2006-04-20 10:16:00
Embassy Bangkok
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201016Z Apr 06




E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: Bangkok 1695





E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: Bangkok 1695

1. (U) Summary: The recent experiences of Thai farm workers in the
U.S., combined with evidence of widespread fraud in the H2A visa
process (reftel),highlight the plight of Thai workers abroad who
are frequently exploited by labor supply agencies (both Thai and
foreign) that charge heavy and illegal recruitment fees. Workers,
academics and government officials indicate that effectively all of
Thai laborers' first and often second year earnings go to repaying
initial recruitment fees of their employment contracts. In many
cases, workers do not receive the lengthy contracts and terms they
are promised, and return home in significant debt. In the worst
cases, they are shipped abroad again to pay off their recruiting
debt, have their entire salaries confiscated, or are vulnerable to
being trafficked. End Summary.

2. (U) Recent labor problems experienced by Thai workers in the U.S.
and other countries, combined with evidence of widespread fraud in
the U.S. H2A visa process (reftel),have highlighted the plight of
Thai workers abroad who have been exploited by labor supply agencies
(both Thai and foreign) charging heavy and illegal recruitment fees.
The total number of Thai workers abroad ranges from 350,000 to
400,000. Media stories in the past year have noted strikes by Thai
workers protesting conditions in Taiwan, and groups of Thai workers
in the U.S. fleeing farms in North Carolina to seek work elsewhere
or, in some cases, to apply for T visas as victims of trafficking.
Although the number of Thai guest workers in the U.S. (approx.
8,000) is small compared to Thai workers in other countries (such as
Taiwan, with over 100,000),interviews with workers, academics and
government officials suggest that recruitment agencies are using
similar tactics, regardless of destination, to ensnare workers in a
cycle of false job promises and long-term indebtedness.

3. (U) The export of Thai labor is not without benefits - studies
suggest that annual remittances from Thai workers abroad total
almost USD 1 billion per year. However, returned workers, academics
and former and current government officials indicate that Thai
laborers abroad cannot pay off their initial recruitment fees until
at least the second or third year of their employment contracts. In
many cases, workers do not receive the lengthy contracts and terms
they are promised, and return home to indebtedness and/or loss of
collateral for the loans they took out to pay an agent to arrange
for work abroad. (In the case of the U.S., the H2 visa category for

temporary, seasonal work does not allow for multiple year issuances.
U.S. agents apply for extensions of validity for these workers, but
there is no guarantee that they will be issued.) In the worst
cases, workers are shipped abroad again to pay off their recruiting
debt (while incurring a new debt),have their entire salaries
confiscated, or are vulnerable to being trafficked.


4. (SBU) The prevalence of exported Thai labor is not new, but
expanded immediately following the 1997 financial crisis and the
ensuing high unemployment rate. The first high-profile effort to
investigate labor recruitment fraud was led in 2001 by the
then-chair of the House Labor Committee in Thailand's Parliament,
Premsak Piayura. Emboffs met the former MP at his monastic retreat
on the outskirts of Bangkok on March 28. Premsak had been in the
headlines earlier that month for quitting his position in PM
Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party, refusing to run in the recent snap
elections of April 2, and choosing to enter temporary religious
service as a monk.

5. (SBU) Seated outside his prayer hut in the forested retreat,
Premsak outlined the wide-ranging web of labor recruiting agents,
sub-agents and foreign companies that his labor committee determined
had conspired to charge workers massive up-front recruitment fees
well in excess of legal limits. The system, he said, had been in
place for a number of years, but accelerated after the Asian
financial crisis of 1997 when rural workers were desperate to find
work abroad. Sub-agents, he said, recruited workers at the village
level and referred them to district or provincial agents working for
a recruitment company based in the region or, more likely, operating
out of Bangkok. In some provinces, labor officials allowed
recruiters to set up shop inside provincial government offices. The
maximum recruitment fees charged to workers, Premsak said, varied by
destination country as follows:

Destination Baht (USD)
United States 1,000,000 (25,000)
Canada 300,000 (7,500)
Taiwan 200,000 (5,000)
Israel 150,000 (3,750)
Malaysia 80,000 (2,000)

6. (SBU) The recruitment fees Premsak outlined are well in excess of
the legal limit under Thai law, which allows recruiters to charge no
more than one month per year of the workers' eventual salary as a
recruiting fee, plus fixed expenses for passport, transportation,
medical exam and technical skills test. The total fees are not
supposed to exceed 65,000 baht (56,000 for Taiwan). (For the U.S.,
the U.S. company must pay for transporation and housing.) Premsak
said workers were willing to pay excess fees in the belief that they
could earn wages substantial enough to support their families
through remittances. Workers recognized, however, that they would
spend at least the entire first year of work abroad paying off the
debt they accumulated to pay the initial recruitment fee.

