2006-01-23 14:32:00
Embassy Bogota
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available. 231432Z Jan 06
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BOGOTA 000555
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/20/2016
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood
Reason: 1.4 (b,d)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BOGOTA 000555
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/20/2016
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood
Reason: 1.4 (b,d)
1. (C) Colombia's election season is in full swing, with all
sides playing political hardball and displaying no sign of
letting up. Pro-Uribe parties expelled 5 candidates from
party lists recently, apparently because of their
paramilitary links, and additional expulsions from all
parties (including the Liberals, who expelled one of their
own) would not be surprising. Pro-Uribe "Partido de la U"
leader Juan Manuel Santos launched a serious attack on
Liberal Senator Rafael Pardo, accusing him of illegitimate
and possibly illegal FARC contacts aimed at defeating Uribe;
the President's spokesperson later confirmed the allegations
and said they had forwarded them to the Prosecutor General
for further investigation. Peace Commissioner Restrepo
summarized the evidence the Uribe Administration claimed to
have against Pardo, and it does not amount to much (hearsay
and a mysterious CD that no one appears to have seen),but
Uribe's Communications Director Jaime Bermudez insisted the
information warranted the prosecutor's attention. Pardo
consistently and categorically denied the allegations and
accused Uribe of playing dirty. (On January 22 Uribe
apologized to Pardo and said he was withdrawing the
allegations against him.) Curiously, the dispute has not
resulted in a closing of the pro- and anti-Uribe ranks, as
leading Liberal Party presidential candidate HoracioSerpa
has been silent (and is apparently annoyed at Liberal leader
Gaviria's vocal support for Pardo in the dispute) and
pro-Uribe leader of the "Cambio Radical" party, German Vargas
Lleras, distanced himself from the initial Santos attack.
End summary.
-------------- --------------
Uribista Parties Announce Expulsions for Paramilitary Links
-------------- --------------
2. (C) In an unusual joint press conference January 17, Juan
Manuel Santos and German Vargas Lleras, leaders respectively
of the pro-Uribe "Partido de la U" (the U Party) and of
"Cambio Radical" (Radical Change),announced they had removed
from their legislative lists five candidates running for
election in the March Congressional poll: three candidates
from the U Party (DiebMaloof - Magdelana; HabibMerheg -
Risaralda; and Luis Eduardo Vives - Magdalena) and two from
Cambio Radical (Jorge Castro - Magdalena; and Jorge Caballero
- Magdalena). Santos told polcouns that he had previously
removed two unnamed candidates from the U Party list.
Neither Santos nor Vargas Lleras announced the reasons for
the removal, but all five candidates dismissed on January 17
are widely regarded as having paramilitary links. The
expulsions came shortly before a new Electoral Tribunal
created by the Electoral Guarantees Law was to begin its work
in scrutinizing the conduct of campaigns and candidates.
3. (C) Immediately following the joint press conference,
pro-Uribe Senator Mario Uribe (the president's cousin) said
his "Colombia Democratica" (Democratic Colombia) party had
already accepted Merheg into its ranks and had not yet heard
of requests from the other dismissed candidates but would
consider them if received. He was forced to back down within
hours after the president's spokesperson announced that any
party accepting the expelled candidates would automatically
disqualify themselves from being considered part of the
president's team.
-------------- --------------
Gaviria Says Expulsions Limited, Throws Out Liberal
-------------- --------------
4. (C) Liberal party leader and former president Cesar
Gaviria told D/polcouns January 19 the expulsions were
welcome but limited to candidates from the Magdalena region
and its environs, which he said was "territory of
narcotrafficker Jorge 40." In Gaviria's view, Santos and
Vargas Lleras made a hasty announcement because they feared
that the Liberals were about to denounce the Magdalena
paramilitary links of the candidates concerned (Gaviria said
he was in fact about to make the announcement). Gaviria said
there are much worse situations involving uribista candidates
with paramilitary links in Cordoba, for example, and he
expected further expulsions from pro-Uribe ranks. Gaviria
praised the statement from the president's campaign that
Uribe would not permit his allies to accept expelled
candidates, but argued that Uribe would have had much more
impact if he had made the statement personally rather than
have it delivered through a spokesperson. According to
Gaviria, Mario Uribe's CambioDemocratico party list for
Congress "is full of narcos and paras, it's a mafia list."
