2006-02-21 06:14:00
Embassy Belgrade
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O.12958: N/A
E.O.12958: N/A
1.(U) Following is the text of a document released by the
Serbian Orthodox Church outlining its principles for the
ongoing negotiations over the future status of Kosovo. The
document was adopted by the Holy Synod of Bishops based
upon decisions taken by the yearly Assembly of Bishops
which met in November 2005. Disagreement among members of
the SOC Council for Kosovo over the text has held up its
release until now. The document outlines in general terms
the Church's support for the Serbian negotiating team for
Kosovo, supports "a special form of decentralization
enabling the effective protection of the vital interests of
the Serbian people," in line with the Serbian government
and President Tadic's plans, calls for the restitution of
church property confiscated by the state after 1945, and
seeks international protection for living monastic
communities. In addition, the document seeks the
protection of the full rights of the SOC over its property
in Kosovo, unhindered communication with the SOC, and the
recognition of cultural monuments as the "Serbian cultural
heritage of Kosovo and Metohija. A delegation of senior
SOC clerics plans to visit Washington the latter half of
March (septel). Text of the document follows. END
Taking into account the decisions from this years autumn
session of the SOC Holy Assembly of Bishops (November 1-4,
2005),the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Council for Kosovo
and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops hereby define
the following with regard to forthcoming talks on the
future status of Kosovo and Metohija.
BASIC PRINCIPLES of the SOC Holy Synod of Bishops and the
Council for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of
Bishops with regard to forthcoming talks on the future
status of Kosovo and Metohija:
1. In the process of resolving the future status of Kosovo
and Metohija the Serbian Orthodox Church, her faithful and
her Holy Shrines in the Province should be provided with
adequate protection and a free life in accordance with
basic principles of religious freedom and human rights
generally accepted in the democratic world.
2. The position of the Serbian community in Kosovo and
Metohija should be regulated by a special form of
decentralization enabling the effective protection of the
vital interests of the Serbian people, especially in the
areas of education, culture, media, health and social
policy, economic and property issues, local police and
judiciary. It is especially important to ensure the return
of Serb refugees, their secure living conditions and
lasting survival. Toward this end, the Serbian Orthodox
Church gives its wholehearted support to the Negotiation
Team on the future status of Kosovo and Metohija, which
will represent the interests of the Serbian people and
3. In addition to fundamental interest in the
institutional, legal and property protection of the Serbian
people in Kosovo and Metohija, the Church is also vitally
interested in the long-term protection of her holy shrines:
monasteries, churches, property and cultural patrimony. For
centuries, these Holy Shrines have been and remain the
faithful guardians and witnesses of the spiritual and
cultural identity of the Serbian people in the Province and
as such they must be preserved for the future by being
given a special position (status) within the framework of
the future, comprehensive solution for Kosovo and Metohija.
It is important to protect specific Holy Sites not only as
cultural and religious monuments but also as living
communities of a living people.
4. In cooperation with relevant experts, during the talks
it is necessary to define concrete models that would ensure
the Serbian Orthodox Church, whose spiritual seat is the
Pec Patriarchate, and its local Diocese of Raska-Prizren
and Kosovo-Metohija with full internal autonomy, free
pastoral and missionary work with its faithful, protection
of property and other rights, protection of proper names
and identity, and unobstructed communication with the
canonic and administrative seat of the SOC in Belgrade. In
this respect, it is very important that within the future
Law on Religious Freedoms in Kosovo and Metohija the SOC is
provided with full rights in accordance with the UN Charter
and other relevant international acts on the protection of
human and religious rights and freedoms.
5. It is also necessary to ensure special, internationally
guaranteed status and models for lasting protection of the
living Serbian Orthodox monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija
by creating appropriate protective zones around
monasteries, with the presence of international military
forces wherever and for as long as necessary. In addition
to the protective zones, it is necessary to provide special
guarantees for the free, spiritually and physically
unobstructed life and work of monastic communities,
unhindered access for the faithful and for pilgrims, as
well as appropriate customs, tax and other benefits
enabling the economic sustenance of these communities,
which support themselves by their work. The form and scope
of protective zones would depend on their significance and
on the fact whether a monastery is located in a part of the
Province inhabited by an Albanian or a Serbian majority.
6. The complete arrangement for protection of institutions,
sites and patrimony of the Serbian Orthodox Church should
be under the special monitoring of the International
Community, in full coordination with the Government of
Serbia, Kosovo provincial institutions and UNESCO, which
would ensure the sustainability of protective mechanisms
within the framework of the international civil presence in
Kosovo. This institution would concern itself with current
issues and arbitration in the event agreed-upon principles
are not honored. It would maintain ties with international
factors, police and municipal authorities. Participation in
this process should include appropriate experts from
Belgrade and Pristina and experts of the Serbian Orthodox
Church, as well as representatives of the International
7. At the same time, in accordance with Resolution 1244,
Annex 2, Item 6, it is necessary to enable the unobstructed
engagement of experts of the Ministry of Culture from
Belgrade and the Serbian Institute for the Protection of
Cultural Monuments, who have already worked on the
protection of Serbian spiritual, cultural and historical
patrimony in Kosovo and Metohija in the past, and who
possess complete documentation and specialized experience.
