foundation (TAF) has supported Kyai Husein and the
Fahmina Institute's efforts to stop trafficking in persons.
Almost 90 percent of Indonesians adhere to Islam and
Indonesia is home to the world's largest Muslim population.
Local Islamic leaders play a significant role in their
communities and have the potential, like Kyai Husein, to make
an important contribution to anti-trafficking.
The Indonesian Scout Movement: In 2004, the Scout Movement,
which incorporates nearly all public school students across
the country, began an anti-trafficking campaign in Indramayu,
West Java, a sending area for many young women and girls who
fall victim to trafficking. In its current phase, the Scouts
have targeted the provision of anti-trafficking education to
25,000 students in 116 schools in the Indramayu area by
August 2006. To do so, the Scouts have trained 285
school-level facilitators who utilize an innovative training
and campaign kit containing a four-part video documentary,
comic books and other anti-trafficking materials. The Scouts
donate the campaign kits to the schools at the end of the
training program. The national Scout movement is considering
the expansion of the program to other districts and the
institution of an anti-trafficking merit badge to encourage
more Scouts to learn about and promote anti-trafficking
The American Center for International Labor Solidarity (the
Solidarity Center) and the International Catholic Migration
Commission (ICMC),along with UNICEF, have supported the
Scout's involvement in anti-trafficking. This effort is part
of a larger strategy initiated by the Indonesian Government,
the Solidarity Center and ICMC to mobilize existing
mass-membership institutions and their significant networks
to combat trafficking.
E.O. 12958: N/A
JAKARTA 00002849 001.2 OF 055
1. (SBU) Indonesia remained a major sending country for
international trafficking in persons (TIP) and faced a very
significant internal trafficking problem. Indonesia was also
a receiving country for trafficked prostitutes, though their
numbers were very small relative to Indonesian victims. The
Government of Indonesia (GOI) recognized trafficking as a
crime and a serious national issue, and took steps to combat
trafficking, but as yet Indonesia has not met minimal TIP
standards under U.S. law.
2. (SBU) Indonesia achieved some progress in combating
trafficking in specific areas over the past year. After a
delay that affected almost all pending legislation, the House
of Representatives (DPR) in January 2006 began formal
hearings on a comprehensive anti-trafficking bill, now
targeted for passage in mid-2006. President Yudhoyono
publicly condemned trafficking and called for the bill's
quick passage. Significant law enforcement efforts continued
apace, with police conducting 110 known
arrests/investigations in 2005 and prosecutors reportedly
bringing 37 traffickers to court. Internal trafficking
became the target of more law enforcement actions, a welcomed
development. Police undertook investigations in cooperation
with Japan and Malaysia; cooperated fully with the U.S. on
the return of wanted American pedophiles; freed trafficked
migrant workers from holding centers; and rescued hundreds of
other women and child victims.
3. (SBU) The GOI took effective steps to prevent trafficking
out of areas devastated by the December 2004 earthquake and
tsunami, with no reports of significant trafficking from Aceh
relative to other areas. The GOI launched the first-ever
televised public service announcements to raise awareness of
trafficking, and engaged in other limited public education
campaigns. The GOI sheltered victims abroad, repatriated
victims and expanded victim services in modest ways. Local
governments and NGOs provided some in-country shelters.
Police, with U.S. assistance, established two medical
recovery centers to treat victims.
4. (SBU) Indonesia made limited or no headway on other
difficult anti-trafficking steps. The GOI provided no
information on attempts to curb the illegal involvement of
individual security force members and corrupt officials in
prostitution linked to trafficking. Law enforcement data
collection on anti-trafficking activities remained weak,
particularly within the Attorney General's Office. Law
enforcement officials and civil society at times failed to
recognize trafficking victims, despite generally rising
JAKARTA 00002849 002.2 OF 055
public awareness. The GOI launched a major anti-corruption
campaign, but it had yet to show significant impact on
rampant corruption that facilitated trafficking. Civil
society and GOI officials continued to view conditions of
debt bondage as acceptable within the migrant worker system.
Little information emerged on national and local government
budgets dedicated to anti-trafficking, and funding appeared
very limited and ad hoc. Victim services, while expanding
somewhat, remained inadequate given the extent of the crime.
5. (SBU) Within the context of the country's emerging
democracy, Indonesia's anti-trafficking commitment faced the
same serious constraints affecting other issues of national
importance: endemic corruption, the weakness of government
structures and law enforcement at all levels, limited public
budgets, poverty, a weak public education system, and
competing priorities from other urgent issues. Nevertheless,
Indonesia made gradual progress in the fight against
trafficking in persons. Indonesia continued to welcome and
cooperate with international anti-trafficking assistance, and
anti-trafficking partnership with the U.S. Mission and U.S.
grantees remained strong. End Summary.
6. (U) The U.S. Mission in Indonesia contacted and received
information from many GOI sources specifically for the
preparation of this report, including: the People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry, the Women's Empowerment Ministry
(hereinafter the Women's Ministry),the National Police
(POLRI),the Attorney General's Office (AGO),the Manpower
and Transmigration Ministry (the Manpower Ministry),and a
number of local government offices, including in East Java
and North Sumatra. Particularly valuable information came
from international and domestic NGOs, including the
International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC),the
American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS),
Save the Children-USA, and The Asia Foundation. Mission
research included input from international organizations such
as the International Labor Organization (ILO),UNICEF, and
the International Organization for Migration (IOM). A
breakdown of Mission hours spent in preparation of the report
will follow separately.
7. (U) The report text follows the general outline of themes
and questions provided in ref A instructions. Each section
begins with a capsule "update" that briefly summarizes the
most important new information included in the text.
8. (U) Through mid-June 2006, the Jakarta Mission point of
contact on the TIP issue is Political Officer Mark Clark,
tel. (62) 21-3435-9146, fax (62) 21-3435-9116.
9. (SBU) Report text:
JAKARTA 00002849 003.2 OF 055
The past year did not witness significant change in overall
trafficking patterns in Indonesia. New information became
available on the extent of internal trafficking for
prostitution to remote Papua, with an NGO estimating some
3,000 victims in the sex trade in six major areas. Media
reporting indicated that Indonesian women, under the guise of
"cultural performers," constituted an important number of
trafficking victims in Japan. In the aftermath of the
December 2004 destructive earthquake and tsunami,
anti-trafficking organizations found little evidence of
significant trafficking of women and children from Aceh,
particularly compared to the extent of trafficking elsewhere
in Indonesia. Human Rights Watch provided more descriptive
accounts of abuse and trafficking-like conditions facing
child domestic workers. Foreign prostitutes in Indonesia
remain relatively very small in number, with continued
reports of Chinese, Russian and Central Asian women engaged
in the sex trade in Jakarta.
President Yudhoyono spoke out forcefully against trafficking,
called for quick passage of the anti-trafficking bill before
the legislature, and condemned trafficking in a joint
statement signed with Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah.
After a lengthy delay, which affected almost all pending
legislation, the House of Representatives began formal
deliberations on the anti-trafficking bill and targeted
passage in mid-2006. Some officials stated that GOI
anti-trafficking budgets expanded, but provided no details.
The GOI's severe funding constraints, pre-occupation with
post-tsunami reconstruction, and deep-rooted corruption all
adversely affected Indonesia's anti-trafficking efforts.
-------------- -
Indonesia, a developing country and emerging democracy with
the world's fourth largest population, is a place of origin
for a significant number of internationally trafficked women
and children, and to a lesser extent men. Indonesia is also
a transit and destination country for international
trafficking, although foreign victims are very small in
number relative to Indonesian victims. Very significant
incidents of trafficking occur within Indonesia's borders,
including for prostitution. Different regions of the country
are identifiable as sending, transit and/or receiving areas
for internal as well as international trafficking. There
were no credible reports during this period of trafficking in
territory outside of GOI control, namely in the very limited
areas held by separatist rebels in Aceh province prior to the
JAKARTA 00002849 004.2 OF 055
August 2005 peace accord.
Reliable statistics or estimates of the overall number of
victims remain unavailable, in large part because of the
illegal and informal nature of trafficking, the lack of
systematic research, and frequent definitional problems. The
sources available for information on the prevalence of TIP
include GOI agencies (particularly the Women's Ministry and
the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry),domestic and
international NGOs and international organizations, including
UNICEF, IOM and ILO. Most organizations' estimates rely upon
a combination of extrapolation, field experience, press
reports and anecdotal evidence. Some of these organizations
will not provide estimates due to the uncertainty of their
information. Definitional problems, often including a lack
of distinction between human trafficking, lesser abuses of
workers, and illegal migration make some estimates very
Crude estimates of the prevalence of TIP vary tremendously,
but most indicate the number of victims in the upper tens of
thousands or higher. In past years, GOI documents referenced
various estimates of the total number of victims, usually in
the hundreds of thousands, without providing details for
these figures. The GOI's 2004-2005 TIP report did not offer
an estimate of victims. GOI officials charged with the issue
state that they do not have reliable, overall estimates of
the number of victims.
Other non-governmental estimates of the overall number of TIP
victims exist, but do not have a strong basis in systematic
research. Migrant worker advocacy groups occasionally cited
very high and seemingly inaccurate numbers. To the extent
that such organizations do not differentiate between
trafficking and lesser abuses of migrant workers, their
figures represent gross overestimates.
While reliable figures do not exist, many anti-trafficking
organizations believe the number of victims of internal
trafficking exceeds the number of Indonesians trafficked
overseas. The U.S. Mission's observations support this
Some groups have developed boundary estimates for groups
vulnerable to trafficking. ICMC and ACILS, in their 2003
book entitled "Trafficking of Women and Children in
Indonesia," identified three categories that generate the
greatest number of TIP victims: female migrant workers,
JAKARTA 00002849 005.2 OF 055
prostitutes and child domestic workers. (There are other
categories that also generate TIP victims, but not are
included in these ICMC/ACILS boundary estimates.) ICMC/ACILS
estimated that between 2.4 to 3.7 million women and children
worked in these sectors. Within these boundaries, the total
number of children ranges from 254,000 to 422,000.
ICMC/ACILS point out that these are not estimates of the
number of victims (for example, most female migrant workers
are not trafficked),but they do provide an indication of the
potential impact of trafficking on a large number of women
and children.
-------------- --------------
-------------- --------------
SECTOR Women Children Children
-------------- -------------- --------------
In-country Sex
Workers 130k - 240k 39k - 72k
Female Migrant
Workers 1.4 - 2.1 mil. n/a
In-country domestic
workers 860k - 1.4 mil. 215k - 350k
-------------- --------------
2.4 - 3.7 mil. 254k - 422k
-------------- --------------
Prostitution constitutes a major source of concern for TIP in
Indonesia due to the number of women and children involved;
the clandestine, abusive and often forced nature of this
work; the prevalence of organized crime; and the frequent
awareness and/or complicity of officials and security forces
(police and military) in prostitution. The boundary
estimates for domestic sex workers are somewhat more precise
than for other areas. ICMC/ACILS in 2003 estimated between
130,000 to 240,000 in-country prostitutes. A number of
studies have consistently found that on average children make
up some 25 to 30 percent of persons working as prostitutes.
Using 30 percent, ICMC/ACILS arrives at boundary estimates of
some 39,000 to 72,000 child prostitutes. This range also
corresponds generally with a UNICEF estimate. Underage
prostitutes (those under 18 years of age) are by definition
TIP victims under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of
The ILO generated data on the incidence of the worst forms of
child labor, including child trafficking for prostitution,
through a series of "rapid assessments" conducted in 2003.
The ILO carried out the assessments in limited geographic
areas of concern for specific types of child labor. For
child trafficking into prostitution, the ILO assessment
JAKARTA 00002849 006.2 OF 055
focused on Java, home to 60 percent of Indonesia's
population. The ILO field research generated "best guess"
estimates for child prostitutes in these provinces, noted in
Table 2.
-------------- --------------
-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
West Java: 31,380 9,000 29
Jakarta: 28,620 5,100 18
East Java: 14,279 4,081 29
Central Java: 8,495 3,177 37
Yogyakarta 1,106 194 18
-------------- -------------- --------------
83,880 21,552 26
-------------- --------------
In remote Papua, a 2005 ICMC field study estimated that there
were over 3,000 internally trafficked women and girls in the
sex trade, including some 1,000 child prostitutes, in the
area's seven largest population centers. Almost all child
street prostitutes were of Papuan origin. In contrast, most
victims in karaoke bars and brothels originated from
Indonesian areas outside Papua, with the greatest number
coming from North Sulawesi. The victims normally arrived by
ship, often with false promises of employment. Internal
migrant workers generated much of the demand for
prostitution. Geographic isolation, economic
underdevelopment, and lack of civil society concern increased
the severity of trafficking conditions in Papua.
Locations in Riau Islands Province that are in close
proximity to Singapore, including Batam, Bintan, and Karimun,
drew continued domestic and international attention as major
destination points for sex trafficking, as well as transit
areas for trafficking into Malaysia in particular. A 2003
report by the Indonesian NGO Partnership in Health and
Humanity Foundation (YMKK) estimated 6,138 prostitutes held
in debt bondage in 58 separate "entertainment" establishments
and seven extensive brothel areas in Batam. With roughly 30
percent of prostitutes under the age of 18, YMKK estimated
approximately 2,000 child prostitutes on Batam. According to
Indonesian media, NGOs, and ILO research, Malaysians and
Singaporeans constitute the largest number of sex tourists in
Batam and the surrounding areas like Balai Karimun and
JAKARTA 00002849 007.2 OF 055
Tanjung Pinang. The area's sex industry is also heavily
dependent on Indonesian clients, drawn in part from the
population of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers in
Batam. ILO research described Tanjung Balai Karimun, near
Batam, as operating a "prostitution economy."
Malaysia is commonly identified as the country receiving the
greatest number of Indonesian trafficking victims. Past NGO
and GOI estimates of Indonesian prostitutes (whether
trafficked or not) and child prostitutes in Malaysia have
ranged in the thousands, but such estimates do not have a
strong basis in substantive research. Officials at the
Women's Ministry reported that during 2004 the GOI
repatriated from Malaysia 1,047 allegedly trafficked
prostitutes. The officials did not provide further details,
and might have categorized all returned prostitutes as
trafficking victims.
