2005-03-08 10:58:00
Embassy New Delhi
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/09/2015
Classified By: DCM Robert O. Blake Jr, for Reasons 1.4 (B, D)
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/09/2015
Classified By: DCM Robert O. Blake Jr, for Reasons 1.4 (B, D)
1. (S) Summary: During a highly-anticipated February 22
briefing on the Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) missile
defense system, GOI and USG representatives cited the
exchange as evidence of the transformed Indo-US relationship.
Throughout the session, GOI statements and questions
indicated a keen interest not only in procurement, but
opportunities for technology sharing to include collaboration
and joint-production. Questions from the Indian delegation
focused on PAC-2 performance parameters, shelf life,
capabilities compared to Israel's Arrow system, US missile
defense deployment plans, and possibilities for technology
transfer and co-production. The GOI delegation was well
aware that the briefing was limited to PAC-2 and posed few
questions beyond that scope, although some specific technical
questions will require follow-up. In separate follow-on
conversations with MEA Additional Secretary (International
Security) Meera Shankar and MEA Joint Secretary (Americas) S.
Jaishankar on February 23, US representatives expressed their
willingness to keep the PAC-2 dialogue open if the GOI has a
continued interest. Shankar clarified the status of India's
missile defense planning and specifically requested a MD
technical collaboration agreement with the US. End Summary.
Partnership Delivers PAC-2 Briefing
2. (SBU) In his opening remarks, head of the Indian
delegation MOD Joint Secretary Gautam Mukhopadhaya heralded
the PAC-2 briefing as the result of achievements in the
Indo-US political relationship. He welcomed the briefing as
an indication of both countries, willingness to "step into
more advanced areas of defense technology; not limited to
procurement, but also including joint development." While
missile defense (MD) has "a certain cachet" in the press,
Mukhopadhaya hoped this briefing would address the GOI's
technical questions about such a system. Defense Security
Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Director for Middle East, Asia and
North Africa Ed Ross expressed appreciation for the "active
and progressive" defense relationship that was developing
between the two countries, and underscored that a briefing on
"cutting edge technology" such as the PAC-2 is given only to
"our closest friends."
US Policy and Planning for Missile Defense
3. (C) Phil Jamison, OSD/ISP Assistant for Missile Defense
Policy, outlined the US approach to MD: field modest
capabilities in 2004-05; add capabilities through research
and development; and seek cooperation with allies. He noted
that the addition of MD to the US defense posture has
lessened dependence on nuclear forces for protection. In
STRATCOM's plan for 2005, ten ground-based interceptors and
up to 20 sea-based interceptors will be added, and other
radars and laser systems added or upgraded. Another defense
layer will be developed in 2006-08 by the addition of more
ground- and sea-based interceptors and radars. US Combatant
Commanders are currently undertaking operational planning for
MD in their AORs and the services have begun to man and train
for MD missions. David Kiefer of the Missile Defense Agency
gave an overview of the US missile defense program,s goals,
major components, current status and future plans.
Patriot System Overview for India
4. (S) Major John Eggert, US Army Staff, briefed the Patriot
Configuration-3 Ground system and the PAC-2 Guidance Enhanced
Missile Plus (GEM ) missile. He enumerated improvements to
Ground Configuration-3 over previous versions, to include
upgraded radar and software, and remote launch capability.
He gave a detailed depiction of system components and how
they function and work together using "Track Via Missile"
technology, and described a typical US Patriot battery. He
also praised the long shelf-life and minimal maintenance
requirements for the PAC-2 GEM missile. Eggert reported the
perfect record of the Patriot system during OIF -- all nine
theater ballistic missiles defined as a threat to protected
assets were successfully intercepted. Finally, he displayed
multiple diagrams showing PAC-2 GEM performance against
missiles launched from different distances. In addition, the
presentation also included GEM performance against fixed
wing and cruise missile threats. (Note: Per standard
guidance for such briefings, the Indian delegation was shown
classified slides, but were not given hard copies of the
5. (S) Questions from the Indian side included the following:
-- What special waveforms does the system use to discriminate
between decoys and warheads/re-entry vehicles?