The engagement of experts from Belgrade would also be
realized in cooperation with representatives of local
Kosovo institutions under the unique auspices of the EU.
The eventual transfer of jurisdiction over the SOC cultural
patrimony in Kosovo and Metohija to Kosovo institutions is
unacceptable because the local Kosovo Ministry of Culture
lacks the expertise for this jurisdiction and is inadequate
to guarantee and ensure the protection of the identity and
purpose of these Holy Shrines.
8. The resolution of the future status of Kosovo and
Metohija should enable the complete restoration of all
Orthodox churches and monasteries that have been destroyed
or damaged since 1999, their return into liturgical
function, the full protection for the property of the SOC,
as well as special guarantees intended to make it possible
for the SOC and other religious communities to ensure the
restitution of property illegally confiscated after World
War II in accordance with special legislation to be passed
in accordance with European standards.
9. The resolution of the future status of Kosovo and
Metohija should include special provisions protecting the
identity, the historical and spiritual origin and the
patrimony of the Serbian people. Even though our patrimony
is physically located in Kosovo and Metohija, nevertheless
it cannot be called the cultural patrimony of Kosovo but
the Serbian cultural patrimony of Kosovo and Metohija (just
as there is Albanian, Roma and Ottoman patrimony in Kosovo
and Metohija). The imposition of a collective identity to
this cultural patrimony represents a threat to the survival
of Serbian cultural patrimony and to our people as a whole,
as well as a change in the identity of Christian
civilization in the Province.
10. The views of the Serbian Orthodox Church are completely
complementary with the Plan of the Government of Serbia for
Kosovo and Metohija, and with the most recent plan of
President Tadic regarding the two-entity reorganization of
the Province as a part of Serbia. The SOC Holy Synod of
Bishops has taken the view at its most recent session in
November 2005 that the issue of the future status of the
Province must be resolved in accordance with international
principles on the inviolability of sovereignty and
integrity of democratic states, including Serbia and
Montenegro. The future solution for Kosovo and Metohija
must take into account the interests of all citizens which
live there and must be such that it does not destabilize
the situation in the region, which after years of war and
suffering needs peace, reconciliation, cooperation,
spiritual, moral, economic and all other forms of progress.
E.O.12958: N/A
1.(U) Following is the text of a document released by the
Serbian Orthodox Church outlining its principles for the
ongoing negotiations over the future status of Kosovo. The
document was adopted by the Holy Synod of Bishops based
upon decisions taken by the yearly Assembly of Bishops
which met in November 2005. Disagreement among members of
the SOC Council for Kosovo over the text has held up its
release until now. The document outlines in general terms
the Church's support for the Serbian negotiating team for
Kosovo, supports "a special form of decentralization
enabling the effective protection of the vital interests of
the Serbian people," in line with the Serbian government
and President Tadic's plans, calls for the restitution of
church property confiscated by the state after 1945, and
seeks international protection for living monastic
communities. In addition, the document seeks the
protection of the full rights of the SOC over its property
in Kosovo, unhindered communication with the SOC, and the
recognition of cultural monuments as the "Serbian cultural
heritage of Kosovo and Metohija. A delegation of senior
SOC clerics plans to visit Washington the latter half of
March (septel). Text of the document follows. END
Taking into account the decisions from this years autumn
session of the SOC Holy Assembly of Bishops (November 1-4,
2005),the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Council for Kosovo
and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops hereby define
the following with regard to forthcoming talks on the
future status of Kosovo and Metohija.
BASIC PRINCIPLES of the SOC Holy Synod of Bishops and the
Council for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of
Bishops with regard to forthcoming talks on the future
status of Kosovo and Metohija:
1. In the process of resolving the future status of Kosovo
and Metohija the Serbian Orthodox Church, her faithful and
her Holy Shrines in the Province should be provided with
adequate protection and a free life in accordance with
basic principles of religious freedom and human rights
generally accepted in the democratic world.
2. The position of the Serbian community in Kosovo and
Metohija should be regulated by a special form of
decentralization enabling the effective protection of the
vital interests of the Serbian people, especially in the
areas of education, culture, media, health and social
policy, economic and property issues, local police and
judiciary. It is especially important to ensure the return
of Serb refugees, their secure living conditions and
lasting survival. Toward this end, the Serbian Orthodox
Church gives its wholehearted support to the Negotiation
Team on the future status of Kosovo and Metohija, which
will represent the interests of the Serbian people and
3. In addition to fundamental interest in the
institutional, legal and property protection of the Serbian
people in Kosovo and Metohija, the Church is also vitally
interested in the long-term protection of her holy shrines:
monasteries, churches, property and cultural patrimony. For
centuries, these Holy Shrines have been and remain the
faithful guardians and witnesses of the spiritual and
cultural identity of the Serbian people in the Province and
as such they must be preserved for the future by being
given a special position (status) within the framework of
the future, comprehensive solution for Kosovo and Metohija.