IOM recorded 470 Indonesian trafficking victims, including
110 children, repatriated from Malaysia from March 2005 to
February 2006. Of these, 81 were trafficked into
prostitution, representing 62 adults and 19 children.
Domestic workers constituted the largest number of victims
(267) repatriated with IOM assistance.
The ILO, IOM, NGOs and Indonesian diplomats in Malaysia have
noted reports of illegal Indonesian migrant workers
trafficked to isolated plantations and plywood factories in
Malaysia. It was not clear in all instances whether such
reports met the definition of trafficking or represented
other types of labor abuse. IOM repatriated 53 reportedly
trafficked plantation workers during the period March 2005 to
February 2006.
The GOI, police and local press reports documented the
trafficking of young Indonesian women to Japan under the
guise of "cultural performers," and suggested that such
trafficking victims numbered at least in the hundreds. In
2003, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo reportedly acknowledged
knowing of 235 female entertainment workers in Japan.
International media reported that in 2005 Japanese
authorities rescued 44 Indonesian women trafficked as "sex
slaves" to Japan, with Indonesians representing for the first
time the largest group of foreign victims rescued from the
sex trade there. In 2005, police arrested two persons for
trafficking dozens of "cultural performers" into prostitution
in Japan.
JAKARTA 00002849 008.2 OF 055
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Aceh and
limited parts of North Sumatra province in December 2004
raised immediate concerns over women and children left
vulnerable to trafficking. A subsequent major earthquake
that hit Nias Island in March 2005 raised similar concerns.
In a November 2005 report, UNICEF concluded that there had
been no substantiated cases of child trafficking in
tsunami-striken areas and that there had been no large-scale
organized trafficking of children separated or orphaned by
the tsunami. Local media reported an unsuccessful attempt to
traffic two teenaged girls from Aceh to Malaysia; possible
trafficking of some Acehnese women also to Malaysia; and one
case of an Acehnese child allegedly trafficked to Batam. In
June 2005, police arrested several Indonesian NGO workers for
allegedly trafficking 15 children from Nias to Jakarta,
though details remained unclear. IOM assisted the Nias
cases, and also reported helping with 7 trafficking victims
from Aceh. U.S. Embassy partners concluded that, despite the
tsunami's impact, there was little evidence of significant
trafficking of Acehnese, while the extent of trafficking
crimes appeared far greater in other areas of the country.
The GOI's quick and firm response to stop the unauthorized
movement of children out of Aceh contributed to the
prevention of trafficking from tsunami-affected areas.
ICMC/ACILS note that the category of overseas or migrant
labor, which according to their research generates large
numbers of TIP victims, encompasses a range of sectors.
Female Indonesian migrant laborers tend to work as domestic
helpers, as entertainers, in the service industry, in
factories and on plantations. Males tend to find work
overseas in construction, factories and plantations, and as
drivers. The large majority of Indonesian workers overseas
are not trafficking victims, but they are vulnerable to
trafficking and lesser abuses at various stages -- during
their recruitment, pre-departure, placement and return. The
migrant worker recruiting system tolerates and
institutionalizes forms of debt bondage. The media tend to
describe Indonesian women as among the most abused of all
Asian migrant workers due in part to their lack of education
and poor English language skills. Such articles commonly
cite examples of abuse in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
and Hong Kong.
Child domestic workers, frequently found in many middle- to
upper-income Indonesian households, may number from 215,000
to 350,000 in the under-15 age bracket, according to
ICMC/ACILS. ILO data from a limited 2002-2003 survey
indicated that some 688,000 children under age 18 may be
employed as child domestic workers. Employers may prefer
child domestics over adults because children commonly receive
JAKARTA 00002849 009.2 OF 055
lower wages, and can be more easily managed and controlled.
An unknown number of domestics work in trafficking or
trafficking-like conditions. For example, they may receive
little or no wages, face restricted freedom of movement, be
subject to physical and psychological abuse and sexual
assault, and have no means to remove themselves from such
situations. A 2005 Human Rights Watch report, "Always on
Call," provided accounts of gross abuse of child domestic
workers in Indonesia.
Street children represent another potential source of
trafficking victims. In 2003, the Social Affairs Ministry
estimated there were some 50,000 street children in
Indonesia, while NGO estimates place the number at 120,000 or
higher. ICMC/ACILS note that although most street children
are not trafficked into their situation, they are very
vulnerable to traffickers. ILO studies in 2001 and 2004
documented children trafficked for the purpose of organized
street begging.
The GOI, including the police, and NGOs like LBH-APIK and
ICMC/ACILS have documented the selling of brides, including
some underage, in the Singkawang District of West Kalimantan.
This area is the focal point for the bride purchase
phenomenon due to the existence of a large, poor ethnic
Chinese community. Most buyers are from Taiwan and Hong Kong
and seek Chinese-speaking women. Anecdotal evidence and
Indonesian officials who have visited Taiwan suggest that
many brides become spouses and part of families in Taiwan,
although some are trafficked for prostitution, forced
domestic work, or other slavery-like practices.
In 2004, the Taiwan police received over 170 reports of abuse
from Indonesian women living in Taiwan, according to
Indonesian police sources. Beginning in 2004, Indonesian
police increased their interactions with counterparts in
Taiwan. In August 2005, Indonesian and Taiwanese officials
held a seminar on protections for Indonesian spouses in
Taiwan, and reported that there were 10,115 Indonesian
citizen spouses living in Taiwan, roughly 11 percent of all
foreign-born spouses.
Organizations working on TIP recognized additional categories
that presumably generate trafficking victims. In most cases,
even less information is available on the prevalence of
trafficking in these sectors. One well-documented category
that appears to meet the TIP definition is the recruitment of
boys to work on offshore fishing platforms (jermals),
JAKARTA 00002849 010.2 OF 055
employment that exposes these children to many serious
hazards and isolation for months at a time. The incidence of
boys on fishing platforms off the coast of North Sumatra has
decreased dramatically over recent years. An ILO field study
in June 2003 of 100 known platforms uncovered only 15
children. More recent ILO studies have focused on children
trafficked aboard fishing vessels. The NGO Terre des Hommes
documented the phenomenon of trafficking in babies, as
distinct from illegal adoptions. The plantation sector and
narcotics trafficking may generate an unknown number of
trafficking victims.
Women and children are most likely to fall victim to
trafficking in Indonesia. A number of factors that
contribute to women's vulnerability, including: poverty,
lower education levels, cultural expectations, unequal status
(relative powerlessness) in the family and society
(particularly in lower income groups),limited economic
opportunities, and expectations of supporting children and
families. Girls who have married and divorced at a young age
appear particularly vulnerable. Age and cultural traditions
that emphasize the authority of older persons compound
children's vulnerability. The frequent complicity of parents
and relatives in the trafficking of children reflects a lack
of respect for children's rights within some family settings,
as well as economic pressures.
Traffickers victimize persons from many different ethnic
groups. Many persons trafficked originate from
densely-populated, low income areas of Java, reflecting the
larger pool of potential victims on this island that features
some 60 percent of Indonesia's total population and
contributes the majority of the country's migrant labor. No
accurate statistics are available to judge, however, if the
prevalence of TIP (as a percent of the population) is greater
on Java than in other regions.
The Women's Ministry conducted a study in 2003 of sending
areas in West Java that supplied women and girls for
prostitution and sex trafficking. The study concluded that a
strong correlation exists between poverty and trafficking
victims at the district level. Other studies have
de-emphasized poverty as the key factor, pointing to the
existence of established trafficking networks that lead to
greater recruitment of victims in some areas compared to
neighboring communities with the same economic profile.
Domestic and international groups combating TIP, as well as
the GOI, identified provinces and districts within provinces
that are primarily sending areas. The major sending
JAKARTA 00002849 011.2 OF 055
provinces include: Central Java, East Java, West Java, North
Sumatra, North Sulawesi, Lampung, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB),
and West Kalimantan.
Traffickers send victims to domestic and overseas locations.
NGOs and the GOI identify the following provinces as major
domestic receiving areas: Bali, East Java (Surabaya),East
Kalimantan, Jakarta, Papua, and Riau Islands (near Singapore).
Certain provinces stood out as important transit areas for
trafficking victims, including: Bali, Jakarta, East Java,
Riau Islands, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan and East
In terms of overseas receiving areas, traffickers send
Indonesian victims to many countries. Most GOI, NGO and
press reports concluded that the greatest numbers of
Indonesian victims overseas were found in Malaysia and Saudi
Arabia, respectively, mirroring overall migrant worker flows
to these countries. Other noted destinations included
Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South
Korea, and Singapore. Unlike in some recent years, there
were no new reports of trafficking to Australia.
GOI agencies and NGOs have documented distinct patterns and
routes of trafficking from and to different locations. For
example, North Sulawesi is known as an area that sends
trafficked women as prostitutes to isolated Papua. West
Kalimantan is the focal point for the bride purchase
phenomenon, due to the existence of a large, poor ethnic
Chinese community there and the fact that most buyers are
from Taiwan and Hong Kong and seek Chinese-speaking women.
Certain villages in Indramayu, West Java, constitute a
well-documented sending area for young girls and women,
particularly into the sex trade. During a February 2003 U.S.
Embassy visit, Indramayu officials stated that up to
two-thirds of girls and young women in certain villages had
migrated to work in large cities or overseas, as prostitutes
in many cases, leading the local government to allocate
anti-trafficking funds. Girls from Indramayu represent the
largest group of prostitutes operating in some prostitution
areas of Jakarta.
The number of persons trafficked into Indonesia from aboard
is relatively small, possibly in the hundreds, far fewer than
the number of Indonesian victims inside and outside the
country. Press and GOI accounts of foreign prostitutes
working in Jakarta and Batam, Riau Islands Province, provided
indications that Indonesia is a destination point for
trafficked women, though information remained very
superficial. Most foreign prostitutes in Indonesia
originated from mainland China. According to NGO
information, some 150 foreign prostitutes operated in Batam,
coming from China and Thailand, along with a small number of
JAKARTA 00002849 012.2 OF 055
Europeans. The media, NGOs, and the ILO reported smaller
numbers of women from Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong,
Uzbekistan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Venezuela, Spain
and Ukraine. In all such reports, the foreign women acted as
prostitutes. Often times, the presence of foreign
prostitutes became public knowledge following police raids
covered by the media. During 2004, raids in Jakarta led to
the arrest and deportation of prostitutes from China and
Uzbekistan. In August 2005, police and immigration officials
in Jakarta raided nightclubs, saunas and beauty parlors,
rounding up and deporting 68 foreign prostitutes, 63 from
China and 5 total from Russia and Uzbekistan.
In 2004 ACILS and other non-governmental sources reported
Burmese seafarers trafficked aboard fishing vessels from
Thailand operating in Indonesian waters. Over a period of
years, some of these fishermen jumped ship in the remote
eastern Indonesian port of Tual. In 2006, one NGO estimated
that there were some 100 such Burmese fishermen living in
undocumented status near Tual.
For internal trafficking into the sex trade, traffickers used
debt bondage, violence and threats of violence, drug
addiction, and withholding of documents to keep women and
children in prostitution.
Traffickers employ a variety of means to attract and hold
victims, including promises of well-paying jobs, debt
bondage, community or family pressures, threats of violence,
rape, and false marriages. Promises of relatively lucrative
employment are among the most common tactics. For example,
police and NGO interviews of women who escaped from forced
prostitution in Batam, Papua and Malaysia commonly reveal
that traffickers recruited the young women with offers of
jobs in restaurants, supermarkets or as domestic servants.
Once at their destination, traffickers used violence and rape
to force them into the sex trade. Migrant worker recruiters
also use misrepresentation and debt bondage to traffic men
and women. Beginning in December 2004 and continuing through
2005, the GOI freed some 2,000 women and girls detained in
illegal Jakarta-area migrant worker holding centers, many of
which reportedly kept their victims illegally confined under
inhumane conditions.
Debt bondage is particularly common in the sex trade.
Indonesian women and girls trafficked into prostitution in
Batam, for example, commonly began with a debt of five to ten
million rupiah (USD 600-1,200). Given the constant
accumulation of other debts, women and girls are often unable
to repay these amounts, even after years of work as
prostitutes. Although detailed information was lacking, NGOs
assumed traffickers would subject foreign victims held in
prostitution to threats, violence, and withholding of
JAKARTA 00002849 013.2 OF 055
Some migrant workers, often female, also entered trafficking
and trafficking-like situations during their attempt to find
work abroad through migrant worker recruiting agencies
(PJTKI). Licensed and unlicensed PJTKI used debt bondage,
withholding of documents and confinement in locked premises
to keep migrant workers in holding centers, sometimes for
periods of many months. Some PJTKI also use threats of
violence to maintain control over prospective migrant
workers. Civil society, officials, and victims themselves
commonly viewed conditions of debt bondage and physical
confinement as acceptable aspects of the migrant worker
system, rather than as rights violations.
Traffickers sent Indonesian victims both overseas and to
domestic locations. As noted above, traffickers focused
disproportionately on women and children. Traffickers also
took advantage of persons in many impoverished regions.
While poverty plays a leading role in facilitating
trafficking, poor educational opportunities, cultural factors
and established trafficking networks also acted as important
Traffickers fit many different profiles. Some worked in
larger mafia-like organizations, particularly for trafficking
into major prostitution areas. Others operated as small or
family-run businesses. Husband-wife teams of traffickers
were common, with the wife often serving as the recruiting
agent. In many instances, local community leaders and
parents of victims assisted in trafficking.
Some PJTKI operated similar to trafficking rings, leading
both male and female workers into debt bondage, abusive
employment situations and other trafficking situations. Some
of the offending PJTKI held official licenses. Others
operated illegally or appeared to be paper fronts for
Some individual members of the security forces were complicit
in trafficking, particularly by providing protection to
brothels and prostitution fronts in discos, karaoke bars and
hotels, or by receiving bribes to turn a blind eye to such
crimes. An unknown number of civilian officials, including
those who work in local government service, immigration, and
local Manpower offices, either contributed to or were
complicit in trafficking.
There were many reports of families either selling or
encouraging children to enter abusive domestic service or
prostitution. Children worked to pay off debts or advances
provided to their families. In certain rural communities,
such as Indramayu, West Java, the GOI and NGOs repeatedly
noted a culture in which young women were encouraged to
support their families by becoming big-city prostitutes.