7. (SBU) In most cases, workers pay the fee through loans obtained
from banks, illegal loan agents or relatives, and by posting their
house titles or land deeds as collateral. This did not concern
workers anticipating multiple-year labor contracts. Premsak said he
interviewed workers who were promised minimum three-year contracts
to work in the U.S., believing they were renewable for two periods
to comprise a total of nine years' work - clearly illegal under the
U.S. H2A and H2B visa regulations which allow ten-month contracts,
extendable up to 36 months. Workers had been carefully coached to
lie to visa interviewers and Ministry of Labor officials, believing
they shared the recruiters' interest in subverting employment laws.
However, in many cases (including in the U.S.),the workers arrived
in the destination countries to find different employment
conditions, worked in different occupations than those for which
they had been hired (e.g. seafood processing, when they had been
hired as carpenters),or were frequently moved amongst multiple
employment sites. In other cases, workers were never given jobs and
did not leave Thailand, despite having paid the recruitment fee. In
one case, workers who thought they were going to Israel were dumped
off by plane in Hat Yai in the South of Thailand.

8. (SBU) Calling his labor investigation the first real corruption
scandal of Thaksin's administration, Premsak said the labor system
flourished under post-1997 economic policies which encouraged the
import of cheap migrant labor from Burma, Laos and Cambodia for hard
physical work in Thailand, allowing Thai workers to seek work abroad
for less strenuous work at higher wages. To adequately regulate
labor export, he suggested that, at minimum, relevant labor laws be
amended to impose much harsher penalties for transgressors and
require a more stringent vetting process for labor migrants, as well
as better complaint handling procedures to properly compensate
cheated workers. As labor committee chair, he said he had proposed
such amendments to the 1975 Employment Law, but that "nobody wants
to touch it, it's a gold mine."

9. (SBU) Concerning the labor export systems of other governments,
Premsak said there appeared to be three broad categories of public
versus private management of the process:

-- Regulating it strictly on a Government-to-
Government basis, whereby governments take on the
task of identifying jobs overseas and recruiting

-- Allowing complete private company management of job
matching and labor recruitment, which runs the risk
of unscrupulous agents flouting the regulations.

-- Having a mixed publicly/privately managed system
which allows private companies to manage labor
export but with stringent government oversight.

10. (SBU) Premsak said he favored the third of these options, which
is ideally what should be in place in Thailand, but believed that
the country's recruitment network more closely resembled the second
'laissez faire' category. The government was not eager to implement
a fully government-controlled system (which he said operated in
Vietnam) due to the immense bureaucracy that would be required to
manage the petition process, visa process, transportation and other

11. (SBU) Premsak, whose term as labor committee chair ended in
2004, said that he had fended off numerous attempts to replace him
by fellow parliamentarians who had business ties to the recruitment
agencies. In one case, a fellow MP directly owned an agency; in
others, the agencies were owned by relatives of MPs. His
committee's investigative efforts in 2001 succeeded in forcing the
firing or transfer of eight senior officials in the Ministry of
Labor, including the then Permanent Secretary and Director General
of Employment. These officials, he said, were tolerating the
recruitment agencies' flouting of labor export regulations, and in
fact had greatly assisted them by setting up "one-stop recruitment
centers" inside government-run provincial labor offices. (One
academic we interviewed confirmed Premsak's account, saying a major
piece of evidence in the firings was the presence of large amounts
of money deposited in officials' bank accounts from labor supply
companies.) Premsak said he doubted that the overall system has
been changed since he stepped down, and expressed disappointment
that the new labor committee has been less vigilant in following up