Gaviria asked rhetorically how the president could permit
support of this nature and said the Liberals would make more
of the issue in the coming weeks.
5. (C) Gaviria had party problems of his own to deal with as
he announced on January 18 that he had removed sitting
Liberal Senator Vicente BlelSaad from the Liberal Party
Senate list, following press allegations linking Blel to
narcotics trafficking charges facing others in the U.S.
Gaviria told D/polcouns that Blel met with him January 19 to
protest his removal but was not overly forceful in doing so.
(Gaviria also said he had received no calls from Liberals
protesting the decision to remove Blel.) Gaviria said he was
unaware of Liberals with paramilitary links on party lists,
but insisted they would be removed immediately if such people
existed. Gaviria admitted that there were "probably" Liberal
candidates with links to different kinds of criminality, and
said he would get rid of them as soon as any information came
to light.
The Rafael Pardo Affair
6. (C) In a somewhat bizarre twist, U Party leader Santos
responded to a media question at the January 17 press
conference by saying he was aware of information linking
Liberal Party presidential candidate (and former Defense
Minister under Gaviria) Rafael Pardo to an attempt to forge
an unspecified electoral alliance with the FARC to ensure
Uribe's reelection defeat. Santos said the information would
be forwarded to the prosecutor general for further
investigation. (Cambio Radical leader Vargas Lleras declined
to associate himself with the Santos statement at the press
conference; Gaviria told D/polcouns January 19 the media
question was planted.) Later that evening, a presidency
spokesperson released a statement confirming Santos's
information. On January 19, Uribe's Communications Director
Jaime Bermudez told polcouns Uribe was fed up with Gaviria's
andPardo's attacks on the peace process with the AUC and on
the Justice and Peace law in Europe and the U.S. Now that
they had come into possession of "serious information"
regardingPardo, Bermudez said, it was time for the public to
hear "both sides." (Gaviria told D/polcouns the Uribe
campaign's attack on Pardo was motivated by anger at Pardo's
campaign against the Justice and Peace process.) Peace
Commissioner Luis Carlos Restrepo said the GOC's proof of the
Pardo allegations amounted to two statements to Restrepo
personally, one by an unidentified person whose family member
is held by the FARC, and one by an unidentified GOC
interlocutor with the FARC. According to Restrepo, the sum
of the statements is that Pardo sent a CD to the FARC
requesting a meeting with them and outlining the importance
of defeating Uribe. Restrepo said he knew the identities of
the informants but would not release them publicly for
security reasons. Restrepo did not say he had seen or
listened to the CD.
7. (C) Pardo has consistently and categorically denied the
allegations of FARC contact, including minutes after
Restrepo's statement. He said there is no such proposal for
a meeting or electoral arrangement with the FARC, either on
CD, DVD, video, or in writing.Gaviria said Pardo assured
him there was no truth to the allegations. Gaviria accused
Uribe January 18 of threatening democracy by authorizing the
attacks on Pardo.
8. (C) On January 22 Uribe apologized to Pardo, withdrew the
allegations against him, and asked for a private meeting with
the Senator. Pardo accepted the apology but declined the
meeting, saying a cloud remained over his name because Uribe
said he would withdraw the allegations only because he could
not ensure the alleged witnesses came forward, not because
the allegations were false. Press commentaries January 23
said Peace Commissioner Restrepo declined to supply Uribe
with the names of the witnesses and instead offered his
resignation, which Uribe declined to accept.
9. (C) The political spats of the last few days mark the
real start of Colombia's hardball election season.
Presidential advisor Fabio Echeverri told the Ambassador
January 19 that the campaigns will be tough and negative. We
would not be surprised to see additional expulsions, from all
parties, since a number of professional politicians or
would-be politicians are tainted with illegal or questionable
activities of some sort. With regard to the allegations
against Rafael Pardo, Uribe had to apologize and withdraw
them, apparently because he could not persuade Restrepo to
supply the names of the witnesses. Uribe was faced with
crafting an apology that saved face and kept his Peace
Commissioner in place. Most commentators, including Pardo's
opponents, have regarded the allegations as unlikely.