JAKARTA 00002849 014.2 OF 055
Indonesia' priority to fight trafficking found renewed
expression in public remarks by President Yudhoyono, cabinet
members, and other senior officials. In December 2005,
President Yudhoyono called publicly for the quick passage of
the comprehensive anti-trafficking bill and personally
decried the conditions of trafficked migrant workers. In
January 2006, President Yudhoyono and Malaysian Prime
Minister Abdullah Badawi issued a joint statement, which
"condemned acts of trafficking in persons as an atrocious
crime against humanity." The joint statement also "expressed
strong commitment in working together to combat such crime
and instructed the two countries' respective national police
to enhance cooperation towards such a goal." Indonesia's
Women's Minister and Manpower Minister spoke out against
trafficking publicly and in meetings.
After a delay that affected almost all pending national
legislation, Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) took
up the anti-trafficking bill as a DPR initiative in late 2005
and began formal hearings in January 2006. Given its backlog
of over 200 bills, the DPR in effect prioritized the
anti-trafficking law over most other pending legislation.
The DPR committee targeted passage of the bill in mid-2006.
GOI-sponsored public education campaigns, continued arrests
and prosecutions of traffickers, new medical facilities and
shelters to assist victims, and other actions detailed in
this report provided further signs of political will.
Given the scope of the country's trafficking problem,
Indonesia's actions against trafficking, whether the
responsibility of national or local governments, continued to
demonstrate serious weaknesses and failings. Indonesia's
relative poverty, weaknesses in governance, poor public
funding, preoccupation with post-tsunami recovery, and
endemic corruption all contributed to these shortcomings.
As a developing country with a low per capita income, and as
a new democracy of some 240 million people struggling with a
legacy of 40 years of authoritarian rule, Indonesia faces
huge challenges in governance, which significantly limit the
GOI's ability to fight trafficking. Indonesia's emerging
democratic structures commonly lack capacity and integrity,
and face critical funding limitations.
Overall, government funding for anti-trafficking remained
very inadequate, a situation similar to the country's
response to many other crimes and social ills. Limited
funding constrained central and local governments' assistance
and protection efforts. This included the GOI's ability to
JAKARTA 00002849 015.2 OF 055
detect and assist victims on islands sometimes many hundreds
of miles from the national and provincial capitals. While
the GOI did assist many Indonesians trafficked abroad,
assistance and protection efforts, in particular for persons
trafficked within Indonesia, remained very sporadic and did
not reach most victims. Limited police budgets and lack of
operational funds severely hampered investigations, many of
which required travel to other police districts.
Jakarta officials and researchers reported that the national
and local governments increased outlays for specific
anti-trafficking efforts over the past several years, but
these sources did not provide budget data. In 2006 the GOI's
focal point for anti-trafficking, the Women's Ministry, did
not receive a significant increase in anti-trafficking
funding, which remained at approximately $300,000 (the
Women's Ministry has a policy, rather than operational role).
There were reports of additional provincial and district
governments allocating limited money for anti-trafficking
efforts, but no details were available.
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck
Indonesia's Aceh and North Sumatra provinces on December 26,
2004, continued to consume massive amounts of GOI funding and
attention over the past year. As the world's worst natural
disaster in living memory, the catastrophe left over 120,000
Indonesians dead and many more missing. It also caused
billions of dollars in physical damage. Key Indonesian
ministries in the fight against trafficking, including the
People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry, the Women's Ministry
and the Social Affairs Ministry, took on major
responsibilities for the Aceh relief effort. Staff and
budgets in these ministries were very much focused on tsunami
response efforts during most of 2005.
Corruption, which took firm root under the former Suharto
government, remains widespread and deeply entrenched. The
legal system generally functions poorly and rule of law is
weak, severely affecting GOI law enforcement efforts for all
crimes, and TIP cases are no exception. The police force is
only slowly coming to grips with its proper role in a
democracy and under civilian, rather than military,
Corruption in Indonesia's legal system affects trafficking
cases. According to NGO reports, and statements from
officials and police, in recent years traffickers have used
corruption in the legal process to their benefit to obtain
reduced charges and sentences, to manipulate investigative
reporting, and to avoid charges altogether. Often times,
NGOs, officials and private citizens did not report
information on corruption and illegal activities to the
authorities because of concern over retribution or lack of
trust in the system to take action in such cases.
JAKARTA 00002849 016.2 OF 055
Corruption among government officials and institutions
responsible for producing national identity cards, passports
and other identifying documents contributed substantially to
trafficking. This particularly affected the trafficking of
persons abroad and the trafficking of minors into
The Yudhoyono administration launched a new and promising
anti-corruption campaign, with an Corruption Eradication
Commission (KPK) and a special anti-corruption task force
under the Attorney General's Office. The campaign achieved
some notable, high-profile successes in its first 16 months,
but represented only the beginning of a very long process
needed to significantly reduce endemic corruption.
Senior GOI officials periodically evaluate the Government's
performance, including serious shortcomings. The GOI uses
the National Anti-Trafficking Task Force to evaluate progress
and shortcomings under the framework of the National Action
Plan to combat trafficking. The Task Force had the following
priorities for 2004-2007:
-- Adoption of the comprehensive anti-trafficking law
-- Increase in public awareness campaigns and efforts
-- Promotion of better mechanisms for counter-trafficking
programs at provincial and district levels
-- Full development of shelters in all provinces and in half
of all districts
-- Strengthening the capacity of law enforcement officers and
task forces at all levels
-- Building data collection and information systems
As an example of its activity, the latest National
Anti-Trafficking Task Force meeting, held in late February
2006, endorsed a number of practical actions, including:
targeting the passage of the anti-trafficking bill in 2006;
increasing GOI public awareness programs; increased attention
to the role of falsified national identity documents in
contributing to trafficking; better defining procedures for
victims to access government services; development of an
awards program for local government leaders who carry out
significant anti-trafficking efforts; and needed follow-up
with the Finance Ministry and the National Planning Board to
explore more national and local level funding in anticipation
of the end of foreign anti-trafficking assistance.
The GOI produces and publicly distributes an annual
anti-trafficking report, normally available by April of each
JAKARTA 00002849 017.2 OF 055
Indonesia's acknowledgement of trafficking found clear
reiteration in public statements by President Yudhoyono and
other measures. Indonesia's National Spokesperson on
Trafficking, Dewi Hughes, continued numerous public
engagements. The GOI ran a first-ever anti-trafficking
public service announcement on television, reaching millions
of viewers. The Manpower and National Education ministries
incorporated anti-trafficking materials in their training
activities. The national Scout movement expanded its
anti-trafficking campaign in West Java. The GOI made
progress in achieving free basic education and free birth
registrations in some districts. The GOI began to introduce
a passport with improved security features.
The GOI at the most senior levels acknowledges that
trafficking is a serious problem that affects many Indonesian
women and children. This acknowledgement is reflected in
presidential and ministerial-level statements, including
clear public statements by President Yudhoyono in 2005; three
related national action plans; national and local
anti-trafficking task forces; additional criminal sanctions
included in the 2002 Child Protection Act; police actions to
combat trafficking; and current GOI and DPR efforts to pass
comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation.
As an important signal of its recognition of the problem, the
GOI seeks, accommodates and welcomes international assistance
to fight the trafficking of Indonesian citizens, including in
the area of law enforcement. Indonesia actively participated
in international, regional and sub-regional anti-trafficking
events, including preparation and signing of the November
2004 ASEAN anti-trafficking declaration, and hosting of the
ASEAN TIP workshop in 2005. President Yudhoyono and
Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's January 2006 joint
statement condemned trafficking as "an atrocious crime
against humanity."
Some GOI agencies, individual officials and local governments
lagged behind in understanding and acknowledging TIP. Others
took anti-TIP actions without using the term "trafficking."
A number of senior civilian officials and law enforcement
officers continue to believe that trafficking is a problem
only for Indonesians victimized abroad and they do not
acknowledge or admit the existence of internal trafficking,
particularly for prostitution. In general, trafficking
within Indonesia's borders received less acknowledgment and
priority than trafficking of Indonesians to other countries,
though law enforcement actions against internal trafficking
appeared to increase.
JAKARTA 00002849 018.2 OF 055
Many government agencies at national and sub-national levels
carried out anti-trafficking efforts, some in a substantive
way and others only superficially. The People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry is the senior most executive body
responsible for TIP. In 2002, the President identified the
Women's Ministry as the focal point for anti-trafficking
efforts, particularly those concerning women and children.
Both the Coordinating Ministry and the Women's Ministry
actively engaged on TIP throughout the year. Several deputy
ministers from both ministries devoted themselves on an
almost full-time basis to anti-trafficking activities.
The People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the Women's
Ministry lead the GOI's National Anti-Trafficking Task Force,
which has formal responsibility for the National Action Plan
to Eliminate Trafficking in Persons. This body includes 12
other GOI agencies (as well as NGOs and civil society
-- Home Affairs Ministry
-- Foreign Affairs Ministry
-- Religious Affairs Ministry
-- Law and Human Rights Ministry
-- Manpower and Transmigration Ministry
-- Social Affairs Ministry
-- Health Ministry
-- Education Ministry
-- Tourism and Culture Ministry
-- Communications Ministry
-- The National Police (POLRI)
-- The National Statistics Bureau
The National Task Force has had limited success as a
coordinating body, and less success in generating concrete
actions. In part, this reflects the relative powerlessness
of the Women's Ministry within the national government, and
the fact that neither the People's Welfare Coordinating
Ministry nor the Women's Ministry has much operational
authority. However, interagency coordination generally is
weak or nonexistent everywhere in the government on almost
all issues.
The Manpower Ministry maintained a Directorate for the
Protection of Overseas Workers that carried out some
functions related to anti-trafficking, though it normally did
not use this concept to describe its actions.
Local government agencies, for the most part operating
autonomously from central ministries, also played roles in
anti-trafficking. The number of provinces with established
anti-trafficking committees or task forces increased to 12
(out of 33 provinces),namely: Bali, Central Java, East
Java, East Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, Jakarta, North
Sulawesi, North Sumatra, West Java, West Kalimantan, West
JAKARTA 00002849 019.2 OF 055
Nusa Tenggara, and Yogyakarta. At least 14 district-level
task forces also operated within 8 provinces: Bali
(Buleleng),Central Java (Cilicap),East Java (Tulungagung,
Malang, Ponorogo, Blitar, Banyuwangi),Riau (Dumai),Riau
Island (Tanjung Balai Karimun),West Java (Indramayu,
Bandung, Bekasi),West Kalimantan (Sambas),and West Nusa
Tenggara (Sumbawa). The effectiveness of the various
committees and task forces varied considerably, and some
failed to function adequately.
During this period, the GOI and NGOs continued
anti-trafficking information and education initiatives, which
were limited in scope and budget, but did raise awareness
among the Indonesian public. GOI-sponsored public awareness
campaigns included TV, radio and print media, and commonly
featured senior officials. Indonesia's National Spokesperson
on Trafficking, TV personality Dewi Hughes, continued public
awareness engagements in numerous media events that
highlighted the human cost of trafficking, sought to warn
potential victims, and lobbied for the passage of the
anti-trafficking bill.
In 2005-2006, the Women's Ministry conducted
awareness-raising efforts in 16 provinces. In late 2005, the
Women's Ministry sponsored a televised public service
announcement (PSA) on private national television stations,
with viewing audiences in the millions of viewers. The
television PSA, the first-ever related to trafficking, ran
for approximately one month. The PSA depicted a rural girl
who, with the promise of a lucrative job, is trafficked into
prostitution in a big Indonesian city.
The Manpower Ministry included information on the risk of
trafficking, and other abuses, during mandatory training of
out-going migrant workers. The Manpower Ministry also
launched pilot projects in four sub-districts (two in West
Java, one in Central Java, one in West Nusa Tenggara)
involving activists who reach to their communities to raise
awareness about trafficking and safe migration.
Some local governments, such as in North Sulawesi, East Java,
and Batam, also conducted education campaigns.
The National Education Ministry incorporated anti-trafficking
materials in some of its training activities. The Ministry
distributed anti-trafficking education kits to 150
administrators responsible for the country's out of school
education services. The National Education Ministry also
funded a local NGO project to assist radio stations in West
Java with the creation and airing of anti-trafficking PSAs.
NGOs remained the most active groups conducting
anti-trafficking campaigns in some areas. For example, in
Surabaya, East Java, NGOs held discussions in prostitution
JAKARTA 00002849 020.2 OF 055
complexes, sponsored university workshops, conducted
campaigns in bus and railway stations, and distributed
brochures and posters.
There were few efforts that focused on reducing demand for
trafficking. Limited public education material in Bali and
Batam, aimed at stopping child sex tourism, contained
messages for potential clients of prostitutes.
The GOI efforts contributed to increasing public
understanding of the seriousness of the trafficking problem,
but GOI agencies responsible for combating trafficking did
not have funds to conduct extensive, national education
efforts. The national TIP Task Force called for expanded
awareness-raising campaigns.
Media coverage of trafficking, both domestic and
international, expanded over recent years. National
television, radio and print media, and local newspapers
routinely covered TIP issues. Investigative journalism shows
highlighted the crime. Migrant workers who had become
trafficking victims, Indonesian prostitutes in Malaysia and
the Middle East, domestic servants in Saudi Arabia, and child
prostitutes were among topics that received significant
Indonesia's national Scouts organization, which has near
universal representation in public schools, continued and
expanded its anti-trafficking education campaign in West
Java. The on-going campaign targets 25,000 students in 116
schools in 2006. Some Islamic organizations, including
Muslim boarding schools (pesantren) began to take a more
active role in anti-trafficking awareness-raising in parts of
West Java, East Java, and Aceh. In West Java, the Fahmina
Institute and the pesantren of Kyai Husein Muhammad engaged
in active anti-trafficking efforts focused on the Muslim
The GOI supported and administered other national programs
related to the prevention of trafficking, but not designed
specifically as anti-trafficking efforts. These programs
commonly faced serious constraints in terms of GOI limited
funds, institutional capacity, and corruption. Some of the
more relevant programs were:
-- A program to encourage free basic public education through
the first nine years of schooling, including subsidies for
students from poor families. A number of districts announced
their achievement of free public schooling.
