2006-12-14 15:52:00
Embassy Baghdad
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DE RUEHGB #4560/01 3481552
P 141552Z DEC 06












1. (SBU) Summary: This summary of the Provincial Reconstruction Team
(PRT) activities for December 1-7, 2006, as provided by PRTs to the
National Coordination Team at Embassy Baghdad. This report also
includes PRTs' observations, views and assessments of the political,
economic, infrastructure, reconstruction and security situation
relating to the province during the past week. End Summary

Ninewa Province

2. (SBU) The Governor and Provincial Council Chairman indicated that
the province received the final 60% or $120 million of GOI
reconstruction funds. PC Chairman indicated that he would approach
the Provincial Council on the possibility of lending $10 million to
the District of Tal' Afar for continued reconstruction efforts until
the $37 million promised by the Ministry of Finance is released to
Tal' Afar.

3. (SBU) The PRT attended a meeting with Chief Judge Medhat
regarding the status of the Mosul CCCI. Judge Medhat produced two
signed orders for the CCCI to commence, effective immediately.
These orders create the CCCI Court of Ninewa and staff it with three
judges from Baghdad and a Provincial Chief Prosecutor. In addition,
the Judge created a third Investigative Judge Panel exclusively for
the CCCI which will be reside at the judicial compound and be
capable of processing cases immediately. The trial panel will be
prepared to travel as soon as the flight arrangements are
rescheduled. The Mosul IJ's are on probation and will be
continually monitored for 30 days before reevaluation. At which
time, if any violations are noted, then another team will be
dispatched from Baghdad.

4. (SBU) Fuel imports through Turkey's Habur Gate have increased
over the past seven days with 877 fuel trucks crossing the border
into Iraq. Approximately 60% of the imported fuel is diesel, 30% is
kerosene and the remaining 10% is benzene. Citizens still rank the
lack of LPG and kerosene as the biggest issue they are currently
facing. LPG is reportedly only available on the black market in
many areas of Ninewa Province. Black market prices for these two
types of fuel remain high due to high demand. There is a new system
being put into place to distribute LPG to the citizens; however
citizens complain that the process is long and confusing.

5. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: Recent actions and activity by the
Provincial council indicate that excellent progress is being made in
their ability to respond to issues outside the Mosul area. PRT

support in providing training and mentoring to Provincial District
Councils and Sub-Districts Councils is beginning to show effect as
these government agencies are now beginning to engage with the
Provincial Council instead of taking their issues to Coalition
Forces contacts. End Comment.

6. (SBU) This week's trip to Sinjar confirmed reports that it is a
strong KRG outpost and receives support from both the KRG and the
provincial government. It is very secure with no reported insurgent
presence or incidents. This security is provided by KRG Peshmerga
forces that rotate on a regular basis back to the KRG.

Kirkuk Province

7. (SBU) At the reported request of the Provincial Council (PC)
Chairman, the boycotting Turkoman PC Bloc issued a document
providing further details of their boycott demands, including the
extension of their original demand for ethnic parity in Provincial
Government executive branch employment to include the legislative
branch and the security services. The Arab Advisory Council
provided a similar document, but the PC Chairman reportedly rejected
it because it was signed by the AAC and not by the Arab members of
the Provincial Council. The AAC document included additional
demands, such as relief for detainees held in the KRG and the
reconsideration of all decisions of the current PC.

8. (SBU) The Kirkuk Provincial Council's meeting focused on the FY
2007 budget. Counter to expectations of increased GOI funding
because of Kirkuk's project development performance, the GOI
recently informed the Provincial Government that it can now expect
114 billion Iraqi Dinars ($ID),rather than the projected 244
billion ($ID) that it had hoped. In response, the PC voted to take
three steps: to review the project list they sent to Baghdad; to
notify the GOI PM that they "reject" the budget; and to nominate a
delegation to send to Baghdad to follow up with the Ministry of
Planning on the matter.