Curiously, the Pardo affair has not resulted in a closing of
the pro- and anti-Uribe ranks. Leading Liberal presidential
candidateHoracioSerpa has been silent, and is apparently
annoyed that Gaviria has rushed so eagerly to Pardo's
defense. For his part, prominent pro-Uribe leader of Cambio
Radical, German Vargas Lleras (and Juan Manuel Santos's
principal rival),has kept his distance from the attacks on
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/20/2016
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood
Reason: 1.4 (b,d)
1. (C) Colombia's election season is in full swing, with all
sides playing political hardball and displaying no sign of
letting up. Pro-Uribe parties expelled 5 candidates from
party lists recently, apparently because of their
paramilitary links, and additional expulsions from all
parties (including the Liberals, who expelled one of their
own) would not be surprising. Pro-Uribe "Partido de la U"
leader Juan Manuel Santos launched a serious attack on
Liberal Senator Rafael Pardo, accusing him of illegitimate
and possibly illegal FARC contacts aimed at defeating Uribe;
the President's spokesperson later confirmed the allegations
and said they had forwarded them to the Prosecutor General
for further investigation. Peace Commissioner Restrepo
summarized the evidence the Uribe Administration claimed to
have against Pardo, and it does not amount to much (hearsay
and a mysterious CD that no one appears to have seen),but
Uribe's Communications Director Jaime Bermudez insisted the
information warranted the prosecutor's attention. Pardo
consistently and categorically denied the allegations and
accused Uribe of playing dirty. (On January 22 Uribe
apologized to Pardo and said he was withdrawing the
allegations against him.) Curiously, the dispute has not
resulted in a closing of the pro- and anti-Uribe ranks, as
leading Liberal Party presidential candidate HoracioSerpa
has been silent (and is apparently annoyed at Liberal leader
Gaviria's vocal support for Pardo in the dispute) and
pro-Uribe leader of the "Cambio Radical" party, German Vargas
Lleras, distanced himself from the initial Santos attack.
End summary.
-------------- --------------
Uribista Parties Announce Expulsions for Paramilitary Links
-------------- --------------
2. (C) In an unusual joint press conference January 17, Juan
Manuel Santos and German Vargas Lleras, leaders respectively
of the pro-Uribe "Partido de la U" (the U Party) and of
"Cambio Radical" (Radical Change),announced they had removed
from their legislative lists five candidates running for
election in the March Congressional poll: three candidates
from the U Party (DiebMaloof - Magdelana; HabibMerheg -
Risaralda; and Luis Eduardo Vives - Magdalena) and two from
Cambio Radical (Jorge Castro - Magdalena; and Jorge Caballero
- Magdalena). Santos told polcouns that he had previously
removed two unnamed candidates from the U Party list.
Neither Santos nor Vargas Lleras announced the reasons for
the removal, but all five candidates dismissed on January 17
are widely regarded as having paramilitary links. The
expulsions came shortly before a new Electoral Tribunal
created by the Electoral Guarantees Law was to begin its work
in scrutinizing the conduct of campaigns and candidates.
3. (C) Immediately following the joint press conference,
pro-Uribe Senator Mario Uribe (the president's cousin) said
his "Colombia Democratica" (Democratic Colombia) party had
already accepted Merheg into its ranks and had not yet heard
of requests from the other dismissed candidates but would
consider them if received. He was forced to back down within
hours after the president's spokesperson announced that any
party accepting the expelled candidates would automatically
disqualify themselves from being considered part of the
president's team.
-------------- --------------
Gaviria Says Expulsions Limited, Throws Out Liberal
-------------- --------------
4. (C) Liberal party leader and former president Cesar
Gaviria told D/polcouns January 19 the expulsions were
welcome but limited to candidates from the Magdalena region
and its environs, which he said was "territory of
narcotrafficker Jorge 40." In Gaviria's view, Santos and
Vargas Lleras made a hasty announcement because they feared
that the Liberals were about to denounce the Magdalena
paramilitary links of the candidates concerned (Gaviria said
he was in fact about to make the announcement). Gaviria said
there are much worse situations involving uribista candidates
with paramilitary links in Cordoba, for example, and he
expected further expulsions from pro-Uribe ranks. Gaviria
praised the statement from the president's campaign that
Uribe would not permit his allies to accept expelled
candidates, but argued that Uribe would have had much more
impact if he had made the statement personally rather than
have it delivered through a spokesperson. According to
Gaviria, Mario Uribe's CambioDemocratico party list for
Congress "is full of narcos and paras, it's a mafia list."
Gaviria asked rhetorically how the president could permit
support of this nature and said the Liberals would make more
of the issue in the coming weeks.
