2006-11-15 19:56:00
Embassy Asuncion
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DE RUEHAC #1151/01 3191956
P 151956Z NOV 06




E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: STATE 157000





E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: STATE 157000

1. (U) Paraguay is a principal money laundering center,
involving both the banking and non-banking financial sectors.
The multi-billion dollar contraband re-export trade that
occurs largely on the border shared with Argentina and Brazil
the Tri-border Area (TBA) facilitates much of the money
laundering in Paraguay. Paraguay is a major drug-transit
country. The Government of Paraguay (GOP) suspect that
proceeds from narcotics trafficking are often laundered, but
it is difficult to determine the percentage of the total
amount of laundered funds generated from narcotics sales.
Weak controls in the financial sector, an open border, and
minimal enforcement activity for financial crimes allow money
launderers and terrorist financiers to take advantage of
Paraguay,s financial system. The Government of Paraguay
(GOP) successfully prosecuted a major money laundering case
in 2006 and demonstrated an increased willingness to press
money laundering charges against defendants notwithstanding
the limitations of the current law.

2. (U) Paraguay is particularly vulnerable to money
laundering, as little personal background information is
required to open a bank account or to make financial
transactions in Paraguay. Paraguay is an attractive financial
center for neighboring countries, particularly Brazil.
Foreign banks are registered in Paraguay and nonresidents are
allowed to hold bank accounts, but current regulations forbid
banks from advertising or seeking deposits from outside the
country. Paraguay is not considered to be an offshore
financial center, but the GOP does allow representative
offices of offshore banks to maintain a presence in the
country. Shell companies are not permitted; trusts, however,
are permitted and are regulated by the Central Bank. The
Superintendent of Banks audits financial institutions and
supervises all banks under the same rules and regulations.
However, there are few effective controls over businesses,
and a large informal economy exists outside the regulatory
scope of the GOP. A number of cooperatives function
effectively as financial institutions and may have as much as
a 30 percent of financial system assets. These co-ops, as
they are known, are not regulated by the Superintendent of
Banks and are instead self-regulated. The industry
organization charged with oversight - INCOOP - issues
guidelines, but does not have regulatory authority to compel
compliance with anti-money laundering or prudential measures.

3. (U) Money laundering in Paraguay is facilitated by the

multi-billion dollar contraband re-export trade that occurs
largely in the TBA shared by Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil.
Ciudad del Este (CDE),on the border between Brazil and
Paraguay, represents the heart of Paraguay,s informal
economy. The area is well known for arms and narcotics
trafficking, as well as crimes against intellectual property
rights. A wide variety of counterfeit goods, including
cigarettes, CDs, DVDs, and computer software, are imported
from Asia and transported primarily across the border into
Brazil, with a significantly smaller amount remaining in
Paraguay for sale in the local economy. Some senior
government officials, including members of Congress, have
been accused of involvement in the smuggling of contraband or
pirated goods. To date, there have been few criminal
investigations, much less prosecutions of senior GOP
officials, involvement in smuggling contraband or pirated
goods. Government officials, in both Paraguay and the United
States, also suspect the area to be a source of terrorist
financing. Raids in CDE have led to the seizure of extremist
Islamic materials and receipts of wire transfers from
Paraguay to the Middle East and the United States.

4. (U) Paraguay has taken some measures to tackle the "gray"
economy and to develop strategies to implement a formal,
diversified economy. The Ministry of Industry and
Commerce,s Specialized Technical Unit (UTE) working in close
coordination with the Attorney General,s Trademarks and
Intellectual Property Unit has effectively opened a number of
significant investigations against groups involved in piracy.
Despite its low rating on corruption and other indices that
prevented Paraguay from qualifying to participate fully in
the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Compact Program,
Paraguay was invited to participate in the MCA,s Threshold
Program. In May, Paraguay signed a Threshold Program
agreement to receive USD 34.9 million in assistance to

address the problems of impunity and informality, both of
which hamper law enforcement efforts and contribute to money

5. (U) A new law to improve the effectiveness of Paraguay,s
anti-money laundering regime was drafted in late 2003 and was
formally introduced to Congress in 2004. This legislation has
since been broken down and incorporated into three bills
emerging through a multi-institutional legal reform
commission. Proposed amendments to Paraguay,s Penal Code,
including on money laundering, were introduced to Congress in
October 2006. The other two bills addressing procedural
reform and administrative structures should be introduced in
short order.