It is important to protect specific Holy Sites not only as
cultural and religious monuments but also as living
communities of a living people.
4. In cooperation with relevant experts, during the talks
it is necessary to define concrete models that would ensure
the Serbian Orthodox Church, whose spiritual seat is the
Pec Patriarchate, and its local Diocese of Raska-Prizren
and Kosovo-Metohija with full internal autonomy, free
pastoral and missionary work with its faithful, protection
of property and other rights, protection of proper names
and identity, and unobstructed communication with the
canonic and administrative seat of the SOC in Belgrade. In
this respect, it is very important that within the future
Law on Religious Freedoms in Kosovo and Metohija the SOC is
provided with full rights in accordance with the UN Charter
and other relevant international acts on the protection of
human and religious rights and freedoms.
5. It is also necessary to ensure special, internationally
guaranteed status and models for lasting protection of the
living Serbian Orthodox monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija
by creating appropriate protective zones around
monasteries, with the presence of international military
forces wherever and for as long as necessary. In addition
to the protective zones, it is necessary to provide special
guarantees for the free, spiritually and physically
unobstructed life and work of monastic communities,
unhindered access for the faithful and for pilgrims, as
well as appropriate customs, tax and other benefits
enabling the economic sustenance of these communities,
which support themselves by their work. The form and scope
of protective zones would depend on their significance and
on the fact whether a monastery is located in a part of the
Province inhabited by an Albanian or a Serbian majority.
6. The complete arrangement for protection of institutions,
sites and patrimony of the Serbian Orthodox Church should
be under the special monitoring of the International
Community, in full coordination with the Government of
Serbia, Kosovo provincial institutions and UNESCO, which
would ensure the sustainability of protective mechanisms
within the framework of the international civil presence in
Kosovo. This institution would concern itself with current
issues and arbitration in the event agreed-upon principles
are not honored. It would maintain ties with international
factors, police and municipal authorities. Participation in
this process should include appropriate experts from
Belgrade and Pristina and experts of the Serbian Orthodox
Church, as well as representatives of the International
7. At the same time, in accordance with Resolution 1244,
Annex 2, Item 6, it is necessary to enable the unobstructed
engagement of experts of the Ministry of Culture from
Belgrade and the Serbian Institute for the Protection of
Cultural Monuments, who have already worked on the
protection of Serbian spiritual, cultural and historical
patrimony in Kosovo and Metohija in the past, and who
possess complete documentation and specialized experience.
The engagement of experts from Belgrade would also be
realized in cooperation with representatives of local
Kosovo institutions under the unique auspices of the EU.
The eventual transfer of jurisdiction over the SOC cultural
patrimony in Kosovo and Metohija to Kosovo institutions is
unacceptable because the local Kosovo Ministry of Culture
lacks the expertise for this jurisdiction and is inadequate
to guarantee and ensure the protection of the identity and
purpose of these Holy Shrines.
8. The resolution of the future status of Kosovo and
Metohija should enable the complete restoration of all
Orthodox churches and monasteries that have been destroyed
or damaged since 1999, their return into liturgical
function, the full protection for the property of the SOC,
as well as special guarantees intended to make it possible
for the SOC and other religious communities to ensure the
restitution of property illegally confiscated after World
War II in accordance with special legislation to be passed
in accordance with European standards.
9. The resolution of the future status of Kosovo and
Metohija should include special provisions protecting the
identity, the historical and spiritual origin and the
patrimony of the Serbian people. Even though our patrimony
is physically located in Kosovo and Metohija, nevertheless
it cannot be called the cultural patrimony of Kosovo but
the Serbian cultural patrimony of Kosovo and Metohija (just
as there is Albanian, Roma and Ottoman patrimony in Kosovo
and Metohija). The imposition of a collective identity to
this cultural patrimony represents a threat to the survival
of Serbian cultural patrimony and to our people as a whole,
as well as a change in the identity of Christian
civilization in the Province.
10. The views of the Serbian Orthodox Church are completely
complementary with the Plan of the Government of Serbia for
Kosovo and Metohija, and with the most recent plan of
President Tadic regarding the two-entity reorganization of
the Province as a part of Serbia. The SOC Holy Synod of
Bishops has taken the view at its most recent session in
November 2005 that the issue of the future status of the
Province must be resolved in accordance with international
principles on the inviolability of sovereignty and
integrity of democratic states, including Serbia and
Montenegro. The future solution for Kosovo and Metohija
must take into account the interests of all citizens which
live there and must be such that it does not destabilize
the situation in the region, which after years of war and
suffering needs peace, reconciliation, cooperation,
spiritual, moral, economic and all other forms of progress.