5. (C) Gaviria had party problems of his own to deal with as
he announced on January 18 that he had removed sitting
Liberal Senator Vicente BlelSaad from the Liberal Party
Senate list, following press allegations linking Blel to
narcotics trafficking charges facing others in the U.S.
Gaviria told D/polcouns that Blel met with him January 19 to
protest his removal but was not overly forceful in doing so.
(Gaviria also said he had received no calls from Liberals
protesting the decision to remove Blel.) Gaviria said he was
unaware of Liberals with paramilitary links on party lists,
but insisted they would be removed immediately if such people
existed. Gaviria admitted that there were "probably" Liberal
candidates with links to different kinds of criminality, and
said he would get rid of them as soon as any information came
to light.
The Rafael Pardo Affair
6. (C) In a somewhat bizarre twist, U Party leader Santos
responded to a media question at the January 17 press
conference by saying he was aware of information linking
Liberal Party presidential candidate (and former Defense
Minister under Gaviria) Rafael Pardo to an attempt to forge
an unspecified electoral alliance with the FARC to ensure
Uribe's reelection defeat. Santos said the information would
be forwarded to the prosecutor general for further
investigation. (Cambio Radical leader Vargas Lleras declined
to associate himself with the Santos statement at the press
conference; Gaviria told D/polcouns January 19 the media
question was planted.) Later that evening, a presidency
spokesperson released a statement confirming Santos's
information. On January 19, Uribe's Communications Director
Jaime Bermudez told polcouns Uribe was fed up with Gaviria's
andPardo's attacks on the peace process with the AUC and on
the Justice and Peace law in Europe and the U.S. Now that
they had come into possession of "serious information"
regardingPardo, Bermudez said, it was time for the public to
hear "both sides." (Gaviria told D/polcouns the Uribe
campaign's attack on Pardo was motivated by anger at Pardo's
campaign against the Justice and Peace process.) Peace
Commissioner Luis Carlos Restrepo said the GOC's proof of the
Pardo allegations amounted to two statements to Restrepo
personally, one by an unidentified person whose family member
is held by the FARC, and one by an unidentified GOC
interlocutor with the FARC. According to Restrepo, the sum
of the statements is that Pardo sent a CD to the FARC
requesting a meeting with them and outlining the importance
of defeating Uribe. Restrepo said he knew the identities of
the informants but would not release them publicly for
security reasons. Restrepo did not say he had seen or
listened to the CD.
7. (C) Pardo has consistently and categorically denied the
allegations of FARC contact, including minutes after
Restrepo's statement. He said there is no such proposal for
a meeting or electoral arrangement with the FARC, either on
CD, DVD, video, or in writing.Gaviria said Pardo assured
him there was no truth to the allegations. Gaviria accused
Uribe January 18 of threatening democracy by authorizing the
attacks on Pardo.
8. (C) On January 22 Uribe apologized to Pardo, withdrew the
allegations against him, and asked for a private meeting with
the Senator. Pardo accepted the apology but declined the
meeting, saying a cloud remained over his name because Uribe
said he would withdraw the allegations only because he could
not ensure the alleged witnesses came forward, not because
the allegations were false. Press commentaries January 23
said Peace Commissioner Restrepo declined to supply Uribe
with the names of the witnesses and instead offered his
resignation, which Uribe declined to accept.
9. (C) The political spats of the last few days mark the
real start of Colombia's hardball election season.
Presidential advisor Fabio Echeverri told the Ambassador
January 19 that the campaigns will be tough and negative. We
would not be surprised to see additional expulsions, from all
parties, since a number of professional politicians or
would-be politicians are tainted with illegal or questionable
activities of some sort. With regard to the allegations
against Rafael Pardo, Uribe had to apologize and withdraw
them, apparently because he could not persuade Restrepo to
supply the names of the witnesses. Uribe was faced with
crafting an apology that saved face and kept his Peace
Commissioner in place. Most commentators, including Pardo's
opponents, have regarded the allegations as unlikely.
Curiously, the Pardo affair has not resulted in a closing of
the pro- and anti-Uribe ranks. Leading Liberal presidential
candidateHoracioSerpa has been silent, and is apparently
annoyed that Gaviria has rushed so eagerly to Pardo's
defense. For his part, prominent pro-Uribe leader of Cambio
Radical, German Vargas Lleras (and Juan Manuel Santos's
principal rival),has kept his distance from the attacks on