-- What is the maximum detection range and altitude?
-- What is the maximum detection range and altitude in cued
mode (i.e. when prompted by an outside detection system)?
-- What is the minimum time and distance in which a missile
threat can be engaged?
-- What is the total area one Patriot battery defends?
-- Has protection envelope data been verified by actual
missile firings?
-- What is the maximum range to hit a C-130 flying at an
altitude of 5000-6000 meters?
-- What is a PAC-2 GEM missile's time/range to
-- How does Patriot handle multiple missiles launched at the
same target?
-- How does the missile complete its end game intercept, and
can it do so without radar updates?
-- What redundancies exist in case of radar failure?
-- Can control of missile launchers be transferred if one
battery goes down?
-- How much time is required to pack up a Patriot battery,
move it, and set it back up again?
-- What is the "dead zone," or minimum range for the PAC-2 to
detect/engage a threat?
-- What Aegis radar upgrades are taking place (in relation to
integration with Patriot)?
-- What is the weight of the PAC-2 GEM warhead?
-- How does Patriot compare to Israel's Arrow missile defense
-- At this stage of the NSSP (Next Steps in Strategic
Partnership),what kinds of information are you authorized to
-- Has transfer of technology occurred with other countries
buying Patriot?
-- Has there been collaboration with other countries on
-- Does the US have overarching missile cooperation
arrangements with major partners, and does it involve
technology sharing?
-- Are other countries acquiring components of an overarching
missile defense system?
-- How effective is Patriot as a stand-alone system (i.e.
without space-based cueing)?
-- What is being developed beyond PAC-3?
-- What is the status of MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defense
-- Will MEADS have a sea-based component?
-- What is the time frame for MEADS to be deployed?
6. (S) An open-ended question and answer period allowed the
Indian delegation to ask questions. They seemed satisfied
with most of the answers, but did ask a few questions that
were beyond the scope of the briefing, such as Patriot
operation in "cued mode," Aegis integration, and a request
for more information on "special wave forms" for target
discrimination. The briefer did not have information to
respond to a question about the weight of the PAC-2 GEM
warhead, but offered to get the answer for the Indian side.
FMS Process
7. (C) Following the briefing on PAC-2 capabilities, DSCA
Director Ross highlighted differences and advantages of the
FMS process over direct commercial sales, namely, that FMS
includes USG engagement from the earliest stages of an
acquisition. Not only does an FMS sale normally guarantee
lifetime system support and a purchase price negotiated by,
and at the same cost available to, the USG, but also, more
importantly, it fosters a strong working relationship, which
can facilitate acquisition of other sensitive technologies.
He briefly outlined the initial steps in a successful FMS
deal: 1) Notify DSCA early regarding requirements; 2) Submit
requirements in a Letter of Request; then 3) USG reviews and
responds in a Letter of Offer and Acceptance with pricing and
availability data.
Follow-on MEA Dialogue
8. (C) In a follow-on meeting with MEA Americas Joint
Secretary S. Jaishankar on February 23, Ross commented that
the PAC-2 exchange was very forthcoming, and asked if
Jaishankar had any feedback from the Indian side. Jaishankar
responded that it will take a little time for him to receive
feedback, but said he did gather that on some questions, it
was not possible for the US side to provide a response at
this time. Jaishankar thought the briefing was helpful for
the GOI, and said that at this stage of India,s effort to
determine its missile defense needs; &every bit (of
information) we get8 is useful for India,s thought process.
He noted a tendency in this type of meeting for Indian
questioners to keep pressing, "Until you hit a wall."
Jaishankar noted that conceptually, India is at a very early
stage in its thought process on missile defense.