6. (U) In addition to confirming the Financial Analysis
Unit,s (UAF) role as the sole FIU, the latter piece of
legislation establishes the Secretariat to Combat Money
Laundering (SEPRELAD) as an independent secretariat or agency
reporting directly to the Office of the President. The
amendments to the Penal Code submitted to Congress in October
establish money laundering as an autonomous crime punishable
by a prison term up to 8 years, terrorism punishable up to 30
years and terrorism financing up to 15 years. It establishes
predicate offenses as any crimes that are punishable by a
prison term exceeding six months, and specifically
criminalizes money laundering tied to the financing of
terrorist groups or acts. The full range of covered
institutions will be required to report suspicious
transactions to the UAF and to maintain registries of large
currency transactions that equal or exceed USD 10,000.

7. (U) Other provisions of the draft bills include penalties
for failure to file or falsification of reports, "know your
client provisions," and standardized record keeping for a
minimum of five years. The UAF will continue to refer cases
as appropriate for further consideration by Paraguay,s
Anti-Drug Secretariat (SENAD) and to the Attorney General,s
Office for prosecution. It will also serve as the central
entity for related information exchanges with other concerned
foreign entities. The bills further specify that the
financial crimes investigative unit of SENAD is the principal
authority for carrying out all counter narcotics and other
financial investigations, including money laundering, and
will also have the authority to initiate investigations on
its own.

8. (U) There are other challenges, however, that the new
money laundering legislation, when passed, will not address.
With only eight positions available for prosecutors dedicated
to financial crimes, of which only six are filled, Paraguay
currently has limited resources to investigate and prosecute
money laundering and financial crimes. New criteria were
issued in 2005 for the selection of judges, prosecutors and
public defenders; however, the process remains one that is
largely based on politics, nepotism and influence peddling,
affording the ruling party an opportunity to manipulate the
justice system to its advantage.

9. (U) Moreover, unless the new legislation is enacted, most
judges have little incentive to receive money laundering
cases because many believe that sentencing on predicate
offenses is sufficient punishment. As it is, those
individuals implicated in money laundering are typically
prosecuted on tax evasion charges. For example, in May 2004,
Assad Barakat - widely alleged to be involved in money
laundering - was convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to
six and one-half years in prison. In late 2004, prosecutors
began investigating several tax evasion cases involving
suspected money laundering by both authorized and
unauthorized money exchange offices in Ciudad del Este. A
case against Lebanese businessman Kassem Hijazi, suspected of
having laundered proceeds from illicit activities in the
Tri-border Area and sending a portion of those funds to
support Lebanese Hizbollah activities, is on-going on the
basis on tax evasion charges, not money laundering.

10. (U) On a positive note, Daniel Fretes Ventre, a former
Inspector General under President Wasmosy in the 1990s, was
sentenced by an Appeals Court October 24 to 12 years in
prison and fined USD 68,000, money laundering and other
crimes. Several members of his family were convicted on the
same charges. Fretes and his accomplices laundered money
through a family-established college and three family-owned
businesses. In addition to the above-noted penalties,
authorities confiscated 11 family-owned properties in
Asuncion and Ciudad del Este. This case represents the most

significant money laundering conviction - from less than a
handful to date - and reinforces the fact that convictions
are possible, however difficult under the currently flawed
legal framework. Fretes Ventre has appealed this decision to
the Supreme Court.