12. (U) Credible academic studies buttress Premsak's findings. A
2000 study by the Asian Research Center for Migration at
Chulalongkorn University concluded that: "Between 1996-1998, more
than 15,000 workers were cheated by unlicensed employment recruiting
agencies and illegal brokers. This resulted in losses of USD 463
million ... the most common deceitful practice is to charge workers
a fee but never find them a job." Explaining the nature of the
recruitment system, the study continued:
"The current system is totally market driven, with minimal input
from government in regulating private recruitment agencies. Most
job seekers comply with agency demands and are willing to pay high
fees to get jobs. Many agencies are run by, or backed up by,
politicians who use their influence to abuse the system, sometimes
resulting in job seekers being cheated. There is an urgent need for
the Thai government to intervene, otherwise only the recruiting
agencies, and informal money lenders who help to raise the fees for
the workers, will gain any benefit from labour migration ... illegal
agencies in Thailand work with illegal agencies, brokers or
employers in destination countries."

13. (U) The Chulalongkorn study found that almost 90 percent of
workers who were sent to Taiwan paid recruitment fees exceeding the
legal limit of 56,000 baht. Many paid 150,000 to 200,000 baht, in
accord with the estimates given by Premsak. The study's
cost/benefit analysis showed that workers who migrated to Taiwan,
Malaysia and Singapore did not break even until a year into their
employment contracts. The study cites the two principal Thai legal
instruments governing migration for employment (The Immigration Law
of 1981 and the Law of Employment Recruitment of 1985) as
insufficient to protect job seekers due to inadequate penalties and
lack of government oversight of labor supply companies.

14. (SBU) A leading labor academic involved in this study told
Laboff she believed that up to two-thirds of labor recruiting
agencies in Thailand were owned by politicians or their relatives.
She said most bureaucrats in the Ministry of Labor were honest, but
under extreme pressure from senior-level officials to keep the flow
of laborers moving. Separately, an NGO labor expert said it was
well known that the overseas employment department was the only
place in the Ministry where officials could earn money on the side,
and that many senior officials did so.

15. (SBU) Economists at the Thailand Development Research Institute
(TDRI) second Premsak's contention that a major economic "push"
factor encouraging Thais to work abroad is the suppression of wages
by the importation of cheap migrant workers (mostly Burmese) into
Thailand. TDRI researchers told Laboff that Thailand's wage
elasticity for unskilled workers is extremely low, with the minimum
wage of less than USD 5 per day relatively constant during
Thailand's economic recovery from the 1997 crisis. TDRI calculates
that the rate of wage increases for unskilled workers in Thailand is
depressed by 1.14 percent per year for each 500,000 migrant workers
imported. The estimated 2 million migrant workers in Thailand
(mostly Burmese) therefore depress the wage increase rate by 4.56
percent per year.

16. (SBU) Economists hasten to add, however, that migrant workers -
as in other countries - provide a much needed service to the Thai
economy by working in physically strenuous industries such as
fishing or construction that Thais now shy from. Unskilled or
low-skilled Thai workers, as a result, are seeking work abroad,
where they can earn salaries ranging from 3-4 times higher in
Taiwan, to 10 times higher in Japan, and even more in the U.S. The
TDRI study echoed the contention heard elsewhere, however, that
workers are unlikely to earn back the money spent on recruitment
fees until the second or third years of their contracts. Those
workers who returned after only one year abroad, the study said,
were no better off than before, and in many cases faced a
debilitating debt burden.


17. (SBU) On March 26, Laboff and FSN met in Minburi, a suburb of
Bangkok, with a group of seven workers who are part of a larger
group of 300 workers who have filed complaints with the Ministry of
Labor after losing recruitment fees of 100,000 baht each (USD 2,500)
when promised jobs in North Carolina failed to materialize. The
seven workers were recruited in 2004 from a range of rural provinces
and were assessed the preliminary fee to "pay for H2A visa petitions
and applications." The workers were told their contracts would last
three years, renewable to nine years, and that their salaries would
reach 100,000 baht a month. They said their recruiting agency, Siam
Overseas Co., told them in early 2005 that heavy snow in the U.S.
had forced cancellation of their farming jobs, and they were asked
to pay 4,000 additional baht to acquire an H2B visa for work in
shrimp processing. The workers said that they refused to pay this
fee and, asking for a refund of their original fees, the entire
group of 300 filed complaints with the Ministry of Labor and the
Royal Thai Police. One worker who hired a lawyer was able to
recover his 100,000 baht fee, but the other six workers received bad
checks (copies of which were provided). (The Ministry of Labor
advised Laboff on March 28 that the case is still pending.)