9. (C) Jaishankar asserted that, as a recent nuclear power,
India brings few Cold War prejudices to its missile defense
consideration. As a point of reference, he said the GOI is
looking very closely at what Japan and Taiwan are doing with
missile defense. Remarking on recent MD debate in the Indian
press, Jaishankar observed that some commentators argue in
favor of MD as a means of "adding to the uncertainties" of
those who might launch nuclear weapons.
10. (C) Ross commented that while many believe the US is
making missile defense available as part of its own
overarching MD program, a future PAC-2 sale to India would be
strictly for India's own use. In reference to India's
interest in the PAC-3 system, Ross explained that even US
Patriot batteries use a mix of PAC-2 and PAC-3 missiles.
11. (C) Jaishankar asked if the US now considers its NSSP
obligation to provide a classified PAC-2 brief as having been
fully discharged, and what the next step is. Jim Alverson,
OSD/ISA-NESA India Country Director, responded that the US
has completed the PAC-2 briefing, but that future missile
defense dialogue and briefings would continue in accordance
with NSSP. Alverson said that if India is interested in
purchasing PAC-2, the USG and India would proceed along the
same Foreign Military Sales process used for other major
defense transactions.
12. (C) In a separate meeting on February 23, AC/RSS
Director Robert Gromoll, SA/RA Director John Schlosser, and
PolCouns met with MEA Additional Secretary for International
Security, Meera Shankar. Shankar expressed appreciation for
the "new depth" in the US-India bilateral relationship,
reminding the US delegation that India was among the first
countries to welcome the US vision of a missile defense
shield. India's desires go well beyond MD acquisition,
Shankar continued. The GOI is most interested in a
technology partnership similar to MOUs the US has with other
allies, including full collaboration and industrial
participation. According to Shankar, since India's strategic
MD framework is still being formed, the GOI has not reached
consensus on whether they need a MD system or what elements
it should have. As a result, New Delhi seeks more
information about the future direction of the US MD network.
Gromoll responded that he will follow-up on the possibilities
of technical cooperation with Washington, and that the next
step would be a formal letter of interest from the GOI.
13. (C) During a separate meeting that same day with Ed
Ross, Shankar expressed appreciation for the PAC-2 briefing
and the technical question-and-answer exchange that followed.
She said India is at a very preliminary stage and is still
conceptualizing whether it will pursue missile defense, and
if so, what type and what elements it would seek. Beyond
acquisition, Shankar expressed interest in areas of possible
MD technological collaboration with the US. She inquired
about PAC-2 and PAC-3 performance parameters in the Persian
Gulf War (Note: The PAC-2 classified briefing contained
PAC-2 performance information). Shankar stated that India
has an interest in PAC-3. Ross explained that Ground
Configuration-3, included in the brief, is the heart of the
Patriot system with either the PAC-2 GEM or PAC-3
interceptors. He also expressed appreciation for the GOI's
desire for industrial participation in MD. Shankar stressed
that the GOI is very interested in MD "as a concept" that can
strengthen India's nuclear posture of "No First Use."
Shankar expressed strong interest in US-India technology
collaboration on MD, and in pursuing a U.S-India Memorandum
of Understanding on missile defense cooperation similar to
that which the U.S. has with other countries. She further
offered that India was looking forward to the March 3-4
command post exercise planning meeting with the U.S. Missile
Defense Agency as an opportunity to build another dimension
of our MD dialogue, and welcomed the invitation to send
observers to the Roving Sands MD exercise at the end of
March. She asked that the U.S. provide a written letter of
invitation for India to send observers to the exercise (Note:
MDA has since sent the letter to the GOI through Embassy New
PAC-2 Briefing Participant List
14. (C) Delegation members for the 22 February classified
PAC-2 briefing are listed below.
