2005-09-16 10:23:00
Embassy Tel Aviv
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TEL AVIV 005698
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/15/2015
REF: A. A. TEL AVIV 02506
B. B. TEL AVIV 01024
C. C. 04 JERUSALEM 4029
D. D. AMMAN 5073
E. E. TEL AVIV 02486
Classified By: Economic Counselor William Weinstein, reasons 1.4 (b) an
d (d).
This message was cleared with Consulate General Jerusalem.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TEL AVIV 005698
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/15/2015
REF: A. A. TEL AVIV 02506
B. B. TEL AVIV 01024
C. C. 04 JERUSALEM 4029
D. D. AMMAN 5073
E. E. TEL AVIV 02486
Classified By: Economic Counselor William Weinstein, reasons 1.4 (b) an
d (d).
This message was cleared with Consulate General Jerusalem.
1. (C/NF) Summary: Officials from the MFA, Environment
Ministry, and Coordinator of Government Activities in the
Territories (COGAT) plan to meet post-disengagement to
discuss whether and how to go forward with the Environmental
Experts Committee (EEC). Progress on restarting the EEC,
suspended since the beginning of the recent Intifada, slowed
after the GOI's last-minute decision not to attend a May 2
EEC meeting because of internal debate on the meeting's
location. Furthermore, accusations of Israeli "environmental
atrocities" at a July 30 press conference by Palestinian
Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) head Yousef Abu Safiyya
have led the MOE to consider pursuing other PA partners for
the Committee. End Summary.
2. (C/NF) ESTH Officer and TDY Deptoff met August 9 with Ori
Livne, MOE International Relations Director to discuss
Israeli-Palestinian environmental cooperation. Livne
expressed frustration with repeated attempts to work with
Yousef Abu Safiyya, head of the Environment Quality Authority
(EQA) on concrete environmental projects to improve the lives
of Israelis and Palestinians. At a July 30 press conference
at the International Press Center in Gaza City, Abu Safiyya
accused Israel of committing environmental atrocities in the
occupied Palestinian territories. Abu Safiyya stated that
Israel had deliberately destroyed roads, infrastructure, and
arable lands and uprooted two million trees during the
Intifada. (Note: In October 2004, ConGen reported that, as
of 2003, 300,000 trees had been uprooted according to the
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and the Palestinian
Authority (PA) Ministry of Agriculture (ref C). End Note).
The disposal of toxic waste in the Palestinian territories
was also cited as a concern. (Note: Embassy Amman reported
in June 2005 on the Israeli and Jordanian dumping of sewage
in the lower part of the Jordan River which flows to
Palestinian communities in the West Bank (ref D). End Note).
Abu Saffiya also accused Israel of the theft from
Palestinian areas of high quality sand, which is used to make
electronic and glass materials. (Comment: ConGen and
Embassy Tel Aviv have asked for the State Legal Advisor's
opinion on how international law handles quarry-type
operations in occupied territories (ref E). End Comment).
Abu Safiyya stated that the PA had requested help from UN
agencies to stop Israeli violations of international law.
Abu Safiyya did not respond to a letter from Livne after the
press conference. Without elaborating, Livne said she is
considering attempting to identify a new Palestinian partner
for the EEC, perhaps the Ministry of Local Government.
3. (C/NF) TDY Deptoff discussed the EEC August 23 with Yaacov
Keidar, MFA Water Issues Director. Keidar said that Israel
backed out of the planned May 2 EEC meeting because of
internal debate over the location of the meeting. According
to Keidar, the Palestinians insisted that the meeting be held
at the UNDP office with UN Environmental Program (UNEP)
observers. (Note: UNEP had earlier brought the parties
together in Helsinki to restart the EEC. End note). Keidar
said that Israeli officials initially agreed, but then
decided not to attend because their position is that the EEC
is bilateral and should not include others. (Note: Concerns
about outside involvement and meeting locations have been
raised primarily by the Israeli Ministry of Defense. End
note). However, Keidar said, since May 2, the GOI tried
several times to restart the EEC but ceased those attempts
after Abu Safiyya's press conference.
4. (C/NF) According to Keidar, Abu Safiyya contacted, both
orally and in writing, UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfler,
to request an audit for hazardous materials left in evacuated
settlements. Keidar said that Abu Safiyya wanted the EQA to
be the first to go into these areas after the Israeli
withdrawal, in order to conduct such an audit, and for the
audit results to be put before the Hague (Note: We believe
his reference is to the International Court of Justice, as
the PA has used this Court previously. End note). Topfler
approached the GOI on the audit but was told that the GOI was
not interested in an audit if there was an a prior intent to
accuse Israel of environmental crimes, according to Keidar.
Keidar said that Israel is not prepared to cooperate or meet
with Abu Safiyya at this time.
5. (C/NF) Keidar also said that he and Livne share the same
views on the EEC and Abu Safiyya. While Keidar did not
answer directly when asked if Israeli officials had contacted
the PA Ministry of Local Government, he did say that the EQA
is a very small, very weak authority and that the MOLG is
"much more practical." But, he added, the PA has appointed
the EQA as its official representative to the EEC, and so the
PA must be the one to change it.
6. (C/NF) On a positive note, Keidar reported that General
Mishlev, head of the Civil Administration, had told him that
PA Civil Affairs Minister Dahlan called Abu Safiyya to
discuss convening the EEC, and, in a meeting between Mishlev
and Dahlan, Dahlan said he would try to do something about
the situation. Keidar believes Dahlan is capable, but, with
Dahlan's priority on disengagement, Keidar was not inclined
to push the EEC issue with him. Keidar stated that
post-disengagement, the MFA, MOE and the Civil Administration
will probably reconvene to discuss whether and how to go
forward with the EEC.