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9. (SBU) We are awaiting the transfer of reconstruction funds
recently deposited by the MOF in the Central Bank of Iraq, to the
Provincial Government. This is the remainder (60%) of project funds
that the PM and MOF recently promised would not be subject to
year-end loss, as was feared, due to non-allocation.

10. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: The announcement that the 2007
budget would be only 114 billion Iraqi Dinars rather than the
expected 200-244 billion, combined with the failure to deliver the
promised remaining 60 percent of the reconstruction funds, fuels
existing mistrust and resentment of the central government. We
suggested to the Governor that he take the PC Chairman with him next
week on his lobbying trip to Baghdad to present a united provincial
front to the GOI. He replied firmly that the two would be more
effective working their issues in Baghdad separately. The boycott
continues and the government's patience continues to hold. End

Salah ad Din

11. (SBU) The primary event this week at the PC meeting was the
election of the chairman for the Provincial Development Strategy
Committee. The PC meeting included an impressive discussion of the
PDS during the election of the PDS Committee Chairman. The
Governance Group lead will begin this week a series of one-on-one
meetings with the new committee chairman.

12. (SBU) The PC Deputy Chairman stated that the balance (60%) of
the 2006 GOI Budget allocation under ARDF is expected to be
transferred to Salah ad Din (75 B ID or about $50m). He further
indicated that the PRDC is working with the DG to identify projects
rapidly as try to allocate it before year's end. Still unknown at
this time is how the MoF will treat remaining 2006 funds. If these
funds are withdrawn by the MoF, it is likely to create a major
unfunded liability for the Province.


13. (SBU) There was no Provincial Council meeting again this week,
though finally not because they failed to reach a quorum. Instead
of a normal PC meeting, three main political blocs (Shia, Sunni,
Kurd) held separate meetings and then came together to discuss the
possible removal of IP Chief MG Ghassan al-Bawi. The parties
decided to form a committee comprised of two representatives from
each bloc that would decide MG Ghassan's fate. This committee
decided to remove Ghassan, which will be voted on by the PC on
Monday. However, only 5 of the 6 members were at the final meeting
- the SCIRI representative did not attend, so we will have to see
what happens on Monday.

14. (SBU) The continuing shortage of petroleum products is of
growing concern to the people and government of Diyala. Diyala
receives most of it product from Iranian imports and they were
recently reduced by 60% through a decision by the Ministry of Oil.
It has become one of the top engagement points with the senior
leaders in the provincial government. The Deputy Governor contacted
the Deputy Minister for Oil and convinced him to correct the
problem. The PRT will reengage next week to see if there is any

15. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: After an initially bleak previous
week, I assess that indicators are shifting to a positive attitude.
Diyala still has significant improvement to make in every area to
regain the environment it had 6 months ago, but people are trying.
In most areas of the capital, shops are open. In all areas of the
province, except the capital, schools are open. There is political
activity that demonstrates a desire to work together (albeit within
each party's agenda). They have even taken action to fix a major
problem on their own... the removal of the Provincial Police Chief,
MG Ghassan al Bawi. Security remains the number one line of
operation and will remain so until they resume lead for the security
of Baqubah. My personal estimate is that this will take at least 60
days. In the meantime, all other lines of operation shape and
support this fight. End Comment


16. (SBU) The Government Team concluded that the status of security
in the DACs overall is worsening. Recent events indicate that the
combination of criminal, terrorist, and sectarian violence is on the

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rise. It is not clear that an active campaign may be underway to
undermine them collectively.

17. (SBU) Recapping the status of ESF for Baghdad, the NET committed
$100M. The PRDC approved 28 projects valued at $52M on 9 October.
GRC awarded contracts for three projects totaling $6.6M. Another 19
projects are ready to award and are worth $39M. The remaining six
projects are in different stages of development and contracting.

18. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: I flew to FOB Mahmudiyah for meetings
with Governor Tahan's representative in southern Baghdad. During
the meeting, the mayor briefed us on his plan to hold a meeting the
next day with the sheikhs of the area on security, reconciliation,
essential services, the BCT's role in the area, and a meeting to be
held on January 10 to find ways to reinvigorate the qada council.
Seventy to 80 people attended; he had expected 30. The participants
followed the agenda, which included security updates by the 4/6 IA
and IP commanders. Several sheikhs supported Moayad's call for
national reconciliation. Three participants challenged the IP
Commander's assertion that security is better now in the AOR than it
was six months ago. Ali took note and said he would assign
additional assets to the locales in question, which include the
hospital in Mahmudiyah.

19. (SBU) Comment Continued: Moayad showed on December 6 that he can
bring people together. While he took the initiative to bring the
sheikhs and qada council members together, one of the participants
bluntly told the others during the meeting that the qada council, of
which the speaker is a member, is the paramount Iraqi authority in
the southern Baghdad, not the quamaqqam. Moayad seemed unfazed,
possibly because an earlier speaker, was more deferential to him
than the Chair's fellow council member.

Anbar Province

20. (SBU) Leaders at the Fallujah City Council Meeting emphasized
that current sectarianism did not reflect the true tenets of Islam.
They continued to focus on the violence in Baghdad. An imam, who
works in Baghdad, urged CF to consider ways to assist IDPs who
continue to seek refuge in Fallujah. The leaders said that 5,000
families (~30,000 persons) left Baghdad and other areas due to
sectarian fighting. The imam said that GOI resources to support
these displaced families has not been forthcoming.

21. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: The Provincial Council will hold its
next meeting on Saturday, Dec. 9, at the Al Rasheed Hotel. The PRT
had arranged for the Ambassador to address the Council at that time.
The PRT attended the Dec. 5 meeting of the "Anbar Reconstruction
Committee," a joint GOI-provincial government body chaired by the
Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals. Two
themes emerged from the meeting. The security situation in Fallujah
has deteriorated in recent months. Any security backsliding in that
city will have negative repercussions throughout the province.
Secondly, the Committee signaled the need for fast progress on a
high visibility development project. Getting a glass factory in
Ramadi up and running, or building a "security zone," similar in
concept to Baghdad's International Zone, around the Anbar Government
Center in Ramadi, were cited as examples where fast progress would
be tangible evidence about the Council's seriousness about moving
forward on reconstruction. End Comment.


22. (SBU) Representatives from the United Nations Assistance Mission
for Iraq (UNAMI) visited Babil Province to gather information on the
political and economic situation. The UNAMI team met with various
provincial political figures to discuss their thoughts on how the
United Nations can better serve South Central Iraq. This is a
positive step in the rejoining of U.N. efforts in Iraq.

23. (SBU) Key members of the Provincial Council, the Governor's
Office, provincial secretariat planning section and heads of
planning for various sector agencies participated in a Provincial
Development Strategy (PDS) consultation session on December 7th.
This session was to find a united vision and adopt a model for
writing a Provincial Development Strategy.

24. (SBU) PRT Babil learned this week that any hospital project
nominated for Economic Support Funds must have written approval from
the Ministry of Health. This will require additional planning and
support documentation by elements of the Babil Provincial Council in
order to go forward with plans for a maternity hospital in Musayib

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(North Babil). The PRT Babil is insisting that the PRDC provide a
written plan that leads to full equipment, supplies, and staff for
this project, prior to actual nomination to the NET. The PC/PRDC
representative has informally passed to PRT Babil representatives
that the $7.5 million in ESF money is not as important to him as the
$112 in 2006 and $165 in 2007 GOI funds that Babil is due to get.
The leverage that applied when USG monies were the bulk of
discretionary capital budget for the Provincial Council no longer
applies. This may lead to lessened influence by PRT Babil in the
direction that provincial leaders take in the choosing of future

25. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: The Babil Provincial Governor has
expressed his concern over the rising unrest in North Babil. He
reported an influx of insurgents in that area and has asked
Coalition Forces for their assistance in driving out the insurgent
forces. He then left the area on extended holiday to Iran and India.