India Delegation:
-- Gautam Mukhopadhaya, Joint Secretary, MoD
-- Maj Gen K. Mukherjee, Army HQ
-- Brig Gen K.S. Sethi, Army HQ
-- Brigadier P.C. Bakshi, Army HQ
-- Lt Col P. Sharma, Army HQ
-- Col R.K. Bhutani, Army HQ
-- Col Vivekanandan, Army HQ
-- Col K.J. Singh, Army HQ
-- Rear Adm Nirmal Verma, Naval HQ
-- Cmde T. Hari Ram, Naval HQ
-- Cmde R. Bhatnagar, Naval HQ
-- Air Cmde Matheswaran, Air HQ
-- Air Cmde Pratap, Air HQ
-- Air Marshal F.H. Major, DCIDS (OPS),HQ IDS
-- AVM V.K. Verma
-- Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Director RCI, DRDO
-- A.S. Sharma, Project Director (WS),DRDO
-- N. Prabhakar, Project Director (Mission),DRDO
-- Santosh Jha, Deputy Secretary, Americas, MEA
-- Nutan Kapoor Mahawar, Under Secretary, DISA, MEA
US Delegation:
-- Ed Ross, Director DSCA/MEAN
-- John K. Schlosser, SA/RA Director, DoS
-- Robert Gromoll, AC/RSS Director, DoS
-- Tom McIlvain, AC/RSS Foreign Affairs Officer, DoS
-- Anne Smoot, DSCA India Program Director
-- Jim Alverson, OSD/ISA-NESA India Country Director
-- Phil Jamison, OSD/ISP Assistant for MD Policy
-- Dave Kiefer, MDA
-- Col Israel McReynolds, Army Director of Intl. Programs
-- George Martinez, Army Security Assistance Command
-- Major John Eggert, Army Patriot Program
-- Lt Col Scott Denney, Chief, ODC India
-- Maj Greg Winston, Deputy Chief, ODC India
-- Maj Steve Hedden, Defense Coop. in Armaments, ODC India
-- Maj Rick Bairett, US Embassy New Delhi, POL (notetaker)
-- Stacy Gilbert, US Embassy New Delhi, PolMil (notetaker)
15. (U) DSCA/MEA Director Ross, SA/RA Director Schlosser,
AC/RSS Director Gromoll, and OSD/ISA-NESA Country Director
Alverson cleared this cable.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/09/2015
Classified By: DCM Robert O. Blake Jr, for Reasons 1.4 (B, D)
1. (S) Summary: During a highly-anticipated February 22
briefing on the Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) missile
defense system, GOI and USG representatives cited the
exchange as evidence of the transformed Indo-US relationship.
Throughout the session, GOI statements and questions
indicated a keen interest not only in procurement, but
opportunities for technology sharing to include collaboration
and joint-production. Questions from the Indian delegation
focused on PAC-2 performance parameters, shelf life,
capabilities compared to Israel's Arrow system, US missile
defense deployment plans, and possibilities for technology
transfer and co-production. The GOI delegation was well
aware that the briefing was limited to PAC-2 and posed few
questions beyond that scope, although some specific technical
questions will require follow-up. In separate follow-on
conversations with MEA Additional Secretary (International
Security) Meera Shankar and MEA Joint Secretary (Americas) S.
Jaishankar on February 23, US representatives expressed their
willingness to keep the PAC-2 dialogue open if the GOI has a
continued interest. Shankar clarified the status of India's
missile defense planning and specifically requested a MD
technical collaboration agreement with the US. End Summary.
Partnership Delivers PAC-2 Briefing
2. (SBU) In his opening remarks, head of the Indian
delegation MOD Joint Secretary Gautam Mukhopadhaya heralded
the PAC-2 briefing as the result of achievements in the
Indo-US political relationship. He welcomed the briefing as
an indication of both countries, willingness to "step into
more advanced areas of defense technology; not limited to
procurement, but also including joint development." While
missile defense (MD) has "a certain cachet" in the press,
Mukhopadhaya hoped this briefing would address the GOI's
technical questions about such a system. Defense Security
Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Director for Middle East, Asia and
North Africa Ed Ross expressed appreciation for the "active
and progressive" defense relationship that was developing
between the two countries, and underscored that a briefing on
"cutting edge technology" such as the PAC-2 is given only to
"our closest friends."