11. (U) In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security,s Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE),Paraguay is in the process of developing a prototype
Trade Transparency Unit (TTU) that will examine discrepancies
in trade data that could be indicative of customs fraud or
trade-based money laundering. The development of such a unit
constitutes a positive step with respect to Special
Recommendation VI of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
on the use of alternative remittance systems. Trade-based
systems such as hawala and black market exchanges often use
fraudulent trade documents and over and under-invoicing
schemes to provide counter valuation in transferring value
and settling accounts.

12. (U) Paraguay,s Millennium Challenge Account Threshold
Program supports the continued development of the "maquila"
sector, which comprises businesses operating for export (of
either goods or services) that enjoy special tax advantages.
Since the GOP stepped up promotion beginning in 2004, the
sector has experienced rapid growth. The largest maquila to
date, a synthetic rubber factory, is Brazilian-owned and
located just outside of Ciudad del Este. The company has
invested USD 18 million in the project, one of the largest
foreign investments in the Paraguayan economy. The GOP seeks
to strengthen its tourism industry by improving its tourism
infrastructure. It would like to make the international
airport in Asuncion a regional transportation hub for cargo
and possibly passenger airlines, although it faces an uphill
battle due to small traffic volumes and business climate
concerns. The new customs code implemented in early 2004
provides for the creation of formal free trade zones. One
zone currently exists in Ciudad del Este and another is
planned for the town of Villeta, near Asuncion. Paraguay,s
customs agency is responsible for monitoring these zones;
however, there is little oversight. As a result, the addition
of free trade zones may provide additional venues for money

13. (U) There are no effective controls or laws that regulate
the amount of currency that can be brought into or out of
Paraguay. Cross-border reporting requirements are limited to
those issued by airlines at the time of entry into Paraguay.
Persons transporting USD 10,000 into or out of Paraguay are
required to file a customs report, but these reports are
often not actually collected or checked. Customs operations
at the airports or land ports of entry provide no control of
the cross-border movement of cash. The non-bank financial
sector, particularly exchange houses, is used to move illegal
proceeds both from within and outside of Paraguay into the
formal banking system of the United States. Most of these
funds move from Brazil through Ciudad del Este to the banking
sector. Paraguay exercises a dual monetary system in which
most high-priced goods are paid for in U.S. dollars. Large
sums of dollars generated from normal commercial activity and
suspected illicit commercial activity are transported
physically from Paraguay through Uruguay to banking centers
in the United States. The GOP is only just beginning to
recognize and address the problem of the international
transportation of currency and monetary instruments derived
from illegal sources. Recently, though, the commercial banks
operating in Paraguay have dropped exchange houses as clients
based on pressure from either their home offices or
correspondent banks in the United States, which have told
them that they would sever the relationship if the banks
maintained accounts of exchange houses. The principal
state-owned bank was also forced to drop the accounts of the
exchange houses rather than lose its correspondent
relationship with a US bank. In March, the U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement Agency sponsored a seminar for law
enforcement officials including prosecutors, judges, and
customs officials in detecting, investigating and prosecuting
bulk cash movements.

14. (U) Bank fraud, which has led to several bank failures,
and other financial crimes related to corruption, are serious
problems in Paraguay. Following bank failures in 2002 and
2003, Paraguay continues to experience problems in the
banking industry. In 2004, Citibank decided to end its
participation in small-consumer banking in Paraguay, and

subsequently closed almost all of its branches nationwide.
The GOP worked with the U.S. Treasury and Justice Departments
to trace, account for, and seek the return of the USD 16
million diverted in 2002 to private accounts linked to the
family of former President Luis Gonzalez Macchi. In
September, Citibank agreed to pay a fine of USD 7.5 million
in connection to charges it had laundered funds originating
in the TBA and received from a bank in Uruguay.