-- A program to encourage birth registrations, coupled with a
law that mandates government offices to provide birth
certificates free of charge. At least 21 local governments
began free provision of birth certificates.
JAKARTA 00002849 021.2 OF 055
-- A national program to eliminate gender inequality in
-- Programs to train female migrant workers.
-- Credit schemes for micro-, small- and medium-sized
businesses, some of which focused on women.
-- Revolving credit schemes for cooperatives and savings and
loan associations.
-- Various cooperative efforts with NGOs to assist women from
poor families.
The Megawati Government, which left office in October 2004,
did not capitalize on then President Megawati's publicly
declared campaign against the commercial sexual exploitation
of children in Batam and Bali, announced in July 2003. The
campaign led to some limited actions in Batam and some
meetings in Bali, and helped somewhat to raise public
awareness, but GOI efforts did not match the President's
rhetoric. The campaign did not carry over into the new
administration of President Yudhoyono.
-------------- --------------
The overall relationship between relevant GOI offices and
NGOs remained cooperative and mutually supportive on
TIP-related issues. Cooperation varied from agency to agency
and location to location. The GOI recognized the importance
of NGO expertise, networks and involvement. NGOs met
regularly with officials and participated in national and
local task forces. The GOI and NGOs collaborated on many TIP
initiatives, including in protection of victims, public
awareness raising, and in providing assistance to law
enforcement officials in investigations and prosecutions.
The police and NGOs continued to share information on
trafficking, although mutual suspicions between NGOs and
police sometimes prevented their cooperation.
In East Java, the province's Child Protection Commission,
police, city authorities, and NGO representatives in May 2005
launched a network to monitor and prevent trafficking of
children into prostitution. The network monitors brothels
and reports to the social services office and police if a
brothel employs a child prostitute.
The DPR invited NGOs and other civil society groups to
participate in hearings on the pending anti-trafficking bill.
Women's groups worked with the GOI and DPR members to garner
political support for the bill's passage.
In 2005, the Foreign Ministry decided not to proceed with an
initiative by the NGO ICMC to provide limited technical and
material assistance to TIP shelters and personnel operating
JAKARTA 00002849 022.2 OF 055
out of Indonesian diplomatic offices in Malaysia. The
Foreign Ministry explained that it had concerns over
perceptions by the Malaysian government of a foreign NGO
working with the Indonesian embassy there on such a sensitive
issue. This situation coincided roughly with Malaysia's
announced effort to expel illegal Indonesian workers.
The GOI, by its own admission, could not adequately monitor
its borders due to the vast size of the country (stretching
some three thousand miles east-west encompassing 17,000
islands),its tens of thousands of miles of coastline, and
its limited naval and border patrol units. While the GOI
increased controls and oversight at some border points in
response to concerns over terrorism and illegal migrant
worker flows to Malaysia, border control in general remained
very inadequate. Field reports from the Indonesia-Malaysia
land border crossing points, such as Entikong, West
Kalimantan, consistently described very loose and easily
corrupted immigration controls.
The GOI did not effectively monitor immigration and
emigration patterns for evidence of trafficking, with some
limited exceptions in areas like the Riau Islands, where from
time to time police and immigration officials utilized
immigration/emigration data to detect and act against
trafficking rings. On the whole, however, immigration
officials and law enforcement agencies did not have the
equipment, capacity or tools to generate useful information,
or did not prioritize such information.
In 2004, Indonesia established a Transnational Crime Center
(TNCC),which includes trafficking as one focus. There was
no information, however, on the TNCC's activities related to
trafficking over the past year.
In February 2006, the GOI introduced a new passport with
increased security features. In the future, the GOI plans to
link fingerprints to passport data to prevent fraud. While
efforts to increase passport integrity began, Indonesia's
passport services, like most other government services,
remained the object of widespread corruption. Indonesians
are able to easily obtain passports in false and multiple
identities. The lack of computerized nationwide passport and
immigration records facilitated the work of traffickers, and
made it difficult to check whether potential trafficking
victims have left Indonesia. Recruitment agencies routinely
falsified birth dates, including for children, in order to
apply for passports and migrant worker documents.
At the national level, the Women's Ministry served as the
focal point for GOI actions on TIP. The People's Welfare
JAKARTA 00002849 023.2 OF 055
Coordinating Ministry, which includes the Women's Ministry
under its umbrella, also played a key role in coordinating
efforts across different agencies. The National Action Plan
to eliminate trafficking created a Task Force led by the
People's Welfare Coordinating Minister and the Women's
Minister, and included some 28 government and law enforcement
agencies, NGOs, and civil society groups (see above). Many
provinces and a number of districts operated task forces for
coordinating anti-trafficking efforts.
The GOI actively participated in multilateral and
international coordination efforts to combat trafficking
under UN, ASEAN and regional frameworks. As an example, the
GOI hosted the ASEAN workshop on combating TIP in November
2005. The results for Indonesia of such multinational
efforts have been mixed, in part because they often do not
involve GOI agencies that are responsible for TIP and are
knowledgeable about the issue. For example, the Bali
Ministerial process appears to have had little discernable
impact on GOI anti-trafficking efforts inside the country
thus far.
In 2002, then President Megawati approved three five-year
national action plans related to trafficking, one each to
eliminate the worst forms of child labor, to combat
trafficking in women and children, and to eliminate the
commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). The
People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the Women's
Ministry led the development of the anti-trafficking action
plan, beginning in March 2002. A number of NGOs and civil
society groups actively joined in the drafting and discussion
of the plans. NGOs and civil society groups sit on the
steering committee for implementing the action plan.
Following its adoption, the GOI has disseminated the action
plans to GOI offices, provincial officials, NGOs and civil
society groups, often through workshops, seminars and the
travel of Jakarta officials to the provinces.
East Java Province approved a provincial action plan in 2005.
Other provinces and districts also have developed action
plans, including West Kalimantan.
The GOI has given responsibility for developing
anti-trafficking programs to the National Anti-Trafficking
Task Force, created by the National Action Plan, and led by
the People's Welfare Coordinating Minister and the Women's
Minister, which includes other government and law enforcement
agencies, NGOs, and civil society groups (see above).
Responsibility for provincial and district-level programs
varies from location to location. A growing number of
provinces and districts (26 in total) have their own task
forces or committees.
JAKARTA 00002849 024.2 OF 055
The DPR formally took up the comprehensive anti-trafficking
bill in late 2005, after a long period of inaction affecting
almost all other pending legislation. The DPR began hearings
in January 2006 and targeted passage in mid-2006. Law
enforcement actions against traffickers continued apace in
2005, with 110 arrests/investigations of individual
traffickers, some reported 37 prosecutions, and at least 16
convictions, per partial data available. Most cases
pertained to women and children trafficked into prostitution.
In contrast to previous years, a sizable number of arrests
wee for acts of internal trafficking. Law enforcemett
actions were highly concentrated in four provic"es. Police
did not improve their data collectinn on TIP cases and the
Attorney General's Office paid very limited attention to
centralized informt ion on trafficking. Raids on illegal or
abusiv migrant worker holding centers freed hundreds of
women and resulted in arrests. The police formedsspecial
units to investigate crimes against women and children,
including trafficking. Indonesiano*fficials assisted with
the arrest and return oftthree American pedophiles. Clashes
between polie and military highlighted the continued
involveeent of individual security force members in
prostitution. Debt bondage in the migrant worker systemQ
continued as a widely accepted practice.
Currn*t Indonesian law criminalizes trafficking in persnns,
though the country does not yet have comprehensive
anti-trafficking legislation. Existing law have important
limitations, such as the lack of a clear legal definition of
trafficking. The Penal Code's Article 297 stipulates that
"trafficking of females (age not specified) and trafficking
in underage males" constitute a criminal offense and provides
for penalties. Law No. 30/1999 on Human Rights also asserts
children's rights to enjoy protection against trafficking.
The October 2002 Child Protection Act (Chapter 12) includes
specific and serious penalties for child trafficking and
related offenses. As pertains to trafficking, however, the
Act is general in nature and without a comprehensive
definition of the crime. While the GOI can and did prosecute
TIP cases under existing laws, including those for related
criminal violations (e.g., rape, illegal confinement, abuse
of women for immoral purposes, etc.),the lack of a
comprehensive law with adequate legal definitions constitutes
an impediment for law enforcement.
Police and prosecutors have increasingly turned to the Child
JAKARTA 00002849 025.2 OF 055
Protection Act, and its tougher sanctions, in cases of child
trafficking. This trend continued over the past year, with
at least 38 traffickers charged under the Act.
At times, police and prosecutors used other sections of the
Penal Code to jail traffickers, including provisions against
abductions (Article 332).
The 2002-2007 National Action Plan on anti-trafficking notes
that the enactment of a comprehensive anti-trafficking law is
an important goal and called for passage of the law by 2004.
GOI began research for the law in 2002, completed an initial
draft in 2003, and submitted the bill to the House of
Representatives (DPR) following presidential signature in
July 2004. The bill criminalizes all forms of trafficking,
provides compensation for victims, and protection for
victims, witnesses and others involved in legal proceedings.
It also includes stiff penalties for perpetrators and
officials involved in trafficking (see below).
The outgoing DPR did not deliberate on the TIP bill before
leaving office in September 2004. During much of 2005,
political conditions and inexperience in the new
administration and DPR resulted in the DPR only passing
several minor laws from a backlog of over 200 bills.
Although the Yudhoyono administration and the DPR agreed to
prioritize passage of the anti-trafficking law during 2005,
the DPR did not take further action on the bill until the
last quarter of 2005, when the legislature adopted the draft
as its own "initiative" and formed a special committee to
handle the bill. In December 2005, President Yudhoyono and
the Women's Minister publicly called for the bill's quick
passage. The DPR committee began formal hearings in January
2006 and targeted passage of the bill in mid-2006.
In 2004, the DPR passed Law 39/2004 on the protection of
migrant workers abroad. The law provides greater regulation
of the migrant worker recruiting and placement process. It
establishes jail sentences of 2 to 15 years for unlicensed
labor recruitment agencies. Over the past year, Jakarta
police and Manpower Ministry officials began shutting down
some illegal and abusive recruiting agencies, and arresting
their operators using the migrant worker protection law.
A myriad of other laws exists in Indonesia that the GOI can
use to prosecute trafficking-related offenses. These include
laws against sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, child
labor, abduction, rape, unlawful detention, and immigration
offenses. At times, the GOI used these laws in conjunction
with anti-trafficking charges to prosecute traffickers.
JAKARTA 00002849 026.2 OF 055
ICMC/ACILS conducted a review of existing legislation and
concluded that, "although (existing laws) can and should be
used to act now against those who traffic in people, there
are many gaps in the existing legislation."
Under the Criminal Code, Article 297, those "trafficking in
females and trafficking in underage males are threatened by a
penalty of up to six years in jail." The Child Protection
Act, Article 83, provides for a jail sentence of 3 to 15
years, plus fines, for child traffickers. In addition, there
are separate sanctions for related crimes against children
such as: sexual exploitation (10 years maximum imprisonment
plus fine),involving a child in narcotics trade (5 years in
jail to life imprisonment, or death penalty, plus fine),and
exposure of children to trafficking situations (5 years
maximum imprisonment, plus fine).
The anti-trafficking bill, pending before the legislature,
provides for jail sentences ranging from 4 to 15 years for
trafficking acts. The bill provides for increased sentences
for trafficking under certain circumstances, for example:
trafficking by parents (increased sentence by one-third);
trafficking resulting in serious injury (5 to 20 years); and
trafficking resulting in death (life in prison).
The Criminal Code, Article 285, stipulates a maximum of 12
years imprisonment for rape committed outside of marriage.
Other generally less severe criminal sanctions apply for
sexual intercourse with a minor, forcing a person to commit
an act of sexual abuse of a minor, facilitating minors to
perform acts of obscenity, and other related offenses. The
12-year maximum jail sentence for rape exceeds the 6-year
maximum for trafficking under the Criminal Code, but is
similar to the 15-year maximum penalty for trafficking of
children under the Child Protection Act.
As a matter of national law, Indonesia has not legalized
prostitution. Indonesia's Penal Code does not explicitly
mention prostitution, but the Code's Chapter 14 refers to
"crimes against decency/morality," which many within national
and local governments interpret to apply to prostitution.
Central government officials contacted by the Embassy agreed
in their interpretation that the Penal Code renders
prostitution illegal. The prostitution of children is
clearly illegal under the Penal Code and the 2002 Child
Protection Act.
The Penal Code can be used to prosecute the acts of pimps,
JAKARTA 00002849 027.2 OF 055
brothel owners and enforcers on the basis of various crimes,
including: using violence or threats of violence to force
persons to conduct indecent acts (Article 289, with a maximum
penalty of nine years in jail); facilitating indecent acts
(Article 296, with a possible jail term of 16 months);
conducing/facilitating public indecency (Article 281); and
making profits from the indecent acts of a woman (Article
506, with a possible one-year jail sentence). In practice,
authorities rarely pursued such charges against those
involved in prostitution.
Clients of child prostitutes can be charged under the Penal
Code and the Child Protection Act. In theory, married
persons who are clients of prostitutes can be charged for
engaging in sexual relations outside of marriage (Penal Code
Article 284). In general, police did not arrest and pursue
charges against clients of prostitutes.
While contrary to societal and religious norms in Indonesia,
the practice of prostitution is widespread and largely
tolerated in many areas of the country, particularly when it
is not a matter of public display. Although contrary to
national interpretations that the Penal Code prohibits
prostitution, authorities in some localities have formally or
informally regulated prostitution in response to community
pressure. Drawing on precedents from the Dutch colonial era,
beginning in 1960, some cities and other areas, including
eventually Jakarta, Surabaya, and Batam, adopted a policy of
"localization" (concentration in a particular locale) for
prostitution. Often supported by elements of civil society,
"localization" was justified as an attempt to isolate vice
and thereby preserve the morals of the wider community, as
well as an effort to better monitor the activity and provide
health and rehabilitation services. In recent years, some
local governments (Jakarta among them) closed down the
"localization" areas because of protests from religious
groups, a trend that continues.