US Policy and Planning for Missile Defense
3. (C) Phil Jamison, OSD/ISP Assistant for Missile Defense
Policy, outlined the US approach to MD: field modest
capabilities in 2004-05; add capabilities through research
and development; and seek cooperation with allies. He noted
that the addition of MD to the US defense posture has
lessened dependence on nuclear forces for protection. In
STRATCOM's plan for 2005, ten ground-based interceptors and
up to 20 sea-based interceptors will be added, and other
radars and laser systems added or upgraded. Another defense
layer will be developed in 2006-08 by the addition of more
ground- and sea-based interceptors and radars. US Combatant
Commanders are currently undertaking operational planning for
MD in their AORs and the services have begun to man and train
for MD missions. David Kiefer of the Missile Defense Agency
gave an overview of the US missile defense program,s goals,
major components, current status and future plans.
Patriot System Overview for India
4. (S) Major John Eggert, US Army Staff, briefed the Patriot
Configuration-3 Ground system and the PAC-2 Guidance Enhanced
Missile Plus (GEM ) missile. He enumerated improvements to
Ground Configuration-3 over previous versions, to include
upgraded radar and software, and remote launch capability.
He gave a detailed depiction of system components and how
they function and work together using "Track Via Missile"
technology, and described a typical US Patriot battery. He
also praised the long shelf-life and minimal maintenance
requirements for the PAC-2 GEM missile. Eggert reported the
perfect record of the Patriot system during OIF -- all nine
theater ballistic missiles defined as a threat to protected
assets were successfully intercepted. Finally, he displayed
multiple diagrams showing PAC-2 GEM performance against
missiles launched from different distances. In addition, the
presentation also included GEM performance against fixed
wing and cruise missile threats. (Note: Per standard
guidance for such briefings, the Indian delegation was shown
classified slides, but were not given hard copies of the
5. (S) Questions from the Indian side included the following:
-- What special waveforms does the system use to discriminate
between decoys and warheads/re-entry vehicles?
-- What is the maximum detection range and altitude?
-- What is the maximum detection range and altitude in cued
mode (i.e. when prompted by an outside detection system)?
-- What is the minimum time and distance in which a missile
threat can be engaged?
-- What is the total area one Patriot battery defends?
-- Has protection envelope data been verified by actual
missile firings?
-- What is the maximum range to hit a C-130 flying at an
altitude of 5000-6000 meters?
-- What is a PAC-2 GEM missile's time/range to
-- How does Patriot handle multiple missiles launched at the
same target?
-- How does the missile complete its end game intercept, and
can it do so without radar updates?
-- What redundancies exist in case of radar failure?
-- Can control of missile launchers be transferred if one
battery goes down?
-- How much time is required to pack up a Patriot battery,
move it, and set it back up again?
-- What is the "dead zone," or minimum range for the PAC-2 to
detect/engage a threat?
-- What Aegis radar upgrades are taking place (in relation to
integration with Patriot)?
-- What is the weight of the PAC-2 GEM warhead?
-- How does Patriot compare to Israel's Arrow missile defense
-- At this stage of the NSSP (Next Steps in Strategic
Partnership),what kinds of information are you authorized to
-- Has transfer of technology occurred with other countries
buying Patriot?
-- Has there been collaboration with other countries on
-- Does the US have overarching missile cooperation
arrangements with major partners, and does it involve
technology sharing?
-- Are other countries acquiring components of an overarching
missile defense system?
-- How effective is Patriot as a stand-alone system (i.e.
without space-based cueing)?
-- What is being developed beyond PAC-3?
-- What is the status of MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defense
-- Will MEADS have a sea-based component?
-- What is the time frame for MEADS to be deployed?