18. (SBU) In April 3 interviews in Khon Kaen in Northeast Thailand,
a group of 10 workers described becoming indebted to a Thai
husband-wife team that recruited them to work in Taiwan. The
husband, who represented 10 different labor supply companies,
charged labor broker fees of 200,000 baht each while the wife
operated an illegal finance company that loaned workers the money to
pay their recruiting fee, with land deeds used as collateral.
Several of the workers showed pay slips reflecting the usual 15,840
Taiwanese dollars/month in gross pay (USD 490),with deductions for
continued agent fees that left the workers with 11,000 net. Those
net wages were direct deposited into bank accounts set up by the
labor broker and his wife, who held the ATM cards and took further
deductions before remitting the remaining USD 20-50 a month to the
Thai-based relatives of the workers. The workers themselves
returned to Thailand to find themselves in heavy debt due to 4-6
percent interest charged and compounded monthly on their initial
recruitment loans.

19. (SBU) According to the parliamentary aide who accompanied
Emboffs to these meetings, the police chief of the labor broker's
home district of Phuu Kiaw, in Khon Kaen province, was transferred
from his position after attempting to investigate the case. Only
the intervention of Premsak, who represented Khon Kaen as an MP, and
a sympathetic public prosecutor have brought the labor broker to
account, and a civil trial is pending on three charges: 1) illegal
labor recruitment; 2) illegal financial schemes; and 3 ) usury.
Lawyers representing the workers said they hope to rescind the
200,000 to 450,000 baht debt burdens of the 10 workers and to regain
their land titles, but they do not expect jail terms for the
perpetrators. The banks involved in creating the workers' deposit
accounts and providing ATM cards to the labor broker are not being

20. (SBU) Also in Khon Kaen, Laboff interviewed two workers recently
returned from Malaysia, where they said they worked in construction
jobs for Hong Zi Construction Co., obtained through paying 80,000
baht fees to a Thai recruiting agency named Sincere International.
(Both workers provided copies of their employment contracts.) The
first worker said he went to Malaysia to help pay off a 140,000 baht
debt he had acquired through working in Taiwan. Once in Malaysia,
he said, he was asked to turn over his passport to his employer and
to sign blank contract documents for the construction firm. He
returned to Thailand in March, 2006, after being refused his first
paycheck. The second worker, at the same firm, said he was also
denied pay, had his passport confiscated, and was only provided food
during a four-month period in which he and fellow workers were
denied access to telephones and worked only intermittently due to
heavy rains. He said he fled the work site in his fifth month and
was subsequently imprisoned by Malaysian immigration authorities
until relatives bailed him out. Lawyers for these two workers said
they were currently working on cases for 70 other workers who were
approached for 1 million baht (USD 25K) to work on drilling sites in
the U.S.

21. (SBU) Separately, a visit by Conoff and ICE agent to speak with
a group of returned workers from Nakhon Phanom province confirmed
the 1 million baht fee for workers to work in the U.S. These
workers paid 350,000 baht (USD 9K) up front to local agents in
Thailand to be included in the group and were to pay an additional
650,000 (USD 16K) baht over the next three year's to pay off their
debt. Upon arrival in Los Angeles, the workers were met at the
airport by the U.S. company's agent who took the workers' passports.
After waiting for two weeks, the workers were sent to a farm in
Hawaii, instead of to their authorized job site in Arizona. After
their visa expired several months later, the group was picked up by
DHS/ICE and sent back to Thailand before being able to pay off any
of their loan. Some of this group filed a complaint with the
Ministry of Labor against the Thai agent and got back 300,000 baht
from the Thai agent after agreeing to drop the complaint. Others in
this group did not join the complaint and reportedly paid an
additional 300,000 baht fee to be included in future group going to
the U.S. The Ministry of Labor suspended the Thai agent for a short
period of time, but the suspension was subsequently lifted and this
agent continues to be one of the most active recruiters in Thailand.