15. (U) Money laundering is a criminal offense under
Paraguay,s two anti-money laundering statutes, Law 1015 of
1996 and Article 196 of Paraguay,s Criminal Code, adopted in

1997. The existence of the two laws has led to substantial
confusion due to overlapping provisions. Under Article 196,
the scope of predicate offenses includes only offenses that
carry a maximum penalty of five years or more; Law 1015
includes additional offenses. Article 196 also establishes a
maximum penalty of five years for money laundering offenses,
while Law 1015 carries a prison term of two to ten years.
This is particularly significant because, under the proposed
Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, defendants who
accept charges that carry a maximum penalty of five years or
less are automatically entitled to a suspended sentence and a
fine instead of jail time, at least for the first offense.
Since a defendant cannot be charged with money laundering
unless he or she has first been convicted of the predicate
offense, many judges are apparently reluctant to prosecute
any defendant on money laundering charges because a sentence
has already been issued for a predicate offense.

16. (U) Law 1015 of 1996 also contains "due diligence" and
"banker negligence" provisions and applies money laundering
controls to non-banking financial institutions, such as
exchange houses. Bank secrecy laws do not prevent banks and
financial institutions from disclosing information to bank
supervisors and law enforcement entities. Under Paraguay,s
Commercial Law 1023 and Law 1015, banks are required to
maintain account records for five years, but there is little
government enforcement of this regulation. However, bankers
and others are protected under the anti-money laundering law
with respect to their cooperation with law enforcement
agencies. Additional provisions of Law 1015 require banks and
financial institutions to know and record the identity of
customers engaging in significant currency transactions and
to report those, as well as suspicious activities, to
Paraguay,s financial intelligence unit (FIU),the Unidad de
Anlisis Financiera (UAF).

17. (U) The UAF began operating in 1997 within the Secretary
for the Prevention of Money Laundering (SEPRELAD),under the
auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC). In
recent years, the GOP has made significant efforts to
strengthen SEPRELAD, which for years had suffered from a
burdensome bureaucratic structure, lack of financial support,
and the inability to keep trained personnel. As a result,
cooperation between SEPRELAD and other government agencies on
anti-money laundering issues has improved recently.
Initially reluctant to seek SEPRELAD,s assistance due to
past weaknesses, most government entities are increasingly
prepared to work with SEPRELAD. Reporting from obligated
entities has also increased, with the UAF receiving over
3,000 suspicious activity reports in 2006. SEPRELAD has
signed several agreements with other government entities to
strengthen interagency cooperation, including memoranda of
understanding with the Public Ministry and the Superintendent
of Banks.

18. (U) The UAF and the Superintendent of Banks have also
improved cooperation between their two entities, which had
been strained by the creation of a second FIU in the
Superintendence in 2001. In 2003, the "Risk Control Division"
was created to replace the Superintendent of Banks, FIU and
eliminate its duplicative function with the UAF. The Risk
Control Division has the primary responsibility of reviewing
the records of national financial institutions for suspected
terrorist activity and is empowered to coordinate information
exchange with the Central Banks of other MERCOSUR countries.
According to SEPRELAD officials, cooperation between the UAF
and the Risk Control Division has improved significantly over
recent years. The two groups signed a memorandum of
understanding (MOU) in 2005, laying out the provisions for
increased cooperation. The MOU includes provisions for
SEPRELAD to issue regulations for the banking industry,
including the designations of a compliance officer and
utilizing due diligence and "know your customer" policies.

The UAF has since issued these regulations in Resolution 233
of 2005.

19. (U) The UAF is seeking to strengthen its relationship
with other financial intelligence units and has signed
agreements for information exchange with regional financial
intelligence units. In 2005, the UAF and the U.S. financial
intelligence unit, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN),signed an MOU to resume information exchange
following a four-year suspension. The sharing of financial
information between the two units had been suspended by
FinCEN in May 2001 following an unauthorized disclosure of
FinCEN information by the GOP. Information exchange was
resumed following an evaluation of the progress made by the
UAF and the strengthening of internal procedures for
disseminating financial information. The UAF also increased
its role in regional and international anti-money laundering
groups, including the Egmont Group and the Financial Action
Task Force for South America (GAFISUD). The UAF,s director
participates in the GAFISUD FIU Working Group and a committee
within the Egmont Group, further expanding Paraguay,s role
in these organizations. GAFISUD conducted its second mutual
evaluation of Paraguay in 2005 finding Paraguay,s legal
framework for investigating cases deficient.