6. (S) An open-ended question and answer period allowed the
Indian delegation to ask questions. They seemed satisfied
with most of the answers, but did ask a few questions that
were beyond the scope of the briefing, such as Patriot
operation in "cued mode," Aegis integration, and a request
for more information on "special wave forms" for target
discrimination. The briefer did not have information to
respond to a question about the weight of the PAC-2 GEM
warhead, but offered to get the answer for the Indian side.
FMS Process
7. (C) Following the briefing on PAC-2 capabilities, DSCA
Director Ross highlighted differences and advantages of the
FMS process over direct commercial sales, namely, that FMS
includes USG engagement from the earliest stages of an
acquisition. Not only does an FMS sale normally guarantee
lifetime system support and a purchase price negotiated by,
and at the same cost available to, the USG, but also, more
importantly, it fosters a strong working relationship, which
can facilitate acquisition of other sensitive technologies.
He briefly outlined the initial steps in a successful FMS
deal: 1) Notify DSCA early regarding requirements; 2) Submit
requirements in a Letter of Request; then 3) USG reviews and
responds in a Letter of Offer and Acceptance with pricing and
availability data.
Follow-on MEA Dialogue
8. (C) In a follow-on meeting with MEA Americas Joint
Secretary S. Jaishankar on February 23, Ross commented that
the PAC-2 exchange was very forthcoming, and asked if
Jaishankar had any feedback from the Indian side. Jaishankar
responded that it will take a little time for him to receive
feedback, but said he did gather that on some questions, it
was not possible for the US side to provide a response at
this time. Jaishankar thought the briefing was helpful for
the GOI, and said that at this stage of India,s effort to
determine its missile defense needs; &every bit (of
information) we get8 is useful for India,s thought process.
He noted a tendency in this type of meeting for Indian
questioners to keep pressing, "Until you hit a wall."
Jaishankar noted that conceptually, India is at a very early
stage in its thought process on missile defense.
9. (C) Jaishankar asserted that, as a recent nuclear power,
India brings few Cold War prejudices to its missile defense
consideration. As a point of reference, he said the GOI is
looking very closely at what Japan and Taiwan are doing with
missile defense. Remarking on recent MD debate in the Indian
press, Jaishankar observed that some commentators argue in
favor of MD as a means of "adding to the uncertainties" of
those who might launch nuclear weapons.
10. (C) Ross commented that while many believe the US is
making missile defense available as part of its own
overarching MD program, a future PAC-2 sale to India would be
strictly for India's own use. In reference to India's
interest in the PAC-3 system, Ross explained that even US
Patriot batteries use a mix of PAC-2 and PAC-3 missiles.
11. (C) Jaishankar asked if the US now considers its NSSP
obligation to provide a classified PAC-2 brief as having been
fully discharged, and what the next step is. Jim Alverson,
OSD/ISA-NESA India Country Director, responded that the US
has completed the PAC-2 briefing, but that future missile
defense dialogue and briefings would continue in accordance
with NSSP. Alverson said that if India is interested in
purchasing PAC-2, the USG and India would proceed along the
same Foreign Military Sales process used for other major
defense transactions.
12. (C) In a separate meeting on February 23, AC/RSS
Director Robert Gromoll, SA/RA Director John Schlosser, and
PolCouns met with MEA Additional Secretary for International
Security, Meera Shankar. Shankar expressed appreciation for
the "new depth" in the US-India bilateral relationship,
reminding the US delegation that India was among the first
countries to welcome the US vision of a missile defense
shield. India's desires go well beyond MD acquisition,
Shankar continued. The GOI is most interested in a
technology partnership similar to MOUs the US has with other
allies, including full collaboration and industrial
participation. According to Shankar, since India's strategic
MD framework is still being formed, the GOI has not reached
consensus on whether they need a MD system or what elements
it should have. As a result, New Delhi seeks more
information about the future direction of the US MD network.
Gromoll responded that he will follow-up on the possibilities
of technical cooperation with Washington, and that the next
step would be a formal letter of interest from the GOI.
13. (C) During a separate meeting that same day with Ed
Ross, Shankar expressed appreciation for the PAC-2 briefing
and the technical question-and-answer exchange that followed.