In November 2005, the city of Tanggerang, near Jakarta,
passed a public morality ordinance which, in part, forbids
persuading or coercing others into acts of prostitution, as
well as against acts of physical intimacy in public, such as
kissing. Other local governments are considering ordinances
against prostitution in the context of broader, and possibly
intrusive, regulations of public morality.
According to a media report, in February 2006 the social
services agency in Batam announced a plan to issue
identification cards to prostitutes, with the stated
objective of preventing children from being engaged in
prostitution. The plan met with opposition from local
legislators and religious leaders, who objected to the
measure believing it to constitute legalization of
In some areas, including certain locations in Papua, brothel
owners registered prostitutes with the police with a view to
JAKARTA 00002849 028.2 OF 055
demonstrating that the prostitutes are not coerced or
Some local governments gained important tax revenues from
otherwise legal entertainment businesses, such as karaoke
bars, that also offer prostitution. Individual police and
other officials also gained illegal income as a result of
prostitution. These factors encouraged the tendency to
tolerate prostitution, according to observers.
The GOI investigated, arrested, indicted, convicted and
sentenced traffickers, with partial data indicating that
anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts in 2005 continued at
a pace similar to 2004.
According to data provided by the national police, local
police offices, other GOI offices and press accounts, police
investigated/arrested 110 suspected traffickers in calendar
year 2005. An additional 15 arrests occurred in
January-February 2006. Almost all of the arrests related to
trafficking of women and girls for prostitution, with the
exception of baby-trafficking (see below). Police
investigated and arrested traffickers sending victims to
internal destinations (62 cases) and foreign countries
(Malaysia 21 cases; Japan 3; Middle East 3; Singapore 2).
The sizable number of arrests for acts of trafficking within
Indonesia represented a positive change from previous years,
in which most arrests related to international trafficking.
Approximately one-quarter of the arrests related to cases of
"baby-selling," commonly using article 83 from the Child
Protection Act prohibiting "the trafficking, selling or
kidnapping of children for oneself or in order to sell to
another..." Some of these cases may refer to practices of
illegal adoption, rather than an inherently harmful, black
market trade in babies.
Prosecutors took 37 traffickers to court in 2005, according
to information from the Attorney General's Office (AGO)
provided to the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry in
late February 2006. The AGO had not provided details of the
cases to the Embassy by the time of this report. Details of
25 completed or on-going prosecutions were available to the
Embassy from other GOI and non-governmental sources, showing
16 convictions of traffickers and no acquittals. The average
sentence in these cases was 30 months in prison. The average
sentence length for persons convicted under the Child
Protection Act was higher than for those convicted only under
the Penal Code. The longest sentence handed down by a court
in 2005 in a trafficking case was nine years, representing a
conviction under both the Penal Code and Child Protection Act.
In the 57 cases for which relevant information was available,
JAKARTA 00002849 029.2 OF 055
police and prosecutors used the Child Protection Act against
traffickers in 38 cases; the Penal Code in 33 cases; the
Migrant Worker Protection Act in 13 cases; and a local
ordinance in 2 cases. Police and prosecutors often filed
charges under multiple laws. Almost all cases involving
child or baby trafficking utilized the Child Protection Act.
As in previous years, the available law enforcement data
showed distinct geographic patterns. In 2005, 18 out of 33
provinces recorded anti-trafficking law enforcement cases,
with law enforcement actions highly concentrated in four
provinces. North Sumatra recorded the greatest number of
arrests and prosecutions (27),followed by West Java (24),
Jakarta (18),and Riau Islands (15). The remaining 14
provinces recorded 7 or fewer cases each. In some areas of
the country known for trafficking problems, there were few or
no reports of law enforcement actions.
The law enforcement data available to the Embassy represents
incomplete and imperfect information. Despite standing
instructions from National Police Headquarters, not all
police districts reported anti-trafficking statistics and
some district reports were incomplete. The national police
data collection effort for anti-trafficking statistics
remained inadequate and did not demonstrate improvement over
the previous year. This also reflects a general weakness in
law enforcement data collection, which applies not only to
the issue of trafficking in persons. In addition, police
data would not necessarily capture some cases that did not
involve trafficking charges, such as cases in which
traffickers are charged with rape or abduction instead of
Relative to the police, the AGO had even more difficulty in
providing anti-trafficking data. AGO attention to data
collection on TIP appeared very limited. Central government
officials often relied upon contacts with province and
district level courts and prosecutors to gather data on legal
proceedings against traffickers.
The GOI's difficulties in collecting data are not unique to
TIP, but are endemic to the Indonesian Government and have
been particularly acute following decentralization. Local
authorities are no longer compelled to provide data to
central authorities in many instances.
Police and other GOI officials stated that almost all of the
convicted traffickers served their sentences in jail, but no
details were available.
Continuing law enforcement actions that began in December
2004 and January 2005, police and Manpower Ministry officials
conducted raids on 12 illegal migrant worker holding centers
in Jakarta from February to October 2005, arresting 10
persons and freeing 565 women. The police used the 2004
migrant worker protection law as the basis for the arrests.
According to GOI officials, the raids targeted unlicensed
JAKARTA 00002849 030.2 OF 055
holding centers some of which forcibly held prospective
female workers (adults and some children) under inhumane
conditions. However, they did not reflect a change in the
GOI's tacit acceptance of debt bondage, which, while not
recognized in law, is largely institutionalized in
Indonesia's migrant worker system.
Many traffickers arrested during this period appeared to be
lower level operators and/or members of small crime groups.
In a few cases, like that of the Jakarta-based traffickers
who sent women to Japan as "cultural entertainers," police
appeared to arrest more senior members of trafficking
syndicates. Most observers suspected the involvement of
larger crime syndicates and international criminal rings,
particularly for some overseas trafficking of prostitutes.
Large organized crime gangs commonly operated brothels in
major prostitution zones, normally with the involvement of
individual security force members. Traffickers also took on
the form of migrant worker recruiting agencies, both licensed
and unlicensed. Marriage brokers were involved in
trafficking using false marriages.
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces indirectly or directly assist traffickers,
and in some cases themselves fit the definition of
No information was available on the channeling of profits
from trafficking in persons.
As noted above, police continued actions to investigate
traffickers, break up trafficking rings, arrest traffickers
and free victims during this period. Police trained under
the DOJ/ICITAP program carried out qualitatively improved
investigations of trafficking during 2005, according to U.S.
Mission observations. In most incidents, however, police
were largely reactive in their investigations, taking actions
in response to complaints by family members, escaped
trafficking victims, civil society groups, NGOs, the press
and other government officials. Police more readily took
action in the case of children trapped in prostitution,
rather than adults forced into, or trapped in, the sex
Beginning as early as 2001, the police established women's
help desks (RPK) to protect women and child victims of
violence, including trafficking, and also to aid in
investigations of these crimes. The police have steadily
expanded the number of RPK, totaling 237 such desks in 2006.
Recently, certain police districts, including Jakarta and
North Sumatra, formed specialized investigative units focused
JAKARTA 00002849 031.2 OF 055
on crimes against women and children, with the units referred
to by the abbreviation RENATA. In 2006 the RENATA unit in
Medan, North Sumatra, consisted of 18 full-time female police
investigators, led by a senior female police official, and
focused most of its work on cases of domestic violence and
trafficking in persons. As noted above, in 2005 North
Sumatra carried out more anti-trafficking law enforcement
actions than any other province, per available data.
Jakarta's RENATA unit achieved some high-profile success in
2005 with the arrests of two traffickers sending young women
into prostitution in Japan.
GOI officials and NGOs often criticized police officers as
too passive in combating trafficking absent specific
complaints. Although police were often aware of underage
prostitutes or other trafficking situations, they frequently
did not intervene to protect victims or arrest probable
traffickers without specific reports from third parties.
Police in some areas facilitated and accepted at face value
efforts by pimps to obtain written statements by prostitutes,
which "verified" that the prostitutes were of adult age and
had consented to their roles. Police in some areas generally
accepted trafficking or trafficking-like situations, whether
out of lack of awareness of trafficking as a crime, their
direct or indirect involvement in trafficking, their
individual financial interest in prostitution, lack of police
resources for operations, or competing law enforcement
To aid in trafficking investigations, cases involving
Indonesian migrant workers, and other crimes, beginning in
2003 the police posted liaison officers in Indonesian
embassies in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Australia and Thailand.
These police liaison officers contributed to growing law
enforcement cooperation particularly with Malaysia. The
Indonesian police liaisons in Australia and Saudi Arabia have
also helped to investigate trafficking in the past.
In some instances, the police, particularly those who had
received anti-trafficking training, used active investigation
techniques to develop trafficking cases. The police used
undercover operations to some extent. In the past, police
occasionally employed electronic surveillance using technical
expertise developed for counter-terrorism. Information
collected through electronic surveillance is not admissible
in Indonesian courts except in cases of terrorism. The
cooperation of victims and witnesses was important to police
and prosecutors in making cases against traffickers.
According to a number of the police, GOI officials and NGOs,
victims frequently avoided testifying because of the
prolonged nature of court cases, their desire to return to
their home areas and lack of financial assistance to maintain
themselves. This complicated prosecution efforts. In some
JAKARTA 00002849 032.2 OF 055
cases, police did not detain suspects, who then subsequently
disappeared and did not present themselves in court.
Beginning in 2003, the GOI and POLRI using their own budgets
began to provide some training to officials and law
enforcement officers on TIP and related subjects at the
national and local levels, a positive change from previous
years. NGOs at times served as resource persons for such
training. POLRI has welcomed anti-trafficking training
assistance from the U.S. via the Department of
Justice/ICITAP, which will continue in 2006 after a break in
funding in 2005. The International Organization for
Migration (IOM) continued to provide some anti-trafficking
training to the police over the past year.
The Manpower Ministry trained labor inspectors and officials
responsible for migrant workers in the subjects of the worst
forms of child labor and trafficking.
The GOI cooperated with other governments, particularly
Malaysia, in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking
cases during this reporting period. Indonesian and Malaysian
law enforcement officers worked together to stop criminal
operations trafficking women and girls into prostitution in
Malaysia, and trafficking of babies to Malaysia. Indonesian
and Singaporean police also cooperated in the investigation
of a ring sending Indonesian prostitutes to Singapore. It
was unclear whether the prostitutes were trafficked.
In the past, Indonesia and Australia cooperated in the
investigations of Australian pedophiles victimizing children
in Bali, and syndicates trafficking women to Australia.
Indonesian police and other officials cooperated actively
with U.S. law enforcement to arrest and expel wanted American
citizen pedophiles (see below).
Indonesia maintains extradition treaties with only five
countries or territories, but very seldom utilizes this
mechanism to seek extradition of its citizens, preferring
less formal options such as rendering and deportation.
Indonesia does not have a history of extraditing or rendering
its own citizens to other countries.
Indonesia did not extradite any traffickers during this
reporting period and there were no reports of such requests
from other countries.
JAKARTA 00002849 033.2 OF 055
Indonesian police and officials have cooperated with foreign
governments, including the U.S. and Australia, in the
apprehension and repatriation of foreign sex offenders.
-------------- --------------
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces facilitated, tolerated, or were involved in
TIP on a variety of levels. The GOI in past reports
acknowledged this fact, which has been widely reported by
groups working on trafficking. The most common example of
such complicity was in the production of national identity
cards. In local communities, low-level officials certified
false information to produce national identity cards and
family data cards for children to allow them to work as
adults. They commonly did so in order to collect bribes and
also to assist poor families in gaining additional wage
earners. In most cases, these officials facilitated such
cards without knowing the children will be trafficked. In a
much smaller number of cases, the local officials presumably
were aware that they are facilitating trafficking. Based on
the identity cards, traffickers processed passports and work
visas for children who otherwise would not be able to obtain
such documents. With less than 30 percent of all births
registered in the country, and such registrations also
subject to falsification, authorities often had little legal
basis to challenge documents containing false information.
Some officials in local Manpower offices (Disnaker)
reportedly licensed and tolerated migrant worker recruiting
agencies despite the officials' knowledge of the agencies'
involvement in trafficking. In return for bribes, some
Immigration officials turned a blind eye to potential
trafficking victims, failing to screen or act with due
diligence in processing passports and immigration control.
Local governments' informal or formal regulation of and
alleged profiteering from established prostitution zones in
larger cities also raised concerns about local officials'
involvement and tolerance of trafficking.
Individual members of the police and military were associated
with brothels and prostitution fronts, most frequently
through the collection of protection money, which was a
widespread practice. Sometimes off-duty security force
members worked as security personnel at brothels. Security
force members also involved themselves in prostitution as
brothel owners or through other illicit business interests,
according to NGOs and other reports. As one prominent
example, NGOs continued to report the involvement of
Indonesian navy personnel and police in the Dolly
prostitution complex in Surabaya, one of Southeast Asia's
largest brothel areas. A 2005 NGO examination of trafficking
in Papua also found indications of police and military
personnel involved in trafficking.
JAKARTA 00002849 034.2 OF 055
NGOs described the involvement in TIP of individual police
and military members primarily as one of extorting protection
money from brothel owners and pimps, and of not taking
proactive steps to free underage or other trafficked
prostitutes. In past years, there have been reports of
police officers assisting pimps to return runaway prostitutes
to brothels. The NGOs did not report any examples of
security force members actively recruiting or forcing
children into prostitution.
Police, public order officials and military members sometimes
clashed as a result of raids on prostitution areas, publicly
highlighting the link between security force members and the
sex trade. Examples of such clashes occurred in Padang, West
Sumatra, in 2005 and in Sukabumi, West Java, in February
In some cases, the police tolerance of trafficking,
profiteering from the sex trade, and/or lack of understanding
of the law limited or delayed their actions in response to
complaints. On occasions in the past, national police
headquarters intervened with local police units to generate
actions, after the local units failed to respond to direct
Police and officials often did not recognize the relationship
of debt bondage and trafficking of women and girls for
The recruiting process for Indonesians working as unskilled
or semi-skilled labor abroad tends to institutionalize debt
bondage, which technically is illegal under Indonesian law.
Migrant worker recruiting agencies commonly hold prospective
workers in debt bondage. The indebtedness stems from
processing fees charged to the workers by the agencies and
costs incurred by the agencies prior to the departure of
workers for jobs overseas. Prospective migrant workers can
remain in holding centers for months at a time, awaiting
placement and departure. In some cases, such situations
degenerate into jail-like conditions, with poor food and
sanitation, and with workers unable to leave locked
warehouses where they are housed. There often appeared to be
widespread societal acceptance and tolerance by GOI officials
and law enforcement of such migrant worker conditions.