20. (U) Under the current interpretation of laws, the GOP has
limited authority to seize, or forfeit assets of suspected
money launderers. In most cases, assets that the GOP is
permitted to, seize, or forfeit are limited to transport
vehicles, such as planes and cars, and normally do not
include bank accounts. However, authorities may not auction
off these assets until a conviction is announced by the
judicial system. At best, the GOP can establish a
"preventative seizure" (which has the same effect as
freezing) against assets of persons under investigation for a
crime in which the state risks loss of revenue from
furtherance of a criminal act, such as tax evasion. However,
in those cases the limit of the seizure is set as the amount
of liability of the suspect to the government. More recently,
SENAD has been permitted to use on a temporary basis assets
seized on cases not yet decided provided it pays no
maintenance or repair costs. The new anti-money laundering
legislation will, when passed, allow prosecutors to recommend
that judges seize or confiscate assets connected to money
laundering and its predicate offenses. The draft law also
provides for the creation of a special asset forfeiture fund
to be administered by a consortium of national governmental
agencies, which will support programs for crime prevention
and suppression, including combating money laundering, and
related training.

21. (U) The GOP currently has no authority to freeze, seize,
or forfeit assets related to the financing of terrorism. The
financing of terrorism is not criminalized under current
Paraguayan law. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
often provides the Central Bank and other government entities
with the names of suspected terrorists and terrorist
organizations on the UNSCR 1267 Sanctions Committee
consolidated list. Through 2006, the GOP has not identified,
seized, or forfeited any such assets linked to these groups
or individuals. The current law also does not provide any
measures for thwarting the misuse of charitable or non-profit
entities that can be used as conduits for the financing of
terrorism. Following the submission of the draft anti-money
laundering law to Congress in May 2004, a working group began
drafting legislation to address terrorism, terrorist
association and terrorist financing. This draft legislation,
also incorporated into the legal reform package discussed
earlier,will allow the GOP to conform to international
standards on the suppression of terrorist financing. The
draft anti-money laundering provisions also specifically
criminalize money laundering tied to the financing of
terrorist groups or acts.

22. (U) The GOP ratified the UN International Convention for
the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism in November
2004 and the Inter-American Convention on Terrorism in
January 2005. In June 2005, Paraguay ratified the UN
Convention against Corruption. Paraguay is also a party to
the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime,
which it ratified in September 2004, as well as the 1988 UN
Drug Convention. The GOP participates in Summit of the
Americas and Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission
(CICAD)-related meetings on money laundering, and is a member
of the South American Financial Action Task Force (GAFISUD),

the Egmont Group, and the "3 Plus 1" Security Group between
the United States and the Tri-border Area countries.

23. (U) While the Government of Paraguay took a number of
positive steps in 2006, there are other initiatives that
should be pursued to increase the effectiveness of
Paraguay,s efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist
financing. Most important is enactment of legislation that
meets international standards and enables law enforcement
authorities to more effectively investigate and prosecute
money laundering cases. Uneven political support for the
money laundering legislation has hindered progress to date in
Congress. Paraguay also needs to continue its efforts to
combat corruption and increase information sharing among
concerned agencies when and if the corruption issues are
resolved. Paraguay does not have a counterterrorism law or a
law criminalizing terrorist financing; while the new money
laundering law would increase the GOP,s abilities to combat
terrorist financing, it should also take steps as quickly as
possible to ensure that comprehensive counterterrorism
legislation is passed in the context of the reform of the
penal and procedural code reform process. Further reforms in
the selection of judges, prosecutors and public defenders are
needed. Reforms to the customs agency are also necessary in
order to allow for increased inspections and interdictions at
ports of entry and to develop strategies targeting the
physical movement of bulk cash. It is essential that the
Unidad de Anlisis Financiera (UAF) continue to receive the
financial and human resources necessary to operate as an
effective, fully functioning financial intelligence unit
capable of effectively combating money laundering, terrorist
financing, and other financial crimes.

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