22. (SBU) In a meeting with Laboff, the Director of the Overseas
Employment Division of the Ministry of Labor, Supat Gukun, defended
Thai officials' responses to accusations of overseas labor
exploitation. Supat, who had just returned from visits to U.S.
labor recruiters in Los Angeles, said he was unaware of significant
existing problems with U.S. companies, and that it was the USG's
responsibility to vet job petitions properly when they are filed
with the U.S. Department of Labor. Supat expressed concern about
recent H2A visa denials by Bangkok consular officers: "We can't
understand why you'd approve a job petition but then deny an H2A
visa," he added. He showed Laboff copies of sample worker
registration forms with the Ministry, which he said proved workers
were paying labor recruitment fees within the law's limits. Supat
said he had no means to verify whether workers or agents were
truthfully reporting fee payments on the forms, saying the Ministry
could not act where there was no proof of wrongdoing.

23. (SBU) Supat said that if workers complained about their
experiences abroad, they could be explained by several factors:

-- Lack of education and inability to understand
contract language or financial terms.
-- Pressure from U.S. unions and Mexican labor groups
opposed to the importation of Thai agricultural
-- Unrealistic worker expectations about salaries.
-- Worker discomfort with unusually hot weather and
strenuous conditions in the U.S. South.
-- Reliance on informal recruiting agents rather than
registered ones.

24. (SBU) Supat said his Ministry went to great lengths to educate
prospective workers about the recruitment process and conditions
they would face abroad, whether in the U.S., Taiwan or elsewhere.
Supat added that foreign labor supply companies brought DVDs to
worker seminars to demonstrate job conditions at various work sites.
He said he had heard of instances where workers in the U.S. were
moved amongst different job sites, but said the workers went along
voluntarily. (Regardless, these moves between jobsites generally
have not been authorized under U.S. law.) In some cases, workers
left their job sites themselves, illegally, having been attracted to
higher paying jobs working in Thai restaurants, he added.

25. (SBU) Supat, who had previously been a senior Ministry labor
representative in Taiwan, said that recent problems involving Thai
workers in Taiwan had been resolved. Supat blamed an August 2005
riot of 2,000 Thai workers in Kaohsiung, Taiwan (and a subsequent
work stoppage by 600 workers in March 2006) on a core group of
individuals who had spurred other workers to revolt over lack of
access to television and mobile telephones. He said that the
Ministry was continuing to approve worker petitions for employment
in Taiwan at the same rate as before, and that workers were
responsible for checking with one of 75 labor provincial offices to
obtain the names of registered labor recruitment agencies.
(Comment: Supat made no mention of a Thai parliamentary review in
November 2005 that concluded the rioting Thai workers in Taiwan were
exploited by Thai labor officials as well as Taiwanese employers.
The report said that "not only senior labor officials were involved,
but some politicians as well," but did not disclose names. A Thai
labor official was later removed from his Kaohsiung office under
suspicion of accepting bribes to keep quiet about worker

26. (SBU) Supat said workers that have complained about excessive
recruitment fees, or excessive interest on loans to pay for such
fees, were usually going through unregistered companies or informal
networks of unscrupulous individuals. He cited the Ministry's
website ( devoted to addressing worker complaints,
which had recorded only a 3 percent dissatisfaction rate among
overseas workers. In most cases, follow-up interviews with workers
revealed no proof of malfeasance by the 268 registered labor supply
companies in Thailand, only 100 of which are considered "active".

27. (SBU) Supat said that the Ministry held 5 million baht deposits
from each of the 268 registered labor agencies to serve as reserves
for handling valid compensation claims from workers. He said he
could not recall any recent instance where these deposits were
tapped to provide compensation. Asked to name any punitive measures
at all that the Ministry has taken in response to labor agency
improprieties, Supat said the Ministry had suspended three agencies
within the past year, for periods varying from one to six months,
and had permanently canceled the registration of one company, Siam
Overseas, which had defrauded workers of recruitment fees without
providing jobs (see para 16.) Supat said the Ministry was working
with Siam Overseas to provide compensation to the over 300 workers
affected, but had not yet tapped the company's 5 million baht
deposit with the Ministry. Another of the suspended companies is
ACCO, the largest local recruiter for workers to the U.S., which was
suspended after a group of workers did not get their full salary and
were sent back to Thailand after only several months (see para 30.)

