2005-05-15 13:48:00
Embassy Sanaa
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available. 151348Z May 05
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 SANAA 001301
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/14/2015
Classified By: Ambassador Thomas C. Krajeski for reasons 1.4 b and d.
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 SANAA 001301
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/14/2015
Classified By: Ambassador Thomas C. Krajeski for reasons 1.4 b and d.
1. (C) Summary. President Saleh convoked Ambassador for a
brief meeting May 14. The President and Ambassador discussed
the Koran desecration allegations, President Saleh's planned
visit to Washington, and the status of ROYG requests for
M-113 armored personnel carriers. True to his nature, Saleh
claimed that fighting the second al-Houthi rebellion has set
the ROYG back 50 billion YR (approximately 262 million USD)
and asked for at least partial USG compensation, claiming as
he has before, that he fought al-Houthi on behalf of the U.S.
and the GWOT.
Koran Desecration Allegations
2. (C) Ambassador assured President Saleh that the USG
considers the recent allegations that Guantanamo
interrogators desecrated the Holy Koran to be an extremely
serious matter. Ambassador noted Secretary Rice and SecDef's
official repudiation of the alleged behavior. The U.S.
Military is conducting immediate and complete investigations.
Such an act, continued Ambassador, would be abhorrent,
repugnant, and contrary to the fundamental belief in freedom
and respect for all religions upon which our nation was
founded. If proved true, Ambassador told Saleh that those
responsible for this deviant behavior would be held
accountable. Saleh thanked Ambassador for his strong stance
on this issue, and noted that ROYG security forces would not
permit demonstrations to occur in Yemen. (Note: On 15 May
official daily 'al-Thawra' headlined a front page story on
this meeting with Saleh's "Strong Condemnation of the
Desecration of the Holy Koran in Guantanamo. End Note.)
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Saleh's Visit to Washington: Must be 'Official'
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3. (C) The President inquired about scheduling for his visit
to Washington to meet President Bush, reiterating that he
prefers to travel before Ramadan begins in October.
Ambassador explained that exact timing would not likely be
pinned down until late in the summer, but that the White
House was aiming for late September in recognition of
Ramadan. Responding to Saleh's question on if his visit
would be "working or official," Ambassador said it would be
an "official working visit." The President frowned,
insisting, "it must be official." Ambassador explained that
the details were yet to be worked out but that usually an
official working visit includes an invitation to Blair House
and a working lunch and meeting with the President, which
appeared to satisfy Saleh.
Saleh: I want My M-113s
4. (C) Saleh asked for a progress report on ROYG M-113
orders. Ambassador responded that OMC is working with the
Ministry of Interior to complete the details for
approximately 30 M-113 U.S. APCs from excess defense
acquisitions available, possibly more, in Germany.
Ambassador confirmed that the U.S. would cover the shipping
costs. Saleh reached into his pocket saying, "I will pay for
the shipping if you can get them here faster." Saleh added
that the ROYG has also bought 600 Russian BMP-2, similar to
the M-113. (Note: The major delay has been MOI submission of
official request paperwork, finally received at the Embassy
today, May 15. As for the 600 Russian APCs, OMC is only
aware of ROYG orders for 200 Russian and 100 Ukrainian
BMP-2s. End Note.)
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Saleh, Again: USG Should Compensate for al-Houthi losses
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5. (C) Saleh raised the costs to the ROYG of fighting the
second al-Houthi insurrection, claiming (as he has often in
the past) that he fought al-Houthi, son and father, on behalf
of the U.S. and as part of the GWOT. Pitching for USG funds
to partially compensate for expenditures of funds and
materiel in Sadaa, Saleh claimed the ROYG has spent a
whopping 50 billion YR (approximately 262 Million USD)
fighting "your fight." The U.S., insisted the President, has
an obligation to pay for some of this damage, "or would you
prefer we allow the al-Houthis to chant 'Death to America' on
the streets of Sanaa? If you don't care," added the Yemeni
President, "then I'll let them say what they want," but
warned "it could lead to real chaos." President Saleh also
asked Ambassador to weigh in with the UK over reported
British objections to the use of Central Security Forces
(CSF-CTU) in Saada.