Situations of debt bondage commonly continued with overseas
The Manpower Ministry and the Jakarta police launched raids
on unlicensed migrant worker agencies, some of which kept
women and girls under inhumane conditions (see above).
U.S.-funded NGOs, the ILO and others examined the basis for
legal challenges to debt bondage and alternative means of
organizing migrant worker recruitment. There was a gradual
increase in awareness among some Indonesian officials that
JAKARTA 00002849 035.2 OF 055
the GOI should address the issue of debt bondage.
-------------- --------------
The GOI did not provide details regarding actions taken
against civil officials suspected of involvement in
trafficking. From time to time, the GOI applied
administrative sanctions against officials involved in
passport or other document fraud. Criminal prosecutions for
such actions are not common. There were no GOI reports of
the security forces prosecuting or disciplining their own
members for involvement in prostitution or other activities
related to trafficking.
The police actively investigated reports of foreign
pedophiles operating in Indonesia. In 2004, these efforts
led to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of an
Australian pedophile in Bali in May 2004, and of a Dutch
pedophile in West Nusa Tenggara also in May 2004. In 2005, a
court in Bali sentenced a French pedophile to 30 months in
jail. Police in Bali arrested a suspected Dutch pedophile in
July 2005, but the case remains under investigation. In
February 2006, the GOI deported an Australian pedophile who
had escaped from a jail in western Australia.
During this reporting period, Indonesia authorities fully and
quickly cooperated with U.S. law enforcement officials for
the arrest, expulsion and successful return to the U.S. of
three American citizens wanted due to pedophile charges or
convictions in the United States.
Indonesia has signed and in most cases ratified international
instruments related to the worst forms of child labor and the
trafficking of women and children:
-- The GOI signed ILO Convention 182 concerning the
elimination of the worst forms of child labor and ratified
this with Law No. 1 of 2000 on March 8, 2000.
-- Indonesia ratified ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labor in
1950. The GOI ratified ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition
of Forced Labor in 1999.
-- Indonesia signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention
on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child
Prostitution and Child Pornography, and ratified this in
September 2001.
-- Indonesia signed in December 2000 the UN Convention
Against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to
JAKARTA 00002849 036.2 OF 055
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The GOI
has not yet ratified the Convention and Protocol.
-- On September 25, 2003, Indonesia signed the Convention for
the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the
Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 1950, and the
Convention's Final Protocol. Indonesia has not yet ratified
these instruments.
The DPR formally took up the comprehensive anti-trafficking
bill in late 2005, after a long period of inaction affecting
almost all other pending legislation. The DPR began hearings
in January 2006 and targeted passage in mid-2006. Law
enforcement actions against traffickers continued apace in
2005, with 110 arrests/investigations of individual
traffickers, some reported 37 prosecutions, and at least 16
convictions, per partial data available. Most cases
pertained to women and children trafficked into prostitution.
In contrast to previous years, a sizable number of arrests
were for acts of internal trafficking. Law enforcement
actions were highly concentrated in four provinces. Police
did not improve their data collection on TIP cases and the
Attorney General's Office paid very limited attention to
centralized information on trafficking. Raids on illegal or
abusive migrant worker holding centers freed hundreds of
women and resulted in arrests. The police formed special
units to investigate crimes against women and children,
including trafficking. Indonesian officials assisted with
the arrest and return of three American pedophiles. Clashes
between police and military highlighted the continued
involvement of individual security force members in
prostitution. Debt bondage in the migrant worker system
continued as a widely accepted practice.
Current Indonesian law criminalizes trafficking in persons,
though the country does not yet have comprehensive
anti-trafficking legislation. Existing laws have important
limitations, such as the lack of a clear legal definition of
trafficking. The Penal Code's Article 297 stipulates that
"trafficking of females (age not specified) and trafficking
in underage males" constitute a criminal offense and provides
for penalties. Law No. 30/1999 on Human Rights also asserts
children's rights to enjoy protection against trafficking.
The October 2002 Child Protection Act (Chapter 12) includes
specific and serious penalties for child trafficking and
related offenses. As pertains to trafficking, however, the
JAKARTA 00002849 037.2 OF 055
Act is general in nature and without a comprehensive
definition of the crime. While the GOI can and did prosecute
TIP cases under existing laws, including those for related
criminal violations (e.g., rape, illegal confinement, abuse
of women for immoral purposes, etc.),the lack of a
comprehensive law with adequate legal definitions constitutes
an impediment for law enforcement.
Police and prosecutors have increasingly turned to the Child
Protection Act, and its tougher sanctions, in cases of child
trafficking. This trend continued over the past year, with
at least 38 traffickers charged under the Act.
At times, police and prosecutors used other sections of the
Penal Code to jail traffickers, including provisions against
abductions (Article 332).
The 2002-2007 National Action Plan on anti-trafficking notes
that the enactment of a comprehensive anti-trafficking law is
an important goal and called for passage of the law by 2004.
GOI began research for the law in 2002, completed an initial
draft in 2003, and submitted the bill to the House of
Representatives (DPR) following presidential signature in
July 2004. The bill criminalizes all forms of trafficking,
provides compensation for victims, and protection for
victims, witnesses and others involved in legal proceedings.
It also includes stiff penalties for perpetrators and
officials involved in trafficking (see below).
The outgoing DPR did not deliberate on the TIP bill before
leaving office in September 2004. During much of 2005,
political conditions and inexperience in the new
administration and DPR resulted in the DPR only passing
several minor laws from a backlog of over 200 bills.
Although the Yudhoyono administration and the DPR agreed to
prioritize passage of the anti-trafficking law during 2005,
the DPR did not take further action on the bill until the
last quarter of 2005, when the legislature adopted the draft
as its own "initiative" and formed a special committee to
handle the bill. In December 2005, President Yudhoyono and
the Women's Minister publicly called for the bill's quick
passage. The DPR committee began formal hearings in January
2006 and targeted passage of the bill in mid-2006.
In 2004, the DPR passed Law 39/2004 on the protection of
migrant workers abroad. The law provides greater regulation
of the migrant worker recruiting and lacement process. It
establishes jail sentencesof 2 to 15 years for unlicensed
labor recruitmen agencies. Over the past year, Jakarta
police ad Manpower Ministry officials began shutting down
some illegal and abusive recruiting agencies, and rresting
their operators using the migrant worke prottection law.
JAKARTA 00002849 038.2 OF 055
A myriad of other laws exists in Indonesia that the GOI can
use to prosecute trafficking-related offenses. These include
laws against sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, child
labor, abduction, rape, unlawful detention, and immigration
offenses. At times, the GOI used these laws in conjunction
with anti-trafficking charges to prosecute traffickers.
ICMC/ACILS conducted a review of existing legislation and
concluded that, "although (existing laws) can and should be
used to act now against those who traffic in people, there
are many gaps in the existing legislation."
Under the Criminal Code, Article 297, those "trafficking in
females and trafficking in underage males are threatened by a
penalty of up to six years in jail." The Child Protection
Act, Article 83, provides for a jail sentence of 3 to 15
years, plus fines, for child traffickers. In addition, there
are separate sanctions for related crimes against children
such as: sexual exploitation (10 years maximum imprisonment
plus fine),involving a child in narcotics trade (5 years in
jail to life imprisonment, or death penalty, plus fine),and
exposure of children to trafficking situations (5 years
maximum imprisonment, plus fine).
The anti-trafficking bill, pending before the legislature,
provides for jail sentences ranging from 4 to 15 years for
trafficking acts. The bill provides for increased sentences
for trafficking under certain circumstances, for example:
trafficking by parents (increased sentence by one-third);
trafficking resulting in serious injury (5 to 20 years); and
trafficking resulting in death (life in prison).
The Criminal Code, Article 285, stipulates a maximum of 12
years imprisonment for rape committed outside of marriage.
Other generally less severe criminal sanctions apply for
sexual intercourse with a minor, forcing a person to commit
an act of sexual abuse of a minor, facilitating minors to
perform acts of obscenity, and other related offenses. The
12-year maximum jail sentence for rape exceeds the 6-year
maximum for trafficking under the Criminal Code, but is
similar to the 15-year maximum penalty for trafficking of
children under the Child Protection Act.
As a matter of national law, Indonesia has not legalized
prostitution. Indonesia's Penal Code does not explicitly
mention prostitution, but the Code's Chapter 14 refers to
JAKARTA 00002849 039.2 OF 055
"crimes against decency/morality," which many within national
and local governments interpret to apply to prostitution.
Central government officials contacted by the Embassy agreed
in their interpretation that the Penal Code renders
prostitution illegal. The prostitution of children is
clearly illegal under the Penal Code and the 2002 Child
Protection Act.
The Penal Code can be used to prosecute the acts of pimps,
brothel owners and enforcers on the basis of various crimes,
including: using violence or threats of violence to force
persons to conduct indecent acts (Article 289, with a maximum
penalty of nine years in jail); facilitating indecent acts
(Article 296, with a possible jail term of 16 months);
conducing/facilitating public indecency (Article 281); and
making profits from the indecent acts of a woman (Article
506, with a possible one-year jail sentence). In practice,
authorities rarely pursued such charges against those
involved in prostitution.
Clients of child prostitutes can be charged under the Penal
Code and the Child Protection Act. In theory, married
persons who are clients of prostitutes can be charged for
engaging in sexual relations outside of marriage (Penal Code
Article 284). In general, police did not arrest and pursue
charges against clients of prostitutes.
While contrary to societal and religious norms in Indonesia,
the practice of prostitution is widespread and largely
tolerated in many areas of the country, particularly when it
is not a matter of public display. Although contrary to
national interpretations that the Penal Code prohibits
prostitution, authorities in some localities have formally or
informally regulated prostitution in response to community
pressure. Drawing on precedents from the Dutch colonial era,
beginning in 1960, some cities and other areas, including
eventually Jakarta, Surabaya, and Batam, adopted a policy of
"localization" (concentration in a particular locale) for
prostitution. Often supported by elements of civil society,
"localization" was justified as an attempt to isolate vice
and thereby preserve the morals of the wider community, as
well as an effort to better monitor the activity and provide
health and rehabilitation services. In recent years, some
local governments (Jakarta among them) closed down the
"localization" areas because of protests from religious
groups, a trend that continues.
In November 2005, the city of Tanggerang, near Jakarta,
passed a public morality ordinance which, in part, forbids
persuading or coercing others into acts of prostitution, as
well as against acts of physical intimacy in public, such as
kissing. Other local governments are considering ordinances
against prostitution in the context of broader, and possibly
intrusive, regulations of public morality.
According to a media report, in February 2006 the social
services agency in Batam announced a plan to issue
JAKARTA 00002849 040.2 OF 055
identification cards to prostitutes, with the stated
objective of preventing children from being engaged in
prostitution. The plan met with opposition from local
legislators and religious leaders, who objected to the
measure believing it to constitute legalization of
In some areas, including certain locations in Papua, brothel
owners registered prostitutes with the police with a view to
demonstrating that the prostitutes are not coerced or
Some local governments gained important tax revenues from
otherwise legal entertainment businesses, such as karaoke
bars, that also offer prostitution. Individual police and
other officials also gained illegal income as a result of
prostitution. These factors encouraged the tendency to
tolerate prostitution, according to observers.
The GOI investigated, arrested, indicted, convicted and
sentenced traffickers, with partial data indicating that
anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts in 2005 continued at
a pace similar to 2004.
According to data provided by the national police, local
police offices, other GOI offices and press accounts, police
investigated/arrested 110 suspected traffickers in calendar
year 2005. An additional 15 arrests occurred in
January-February 2006. Almost all of the arrests related to
trafficking of women and girls for prostitution, with the
exception of baby-trafficking (see below). Police
investigated and arrested traffickers sending victims to
internal destinations (62 cases) and foreign countries
(Malaysia 21 cases; Japan 3; Middle East 3; Singapore 2).
The sizable number of arrests for acts of trafficking within
Indonesia represented a positive change from previous years,
in which most arrests related to international trafficking.
Approximately one-quarter of the arrests related to cases of
"baby-selling," commonly using article 83 from the Child
Protection Act prohibiting "the trafficking, selling or
kidnapping of children for oneself or in order to sell to
another..." Some of these cases may refer to practices of
illegal adoption, rather than an inherently harmful, black
market trade in babies.
Prosecutors took 37 traffickers to court in 2005, according
to information from the Attorney General's Office (AGO)
provided to the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry in
late February 2006. The AGO had not provided details of the
cases to the Embassy by the time of this report. Details of
25 completed or on-going prosecutions were available to the
Embassy from other GOI and non-governmental sources, showing
JAKARTA 00002849 041.2 OF 055
16 convictions of traffickers and no acquittals. The average
sentence in these cases was 30 months in prison. The average
sentence length for persons convicted under the Child
Protection Act was higher than for those convicted only under
the Penal Code. The longest sentence handed down by a court
in 2005 in a trafficking case was nine years, representing a
conviction under both the Penal Code and Child Protection Act.
In the 57 cases for which relevant information was available,
police and prosecutors used the Child Protection Act against
traffickers in 38 cases; the Penal Code in 33 cases; the
Migrant Worker Protection Act in 13 cases; and a local
ordinance in 2 cases. Police and prosecutors often filed
charges under multiple laws. Almost all cases involving
child or baby trafficking utilized the Child Protection Act.
As in previous years, the available law enforcement data
showed distinct geographic patterns. In 2005, 18 out of 33
provinces recorded anti-trafficking law enforcement cases,
with law enforcement actions highly concentrated in four
provinces. North Sumatra recorded the greatest number of
arrests and prosecutions (27),followed by West Java (24),
Jakarta (18),and Riau Islands (15). The remaining 14
provinces recorded 7 or fewer cases each. In some areas of
the country known for trafficking problems, there were few or
no reports of law enforcement actions.