26. (SBU) The Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG)
of the United Nations remains keen to visit political and religious
leadership in Najaf. The process is moving along and the PST hosted
the Advance Team from the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq from Monday
to Thursday at the REO. We provided an in depth briefing on the
reconstruction, political and security aspects of the Province.
During their visit, the SRSG met with the Governor and Head of the
Provincial Council.

27. (SBU) The Governor, during the Provincial Security Transition
Assessment meeting, raised the need for Coalition support for the
training of judges and prosecutors in terrorism cases, as well as
the issue of penal facility capacity. Training was essential, as
the judicial system could not presently cope effectively with such
cases in the Province. We have earmarked ESF of USD 200K to support
a judicial training program.

28. (SBU) The Governor attended the meeting of the Provincial
Council to discuss the status of the various PRDC projects and
reconstruction policy overall. The Council Chairman urged him to
unify the various bodies and commissions that are all involved in
the reconstruction process, as well as for stiffer sanctions against
those contractors who have turned in bad execution. The Chairman
also called for an increased level of accuracy in the accountancy
phase of project completion and offered the help of the Provincial
Council in supervising such execution. For his part, the Governor
said that one of the Province's operating principles was to separate
authorities so that there were checks and balances; nonetheless he
underscored the commitment of the Governorate to both careful annual
project planning and an overall strategy to ensure excellence.

29. (SBU) Team Leader Comment: Provincial enthusiasm over the
advent of DFI and ESF remains high. In my meetings, the Governor
asked to know what the actual mechanisms for payment will be for the
projects. Will the USG now adopt the approach of the MoF and
transfer funds directly into the Provincial commercial account, as
with DFI? I will be discussing the actual mechanisms, once the
projects are approved by the PRDC and the Embassy. End comment.

Dhi Qar

30. (SBU) One major result of the RSU's involvement in the
development conference held in Luxor, Egypt was our urging the Dhi
Qar government to establish a Treasurer's Office for the province.
We view this as a critical step in ensuring the transparent flow of
central government funds into the province from Baghdad, and the
proper expenditure and accounting of those funds for the future, as
Dhi Qar continues to receive substantial ARDP funds in its budget.
We believe the provincial government intends to make a formal
decision on this before the end of the year.

31. (SBU) The Italian Government has finalized plans and obligated
162,000 Euros to construct an 82,000 sq meter Children's Amusement
Park and Green Space in the center of the Dhi Qar capital,
Al-Nasiriyah. The amusement park will provide a much-needed green
space in the center of what is otherwise a very dismal, dusty and
colorless capital city. The park will provide a playground for
children, complete with a large variety of playground equipment, as
well as a cafeteria and a movie theatre. Construction on the park

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should begin by late December 2006 and be completed by end of
February 2007. The provincial government has approved the project
and is integrally involved in the planning and execution of it.


32. (SBU) The nascent Maysan PRT team traveled to Basra Air Station
last week to have consultations with MND(SE) J-9 (including
commander and senior staff members),Basra PRT members, Gulf Region
South Army Corps of Engineers, local contractors, the MND(SE) Battle
Group Commander and his POLAD. The Maysan local government has been
officially disengaged from MNF-I forces in the region for several
months, but recently expressed a wish to accelerate contact with
donors. The PRT members, Battle Group commander, and POLAD agreed
the PRT's establishment is an excellent opportunity to begin
re-engagement, and will set up a first meeting the Governor and
Provincial Council shortly.


33. (SBU) The PRT held a series of meetings with MND SE, with the
aim of finding common goals and likely areas of joint cooperation
aimed at maintaining momentum after Sinbad. It was agreed that
projects designed for sustainable employment generation would be
introduced using established governance arrangements with Sector
Working Groups as the entry points. Several economy initiatives
were also discussed with the aim of enabling small businesses to be
readily established, including continuing and expanding the date
palm restoration activities, and the rehabilitation of the
irrigation and drainage infrastructure.



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