28. (U) Visits to Thai officials in provincial labor offices yielded
similar views. The town of Udorn, north of Khon Kaen, is described
by Thai officials as the top province for sending workers abroad,
and the evidence is on the town's streets as soon as you enter.
Signs advertising labor recruitment services are common,
side-by-side with signs advertising loan services to pay recruitment
fees. Offices advertise loans to pay recruiting fees for work in
Taiwan and Qatar, next door to a recruitment company that advertises
for 3,000 workers wanted by South Korean auto parts and glass

29. (SBU) The head of Udorn's provincial employment office said that
Udorn's youth have always sought work abroad as a cultural norm, to
follow friends and family and earn money. The excitement of leaving
a small town to work abroad, or in Bangkok, was a large part of the
allure. Recruitment fees were high, he said, but if all went
according to law, the workers still benefited and wouldn't keep
migrating if it wasn't profitable. The official said that
government regulates recruiting fees closely with licensing
procedures. In cases where excessive fees are charged, there is
often collusion between workers and labor agents, with the workers
actively participating in the subterfuge. The official noted there
were 20 recruitment agencies registered in Udorn, that had sent
2,000 workers during the past month alone to work in destinations
such as Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Qatar, and Japan. (Figures
from Khon Kaen's provincial labor office show similar destinations,
with worker departures abroad rising from 6,014 in 1999 to a peak of
11,688 in 2001 and falling to 8,206 last year.)

30. (SBU) The Udorn official said he had only heard of one
Udorn-based firm sending workers to the U.S., and that recruiting
firms had complained about the practices of one U.S.-based labor
supply company that had been asking "very high fees" for the right
to fill farm jobs in the U.S. (Note: Our consular section has
received a letter from the Association of Thai Labor Overseas
stating that this same U.S. company was charging a Thai labor supply
company between 400,000-480,000 baht - USD 10-12K - per job.) The
Udorn official said most Thai companies shied away from
relationships with foreign labor companies selling such services "to
the highest bidder," and referred to the labor recruiting process as
"an oligopoly" controlled by a handful of firms that use their
access to job information as a means of boosting recruiting fees.
"You can solve this problem," he said, "by making job information
available to the general public." "Explain to us," he added, "how
workers can learn of opportunities in the U.S. without having to go
through select middleman companies that know the farms and the
petition process."

Labor Exploitation Becomes Trafficking

31. (SBU) The range of severity of these labor exploitation cases
varies considerably, and many workers clearly believe the recruiting
debt they experience is outweighed by higher salaries that are
offered by multi-year jobs overseas. At the other end of the
spectrum, however, are those cases that qualify as severe forms of
trafficking - particularly cases where passports are confiscated and
access to communications denied. A number of workers in the U.S.
have recently applied for T visas as victims of trafficking - one
egregious case involving an incident in late 2005 where a group of
Thai workers was offloaded in the Hurricane Katrina disaster zone to
find their own work and resorted to catching wild birds to feed
themselves (reftel). Thai parliamentarians are also probing reports
of trafficking into forced prostitution in Taiwan. The House of
Representatives chairperson of the Thai People's Rights Abroad
Subcommittee, MP Kusumalvati Sirikomart, said an October 2005 visit
by her committee to Taiwan found that "many Thai women decide to
work in massage parlors after incurring debt of as much as 400,000
to 500,000 baht," owed to recruiting agents who ostensibly were
placing them in domestic housekeeping jobs. An accompanying MP also
said he had interviewed Thai prostitutes in Taiwan who were
force-fed drugs to keep them awake while servicing ten customers a
day, or up to 1,200 customers for their entire debt period.

32. (SBU) Comment: It is difficult to ascertain the scope of a
problem that is kept beneath the surface by many of the actors
involved. It is quite clear, however, that the relative lack of
punitive actions taken against labor recruitment agencies is out of
sync with the number of complaints we have seen about recruiting
abuses, and also reports of trafficking. Some workers in Thailand
are wising up and seeking jobs on their own through self-funded
travel to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore, but
still find it impossible to secure work in the U.S. or other
farther-off places without going through recruiting agents. One
returning worker from Singapore who sat next to our Labor FSN on the
flight to Khon Kaen said "I once paid 140,000 baht for the right to
work in Singapore. Only later did I realize I could have done it
myself for 30,000 baht. We need to figure out how to do this


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