The law enforcement data available to the Embassy represents
incomplete and imperfect information. Despite standing
instructions from National Police Headquarters, not all
police districts reported anti-trafficking statistics and
some district reports were incomplete. The national police
data collection effort for anti-trafficking statistics
remained inadequate and did not demonstrate improvement over
the previous year. This also reflects a general weakness in
law enforcement data collection, which applies not only to
the issue of trafficking in persons. In addition, police
data would not necessarily capture some cases that did not
involve trafficking charges, such as cases in which
traffickers are charged with rape or abduction instead of
Relative to the police, the AGO had even more difficulty in
providing anti-trafficking data. AGO attention to data
collection on TIP appeared very limited. Central government
officials often relied upon contacts with province and
district level courts and prosecutors to gather data on legal
proceedings against traffickers.
The GOI's difficulties in collecting data are not unique to
TIP, but are endemic to the Indonesian Government and have
been particularly acute following decentralization. Local
authorities are no longer compelled to provide data to
central authorities in many instances.
Police and other GOI officials stated that almost all of the
convicted traffickers served their sentences in jail, but no
JAKARTA 00002849 042.2 OF 055
details were availablQ
Continuing law enforcement actions that began in December
2004 and January 2005, police and Manpower Ministry officials
conducted raids on 12 illegal migrant worker holding centers
in Jakarta from February to October 2005, arresting 10
persons and freeing 565 women. The police used the 2004
migrant worker protection law as the basis for the arrests.
According to GOI officials, the raids targeted unlicensed
holding centers some of which forcibly held prospective
female workers (adults and some children) under inhumane
conditions. However, they did not reflect a change in the
GOI's tacit acceptance of debt bondage, which, while not
recognized in law, is largely institutionalized in
Indonesia's migrant worker system.
Many traffickers arrested during this period appeared to be
lower level operators and/or members of small crime groups.
In a few cases, like that of the Jakarta-based traffickers
who sent women to Japan as "cultural entertainers," police
appeared to arrest more senior members of trafficking
syndicates. Most observers suspected the involvement of
larger crime syndicates and international criminal rings,
particularly for some overseas trafficking of prostitutes.
Large organized crime gangs commonly operated brothels in
major prostitution zones, normally with the involvement of
individual security force members. Traffickers also took on
the form of migrant worker recruiting agencies, both licensed
and unlicensed. Marriage brokers were involved in
trafficking using false marriages.
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces indirectly or directly assist traffickers,
and in some cases themselves fit the definition of
No information was available on the channeling of profits
from trafficking in persons.
As noted above, police continued actions to investigate
traffickers, break up trafficking rings, arrest traffickers
and free victims during this period. Police trained under
the DOJ/ICITAP program carried out qualitatively improved
investigations of trafficking during 2005, according to U.S.
Mission observations. In most incidents, however, police
were largely reactive in their investigations, taking actions
in response to complaints by family members, escaped
trafficking victims, civil society groups, NGOs, the press
and other government officials. Police more readily took
action in the case of children trapped in prostitution,
rather than adults forced into, or trapped in, the sex
JAKARTA 00002849 043.2 OF 055
Beginning as early as 2001, the police established women's
help desks (RPK) to protect women and child victims of
violence, including trafficking, and also to aid in
investigations of these crimes. The police have steadily
expanded the number of RPK, totaling 237 such desks in 2006.
Recently, certain police districts, including Jakarta and
North Sumatra, formed specialized investigative units focused
on crimes against women and children, with the units referred
to by the abbreviation RENATA. In 2006 the RENATA unit in
Medan, North Sumatra, consisted of 18 full-time female police
investigators, led by a senior female police official, and
focused most of its work on cases of domestic violence and
trafficking in persons. As noted above, in 2005 North
Sumatra carried out more anti-trafficking law enforcement
actions than any other province, per available data.
Jakarta's RENATA unit achieved some high-profile success in
2005 with the arrests of two traffickers sending young women
into prostitution in Japan.
GOI officials and NGOs often criticized police officers as
too passive in combating trafficking absent specific
complaints. Although police were often aware of underage
prostitutes or other trafficking situations, they frequently
did not intervene to protect victims or arrest probable
traffickers without specific reports from third parties.
Police in some areas facilitated and accepted at face value
efforts by pimps to obtain written statements by prostitutes,
which "verified" that the prostitutes were of adult age and
had consented to their roles. Police in some areas generally
accepted trafficking or trafficking-like situations, whether
out of lack of awareness of trafficking as a crime, their
direct or indirect involvement in trafficking, their
individual financial interest in prostitution, lack of police
resources for operations, or competing law enforcement
To aid in trafficking investigations, cases involving
Indonesian migrant workers, and other crimes, beginning in
2003 the police posted liaison officers in Indonesian
embassies in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Australia and Thailand.
These police liaison officers contributed to growing law
enforcement cooperation particularly with Malaysia. The
Indonesian police liaisons in Australia and Saudi Arabia have
also helped to investigate trafficking in the past.
In some instances, the police, particularly those who had
received anti-trafficking training, used active investigation
techniques to develop trafficking cases. The police used
undercover operations to some extent. In the past, police
occasionally employed electronic surveillance using technical
expertise developed for counter-terrorism. Information
JAKARTA 00002849 044 OF 055
collected through electronic surveillance is not admissible
in Indonesian courts except in cases of terrorism. The
cooperation of victims and witnesses was important to police
and prosecutors in making cases against traffickers.
According to a number of the police, GOI officials and NGOs,
victims frequently avoided testifying because of the
prolonged nature of court cases, their desire to return to
their home areas and lack of financial assistance to maintain
themselves. This complicated prosecution efforts. In some
cases, police did not detain suspects, who then subsequently
disappeared and did not present themselves in court.
Beginning in 2003, the GOI and POLRI using their own budgets
began to provide some training to officials and law
enforcement officers on TIP and related subjects at the
national and local levels, a positive change from previous
years. NGOs at times served as resource persons for such
training. POLRI has welcomed anti-trafficking training
assistance from the U.S. via the Department of
Justice/ICITAP, which will continue in 2006 after a break in
funding in 2005. The International Organization for
Migration (IOM) continued to provide some anti-trafficking
training to the police over the past year.
The Manpower Ministry trained labor inspectors and officials
responsible for migrant workers in the subjects of the worst
forms of child labor and trafficking.
The GOI cooperated with other governments, particularly
Malaysia, in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking
cases during this reporting period. Indonesian and Malaysian
law enforcement officers worked together to stop criminal
operations trafficking women and girls into prostitution in
Malaysia, and trafficking of babies to Malaysia. Indonesian
and Singaporean police also cooperated in the investigation
of a ring sending Indonesian prostitutes to Singapore. It
was unclear whether the prostitutes were trafficked.
In the past, Indonesia and Australia cooperated in the
investigations of Australian pedophiles victimizing children
in Bali, and syndicates trafficking women to Australia.
Indonesian police and other officials cooperated actively
with U.S. law enforcement to arrest and expel wanted American
citizen pedophiles (see below).
Indonesia maintains extradition treaties with only five
countries or territories, but very seldom utilizes this
JAKARTA 00002849 045 OF 055
mechanism to seek extradition of its citizens, preferring
less formal options such as rendering and deportation.
Indonesia does not have a history of extraditing or rendering
its own citizens to other countries.
Indonesia did not extradite any traffickers during this
reporting period and there were no reports of such requests
from other countries.
Indonesian police and officials have cooperated with foreign
governments, including the U.S. and Australia, in the
apprehension and repatriation of foreign sex offenders.
-------------- --------------
Some government officials and individual members of the
security forces facilitated, tolerated, or were involved in
TIP on a variety of levels. The GOI in past reports
acknowledged this fact, which has been widely reported by
groups working on trafficking. The most common example of
such complicity was in the production of national identity
cards. In local communities, low-level officials certified
false information to produce national identity cards and
family data cards for children to allow them to work as
adults. They commonly did so in order to collect bribes and
also to assist poor families in gaining additional wage
earners. In most cases, these officials facilitated such
cards without knowing the children will be trafficked. In a
much smaller number of cases, the local officials presumably
were aware that they are facilitating trafficking. Based on
the identity cards, traffickers processed passports and work
visas for children who otherwise would not be able to obtain
such documents. With less than 30 percent of all births
registered in the country, and such registrations also
subject to falsification, authorities often had little legal
basis to challenge documents containing false information.
Some officials in local Manpower offices (Disnaker)
reportedly licensed and tolerated migrant worker recruiting
agencies despite the officials' knowledge of the agencies'
involvement in trafficking. In return for bribes, some
Immigration officials turned a blind eye to potential
trafficking victims, failing to screen or act with due
diligence in processing passports and immigration control.
Local governments' informal or formal regulation of and
alleged profiteering from established prostitution zones in
larger cities also raised concerns about local officials'
involvement and tolerance of trafficking.
Individual members of the police and military were associated
with brothels and prostitution fronts, most frequently
through the collection of protection money, which was a
widespread practice. Sometimes off-duty security force
members worked as security personnel at brothels. Security
force members also involved themselves in prostitution as
JAKARTA 00002849 046.3 OF 055
brothel owners or through other illicit business interests,
according to NGOs and other reports. As one prominent
example, NGOs continued to report the involvement of
Indonesian navy personnel and police in the Dolly
prostitution complex in Surabaya, one of Southeast Asia's
largest brothel areas. A 2005 NGO examination of trafficking
in Papua also found indications of police and military
personnel involved in trafficking.
NGOs described the involvement in TIP of individual police
and military members primarily as one of extorting protection
money from brothel owners and pimps, and of not taking
proactive steps to free underage or other trafficked
prostitutes. In past years, there have been reports of
police officers assisting pimps to return runaway prostitutes
to brothels. The NGOs did not report any examples of
security force members actively recruiting or forcing
children into prostitution.
Police, public order officials and military members sometimes
clashed as a result of raids on prostitution areas, publicly
highlighting the link between security force members and the
sex trade. Examples of such clashes occurred in Padang, West
Sumatra, in 2005 and in Sukabumi, West Java, in February
In some cases, the police tolerance of trafficking,
profiteering from the sex trade, and/or lack of understanding
of the law limited or delayed their actions in response to
complaints. On occasions in the past, national police
headquarters intervened with local police units to generate
actions, after the local units failed to respond to direct
Police and officials often did not recognize the relationship
of debt bondage and trafficking of women and girls for
The recruiting process for Indonesians working as unskilled
or semi-skilled labor abroad tends to institutionalize debt
bondage, which technically is illegal under Indonesian law.
Migrant worker recruiting agencies commonly hold prospective
workers in debt bondage. The indebtedness stems from
processing fees charged to the workers by the agencies and
costs incurred by the agencies prior to the departure of
workers for jobs overseas. Prospective migrant workers can
remain in holding centers for months at a time, awaiting
placement and departure. In some cases, such situations
degenerate into jail-like conditions, with poor food and
sanitation, and with workers unable to leave locked
warehouses where they are housed. There often appeared to be
widespread societal acceptance and tolerance by GOI officials
and law enforcement of such migrant worker conditions.
Situations of debt bondage commonly continued with overseas
JAKARTA 00002849 047 OF 055
The Manpower Ministry and the Jakarta police launched raids
on unlicensed migrant worker agencies, some of which kept
women and girls under inhumane conditions (see above).
U.S.-funded NGOs, the ILO and others examined the basis for
legal challenges to debt bondage and alternative means of
organizing migrant worker recruitment. There was a gradual
increase in awareness among some Indonesian officials that
the GOI should address the issue of debt bondage.
-------------- --------------
The GOI did not provide details regarding actions taken
against civil officials suspected of involvement in
trafficking. From time to time, the GOI applied
administrative sanctions against officials involved in
passport or other document fraud. Criminal prosecutions for
such actions are not common. There were no GOI reports of
the security forces prosecuting or disciplining their own
members for involvement in prostitution or other activities
related to trafficking.
The police actively investigated reports of foreign
pedophiles operating in Indonesia. In 2004, these efforts
led to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of an
Australian pedophile in Bali in May 2004, and of a Dutch
pedophile in West Nusa Tenggara also in May 2004. In 2005, a
court in Bali sentenced a French pedophile to 30 months in
jail. Police in Bali arrested a suspected Dutch pedophile in
July 2005, but the case remains under investigation. In
February 2006, the GOI deported an Australian pedophile who
had escaped from a jail in western Australia.
During this reporting period, Indonesia authorities fully and
quickly cooperated with U.S. law enforcement officials for
the arrest, expulsion and successful return to the U.S. of
three American citizens wanted due to pedophile charges or
convictions in the United States.
Indonesia has signed and in most cases ratified international
instruments related to the worst forms of child labor and the
trafficking of women and children:
-- The GOI signed ILO Convention 182 concerning the
elimination of the worst forms of child labor and ratified
this with Law No. 1 of 2000 on March 8, 2000.
-- Indonesia ratified ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labor in
1950. The GOI ratified ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition
JAKARTA 00002849 048 OF 055
of Forced Labor in 1999.
-- Indonesia signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention
on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child
Prostitution and Child Pornography, and ratified this in
September 2001.
-- Indonesia signed in December 2000 the UN Convention
Against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The GOI
has not yet ratified the Convention and Protocol.
-- On September 25, 2003, Indonesia signed the Convention for
the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the
Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 1950, and the
Convention's Final Protocol. Indonesia has not yet ratified
these instruments.
National and local level assistance efforts continued or
increased over the past year, although they remained small in
comparison with the scope of the problem. The police added
11 new women's help desks in police departments to reach a
total of 237 nationwide. The GOI and police increased from
11 to 18 the number of operational "integrated service
centers," providing health services to TIP and other victims
of violence. With U.S. assistance, the police upgraded two
such centers to become full medical recovery centers
specifically for trafficking victims, and began work on a
third medical center. These two trafficking victim recovery
centers treated hundreds of patients since opening in 2005.
Authorities continued to round-up and deport a small number
of foreign prostitutes without screening them for possible
trafficking victims. Various GOI offices and diplomatic
missions received limited training on TIP victim recognition
and assistance.
The GOI at various levels and to varying degrees assisted its
citizens who fell victim to trafficking. National and local
level assistance efforts continued or increased, but remained
small in comparison with the scope of the problem. In
general, the GOI provided modest but more structured
assistance to Indonesians trafficked abroad. In contrast,
government assistance specifically for internal trafficking
victims remained minimal. Local government assistance
usually appeared ad hoc and often focused on cases with a
public profile.