She said India is at a very preliminary stage and is still
conceptualizing whether it will pursue missile defense, and
if so, what type and what elements it would seek. Beyond
acquisition, Shankar expressed interest in areas of possible
MD technological collaboration with the US. She inquired
about PAC-2 and PAC-3 performance parameters in the Persian
Gulf War (Note: The PAC-2 classified briefing contained
PAC-2 performance information). Shankar stated that India
has an interest in PAC-3. Ross explained that Ground
Configuration-3, included in the brief, is the heart of the
Patriot system with either the PAC-2 GEM or PAC-3
interceptors. He also expressed appreciation for the GOI's
desire for industrial participation in MD. Shankar stressed
that the GOI is very interested in MD "as a concept" that can
strengthen India's nuclear posture of "No First Use."
Shankar expressed strong interest in US-India technology
collaboration on MD, and in pursuing a U.S-India Memorandum
of Understanding on missile defense cooperation similar to
that which the U.S. has with other countries. She further
offered that India was looking forward to the March 3-4
command post exercise planning meeting with the U.S. Missile
Defense Agency as an opportunity to build another dimension
of our MD dialogue, and welcomed the invitation to send
observers to the Roving Sands MD exercise at the end of
March. She asked that the U.S. provide a written letter of
invitation for India to send observers to the exercise (Note:
MDA has since sent the letter to the GOI through Embassy New
PAC-2 Briefing Participant List
14. (C) Delegation members for the 22 February classified
PAC-2 briefing are listed below.
India Delegation:
-- Gautam Mukhopadhaya, Joint Secretary, MoD
-- Maj Gen K. Mukherjee, Army HQ
-- Brig Gen K.S. Sethi, Army HQ
-- Brigadier P.C. Bakshi, Army HQ
-- Lt Col P. Sharma, Army HQ
-- Col R.K. Bhutani, Army HQ
-- Col Vivekanandan, Army HQ
-- Col K.J. Singh, Army HQ
-- Rear Adm Nirmal Verma, Naval HQ
-- Cmde T. Hari Ram, Naval HQ
-- Cmde R. Bhatnagar, Naval HQ
-- Air Cmde Matheswaran, Air HQ
-- Air Cmde Pratap, Air HQ
-- Air Marshal F.H. Major, DCIDS (OPS),HQ IDS
-- AVM V.K. Verma
-- Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Director RCI, DRDO
-- A.S. Sharma, Project Director (WS),DRDO
-- N. Prabhakar, Project Director (Mission),DRDO
-- Santosh Jha, Deputy Secretary, Americas, MEA
-- Nutan Kapoor Mahawar, Under Secretary, DISA, MEA
US Delegation:
-- Ed Ross, Director DSCA/MEAN
-- John K. Schlosser, SA/RA Director, DoS
-- Robert Gromoll, AC/RSS Director, DoS
-- Tom McIlvain, AC/RSS Foreign Affairs Officer, DoS
-- Anne Smoot, DSCA India Program Director
-- Jim Alverson, OSD/ISA-NESA India Country Director
-- Phil Jamison, OSD/ISP Assistant for MD Policy
-- Dave Kiefer, MDA
-- Col Israel McReynolds, Army Director of Intl. Programs
-- George Martinez, Army Security Assistance Command
-- Major John Eggert, Army Patriot Program
-- Lt Col Scott Denney, Chief, ODC India
-- Maj Greg Winston, Deputy Chief, ODC India
-- Maj Steve Hedden, Defense Coop. in Armaments, ODC India
-- Maj Rick Bairett, US Embassy New Delhi, POL (notetaker)
-- Stacy Gilbert, US Embassy New Delhi, PolMil (notetaker)
15. (U) DSCA/MEA Director Ross, SA/RA Director Schlosser,
AC/RSS Director Gromoll, and OSD/ISA-NESA Country Director
Alverson cleared this cable.