6. (S) Comment: Saleh ended the meeting abruptly, but not
uncharacteristically, with a "bye, bye!" before Ambassador
could respond to his last request, or raise the issue of
needed USG access to detained AQ cell leader Kanan. Saleh
did not raise any particularly urgent or new issues.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/14/2015
Classified By: Ambassador Thomas C. Krajeski for reasons 1.4 b and d.
1. (C) Summary. President Saleh convoked Ambassador for a
brief meeting May 14. The President and Ambassador discussed
the Koran desecration allegations, President Saleh's planned
visit to Washington, and the status of ROYG requests for
M-113 armored personnel carriers. True to his nature, Saleh
claimed that fighting the second al-Houthi rebellion has set
the ROYG back 50 billion YR (approximately 262 million USD)
and asked for at least partial USG compensation, claiming as
he has before, that he fought al-Houthi on behalf of the U.S.
and the GWOT.
Koran Desecration Allegations
2. (C) Ambassador assured President Saleh that the USG
considers the recent allegations that Guantanamo
interrogators desecrated the Holy Koran to be an extremely
serious matter. Ambassador noted Secretary Rice and SecDef's
official repudiation of the alleged behavior. The U.S.
Military is conducting immediate and complete investigations.
Such an act, continued Ambassador, would be abhorrent,
repugnant, and contrary to the fundamental belief in freedom
and respect for all religions upon which our nation was
founded. If proved true, Ambassador told Saleh that those
responsible for this deviant behavior would be held
accountable. Saleh thanked Ambassador for his strong stance
on this issue, and noted that ROYG security forces would not
permit demonstrations to occur in Yemen. (Note: On 15 May
official daily 'al-Thawra' headlined a front page story on
this meeting with Saleh's "Strong Condemnation of the
Desecration of the Holy Koran in Guantanamo. End Note.)
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Saleh's Visit to Washington: Must be 'Official'
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3. (C) The President inquired about scheduling for his visit
to Washington to meet President Bush, reiterating that he
prefers to travel before Ramadan begins in October.
Ambassador explained that exact timing would not likely be
pinned down until late in the summer, but that the White
House was aiming for late September in recognition of
Ramadan. Responding to Saleh's question on if his visit
would be "working or official," Ambassador said it would be
an "official working visit." The President frowned,
insisting, "it must be official." Ambassador explained that
the details were yet to be worked out but that usually an
official working visit includes an invitation to Blair House
and a working lunch and meeting with the President, which
appeared to satisfy Saleh.
Saleh: I want My M-113s
4. (C) Saleh asked for a progress report on ROYG M-113
orders. Ambassador responded that OMC is working with the
Ministry of Interior to complete the details for
approximately 30 M-113 U.S. APCs from excess defense
acquisitions available, possibly more, in Germany.
Ambassador confirmed that the U.S. would cover the shipping
costs. Saleh reached into his pocket saying, "I will pay for
the shipping if you can get them here faster." Saleh added
that the ROYG has also bought 600 Russian BMP-2, similar to
the M-113. (Note: The major delay has been MOI submission of
official request paperwork, finally received at the Embassy
today, May 15. As for the 600 Russian APCs, OMC is only
aware of ROYG orders for 200 Russian and 100 Ukrainian
BMP-2s. End Note.)
-------------- --------------
Saleh, Again: USG Should Compensate for al-Houthi losses
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5. (C) Saleh raised the costs to the ROYG of fighting the
second al-Houthi insurrection, claiming (as he has often in
the past) that he fought al-Houthi, son and father, on behalf
of the U.S. and as part of the GWOT. Pitching for USG funds
to partially compensate for expenditures of funds and
materiel in Sadaa, Saleh claimed the ROYG has spent a
whopping 50 billion YR (approximately 262 Million USD)
fighting "your fight." The U.S., insisted the President, has
an obligation to pay for some of this damage, "or would you
prefer we allow the al-Houthis to chant 'Death to America' on
the streets of Sanaa? If you don't care," added the Yemeni
President, "then I'll let them say what they want," but
warned "it could lead to real chaos." President Saleh also
asked Ambassador to weigh in with the UK over reported
British objections to the use of Central Security Forces
(CSF-CTU) in Saada.
6. (S) Comment: Saleh ended the meeting abruptly, but not
uncharacteristically, with a "bye, bye!" before Ambassador
could respond to his last request, or raise the issue of
needed USG access to detained AQ cell leader Kanan. Saleh
did not raise any particularly urgent or new issues.