JAKARTA 00002849 049 OF 055
The police further increased the number of its women's help
desks (RPK),units established to assist women and children
who fall victim to violence including trafficking, and to
help related investigations. The total number of such units
at the province and district levels has gradually increased
from 163 in 2003 and 226 in 2005 to a total of 237 women's
help desks in 2006. The women's desks provided temporary
shelter, special police handling, and some level of legal
services for victims. The women's desks often cooperated
with local NGOs, which arranged for medical and psychological
services, and longer term shelter. Distrust of the police
discouraged some victims from using these desks.
Local governments worked together with NGOs and civil society
groups to establish and operate shelters for TIP victims, in
key transit points like Dumai, Riau Province, and Batam, Riau
Islands Province, and in Entikong on the West Kalimantan
border with Malaysia. Local governments also used social
services offices and police women's desks as temporary
shelters. Women's bureaus in provinces like East Java, North
Sumatra, and Riau Islands budgeted modest funding for
victims' services.
The Foreign Ministry operated shelters for trafficking
victims and migrant workers at its embassies and consulates
in a number of countries, including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, and Singapore. Over the course of 2005, these
diplomatic establishments sheltered thousands of Indonesian
citizens, including trafficking victims. Indonesian
diplomatic missions, in coordination with other GOI agencies,
assisted with repatriation of trafficking victims.
The Manpower Ministry has an Overseas Worker Protection
Directorate. The GOI upgraded this office over the period
2001-2003 and dramatically increased its budget. The
Directorate regulates migrant worker recruiting agencies,
provides limited training to migrant workers, and assists and
repatriates overseas workers fleeing abusive situations. The
Directorate, often in conjunction with the Social Affairs
Ministry, repatriated female migrant workers during 2004 and
2005. Some of the repatriated female migrant workers fit the
definition of trafficking victims.
The Social Affairs Ministry founded a Sub-Directorate of
Social Assistance for Victims of Violence and Migrant Workers
in 2001. In 2002, the Ministry upgraded this office to
become a Directorate, with greater authority and budget,
responding in part to the demand for action against TIP. In
terms of trafficking, the Directorate primarily assisted
victims returning from overseas since domestic cases normally
fall under the responsibility of local governments. In 2004
and 2005, the Ministry provided some repatriation assistance
to tens of thousands of migrant workers, the vast majority of
whom returned from Malaysia. This included transportation,
basic medical care, and food for some of these returnees.
The Directorate provided some training to provincial Social
Affairs offices. The Ministry also operated women's
JAKARTA 00002849 050.3 OF 055
rehabilitation centers and assists with crisis centers,
including the Children's Crisis Center established in Jakarta
in 2002.
The provincial government in East Java established a women's
crisis center in 2003 that serviced trafficking victims and
other women who suffered violence.
Police and public hospitals provided medical care to
trafficking victims, in accordance with a GOI directive (see
In 2004 the Women's Ministry, with input from international
and local NGOs, finalized standard operating procedures
(SOPs) to be used when assisting trafficking victims to
ensure their protection. This was in accordance with the
anti-trafficking National Action Plan's goal of having the
SOPs in place by 2004. The Ministry began to train officials
in the SOPs during 2005.
The Social Affairs Ministry, the Women's Ministry, the Health
Ministry and POLRI signed a coordination agreement in October
2002 to provide "integrated service centers" (PPTs) for women
and children who are victims of violence. As part of this
MOU, the GOI assigned police hospitals, like the Kramat Jati
police hospital in Jakarta and the Bhayangkara hospital in
Surabaya, to be the medical treatment points for migrant
workers who return from abroad with serious medical or
psychological problems. In other locations, public hospitals
operate the service centers, in coordination with the
ministries and the police. In 2006 there were 18 operational
PPTs, an increase from 11 in 2005.
After 2002, the Jakarta police hospital, as a PPT, began
treating hundreds of trafficking victims annually.
With the assistance of a U.S.-funded IOM project, Indonesia
police upgraded the Jakarta police hospital facility to
become a full medical recovery center for victims of
trafficking, the first in Indonesia. The center provides
comprehensive medical care, including psychological
treatment, to TIP victims, most of whom have returned from
abroad. The medical center, which officially opened in its
new form in June 2005, has capacity for 30 in-patients.
During the last seven months of 2005, the hospital treated
330 in-patients and 112 out-patients.
The IOM project assisted with the opening of a second medical
recovery center in the Surabaya police hospital in September
2005. This center has a capacity of 8 in-patients and
treated 15 patients during the final months of 2005. A small
medical recovery unit in the police hospital in Makassar,
South Sulawesi, started informally in January 2006, also with
IOM assistance.
JAKARTA 00002849 051 OF 055
Some government medical facilities and NGO clinics conducted
HIV/AIDS screening, but this did not appear to be widespread
or systematic.
The GOI provided some funding to domestic NGOs and civil
society groups that supported services for TIP victims,
usually as part of a larger program rather than one focused
exclusively on trafficking. At the national level, for
example, the People's Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the
Social Affairs Ministry provided food assistance to social
centers and safe houses nationwide. Local governments in
North Sulawesi, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Riau Islands,
and East Java funded NGOs to provide services to some
victims, including shelters, medical exams and training.
In Jakarta, a screening system is in place at the
international airport to refer cases of abused migrant
workers and trafficking victims to the city's police hospital
(see above). NGOs active in migrant worker advocacy also
identify and refer returned migrant workers who need medical
attention. An NGO screening process was also in practice in
Women's help desks at provincial and district level police
offices typically have formal or informal arrangements in
place with local NGO's to provide short-term shelter and a
modicum of care for trafficking victims. In general,
long-term care does not appear to be available. A current
U.S.-funded project, implemented by IOM, has begun to develop
models of better and longer-term care for trafficking victims.
The GOI's written policy, found in its annual trafficking
report, is that, "from a legal perspective, the Government
treats persons who are trafficked not as criminals, but as
victims who need help and protection." The People's Welfare
Coordinating Ministry, the Women's Ministry, and training
conducted by international NGOs and DOJ/ICITAP, reinforced
this policy during the year in public settings and trainings
of police and other officials. Police who received ICITAP
training demonstrated greater awareness of and respect for
TIP victims.
Local government and police practice varied, particularly in
the lower ranks of law enforcement agencies. Local
governments, exercising greater authority under the nation's
decentralization program, sometimes enacted regulations that
tend to treat trafficked prostitutes as criminals, contrary
to national policy. In many instances, GOI officials and
JAKARTA 00002849 052 OF 055
police actively protected and assisted victims. In other
cases, police officers treated victims, particularly
trafficked prostitutes, as criminals, subjected them to
detention, and took advantage of their vulnerability to
demand bribes and sexual services. The media and lower level
officials, including police, frequently failed to protect
victims' identities and commonly provided victims' names to
the public.
The GOI's policy is not to detain or imprison trafficking
victims. Police implementation of this policy varies in
practice. Not all local government laws comply with this
policy. Local police often arrested prostitutes, presumably
including trafficking victims, who operated outside
recognized prostitution zones on charges of violating public
order. Police raids on prostitute areas commonly resulted in
the arrest of prostitutes, rather than users or pimps. On
occasion, the police detained victims, sometimes to gain
their testimony or in the belief they were protecting the
victims from traffickers. In other cases, police detained
victims in order to extract bribes.
While there appeared to be a growing understanding of the
need to protect Indonesian victims of trafficking, this was
not the case for foreign prostitutes. In Jakarta, police and
immigration officials in August 2005 rounded up and deported
foreign prostitutes from China, Russia and Uzbekistan without
screening them as possible trafficking victims or protecting
their identities from intrusive media coverage.
-------------- --------------
The GOI encourages victims to assist in the investigation and
prosecution of traffickers. The GOI reported that victims
frequently were reluctant or refused to provide testimony out
of shame and fear of retribution against themselves and their
families. There are no specific legal mechanisms for victims
to seek compensation from traffickers, though this may be
addressed in the anti-trafficking bill currently pending
before the DPR. A bill on witness protection also remains
pending before the legislature (see below).
In previous periods, there have been reports of police
officers who refused to receive complaints from trafficking
victims, but insisted instead that victims and traffickers
reach an informal settlement (for example, payment of debts
in return for a prostitute's release from a brothel).
The functions of the women's help desks at provincial and
district level police stations include protection of women
and children during the police investigation process of
crimes such as trafficking. Some of the desks functioned
reasonably well, while others did not function adequately.
JAKARTA 00002849 053 OF 055
There were no specific reports of the GOI providing special
protection to witnesses during court cases on trafficking.
The Law and Human Rights Ministry and the Women's Ministry
drafted a Witness and Victim Protection bill, originally
targeted for passage by 2004 in the anti-trafficking National
Action Plan. Like most other legislation, the bill did not
advance in 2005. The Government and the DPR are currently
discussing the bill.
-------------- --------------
The National Action Plan calls for training of government
officials in recognizing trafficking and assisting victims,
to be carried out in the 2003-2007 timeframe. The GOI
conducted such training on an ad hoc basis through various
seminars, workshops and government meetings. POLRI and the
Manpower Ministry both conducted anti-trafficking training,
including victim recognition, over the past year.
NGOs and international organizations have assisted in the
training of Indonesian officials. IOM and ICMC have worked
with Indonesian diplomatic offices in Malaysia to improve
their screening procedures for potential trafficking victims.
The Foreign Ministry discontinued the ICMC activity due to
perceived political sensitivities in Malaysia.
The relationship between Indonesian diplomatic missions and
NGOs abroad that serve trafficking victims appears to vary
greatly. A 2005 survey of Indonesian diplomatic offices in
Malaysia revealed some working frequently with NGOs and
others not. The availability of such NGOs was a factor.
The GOI, both at the national and locals levels, provides
some measure of assistance, including limited medical aid,
shelter, and financial help, to its repatriated nationals who
were trafficking victims. In general, the government at
various levels provided more attention and assistance to
repatriated victims compared with victims of internal
ICMC/ACILS, in their 2003 book, identified 45 local NGO
offices around the country that provide services to
trafficking victims, most in the context of other social
programs. Some of the more prominent NGOs are Solidaritas
Perempuan (Jakarta),LBH-Apik (Jakarta and West Kalimantan),
Yayasan Mitra Kesehatan dan Kemanusiaan or YMKK (Batam),
Rifka Anisa (Yogyakarta) and LADA (Lampung). Some labor
unions also provided services to trafficking victims. The
activities of these groups related to TIP include: legal
JAKARTA 00002849 054 OF 055
assistance, prevention and education programs, medical
services, clinics for children, research and advocacy,
counseling, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and
shelters. More NGOs have emerged over the past several
years, including Migrant Care, currently a leading advocacy
body for migrant worker rights and anti-trafficking, and Anak
Bangsa, a pioneering NGO assisting victims along the
Indonesia-Malaysia border area of West Kalimantan.
The GOI's 2004-2005 trafficking report listed service
providers for trafficking victims, including women's crisis
centers, trauma centers, shelters and drop-in centers set up
by local governments, NGOs, and community organizations in 14
provinces. The report also documented dozens of legal aid
organizations and their branches across Indonesia that have a
mandate to provide legal assistance to victims of trafficking
and other violence.
GOI continued strong cooperation with NGOs over the past year
in the area of assistance to trafficking victims. In some
cases government offices relied heavily on NGO inputs and
advice. GOI offices provided licenses to organizations and
access to trafficking victims, included NGOs on national and
local action committees, and interceded with law enforcement
agencies in some cases to permit NGOs to carry out their
activities. NGOs frequently interacted with the police,
though mutual suspicions limited the interaction in some
Kyai Husein Muhammad: As a founder and leader of the Fahmina
Institute and the head of a large Islamic boarding school
(pesantren),Kyai Husein Muhammad ("Kyai" is a title
referring to a respected local religious leader/scholar) has
helped to raise awareness of trafficking in persons among
women and children in rural communities in West Java. Kyai
Husein has carried out an anti-trafficking media campaign,
which in 2005 included distribution of 22,000 leaflets each
week in mosques after Friday prayers, along with outreach to
village health clinics and schools. Kyai Husein researched
and produced written works concerning the application of
Islamic Law and trafficking, an unprecedented initiative to
use Islamic arguments and traditions to combat this crime.
His scholarship highlighted the Islamic perspective on
victims' rights, the rights of women and children, and the
immorality of human trafficking, while emphasizing that
victims should not be criminalized and that communities have
a responsibility to combat trafficking. Kyai Husein's
efforts were instrumental in raising awareness of the risk of
trafficking in post-tsunami Aceh and enlisting Muslim schools
there in the ultimately successful prevention of TIP in
tsunami-affected areas.
Kyai Husein is an advisor to the Indonesian Government on
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violence against women and he contributed to the drafting of
the law against domestic violence, passed in 2004. He has
published a number of works on Islam and gender issues. The
Asia Foundation (TAF) has supported Kyai Husein and the
Fahmina Institute's efforts to stop trafficking in persons.
Almost 90 percent of Indonesians adhere to Islam and
Indonesia is home to the world's largest Muslim population.
Local Islamic leaders play a significant role in their
communities and have the potential, like Kyai Husein, to make
an important contribution to anti-trafficking.
The Indonesian Scout Movement: In 2004, the Scout Movement,
which incorporates nearly all public school students across
the country, began an anti-trafficking campaign in Indramayu,
West Java, a sending area for many young women and girls who
fall victim to trafficking. In its current phase, the Scouts
have targeted the provision of anti-trafficking education to
25,000 students in 116 schools in the Indramayu area by
August 2006. To do so, the Scouts have trained 285
school-level facilitators who utilize an innovative training
and campaign kit containing a four-part video documentary,
comic books and other anti-trafficking materials. The Scouts
donate the campaign kits to the schools at the end of the
training program. The national Scout movement is considering
the expansion of the program to other districts and the
institution of an anti-trafficking merit badge to encourage
more Scouts to learn about and promote anti-trafficking
The American Center for International Labor Solidarity (the
Solidarity Center) and the International Catholic Migration
Commission (ICMC),along with UNICEF, have supported the
Scout's involvement in anti-trafficking. This effort is part
of a larger strategy initiated by the Indonesian Government,
the Solidarity Center and ICMC to mobilize existing
mass-membership institutions and their significant networks
to combat trafficking.