********************************************* ********************
Visit Embassy Tel Aviv's Classified Website:
You can also access this site through the State Department's
Classified SIPRNET website.
********************************************* ********************
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/15/2015
REF: A. A. TEL AVIV 02506
B. B. TEL AVIV 01024
C. C. 04 JERUSALEM 4029
D. D. AMMAN 5073
E. E. TEL AVIV 02486
Classified By: Economic Counselor William Weinstein, reasons 1.4 (b) an
d (d).
This message was cleared with Consulate General Jerusalem.
1. (C/NF) Summary: Officials from the MFA, Environment
Ministry, and Coordinator of Government Activities in the
Territories (COGAT) plan to meet post-disengagement to
discuss whether and how to go forward with the Environmental
Experts Committee (EEC). Progress on restarting the EEC,
suspended since the beginning of the recent Intifada, slowed
after the GOI's last-minute decision not to attend a May 2
EEC meeting because of internal debate on the meeting's
location. Furthermore, accusations of Israeli "environmental
atrocities" at a July 30 press conference by Palestinian
Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) head Yousef Abu Safiyya
have led the MOE to consider pursuing other PA partners for
the Committee. End Summary.
2. (C/NF) ESTH Officer and TDY Deptoff met August 9 with Ori
Livne, MOE International Relations Director to discuss
Israeli-Palestinian environmental cooperation. Livne
expressed frustration with repeated attempts to work with
Yousef Abu Safiyya, head of the Environment Quality Authority
(EQA) on concrete environmental projects to improve the lives
of Israelis and Palestinians. At a July 30 press conference
at the International Press Center in Gaza City, Abu Safiyya
accused Israel of committing environmental atrocities in the
occupied Palestinian territories. Abu Safiyya stated that
Israel had deliberately destroyed roads, infrastructure, and
arable lands and uprooted two million trees during the
Intifada. (Note: In October 2004, ConGen reported that, as
of 2003, 300,000 trees had been uprooted according to the
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and the Palestinian
Authority (PA) Ministry of Agriculture (ref C). End Note).
The disposal of toxic waste in the Palestinian territories
was also cited as a concern. (Note: Embassy Amman reported
in June 2005 on the Israeli and Jordanian dumping of sewage
in the lower part of the Jordan River which flows to
Palestinian communities in the West Bank (ref D). End Note).
Abu Saffiya also accused Israel of the theft from
Palestinian areas of high quality sand, which is used to make
electronic and glass materials. (Comment: ConGen and
Embassy Tel Aviv have asked for the State Legal Advisor's
opinion on how international law handles quarry-type
operations in occupied territories (ref E). End Comment).
Abu Safiyya stated that the PA had requested help from UN
agencies to stop Israeli violations of international law.
Abu Safiyya did not respond to a letter from Livne after the
press conference. Without elaborating, Livne said she is
considering attempting to identify a new Palestinian partner
for the EEC, perhaps the Ministry of Local Government.
3. (C/NF) TDY Deptoff discussed the EEC August 23 with Yaacov
Keidar, MFA Water Issues Director. Keidar said that Israel
backed out of the planned May 2 EEC meeting because of
internal debate over the location of the meeting. According
to Keidar, the Palestinians insisted that the meeting be held
at the UNDP office with UN Environmental Program (UNEP)
observers. (Note: UNEP had earlier brought the parties
together in Helsinki to restart the EEC. End note). Keidar
said that Israeli officials initially agreed, but then
decided not to attend because their position is that the EEC
is bilateral and should not include others. (Note: Concerns
about outside involvement and meeting locations have been
raised primarily by the Israeli Ministry of Defense. End
note). However, Keidar said, since May 2, the GOI tried
several times to restart the EEC but ceased those attempts
after Abu Safiyya's press conference.
4. (C/NF) According to Keidar, Abu Safiyya contacted, both
orally and in writing, UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfler,
to request an audit for hazardous materials left in evacuated
settlements. Keidar said that Abu Safiyya wanted the EQA to
be the first to go into these areas after the Israeli
withdrawal, in order to conduct such an audit, and for the
audit results to be put before the Hague (Note: We believe
his reference is to the International Court of Justice, as
the PA has used this Court previously. End note). Topfler
approached the GOI on the audit but was told that the GOI was
not interested in an audit if there was an a prior intent to
accuse Israel of environmental crimes, according to Keidar.
Keidar said that Israel is not prepared to cooperate or meet
with Abu Safiyya at this time.
5. (C/NF) Keidar also said that he and Livne share the same
views on the EEC and Abu Safiyya. While Keidar did not
answer directly when asked if Israeli officials had contacted
the PA Ministry of Local Government, he did say that the EQA
is a very small, very weak authority and that the MOLG is
"much more practical." But, he added, the PA has appointed
the EQA as its official representative to the EEC, and so the
PA must be the one to change it.
6. (C/NF) On a positive note, Keidar reported that General
Mishlev, head of the Civil Administration, had told him that
PA Civil Affairs Minister Dahlan called Abu Safiyya to
discuss convening the EEC, and, in a meeting between Mishlev
and Dahlan, Dahlan said he would try to do something about
the situation. Keidar believes Dahlan is capable, but, with
Dahlan's priority on disengagement, Keidar was not inclined
to push the EEC issue with him. Keidar stated that
post-disengagement, the MFA, MOE and the Civil Administration
will probably reconvene to discuss whether and how to go
forward with the EEC.
********************************************* ********************
Visit Embassy Tel Aviv's Classified Website:
You can also access this site through the State Department's
Classified SIPRNET website.
********************************************* ********************